The role of repositories in the future of the journal

Sarah L. Shreeves


The report of the UK Working Group on Expanding Access to Published Research Findings, chaired by Dame Janet Finch, entitled Accessibility, Sustainability, Excellence: How to Expand Access to Research Publications, helped to crystallize a long-simmering debate within the open access (OA) community: should the focus for OA advocates be ‘green’ OA – that is, the use of repositories to make research published through traditional subscription-based venues openly available – or should it be ‘gold’ OA – that is, through publication within venues that are themselves open access? This chapter argues that this has never truly been an either/or proposition, and that this debate often ignores or minimizes the wide variety of roles – direct and indirect – that repositories play within the larger scholarly publishing ecosystem. Research data, funder and institutional mandates for open access to published research via repositories, and the growing role of library as publisher, are all evidence that the repository – whether institutional or disciplinary or format driven – will continue to play a role within the larger scholarly publishing environment.

Key words

open access

institutional repository

disciplinary repository

research data management

library publishing

funder mandates

In June 2012, the UK Working Group on Expanding Access to Published Research Findings, chaired by Dame Janet Finch, published its report, Accessibility, Sustainability, Excellence: How to Expand Access to Research Publications, which recommended, among other things, that the UK move towards a set of policies that would require open access to government-funded research results, specifically through publication in open access (OA) journals, so-called ‘gold OA’. In July 2012, the UK Government accepted the recommendations of the Finch Group’s report (though enquiries into the details of implementation are ongoing at the time of writing this chapter) (United Kingdom Department of Business, Innovation and Skills, 2012).

Both the report and the UK Government’s reaction prompted a storm of commentary and consternation from various corners of academia including advocates of the use of repositories to provide open access to the published literature.1 The reason for their consternation? While the Finch Report does call for strengthening institutional and disciplinary repositories, it is clear that the Working Group sees the role of repositories as complementary to the publishing enterprise and sees their value primarily in providing access and preservation to research data and grey literature, rather than open access to the published literature. The Finch Report notes that repositories, outside of a handful of disciplinary repositories, have been under-utilized for this purpose and that ‘it is unlikely that either institutional or subject-based repositories could by themselves provide a satisfactory model for a research communications system that involves the effective publication and dissemination of quality-assured research findings’ (The Finch Report, 2012: 95; emphasis in the original).

The Finch Report and the subsequent turmoil crystallized a long-simmering debate within the OA community: should the focus for OA advocates be ‘green’ OA – that is, the use of repositories to make research published through traditional subscription-based venues openly available – or should it be ‘gold’ OA – that is, through publication within venues that are themselves OA? Of course, this has never truly been an either/or proposition (though one might be forgiven for not knowing that given the rhetoric of some in the OA community), and this debate often ignores or minimizes the wide variety of roles – direct and indirect – that repositories play within the larger scholarly publishing ecosystem.

Readers of the first edition of The Future of the Academic Journal will know that I previously entitled my chapter ‘Cannot predict now’ – a reference to the answer given by Mattel’s Magic 8 Ball® when asked a yes or no question (Shreeves, 2009). I venture now, some four years later, to give a more positive prediction, though perhaps not in the ways in which I had initially envisioned. Data publication was (literally) just a footnote in the last edition. Institutional mandates for OA (requiring the use of institutional repositories) had just been established at Harvard’s Faculty of Arts and Sciences, and had not yet spread to over 150 institutions worldwide (as recorded by the Registry of Open Access Repositories Mandatory Archiving Policies [ROARMAP] at http://roarmap.eprints.org/). Repositories were primarily institutional or disciplinary. All of this has changed dramatically and substantively.

As I did in the last edition, I make the disclaimer here that I manage an institutional repository and thus have certain prejudices and hopes. I have tried to minimize these in the presentation of this discussion.

The current repository landscape

As described in the first edition, a repository is, at its core, a ‘digital assets management system of some kind or a network of systems that allows for the deposit and subsequent distribution of digital files over the Internet’ (ibid.: 198). But beyond this very basic description, repositories vary wildly in terms of content, access, management, communities and purpose; though, for the purposes of this discussion, I will be limiting my description of the landscape to those repositories that have some relationship to scholarly publishing and communications.

