
0-9 and symbols

1-methoxy-2-propanol, 7
1, 2, 4-trimethylbenzene, 6
2, 4-dinitrophenylhydrazine (DNPH), 85–6


abatement, 183–4
accumulator method (AM), 213, 214
acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS), 47, 65
actinolite asbestos, 168
actuators, 449–50
healthy and safety concerns, 35–42
functions in PVC, 35–6
used during the hydration process of cement for mortar and concrete fabrication, 401
aerogels, 449
aerosol particles, 127
aflatoxin, 8, 344
air flow rate, 126
air velocity, 107
aldrin, 140
construction materials, 339–43
moisture in growth and development of algal species, 340
alkali earth carbonates, 268
allergic contact dermatitis (ACD), 85
allergies, 344
alpha radiation, 197
Alt-mat, 415
alternative fuels and raw (AFR) materials, 393, 400–1
alum shale, 231
aluminium, 12
ammonia, 8–9
ammoniacal copper quaternary (ACQ), 140, 144
ammonium quaternary compounds, 141
amosite asbestos, 168
amphibole asbestos, 168–9, 170
amphibole hypothesis, 175
anhydrobiosis, 341
anthophyllite asbestos, 168
anthropogenic nanoparticles, 430
antibody-mediated allergy, 85
anticorrosive properties, 442
antimicrobial coatings, 448–9
efficacy, 351–85
antimicrobial product acknowledgement, 382
bathroom mixture of Cladosporium, Aspergillus, and Penicillium on painted drywall surface, 353
bedroom mixture of Cladosporium, Aspergillus, and Penicillium on painted drywall surface, 352
dust cleaning effectiveness on microbial growth, 361–3
dynamic microbial test chamber, 356–7
effects of moisture, relative humidity and dust, 357–61
research programs, 354–5
static microbial test chamber, 355–6
evaluation as control technologies, 363–82
encapsulant application, 363
future trends, 383–5
HVAC biological film (biofilm) research, 384–5
microbial-resistant building materials product evaluation – ceiling tiles and flooring, 384
microbial-resistant building materials product evaluation – gypsum wallboard, 383–4
reduced infectious disease, 385
antimony, 40, 300–5
biomonitoring, 303–5
concentration in various biological fluids, 305
samples of urinary antimony, cadmium, chromium and mercury, 304
history and uses, 300–1
properties, 301
structure and properties, 301–2
toxicology, 302–3
antimony spots, 303
antireflective properties, 443
aquatic toxicity, 157–8
arsenic, 141
as low as reasonably achievable (ALARA), 235
classification, structure, microstructure and properties, 167–73
chemical composition and crystal symmetry, 169
chrysotile and amphibole fibres, 168
general classification scheme of natural and man-made fibres, 172
physical-chemical and technological properties, 171
structure unit of chrysotile, 170
health effects, 173–6
reclamation, 181–7
SEM micrograph of fibres cemented within the epoxy matrix, 184
workers removing asbestos-cement roofing, 184
workers removing indoor friable asbestos, 185
uses in building materials, 176–81
ACM in house, 180
cement roofing and chimney top, 179
asbestos-cement roofing, 183
asbestos-containing materials (ACM), 176, 178, 181–6
disposal and recycling, 187–9
cement-asbestos slates in a controlled landfill, 187
thermal transformation of a chrysotile fibre, 188
asbestosis, 174
Aspergillus niger, 360
Aspergillus versicolor, 352, 360, 364
change in log CFUs/10cm2, 366
growth on the surface of FGDL maintained at 94% RH dynamic chamber, 365
growth on the surface of soiled FGDL maintained at 94% RH dynamic chamber, 365
ASTM 6329–98, 355, 357, 364
autoclave impregnation, 159
autotrophy, 340
azole, 141


