
For alphabetization purposes, (a) differences in fonts and case are ignored; (b) quotation marks are ignored; (c) other punctuation symbols—hyphens, underscores, parentheses, etc.—are treated as blanks; (d) numerals precede letters; (e) blanks precede everything else.

Numbers and Symbols

_T qualifier, 103, 379
def¯¯image (is defined as), 121
≡ (equivalent to), 110
∈ (contained in), 94, 104, 121, 456
SQL, 409
∋ (contains), 104, 456
SQL, 409
⊇ (includes), 24, 39, 105, 394, 456
SQL, 410
⊃ (properly includes), 24, 39, 72, 106, 394, 456
SQL, 410
⊆ (included in), 24, 39, 105, 394, 456
SQL, 410
⊂ (properly included in), 24, 39, 106, 394, 456
SQL, 410
!! (image relation reference), 33
| | (concatenation), 12
→ (functional dependency), 51
image (join dependency), 208
image (join dependency), 208
ent (cyclic ordering), 459
0-tuple, 15, 16


abutting tuples, 80, 232
imply contradiction, 80
adding attributes, 282
AFTER, 106
SQL, 409
with cyclic point type, 457
with inheritance, 394
aggregate operators, 38
aggregate union, 473
Ahmed, Rafi, 535, 536
Ahn, Ilsoo, 517, 539
Al-Taha, Khaled K., 519
all key, 50
Allen, James F., xviii, 517
Allen’s operators, 105-108, 517-519
SQL, 409-410
with cyclic point type, 456-458
with inheritance, 393-395
without ordinality, 469-470
AND (aggregate operator), 53
Anderson, T. L., 543
application time (SQL), 355, 407
application time period (SQL), 407
maximum one per table, 407
no carry through, 415
Ariav, Gad, 519
artificial end of time marker, See end of time
assignment, 7, 46
multiple, See multiple assignment
relational, See relational assignment
with inheritance, 376-377
See also INSERT etc.
Assignment Principle, The, 50, 438
associative, 27, 29
attribute, 14, 15, 47
FROM tuple, 36
hidden, See hidden attributes
attribute reference, 50
audit trail, 354
automatic repacking, See U_INSERT etc.


Bacon, Francis, 87
bag, 38, 475, 477-478
bag union, See UNION
bag of bags, 478
bag of sets, 477-478
Barbour, Julian, 346
Barry, Douglas K., 521
base relvar, 5
SQL, 409
with cyclic point type, 457
with inheritance, 394
BEGIN, 94, 104, 456
pseudovariable, 325
SQL, 409
begin point, 87
SQL, 410
with cyclic point type, 458
with inheritance, 394
beginning of time, 71, 89, 92
SQL, 404
Bell, John, 346
Ben-Zvi, J., 519
Bennett, Alan, 403
Bettini, Claudio, 520
table (SQL), 431-433
tuple, 349
Blake, William, 169
Bodart, F., 537
body, 15, 47
Böhlen, Michael H., 520, 540
Bolour, Azad, 543
both since and during relvars, 217-219
complete design, 278
constraints, 269-279
queries, 303-307
sample values, 269-270, 335
updates, 334-340
bound variable, 19
business rule, 53
business time (DB2), 355


candidate key, See key
canonical form, 115-116
cardinality, 15, 47
See also COUNT
Carroll, Lewis, 16, 345
cartesian product, See TIMES
Casanova, Marco A., 521
cascade delete, 52
catalog, 282
Cattell, R. G. G., 521
CHAR(n), 396, 397-398
vs. CHAR, 398
chronon, 70
circumlocution problem, 81, 231-232
false, 240
Clifford, James, 521, 522, 540, 541
closed (interval), 87
SQL, 404
Closed World Assumption, The
and circumlocution, 442
relations, 19
relvars, 47
closure (relational algebra), 25
coalesce, 520
Codd, E. F., 63, 521, 523, 536, 537
nullary relation, 124
set of intervals, 119-122
unary relation, 122-124
vs. PACK, 157-159
collapsed form, 118
COMBINED_IN, 308, 362
commalist, 20
COMMIT, 355, 419
commutative, 27, 29
changing over time, 283
foreign key, See foreign key constraint
referential, See referential constraint
vs. requirements, 256
CONTAINS (SQL), 409, 410
continuity assumption, 468
contradiction, 233
implied by redundancy, 80, 231
implied by circumlocution, 81, 232
contradiction problem, 81, 233-234
SQL, 413
Cooper, Leslie, 527
corruption, See politicians
aggregate, 38
interval, 110, 456
SQL, 410
type, 454-455
creeping delete problem, 215
Croker, Albert, 521
Cummings, Ray, iii
CURRENT_DATE (SQL), 416, 419
current relvar, See since relvar
current row (SQL), 427
cyclic permutation, 456
cyclic point type, See point type


