Antimicrobial treatment and efficacy

M.Y. Menetrez,     US Environmental Protection Agency, USA


To limit exposure to indoor biological contamination a risk-management approach which employs various antimicrobial treatments can effectively control contaminants and reduce exposure. Antimicrobial treatment of biological contaminants, especially mold in buildings, is often necessary to control the sources of indoor air pollution, and eliminate potential irritant, allergen, toxin, carcinogen and pathogen exposure to occupants. Antimicrobial agents, called fungicides, sporicides or biocides, have long been used to control, prevent, and remediate microbial growth. The antimicrobial efficacy of EPA-FIFRA (Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act) registered chemicals and encapsulants, over-the-counter cleaners, and mechanical devices (such as UV irradiation) to reduce concentrations of mold and bacteria have only recently been investigated. Standard methods to test these control measures have recently been established, and now pertain to a wide set of applications. ASTM 6329-98 (2003) is a standard method to measure efficacy, established and utilized in a wide set of applications. Specific problem applications, such as controlling biological growth on gypsum wallboard, are addressed in this chapter from multiple applications, such as antimicrobial cleaners, paints, and new product developments. Both antimicrobial product efficacy results and testing methodology are summarized.

Key words




indoor air

13.1 Introduction

The past 30 years have brought the recognition that an important factor in the health of people in the indoor environment is the dampness of the buildings in which they live and work, and the potential for mold colonization (Dearborn et al., 1999; Vesper et al., 2000; Vesper and Vesper, 2002). Furthermore, it is now recognized that the principal biological organisms responsible for the health problems in these environments are fungi rather than bacteria and viruses (Scheel, 2001). It has been estimated that upwards of 40% of all homes in North America contain fungal growth, while numbers in Northern Europe are in the range of 20–40% fungal contamination (Brunekreef et al., 1989; Nielsen, 2003). Exposure to mold for most humans is a constant, often resulting in adverse health effects such as asthma, rhinitis or bronchitis. These adverse health conditions have often been associated with moisture-induced biological contaminants in the indoor environment, often referred to as Sick Building Syndrome (SBS) or building-related illness as seen in Figs 13.1 and 13.2 (Crook and Burton, 2010; Dearborn et al., 1999; Vesper et al., 2000; Vesper and Vesper 2002). Although traditionally, fungi have been viewed as a source of allergens (and in unusual circumstances, pathogens), data have accumulated to show that the adverse health effects resulting from inhalation of fungal spores are due to a variety of factors (Murtoniemi et al., 2001). One characteristic associated with certain fungi is the low molecular weight toxins (mycotoxins) they produce. Mycotoxin-producing fungi are important in human and animal health because of their production of toxins associated with food and animal feed. However, in the indoor environment, mycotoxins tend to concentrate in fungal spores and thus present a potential hazard to those exposed who inhale them (Murtoniemi et al., 2001; Scheel, 2001).


13.1 Bedroom mixture of Cladosporium, Aspergillus, and Penicillium on painted drywall surface.


13.2 Bathroom mixture of Cladosporium, Aspergillus, and Penicillium on painted drywall surface.

Although only a small percentage of fungal species have been associated with adverse health effects, increased awareness and continuing research will likely result in the identification of many more pathogenic and toxigenic fungi. Organisms such as Stachybotrys chartarum, Penicillium pur-purogenum, Aspergillus versicolor, and Cladosporium cladosporioides are frequently found in buildings which are heavily contaminated with mold and are potentially associated with adverse health effects in humans (Meklin et al., 2004; Vesper et al., 2004). These health effects may include itchy eyes, stuffy nose, headache, fatigue, and in severe cases idiopathic pulmonary hemosiderosis (IPH) in infants (Andersen et al., 2002; Etzel, 2003; Gent et al., 2002; Kuhn and Ghannoum, 2003; Mahmoudi and Gershwin, 2000). In numerous cases the mold S. chartarum has been found to be associated with idiopathic pulmonary hemorrhage in infants (Dearborn et al., 1999; Vesper and Vesper, 2002). It is also studied for toxin production and its occurrence in water-damaged buildings. Growth of S. chartarum on building materials such as gypsum wallboard (GWB) has been frequently documented. Indoor exposure to mold has also been linked to pulmonary disease, including allergies and asthma. Given this significant risk of exposure and frequency of occurrence, environmental factors regarding the growth of mold have been studied (Andersen et al., 2002; Brunekreef et al., 1989; Dearborn et al., 1999; Etzel, 2003; Gent et al., 2002; Kuhn and Ghannoum, 2003; Mahmoudi and Gershwin, 2000; Meklin et al., 2004; Murtoniemi et al., 2001; Nielsen, 2003; Scheel, 2001; Vesper and Vesper, 2002; Vesper et al., 2004).

Biological contamination in the indoor environment is also recognized as a major health concern (Dearborn et al., 1999). Exposure to airborne biocontaminants or their metabolites can induce irritation, allergic and infectious responses, including acute reactions such as vomiting, diarrhea, hemorrhage, convulsions, and, in some cases, death (Dearborn et al., 1999; Novotny and Dixit, 2000; Sudakin, 2000; Vesper et al., 2000, 2004; Vesper and Vesper, 2002) Reducing occupant exposure to these indoor biological contaminants is a major goal of indoor air quality (IAQ) research. Extensive research has been conducted to evaluate options to control biological contamination in the indoor environment. This research has been conducted with the goal of developing engineering guidelines to prevent, mitigate, and control biocontaminants. The application of effective engineering controls within the building is essential to prevent biological pollution in the indoor environment. For many indoor biocontaminants (e.g., microorganisms), the main growth locations are the structural and finishing materials and furnishings of the building (Andersen and Nissen, 2000; Gravesen et al., 1999).

It is well recognized that fungi can colonize and amplify on a variety of building materials if sufficient nutrients and moisture are present. Mold contamination has been associated with a variety of building and furnishing materials including carpet, ceiling tile, gypsum wallboard, flooring, insulation, and heating and air-conditioning components (Andersen and Nissen, 2000; Gravesen et al., 1999). Mold contamination can also cause significant damage to materials in buildings that leads to expensive repairs (Andersen and Nissen, 2000; Gravesen et al., 1999).

The goal of risk-management research has been to provide industry, academia, and regulators with information tools or methods to test product efficacy. These methods can be used to test products which ultimately provide engineering guidelines for the prevention, mitigation, and control of biological contaminants in the indoor environment.

The objectives of this chapter are to provide information on (1) the scientific basis for studying building material colonization by microorganisms, (2) management of biological contaminants using indoor climate control, and (3) engineering solutions and control techniques that reduce exposure to indoor biological contaminants.

13.2 Research programs

This chapter provides information on three areas of applied research and development on antimicrobial treatment techniques and efficacy measurement. The specific research projects presented here were funded and managed by the US Environmental Protection Agency, through its Office of Research and Development. The projects were part of the Biocontaminant Program within the Air Pollution Protection and Control Division. In addition to research on antimicrobial treatment and efficacy, the Biocontaminant Program engaged in research into other areas of biological research, such as molecular and gaseous identification of microorganisms and ambient monitoring.

Reducing building occupant exposure to indoor mold was the goal of this research, through the development of techniques to test the efficacy of antimicrobial treatments. The efficacy of antimicrobials to remove and control the growth of microorganisms can be tested on both porous and non-porous surfaces. Finding effective control techniques and accurate methods to measure efficacy is the objective. However, the testing of antimicrobial efficacy on porous surfaces, such as those found in the indoor environment like gypsum board, can be more complicated and prone to incorrect conclusions regarding residual organisms. A variety of microorganisms, building materials, and antimicrobial treatment techniques have been addressed. S. chartarum is an example of a species of mold studied in this chapter which has also been studied by researchers for its occurrence in water-damaged buildings and its significant health effects (Dearborn et al., 1999; Vesper et al., 2000; Vesper and Vesper, 2002). The results of the EPA-directed research as well as a synthesis of relevant literature are discussed in the following sections of this chapter:


Each of the research areas listed above benefited from and was the product of the static and dynamic microbial growth chambers which are described below. These chambers provide unique research tools which facilitate many of these biological investigations.