benzene, 6–7, 77
benzimidazole, 141
benzoylurea, 141
benzyl butyl phthalate (BBP), 123
beta radiation, 197
Biocidal Products Directive, 139
biocides, 138–9, 150–8, 342–3
types and toxicological properties, 140–5
toxicity class, 142–3
wood chemistry interaction, 145–8
exposure condition of treated wood products, 148–50
Biocontaminant Program, 354
biomonitoring, 43–6, 299
body burden estimation, 44–5
‘normal’ body burden, 46
programs in the US, 45–6
biotransformation, 149
blue algae, 340
blue concrete, 205
borate, 144–5
boron, 141, 147
boundary condition, 92
building materials
enhanced natural radionuclides concentration, 219–25
coal fly ash, 222–5
granite, 220
phosphogypsum, 220–2
enhanced radon exhalation rate, 225–31
concrete, 228–31
granite, 225–6, 228
mean values and variation range of radium activity concentration, 226
minimum and maximum values of radium activity concentrations, 227
phosphogypsum, 228
fire behaviour, 244–53
fibre-reinforced polymer composites, 248
fluoropolymers, 250
polyesters, 250–1
polymers, 252–3
polyurethane, 247–8
PVC, 249
styrene polymers, 251–2
textiles, 251
wood and wood products, 249–50
gamma emitters, 215–19
minimum and maximum activity concentrations, 218
typical activity concentrations in common rocks in Nordic countries, 217
health hazards, 1–14
chemical carcinogens and endocrine disruptors, 5–10
future trends, 13–14
nanoparticles, 10–13
radiation, 2–5
mineral fibre and health hazards, 166–90
asbestos-containing materials (ACM) disposal and recycling, 187–9
asbestos health effects, 173–6
asbestos uses, 176–81
classification of asbestos, structure, microstructure and properties, 167–73
future trends, 189–90
reclamation of asbestos, 181–7
other heavy metals, 297–323
antimony, 300–5
cadmium, 306–9
cadmium and chromium levels in flaked paints in Nigerian cities, 298
chromium, 309–14
future trends, 321–3
mercury, 314–20
pathway to health and economic gains, 323
remedial actions, 320–1
radioactivity control regulations, 231–6
Building Research Establishment’s Fire Research Department, 272
buildings, 284–6
butadiene, 70


C-history, 97–8
characteristic parameters, 99
cable insulation, 31
cadmium, 40, 306–9
biomonitoring, 308–9
history and uses, 306
properties, 306
structure and properties, 307
toxicology, 307–8
carbon monoxide, 261
carbon nanotubes, 12–13, 432–3
SEM of asbestos fibres and MWCNT, 436
carbon tetrachloride, 56
cellulose, 145
cement-based materials, 417–21
leaching mechanisms for a monolith, 421
pilot results for concrete slabs leaching in outdoor conditions, 420
cements, 393–4
chamber for laboratory investigation of materials, pollution and air quality (CLIMPAQ), 95–6
chamber method, 87–8
chemical carcinogens, 5–10
biological effects and health risks related to indoor environment exposure, 9
chlorinated paraffin, 64
chlorinated polyethylene (CPE), 54–72
alternative materials, 71–2
overview, 54–7
crack in a pipe exposed to water containing chlorine dioxide, 55
structure and properties, 58–60
characteristic, 60
chlorinated polyvinylchloride (CPVC), 54–72
alternative materials, 71–2
overview, 54–7
crack in a pipe exposed to water containing chlorine dioxide, 55
structure and properties, 63–7
characteristic, 64
chlorination, 57, 58
chlorine gas, 24
chloroethane See polyvinyl chloride (PVC)
chlorofluorocarbons (CFC), 56
chloroprene monomer (CM), 70
chloroprene rubber See polychloroprene rubber (CR)
chlorosulfonated polyethylene (CSPE), 54–72
alternative materials, 71–2
overview, 54–7
crack in a pipe exposed to water containing chlorine dioxide, 55
structure and properties, 60–3
characteristic, 62
chromated copper arsenate (CCA), 8
chromium, 141, 147, 309–14
biomonitoring, 313–14
history and uses, 309–10
properties, 310
structure and properties, 310–11
toxicology, 311–13
proposed mechanism of Cr (VI)-induced carcinogenesis, 312
chrysotile asbestos, 168–9, 175–6, 177
Cladosporium cladosporioides, 352
cleaners, 367–73
cleaning products tested for Stachybotrys chartarum growth, 368–9
comparison of Stachybotrys chartarum growth for cleaners on six GWB surface types, 371
comparison ranking of cleaner performance on six GWB surface types, 372
clinker, 393
closed-chamber methods (CCM), 213–14
coal ash, 4
coal combustion, 398
coal fly ash, 222–5, 230
calculated activity concentrations of 226Ra, 232Th and 40K and radium equivalent activity, 224
mix design for concrete, 224
coating flammable fabrics, 269
colony forming units (CFU), 380
health effects and products analysis, 255–65
average values of toxicity index of fibreglass, 260
particle deposition in the respiratory system, 265
relationships between exposure concentration, death percentage, time at death and COHb, 263
under-construction building on fire, 256
complexation, 146
computational modelling, 289
concrete, 228–31
concrete admixtures, 394–5
concrete aggregate, 223–4
concrete-nanoparticles composites, 437, 439–40
SEM image of Portland cement, 439
construction materials
algae, 339–43
mould fungi, 334–9
potential hazard assessment, 408–21
case studies, 414–21
leaching and toxicity tests, 410–12
methodologies and tools, 409–10
modelling, 412–13
potential toxicity of wastes, 403–4
scenarios of pollutant emission, 404–8
health risks in the construction and demolition stages, 404–6
parameters of influence, 407–8
service life – emission scenarios, 406–7
Construction Products Regulation (CPR), 139
consumer exposure, 59–60
convection, 407
copper, 141, 147
copper azole, 144
copper boron azoles (CBA), 140
copper chromium arsenic (CCA), 140, 144
copper HDO (CuHDO), 140, 144
corrective water treatment, 291–2
equilibrium concentration of lead in drinking water, 292
corrugated asbestos-cement, 178
cosmic radiation, 199
cotton fibre, 71
creosotes, 140
crocidolite asbestos, 168
cryogenic milling – fluidised bed desorption (CM-FBD), 102
cytotoxicity, 83–4