n-adic, 28
Darwen, Hugh, 523, 524, 525, 526, 527, 532
data type, See type
database constraint, 53-56
database value, 351
database variable, 351
Date, C. J., 523, 524, 525, 526, 527
Davies, Christina, 527
DB2, xvi, 356, 428, 430, 438
declared type, See type
degree, 14, 15, 47, 50, 52
zero, See nullary
Dekeyser, L. J., 543
DELETE, 46, 48
denseness, 82, 255
SQL, 419
difference, See MINUS
Dire Straits, 227
disjoint INSERT, See D_INSERT
disjoint U_UNION, See U_UNION
disjoint UNION, See D_UNION
Disraeli, Benjamin, 313
domain, 6
double underlining, 51
Doyle, Arthur Conan, 197
dropping relvars, 282, 364
Dumas, Alexandre fils, 473
dummy type, See type
duplicate tuples, 16
duration, See interval (SQL)
during (predicates, propositions), 65-67
definition, 72
during relvar, 199
during relvars only, 204-207
complete design, 269
constraints, 263-269
queries, 300-303
sample values, 264, 317
updates, 316-334
Dyreson, Curtis E., 520, 522, 529


Einstein, Albert, iii
Eliot, T. S., iii
empty relation, 15, 28
empty scalar type, 98, 101
encapsulated, 9
END, 94, 104, 456
pseudovariable, 325, 334
SQL, 409
end of time, 71, 89, 92
artificial marker, 216, 263
SQL, 404
end point, 87
ENDS, 107
SQL, 410
with cyclic point type, 458
with inheritance, 394
entity/relationship diagram, 199
equality, 7
interval, 105
period (SQL), 410
relation, 39
tuple, 16
with cyclic point type, 456
with inheritance, 377
relations (“U_equality”), 155-157, 187
sets of intervals, 117, 118, 119
essential tuple normal form, 207, 219
Etzion, Opher, 527
Evans, William S., 520
even integers (point type), 386-387
nullary relation, 124
set of intervals, 119-122
unary relation, 122-124
vs. UNPACK, 157-159
expanded form, 117
what if, 31


Fagin, Ronald, 521, 524, 528
false circumlocution, See circumlocution
Feynman, Richard, iii
fifth normal form, 210
first normal form, 16-17
first (operator), 92
SQL, 406
FIRST_T, 103
FOLD, 531
FOR PORTION OF (SQL), 408, 420, 421-424
FOR SYSTEM_TIME (SQL), 407, 429-430
foreign key, 51-52
generalized, See foreign U_key
system-versioned table (SQL), 427-428
foreign key constraint, 52
foreign U_key, 247-248
FROM tuple, See attribute
fully packed, 153
fully temporal
with intervals, 88
without intervals, 78
functional dependency, 51
future, 67
during relvar, 263, 304
since relvar, See since relvar


Gadia, Shashi K., 528, 540
Gandhi, Lenisha, xv, 537
Garnett, L., 541
generalization by constraint, 377
generalized operators, See U_MINUS etc.
intuitive interpretation, 189-190
regular operators a special case, 191-192
generic polymorphism, See polymorphism
Georgiadis, Panagiotis, 542
Gilbert, W.S., 483
Golden Rule, The, 53
granularity, 71, 387-391
vs. scale, 388
granule, 70
graphical representation, 151-153, 497-501


