

Abay-Krueger, T., 119

Accenture Institute for Strategic Change, 63, 69

ACI Worldwide, 68–69

Allen, D., 95

Allen, W., 114

Altimeter Group, 19

Altus, 62

American Society for Training & Development, 142–143

America’s Army, 132, 139, 142

Andrus, C., 104, 105, 106

Antunes, E., 113

Applied Cognitive Psychology, 160

Arcelor, 68

Armstrong, N., 72

avatars, 136–137


Baby Boomers, 14, 15

backchannel, 152–153

Bailenson, J., 138

Bancroft, J., 50

Bandura, A., 10

Beck, J., 63

Berger, P., 11

Berger, R., 82–83

Berkun, S., 159

Best Buy, 43, 153–154

Betts, B., 87

Beyond E-Learning (Rosenberg), 22

blogging, live, 158

blogs, 7

Blue Oxen Associates, 121

BlueShirt Nation, 43, 153–154

Booz Allen Hamilton, 42–43

Boyd, S., 8, 10

Brogan, C., 5

Brown, J. S., 131

Brown-Martin, G., 147–150, 156, 160

Burke, D., 103, 106, 108, 109, 112

Business Innovation Factory, 150


Capital One, 66–67

Castro, F., 117–118

Cathy, D., 97

Chambers, J., 60

Chevron, 125–128

CIA, 25

Intellipedia, 105–109

wikis, 104

World Intelligence Review (WIRe), 3, 28

Cisco, 88–89

Show and Share, 72

Telepresence, 59

Cognitive Arts, 89

Cohen, D., 38

collaboration. See intelligence, collaborative; living content

Comcast, 87

Communities of Practice (Wenger), 21


See also online communities examples of, 37–38

use of term, 35

Community Roundtable, 36

company secrets, protecting, 50–51

Compuserve, 7

Confessions of a Public Speaker (Berkun), 159

consumer outlook, 16

content mashups, 17–18

corporate knowledge, promoting, 74, 90

Crochet Answer Book (Eckman), 159

Cross, J., 21

Cross, R., 37

crowdsourcing, 87

Cubetree, 78

culture, cultivating company, 67


Davenport, T., 63

decision making, online communities and, 46

Defense Acquisition University (DAU), 133–134

deGast-Kennedy, K., 135–136

Delicious, 18

Deloitte LLP, 33–35, 69

Dennehy, S., 103–106, 108, 109

Derryberry, A., 139–140

Dewey, J., 10

Digg, 18

Digital Habits (Wenger), 21

Digital Immigration Office, 144

DimDim, 111

discussion boards, 7

Dorsey, J., 99

Driver, E., 130

D Street

Deloitte’s, 35

profiles, 36–37


Eckman, E., 159

Ehrsson, H., 138

e-learning, 9

E-Learning (Rosenberg), 21

Element K, 89

EMC, 92, 120

EMC|ONE, 37, 51–55


conversations/input, online communities and, 42–43

media sharing and value to, 64–65

microsharing used by new, 87–88

time spent online, management of, 49–50, 90

Engaging Learning: Designing e-Learning Simulation Games (Quinn), 132

Engelbart, D., 13, 111

Enterprise 2.0 software, 8


Facebook, 7, 33

feedback/updates, constant, 41–42, 89–90

Figallo, C., 45

Fitton, L., 44, 155

Flinsch, M., 77, 80–83

Foner, J., 151, 152, 153

Forrister, K., 95

Fowler, G., 3, 31

Fresh Air, 62

Friedman, T, L., 17

Frohling, K., 47


games, 132–133

gender differences, in the workplace, 15

generational differences, in the workplace, 14–15

Generation Net, 14, 15

Generation X, 14, 15

Generation Y, 14, 15

Generation Z, 14, 15

Gestalt LLC, 69–70

Getting Things Done (Allen), 95

Gillin, P., 156

Google Business Services, 72

Google Docs, 111

governance policies, 25–26

Grainger, 84

Groundswell (Li), 19


Hamilton, C., 137

Hamilton, T., 158

Hamlin, K., 161

Handheld Learning Conference, 147–150

Happe, R., 36, 154

Hart, J., 89

Hegenbart, G., 87, 43

Here Comes Everybody (Shirky), 42

Hodgins, W., 16

Home Depot, 87

Hosting Web Communities: Building Relationships, Increasing Customer Loyalty, and Maintaining a Competitive Edge (Figallo), 45