Conventional repositories have focused on content, often in the form of scholarly papers, generated by researchers either within a specific institution or set of institutions (institutional repositories) or for specific disciplines (disciplinary repositories). The OpenDOAR directory (http://www.opendoar.org/) lists over 2200 institutional and disciplinary repositories. But the landscape is much more diverse than even four years ago. Repositories focused on content, such as those for data, code, even scientific protocols, are now more common; these are sometimes quite closely linked to publishers. There are also services such as Mendeley and Academia.edu, whose primary focus may not be their repository role but who do allow researchers to upload their research and share it (often just to specific groups). These changes have made it more difficult to define and count what a repository is. While OpenDOAR and the Registry of Open Access Registries (ROAR; see http://roar.eprints.org/) can both be used to explore numbers and characteristics of conventional repositories worldwide, they do not list all repositories, particularly those that may not explicitly describe themselves as such.

Content within repositories can include: some version of published journal articles, book chapters and books; conference papers and posters; theses and dissertations; video and audio files of talks and lectures; original undergraduate research; technical reports, white papers, and other forms of grey literature; research data in all formats; and code, scripts and software. The repository, IDEALS (http://www.ideals.illinois.edu/), for which I am responsible at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, contains examples of all of these. For many institutional and disciplinary repositories, the major focus continues to be document-like objects, whether those are grey literature, theses and dissertations, or published literature. There is generally no peer or editorial review of the material deposited in the repository; for an institutional repository, the author’s affiliation combined with a repository’s collection policy is usually sufficient for accepting a deposit. Disciplinary repositories have a variety of methods to vet deposits – arXiv, for example, may require that a potential depositor be endorsed by a current contributor (see http://arxiv.org/help/endorsement). More repositories are beginning to include means for commenting or otherwise interacting with a contribution, as well as measures of impact; for example, figshare (http://www.figshare.com/), a repository that allows researchers to share and make available material supplementary to an article, allows comments, ‘shares’ via Twitter and other social tools, and downloads.

Most repositories provide open access to the majority of the content within them; where there are restrictions they are often in the form of limited embargoes or restrictions to a specific community (for example, the campus in the case of an institutional repository). Generally, the descriptive information, or metadata, is openly available for indexing via general and specialized search engines such as Google or Google Scholar; some are also open for harvesting via protocols such as the Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting (OAI-PMH) or via specific application programming interfaces (APIs). While the content and metadata may be openly available, for the most part, most content in repositories – particularly within institutional and disciplinary repositories – is not free from restrictions on use; in most cases, the authors or publishers still exert full copyright protections over the content. This is less true in some of the more specialized repositories, particularly those connected to the Open Science movement, defined by Peter Suber as ‘combining OA texts, open data, and open-source software and providing these sorts of openness at every stage of a research project, not just at the end in reporting results’ (Suber, 2012: xi); these repositories often use Creative Commons licences (http://www.creativecommons.org/) in order to explicitly allow reuse of code, data and research outputs.

Repositories also have varying commitments to the long-term preservation of the content within them. In their 2011 study of 72 research libraries with institutional repositories, Li and Banach found that 97.4 per cent included preservation within the mission of the repository, although how well preservation activities are actually integrated into the repository has been questioned (Li and Banach, 2011; Rieh et al., 2008). In some well-established disciplinary and content repositories such as arXiv (http://arxiv.org/) or ICPSR (http://www.icpsr.umich.edu/) there is an explicit commitment to perpetual, persistent access to the materials deposited, but this can be more difficult to assess in others where the primary focus is access and networking between researchers. As repositories take on roles of providing access to supplementary materials to journal articles (such as data or code), the lack of attention and clarity concerning preservation strategies and infrastructure becomes of increasing concern.