Hall, Patrick A. V., 529
heading, 14, 15, 47
hidden attributes, 63, 294
Hindemith, Paul, 103
historical relvar, See during relvar
historical row (SQL), 427
historical tables only (SQL)
design, 412
sample values, 412
horizontal decomposition, 199, 218
Hughes, Martin, 527


idempotent, 28, 29
identity projection, 74, 224
identity value, 109
image relation, 32-33
immediate subtype, See subtype
immediate supertype, See supertype
implicit proposition, See proposition
implicit valid time, See valid time
implied by keys, 210
included DELETE, See I_DELETE
included MINUS, See I_MINUS
included U_MINUS, See U_MINUS
inclusion, 24
interval, 105
period (SQL), 410
proper, 24, 72, 106
relation, 39
with cyclic point type, 456
inclusion dependency, 82, 273, 521
inclusion polymorphism, See polymorphism
Information Principle, The, 63
Ingersoll, Robert G., 143
inheritance, See type inheritance
INSERT, 46, 48
instantiation, See predicate
intended interpretation, 18-19
interpretation, See intended interpretation
interval, 109
n-adic, 28
relation, 27
special case of join, 29
with cyclic point type, 460-461
with inheritance, 395
intersection type, 384
interval, 94
applications, 90
closed, See closed
definition, 94
maximal, See maximal interval
one-dimensional, 91
possible representations, 89
universal, See universal interval
See also period
interval comparisons, See Allen’s operators
interval equality, See equality
interval selector, 95
See also INTERVAL_T selector
interval (SQL), 403, 406, 410
interval type, 93
no subtypes, 391-393
See also INTERVAL type generator
INTERVAL type generator, 93
INTERVAL_T selector, 104
INTERVAL_T type, 104
key, See key
relvar, 207, 213, 225
See also sixth normal form
irreducible component (vertical decomposition), 207
Isakowitz, Tomás, 522
IXSQL, 532, 533


Jajodia, Sushil, 527, 540, 542
Jensen, Christian S., 520, 522, 529, 540
Johnson, R. G., 531, 532
JOIN, 29
n-adic, 30
join dependency, 208-211
generalized, See U_join dependency
holds in relvar, 209
implied by keys, See implied by keys
satisfied by relation, 209
trivial, 213
joinability, 29
Jones, S., 530


Kawagoe, Kyoji, 538
key, 50
generalized, See U_key
system-versioned table (SQL), 427
key attribute, 251
key constraint, 50
Kline, Nick, 542
Kollias, Vassiliki J., 532
Kulkarni, Krishna, 530
Kumar, Anil, 542


Lamb, Charles, 73
last (operator), 92
SQL, 406
LAST_T, 103
Lazell, Brian, 527
Leonard, M., 537
Levene, Mark, 530
literal, 11
vs. selector, 11
vs. value, 382
log, 351-355
logged time, 345-367
definition, 355
logged time relvar, 357, 364
queries, 361-363
logical difference, 15
Loizou, George G., 530
Lorentzos, Nikos A., 527, 530, 531, 532, 533, 534, 542
Lum, V., 534


managed redundancy, See redundancy
Manolopoulos, Yannis, 533
Martin, N. G., 535
Mason, P. J., 530
Matchett, Robert, 535
Matos, V., 537
maximal interval, 83, 108
McGoveran, David, 535
McKenzie, L. Edwin, Jr., 535, 536, 543
MEETS, 106
SQL, 409
with cyclic point type, 458
with inheritance, 394
without ordinality, 469-470
Melville, Herman, 117
membership algorithm, 210, 213
SQL, 409
with cyclic point type, 458
with inheritance, 394
merging tuples, 80
Michels, Jan-Eike, 530
MighTyD, xvii
included, See I_MINUS
interval, 110
relation, 27
with cyclic point type, 461-462
with inheritance, 395
Mitsopoulos, Yannis G., 532
most specific type, See type
“moving point now, ”, See NOW
multiple assignment, 55-56, 331-334
multiple inheritance, See inheritance
multirelvar constraint, 54
multiset, See bag
multiversion read, 446-447
mutatis mutandis, 17


n-adic operators, See U_JOIN etc.
n-ary, 15
n-tuple, 16
Navathe, Shamkant B., 535, 536
neither PACKED ON nor
WHEN / THEN, 244-245
next (operator), 92
cyclic point type, 455
SQL, 406
NEXT_T, 103
Nicola, Matthias, xv, 537
nine requirements, See requirements
nonkey attribute, 251
nonloss decomposition, 212, 224
See also vertical decomposition
nonnegative remainder, 452
nonredundant, See redundancy free
nonscalar, See type
normalized, See first normal form
“null” (not in relational model), 17, 215
nullary, 15
NUMERIC (p, q), 380-387


