Appendix B: Answers and Explanations for Chapter Sample Questions

To help ensure a sound understanding of the chapter material as well as better prepare for the ISTQB exam, consider taking the sample chapter exam questions and then checking your answers in this appendix. Each question pertains to the learning objectives identified within each chapter. All K5 and K6 learning objectives are covered with one or more essay questions, while each K2, K3, and K4 learning objective is covered with a single multiple-choice question. This mirrors the organization of the actual ISTQB exam. While the number of the covered learning objective(s) is provided for each question to aid in traceability, the learning objective number will not be provided on the actual exam.

It is advised to tackle these questions after reading the applicable chapter. Try to answer each question on your own as if you were taking the exam. Then, refer back to this appendix to explain the correct answer for multiple-choice questions and the rationale for essay questions.

Chapter 1: Test Missions, Policies, Strategies, and Goals

Question 1


Learning objective 2.2.1

D is the correct answer because reliability and availability are clearly the highest goals for the customer. A is incorrect because testing can detect some defects but not all defects (of whatever type) and cannot force the removal of the defects it finds. B is incorrect because the focus is primarily on bugs that would cause reliability regression. C is incorrect because it is part of the strategy (the “how we accomplish the mission”) rather than the mission itself (the “what is to be accomplished”).

Question 2


Learning objective 2.2.3

Option B is correct because test defects should cost less than production defects. Option D is correct because you want to focus on customer-impacting defects. Option G is correct because you want to find the highest possible number of defects. Option A is incorrect because this is related to efficiency of coverage, not to defect detection. Option C is incorrect because cost of quality is an efficiency metric, not an effectiveness metric. Option E is incorrect because a high level of test coverage ensures confidence building, but the focus of testing on defect-prone areas is ideal for defect detection. Option F is incorrect because regression testing does not typically find many defects.

Question 3


Learning objective 2.3.1

A is the right answer. Risk-based testing can be used because you have access to the stakeholders, whose participation in risk analysis is an essential success factor. Reactive testing can be used because you have tests with business domain and technical expertise. Requirements-based testing cannot be used effectively because you don’t have written requirements specifications. Directed testing might not be useful; there is no discussion in the stem about whether someone is available on the project who can provide test conditions. Model-based testing might not be useful; there is no discussion in the question about whether automated performance or reliability testing is required, and the inputs for model-based functional testing are not available. Automated testing might not be useful; we don’t have any information in the stem that indicates the need for automated testing or the suitability of automated testing on this project.

Question 4


Learning objective 2.3.2

C is correct because the test team was not able to use requirements-based and risk-based testing due to time constraints. A is not correct because the test conditions given by the developers might have been correct, but developers will almost never give a complete set of test conditions. B is not correct, because reactive and directed strategies will often, by themselves, not find most defects, even when the testers are competent. D is incorrect because, when adequate attention is given to quality and testing, any lifecycle model can support quality delivery.

Question 5


Learning objectives 2.2.2, 2.3.3, and 2.4.1

For part 1, you should list at least risk-based testing (to manage the risks). Listing reactive testing (to find defects not found by analytical techniques) is also correct. Automated testing (to manage regression risk) would also be important. Given the auditing requirements, requirements-based testing (to demonstrate completeness) should also be listed.

For part 2, the objectives are not entirely adequate. Building confidence in the system and creating information that will allow intelligent release decisions and support auditing are also important. If these objectives are not included, the remuneration plan will reward testers for doing an incomplete job, one that does not meet the needs of the organization. In addition, you might have noted that the remuneration policy given does not include metrics or goals for those metrics and so is not measurable.

For part 3, you should list building confidence and providing information as additional test objectives needed in the policy. The remuneration policy should include metrics and goals that map to the objectives.