deca-bromodiphenyl ether (deca-BDE), 123
decay chain
radium-226 (uranium-238), 201
thorium-232, 201–3
decontamination unit, 186
delayed cell-mediated allergy, 85
Department of Fire Protection Engineering at Worcester Polytechnic Institute (DFPE-WPI), 272–3
Department of Fire Protection Engineering in the University of Maryland (DFPE-UM), 273
desiccator method, 87
di-2-ethylhexyl phthalate, 38–9, 123, 125
di-ethylhexyl phthalate, 56
di-isodecyl phthalate (DIDP), 38, 39
di-isononyl phthalate (DINP), 38, 39
diazenium compounds, 141
dibutyl phthalate (DBP), 123, 125
diethyl phthalate (DEP), 123
diffusion, 407
diffusion coefficient (D), 95–100
diisononyl phthalate (DINP), 48
dimethyl phthalate (DMP), 123
di(n-butyl) phthalate (DnBP), 134
dioxin, 34
dioxin-like compounds (DLC), 34
disposal, 42–3
disubstituted alkyltins, 65
drinking water
contamination, 284–6
lead risk assessment, 287–9
dust, 357–61
cleaning effectiveness on microbial growth, 361–3
dynamic microbial test chamber, 356–7
illustration, 357, 360
dynamic surface leaching test (DSLT), 152–3


ecological fibre-cement, 181
Ecological Risk Assessment, 409
ecotoxic wastes, 403
ecotoxicology, 156
formaldehyde and volatile organic compound (VOC) materials, 76–109
characteristic parameters determination, 95–103
environmental factors, 103–7
formaldehyde toxicology, 79–85
future trends, 107–9
models, 91–4
testing, 85–91
SVOC from building materials and consumer products, 124–31
aerosol particles effect, 127
air flow rate effect, 126
characteristics in small chambers, 125
humidity effect, 126–7
prediction and transport models in the indoor environment, 128–31
sorption effect to chamber surfaces, 125
temperature effect, 127
emission models
formaldehyde and other VOC, 91–4
VOC emission from a solid material, 92, 93
emission testing
formaldehyde and other VOC, 85–91
analytical method measurement, 85–7
methods and chambers, 87–8
reference materials, 88, 90–1
emission testing chambers, 87–8
samples and applications, 89
EN 14735, 403
EN 12 920, 410
EN 197–1, 394
encapsulants, 364–7
A. versicolor growth on the surface of FGDL maintained at 94% RH dynamic chamber, 365
A. versicolor growth on the surface of soiled FGDL maintained at 94% RH dynamic chamber, 365
change in log CFUs/10cm2 of A. versicolor, 366
HVAC duct encapsulant lining, 364
enclosed sample method (ESM), 213
endocrine disruptors, 5–10
biological effects and health risks related to indoor environment exposure, 9
engineered nanoparticles, 430–1
environmental releases, 59–60
environmental stress cracking (ESC), 57
epoxy resins, 270
ethylene gas, 24
ethylene propylene diene monomer (EPDM), 71
Eucalyptus, 158
European Basic Safety Standard Directive, 232
European Commission Recommendation, 233
European Standard EN 335, 148–9


