Cross-post to your Facebook account

As you have probably noticed, Twitter updates and Facebook status updates are a lot alike. The biggest difference is that on Twitter, your messages are probably public, whereas on Facebook, only people you've mutually approved can see what you're up to.

Given the similarity, it may make sense to cross-post and have messages you send out on Twitter also show up on Facebook. There are two common reasons you might cross-post:

  1. You tend to be inactive on Facebook, so feeding in tweets livens up your Facebook presence.

  2. You use Facebook to connect with a lot of casual acquaintances, and feeding in tweets lets you collect a lot of comments.

Many third-party programs will let you cross-post automatically (see Chapter 2 for a few recommendations). You can also use a Facebook app to help you out. Selective Twitter Status ( lets you choose which tweets also post to Facebook. The Twitter Facebook app ( cross-posts all of your tweets. To post simultaneously across a bunch of social networking sites, try (

Cross-post to your Facebook account
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