How to Knit (Eckman), 159

Hudson, K., 136

Humana, 47


IBM, 46, 93

Institute for Knowledge-Based Organizations, 37

Lotusphere, 158, 163

Lotus Quickr, 73

Pass It Along, 119

Second Life, 137, 144

social tools, 19

WebSphere Portal Server, 7

identity, establishing common, 68

immersive environments. See virtual immersive environments

informal learning, 9

Informal Learning (Cross), 21

information sharing, protecting classified, 25

In Good Company: How Social Capital Makes Organizations Work (Cohen and Prusak), 38

Institute for Knowledge-Based Organizations, 37

Intel, 18, 50

Intelpedia, 114

Learning Community of Practice, 114

PERL Programming Community, 115

Planet Blue, 115

Intelink, 106

intelligence, collaborative

See a lso living content

breaking with past, 116–119

criticisms of, 119–121

Intellipedia, 105–109

recommendations, 121–124

tools, 110–111

wiki, 104–109

Intellipedia, 105–109

breaking with past, 116–119

Intelpedia, 114

Intercontinental Hotel Group, 51

Israel, S., 93

Ives, B., 97


Jarche, H., 22

JetBlue, 87

Johnson, E., 40–41

just-in-time publishing, 156


Kahn, B., 37

Kaplan, S., 150

Kapp, K., 143–144

Kaliski, B., 53

Kelly, L., 49

Kim, E. E., 121

Koelling, G., 153–154

Kutcher, A., 78


Lawley, L., 155, 85


defined, 19–22

microsharing and, 87, 93

Learning in 3D (O’Driscoll and Kapp), 132, 143

LeGendre, F., 88

Lentz, M., 90–91

Levin, A., 110

Li, C., 19

Light, R. J., 39

Linden Lab, 144

LinkedIn, 33

living content

audience, broad versus specialized, 118–119

authorship, 117–118

breaking with past, 116–119

criticisms of, 119–121

habits, breaking, 119

recommendations, 121–124

relevancy, 115–116

socialness, 114–115

tools, 110,112

vibrancy, 113

Loftus, B., 70

L’Oréal, 139

Lotus Connections, 7

Loyalist College, 135–136

Luckman, T., 11


Mader, S., 121

management mashups, 18–19

management support, 48–49

Marathon Oil, 64–65

marketing, microsharing and, 92


content, 17–18

management, 18–19

role, 16–17

workgroup, 17

Mason, B., 155

Mayo Clinic, 25, 79–83, 92

McDermott, M., 115–116

measures, use of, 26

Merrifield, R., 41


criticism of, 96–99

defined, 77–78

information people need now, 93–95

Mayo Clinic example, 79–83

questions from you to others, 93

recommendations, 99–101

social networking, 83–85

updates, making, 85–95

updates about you to others, 91–93


Live Meeting, 59

Sharepoint, 7

Millennials, 14, 15

Miller, J., 144

Minks, G., 92

Miro, C., 92

Mitchell, O., 152, 154

Mittal, 68

Moffett, J., 69–70

Mohan, M., 89

multiplayer online games, 132–133

Murray, M., 43

Myers, P., 62


Naked Conversations (Israel), 93

NASA, 72

Spacebook, 113

Navy Training Exercise, 139

Net Generation, 14, 15

Network Roundtable, 37

new social learning. See social learning

Nexus, 133–134

NIIT, 89


Blog Hub, 65

Jazz Café, 65–66

News Hub, 65

Video Hub, 66

North Fork Bank, 66


Obama, B., 78

O’Driscoll, T., 132

Oehlert, M., 136–137, 144

Office of Strategic Services, 117

Olbrish, K., 129–130, 131

OneForty, 44, 101, 155

online communities

benefits of, 37–47

capabilities, 35–37

company secrets, protecting, 50–51

constant feedback/updates, 41–42

criticism of, 48–51

decision making, 46

defined, 35

employee conversations/input, 42–43

lurkers, 51

management of employee time spent online, 49–50

management support, 48

recommendations, 51–55

SabreTown example,40–41

self-discovery, 43–44

trust, establishment of, 44–45

online search, 9

Open Leadership (Li), 19

Oracle’s Beehive, 7


Palmisano, S., 141

Pappas, J., 37, 51–55

Pass It Along, 119

Petkova, V., 138

Pfizer, 46

physical boundaries, elimination of, 64–65

Piaget, J., 10

Picciano, B., 18–19, 93

Piskorski, M. J., 40

Plato bulletin board system, 7

Pogue, D., 86–87

Pontefract, D., 58–60

Proteus effect, 138

Prusak, L., 38


Quinn, C., 132


Rasmussen, C., 25

real-time presentations

backchannel, 152–153