Chapter 2: Managing the Test Team

Question 1


Learning objective 3.2.3

D is the right answer. About two-thirds (but not all) of the staff do not have ISTQB certification, which is a possible explanation for the inconsistencies in approach. Some of the staff already have sufficient technical skills. A is wrong because inconsistent testing approaches are known to be a bigger issue than insufficient technical knowledge. B is wrong because some of the staff already have ISTQB certification and sufficient technical skills. C is wrong because the staff already has application domain experience.

Question 2


Learning objectives 3.2.1 and 3.2.2

For the first part of the question, the correct answer should explain why Candidate B is more closely aligned with the stated situation and goal in the scenario. However, if an excellent rationale can be provided for why Candidate A can learn game testing—or perhaps might have gaming experience from their free time, which is not indicated on the résumé—that can also be an acceptable response. Candidate C is not a good fit because this person too closely resembles the given profile—including the weaknesses in technology and testing—of the existing team; you should hire people who bring the team closer to the overall goals. Candidate D is not a good fit because this person is inconsistent with your goal of standardizing on the ISTQB program.

For the second part of the question, the answer should mention the need for multiple rounds of interviews, a mixed interview team, and an understood interview process. It should mention using interviews to explore the candidates’ problem-solving and critical-thinking skills, their ability to communicate in spoken and written form, a team-oriented work approach, their curiosity, and the appropriate skills and experience with technology, the application domain, and testing, though mentioning only two or three of these is sufficient. It should also mention the use of the interview to evaluate attitude, presentation of self and skills, organizational skills, and interpersonal skills. Finally, it should mention types of interviews, ideally including at least two of the types listed in the syllabus: telephone screens, group and panel interviews, behavioral questions, situational questions, technical questions, puzzle solving, specialized questions, team dynamics, exams, and audition interviews or assessments. If you said that Candidate A should be interviewed, the answer should mention the need to evaluate this person’s ability to test games.

The second part of the question is clearly much harder than the first because it involves remembering a sophisticated set of concepts and applying them to this specific situation.

Question 3


Learning objective 3.2.4

A is a good answer because poor performance also includes antisocial behaviors that affect team capability. C is a good answer because the test team must be able to carry on its essential tasks after termination has occurred. B is not a good answer because, except in cases where personal animosity toward the manager has made a person ineffectual, how you feel about individuals should not determine how you treat them. F is a good answer because a tester must be effective within the test team in the future as well as in the past and the present. D is not a good answer because there are a number of reasons, beyond personal performance, that could result in tests taking longer than planned. E is not a good answer because it does not apply in across-the-board layoff situations. G is not a good answer because defect metrics are rarely good measures of individual performance.

Question 4


Learning objective 3.3.1

A is the right answer; the improvement is gradual because you are gradually improving skills through training rather than hiring people with those skills already (which would result in rapid improvement). B is wrong because the goals are said to conform to the SMART guidelines, and there is no information indicating unfairness. C is wrong because this was presumably already done as part of identifying the skills gaps. D is incorrect because formal training is often one important part of a development plan.

Question 5


Learning objectives 3.3.2 and 3.3.5

B is the right answer because it fits with the tester’s résumé, the test strategy (since the ATA course would cover risk-based testing), and the development plan. A is not the right answer because technical skills growth is not as appropriate as testing skills in the scenario and because the goal is not readily measurable. C is not the right answer because it is not realistic to expect that someone can learn risk-based testing in a single lunchtime training session. D is not the right answer because, while the ATM course would cover risk-based testing, it is not appropriate because there is no indication that the individual tester is on a test-management career path at this time.

Question 6


Learning objective 3.3.3

C is the right answer because, given alignment between the roles and responsibilities and the mission of the test team, testers can know how to act to be consistent with that mission. A is not the right answer because roles and responsibilities can be defined for both generalized and specialized test groups. B is not the right answer because it relates to the test manager’s understanding rather than the individual tester’s understanding. D is not the right answer because, while testers who act inconsistently with their defined roles and responsibilities may need to be terminated, it is far preferable that testers be given good guidance to act correctly.