13.3 Static microbial test chamber

The static microbial test chamber (SMTC), depicted in Fig. 13.3, is constructed from acrylic sheeting (measuring 32 × 39 × 51 cm) with shelves for samples and a saturated salt solution on the chamber bottom to control the equilibrium relative humidity (ERH) (Foarde et al., 1996a; ASTM 6329-98, 2003). The SMTC was tested using ASTM 6329-98, Standard Guide for Developing Methodology for Evaluating the Ability of Indoor Materials to Support Microbial Growth Using Static Environmental Chambers (2003) (Foarde et al., 1996a). The SMTC was developed to assess potential microbial growth on a variety of common building materials. Multiple SMTCs have been used to evaluate fungal growth on 2.5 to 3.8 cm square sections of fiberglass duct-liner (FGDL) at various environmental conditions. Temperature and relative humidity (RH) are controlled to simulate the desired environmental conditions. Prior to chamber testing, materials can be treated by soaking to simulate a wetting event or treated with an antimicrobial to simulate mitigation practices (ASTM, 2003; Chang et al., 1995a, 1995b, 1995c; Foarde et al., 1995, 1996a, 1996b, 1996c).


13.3 Static microbial test chamber.

13.4 Dynamic microbial test chamber

To allow for experiments which involve air movement over contaminated surfaces and the release of biocontaminant particles into the air, research was conducted in the dynamic microbial test chamber (DMTC) depicted in Fig. 13.4. The stainless steel and glass chamber is a room-sized 2.44 × 2.44 × 3.05 m cube (18.16 m3), designed and constructed under a cooperative agreement between EPA and the Research Triangle Institute (RTI) (Chang et al., 1995a, 1995b, 1995c; Foarde et al., 1995, 1996a, 1996b, 1996c, 1999). Chamber air was conditioned by an air-handler unit (AHU) which kept the chamber at a temperature of 18–32°C, a controlled relative humidity (RH) ranging from 55 to 95%, and an air circulation rate of 1.4 to 4.8 m3/min. Air temperature and RH can be either raised or lowered depending on the requirement of the experiment (Chang et al., 1995a, 1995b, 1995c; Foarde et al., 1995, 1996a, 1996b, 1996c, 1999).


13.4 Dynamic microbial test chamber.

The DMTC has been constructed to study the growth, emissions, and transport of biological contaminants (see Fig. 13.4). The chamber can test HVAC ducts (mini-ducts) scaled to simulate horizontal duct velocities and duct materials in the mini-duct apparatus (VanOsdell et al., 1996), or vertical low-velocity air flow against gypsum wallboard with room wall simulators (Foarde et al., 1997a, 1997b, 1997c; Menetrez and Foarde, 2002; Menetrez et al., 2004, 2007, 2008a; Shechmeister, 1991; VanOsdell et al., 1996). The DMTC allows for a variety of microbiological research to be performed involving biological growth on building materials, evaluation of emission and deposition of bioaerosols, the impact of HVAC mechanical system components on biological contaminants, and in-duct tests of air cleaners. The chamber permits a contained and highly controlled approach to the study of bioaerosol characterization (VanOsdell et al., 1996).

13.5 Effects of moisture, relative humidity (RH) and dust

This research area focused on evaluating physical and environmental factors favorable to the growth of biological contamination in indoor spaces (ASTM 6329-98, 2003; Foarde et al., 1996a). A static chamber test method (SCTM) based on ASTM 6329-98, Standard Guide for Developing Methodology for Evaluating the Ability of Indoor Materials to Support Microbial Growth Using Static Environmental Chambers (2003) and using multiple SMTCs (see Fig. 13.3) described above, and laboratory equipment, materials, and reagents to provide closed controlled environments, was applied to perform these scientific investigations (ASTM 6329-98, 2003; Foarde et al., 1996a).

With the use of multiple SMTCs and the development of the SCTM, three varieties of fiberglass duct liner (FGDL) and ceiling tile materials were evaluated for their ability to support the growth of the fungus Penicillium chrysogenum (Foarde et al., 1996b). Fungal growth was evaluated on 2.5 to 3.8 cm square sections of FGDL. Wetting clean samples of FGDL materials was found to not increase amplification of the P. chrysogenum over levels seen without wetting (Foarde et al., 1996c). Soiling FGDL samples with dust accumulated and previously harvested from HVAC systems exhibited a significant association with the growth of P. chrysogenum (Foarde et al., 1996c). At moderate soiling levels (0.4–0.7 mg cm–2), growth occurred on FGDL ductboard and flexible ductboard, but not galvanized steel (Chang et al., 1995a). At heavy soiling levels (9–18 mg cm–2) growth was seen on all three types of ductliner (Chang et al., 1995a). This suggests that dust accumulation should be properly controlled in any HVAC duct to prevent the growth of P. chrysogenum (Chang et al., 1995a; Foarde et al., 1996b).

Most of the existing standard test protocols for evaluating antimicrobial efficacy focus on applying the active chemical compound (antimicrobial or biocide) to the surface of a building material (Chang et al., 1995c; Foarde et al., 1995, 1996c). VanOsdell et al. (1996) provides a practical hands-on evaluation protocol that is important to SCTM testing of materials under realistic environmental conditions (i.e., temperature, and humidity) in which soiling with sterilized dust was applied. The dust was obtained from the National Air Duct Cleaners Association (NADCA) and was gathered from actual HVAC systems which were cleaned by member companies. This method was developed for evaluating fungal growth on indoor materials and has been used successfully to evaluate the ability of different types of materials (i.e., ductliner) inoculated with Penicillium glabrum, Aspergillus niger, A. versicolor, and P. chrysogenum (Foarde et al., 1996a). The use of this method enables the quantitative start and endpoint to be known for growth to be evaluated in a well-controlled environment with improved repeatability and comparability between tests and materials.

The same SMTC environmental chambers (see Fig. 13.3) were used to study the impact of different levels of moisture and RH on the ability of ceiling tiles to support the growth of Penicillium glabrum. Amplification occurred at RH levels above 85%. Lowering RH was demonstrated as effective in controlling fungal contamination on ceiling tiles (Chang et al., 1995c).

Water incursion or standing water is not required for growth on materials (Chang et al., 1995a, 1995c; Foarde et al., 1995, 1996c). For some species of mold, humidity alone can provide sufficient moisture to permit growth on building materials (material and organism dependent), relative to the hygroscopicity of the material (Chang et al., 1995a; Foarde et al., 1995, 1996c). Using this method of artificially soiling materials allows antimicrobial efficacy testing methods to simulate realistic environmental conditions and laboratory experiments that more closely resemble real-world applications (Foarde et al., 1996b). Under equilibrium conditions, RH and moisture content correlate well with mold growth, depending on the moisture requirements of the test organisms (Chang et al., 1995a, 1995c). However, under non-equilibrium conditions (such as flooding, and breaks in the building envelope, or plumbing), mold growth correlates better with increasing moisture content (in duct liner, ceiling tile and gypsum wallboard) than with relative humidity (Chang et al., 1995a, 1995c; Foarde et al., 1995, 1996c, 1999).

HVAC duct liner can accumulate both moisture and dust, and resultant biological contaminants which then are circulated throughout the building (Foarde et al., 1995, 1996c, 1999; VanOsdell et al., 1996). Resistance to fungal growth was demonstrated to vary for three types of newly purchased fiberglass duct liner (FGDL) (FGDL, FGDL with biocide, and FGDL duct board) inoculated with Penicillium chrysogenum. Of these three types of FGDL tested, the FGDL ductboard demonstrated growth after inoculation and six weeks of static chamber isolation at 97% RH in analogous testing. Wetting the three types of FGDL produced growth on FGDL ductboard and FGDL, and soiling FGDL with dust collected from residential heating and air-conditioning systems caused growth on all three types of FGDL, including one which contained a manufacturers-applied fungal biocide (Chang et al., 1995b; Foarde et al., 1995). When considering these findings and the expected soiling which is produced by normal HVAC operation, the importance of maintaining low indoor RH is demonstrated to be imperative.

The impact of RH, air velocity, and surface growth on the emission rates of fungal spores has been measured by using a dynamic approach (Foarde et al., 1999; VanOsdell et al., 1996). The DMTC (see Figs 13.4 and 13.5) utilized a separate air handling unit (AHU) which forced conditioned air through a High Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) filter and eight miniducts. Each miniduct (28.0 × 84.0 cm) contained a single large sheet of FGDL material to be tested. Eight miniducts were tested simultaneously to simulate HVAC duct use with single pass air velocity rates of 250 cm/s. The DMTC was operated at 23.5°C and 95% RH, testing three encapsulant coatings applied to one set of three soiled (with duct dust obtained from NADCA) FGDL samples, one set of three unsoiled FGDL samples, and two control FGDL samples, for a total of eight miniduct samples. Conditioned, HEPA-filtered air passed over the surface of the FGDL samples, traveling horizontally within the miniduct apparatus, exited the duct and returned to the external air-handler for filtration and conditioning. The research indicates that emission rates are inversely proportional to RH but directly related to air flow and surface loading (Foarde et al., 1999).


