

Abrams tank example, 29

acceptability, fundamental issue of decision making, 210, 212

activation, project management life cycle, 52

actor. See decision maker

Aerospace/Defense projects, life cycle models, 67

aided decisions performance level, 237-239

alternatives. See decision alternatives Apple Macintosh computer example, 31

architecture selection, 121


biases, 207-210, 256

BMW Z3 example, 155, 259-261

brainstorming, 163-164

brainwriting, 164-165

Business and Organization Change projects, life cycle models, 67

business risk, 217


cautions, regarding quantitative approaches, 204-207

Challenger disaster example, 226, 253

client stakeholders, 63

cognitive maps, 92

Communication Systems projects, life cycle models, 67

competent performance level, 237-239

component requirements and design, 123

concept definition, 123

concept evaluation, 123

concept map, 234

concept of operations, 122

concept validation, 123

conception stage, project management life cycle, 52-53

concurrent decisions, 119

consequence table, 189-191

consumer stakeholders, 63

control gates, project management life cycle, 57-59

control structure definition and validation, 129

controlling stage, project management life cycle, 56-57

cost objectives, 170-171, 177

cost risk, 217-218

Cuban Missile Crisis example, 168-173


decide and implement, decision process, 16


definition, 5, 73

elements of, 74-75

instinctive versus cognitive, 71-72

decision alternatives

assessing, 16

brainstorming, 163-164

brainwriting, 164-165

Cuban Missile Crisis example, 168-173

definition, 154

functional analysis, 156-157

groupware, 165-166

identifying, 16

importance of, 74, 153-154

information, determining need for more, 167-168

Microsoft Windows NT example, 174-177

morphological analysis, 166-167

problem definition process, 154-155

searching for, 161-163

stakeholder analysis, 156

training, 256

value analysis, 158-161

decision analysis, 73

decision authority stakeholders, 62

decision context

Boeing supercomputer example, 3-5

definition, 3

project objectives, 2

decision frame

broad objectives, 145

contrast, 141

definition, 137

environment, 145

generic, 145-150

great success, 142-143

house building example, 142-145

importance of, 138-139

major failure, 143

metaphor, 140-145

modest failure, 143

modest success, 143

programmatic objectives, 146

resource constraints, 145

slogan, jargon, or catchphrase, 141

spin, 141

stakeholders, 145

story, myth, or legend, 140-141

supportability/life cycle objectives, 146

system/product objectives, 146

training, 255

uncertainties, 146

use cases, 145

decision framework, 113

decision levels, 116-117

decision maker, 5-6


aids, 103-104

approaches to, 89

cognitive maps, 92

doing first, 90-92, 102-103

history of, 87-89

importance of, 2

Iridium example, 97

literary views of, 76-78

Observe-Orient-Decide-Act loop, 93-97

Pepsi example, 98

poor quality, 1

processes for unstructured decisions, 90

qualitative versus quantitative, 103

seeing first, 90-92, 100-102

stakeholders, 104

strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats (SWOT) analysis, 97-98