Question 7


Learning objective 3.3.4

D is the correct answer because extroverts like to engage with the world around them and the people in it. A is not correct because a thinking individual will tend to apply consistent reasoning to their review work. B is not the right answer because a feeling individual might not consistently apply the SLAs and requirements for the offshore team. C is not correct because a judging individual is well suited for following the clearly defined expectations for the offshore team’s work.

Question 8


Learning objective 3.4.3

A is the best answer because it allows people to learn new skills and avoid tedious testing activities. B is incorrect because, while public praise is motivating, manual regression testing is tedious. C is incorrect because public criticism is demotivating and manual regression testing is tedious. D is incorrect because it simply moves the motivation problem offshore and might lead to layoffs within the current team.

Question 9


Learning objectives 3.3.6 and 3.3.7

Correct answers should mention the following points:

  • Both performance reviews should show clear evaluation of performance against goals and objectives for each employee.
  • The high-performing individual should receive a positive evaluation, with clear and specific praise directed at work done well.
  • The high-performing individual should have SMART goals set that will grow her technical leadership, perhaps by sharing what she knows with her colleagues, through cross-training, brown-bags, and so on.
  • The poor-performing individual should receive a negative evaluation, with clear and specific feedback on what is not being done properly.
  • The poor-performing individual should be directed to receive training in testing and technology, with SMART goals set regarding the training and outcomes of the training.
  • Both performance reviews should consider input from other test stakeholders, not just the test manager.
  • Both performance reviews should be based on data and facts, not just opinions, and should consider the entire period of the review, not just the period right before the review.
  • Both performance reviews should mention the need for regular, periodic feedback on SMART goals set in the reviews.

Correct answers may also mention that the poor-performing individual might be placed on a preliminary path toward termination if skills and results do not improve. If termination is mentioned, the positive personality and behavior attributes of the individual should also be mentioned as mitigating factors.

Correct answers may mention that the reviews should adhere to any specific requirements and forms from the human resources department.

Question 10


Learning objective 3.4.1

D is the correct answer because weekly reporting to you and your manager should suffice and cross-communication within the team is important. A is incorrect because informal communication might not capture all the information needed for the group status report and because testers need to be aware of each other’s status. B is incorrect because testers need to be aware of each other’s status. C is incorrect because the information from the meetings early in the week will be stale by the time the weekly group status report is released.

Question 11


Learning objectives 3.4.2 and 3.4.4

B is the correct answer because these programs can be implemented quickly (given budget) and can specifically target trust issues. A is incorrect because a lack of trust usually involves a feeling of alienation from someone or some group and reading about that person or group will not resolve that feeling. C is wrong because people tend to congregate with friends and people they already trust at such meals, so existing trust issues will not be resolved. D is wrong for the same reason as C and because the question did not mention anything specific to celebrate.

Chapter 3: Managing External Relationships

Question 1


Learning objective 4.6.1

D is the correct answer because the outsourced testing service provider must know what its objectives are and must have a test oracle available. A is incorrect because the engagement has a well-defined, limited scope; ordinary due diligence in these situations does extend to comprehensive assessments. B is incorrect because the vendor will work in its own environments and only needs to be integrated with test result reporting tools. C is incorrect because, in this situation, the provider simply provides test results; the client decides what those results mean in terms of project progress.

Question 2


Learning objectives 4.3.1 and 4.4.1

C is the correct answer because it minimizes communication overheads for your team and provides quick, uniform access to the test results for the entire project team. A is incorrect because of the overhead imposed on your team. B is incorrect because the delay associated with learning about any defects could impact project schedules. D is incorrect, because it is not difficult for any competent, well-equipped testing service provider to integrate with a client’s existing systems.