Repositories and open access to the published literature

Most of the debate about repositories and their relationship to scholarly publishing has occurred within the sphere of the repository’s role in providing open access to the published literature. OA via self-archiving (i.e., ‘green’ OA) relies on repositories for the infrastructure to provide this access (though a similar result can be achieved simply by posting papers on a website) (Harnad et al., 2004). The research is (or may be) published through traditional means, but the author retains the right to make some version of that research available online. Generally, the version that may be made available is either the pre-print or the post-print. The pre-print can be defined as the version prior to submission or as submitted for publication, but not yet reviewed, edited and/or published; this would be the Author’s Original or Submitted Manuscript under Review under the definitions recommended by the National Information Standards Organization (NISO). The post-print is generally either the author’s final manuscript version (post peer review but before final formatting and editing) or the published version (with the formatting, pagination, and headers and footers of the journal); this would be the Accepted Version or the Version of Record under the NISO recommendations (NISO, 2008). As of January 2013, according to the SHERPA/RoMEO directory of publisher policies on self-archiving (http://www.sherpa.ac.uk/romeo/), some 68 per cent of the 1196 publishers included allow some version of an article to be self-archived; 60 per cent allow the Accepted Version to be deposited, and 25 per cent allow the Version of Record to be deposited. These numbers include very large publishers (such as Elsevier) and small publishers, university presses and scholarly societies of all sizes.

While these numbers may appear to be good news for repositories focused on open access to the published literature, a number of factors complicate the reality. Publishers’ policies, while technically allowing self-archiving, can include any number of conditions, such as embargoes and restrictions on the type of repository into which an author can deposit. Authors must understand these policies and, in some cases, negotiate for more specific rights to make their work openly available. Authors must be comfortable, in most cases, making available a version of the research which is not the Version of Record. Authors must be motivated to undertake the work of deposit in the first place. For many disciplines, OA is not an expectation, and early sharing of research is not common nor accepted outside of traditional conference venues. These factors are not trivial impediments; current estimates are that only between 11 and 15 per cent of total research output is freely self-archived (Björk et al., 2010; Suber, 2012: 58). Disciplines in which open sharing of research before publication is common (such as high energy physics and economics) may see a much higher percentage of deposit, but these appear to be the exception to the rule. This is despite some evidence that researchers support the principles of OA to academic research (Repository Support Project, 2011). Whatever the reason for low deposit rates – lack of direct incentives, difficulty in determining rights issues, little awareness of repositories – it seems clear that even with directed and concerted outreach most repositories are unlikely to affect the scholarly publishing system any time soon.

But what if researchers were required by their institutions or funders to make their research openly available? In early 2008, Harvard University’s Faculty of Arts and Sciences (FAS) voted unanimously to do just this; the faculty gave the university the rights to make their published articles available in Harvard’s institutional repository, DASH (http://dash.harvard.edu/). (For the text of the resolution see http://osc.hul.harvard.edu/hfaspolicy.) According to ROARMAP some 138 institutions and academic departments and colleges worldwide of all sizes and types have established such policies since 2008, including Duke University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Oberlin College, the University of Kansas, the National Institute of Oceanography, Queensland University of Technology, Trinity College Dublin and the World Bank. In the majority of cases, particularly those within academic institutions, these policies have been driven by the faculty themselves and are passed by faculty senates; this is of particular importance as the impetus for change is not driven by the library (although certainly the library may be the instigator) but by the producers, editors and peer reviewers of the research.

Typically, these policies (which usually grant the institution non-exclusive, joint copyright in a work) allow an author to opt out if a publisher will not allow self-archiving and they do not specify where a researcher must publish. Indeed, a proposed OA resolution (not a policy, that is, non-binding) at the University of Maryland failed in part because it specifically encouraged faculty to publish in OA journals where practicable (Hackman, 2009). Institutions with OA policies provide support through the provision of addendums for publishers’ copyright transfer agreements, the harvesting of content directly from publisher sites (where possible), and negotiation with publishers to mitigate the need for the institution’s authors to negotiate to retain rights (Duranceau and Kriegsman, 2013). MIT, for example, has negotiated with Springer to allow articles by MIT-affiliated authors to be ‘archived and/or deposited in any repository, or used for any scholarly or educational purposes’.2