13.5 Dynamic microbial test chamber.

Experiments using both SMTC and DMTC test results were generated under conditions of constant temperature, varying degrees of RH and conditions of wetting. Microorganisms (Penicillium glabrum, Aspergillus niger, A. versicolor, and P. chrysogenum) were used to evaluate the extent of biological growth upon building materials of differing moisture content. Used and new FGDL (both wet and dry samples) and ceiling tile materials were evaluated. Emphasis was on correlating the moisture content of building materials with microbial growth. Growth was determined to be a function of organism, RH, and the degree of soiling. The extent of soiling or dust deposited on FGDL and ceiling tile materials was also shown to be a significant determinant of growth (Chang et al., 1995a, 1995c; Foarde et al., 1995, 1996b, 1996c, 1997a, 1999; VanOsdell et al., 1996). The research showed that emission rates for these materials for A. versicolor and P. chrysogenum are inversely proportional to RH but directly related to air flow rate and surface loading (Foarde et al., 1995, 1996b, 1996c, 1997a, 1997b, 1997c, 1999).

The growth of Stachybotrys chartarum on building materials was investigated given the significant risk of exposure and frequency of reported occurrence. The environmental factors leading to the growth of S. chartarum have been studied. Commonly used building materials were sterilized, inoculated with S. chartarum and exposed to controlled levels of relative humidity and wetting. A quantitative analysis of viable S. chartarum was performed on the building materials during a seven-month period. The research indicates that, for environments with a relative humidity below total saturation, wetting was necessary for visible growth to occur. Conversely, high levels of relative humidity without wetting did not initiate growth. Porous materials, after becoming sufficiently wet and measuring saturation on a moisture meter, exhibited mold growth in every experiment conducted (Menetrez et al., 2004).

Variations in the characteristics of similar building materials can impact the fungal resistance of that material (Chang et al., 1995a, 1995c; Foarde et al., 1995, 1996c, 1999; Menetrez and Foarde, 2002). Both new and used materials are capable of supporting mold growth, but generally used materials (soiled) were more susceptible (Chang et al., 1995a, 1995c; Foarde et al., 1995).

An effective means of source management control of mold is by reducing the moisture content of wet materials (within two days) before fungal growth becomes established (Chang et al., 1995a; Foarde et al., 1999). However, if mold contamination has already become established, remediation practices that lower RH levels or the moisture content of contaminated materials will initially increase fungal spore emissions and lead to increased airborne contamination (Chang et al., 1995c; Foarde et al., 1996b, 1997c). This strategy points out the need for containment of contaminated areas to prevent the spread of mold (Foarde et al., 1997c). Established microbial growth may continue even after the moisture content of a particular material is lowered below that required to initiate growth (Foarde et al., 1999). The results indicate that growth of S. chartarum was not detected in environments with a RH below total saturation and no wetting occurred. Wetting was necessary for visible growth to occur. Porous materials, after becoming sufficiently wet and measuring saturation on a moisture meter, exhibited mold growth at all relative humidity levels tested (Menetrez et al., 2004). However, the control of moisture, RH and dust in the indoor environment is an effective method of preventing most common biological contaminants.

13.6 Duct cleaning effectiveness on microbial growth

HVAC systems have been shown to act as a collection source for dust. The accumulated dust can consist of such contaminants as mold, fungi, and bacteria. The potential health risks associated with exposure to these contaminants make removal of the dust a consideration, especially if improving indoor air quality is required. Because of their potential to rapidly spread contamination throughout a building, ventilation system materials are of particular significance as potential microbial contamination sources. Portions of ventilation systems near cooling coils and drain pans are known to be exposed to high moisture levels for extended periods, and fibrous duct insulation materials are known to have become sources of microbial contamination in some buildings (Gravesen et al., 1999; Foarde et al., 1996a).

The evaluation of duct cleaning as a means of control or prevention of microbial growth on insulated and galvanized duct surfaces has been conducted (Foarde et al., 1996c). Although duct cleaning is effective in removing accumulated dust and contaminants from the inner duct surface, the effects on air quality have not been substantiated. In addition, the abrasive action of rotary brushing used in duct cleaning could weaken the integrity of interior duct insulation. Possible erosion of duct insulation can, however, be avoided if a surface encapsulant is applied. Field evaluation of duct cleaning was performed as part of a larger project which focused on the use of antimicrobial encapsulants (Foarde et al., 1996a, 1996b; Gravesen et al., 1999). Most commercial applications of duct cleaning (rotary brushing or vacuuming) include the use of an antimicrobial encapsulant on FGDL. This improves the integrity or structure of the surface and helps to reunite any loose fibers which may have become partly dislodged by the actions of the cleaning process. It also deposits a surface which should be hostile to potential microbial growth. Three different commercially available antimicrobial encapsulants/sealants were monitored after being applied to FGDL surface that was contaminated with mold and cleaned. This field evaluation was conducted using the EPA test house located in Cary, NC (Foarde et al., 1996c).

As covered in the previous section, concurrent laboratory testing was performed which revealed that if dust is allowed to build on FGDL within the air distribution duct network, mold growth can become established at elevated RH levels even when an antimicrobial encapsulant is applied to duct surfaces (Foarde et al., 1996b, 1996c).

Understanding the cause of microbial contamination, the means of controlling or preventing microbial growth, and the consequential effects of the uncontrolled spread of microbial growth in typical operating conditions has been addressed (Chang et al., 1995a, 1995c; Foarde et al., 1995, 1996b, 1996c, 1997a, 1999; VanOsdell et al., 1996). To facilitate biological research on duct materials, the design and construction of the static and dynamic chambers and the development of methods of testing microbial growth under constant temperature and RH and conditions of static or dynamic air movement were demonstrated (Foarde et al., 1996a, 1996b; VanOsdell et al., 1996). The evaluation of fungal growth on FGDL and ceiling tiles has been discussed.

Findings confirm that fungal growth on FGDL is intrusive throughout the materials and that guidelines which recommend discarding microbial contaminated porous duct material should be followed (Foarde et al., 1997a, 1997b, 1997c). Mechanical cleaning by high-efficiency particulate arresting (HEPA) air-vacuuming was able, at best, to reduce imbedded fiber soiling and temporarily decrease fungal levels. These fungal populations were able to reestablish growth within six weeks (Foarde et al., 1997b, 1997c). The control of dust, especially in areas of high humidity such as in air handlers and ducting downstream to cooling coils in HVAC systems, is a potential concern to prevent the growth of mold (Foarde et al., 1996c; Menetrez and Foarde, 2002; Menetrez et al., 2004). The National Air Duct Cleaners Association (NADCA) in ACR 2006 Assessment, Cleaning, and Restoration of HVAC Systems An Industry Standard Developed, recommend annual HVAC inspections for dust and biological contamination. The American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers, Inc. (ASHRAE) in ANSI/ASHRAE/ACCA 180, Standard Practice for Inspection and Maintenance of Commercial Building HVAC System recommend semi-annual HVAC inspections for commercial buildings. HVAC system inspections should be part of all standard building operation and maintenance.

13.7 Evaluation of antimicrobial treatments as control technologies

The efficacy of antimicrobial treatments to eliminate or control biological growth in the indoor environment can easily be tested on nonporous surfaces. However, the testing of antimicrobial efficacy on porous surfaces, such as those found in the indoor environment, i.e., GWB, HVAC duct-liner insulation (see Fig. 13.6), and wood products, can be more complicated and prone to incorrect conclusions (Foarde et al., 1997a, 1997b, 1997c; Menetrez and Foarde, 2002; Menetrez et al., 2004).


13.6 Encapsulant application

13.7.1 Encapsulants

Research to control biological growth using three separate antimicrobial encapsulants which were spray-painted on FGDL contaminated with Aspergillus versicolor (see Figs 13.6 and 13.7) has been performed in both field and laboratory testing ASTM 6329-98 (ASTM 6329-98, 2003; VanOsdell et al., 1996; Menetrez and Foarde, 2002) using visual inspection to estimate growth on coupons. The estimation of growth was made by optical inspection of the coupon surfaces. The numerical ranking of mold growth was:


13.7 HVAC duct encapsulant lining.

0 = no growth

1 = minimal growth

2 = growth covering 33.3% of the coupon

3 = growth covering 50% of the coupon

4 = growth covering 75% of the coupon

5 = growth covering the majority of the coupon with few bare spots remaining.

Triplicate sample coupons were processed for surface growth on encap sulant-coated FGDL. The results indicate differences in antimicrobial efficacy for the period of testing (ASTM 6329-98, 2003; Menetrez et al., 2007, 2008a; Menetrez and Foarde, 2002; VanOsdell et al., 1996). An encapsulant or coating is a covering that is applied (spray paint as in Fig. 13.6) to a surface. The aim of applying coatings is to improve surface properties of a bulk material, usually referred to as a substrate (as in Fig. 13.7).

