Chapter 18
The Vote

When Matt arrived home from the trip, Kendra and both kids were there to greet him. As Kendra walked toward him, she noticed that his demeanor was different than it had been before he left.

“You look happy. Less stressed. It must have been a success then?” Kendra asked.

“I'm a lot less stressed, that's for sure.” Matt grinned. He explained the entire situation. Kendra threw her arms around him, and he pulled her in close. “So you're not mad at me for turning down all of that money?”

“Of course not. I have everything I need right here inside this house.” Kendra rubbed Matt's back. “Thank you for being a man of integrity.”

Two months went by. Matt was happy and performing well at work. He was leaving earlier to spend time with his family and leading his sales team effectively. His family and team at work noticed a change in him, and with each visit to see Randy, his leadership improved. They no longer viewed him as Jerry's spoiled grandson whom they were stuck working with, but instead saw him as someone they respected and wanted to work with. A month later, Matt received a call from one of the lead technicians. “We did it! The engine finally passed!”

Matt's heart raced. He said thank you, hung up, and dialed Jade. After six days of negotiating, the sale went through. Jade admitted to Matt that, at times, her team was tempted to look at different companies to seek similar engines, but because Matt had been so honest, Jade continued to wait, allowing Turnbow time to get the final test results.

“I'm more interested in long‐term success,” Jade stated. “Your actions proved that you are too, and that's why we want to do business with you.”

Matt couldn’t believe it! At the end of the month, he would receive the biggest commission of his life. Seven million dollars. He had waited so long for this moment and couldn't believe he would actually be able to retire early.

Jerry was so proud of his grandson for doing the right thing and closing the biggest deal in Turnbow's history. The story spread through the company like wildfire and Matt was lauded as the hero of the story because of his courage and integrity. Everyone saw the amazing outcome of the drama that had unfolded and they were inspired by Matt's choice to do the right thing in the midst of all the pressure he faced.

While Matt was riding high, Jerry's health continued to decline at a rapid pace. Everyone started to take notice. His board suggested that they speed up the search to find the next CEO to lead Turnbow into the future. After searching externally for a candidate with no luck, one of Jerry's advisors suggested that the team look internally. Jerry agreed. As a place to start, at their next board meeting Jerry handed each board member a piece of paper. To get a working list of feasible candidates, he asked them to write down their best suggestion for who they thought should be considered for the CEO position. The team took some time to ponder their choices, then Jerry collected all twelve papers. When he read them, he was astonished to see that the same name was written on each piece of paper.

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