Data on the overall impact of these policies is not readily available; many institutions are still in the process of implementing these. Harvard’s FAS and MIT report that only 5 per cent and 4 per cent respectively of the articles have had an opt-out waiver issued (ibid.: 92). According to a press release from the MIT News Office, roughly 33 per cent of the approximately 7000 articles published by MIT faculty since 2009 have been made openly available in DSpace@MIT.3 Publishers have reacted in a variety of ways; MIT publicly tracks publisher co-operation with their OA policy and most publishers listed do co-operate, with the exception of some of the largest publishers such as Elsevier, Wiley and the American Chemical Society.4 Elsevier explicitly requires authors to opt out of any mandatory policies, despite allowing the deposit of the Accepted Version. Elsevier’s copyright policy reads that:

… deposit in, or posting to, subject-oriented or centralized repositories (such as PubMed Central), or institutional repositories with systematic posting mandates is permitted only under specific agreements between Elsevier and the repository, agency or institution, and only consistent with the publisher’s policies concerning such repositories. Voluntary posting of AAMs [Accepted Author Manuscript] in the arXiv subject repository is permitted.5

The reasoning behind this policy is that institutional OA policies represent the systematic distribution of the research, while voluntary deposit does not (one would guess because voluntary deposit is largely so uneven).

Despite the deliberate lack of co-operation by some publishers, many OA advocates have seized on the development of institutional OA policies as key to the future for ‘green’ OA. However, the rate of adoption does appear to be slowing. According to ROARMAP, since a peak in 2009 when more than 50 institutional policies were passed, in 2010 the number had dropped to approximately 30; 2011 and 2012 both saw fewer – between 20 and 30. This may be due to the difficulty in getting such policies passed through faculty senates, to interest in understanding the impact of such policies better, or because more attention has been focused on ‘gold’ OA.

An arguably more powerful driver of ‘green’ OA is funders. Funders have shown interest in OA in order to increase the impact of the funded research and, in the case of government-sponsored research, in order to allow the public access to research funded through tax monies. In late 2005, the Wellcome Trust, the largest private funder of medical research in the UK, required that its grantees make published research openly available through PubMed Central. Since then 56 funders worldwide, both public and private, have instituted similar requirements for their grantees (see ROARMAP http://roarmap.eprints.org/). Perhaps the largest of these has been the US National Institutes of Health (NIH) which instituted a public access policy in 2008 that requires published articles to be made openly available in PubMed Central a year after publication.

It is these funder mandates, particularly from government entities, that have attracted the most attention from publishers, researchers, politicians and the public. In the US, legislation that would expand the NIH policy to all federal agencies expending funds above a certain threshold (the Federal Research Public Access Act, or FRPAA) has been introduced several times in the House and the Senate since 2006, most recently in February 2012 (H.R. 4004 and S. 2096), but it has not yet seen success. New legislation that differs slightly from FRPAA was introduced into both the House and Senate in February 2013; in addition to open access to federally funded research, the Fair Access to Science and Technology Research Act (FASTR) (H.R. 708 and S. 350) would require that the research be in a form that is easily accessible for computational analysis, and that agencies consider requiring licensing terms that would allow reuse of research with attribution.

The FASTR Act comes on the heels of a very active year in terms of OA initiatives. In November 2011, the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy issued two public requests for information (RFI): one on Public Access to Peer-Reviewed Scholarly Publications Resulting From Federally Funded Research and the other on Public Access to Digital Data Resulting From Federally Funded Scientific Research.6 Three hundred and seventy-eight comments were submitted for the RFI on public access to publications, and 118 on the RFI on public access to data.7 In December 2011, the Research Works Act (H.R. 3699), legislation that would roll back the NIH policy and prohibit federal agencies from enacting such policies, was introduced in the US House by Representatives Darrell Issa (R-CA) and Carolyn Maloney (D-NY), and it had the support of the American Association of Publishers (AAP). This legislation met with a storm of protest from researchers, libraries, societies (including the Modern Language Association and the American Physical Society) and some publishers (including MIT Press, Nature Publishing Group and the American Association for the Advancement of Science [AAAS]) (Howard, 2012a). Opponents noted that both sponsors had received campaign contributions from Elsevier (Taylor, 2012). A website, The Cost of Knowledge (http://thecostofknowledge.com/), was established by Sir Timothy Gowers from Cambridge University in late January 2012 to protest against Elsevier’s business practices, against high prices for journals, and to provide support for acts such as the Research Works Act (as well as the Stop Online Piracy Act [SOPA] and the PROTECT IP Act [PIPA]); on this site, academics could pledge to not publish, edit or peer-review journals published by Elsevier. This garnered immediate support from academics, with over 7000 signatories by late February (Howard, 2012b). At this point, Elsevier explicitly withdrew its support for the Act, and the two sponsors stated that they would not pursue it. In May 2012, a petition to the White House to require free access over the Internet to scientific journal articles arising from taxpayer-funded research was begun;8 by February 2013 it had reached over 65,700 signatures.On 22 February 2013, the Office of Science and Technology Policy of the White House issued a memorandum directing federal agencies who expend over US$100 million in research and development to develop plans to implement OA policies for peer-reviewed journal articles, as well as management and sharing policies for research data.9 As of February 2014, these plans have not been released to the public.