Three common HVAC (or HAC) antimicrobial encapsulants were evaluated for their use on FGDL in both laboratory and field application experiments. The antimicrobial encapsulants tested are manufactured for use in HVAC system components and on duct surfaces. Coating I was a poly-acrylate copolymer containing 9% barium metaborate and 0.16% iodo-2-propynyl butylcarbamate. Coating II was an acrylic coating containing decabromodiphenyl oxide and antimony trioxide. Coating III was an acrylic primer containing phosphoric acid compounds with a phosphated quaternary amine complex (diethanolamine n-coco alkyl derivatives; 2,2’-(coco ankylimino) bis-ethanol).

The results of the chamber experiments are shown in Tables 13.1 and 13.2, for sections of FGDL that were removed from the test house. Surface samples indicated that the population of A. versicolor on untreated FGDL increased by 3 logs (1000-fold) by the end of the first month (see Table 13.1), and remained approximately level through the 3.5-month study.

Table 13.1

Growth of A. versicolor on the surface of FGDL maintained at 94% RH dynamic chamber


Table 13.2

Growth of A. versicolor on the surface of soiled FGDL maintained at 94% RH dynamic chamber


Table 13.1 shows a slight variation (an increase followed by a decrease) in the A. versicolor population for Coatings I and III on FGDL, for the period of 3.5 months. This was in contrast to the increased populations observed in samples with Coating II. The increase in fungi population for Coating II was comparable to that observed in the untreated samples, as compared with successful limiting of growth accomplished by Coatings I and III.

Soiled FGDL experiments resulted in similar populations of A. versicolor for untreated and Coating II samples, as shown in Table 13.2. The results were again similar for Coatings I and III, in which variations in fungi populations were observed to increase in month 1, and then decrease. The results indicate that antimicrobials can remain effective with moderate dust loading.

A comparison of the results obtained with dynamic and static chamber testing is shown in Table 13.3. The additional static chamber testing was performed at 70, 85, 90, and 94% RH, for comparison with the 94% RH dynamic chamber testing. Table 13.3 indicates that static chamber results at 94% RH are in good agreement with dynamic chamber results at 94% RH. Studies also demonstrated that static chamber fungi growth decreases with decreasing RH. Both methods indicate greater effectiveness in controlling growth with Coatings I and III.

Table 13.3

Change in log CFUs/10 cm2 of A. versicolor


*BDL = Below Detection Limit.

Laboratory SMTC experiments conducted at 21.7°C (71°F) and from 65% to saturated relative humidity showed differences in degrees of efficacy for three antimicrobial coatings. Two antimicrobial coatings limited fungal contamination for the duration of testing. The most effective coatings were Coatings I and III while Coating II was ineffective. Although all three antimicrobials are registered with the EPA, they were not equally effective, nor should they be expected to perform equally in field use (Menetrez et al., 2004, 2007, 2008a; Menetrez and Foarde, 2002).

Although the importance of efficacy testing cannot be overstated, it has not received priority until the last 10 years. Additional methods of testing antimicrobial efficacy need to be standardized to evaluate differences in products having or seeking EPA registration. The standard methods should cover treatment techniques pertaining to liquids, fumigants and irradiation. The following text addresses these research subjects and is the first step in the development of standard methods. Additionally, the series of experiments described in Menetrez and Foarde (2002), are adequate tests for viable mold (ASTM 6329-98, 2003; Menetrez et al., 2004, 2007, 2008a; Menetrez and Foarde, 2002; VanOsdell et al., 1996). However, in addition to viable mold antimicrobial efficacy, additional testing may be needed for viable bacteria (bacteria cells and spores), nonviable mold (mycotoxins) and bacteria (endotoxins), as well as viruses and some forms of allergens (e.g., dust mites), to determine whether the manufacturers’ claims apply (Foarde et al., 1997a, 1997b, 1997c; Menetrez and Foarde, 2002; Menetrez et al., 2007, 2008a). The results demonstrated a significant variation in the antimicrobial efficacy of encapsulants. This variation indicates a need for product efficacy testing (Menetrez et al., 2007; Menetrez and Foarde, 2002).

13.7.2 Cleaners

Mold-contaminated materials are often not entirely removed from problem buildings. These colonized porous materials frequently have surface cleaners applied in an attempt to alleviate the problem. The efficacy of antimicrobial cleaners to remove, eliminate or control mold growth on surfaces can easily be tested on nonporous surfaces. However, the testing of antimicrobial cleaner efficacy on porous surfaces, such as those found in the indoor environment (e.g., gypsum board), can be more complicated and prone to incorrect conclusions regarding residual organisms and microbial toxins (Foarde et al., 1997a, 1997b, 1997c; Menetrez and Foarde, 2002; Menetrez et al., 2004). The mold Stachybotrys chartarum has been found to be associated with idiopathic pulmonary hemorrhage in infants and has been studied for toxin production and its occurrence in water-damaged buildings. Growth of S. chartarum on building materials such as gypsum wallboard has been frequently documented. Research to control S. chartarum growth using 13 separate antimicrobial cleaners on contaminated gypsum wallboard has been performed in laboratory testing. Laboratory SMTC experiments conducted at 21.1°C (70.0°F) and 100% relative humidity showed differences in degrees of efficacy. Common brands of cleaning products were tested by following directions printed on the product packaging and are listed in Table 13.4. A variety of gypsum wallboard surfaces were used to test these cleaning products at high relative humidity using a modification of ASTM 6329-98 (Foarde et al., 1997a, 1997b, 1997c; Menetrez and Foarde, 2002; Menetrez et al., 2004).

Table 13.4

Cleaning products tested for removing Stachybotrys chartarum growth

Cleaning product Directions for use Concentration
Lysol (concentrated) To disinfect/deodorize hard, non-porous surfaces, remove heavy soil first, then add 1.3 oz to one gallon of water then apply with a sponge or mop wetting all surfaces thoroughly. Let stand 10 minutes, then wipe away excess. 189 mL H2O 1.89 mL Lysol
Lysol All Purpose Cleaner-Orange Breeze scent For a cleaner, fresher household, dilute 2 oz. with a gallon of warm water. Good for everyday cleaning throughout the house. For your toughest household messes; use full strength and rinse thoroughly. Full strength
Lysol All Purpose Cleaner-Orange Breeze scent For a cleaner, fresher household, dilute 2 oz. with a gallon of warm water. Good for everyday cleaning throughout the house. For your toughest household messes; use full strength and rinse thoroughly. 250 mL H2O
3.75 mL Lysol Orange Breeze
Lysol IC – Brand Quaternary Disinfectant Cleaner Remove heavy soil deposits from surfaces, then thoroughly wet them with a solution of 1/2 oz of the concentrate per gallon of water. The solution can be applied with a cloth, mop, sponge or coarse spray or soaking. Let solution remain on surface for a minimum of 10 minutes. Allow to air dry. 378.5 mL H2O
1.48 mL Lysol I.C.
Spray Nine MultiPurpose Cleaner and Disinfectant 1. Spray on soiled surface.
2. Wipe immediately with a clean, damp sponge or cloth.
3. Repeat application making sure to wet all surfaces thoroughly.
4. Allow to stand for 3 minutes when treating for fungus.
5. Wipe off with a clean, damp sponge or cloth then rinse thoroughly.
Full strength
Johnson Wax Professional Mildew Stain Remover with Bleach Spray using full strokes, 6–8” from surface. Wait until stains disappear. Wipe with sponge. Rinse promptly. Full strength
Commercial Solutions Ultra Clorox Germicidal Bleach Prewash surface, then mop or wipe with bleach solution. Allow solution to contact surface for at least 2 minutes. Rinse well and air dry. Dilute 2/3 cup bleach to 1 gallon water. 189 mL H2O 7.89 mL bleach
SporKlenz Remove any obvious debris or organic material from the surface to be sterilized. Dilute SporKlenz concentrate 100 × (1 part SporKlenz to 99 parts purified water). Spray onto surfaces using a plastic spray bottle. Allow to remain on surface for 10 minutes. Let air dry or rinse with purified water. 175 mL H2O
1.75 mL SporKlenz
Borax Sprinkle borax into water and wipe with damp sponge. 473 mL warm water 1 tablespoon borax
Pine Sol For general disinfecting: Apply Original Pine Sol Brand cleaner with a sponge or cloth full strength. Wet surfaces, let stand 5 minutes, then remove excess. For highly soiled areas, clean excess dirt first. Full strength
Tilex Spray surface until thoroughly wet, let stand 5 minutes and rinse. Do not use on wood or painted surfaces. Avoid contact with aluminum, clothes, fabric, carpet or paper surfaces as they will discolor. Full strength
Fantastik Orange Action Spray 6–8 inches from surface. After spraying, wipe with a dry paper towel or cloth. Full strength
Orange Glo Multipurpose Degreaser Spray on soiled area and wipe clean. Rinse if necessary. For baked-on grease or thick soap film, wait several minutes before wiping. Full strength
Formula 409 Multipurpose Cleaner Spray 6-8 inches from surface. General cleaning: Spray product straight onto soils and wipe clean with a dry paper towel or lint free cloth. Repeat for heavily soiled areas. Not recommended for use on soft vinyl, varnishes or aluminum. Full strength

Visual inspection for S. chartarum regrowth of the coupons within static chambers extended up to six months. Only those samples that exhibited heavy amounts of regrowth were stopped prior to six months. The estimation of regrowth was made by optical inspection of the coupon surfaces. The numerical ranking of mold growth followed was:

0 = no growth

1 = minimal growth

2 = growth covering 33.3% of the coupon

3 = growth covering 50% of the coupon

4 = growth covering 75% of the coupon

5 = growth covering the majority of the coupon with few bare spots remaining.