Fenton reactions, 307–8
fibre dispersion, 187
fibre-reinforced polymer composites, 248
toxic fumes releasing materials, 241–74
behaviour of building materials, 244–53
condition effect on the initiation and propagation of fire, 253–4
future trends, 271–3
health effects and combustion products analysis, 255–65
remedial actions, 265–71
fire point, 246
fire propagation index (FPI), 245
fireproof properties, 442–3
first-order decay model, 91
flame ionisation detector (FID), 86
flame point, 246
flame retardants, 122–34
emission exposure from building materials and consumer products, 132–4
estimated DEHP exposure, 133
parameters used to estimate exposure, 133
relationship used to estimate exposure, 133
emission from building materials and consumer products, 124–31
indoor environments, 122–4
flames, 246
flexible plasticised PVC (pPVC), 26
flexible PVC resins, 25
flue gas desulfurisation gypsum (FGD Gypsum), 398
fluoropolymers, 250
fly ash, 4, 13, 398
characteristic emission parameters determination, 95–103
diffusion coefficient (D), 95–100
initial emittable concentration (C0), 101–3
partition coefficient (K), 100–1
emission materials, 76–109
emission models, 91–4
emission testing, 85–91
environmental factors influence on emissions, 103–7
future trends, 107–9
changes in the recommended minimum ventilation, 109
toxicology, 79–85
health effects of human exposure, 81–3
mechanism of action, 83–5
toxicokinetics, 79–81
Formaldehyde Standards for Composite Wood Products, 78
Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), 254
free mass radon exhalation, 206
free surface radon exhalation, 206


gamma radiation, 197
gamma-ray spectrometry, 210–11
gas chromatography (GC), 85–6, 259
gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS), 44
glass encapsulation, 159
granite, 220, 225–6, 228
activity concentrations of the natural radionuclides, 220
green algae, 340
green blue, 71


health hazards
building materials, 1–14
chemical carcinogens and endocrine disruptors, 5–10
future trends, 13–14
mineral fibre-based building materials, 166–90
asbestos-containing materials (ACM) disposal and recycling, 187–9
asbestos health effects, 173–6
asbestos uses, 176–81
classification of asbestos, structure, microstructure and properties, 167–73
future trends, 189–90
reclamation of asbestos, 181–7
nanoparticles, 10–13
radiation, 2–5
Health Risk Assessment, 409
health risks, 404–6
heat release parameters (TRP), 245
hemicellulose, 145–6
hepatocellular carcinoma, 344
high density polyethylene (HDPE), 47
high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), 86
high-pure germanium (HPGe) spectrometry, 211–13
comparison of spectra from same calibrated source of 226Ra, 212
human exposure
health effects, 81–3
short-term exposure effects in human, 82
humidity, 126–7
Hypalon, 61–2


indoor air quality (IAQ), 76, 108
indoor environment, 182
emission models and transport of SVOC, 128–31
mechanism present as additives in materials and products, 128
parameters used to estimate DEHP concentrations, 130
predicted gas-, particle- and interior surface-phase concentrations of DEHP, 131
semivolatile organic compounds (SVOC), 122–4
infrared polarisation spectroscopy (IRPS), 259
initial emittable concentration (C0), 101–3
International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), 302, 307
Intsia bijuga, 158
intumescence, 247
ion exchange, 146
ionising radiation, 197
ironbark, 158
irritation, 84
isothiazolone, 141