So where do repositories fit into all of this? According to an analysis of OA policies from 48 funders conducted by SPARC Europe, in most cases funders mandate that researchers make their research openly available via repositories rather than the ‘gold’ route – publishing in an OA journal or utilizing the so-called hybrid model of publishing an OA article within a subscription-based journal.10 Of all funders, it is only Research Councils UK (RCUK), under the recommendations of the Finch Report, that would require OA via the ‘gold’ route and that would not consider direct deposit in an OA repository sufficient (although a journal that deposits research into an OA repository would meet the requirements). Funding for article processing charges (APCs), utilized by many OA journals and hybrid models, would come out of the RCUK budget, and there is an explicit expectation that institutions of higher education and research would set aside funds for APCs.11 The dismay of many OA advocates at the Finch Report and the RCUK policy was based primarily on three factors: 1) they dismiss the infrastructure already in place for OA, a well-established network of institutional repositories, built over the last ten years; 2) they focus too much on assuaging publisher fears of OA via the ‘green’ model, and, thus, present a much more expensive model for OA; and 3) they are out of step with the majority of funder policies worldwide (SPARC Europe, 2012). The fears mentioned in the second point essentially centre on whether subscription rates to journals would fall (via libraries cancelling) by providing open access to published research via repositories (even if just the Accepted Version), forcing publishers to shut down journals or shift business models. There is little evidence to date either to prove or disprove this fear, although often the example of physics and the arXiv repository is used (as I did in the previous edition of this book) to illustrate that active ‘green’ OA can exist alongside subscription-based journals (Shreeves, 2009). While it is unclear whether the physics example can be generalized, the publishing industry itself provided some evidence that it is unlikely that libraries will cancel journals because of the availability of articles via OA repositories. In 2006, a survey commissioned by the Association of Learned and Professional Society Publishers (ALPSP) found that librarians were more likely to consider faculty needs, usage and price rather than OA when considering journal cancellations (Ware, 2006). With the introduction of the FASTR Act in the US which favours the use of repositories as well as the White House memorandum, this debate on how OA should be enacted is likely to continue for some time.

Further impact of repositories

Beyond repositories and OA, two additional areas should be mentioned when considering the impact of repositories on the future of academic journals. The first is that repositories have enabled the growth of infrastructure and expertise for publishing within libraries and other institutions. The second is the role that repositories are beginning to play vis-à-vis research data.