Triplicate sample coupons were processed for each of the 14 cleaning products and six GWB surface types. Visual inspection for S. chartarum regrowth of the coupons within the static chambers occurred for six months or until it was judged to have extensive growth (a numerical ranking of 5). The results were numerically ranked from best (0 represented no growth) to worst (5 represented extensive growth) and are listed in Table 13.5. Six varieties of surfaces were used to evaluate S. chartarum growth. The surfaces were constructed over standard GWB and were as follows:

Table 13.5

Comparison of Stachybotrys chartarum growth for cleaners on six GWB surface types


1 Plain GWB, no paint

2 Vinyl (100% vinyl) covered GWB

3 GWB with vinyl-coated wallpaper removed before cleaning and replacement

4 GWB with vinyl-coated wallpaper not removed before cleaning

5 GWB with oil-based paint

6 GWB with acrylic (latex) paint.

*Surface type:

1. Plain GWB, no paint

2. Vinyl (100% vinyl)-covered GWB

3. GWB with vinyl-coated wallpaper removed before cleaning and replaced

4. GWB with vinyl-coated wallpaper not removed before cleaning

5. GWB with oil-based paint

6. GWB with acrylic (latex) paint.

The object of this research was to test the antimicrobial efficacy of these cleaning and disinfectant products for removing and preventing S. chartarum, or restricting its growth, on the six varieties of GWB surfaces listed above, and with variations in RH.

The mean results (of triplicate samples) for 14 cleaning products for the six types of GWB surfaces varied extensively (see Tables 13.5 and 13.6). However, three cleaning products exhibited significantly better results than others. Lysol All-Purpose Cleaner-Orange Breeze (full strength) demonstrated results which ranked among the best in five of the six surfaces tested. Both Borax and Orange Glo Multipurpose Degreaser demonstrated results which ranked among the best in four of the six surfaces tested (Menetrez et al., 2007).

Table 13.6

Comparison ranking of cleaner performance for six GWB surface types


1 Plain GWB, no paint

2 Vinyl (100% vinyl) covered GWB

3 GWB with vinyl-coated wallpaper removed before cleaning and replacement

4 GWB with vinyl-coated wallpaper not removed before cleaning

5 GWB with oil-based paint

6 GWB with acrylic (latex) paint.

*Surface type:

Other cleaning products ranked among the best in at least one surface test: Formula 409, Lysol IC, Pine Sol, Bleach, Spray Nine, Mildew Stain Remover with bleach, SporKlenz, Tilex, Fantastik Orange Action, and Lysol All-Purpose Cleaner-Orange Breeze (diluted). Every product tested demonstrated to be among the best in at least one surface test (Menetrez et al., 2007).

The results of S. chartarum regrowth listed in Table 13.5 were sorted in a comparative ranking of antimicrobial efficacy performance. Those products listed in Table 13.5 which best limited regrowth were given a ranking of 1, and those that demonstrated the most regrowth were given a ranking of 5. The 14 products tested are listed from 1 (best performance) to 14 (worst performance) in Table 13.6. Numerous products received the same equivalent ranking in Table 13.6 when their test results listed in Table 13.5 were equal. Table 13.6 compares antimicrobial cleaning product performance (Menetrez et al., 2007).

The results indicate differences in antimicrobial efficacy for the six-month period of testing by not allowing mold regrowth (Menetrez et al., 2007). The preferred antimicrobial cleaner to choose is often dependent on the type of surface to be cleaned of S. chartarum contamination. For Plain GWB, no paint, the best cleaners were Borax, Lysol All-Purpose Cleaner-Orange Breeze (full strength), Orange Glo Multipurpose Degreaser, and Fantastik Orange Action (Menetrez et al., 2007). For vinyl (100% vinyl, removed, cleaned and replaced) covered GWB, the best cleaners were Formula 409, Lysol IC, Pine Sol, Borax, Lysol, Bleach, Spray Nine, Mildew Stain Remover with bleach, Tilex, and Orange Glo Multipurpose Degreaser (Menetrez et al., 2007). For GWB with vinyl-coated wallpaper removed before cleaning and replaced, the best cleaners were Lysol All-Purpose Cleaner-Orange Breeze (full strength) and Orange Glo Multipurpose Degreaser (Menetrez et al., 2007). For GWB with vinyl coated wallpaper not removed before cleaning, the best cleaners were Lysol All-Purpose Cleaner-Orange Breeze (full strength), and Orange Glo Multipurpose Degreaser and Lysol All-Purpose Cleaner-Orange Breeze (diluted) (Menetrez et al., 2007). For GWB with oil-based paint, the best cleaners were Lysol All-Purpose Cleaner Orange Breeze (full strength), Lysol and Borax (Menetrez et al., 2007). For GWB with acrylic (latex) paint, the best cleaners were Borax, Lysol AllPurpose Cleaner-Orange Breeze (full strength) and SporKlenz (Menetrez et al., 2007).

Lysol All-Purpose Cleaner-Orange Breeze (full strength) demonstrated results which ranked among the best in five of the six surfaces tested. Both Borax and Orange Glo Multipurpose Degreaser demonstrated results which ranked among the best in four of the six surfaces tested. Every product tested was demonstrated to be among the best in at least one surface test (Menetrez et al., 2007).

13.7.3 Paints

Employing antimicrobial paints can in some cases prevent mold regrowth. The accepted recommendation in handling S. chartarum-contaminated gypsum wallboard is removal and replacement. This practice is, however, not always followed completely. Often mold contaminated building materials are not properly removed, some surface cleaning is performed, and paint is applied in an attempt to alleviate the problem. The efficacy of antimicrobial paints to eliminate or control mold regrowth on surfaces can easily be tested on nonporous surfaces. However, the testing of antimicrobial efficacy on porous surfaces found in the indoor environment such as gypsum wallboard can be more complicated and prone to incorrect conclusions regarding residual organisms. Growth of S. chartarum on building materials such as gypsum drywall has been frequently documented (Vesper and Vesper, 2002; Dearborn et al., 1999; Vesper et al., 2000, 2004; Scheel, 2001; Brunekreef et al., 1989; Mahmoudi and Gershwin, 2000). Research to control S. chartarum growth using seven separate antimicrobial paints and two commonly used paints on contaminated gypsum wallboard has been performed in laboratory testing. The nine paint products and manufacturers tested are listed in Tables 13.7 and 13.8 along with the product active ingredients (Menetrez et al., 2008a).