laboratory leaching tests, 154
laboratory plumbosolvency testing, 289
landfill disposal, 149
latex, 69
leaching, 151, 152–3, 410–12
cement-based materials, 419
lead, 70, 283–93
corrective water treatment, 291–2
human toxicity, 286–7
pipe replacement and fittings, 290–1
recommendations, 292–3
new buildings, 292–3
old buildings, 293
risk assessment in drinking water, 287–9
uses in buildings and drinking water contamination, 284–6
occurrence of lead pipes in Europe, 285
lead compounds, 40
lead pipe, 284–5
replacement and fittings, 290–1
lead toxicity, 286–7
Pb and IQ – a risk assessment, 287
Legionella pneumophila, 343
Legionnaire’s disease, 343
lifecycle assessment, 48–9
light organic solvent preservatives (LOSP), 141, 145
lignin, 145, 146, 147
linear non-threshold theory (LNT), 198–9
liquid, inner-tube-diffusion, film and emission (LIFE), 90–1
low weight compounds, 145, 146
lung cancer, 2–3, 4, 174, 204


macromolecules, 83
man-made mineral fibres (MMMF), 171, 178
man-made vitreous fibres (MMVF), 171, 178
mass loaded vinyl (MLV), 71
mass spectrometry (MS), 86, 259
mass-transfer models, 94
merbau, 158
mercury, 314–20
biomonitoring, 318–20
history and uses, 314–15
properties, 315
structure and properties, 315–16
toxicology, 316–18
mesothelioma, 174
methylmethacrylate–butadiene–styrene (MBS), 65
micro-sized-particle preservatives, 141
microbalance, 96–7
transient mass gain/loss of a polymeric material during sorption/desorption of toluene, 97
microbial growth, 361–3
mineral fibre
asbestos-containing materials (ACM) disposal and recycling, 187–9
asbestos health effects, 173–6
asbestos uses in building materials, 176–81
building materials and health hazards, 166–90
classification of asbestos, structure, microstructure and properties, 167–73
future trends, 189–90
reclamation of asbestos, 181–7
mineral fillers, 267
moisture, 357–61
mono(n-butyl) phthalate (MnBP), 134
monosubstituted alkyltins, 65
morpholine, 141
mould fungi, 343
construction materials, 334–9
categories on the basis of mould growth potential, 337
critical relative humidity, 339
levels of moisture, 336
speed of mycelial growth and spore germination, 338
spore germination, 339
mould growth
materials prone to, 334–46
algae in construction materials, 339–43
mould fungi in construction materials, 334–9
potential toxic effects and monitoring system, 343–5
remedial action and future trends, 345–6
MSWI-BA, 395, 403–4
multi-emission/flush regression, 101
multi-flushing extraction, 102–3
multi-injection regression, 100–1
multi-phase solid models, 91
mycosis, 343–4
mycotoxicosis, 344


nano-sized-particle preservatives, 141
nanocoatings, 442–3
nanoparticles, 10–13, 427
diseases associated with nanoparticle exposure, 454–60
beneficial effect of some nanoparticles, 459–60
nano- and microparticles found in colon cancer tissue, 457
uptake of Fe2O3 nanoparticles by human aortic endothelial cells, 455
morphology, classification and properties, 431–5
carbon nanotubes, 432–3
classification based on dimensionality, morphology, composition, uniformity and agglomeration state, 433
TEM images of Fe3O4 and gold nanoparticles, 434
sources on Earth and their toxicity, 428–31
anthropogenic nanoparticles, 430
engineered nanoparticles, 430–1
natural nanoparticles, 428–9
toxicity, 427–63
definition, 427–8
detection of occupational nanoparticles and remedial action, 460–1
pathways of exposure to nanoparticles, affected organs, and associated disease, 429
technician cleaning plastic sheets with ink containing SWCNTs, 461
types of building materials incorporating nanomaterials, 435–50
types of building materials incorporating nanomaterials, 435–50
aerogel cube, 449
antimicrobial coatings, 448–9
concrete–nanoparticles composites, 437, 439–40
glass, ceramic, metallic and polymer nanocomposites, 441–2
insulating materials, 449
nanosensors and actuators, 449–50
photocatalytic coatings and composites, 443–8
possible future applications, 450
schematics of nanotechnology application, 438
scratch resistance, antireflection, anticorrosive and fireproof properties, 442–3
SWCNT-epoxy resin and MWCNT-polymer composites, 441
uptake of nanoparticles and their toxicity, 450–4
aggregation, 453–4
chemical composition, 451–2
crystalline structure, 452
relative cytotoxicity index, 453
shape, 453
size, 452–3
surface chemistry, 454
nanosensors, 449–50
National Centre for Environmental Health (NCEH), 45
National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES), 45
National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), 272
natural nanoparticles, 428–9
naturally occurring radioactive materials (NORM), 200–5
potassium-40, 200–1
radium-226 (uranium-238) decay chain, 201
illustration, 202
radon-222, 203–5
thorium-232 decay chain, 201–3
illustration, 203
neonicotinoids, 141
nitric oxide, 257


