
Sitting down for lunch at an upscale BBQ restaurant near the Napa River, Bob got right to the point.

“Here's the deal. I am ridiculously happy that I hired you. You've already been a blessing to me and the company.”

Jeff felt as gratified by this feedback as any he had heard in his career, probably because it came from a family member. But he could tell his uncle had more to say.

“In fact, I'm not going to wait a year to put you in charge. We're going to do it right away.”

Caught completely off guard by the announcement, Jeff pushed back. “Whoa. I don't think we should get ahead of—”

Smiling, Bob waved his hand and interrupted. “Don't start telling me you're not ready, because I already know that.”

Jeff was confused.

“I don't want you to be ready, Jeff. I want you to be excited. And a little nervous. That's good for you.”

Something about his uncle seemed off to Jeff. “Well, I think I'll be plenty excited and nervous in six months. Why don't we just—”

“Because we can't,” Bob interrupted again, this time in a much more serious tone. He paused and struggled to get out the next sentence. “Jeff, my doctor says I have a serious heart condition. The kind you don't recover from. I don't understand half the words the doctor uses. Something about ischemia and angina. All I know is that he says I need surgery and that my life needs to change. Immediately.”

Just then the waitress shattered the moment when she came over to take their orders. Recovering himself immediately, Bob promptly ordered a salad with no dressing and a glass of water. Then he teased Jeff.

“But if you don't get the ribs, I'm going to kick your ass right here.”

Jeff laughed, and ordered the ribs. As the waitress walked away, he asked Bob the big question: “Are you going to be okay?”

“If surgery goes well and I do what the doctor tells me, I should be fine. But it's going to be hard for me. Which is why I have to step away from the business.” Bob paused. “I can't believe I just said that. I think I'm still in shock that I won't be there next week. But I have to leave, because I'm not good at doing things halfway.”

“When is your surgery?”

“A week from tomorrow, unless something changes and they can get me in sooner.”

Jeff was stunned.

Though he was showing his trademark confidence and humor, Bob was clearly taking all of this very seriously.

“Honestly, Jeff, I don't know what we'd do if we hadn't hired you.”

Jeff nodded, glad for the confidence but not loving the context of it all. That context was about to get much worse.

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