Table 13.7

Antimicrobial encapsulant paint products

Manufacturer Antimicrobial paint products Active ingredients
Alistagen Corp. New York, NY 10016 Caliwel 1 Caliwel 2 with BNA (Bi-Neutralizing Agent) 18.7% hydrated lime (calcium hydroxide)
PPG Industries
Pittsburgh, PA 15272
Portersept 10.0‒20.0 wt% titanium dioxide 1.0‒10.0% propylene glycol
1.0‒10.0% kaolin
< 1% crystalline silica-quartz
Homax Products Inc.
Bellingham, WA 98226
Mil-Kil Additive 40.0 wt% diiodomethyl p-tolyl sulfone added to acrylic/latex paint
Jomaps, Inc. Alpharetta, GA
M-1 Additive 51.8% chlorothalonil 2,4,5,6-tetrachloroisophthalonitrile added to acrylic/latex paint
Industries, Inc. Imperial, MO 63052
Kilz (interior/ exterior water based) Acrylic resin emulsion Titanium dioxide Calcium carbonate Ethylene glycol
Zinsser Company, Inc.
Somerset, NJ 08873
Permawhite (satin, water based) Limestone Titanium dioxide Ethylene glycol Mica
Zinc oxide
Magnesium aluminum silicate

Table 13.8

Paint products

Manufacturer Paint products Paint type
The Valspar Corporation, Wheeling, IL 60090 American Tradition, Interior 100% Acrylic Acrylic/latex
The Valspar Corporation, Wheeling, IL 60090 Interior one coat Oil Semi-Gloss Enamel Oil-based

Laboratory SMTC experiments conducted at 21.1°C (70.0°F) and 100% relative humidity showed differences in degrees of efficacy. Manufacturers’ directions were followed and common gypsum wallboard was used as the base to test these products at high relative humidity. The results indicate differences in antimicrobial efficacy for the six-month period of testing by not allowing mold regrowth. When the cost of replacing walls may prevent remediation, antimicrobial paint can lend a possible low-cost alternative (Menetrez et al., 2008a). Each coupon is visually assigned a numerical ranking of mold growth from 0 to 5 for the entire averaged coupon surface. Each paint result was the average of three coupons’ surfaces. Inspection for S. chartarum regrowth of the coupons within the static chambers extended up to six months. The estimation of regrowth was made by visual inspection of the coupon surfaces. Triplicate sample coupons were processed for each of the nine paint products and two cleaning techniques. The numerical ranking of mold growth followed was:

0 = no growth

1 = minimal growth (growth covering less than 33.3% of the sample)

2 = growth covering 33.3% of the sample

3 = growth covering 50% of the sample

4 = growth covering 75% of the sample

5 = growth covering the majority (greater than 75%) of the sample with few bare spots remaining.

Two techniques of preparing the GWB surfaces were used (cleaned with water only and cleaned with a bleach and water solution) to test these paint products at high relative humidity using a modification of ASTM 6329-98. The observed regrowth results were averaged for each of the seven antimicrobial paint products and the two standard paint products listed in Tables 13.9 and 13.10. Results of regrowth of S. chartarum on GWB are listed in Table 13.9. The test results of Table 13.9 list paint used on water-cleaned GWB, and paint used on bleach and water-cleaned GWB (the method recommended by most manufacturers) (Menetrez et al., 2008a).

Table 13.9

Growth ranking for cleaned and painted GWB


Table 13.10

Comparison ranking of cleaned and painted GWB

Paint products used on cleaned GWB Mean S. chartarum growth ranking for water-cleaned GWB Mean S. chartarum growth ranking for bleach and water-cleaned GWB
Permawhite 1 1
Portersept 1 1
Mil-Kil 1 1
M-1 Additive 1 4
Caliwell 1 5 6
Caliwell 2 5 5
Acrylic/latex 5 7
Oil-based 5 7
Kilz 9 9

Results for the nine types of paint products on GWB surfaces varied. However, three antimicrobial encapsulant paint products exhibited no mold regrowth. Permawhite, M-1 Additive, and Portersept demonstrated results which ranked among the best in tests (see Table 13.9). Mil-Kil ranked among the best for water-cleaned GWB (Table 13.9), and near the best for bleach and water-cleaned GWB (Table 13.10). The remaining three antimicrobial encapsulant paints and two common paints did not perform as well. The Kilz performance was not even as good as the acrylic/latex or oil-based paint (Menetrez et al., 2008a).

The results of S. chartarum regrowth listed in Table 13.9 were sorted in a comparative ranking of antimicrobial efficacy performance. The nine products tested are listed from 1 (best performance) to 9 (worst performance) in Table 13.10. Numerous products received the same equivalent ranking in Table 13.10 when their test results listed in Table 13.9 were equal. Table 13.10 compares antimicrobial paint product performance (Menetrez et al., 2008a).

Based on the study results, the best antimicrobial encapsulant paints for dealing with S. chartarum contamination on GWB were Permawhite, M-1 Additive, and Portersept. The results for Mil-Kil were close in comparison. Although two of these four products contain titanium dioxide, they all contain unique formulations that make it difficult to draw conclusions regarding antimicrobial performance (Menetrez et al., 2008a).

These results are not meant to endorse the incomplete removal of mold contaminated building materials. However, it is recognized that complete removal may not always be economically possible. Solutions to control mold regrowth can contribute to reduced occupant exposure. In some instances when mold damage is not substantial, cleaning surfaces and then painting with Permawhite, M-1 Additive, Portersept, or Mil-Kil can offer a practical alternative. In most cases, current recommendations of removal and replacement of porous building materials should be followed (Menetrez et al., 2008a).

13.7.4 UVC irradiation

Ultraviolet (UV) irradiation has been used for the disinfection of air streams for many years (Cole and Foarde, 1999; Shechmeister, 1991). The range of UV wavelengths found to be most effective was 220 to 300 nanometers (nm), and the peak effectiveness was determined to be 265 nm (VanOsdell and Foarde, 2002). The production of UV light employs an electrical discharge through low-pressure mercury vapor enclosed in a quartz glass tube (VanOsdell and Foarde, 2002). This technique produces a tube-type bulb with a primary wavelength of 253.7 nm, and is within the ‘C’ band of UV (UVC) (VanOsdell and Foarde, 2002). The UVC or UV germicidal (UVGI) form of irradiation has been demonstrated to deactivate bacteria, fungi, viruses, and mycoplasmas (Morey, 1988; Lidwell, 1994; Calvo et al., 1999; Slieman and Nicholson 2000; Peccia et al., 2001).

Ultraviolet irradiation has commonly been used in the indoor environment to eliminate or control infectious diseases in medical care facilities. HVAC system components such as duct-liners, cooling coils, drip-pans, interior insulation and areas subjected to high levels of moisture can create an environment which is prone to the establishment of biological microorganisms (Foarde et al., 1997a, 1997b, 1997c; Menetrez et al., 2004). The movement of indoor air is dominated by HVAC system operation. Biological contaminants that have become established in HVAC components, or that have been brought into the HVAC intake air (unintentionally or intentionally), can become distributed throughout the building interior. Air supplied to the building interior can carry these biological contaminants which expose numerous occupants to potential toxigenic, allergenic, and pathogenic bioaerosols.

A single UVC light was placed inside a galvanized steel square HVAC duct mock-up. The exposure chamber was maintained at room temperature, which was 22°C (71.6°F). A method to determine the antimicrobial efficacy of UVC irradiation was developed and tested on the surface of agar plates with four species of vegetative bacteria (Deinococcus radiodurans, Pseudomonas fluorescens, Serratia marcescens, and Staphylococcus epider-midis), three species of yeast (Candida albicans, Geotrichum candidum, and Rhodotorula mucilaginosa), four species of mold (Aspergillus versicolor, A. fumigatus, Penicillium chrysogenum, and Cladosporium cladosporioides) and eight varieties of Bacillus bacteria spores (B. subtilus var. orange, B. subtilus var. cream, B. stearothermophilus, B. pumilus, B. megaterium, B. cereus, B. thuringiensis, and B. anthracisstern.) exposed to UVGI irradiation (Menetrez et al., 2006, 2008b). Most of these microorganisms have been identified as being present in HVAC air-handling units (Levetin et al., 2001) and responsible for the transmission of airborne disease (Brickner et al., 2003). B. anthracis surrogates were used for their expected similar inactivation responses to UVC irradiation. The exposure time (from 5 to 900 seconds depending on the microorganism) was initiated when an internal guillotine was very quickly lifted, allowing the UV light to travel down the duct to impact the plates. At the end of the exposure time, the guillotine was quickly lowered back into the duct mock-up. In all experiments, the plates were kept the same distance from the light (144.0 cm, or 56 in). With distance and irradiance constant, time of exposure is the controlling variable. The percent kill and k value for each organism were calculated for various periods of exposure (Menetrez et al., 2006, 2008b).

For constant and uniform irradiance, the disinfection effect of UVC on a population of microorganisms can be expressed by the following set of equations (Philips Lighting Division, 1992):

image [13.1]


Nt = the number of microorganisms at any time t

N0 = the number of microorganisms at start, before exposure begins

Nt/N0 = the fraction of microorganisms surviving

k = a microorganism-dependent rate constant, cm2/μW C s

dose = the product of Eeff C.1t, in μW C s/cm2 (measured irradiance C seconds of exposure)

W = watts

Eeff = the effective irradiance received, in μW C s/cm2 (measured)

at = exposure duration in seconds, s, between the start and time t.

The concentration–time product calculated in Equation 13.1 depicts the exponential decay of a population of viable organisms with constant exposure to UVC. Equation 13.1 can also indicate the ability of populations of microorganisms to withstand low to high doses of UVC irradiation (Brickner et al., 2003; Levetin et al., 2001; Menetrez et al., 2006, 2008b; Philips Lighting Division, 1992).