Question 3


Learning objectives 4.2.1 and 4.5.1

D is the right answer for three reasons: (1) a thorough acceptance test is justified based on the lack of an established track record with this vendor, (2) the test must be against clear requirements in the contract in order to be fair to both sides and to avoid evasion of responsibility by the vendor, and (3) the vendor should be held accountable for delivering a quality product. A is the wrong answer because, even if the testers are competent, there is no guarantee that vendor management will provide them with the time and resources needed to do their job. B is the wrong answer because your company wants to purchase a complete, tested product; system test has as a typical objective the finding of defects that need to be fixed. C would be correct if the product were critical to the business, but given that it is a nonessential, complementary product, such expense (and acceptance of the vendor’s costs of external failure) cannot be justified.

Question 4


Learning objective 4.7.1

For part 1, the entry criteria should include (a) checking that the vendor’s planned testing is complete according to the specified contractual criteria; (b) one or more criteria related to the readiness of the acceptance test environment, tools, and test data; and (c) delivery of an installable, testable video system by the vendor.

For part 2, the exit criteria should include (a) a review of the acceptance test results by project management and the vendor, (b) sign-off or other formal acceptance by client management, and (c) coverage of the stated requirements and other contractual elements, in a way that will satisfy auditor needs.

Other criteria mentioned in the Foundation, Advanced, and Expert syllabi may also be mentioned in both parts. However, it is important that both parts not show signs of confusing the test levels; that is, the criteria should clearly be focused on acceptance testing, not system integration testing. They should also not be confused with the vendor’s internal entry and exit criteria—for example, for their own unit testing or system testing.

Chapter 4: Managing Across the Organization

Question 1


Learning objective 5.2.1

A is the right answer because it allows you to respond to the owner’s request by demonstrating the suboptimization inherent in it. B is not the right answer because the team is already highly effective. C is not the right answer because there’s no indication that the test group has made mistakes. D is not the right answer, in part because there is no one single standard ratio, but also because successful organizations do vary in these ratios.

Question 2


Learning objectives 5.2.2 and 5.3.1

The correct answer should indicate an independent test organization that reports into a senior level of management above the level accountable for delivery dates and budgets. The answer may include a discussion of how to use a matrixed organization to retain the flexibility and responsiveness of embedded testers (especially in an Agile organization) while preserving the independence of judgment necessary in a safety-critical world. The answer should tie this approach to cost of quality analysis, which will show quantitative benefits because of the high cost of external failure in safety-critical systems. The answer should also tie this approach to reduced risk of injury or death of users as a qualitative benefit, which will also sustain a positive reputation. In addition, the answer should mention that a centralized approach will create common test work product deliverables, which will better support auditing, reducing the risk of failed product delivery.

Question 3


Learning objective 5.6.1

D is the right answer because requirements engineers and system architects will be involved in specification reviews; then developers will be involved in code reviews and unit testing; then the testing services group will run test levels such as component integration testing, system testing, and system integration testing—and finally, selected customers will participate in the beta tests. A is wrong because executive managers are typically not involved in testing, other than as recipients of summary test results reporting. B is wrong because requirements reviews will typically precede design reviews. C is not as good an answer as D because specification reviews are omitted.

Question 4


Learning objective 5.2.3

C is correct because testing is being reorganized without test management input. F is correct because the development team introduced the bugs to begin with. H is correct because it is an example of micromanagement. A is wrong because a test manager should be ready to explain reasons for an unexpected number of bugs. B is wrong because cost of quality is a best practice to determine testing efficiency. D is wrong because test stakeholders should be invited to give input on test scope. E is wrong because test stakeholders should participate in quality risk analysis. G is wrong because regular reports on such process metrics are expected from test teams.

Question 5


Learning objective 5.4.1

A is correct: programmers and technical support staff both need details about what works and what doesn’t work; project managers, executive managers, and UAT managers need to understand high-level test status; executive managers may need to understand how effective and efficient various groups are; and business analysts, project managers, and UAT managers need to understand how thoroughly the tests covered the requirements. B is incorrect because while technical support staff might be interested in requirements coverage reports, they also especially need access to detailed defect reports for all deferred defects prior to release. C is incorrect because project managers and executive managers need to see test summary reports, certainly more so than the typical business analyst or programmer. D is less correct than A because peer managers such as project managers and UAT managers typically do not have the right to audit the test manager’s group.

