Addition by Addition

Jeff took a detour on his way home from work, a twenty-­minute drive that would take him by the hospital and the new site for the hotel. As the magnitude of the projects started to weigh on him, Jeff dialed Bobby's number.

“What's up, boss?” Bobby's voice came through clearly on the car's speakers.

“There's no way we can do this.” Jeff was calm but confident.

“What do you mean?”

“I mean the hospital and the hotel.”

“Sure we can do it. We're good at it.”

“No, I don't mean the building part. I'm talking about us. You and me and Clare. We're going to need help. Imagine when these projects start heating up. We won't have time to think. We'd be challenged by the hospital alone.”

The line was silent.

“Are you there? Did I drop you?”

“I'm here,” he said. “I'm just thinking.”

A few more seconds of silence.

Finally, Bobby weighed in. “You're right. I've had the same thoughts myself. But every time I think about bringing someone else into our group, I decide that it would be too risky. Too much trouble.”

“Explain that.”

“Well, Clare and I work like siblings. That's a given. Heck, we haven't even gotten used to you yet. Frankly, there's still a chance that you'll turn out to be a jackass.”

Jeff laughed. “So, you're worried that we'll bring in the wrong person.”

“Yeah,” he hesitated. “Okay, I know this is going to sound stupid, but I just want it to be fun. I don't want to come into work and have to deal with someone I don't like to be around.”

“I get that.” Jeff thought about it. “But here's the thing. We're not going to like being around each other if we don't get more help.”

“I know. I know. I'm in denial.”

“So what are we going to do about it?” Jeff decided to let Bobby come up with a suggestion.

“We're going to tell Clare to find us the world's best, cheapest, and easiest-to-get-along-with person.”

“Yeah, and before Wednesday,” Jeff added.

“How about Tuesday?”

They laughed and agreed to talk about it after the weekend.

Jeff wouldn't wait that long.

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