ODMG, 521
omega, 98
on (predicates, propositions), 65-67
open (interval), 87
SQL, 404
precedence, 27, 172
read-only vs. update, 7
system vs. user defined, 11-13
ordered type, See type
attributes (proscribed), 16
total, 92
tuples (proscribed), 16
ordinal type, See type
ordinality, 467-472
See also ordinal type
orthogonality, 415
overlapping tuples, 80, 231
imply contradiction, 80
overlapping types, 384
SQL, 409
with cyclic point type, 457
with inheritance, 394
overloading polymorphism, See polymorphism
Owlett, John, 529
Özsoyoglu, G., 537
Özsoyoglu, Z. M., 537


and redundancy, 155
generalizing, 473-481
implementation, 490-496
on no attributes, 143-144
on one attribute, 133
on relation valued attribute, 479-481
on several attributes, 147-151, 159-161, 162, 163-164
with cyclic point type, 463
PACK’, 490
packed form, 127, 130-133
PACKED ON, 232-233
trivial, 247
without WHEN / THEN, 236-237
“packed tuple, ”, 231
Papadimitriou, Christos H., 521
partitioning (with PACK), 133
period (SQL), 403-411
PERIOD FOR (SQL), 406, 424
period predicand (SQL), 408
period predicate (SQL), 408
“period literal” (SQL), 408
“period reference” (SQL), 408
“period selector” (SQL), 408
pipelining, 489, 501, 506
point, 70
POINT FROM, 105, 456
SQL, 409
point type, 91, 92
cyclic, 451-465
even integers, See even integers
numeric, See NUMERIC (p, q)
prime numbers, See prime numbers
Richter, See Richter
wraparound, 451
pointers (not in relational model), 8
politicians, 348
polymorphism, 7
generic, 112
inclusion, 113, 375
overloading, 113, 365, 379, 386
PORTION, 326-331
DELETE, 326-329
restriction, 331
UPDATE, 329-331
possible representation, 9-11
intervals, 89
POST, 104, 456
SQL, 409
Poulovassilis, Alexandra, 533
PRE, 104, 456
SQL, 409
precedence, See operator
precision, 380
predecessor, 91
predicate, 18
instantiation, 18
primary key, 51
SQL, 407
prime numbers (point type), 390
Principle of Interchangeability, The, 57, 439
Principle of Value Substitutability, The, 397
Principle of Variable Substitutability, The, 397
prior (operator), 92
cyclic point type, 455
SQL, 407
PRIOR_T, 103
product, See TIMES
projection, 26
high precedence, 27, 172
tuple, 365
projection/join normal form, 210
See also fifth normal form
proper inclusion, See inclusion
proper subset, See subset
proper subtype, See subtype
proper superkey, See superkey
proper superset, See superset
proper supertype, See supertype
proposition, 18
implicit, 348
BEGIN and END, 325, 334
See also THE_pseudovariable


quantification, 19
Query A
fully temporal (intervals), 130
fully temporal (no intervals), 83, 129
nontemporal, 74
semitemporal, 77
U_projection, 181
using PACK, 130-133
Query B
fully temporal (intervals), 130
fully temporal (no intervals), 84, 129
nontemporal, 74
semitemporal, 77
U_difference, 170
using UNPACK, 134-137


Rao, A., 521
RATIONAL, 9, 370
rational numbers, 469
read-only operator, See operator
real relvar, See base relvar
redundancy, 96, 158
controlled, 264
eliminating via PACK, 155, 156, 159-161
managed, 264
not necessarily bad, 264
in vertical decomposition, 206, 212
See also redundancy problem
redundancy problem, 81
SQL, 413
redundancy free, 160
referenced relvar, 52
referenced tuple, 52
referencing relvar, 52
referencing tuple, 52
referential constraint, 52
referential integrity, 52
Rel, 483
relation, 14-22
degree zero, See nullary
interpretation, See interpretation
relation equality, See equality
relation predicate, 18, 19, 44
RELATION selector, 22
relation type, 17, 20-23
RELATION type generator, 23
relation value, See relation
relation valued attribute, 17-18
relation variable, See relvar
relational algebra, 25-44
closure, See closure
generalized operators, See U_MINUS etc.
generic operators, 25
relational assignment, 46, 47-50
relational comparison, 39-40
generalized, See U_comparison
relational completeness, 41
relational model, passim
definition, 57
relational operators, See relational algebra
generalized, See U_MINUS etc.
on relvars, 56
relvar, 45-58
current, See since relvar
during, See during relvar
historical, See during relvar
since, See since relvar
relvar constraint, 54
relvar predicate, 47
relvar reference, 48
requirements, 256-257
vs. constraints, See constraints
restriction, 26
Richter (point type), 389-390
Rolland, C., 537
Routh, Martin Joseph, 517