The plates were incubated until moderate growth was visible, then the colony forming units (CFUs) were counted. The percentage killed was obtained by the following equation:

image [13.2]

where CE is the number of colonies on the side of the plate exposed to UV (Nt) and CNE is the number of colonies on the side of the plate not exposed to UV (N0). Significant kill was achieved with increasing periods of exposure (up to a high kill rate of 81% for a 120-second exposure). HVAC surfaces such as cooling coil fins within an air-handler which is exposed to a constant dose of UV irradiation would be expected to be relatively free of biological growth. This research demonstrated that UVC lamp irradiation inactivated biological growth to a reproducible degree with conditions of controlled doses. The k value and kill rate were calculated with the above equations (Brickner et al., 2003; Levetin et al., 2001; Menetrez et al., 2006, 2008b; Philips Lighting Division, 1992).

In one experiment, eight varieties of Bacillus spores were tested and exhibited similar effects to UVGI irradiance. Each species had large variations in surviving populations, and no significant difference in resistance between species. The k values ranged from a high of 7.46e–5 cm2W-s (for B. s. orange) to a low of 3.23e–5 cm2W-s (for B. megaterium) (Menetrez et al., 2006).

In another experiment, the k value results showed variability for three normally susceptible vegetative bacteria from 1.05e–3 cm2μW-s to 3.60e–5 cm2μW-s (with a range of relative standard deviation from 74% to 105%); yeast varied from 1.83e–4 cm2μW-s to 1.73e–5 cm2μW-s (with a range of relative standard deviations from 68% to 166%); and mold varied from 2.78e–5 cm2μW-s to 7.39e–6 cm2μW-s (with a range of relative standard deviation from 56% to 139%). Although highly variable, the k values are both reproducible and similar for all varieties tested. D. radiodurans (bacteria), R. mucilaginosa (yeast), and C. cladosporioides (mold) were the most difficult organisms to destroy in their groups. As anticipated, the four species of mold required a period of exposure in excess of 300 seconds to exhibit significant die-off, about twice that required for vegetative bacteria. It is difficult to infer further UVC exposure effects between microorganisms as comparatively diverse as fungi and bacteria (Menetrez et al., 2008b). The ability to eliminate microorganism contaminants within commercial HVAC and residential HAC systems should contribute toward reducing occupant exposure and the opportunity for the spread of these organisms based on infectious diseases.

An example of the results of this work is listed in Fig. 13.8 which depicts the percent kill as a function of the period (in seconds) of UV exposure. D. radiodurans (bacteria), R. mucilaginosa (yeast), and C. cladosporioides (mold) were the most difficult organisms to destroy. G. candidum and C. albicans of the yeast, and S. epidermidis, S. marcescens and P. fluorescens of the bacteria, were the organisms which were most rapidly destroyed. Other than these specific microorganisms the four species of mold microorganisms, required a longer period of exposure to exhibit significant die-off. It is difficult to infer further UV exposure effects between microorganisms as comparatively diverse as fungi and bacteria.


13.8 Comparison of percent kill by UV period of exposure.

Heating, ventilating, and air-conditioning (HVAC) systems become colonized by microorganisms after a period of use, and distribute those organisms as well as those in the return air. Depending on the amount and type of microorganisms (bacteria, viruses and mold), the amount of dust and stationary film, cooling coil fouling may occur. It has been suggested that this fouling biofilm is responsible for a diminished coil capacity and increased energy consumption. UVC used to maintain HVAC equipment can potentially result in lower energy costs while providing cleaner air. This could also greatly reduce occupant exposure and the opportunity for the spread of disease and allergic reactions (Brickner et al., 2003; Levetin et al., 2001; Menetrez et al., 2006, 2008b; Philips Lighting Division, 1992).

13.7.5 Ozone

This work evaluated the effects of exposing a variety of microorganisms (two bacteria and two fungi) to elevated gaseous ozone concentrations ranging from 100 to 1000 ppm. In order to evaluate ozone under realistic ‘real world’ conditions, the test organisms were inoculated onto the surfaces of building materials (Menetrez et al., 2009). Inoculated organisms were allowed to dry on selected coupon surfaces. The concentration of organisms in colony forming units (CFU) was based on levels of contamination ranging from 103 to 107 CFU/cm2 which have been isolated from surfaces of contaminated buildings. Inoculated materials were exposed to a range of RH levels, specifically low RH (20–45%) and high RH (80–95%). Temperature and RH were measured by a factory-calibrated EdgeTech Model 2000 Series DewPrime dew point hygrometer (Menetrez et al., 2009).

The microorganism exposure experiments were carried out in a commercially available desiccator cabinet constructed of polished stainless steel and glass. The interior dimensions of the chamber were approximately 30 × 25 × 30 cm (L × W × H). The total chamber volume was approximately 22 liters. The chamber was set up for use by opening the test gas entry, exit, and sampling ports, placing the support shelves within the chamber, and placing the test surfaces (glass microscope slides and glass Petri dishes holding squares of gypsum wallboard). A steady-state ozone concentration was established at the desired concentration, with measurement in the chamber center and at various locations to ensure that the test gas was well mixed. The air flow rates and ozone production were then adjusted to achieve the desired ozone concentration and RH for each experiment (Menetrez et al., 2009).

The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of exposing a variety of microorganisms to elevated gaseous ozone concentrations. Both porous and nonporous building materials were used to represent actual indoor surfaces, and controlled chamber exposures were conducted to maintain consistent exposure concentrations (Menetrez et al., 2009).

Both gypsum wallboard (porous) and glass slide (nonporous) building materials were employed as the test surfaces in a series of experiments. Four separate microorganisms and two levels of relative humidity (RH) were tested. The four organisms selected for testing in this study were Rhodotorula mucilaginosa, Penicillium brevicompactum, Bacillus atrophaeus, and Staphylococcus epidermidis. Two fungal organisms (R. mucilaginosa (vegetative yeast cells) and P. brevicompactum (mold spores)) and two bacterial organisms (B. atrophaeus (Gram-positive bacterial spores) and S. epidermidis (vegetative bacterium)) were used (Menetrez et al., 2009).

The ozone efficacy results varied for the organisms inoculated on the surface of glass slides and gypsum wallboard coupons. Exposures on the glass slides at low RH had no observed effect on the concentration of B. atrophaeus and R. mucilaginosa, while the S. epidermidis and P. brevicompactum both decreased at least 4 logs at the maximum exposure. The high RH exposures on both glass slides and gypsum wallboard affected all of the organisms. However, the R. mucilaginosa were inactivated by 4 logs. On the gypsum wallboard at low RH, none of the organisms exposed was inactivated by as much as 2 logs. The organisms exposed to high concentrations of gaseous ozone were more readily killed on glass slides than on gypsum wallboard. Additionally, increasing RH was found to increase the biocidal capability of high levels of ozone (Menetrez et al., 2009).

The overall results of this study indicate that, even at concentrations of ozone approaching 1000 ppm, it is difficult to get significant inactivation of organisms on surfaces. In agreement with earlier experiments conducted at low ozone concentrations, the organisms exposed to high concentrations of gaseous ozone were more readily killed on glass slides than on gypsum wallboard. Increasing RH increases the biocidal capability of high levels of ozone (Menetrez et al., 2009). However, unlike the application of previously discussed antimicrobial treatments such as cleaners, paints or UV irradiation, the efficacy result for gaseous ozone indicates that it is not a realistic alternative for remediating biological contamination (Menetrez et al., 2009).

Although the specific results vary according to each of the four test organisms and the test surfaces, the overall results of this study indicate that, even at relatively high concentrations of ozone, it is difficult to get significant inactivation of organisms on surfaces. Maintaining consistently high concentrations of 1000 ppm of ozone gas could be difficult throughout the volume of air contained in a building remediation application due to unwanted reactions with building materials. Achieving a significant reduction of biocontamination concentrations on surfaces, as well as inside porous materials, wall cavities and voids, within a building would be very difficult and impractical (Menetrez et al., 2009). In addition to the difficulty in achieving these elevated concentrations, and the inadequate ability of gasphase ozone to reduce concentrations of microorganisms, the high risk to human health of exposure makes this treatment technique both ineffective and hazardous (Menetrez et al., 2009).

13.8 Antimicrobial product acknowledgment

The results of antimicrobial product testing are not meant to endorse the incomplete removal of mold-contaminated building materials. However, it is recognized that complete removal may not always be possible and solutions to control mold regrowth may contribute to reduced occupant exposure. Current recommendations for removal and replacement of porous building materials should be followed. It was not the intention of this discussion to endorse any product. Reporting on the performance of these products under the stated conditions was and remains the only purpose.