Infrastructure and capacity for publishing

Repositories have enabled libraries in particular to develop and expand their expertise in the area of advising authors on copyright and publishing issues; for many libraries, it is expected that the liaison or subject librarians will be able to speak on these issues with their faculty (Radom et al., 2012: 14). It would appear that the lone repository manager so aptly described by Salo is slowly disappearing (Salo, 2008). In addition, repositories have allowed libraries to develop an extensible, stable infrastructure for access, preservation and publishing of digital content. This combination of expertise and infrastructure has meant that more libraries are experimenting with providing publishing services either out of the repository or using an aligned software product. In a 2012 survey of major research libraries, 75 per cent offered consultation support for faculty on scholarly communication issues such as retention of rights when publishing, 75 per cent offered repositories to host and preserve digital content, and 68 per cent offered ‘digital scholarship’ support, meaning both publishing and the use of new technologies to create rich online scholarship (Radom et al., 2012). A white paper from the National Institute for Technology in Liberal Education (NITLE) notes that the majority of its members (which are, for the most part, liberal arts institutions) have digital repositories in place (Alexander, 2011: 21). The infrastructure required to support publishing is expanding. The Hathi Trust, a partnership of more than 60 academic and research libraries, which preserves and provides access to over 10 million digitized volumes is currently developing the tools and infrastructure to support journal publishing directly through the Hathi Trust Digital Library.12 Bepress, in addition to providing Digital Commons (a commercial repository software), also provides software that allows libraries to support journal (and monograph) publishing; their website lists over 550 journal titles published by their customers (http://www.bepress.com/). The Open Journal System (OJS) software package can push journal content directly into a repository for preservation services. Libraries and librarians are also forming communities of practice around library publishing. In 2011, The Humanities and Technology Camp (THATCamp) was held in Baltimore and focused on libraries and publishing. Out of that day-long non-conference, a listserv was formed and remains active.13 A group blog focused on library publishing was announced in 2013.14 Also in 2013, the Library Publishing Coalition, made up of more than 50 academic libraries, was formed in order to provide a space for the development of best practices, training and research into library publishing.15 Clearly, library publishing is expanding; and while it is too soon to say what the impact might be on the publishing system as a whole, it certainly expands the options that researchers have both in terms of outlets for publishing and starting a journal.

Data and repositories

In January 2011 the US National Science Foundation (NSF) established a requirement that all grant proposals must include a data management plan.16 Other funding agencies followed suit, including the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) Office of Digital Humanities, the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). There are similar requirements from funders in other countries as well, including RCUK.17 Although the details of data management plans might differ between funders (and within the NSF even among the directorates and divisions), the basic elements generally include information about what data will be produced, how it will be stored and described, rights issues, and how it will be shared with other researchers. While most plans do not explicitly require that data be made openly available or published, it is expected that data can be accessed by other researchers by some means.

While some research institutions and libraries were certainly working on research data curation and management prior to January 2011, the NSF requirement prompted much wider awareness and activity around these issues. Institutions now have to support infrastructure in order for their researchers to manage data in accordance with their plans. Well-established repositories serving specific disciplines – such as the Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR) for social science research, or GenBank for DNA sequences – partially serve the publishing and access role, but for many disciplines there exists no such repository. Institutions are leveraging already existing institutional repositories, or are building new infrastructures that better support the specific requirements of research data.

The specific issue of providing access to data through a repository or through publication is quite complicated. There are questions about what version of the data should be shared. Raw? Cleaned? Processed? Analysed? For many disciplines, privacy and confidentiality issues loom large, and the effort required to anonymize and clean data sets can be resource-intensive. Even when data sets are anonymized, there is the question of whether personally identifiable information could be made available through the aggregation of multiple data sets. Standard descriptions of research data are incredibly uneven, and highly dependent on whether a discipline expects data sets to be shared and published. For example, the International Union of Crystallography (IUC) requires its authors to submit a Crystallographic Information File (CIF) if describing a crystal structure.18 Research data also comes with perhaps a more complicated set of rights issues than traditional research and scholarship products; although factual data is not copyrightable, most institutions in the US do claim ownership of research data developed through federal funding in a way that they do not over traditional academic work. Researchers and research institutions working with private and commercial entities may enter into contracts that prevent the sharing and publication of data.

All of these complications have meant that, in general, journal publishers have been slow to take on the actual publishing and sharing of research data sets beyond what they have traditionally done in the form of graphs, charts and figures. A broad coalition of libraries, research institutions and national organizations – and, notably, not publishers – has led the development of citation standards via DataCite (http://www.datacite.org/). A presentation by Elsevier for the International Association of Science, Technology and Medical Publishers shows that the publisher is actively linking between journal articles and the referenced data sets within repositories (Koers, 2012). In January 2013, the Public Library of Science (PLOS) announced that it had partnered with figshare (http://www.figshare.com) to host supplementary data for all seven of its journals, including its largest, PLOS ONE.19 Like the IUC mentioned above, other journal publishers within the life sciences will require the deposit of sequencing or other data sets into repositories like the Protein Data Bank or GenBank. While this is still a very active area of development, there appears to be a trend towards the use of repositories for hosting data sets rather than the publication of data sets through academic journals directly; the expertise and resources needed for the publication, display and manipulation of data sets may be enough of an obstacle for most publishers. Whatever the reason, the growing importance of data sets as a primary output of a research paper (that can be cited, impact measured, and so on) does indicate a point of partnership between journal publishers and repositories.

