A Sample Year of the Basic GI Support Protocol

Are you ready to get started, but still not quite sure how to proceed? This chapter gives you a month-by-month template for a year of the Basic GI Support Protocol including getting started, how to take enzyme holidays, what an antimicrobial (AM) rotation might look like over twelve months, and how to transition to an AM Maintenance Schedule. Think of it as “tech support.”

All of these sample weeks and months are flexible and can be customized to suit your family. What I show are the basic “Go” schedules for enzymes, probiotics, and antimicrobials, but you can always substitute the variations of the schedules if your child needs to do the protocols a little differently. Don’t forget, The Un-Prescription for Autism app found on the App Store will schedule the protocols for you, and the basic version is free, of course.

A Special Treat Just for You: The Online Action Plan

I’ve created some really fun bonus content for you: The Online Action Plan! You won’t believe what a huge stash of ideas and resources this is. I’ve packed a virtual calendar with fifty-two weeks of information and tips on everything from travel and camps to service animals and Minecraft. I give you my best tips for calming, sleep, constipation, and anxiety, and share strategies for mixing supplements with food and which supplements to use for language support, inflammation, oxidative stress, and mitochondrial support. It is an amazing treasure trove of information and inspiration to keep you going for a full year.

You’ll find all of my protocols there: Antibiotic Support, Xylitol Support, ideas to cool down inflammation and oxidative stress, the Fab Five, and more.

Let’s get started! Here are the twelve monthly templates. We start the Basic GI Support Protocol with just the enzymes at first, just like I would if you came to my center. Be sure to check in with the Chapter 9 Online Action Plan each week for support tips.

Find the Online Action Plan at www.amacombooks.org/go/AutismActionPlan.


Month 1: We are slowly introducing the enzymes over four weeks for the “Go” Schedule.


Month 2: We are baby-stepping in the probiotics over two weeks, and then taking two more weeks to introduce Sac b.


Month 3: We continue with Sac b for two more weeks, then we begin to rotate the AMs—a different one each week.


Month 4: Just continue to give digestive enzymes with DPP-IV with every meal and snack, a probiotic, and a different AM each week.


Month 5: Steady as she goes—enzymes with everything, daily probiotics, and a weekly AM rotation.


Month 6: Take an Enzyme Holiday. We are giving the enzymes a rest (to prevent developing a sensitivity), but only if you can manage to go GFCF. If you cannot pull off the GFCF diet, just keep using the enzymes with every meal, snack, and glass of milk.

I’m also branching out on the AM Rotation and adding a few new ones.


Month 7: Steady as she goes; you are just coasting this month. Check in with the Chapter 9 Online Action Plan for more great ideas!


Month 8: You’re an old hand at this, and everything is much easier by now, so look for more fun ideas in the Chapter 9 Online Action Plan!


Month 9: Your child may or may not be ready to taper the AMs to a Maintenance Schedule, but this is just an example of how to do it when you are ready. Basically we’re just using AMs every other day while continuing to maintain a weekly rotation. (If you try this and your child’s GI symptoms return, go back to using the AMs daily and try again some other time.)


Month 10: Continue to use the AMs every other day for another month as you taper to a Maintenance Schedule.


Month 11: If you have successfully been able to use the AMs every other day for two months, you can try cutting back now to just two days a week on the weekends. I suggest that you use Friday and Saturday for your two weekend days, as this will let the bowels get back to normal on Sunday and reduce embarrassing gas at school on Monday. (If you try this and your child’s GI symptoms return, go back to using the AMs every other day and try again some other time.)


Month 12: Continue to use the AMs two days a week for another month as you taper to a Maintenance Schedule. The most I usually cut back to is every other weekend. I suggest another enzyme holiday if you can manage to go GFCF this month. If not, keep using the enzymes.

You are doing this! Remember to visit the Chapter 9 Online Action Plan each week—it is packed with a year of ideas, tips, and content to keep you going on your quest for a vibrant life on the autism spectrum. Read ahead to Chapter 10 so you can avoid the mistakes I’ve made along the way.

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