Chapter 2
The Company of the Century

From its humble beginnings, Jerry founded Turnbow Technologies with an intentional set of principles and values. He didn't see employees as a liability on the expense sheet. He saw them as an asset. He didn't just hire people; he invested in them. He encouraged his employees to weigh in and be part of the decision‐making process and found that this led to greater buy‐in and engagement. The more he cared about his people, the more they cared about their jobs and the company. Together they built a culture, a team, and a company that would improve the aviation industry and the world. As the company became successful, Jerry stayed true to his core values and beliefs and didn't waver, despite the company's extensive growth.

As Turnbow gained more recognition, everyone wanted to work for them. They were featured in magazines and on television, and a common theme prevailed—there was something different about this company. Jerry and Turnbow truly wanted what was best for others and didn't just focus on the bottom line. In the early stages of the company's formation, Jerry had to let a number of talented people go—even some close friends—because they lacked a key component that Jerry required of all of his employees; always produce results with integrity. Jerry was willing to take a chance on employees or promote individuals if he knew they had the integrity and character that aligned with the company's values.

Multiple companies in the aviation sales industry made headlines because of sub‐standard parts they supplied to airlines and aviation dealers. These companies took shortcuts, sold inferior products, and failed to perform testing and certification to ensure the airworthiness of the parts. But not Turnbow Technologies. Jerry wasn't someone who chased quick opportunities for money or personal gain. He maintained a long‐term view of where the company was headed, and he believed that if each employee did the right thing with the right values and intentions, Turnbow would grow exponentially over time. He wanted his clients to come back to Turnbow again and again because of their great service and integrity. And they did.

Jerry had a simple philosophy when it came to bringing people onto his management team. He promoted and partnered with people who displayed a great attitude, whom he could trust to do their jobs right. Jerry was known for saying, “You only control two things in this life, your attitude and your effort.”

On a major television talk show, the host said to Jerry, “So, you have created one of the most successful companies in your industry, thousands of people apply each year to work for you, and your company makes a difference in the community and in the world. What is the secret to your success?”

Jerry explained, “Well, at the end of the day, people and integrity come first. When you start a business, you must remember that character counts. While we are an aviation tech company that delivers high‐quality parts and products, we are really in the integrity business.” He took in a confident breath. “Every day, our goal is to deliver results with integrity and have a great time serving others. When you have that kind of daily focus, exceeding the expectations of those you serve, success will come. The reason our company has had success for decades is that we hire great people who truly love their jobs and love the people they serve. We invest in our employees and, in turn, they serve our clients.” The audience broke out in applause. The public image was good.

Matt watched Jerry's television performance from his hotel room. He loved his grandpa and, as a kid, had always wanted to be like him. But as he got older, he often forgot the character lessons he'd learned from him. At times, Matt distanced himself from his brother, grandpa, and other members of his family because he felt inferior to them. He felt he didn't measure up. Matt had the natural talent to be a great leader, but his values and character didn’t fit the company culture that his grandpa had worked so hard to create. Matt dreamed of having a more significant role at Turnbow someday, but everyone, including his grandpa, knew he could not be trusted in a leadership role. If no one wanted to be around him, how could he ever lead others and positively inspire thousands of employees at Turnbow? Matt kept his dream buried inside.

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