ochratoxin, 8
octa-bromodiphenyl ether (octa-BDE), 123
oil-borne preservatives, 141, 145
one-phase solid models, 91–2
open-chamber methods (OCM), 213, 215
organochlorines, 33–4, 40
organophosphorus, 141
organotins, 40, 65
orthophosphate, 292
outdoor environment, 182
ozone, 380–2


paints, 373–6
antimicrobial encapsulant paint products, 374
comparison ranking of cleaned and painted GWB, 375
growth ranking for cleaned and painted GWB, 375
paint products, 374
pancreatic cancer, 4
partition coefficient (K), 100–1
Pénicillium chrysogenum, 358, 360
Pénicillium glabrum, 358, 360
Pénicillium purpurogenum, 352
pentabromodiphenyl ether (penta-BDE), 123
pentachlorophenol, 140
perforator method, 87
persistent organic pollutants (POP), 32
phagocytosis, 450–1
phosphogypsum, 220–2, 228
photocatalytic coatings and composites, 443–8
anti-fog capabilities, 445
antibacterial applications, 447–8
anticorrosion properties, 448
photoroad technology, 446
self-cleaning capabilities, 446
samples of self-cleaning exterior building materials, 447
photoionisation detector (PID), 86
phthalates, 122–34
emission exposure from building
materials and consumer products, 132–4
estimated DEHP exposure, 133
parameters used to estimate exposure, 133
relationship used to estimate exposure, 133
emission from building materials and consumer products, 124–31
indoor environments, 122–4
piezoresistivity, 450
Pinus resinosa, 158
pipework inspections, 289
Plato®, 159
pleural plaques, 174
pneumoconiosis, 303
poly[2-chloro-1, 3 butadiene] See polychloroprene rubber (CR)
polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDE), 55, 123, 266
polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB), 34, 55
polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDD), 34
polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDF), 34
poly(chloroethanediyl) See polyvinyl chloride (PVC)
polychloroprene rubber (CR), 54–72
alternative materials, 71–2
overview, 54–7
crack in a pipe exposed to water containing chlorine dioxide, 55
structure and properties, 67–71
physical and mechanical values of pure gum vulcanizates, 68
polycyanurates, 252
polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH), 55
polyesters, 250–1
polypropylene (PP), 47, 71
polyurethane, 72, 247–8
polyvinyl chloride (PVC), 23–49, 122–3, 124, 249
alternatives, 47–9
analysis, 48–9
building applications, 27–31
construction, 30–1
flooring and tiles, 29–30
pipes, 27–8
profiles, 28–9
siding, 30
health and safety concerns, 31–46
biomonitoring, 43–6
disposal and recycling, 42–3
inherent chemistry, 33–4
VCM and additives, 35–42
production, structure and properties, 24–7
characteristics of (rigid) uPVC, 26
porosity test, 98, 100
Portland cement, 437
SEM image, 439
potassium-40, 200–1, 215
potential hazard assessment
case studies, 414–21
cement-based materials containing wastes, 417–21
waste recycling as granulates, 414–17
construction materials, 408–21
leaching and toxicity tests, 410–12
methodologies and tools, 409–10
modelling, 412–13
principles of leaching model in utilisation scenario, 413
primordial radionuclides, 199–200
product-type 8 (PT8), 139
PVC coatings, 31
PVC flooring, 29–30
PVC liners, 30–1
PVC pipes, 27–8
fittings, 2
PVC profiles, 28–9
heat insulation characteristics of selected materials, 29
PVC siding, 30
PVC tiles, 29–30
PVC wire, 31
pyrazole, 141
pyrethroid, 141
pyrolysis gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (PGC/MS), 259
pyrolysis-combustion flow calorimetry (PCFC), 259


