Temptation 1

Choosing status over results
• Do you personally consider it a professional failure when your organization fails to meet its objectives?
• Do you often wonder, What’s next? What will I do to top this in my career?
• Would it bother you greatly if your company exceeded its objectives but you remained somewhat anonymous relative to your peers in the industry?
On a professional level, organizational success and personal-professional success are one and the same. Although it is healthy for any human being to separate his or her sense of self-esteem from success on the job, in the context of professional success these should not be divided. Too often, CEOs justify their own performance even when the organizations they lead are failing around them.
CEOs must ultimately judge their personal-professional success by the results on the bottom line. This is not to suggest that other “human” factors are not important, or even most important on a spiritual and emotional level. However, only the CEO is ultimately responsible for the results of the company, and this must be his or her final measure.
Additionally, a pronounced concern for the “next step” in a person’s career is a good sign of susceptibility to Temptation Number One because it is a possible indication that success is being gauged in terms of career advancement rather than current performance. The most successful CEOs focus almost exclusively on their current jobs.
Finally, worrying about how much public recognition one receives is a possible sign of susceptibility to the first Temptation. Although human nature dictates that we hope for a just share of acknowledgment, it is a dangerous part of human nature to entertain. Certainly, at one time or another all CEOs have experienced short shrift when it comes to public recognition. Those who eventually get that recognition are the CEOs who aren’t distracted by the occasional slighting that an unscientific press is sure to give. Interestingly enough, they experience a low degree of satisfaction from such press. After all, they take larger personal satisfaction from achieving results.
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