The US Environmental Protection Agency, through its Office of Research and Development, funded and managed the research described herein. It has been subject to an administrative review but does not necessarily reflect the views of the Agency. No official endorsement should be inferred. EPA does not endorse the purchase or sale of any commercial products or services. The findings listed above cover a broad expanse of research related to detecting and controlling mold contamination. Additional work is needed to further reduce human exposure to biological contaminants.

13.9 Conclusions

The areas of research covered in this chapter are as follows: 13.5 Effects of moisture, relative humidity (RH) and dust; 13.6 Duct cleaning effectiveness on microbial growth; and 13.7 Evaluation of antimicrobial treatments as control technologies: 13.7.1 Encapsulants, 13.7.2 Cleaners, 13.7.3 Paints, 13.7.4 UVC irradiation, and 13.7.5 Ozone. Advances in research and development of prevention and control as well as mitigation practices for a variety of molds have been achieved. Understanding the growth requirements of mold, developing the test methodology ASTM Standard 6329-98 (2003) and the static and dynamic microbial test chambers for determining antimicrobial efficacy, and determining the most effective techniques to identify, handle and mitigate contaminated materials will ultimately improve the ability to control biological contaminants and reduce human exposure.

13.10 Future trends

Future areas of microbiological research are being planned. Progress into these areas of research will be subject to change and reevaluation over time. However, these six research areas are a logical next step from past and present accomplishments.

13.10.1 Microbial-resistant building materials product evaluation – gypsum wallboard

When building materials become exposed to moisture by weather events, leaks in the building envelope, or inadequate control of relative humidity, absorption and transport of moisture through those materials often render it susceptible to the growth of biological contaminants. Microbial colonization, and the rapid growth and dispersion of mold, can expose building occupants and produce severe illnesses including pulmonary, immunologic, neurological and oncogenic disorders. Removal of substrates from building materials, or the incorporation of antimicrobial agents in the manufacturing of building products, may prevent mold growth and the spread of contaminants. The manufacture of microbial-resistant building materials (such as wallboard, ceiling tiles and flooring) can inhibit or prevent mold growth. Limiting or preventing mold growth by the manufacture of microbial-resistant building materials creates a product which can sustain temporary adverse conditions and is less likely to become a source of biological contamination, or to need replacement.

The manufacture of wallboard that has a greater ability to withstand moisture and prevent mold growth will be less problematic and in need of replacement. Possible methods of gypsum wallboard improvement are being studied, including treatment with antimicrobials, ozone and heat during the manufacturing process. The ability to produce wallboard that may impair or prevent mold growth could greatly impact indoor air quality and reduce the need to remove and dispose of wallboard in landfills.

The manufacture of microbial-resistant gypsum wallboard has been initiated by a number of companies producing building materials. Each company has established its own manufacturing strategy for producing this material. The resultant wallboard materials could potentially have a longer product life and be both environmentally friendly and less likely to need replacing.

13.10.2 Microbial-resistant building materials product evaluation – ceiling tiles and flooring

Analogous to wallboard, the generation of ceiling tiles and flooring that has a greater ability to withstand moisture and prevent mold growth will be less problematic and in need of replacement. Possible methods of ceiling and flooring improvement should be studied. The prevention of mold growth could prevent contamination, human exposure and having to remove and landfill these products. This would ultimately create product sustainability which is the focus supported by the EPA.

Analogous to wallboard, the evaluation of ceiling tiles and carpet flooring would test the following: (1) microbial growth, (2) moisture absorption, and (3) VOC emission. The same established methods developed for wallboard would be used to form the basis of evaluation.

Acoustic ceiling tiles and carpeting used as building materials should be evaluated by this grading process. The impact on the building product industry and the consumer public can be significant, with both gaining advantages through the sales of better products.

13.10.3 HVAC biological film (biofilm) research

The presence of moisture on HVAC system cooling coils and drip-pans from condensate flow establishes conditions favorable for microbial growth. The established microbial growth can then be responsible for releasing gases (microbial volatile organic compounds or MVOCs, ‘Dirty Socks Syndrome’) or particles (BioPM) into the conditioned airstream. The presence of a microbial film on the cooling coils is also responsible for loss of heat transfer efficiency, overall component operation and the possible cause of condensate ‘blow-by’ into the supply air-duct. The characterization of fungal organisms and their byproducts (MVOCs and BioPM) which are responsible for this condition and the most effective form of treatment (UV) would give building owners, building occupants, and building remediators accurate information in identifying and dealing with this problem.

The use of UV to destroy any biofilm which has been established on HVAC surfaces and not to allow regrowth is the most efficacious manner of long-term treatment. The use of UV to deactivate airborne biological contaminants transported within existing HVAC systems adds additional benefit to this treatment alternative. Also, the prevention of biofilm buildup on cooling-coil surfaces increases thermal transfer efficiency and decreases HVAC system energy use while preventing organisms from establishing a foothold in the indoor environment, increasing the sustainability of current building systems.

MVOC characterization of gases and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) identification of particles will be used to find the best way to identify biofilms. UV treatment of an HVAC system which has an established biological film will be performed. Measurements of biological contaminants and heat transfer efficiency from before and after treatment will be conducted. Laboratory and field demonstrations will be performed concurrently.

13.10.4 Reduced infectious disease

The spread of infectious disease in humans can be attributed to communication by touch, and inhalation of the infectious agents (virus and bacteria). Air conveyance through the HVAC can transport the infectious agents along with other particles throughout a building. One infectious person can spread viable organisms to many other through the conveyance of conditioned air.

Research should focus on developing optimal air treatment techniques of fine and ultrafine biological particles (viral, bacterial) which are responsible for the spread of infectious disease. Biological surrogates of viral and bacterial organisms will be inoculated into the airstream traveling through an HVAC system. Improving methods of treatment can result in less transmission of infectious disease as well as better biological indoor air quality.

Research will involve ultraviolet (UV) irradiation to destroy viral and bacterial microorganisms on a surface and in a moving stream of air. The use of UV to destroy Bacillus spores and mold has been demonstrated. However, the antiviral or anti-pneumonial efficacy of UV on surfaces and in a moving airstream is largely unknown. The use of UV to clean air within an existing HVAC system can have other beneficial effects such as preventing fungal growth and decreasing energy use.

13.11 Sources of further information

13.11.1 Books and publications

1.  Wu, R., Statistical and Computational Pharmacogenomics (available at Las Vegas, call # QV 38W959 2009): Contains joint functional mapping of drug efficacy and toxicity, and modeling of drug responses.

2. Kempter, J., Antimicrobial Products Used to Inactivate Bacillus anthra cis Spores (available at NTIS, call # ADA453105): EPA document of an efficacy study involving Bacillus anthracis.

3. Schneider, B., Pesticide Assessment Guidelines: Subdivision G, Product Performance (available at NTIS, call # PB83-1539240, as a guideline for the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA), Subdivision G): Provides guidance to the registrant on developing product performance data that the Agency may require to demonstrate the effectiveness of their pesticide product in controlling the pests specified in the claims on their product label. This subdivision is organized into section series which describe efficacy data for specific types of pesticides used on distinct classes of pests. Guidance on test methodology and protocols to support label claims are also presented. Discussions concerning when the submission of efficacy data is required are also presented as a foundation for the regulatory pesticide data requirements (40 CFR Part 158).

4. Haynes, H., Analysis of Specialized Pesticide Problems Invertebrate Control AgentsEfficacy Test Methods, Volume VII. Human and Pet Treatments (available at NTIS, call # PB-266 209): Testing procedures stated and referenced in this document are accepted methods for determining the effectiveness of pesticides against pests of humans and pets. The procedures mentioned are not intended to exclude other procedures. This document may serve as a guideline for the development of information relating to pesticide efficacy. Species named in this document are not necessarily the only ones which might be used. Other species may also be considered when of economic importance or when they provide practical data. When numbers of test animals are referred to in this document, the minima are given. However, the researcher may want to increase numbers of test subjects, animals or other organisms when practical or economically feasible.

13.11.2 Online resources

1. http://www.epa.gov/oppad001/antimicrobial-testing-program.html: Overview of the EPA’s antimicrobial testing program, results, and methods.

2.  http://apps.americanbar.org/environ/committees/pesticides/newsletter/ oct03/pdf/pesticides1003.pdf, ‘EPA’s Role in the Regulation of Antimicrobial Pesticides’: A feature in the newsletter of the Pesticides, Chemical Regulation, and Right to Know Committee Newsletter. Contains a detailed overview of the testing program, the different types of antimicrobials, and laws governing regulation of antimicrobials.

3. http://www.epa.gov/oppad001/sciencepolicy.htm, EPA’s antimicrobial science policies.

13.12 References

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