quaternary biocide system, 145


radiation, 2–5
radiation dosimetry, 197–9
organ dose weighting factors, 198
radioactive materials, 196–36
building materials as gamma emitters, 215–19
building materials radioactivity control regulations, 231–6
building materials with enhanced natural radionuclides concentration, 219–25
building products with enhanced radon exhalation rate, 225–31
naturally occurring radioactive materials (NORM), 200–5
overview, 196–200
radiation dosimetry, 197–9
radiation sources, 199–200
radionuclides composition measurements, 210–13
radon exhalation, emanation and diffusion length, 205–10
radon exhalation measurement, 213–15
radioactivity, 196–7, 216
building materials control regulations, 231–6
challenges, 235–6
dose criteria recommended by the EC, 232
existing regulations, 231–5
limitation of 226Ra concentration in the Czech Republic, 234
composition measurements, 210–13
gamma-ray spectrometry, 210–11
high-pure germanium (HPGe) vs scintillation NaI(Tl) spectrometers, 211–13
enhanced concentration in building materials, 219–25
radium, 5
radium-226, 201
radon, 2–3
building products with enhanced exhalation rate, 225–31
exhalation, emanation and diffusion length, 205–10
exhalation measurement, 213–15
radon-222, 203–5, 215–16
radon diffusion coefficient, 207, 229
radon diffusion length, 205–10
mean values of radon diffusion coefficient in building products and sealants, 208
radon emanation, 205–10
radon release factor, 208
radon emanation coefficient, 206
radon exhalation, 205–10
building material, 225–31
measurement, 213–15
steady state radon indoor air concentration, 209
random daytime (RDT), 288
reactive oxygen species (ROS), 11–12
asbestos, 181–7
SEM micrograph of fibres cemented within the epoxy matrix, 184
workers removing asbestos-cement roofing, 184
workers removing indoor friable asbestos, 185
recycled aggregates, 401–3
recycling, 42–3, 393
red pine, 158
reference materials
emission testing, 88, 90–1
LIFE reference, 90
loading process, 90
refractory ceramic fibres (RCF), 172–3, 181
Regulated Asbestos-Containing Material (RACM), 176
relative humidity, 105–7, 357–61
impact on emission characteristics, 106
remedial action, 158–60, 265–71
Retification®, 159
reuse, 392–3
rigid PVC resins, 25
rigid PVC (uPVC), 28


S. brevicaulis, 302
sampling methods, 288
saprophytes, 335
scintillation NaI(Tl) spectrometry, 211–13
comparison of spectra from same calibrated source of 226Ra, 212
scratch resistance properties, 443
second-order decay model, 91
semivolatile organic compounds (SVOCs), 122–34
emission exposure from building materials and consumer products, 132–4
estimated DEHP exposure, 133
parameters used to estimate exposure, 133
relationship used to estimate exposure, 133
emission from building materials and consumer products, 124–31
indoor environments, 122–4
serpentine asbestos, 168, 169, 170
Sick Building Syndrome, 345
Sick House Syndrome, 345
silica, 11, 12–13
silicosis, 11
simultaneous thermal analysis (STA), 259
slags, 398
smoke, 242
smouldering, 243
solid-phase micro-extraction (SPME), 86
solubilisation, 153
solution-bonding adhesives, 70–1
soybean oil, 47
Stachybotrys chartarum, 343, 352, 353, 355, 360, 367, 370, 373
cleaners comparison of microbial growth on six GWB surface types, 371
cleaning products tested for microbial growth, 368–9
growth ranking for cleaned and painted GWB, 375
static microbial test chamber, 355–6
styrene, 6, 7, 262
styrene-7, 8-oxide and 4-vinylphenol, 7
styrene block copolymers, 72
styrene oxide, 262
styrene polymers, 251–2
sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), 302
surface functionalisation, 460


