Abilify   An antipsychotic medication.

Antibiotic   A medication or substance that kills bacteria or slows their growth.

Antibody   A protein made by our immune system that attacks invading pathogens, allergens such as dust or foods, or even our own body tissues.

Antifungal   A medication or supplement that kills or slows the growth of yeast and fungi.

Antihistamines   Medications or supplements that reduce or block histamines, the chemicals that cause symptoms in an allergic reaction.

Antihypertensive   A medication that lowers blood pressure.

Antimicrobial (AM)   A medication or supplement that kills or slows the growth of microorganisms.

Antioxidant   A substance that prevents or slows oxidation (damage) of cells.

Antipsychotics   Psychiatric medications used for schizophrenia and bipolar disorder.

ASD   Autism spectrum disorder, a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by varying degrees of social, communication, and behavioral difficulties.

Benzodiazepines   Tranquilizers.

Candidiasis   A Candida (yeast) infection.

Canker sore   An open, painful mouth ulcer.

Casomorphin   An opioid protein fragment formed when we digest dairy foods.

Celiac disease   Autoimmune disorder where eating gluten damages the small intestine.

Cellulase   Enzymes that break down cellulose.

Cellulose   A tough polysaccharide substance found in cell walls of plants.

Clostridia difficile   Also known as C. diff, a gram-positive, spore-forming bacteria found in soil and nature.

Comprehensive psychological evaluation   Also known as a “psych eval,” an assessment that can diagnose emotional, developmental, and behavioral disorders, as well as emotional functioning.

Cradle cap   Infantile seborrheic dermatitis, which causes scaly patches on the scalp.

Cytokines   Proteins that act as molecular messengers between cells of the immune system to regulate the body’s inflammatory responses.

DAN!   Defeat Autism Now! A now-defunct program created in 1995 by the Autism Research Institute to treat underlying dysfunction of ASD.

Daytrana   Stimulant ADHD medication patch.

Detoxification   The removal of toxic substances from the body.

Developmental optometry   An optometric specialty that corrects how a person processes visual information.

Die-off   A term used to describe a mass death of fungi or bacteria, usually accompanied by a release of toxins.

Dyslexia   A learning disorder that affects the way written and spoken words are recognized and processed.

Eczema   Commonly called atopic dermatitis, an itchy rash usually on the face, the backs of the knees, wrists, hands, feet, and inner elbows. It can be associated with yeast infections in the GI tract.

Epsom salt   A mineral containing hydrous magnesium sulphate. It is a home remedy to relieve muscle tension, cramping, and stress.

Failure to thrive (FTT)   When a child isn’t growing or developing normally, appears smaller and shorter than peers, and weighs less than the third percentile of standard growth charts.

Food sensitivity   Not a true allergy, but a negative reaction after eating certain foods.

Floppy baby   Also known as neonatal hypotonia, or low muscle tone.

GABA   Gamma-aminobutyric acid, the main calming neurotransmitter made by our own body.

Genitourinary   The organs of the urinary and reproductive systems.

Glutathione   Our body’s most important antioxidant, which neutralizes free radicals, among other important duties.

Gluteomorphin   An opioid peptide that forms when we digest foods containing gluten.

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT)   Medical treatment in a hard or soft-sided chamber with increased pressure and oxygen.

Hypothalamus   A structure in the brain.

IgE   Immunoglobulin E, a type of antibody associated with allergies.

IgG   Immunoglobulin G, a type of antibody associated with food sensitivities.

Keratosis pilaris   A skin condition with non-itchy bumps on the backs of the arms, thighs, buttocks, and cheeks.

Lactase   An enzyme that breaks down lactose.

Lortab   A painkiller.

Maldigestion   Problems with digesting food and absorbing nutrients.

Mast cell   A type of immune cell.

Melatonin   A hormone our body makes to control sleep/wake cycles.

Methylation   A metabolic process vital to life.

Methylphenidate   Stimulant ADHD medication.

Microbiome   The collection of microbes that live anywhere in our body.

Microglia   An immune defense cell in the brain and spinal cord.

MiraLAX   A laxative.

Mitochondria   Structures that generate the energy a cell needs.

Molluscum contagiosum   A viral skin infection that may be confused with the common wart.

Monocyte   A type of white blood cell.

Myelin basic protein   A protein that insulates nerves and brain cells.

Natural killer cell   A type of white blood cell.

Neopterin   A marker of activated cellular immunity.

Neurofeedback   A type of brain training.

Neuroinflammation   Brain inflammation.

Neuropeptides   Protein segments that can cross the blood-brain barrier into the brain.

Neurotensin   A peptide that is found in the central and peripheral nervous systems.

Neurotransmitters   Chemical messengers in the nervous system.

Nexium   An acid reflux medication.

Off-label use   When drugs are used for an unapproved indication.

Opioid   A chemical that has opiate-like effects.

OT   Occupational therapy addresses deficits in skills used to perform everyday activities

Oxalates   The salts of oxalic acid that, when combined with metallic ions, form sharp hard crystals such as those found in kidney stones.

Oxidative stress   Imbalance between free radicals and our body’s antioxidant defenses, resulting in damage to tissues in the body.

Oxycontin   A narcotic pain reliever.

Pathogen   An infectious agent that causes disease or illness.

PECS   Picture Exchange Communication System.

Pedia-Lax   A pediatric line of constipation products.

Peptide   A short chain of amino acids.

Perseveration   Repeating words, phrases, or gestures.

Polypharmacy   The use of four or more medications.

Prebiotic   A food source for beneficial bacteria.

Prevacid   A medication for acid reflux.

Proprionic acid   A carboxylic acid produced by Clostridia difficile that, when injected into the brains of rats, produces “autistic behaviors” such as social impairment, hyperactivity, and perseveration, and changes such as neuroinflammation and glutathione depletion.

Proton pump inhibitor   A class of medications for acid reflux.

Risperidone   Generic for Risperdal, an antipsychotic.

Ritalin   A stimulant ADHD medication.

Salicylate   A type of organic acid found in plants.

Sensory diet   Doing sensory activities throughout the day to maintain appropriate arousal states.

Sensory evaluation   An evaluation of sensory-processing abilities by an occupational therapist.

Singulair   A prescription asthma and allergic rhinitis medicine.

SLP   Speech language pathologist.

Specific Carbohydrate Diet   A diet free of grains, starches, and complex sugars.

ST   Speech therapy.

Stereotypy   Repetitive motions such as rocking or flapping the hands.

Stimming   Stereotypy.

Stool softener   A medication that softens the feces.

Strattera   A nonstimulant ADHD medication.

Strep   Shorthand for streptococcus bacteria.

Sulforaphanes   Disease-fighting compounds found in plants, especially broccoli sprouts.

T-cell   A type of lymphocyte in the immune system.

Thalamus   A structure in the brain.

Th1   A type of T helper cell that is a part of the cell-mediated immune response associated with protecting us from viruses, fungi, and certain bacteria.

Th2   A type of T helper cell that is a part of the antibody-mediated immune response associated with allergies and asthma.

Tic   Involuntary muscular contraction or vocalization.

Tourette disorder   A neurological disorder characterized by involuntary muscular contractions and vocalizations.

Tubes   Shorthand for a tympanostomy tube inserted into the eardrum.

Tympanostomy   A procedure to insert a small tube into the eardrum to prevent buildup of fluid.

Vyvanse   A stimulant ADHD medication.

Xylitol   A sugar alcohol used to sweeten food and drinks.

Zyrtec   An allergy medication.

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