Saracco, Cynthia, xv, 537
Sarda, N. L., 537
scale, 381
See also granularity
scale factor, 380
Schueler, B.M., 352, 537
second normal form, 307
Segev, Arie, 540
selector, 10
interval, See INTERVAL_T selector
relation, See RELATION selector
tuple, See TUPLE selector
vs. literal, See literal
self reference, 554
semidifference, See NOT MATCHING
semijoin, See MATCHING
semitemporal, 75
See also since relvar
set of bags, 475-477
set of relations, 473-474
set of sets, 475-476
Shaw, George Bernard, 487
Shoshani, Arie, 538
Sideridis, A. B., 534
since (predicates, propositions), 65-67
definition, 72
since relvar, 199
explicit future information, 203, 259
explicit historical information, 202-203
implicit future information, 203, 258
implicit historical information, 203
since relvars only, 200-204
complete design, 262
constraints, 203, 258-263
queries, 295-300
sample values, 258, 314
updates, 314-316
single inheritance, See inheritance
single-relvar constraint, 54
singleton scalar type, 98, 101
sixth normal form, 213
nontemporal relvar, 221
Small, Carol, 533
Smout, Erwin, 471, 538
snapshot database, 61
vs. snapshot of the database, 61
snapshot query, 177
Snodgrass, Richard T., 517, 519, 520, 522, 529, 535, 536, 539, 540, 543
Soo, Michael D., 519, 520, 529, 543
specialization by constraint, 377
SPLIT, 493-495
splitting intervals, 88
SQL:2011, xv, 403, 529
SQL pronunciation, 401
SQL standard, See SQL:2011
Sripada, Suryanaryan, 527
Stam, Robert B., 543
stated time, 345-367
definition, 356
Steiner, Andreas, 540
Stoppard, Tom, 61
subset, 24
proper, 24
substitutability, See value substitutability
subtuple, 50
subtype, 373-374
immediate, 397
proper, 374
successor, 91
successor function, 91, 467
assumed unique, 93, 370
summarization, 38
superkey, 54
proper, 251, 407
superset, 24
proper, 24
supertype, 374
immediate, 397
proper, 374
Sykes, Mike, 524, 525
Sylvester, James Joseph, 25
syntactic substitution, 523-524
system time (SQL), 355, 424-430, 440-441
system time period (SQL), 42
maximum one per table, 424
no carry through, 424
system-versioned table (SQL), 424-430


TABLE_DEE and TABLE_DUM, 15, 30, 40, 124, 144, 298
Tansel, Abdullah Uz, 522, 540, 541
target key, 52
target tuple, 52
target relvar
assignment, 46
referential constraint, 52
“temporal database, ”, 63
“temporal difference, ”, 137, 170
See also U_MINUS
“temporal projection, ”, 133
See also U_projection
“temporal relation, ”, 63
“temporal relvar, ”, 63
temporal statement modifiers, 172
temporal upward compatibility, 524-525
THE_operator, 10
THE_pseudovariable, 13, 325
Third Manifesto, The, 527
three-valued logic, 535
time point, 70
time quantum, 70
timeline, 70
timestamp, 63
SQL data type, 424
See also during, since
timestamped proposition, 63, 65-67
timestamping attributes, 522
“timestamping too much, ”, 205, 407, 424
timestamping tuples, 522
Tin, Erkan, 541
TODAY, 260, 283, 315, 333
Todd, Stephen J. P., 529
Toman, David, 541
total ordering, See ordering
Tquel, 539
transaction time, 67-69, 320
definition, 350-351
kept in log, 351
SQL, See system time
See also logged time
transaction timestamp (SQL), 425, 441, 446-448
transformation laws, See transforms
transforms, 487-489
Tryfona, Nektaria, 534
Tsotras, Vassilis J., 542
TSQL2, 539
tuple, 14, 47
tuple equality, See equality
TUPLE selector, 21
tuple type, 20
TUPLE type generator, 21
Tutorial D, 4, 527
grammar, 483-486
operator precedence, 27
Tuzhilin, Alexander, 521, 522, 541
two-valued logic, 535
TYPE statement, 13-14
type, 6-14
attribute, 6
declared, 6, 376
dummy, 384
expression, 7
finite, 467
generated vs. nongenerated, 21-23
intersection, See intersection type
interval, See interval type
most specific, 376
operator, 7
ordered, 370
ordinal, 370, 454
overlapping, See overlapping types
parameter, 7
point, See point type
relation, See relation type
scalar vs. nonscalar, 8
system vs. user defined, 7-8
tuple, See tuple type
value, 6
variable, 6
type constraint, 13-14
type generator, 21
type hierarchy, 375
type lattice, 383-384
type inheritance, 371-377
multiple, 383
single, 383