tarpaulins, 31
teak, 158
Tectona grandis, 158
telluric radiation, 199–200
temperature, 103–5, 127
increase of initial emittable concentration, 104
Texiloop, 42–3
textiles, 251
thermal degradation, 60
thermoplastic polyesters, 270
thermoplastic polyolefins, 71
thermoplastic rubbers, 58
Thermowood®, 159
thiourea, 70
thorium, 4
thorium-232, 201–3
threshold limit values (TLV), 244
time response parameters (TRP), 245
time-weighted average threshold limit values (TLV-TWA), 244
titanium dioxide, 12
toluene, 6–7, 70, 77
topsoil ecotoxicity, 157
toxic fumes
condition effect on the initiation and propagation of fire, 253–4
fire behaviour of building materials, 244–53
future trends, 271–3
health effects and combustion products analysis, 255–65
releasing materials during fire, 241–74
remedial actions, 265–71
toxicity index values, 260
toxicity tests, 410–12
toxicokinetics, 79–81, 134
absorption, 79
distribution, 79
excretion, 81
metabolism, 79–81
biological reactions and pathways of formaldehyde, 80
illustration, 81
tremolite asbestos, 168
trichloroethane, 56
trioctyltrimellitate (TOTM), 47–8
triphenyl phosphate (TPP), 9
tris(1, 3-dichloro-2-propyl) phosphate (TDCPP), 9


ultraviolet irradiation, 376–80
comparison of percent kill by UV period of exposure, 380
underground contact, 156
uranium, 2–3, 4
uranium-238, 201
US Environmental Protection Agency, 382


ventilation, 108
vinyl chloride monomer (VCM), 24, 34, 66
healthy and safety concerns, 35–42
lead release from PVC pipe, 41
monomer, 36–7
plasticisers, 37–9
stabilisers, 39–42
Vinyloop, 42–3
vitreous silicate, 172
volatile organic compound (VOC), 6–7, 14
characteristic emission parameters determination, 95–103
diffusion coefficient (D), 95–100
initial emittable concentration (C0), 101–3
partition coefficient (K), 100–1
emission materials, 76–109
emission models, 91–4
emission testing, 85–91
environmental factors influence on emissions, 103–7
future trends, 107–9
changes in the recommended minimum ventilation, 109
vulcanisation, 67


waste based/recycled building materials
main types of building materials, 392–400
clinker, cement and concrete containing wastes, 393–5
main waste streams used in construction materials, 395–400
production and main methods of reuse/ recycling of mineral wastes in Europe, 396–7
structural materials and aggregates, 395
potential hazards, 391–423
future trends, 421–3
potential hazard assessment, 408–21
scenarios of pollutant emission from construction materials, 404–8
scenarios of pollutant emission from construction materials, 404–8
health risks in the construction and demolition stages, 404–6
parameters of influence, 407–8
service life – emission scenarios, 406–7
waste properties and potential hazards, 400–4
additives used during the hydration process of cement for mortar and concrete fabrication, 401
alternative fuels and raw materials in cement kilns, 400–1
potential toxicity of wastes used in construction materials, 403–4
recycled aggregates, 401–3
waste recycling, 414–17
waste used as road sub-base, 414
water-borne preservatives, 141
water diagnosis, 289
water quality surveys, 289
wood, 249–50
wood chemistry
interaction with biocides, 145–8
exposure condition of treated wood products, 148–50
wood preservatives, 138–61
future trends, 160–1
potential toxic effect and assessment, 150–8
influence of pH on release behaviour from a CBA-treated wood, 154
methodologies, 152–6
release dynamics in laboratory and field tests, 155
release mechanism and parameters, 150–2
toxicity studies, 156–8
remedial action, 158–60
types and potential hazards, 140–50
biocides and their toxicological properties, 140–5
exposure conditions of treated wood products, 148–50
wood chemistry and interaction with biocides, 145–8
wood products, 249–50
wood smoke, 258
wood/water system, 146–7
workplace exposure, 60


X-ray absorption fine structure spectroscopy (XAFS), 148
xylene, 6


zearalenone, 8
zirconium, 5
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