Question 6


Learning objectives 5.7.3 and 5.7.2

The answer should include the following components:

  • A selection committee of stakeholders
  • Integration with other tools (can include examples such as configuration management)
  • Defining user and administrator roles
  • Defining ownership of the tool and tool-related tasks
  • Planning for conversion of the existing defect data
  • Planning for continuity of testing and development tasks during the migration

Question 7


Learning objectives 5.8.1 and 5.5.2

In the first part of the answer, the response should address the following:

  • Public: Safety-critical defects should not go untracked because they are more likely to escape to production elevators.
  • Client and employer: Executive and senior management has mandated the use of this defect tracking tool for all defects, and testers should not contradict such directives unless they are in conflict with the public interest.
  • Product: Defect reports are important test work products, and failing to submit such work products where appropriate does not meet the highest professional standards.
  • Judgment: If the test findings are skewed for whatever reason, integrity and independence of testing suffer.
  • Colleagues: The system of using process metrics to evaluate people is unfair, and the testers are being placed in an ethical bind through this system.
  • Management: As a manager, all these ethical issues must be resolved in a way that promotes ethical behavior in the future.

In the second part of the answer, the response should recommend a discussion between the test manager and the development manager about the undesirable side effects of the new performance evaluation system. The test manager should hold this conversation in such a way that it is not possible to determine the programmer who approached the tester or the tester involved. The objective of the discussion should be to arrive at alternative ways of evaluating programmer work products without making the testers into villains who have to inflict personal damage on colleagues simply by doing their job.

Question 8


Learning objective 5.5.1

C is the right answer because it establishes a positive relationship with your two most important peer managers in this situation and at the same time makes it clear that you want to work collaboratively with them. A is not a bad idea, but it’s not the first step; rather, it would need to build on C. B is the wrong answer because such a discussion could easily come across as criticizing the work of your development and tech support colleagues. As for D, a gap analysis on the current process isn’t a bad idea either, but the approach given here could seem as “ganging up” on the development manager.

Question 9


Learning objective 5.7.1

A is the correct answer because some of the data (but not all) is failing to import properly. B is not the correct answer because there’s no information about a lack of clarity in responsibilities. C is wrong because requirements importing is not a change but rather a basic initial requirement that wasn’t implemented properly. D is wrong because there is no indication that the requirements management tool is being retired in favor of the test management tool.

Chapter 5: Project Management Essentials

Question 1


Learning objective 6.2.6

B is the correct answer since the test manager is playing an active role in determining alternatives with resulting impact in order to track any changes to the schedule and scope of testing. A is not the correct answer since this choice puts the test manager in a secondary, passive role rather than as a strong project team member to drive effective solutions. C is incorrect since this choice places the test manager in a passive role rather than as an active team member, who should be responsible for documenting the effect of this change to the test team, the scope of what can be tested, and the impact on the overall quality of the project given this change. D is incorrect since the test manager needs to take more of an active role in documenting and determining alternatives and trade-offs given the change in schedule.

Question 2


Learning objective 6.3.1

D is the correct answer since the future of your test lead’s involvement with this project will directly address a risk that affects testing. A is incorrect since methodology choice affects more than testing and the mitigation of project postponement is more widespread than on the test effort alone. B, if it occurs, is not the correct answer since the reorganization may not directly affect testing on this project; you and your test team may remain intact. Not only is the scenario and suggestion to pursue two vendor contracts in C not realistic or cost-effective, it does not necessarily directly impact the test team.