U_qualifier, 171
U_assignment, 341
U_comparison, 188
implementation, 512-513
U_DELETE, 320-324
implementation, 514-515
included, 324
WHERE, 320
U_difference, See U_MINUS
U_equality, 188
U_equality dependency, 267
U_EXTEND, 181-186
implementation, 509-510
U_GROUP, 186-187
implementation, 511-512
disjoint, 319
implementation, 513-514
U_INTERSECT, 174-175
implementation, 504
n-adic, 178
U_JOIN, 176-177, 190
implementation, 194, 504-505
n-adic, 179
U_join dependency, 211
holds in relvar, 211
satisfied by relation, 211
U_key, 245-247
U_MINUS, 171
implementation, 504
included, 175
U_projection, 181
implementation, 505-506
U_restriction, 179-180
implementation, 506-509
U_semidifference, 177-178
U_semijoin, 177
U_SUMMARIZE, 185-186
U_TIMES, 177
U_UNGROUP, 186-187
implementation, 512
U_UNION, 173-174
disjoint, 175, 178
implementation, 502-503
n-adic, 178
U_UPDATE, 325-326
implementation, 515-516
U_updates, 316-326
bag, 475-476
disjoint, See D_UNION
interval, 109
n-adic, 28
relation, 27
with cyclic point type, 459-460
with inheritance, 395
UNIQUE (SQL), 407, 413, 427
uniqueness (key), See key
unit interval, 95
units of measure, 388
universal interval, 114, 455
universal relation, 28
generalizing, 473-481
implementation, 496-497
on no attributes, 143-144
on one attribute, 134
on several attributes, 145-147
with cyclic point type, 463
unpacked form, 128, 134-138
until further notice, 214-216
See also NOW
UPDATE, 46, 49
vs. update, 46, 313
update operator, See operator
update propositions not tuples, 314
updates are set level, 313
user defined type, See type
user defined operator, See operator
“user defined time, ”, 539
user defined type, See type


Vaishnav, Jay H., 528
valid time, 67-69, 203-204, 320
always, 349
definition, 350-351
implicit, 349
kept in database, 351
SQL, See application time
See also stated time
value substitutability, 375
value vs. literal, See literal
van Roessel, J. W., 541, 542
VAR statement, 5
variable, 46
Vassilakis, Costas, 542
vertical decomposition, 199
See also redundancy, sixth normal form
Viqueira, Jose R. Rios, 534, 542
view, 5, 56-57
constraints, 309
queries, 307-311
SQL, 416
updates, 340-341
virtual relvar, See view
Voorhis, Dave, 483


Wang, X. Sean, 520, 542
Warden, Andrew, 523
Warren, David S., 522
what if, See EXTEND
WHEN / THEN, 234-235
trivial, 247
without PACKED ON, 237-242
WHERE condition, 26, 39
Wilde, Oscar, 127
expression, 41, 304
SQL, 416
statement, 41
Wittgenstein, Ludwig J. J., 15, 218
Wong, Harry K. T., 543
WRAP, 35
wraparound type, See point type
Wu, Yu, 542


Yialouris, C. P., 534


Zhang, Y., 543
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