thinking first, 90-97

three cornerstones of, 5-7

decision order, 119-120

decision perspective, 113-114

decision process

definition, 5

general framework, 14-17

importance of, 11-12

resolving decisions example, 12-13

unstructured versus structured, 13

decision quality

evaluating, 78-79

good versus bad outcomes, 83-86

meta-decision, 82

philosophy of good decision-making, 80-81

process versus outcome, 79

decision risk, 217

decision solution, 160

decision trees, 277-289

decision types, 117-118

define the problem, decision process, 15

Dell computer example, 29

Denver International Airport example, 7

design definition, 123

Design for Life Cycle approach, 65

developing plans, 251

development system

construction, 126, 131-132

decisions, 126-127

importance of, 118

doing first decision-making, 90-92, 102-103


errors, omission versus commission, 229

establish objectives, decision process, 15

evaluation, 131

even swaps, 192-193

Event projects, life cycle models, 67


Abrams tank, 29

Apple Macintosh computer, 31

BMW Z3, 155

Boeing supercomputer, 3-5

Challenger disaster, 251

Cuban Missile Crisis, 168-173

Dell computer, 29

Denver International Airport, 7

financial middleware software project, 220-221

Ford Taurus, 31

house building, 142-145

Hubble Space Telescope, 226-229

Internet, 29

Iridium, 97

Microsoft Office software, 29

Microsoft Windows NT, 174-177

Microsoft Windows software, 31

Pepsi, 98

Prospective Student Information System, 33-37

resolving decisions, 12-13

Sidewinder missile, 132-135, 147-150

Sigorsky, 63-64

Sydney Opera House, 32

University of Wisconsin, 38-39

Unmanned Aerial Vehicle, 29

U.S. Predator aircraft, 29

expertise, 237-240


Facilities projects, life cycle models, 67

failure, reasons for

Denver International Airport example, 7

Mars Climate Orbiter, 8

meeting project objectives, 8

project resolution types, 9-11

Segway personal transportation system, 7-8

software system projects, 9

FCS project, 40-42

feasibility analysis stage, project management life cycle, 53-54

financial middleware software project example, 220-221

Ford Taurus example, 31

function, definition, 156

functional analysis, 156-157

functional hierarchy, 157

fundamental objectives for decision, 170, 177

fundamental objectives hierarchy, 185-189


gather information and update the assessment, decision process, 16

groupware, 165-166


heuristics, 207-210, 256

Hubble Space Telescope example, 226-229


ideation process, 162

identify uncertainties, decision process, 16

implementation, fundamental issue of decision making, 210, 212

implementation risk, 217

implementation stage, project management life cycle, 55-56

implementing decisions

assessments, 108

control, 108

failure, avoiding, 105-106

feedback, 108

monitoring, 107-108

overview, 104

rules, 105


definition and validation, 129

determining need for more, 167-168

importance of, 129-131

Information Systems projects, life cycle models, 67

inputs, project management life cycle, 52

integration and qualification decisions, 118, 124

interdependency, 120-121

International Development projects, life cycle models, 67

Internet example, 29

investment, fundamental issue of decision making, 210-211


judgment, fundamental issue of decision making, 210, 212


key decisions, 121-122

key elements of decision, 182

knowledge, 75


life cycle. See also project management life cycle

models, 64-68

planning decisions, 118, 124-126

requirements, 117

Life Cycle Management approach, 65

linkages between decision problems, 254

location, 131

low probable risks, 217


maintenance decisions, 124

management structure, 117, 126, 127-129

managerial decision-making

categorization of project management decisions, 21-22

decision analysis, 28

definition, 20-21

failure, reasons for, 37-38

FCS project, 40-42

general project management decisions, 26-27

importance of, 19-20, 27-29

operational decisions, 25

project success, 23-24, 29-31

proper versus improper, 28-29

Prospective Student Information System example, 33-37

strategic decisions, 24

Sydney Opera House example, 32

tactical decisions, 25

University of Wisconsin example, 38-39

manufacturing, 124

market risk, 217

Mars Climate Orbiter (MCO), 1, 8

Media and Entertainment projects, life cycle models, 67

meta-decision, 82

Microsoft Office software example, 29

Microsoft Windows NT example, 174-177

Microsoft Windows software example, 31

Minneapolis I-35W bridge, 1

mission statement, 122

mitigation of risk, 217-218

mode, fundamental issue of decision making, 210-211

monitor, decision process, 16

morphological analysis, 166-167


National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), 1, 8

need, fundamental issue of decision making, 210-211

needs analysis, 117, 122

new technology used in design, 121


Observe-Orient-Decide-Act (OODA) loop, 93-97

one-time decision, 94

operational decisions, 25, 117, 124

options, fundamental issue of decision making, 210-211

organizational structure, 121, 131

organizing decisions, 116

overconfidence, 236, 242-243

overextremity, 242-243

overprediction, 242-243

owner stakeholders, 63


Pepsi example, 98

performance objectives, 170-171, 177

planning activity, 115

planning stage, project management life cycle, 54-55

possibilities, fundamental issue of decision making, 210, 212

probability judgments, 242-243

probability theory, 244

problem definition decisions, 119-120

problem definition process, 154-155

Product and Service Development projects, life cycle models, 67

product subsystem, 123

product system

analysis and concept design, 123

