Preparing your opening speech

When you start the interview properly, to make sure your candidate feels at ease, prepare a 2-3 minute speech in the following format:

  1. Welcome the candidate
  2. Explain the purpose of the job
  3. Describe how the vacancy came about
  4. Tell them what your team is set up to do
  5. Give some background about the organization



In an interview, the candidate should be talking 80-90 percent of the time. So make sure you stick to 2-3 minutes!

Spend time writing out your speech (don't just do it in your head!) and practice it until you are word perfect. Practice saying it out loud; we speak faster in our heads.

Edit your speech mercilessly to give a taut, steady, but cheerful tone. I use the so what test. If it isn't immediately obvious what a word or phrase adds to the message, then edit it out. Aim to cut 20-30 percent of the words to leave plenty of space and a steady delivery. You don't want to rush the delivery.

Check the content of your speech with HR. You must avoid any declared bias that could be illegal. Your introductory speech could legally be part of the job offer. So, don't say my team will expand and everyone will get a promotion and a raise. Instead, say that you expect there may be promotion opportunities if things work out as you expect.

Test your speech on your friends and work colleagues. Ask them if it is accurate and has a friendly and welcoming tone.

You are now ready to begin understanding the structure of the interview.

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