Question 3


Learning objective 6.4.1

C is the correct answer since project management methodology is not part of the quality management program. A is incorrect since testing policies and guidelines are part of quality assurance and quality assurance is part of quality management. Similarly, B is incorrect since testing is part of quality control and quality control is part of quality management. D is incorrect since test policies and strategies are part of quality assurance and testing is part of quality control, and both quality assurance and quality control are part of quality management.

Question 4


Learning objectives 6.2.1 and 6.2.2

For part 1, release planning, the main techniques should include at least two of the following, based on historical data: test effort per user story or developer-to-tester effort ratios (possibly using historical velocity); quality risk analysis (though at this point it can only identify major risk areas, not specific risks); possibly function point analysis and test point analysis (given a relatively stable release backlog). A work breakdown structure can be used for resource estimation, but specific tasks can’t be estimated during release planning. Since the release backlog is subject to change, more detailed estimation techniques are probably not useful.

For part 2, iteration planning, the answer should include at least two of the following: brainstorming such as planning poker; historical data related to test case iteration (e.g., every bug fix requires two tests to be rerun); and quality risk analysis for the stories in the iteration (see also below). Function point analysis and test point analysis could possibly be used, given good historical data. If a work breakdown structure were created during release planning, it could be updated to show details for a given iteration, especially if the tool used to do so allows display of an electronic task board.

For part 3, model should indicate the consistency of the historical defects metrics:

Five defects are introduced per user story, with the number of risks per user story also stable and not seeming to change that.

Of those defects, about 90 percent are detected during testing. Developers remove about 90 percent of the bugs found by testers. However, including bugs undiscovered by testers, only 80 percent of all bugs are removed during testing.

Extra points if the answer mentions that these metrics do not include defects detected and removed during reviews and lower levels of testing.

Extra points if the answer mentions investigating whether the number of risks per story is stable on an iteration-by-iteration basis, and using the results of that investigation to fine-tune the iteration planning process mentioned in part 2.

Question 5


Learning objective 6.2.3

For part 1, the answer should discuss the following points: (1) the number of user stories per iteration is consistent with the second release; (2) there has been a significant increase in the number of bugs found per user story; (3) the number of defects fixed per user story is consistent with earlier releases, which means a lower percentage of test-discovered bugs are fixed in each iteration. Extra points for recognizing that the increase in bugs per user story is roughly consistent with the increase in risks per user story.

For part 2, the answer should mention that the increased number of bugs found during iterations is putting extra load on the test team. In addition, the answer should mention that the higher-than-normal number of bugs left unfixed in each iteration is accumulating technical debt, which increases the effort required to test each subsequent release. Iteration estimation going forward must allow for more bugs in each user story, allow for more time to be spent finding these bugs, and more time to be spent executing each test due to the higher likelihood of problems due to technical debt. (Extra points for noting that, given a fixed head count and fixed iteration time, these two situations will have the effect of reducing test coverage. Even more extra points for noting the importance of escalating this situation to management, especially if the answer includes a metrics extrapolation to show the much-higher number of bugs per user story that will be delivered to the customers.)

Question 6


Learning objectives 6.2.4 and 6.2.5

The answer should include the following observations: (1) the rate of developer bug introduction is already too high (see previous question); (2) the rate of developer bug resolution has fallen significantly from previous releases; (3) technical debt has accumulated already, so the upcoming release is already in trouble from a quality standpoint; (4) accumulated defects and technical debt are reducing test coverage, increasing risk to system quality; (5) the resignation of these three key individuals, senior people comprising 15 percent of the development staff, will significantly exacerbate all four of these problems.

Recommendations should include at least two of the following: (1) schedule one or more stabilization or hardening sprints to resolve bug backlog and reduce technical debt while also catching up on any coverage omitted in the first two iterations; (2) reduce the planned user stories per iteration for each team to match the actual velocity that can be achieved with quality; (3) replace the lost developers as quickly as possible, but take into account the impact of Brooks’s law on team productivity when you do; (4) make contingency plans to extend the release window beyond the usual 13 weeks if necessary to maintain quality. Recommendations should not include any compromises to quality, due to the nature of the product as mentioned earlier, nor should they include significant increases to the size of the test team, as the test team is not the bottleneck in this situation.