Research data, funder mandates for open access to published research via repositories, and the growing role of the library as publisher, are all evidence that the repository – whether institutional or disciplinary or format driven – will continue to play a role within the larger scholarly publishing environment. As someone who has managed a repository and has been active in writing and speaking about scholarly communication issues since 2005, it is fascinating to see how far we have moved from the simplistic view that the repository would change the economics of academic journal publishing; the reality is, of course, far more complicated, and, in my view, more interesting. I look forward to what the next four years will bring.

1See the LISTSERV archives of the JISC-Repositories LISTSERV from June 2012 onwards (https://www.jiscmail.ac.uk/cgi-bin/webadmin?A0=JISC-REPOSITORIES) and the Global Open Access List (GOAL) (http://mailman.ecs.soton.ac.uk/pipermail/goal/) for examples.

2See http://libraries.mit.edu/sites/scholarly/mit-open-access/open-access-at-mit/mit-springer-author-rights-agreement/ (accessed 5 February 2013).

3See http://web.mit.edu/newsoffice/2012/the-worldwide-impact-of-open-access-to-mit-faculty-research.html (accessed 5 February 2013).

4See http://libraries.mit.edu/sites/scholarly/mit-open-access/open-access-at-mit/mit-open-access-policy/publishers-and-the-mit-faculty-open-access-policy (accessed 5 February 2013).

5See http://www.elsevier.com/about/open-access/open-access-policies/article-posting-policy#accepted-author-manuscript (accessed 5 February 2013). As an aside, the last sentence is rather interesting and perhaps represents an acceptance on Elsevier’s part that researchers who deposit to arXiv would do it despite any prohibition otherwise.

6See https://www.federalregister.gov/articles/2011/11/04/2011-28623/request-for-information-public-access-to-peer-reviewed-scholarly-publications-resulting-from and also https://www.federalregister.gov/articles/2011/11/04/2011-28621/request-for-information-public-access-to-digital-data-resulting-from-federally-funded-scientific (accessed 8 February 2013).

7See http://www.whitehouse.gov/blog/2012/01/30/your-comments-access-federally-funded-scientific-research-results for the comments (accessed 8 February 2013).

8See https://petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/require-free-access-over-internet-scientific-journal-articles-arising-taxpayer-funded-research/wDX82FLQ (accessed 8 February 2013).

9See http://www.whitehouse.gov/sites/default/files/microsites/ostp/ostp_public_access_memo_2013.pdf (accessed 1 March 2014).

10See http://sparceurope.org/analysis-of-funder-open-access-policies-around-the-world/ (accessed 15 February 2013).

11See http://www.rcuk.ac.uk/media/news/2012news/Pages/120716.aspx for the RCUK policy (accessed 15 February 2013).

12See the mPach Project at http://www.hathitrust.org/mpach (accessed 15 February 2013).

13See the Libpub Google Group at https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/libpub (accessed 15 February 2013).

14See http://librarypublishing.wordpress.com/ (accessed 15 February 2013).

15See http://www.educopia.org/programs/lpc (accessed 15 February 2013).

16See http://www.nsf.gov/bfa/dias/policy/dmp.jsp (accessed 15 February 2013).

17See the Digital Curation Centre’s overview of UK funder policies at http://www.dcc.ac.uk/resources/policy-and-legal/overview-funders-data-policies (accessed 15 February 2013).

18For example, see the author guidelines for Foundations of Crystallography at http://journals.iucr.org/a/journalhomepage.html (accessed 15 February 2013).

19One should note that figshare is supported by Digital Science, a division of Macmillan Publishers Limited, although it retains its autonomy.

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