blogging, live, 158

connections, 155

contributions, 155

criticism of social media with, 159–160

evaluation, 156

focus, 154

Handheld Learning Conference example, 147–150

innovation, 154–55

just-in-time publishing, 156–157

participation, 153–154

recommendations, 160–163

speakers and audience relationships, 151–156

Tweetbooks, 157–158

video blogging, live, 158

websites, 157

recruiting, 69–70

Reddit, 18

Reeves, B., 140

Regan, M., 139

Renner, K., 125–128, 69

Rethink (Merrifield), 41

Rheingold, H., 22

Robbins, S., 138

role mashups, 16–17

Romeo, P., 33, 34

Rosenberg, M., 21–22

Rossett, A., 24–25

Rypple, 90


Sabre Holdings, 40

SabreTown, 40–41

San Diego Metro Transit System, 93

SAP Netweaver Portal and Collaboration, 7

Schreck, G., 144

Scoble, R., 152

Second Life, 128–129, 137, 144

Second Life for Dummies (Robbins), 138

Secrets of Social Media Marketing and the New Influencers (Gillin), 155

self-discovery, 43–44

Sharepoint ECM, 72

Shareski, D., 154

sharing, culture of, 19

Shirky, C., 7, 42

Silvers, A., 84–85

Simple Sabotage Field Manual,117

simulations, 132–133

Situated Learning (Wenger), 21

Slideshare, 17

SmartMobs (Rheingold), 22

Smith, A., 93

snowflake effect, 16

Socialcast, 7, 78, 86

social construction of reality, 11

social constructivism, 10, 11

social learning

criticism to, 22–26

defined, 6–8

example of, 3–4

theory, 10–11

what it is not, 9

social media

compelling nature of, 63–64

defined, 6

sharing, criticism to, 70–72

sharing, recommendations, 72–75

sharing, value of, 64–70

Social Media 101 (Brogan), 5

social network, defined, 35

Socialtext Signals, 7, 78, 86, 110

social tools

examples of, 7–8

inappropriate use of, 23–24

use of term, 8

Society for New Communication Research, 48

Solis, B., 91

Southwest Airlines, 92

Spacebook, 113

Spencer, R., 46

Stone, T., 89

Suarez, L., 18–19

Sullivan, J., 117

Synapse 3Di, 144


tagging, 124

Tandem Learning, 137


customized, 16–19

learning new, 46–47

telepresence, 129

TELUS, 57–60

Thomas, D., 131

Thompson, C., 42

Thornton, P., 42

Toffler, A., 16

training, 24–25

difference between social learning and, 26–27

Travelocity, 40

Treverton, G., 108

“Tribalization of Business,” 48

T. Rowe Price Group, 115–116

trust, establishment of, 44–45

Trust Agents (Brogan), 5

Turner, E., 82–83

Tweetbooks, 157

Twellow, 91

Twitter, 7

examples of using, 78, 84–86, 89–99

lingo, 94

online directory for, 101

signing up and starting, 99–101

tutorials, 99

Twitter for Dummies (Fitton), 44

Twitterville (Israel), 93


Uhl, T., 157–158

University of Maryland, Center for

Advanced Transportation Technology Laboratory, 140

Usenet, 7


Vander Wal, T., 59

Veen, J., 155


criticism to, 70–72

live blogging, 158

promoting best examples, 73

recommendations, 72–75

sharing, value of, 64–70

TELUS use of, 57–60

value of, 61–62

Vimeo, 62

virtual immersive environments

avatars, 136–137

benefits of, 134–136

Chevron example, 125–128

criticism of, 141–143

defined, 129–130

games, 132

Nexus, 134

recommendations, 143–145

simulations, 132–133

virtual worlds, 130–132

virtual worlds, 130–132


Wagner, E., 24

Walton, J., 52

webcasts, 59

Weber Shandwick, 153

Web 2.0 tools, 8

Well, The, 7

Wellpoint, 87

Wells Fargo, 25, 47

Wenger, E., 21

“Wiki and the Blog: Toward a Complex Adaptive Intelligence Community, The” (Andrus), 104, 106

Wikipatterns (Mader), 121

Wikipedia, 103–104

wikis, 7

examples of, 103–109

Wilkins, D., 85

Williams, D., 35

Wilson, J., 112

Wired (Thompson), 42

Wood, C., 35

workforce trends

changing demographics and expectations, 13–16

customized technology, 16–19

generational differences, 14–15

personal connection, growth of, 12–13

workgroup mashups, 17

Work Smarter (Cross), 21

World Intelligence Review (WIRe), 3, 28–31


Yammer, 78, 85

Yee, N., 138

Yngve, V., 152

YouTube, 7, 62

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