Chapter 6: Test Project Evaluation and Reporting

Question 1


Learning objective 7.2.1

B is the correct choice:

  • You are explaining both the planned and actual test cases designed and executed, showing how well actual design and execution compare with the plan.
  • You are showing defects created from failed test cases by various criteria, including status, priority, and functional area.
  • You are describing the amount of test coverage related to requirements and risk, to ensure that adequate test cases are being designed and executed.

A’s metrics will be useful, but they are generally used prior to the release entering the test execution phase and reporting on such would be less effective afterward.

While each of C’s metrics has a proper place of importance, they are less applicable in determining project progress and control.

D’s tasks and metrics pertain predominantly to test closure activities and would be less effective in providing information on project progress or control.

Question 2


Learning objective 7.4.2

D is the best choice since you are presenting only a few high-level trending reports.

A is incorrect. While trending may be important for senior leaders, since they are far less removed from the details of the projects, it is best to communicate high-level rather than detailed information.

B is incorrect. Since executives have little time to devote to reviewing reports, let alone determining report specifics, it is better to prepare the necessary high-level project test information, learning what has worked well from other, similar projects, and present that information.

C is incorrect. While it is true that simplicity may make sense for presentation to executive leadership, possibly one metric may be too little information and may evoke many more questions than planned, potentially damaging the credibility of you as the presenter.

Question 3


Learning objective 7.5.2

D is the best choice since the environment, systems, and data are not ready to begin test execution. It is better to sacrifice a day or two in the schedule with the confidence that the test components are solid.

A is incorrect since some components may be 100 percent complete at the start of test so this reasoning is faulty.

B is incorrect since it is not a good testing practice to allocate some of your scarce test resources to anything but test case execution during the test execution cycles.

C is incorrect. While it is true that test cases with the highest assessed risks should be executed first, it could be risky, even foolhardy, to begin testing when not properly prepared.

Question 4


Learning objective 7.6.1

B is the best choice since it correctly ties quality control techniques and testing to understanding testing progress.

A is incorrect. Although an understanding of both quality control techniques and project management fundamentals are important, knowing such doesn’t really explain why test managers should understand basic quality control techniques.

C is incorrect. Although this may be true, it alone is not a sufficient reason to be knowledgeable about quality control.

D is incorrect. While this may be true, credibility alone is not a valid reason for knowledge and understanding.

Question 5


Learning objective 7.3.1

One should look for a list of reports along with rationale for selecting the reports and an identification of what would appear on the horizontal and vertical axes to include:

  • Daily Test Cases Designed Report
  • Daily Test Cases Executed Report
  • Daily Defect Status Report
  • Weekly Defect Trending Report
  • Resource Availability Report

Question 6


Learning objective 7.4.1

The answer should include the following considerations:

  • Tool sophistication, such as an electronic dashboard or website that includes real-time metrics, cutting and pasting into a webpage from manually developed reports)
  • Level of detail (e.g., high-level or detailed)
  • Reports showing trending or simply snapshots in time
  • Key testing areas that the target audience would be interested in (e.g., test cases, defects, coverage) with variance analysis between planned versus actual information
  • Notification mechanism (e.g., manually generated email or automated email from a scheduler)
  • Frequency of report distribution

Question 7


Learning objective 7.5.1

The answer should include the following considerations:

  • Two reports per phase, focusing mainly on reports related to test cases, defects, risk or requirements coverage, and preparedness or readiness
  • Variance analysis between planned versus actual information, as applicable per report
  • The level of detail given the reporting level and degree of sophistication of the target audience;
  • The method of report distribution and notification (e.g., emails with links to the dashboard of reports)
  • The frequency of report distribution