decisions, 122

design, 117

programmatic objectives, 170, 177

programmatic risk, 217-219

programmatic uncertainties, 171, 177

project definition decisions, 119-120, 127

project management decision structure

decision levels, 116-117

decision order, 119-120

decision types, 117-118

definition and design decisions, 122-124

development system construction, 131-132

development system decisions, 126-127

importance of, 114-116

integration and qualification decisions, 124

interdependency, 120-121

key decisions, 121-122

life-cycle planning decisions, 124-126

management structure, 127-129

product system decisions, 122

project definition, 127

project management planning, 129-131

project manager construction, 128

Sidewinder missile example, 132-135

stakeholder system, 128

team development, 129

project management decisions, 265-275

project management life cycle activation, 52

conception stage, 52-53

control gates, 57-59

controlling stage, 56-57

definition, 48-50

environmental factors, 62

feasibility analysis stage, 53-54

implementation stage, 55-56

importance of, 47-48

inputs, 52

planning stage, 54-55

risk, 59

stages, 50-51

stakeholder decisions, 60-64

termination stage, 57

project management planning, 126, 129-131

project manager, as decision maker, 6

project manager construction, 128

project objectives

appropriate versus inappropriate, 5

definition, 2

training, 254

project optimization, 251

project planning, 251

project success case studies, 259-263

project variances over life cycle, 231

pros and cons, 183-185

Prospective Student Information System example, 33-37

Pugh matrix, 191-192


qualitative approaches

consequence table, 189-191

even swaps, 192-193

fundamental objectives hierarchy, 185-189

pros and cons, 183-185

Pugh matrix, 191-192

qualitative value hierarchy, 158

quantitative approaches

biases, 207-210

cautions, 204-207

definition, 193

heuristics, 207-210

quantitative value model, 194-196

requirements for good decisions, 207-210

swing weights, 199-203

value functions, 196-199

quantitative value model, 194-196


random performance level, 237

recognition-primed decision (RPD), 100-102

requirements and architecture, 124

requirements definition, 123

requirements documents, 122

requirements for good decisions, 207-210

requirements gathering, 251

Research and Development projects, life cycle models, 67

resource definition and validation, 129

resource management, 251

resources, 131


addressing, 220

analysis, 224

communication, 226

continuing risk management, 232-233

decision, 217

definition, 216-217

financial middleware software project example, 220-221

Hubble Space Telescope example, 226-229

identification, 223

importance of, 216-217

profile, 224-225

project management, 218-219

project management life cycle, 59

risk management plan, 222, 230-232

training, 255

types, 217

understanding, 218

risk management

analysis, 223-224

definition, 220

financial middleware software project example, 220-221

identification, 223

plan, 222, 231-232

process, 131, 222

profile, 224-225

role definition, 131

RPD. See recognition-primed decision


satisficing, 71-72, 101

scenario analysis, 232

schedule objectives, 170-171, 177

schedule risk, 217-218

seeing first decision-making, 90-92, 100-102

Segway personal transportation system, 1, 7-8

sequence of decisions, 94, 119

setting. See decision context

Sidewinder missile example, 132-135, 147-150

Sigorsky example, 63-64

Software projects, life cycle models, 67

Sony Walkman example, 155

spiral life-cycle model, 65-67

stages, project management life cycle, 50-51

stakeholder analysis, 156

stakeholder decisions, project management life cycle, 60

stakeholder system, 128


definition, 60-61

roles, 64, 124, 156

types, 62-63

strategic decisions, 24, 117

strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats (SWOT) analysis, 97-98

success, reasons for, 6-7

support decisions, 124

supportability/life cycle objectives, 171, 177

supportability/life cycle uncertainties, 171, 177

swing weights, 199-203

SWOT. See strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats (SWOT) analysis

Sydney Opera House example, 32

system, definition, 61-62

system/product objectives, 171, 177

system/product uncertainties, 171, 177

system validation, 124


tactical decisions, 25, 117

team development, 129

technical risk, 217-218

termination stage, project management life cycle, 57

test definition, 123

test planning, 117, 123

time, 130

time sequence of skills and resources on hand, 121

tracking and reporting progress, 251

trade-offs, fundamental issue of decision making, 210, 212


decision analysis curriculum, 253-256

knowledge areas for project managers, 249-250

pitfalls, 252-253

project management, 131-132

traditional, 250-251

transition reviews. See control gates, project management life cycle



addressing, 235

concept map, 234

definition, 233

gathering information, 235-243

programmatic, 171, 177

training, 255

weighing options, 244-245

underextremity, 242-243

underprediction, 242-243

University of Wisconsin example, 38-39

Unmanned Aerial Vehicle example, 29

upgrade decisions, 124

U.S. Predator aircraft example, 29

user stakeholders, 63


validation, 131

validation definition, 123

validation tools, 121

value, fundamental issue of decision making, 210, 212

value analysis, 158-161

value functions, 196-199

value hierarchy, 158-159

value measure, 158

value measure range, 158

values, 74-75


waterfall life-cycle model, 65, 67

work breakdown structure, 251

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