Chapter 7: Testing Considerations for Domain and Project Factors

Question 1


Learning objective 8.1.1

The answer should distinguish between the Waterfall and the Agile (Scrum) approach. The moment of involvement should indicate that the testers in the Waterfall approach will be involved late in the project (often after the coding is completed) and in the Agile approach as early as possible in the project (often from the start). Regarding the level of involvement, the following difference should be mentioned: in the Waterfall situation after the coding is completed, while in the Agile situation the testers and the test activities are embedded in the team from the start of the project. In respect to the level of supplied system documentation, the answer should mention that the documentation in Waterfall approaches is often more comprehensive than in Agile approaches.

Question 2


Learning objective 8.1.2

C is the correct choice. Testing—as all other development activities—is not a separate phase in Scrum anymore, but is rather a continual activity. So, test activities should be carried out from the beginning of the sprint and not only by the testers, but by all team members.

A is incorrect. The problem is not the lack of (professional) testers. The problem is the fact the development activities are not integrated. Besides that, adding more testers still wouldn’t get the job done in two days.

B is incorrect. The problem is not the length of the sprint, but the fact that the development activities are not integrated.

D is not correct. The problem is not the number of user stories at hand, but that testing is not integrated in the development process.

Question 3


Learning objective 8.2.1

The answer might involve a discussion about meeting the client’s functional demands/specifications. Since this CRM software is proven technology with proven working functionality, the discussion should conclude with the statement that it will be unlikely the CRM software wouldn’t meet the client’s expectations. The answer should mention possible risks introduced by tuning (setting up organization-specific parameters) the COTS software and by adding customized applications. The discussion probably should mention that this risk is exacerbated if the user organizations that were visited differ significantly from your company in terms of line of business, size of business, org structure, etc. Another risk might be adapting existing working procedures to the new situation, which could be wrongly described. A discussion might be set up on the involvement of the end users. If they are involved late in the process or even not all, this could lead to the risk of insufficient user acceptance.

Question 4


Learning objective 8.3.1

B is correct. A market demand could make sense to release a product that might not work entirely correctly. Such a demand could be being the first with this product on the market.

A is incorrect. When releasing a safety-critical product, it doesn’t make sense to release when the product contains defects. The opposite is actually more appropriate. Don’t release when containing defects.

C is not correct. The fact that a product can be installed easily doesn’t reduce the risk when installing a product with defects. This could lead to image loss, compensation claims, etc. The ease of installation doesn’t avoid this.

D is incorrect. In the situation where a test manager gives incorrect advice all the time, it doesn’t make much sense still letting him do the job. It would be better to find a replacement for the test manager. Besides that, the test manager could be right this time.

Chapter 8: Evaluating Effectiveness and Efficiency

Question 1


Learning objective 9.2.1

B is correct. Shortest route and burning the least amount of fuel as possible is an example of efficiency.

A is incorrect, as John is describing efficiency.

C is incorrect. Meeting the target (Mars) would be an example of effectiveness.

D is not correct. Satisfaction is about how the process was perceived by the stakeholders, not about a combination of effectiveness and efficiency.

Question 2


Learning objective 9.3.1

The answer should distinguish metrics between effectiveness, efficiency, and satisfaction. From the set of metrics it must be clear the candidate knows the difference between effectiveness, efficiency, and satisfaction. Examples of effectiveness metrics could be: Percentage of critical defects found early in test execution, percentage of critical tests run early in test execution and percentage of identified risks covered by (executed) tests. An example of efficiency could be: Average cost per risk item covered during testing. An example of satisfaction could be: Stakeholder perception of accepted risk prior to release and after it has been released into production.

Question 3


Learning objective 9.4.1

With respect to the unclear user stories, you might expect suggestions like planning refinement sessions, or extending the user story with more, but limited, documentation, or more communication with each other (knowledge transfer). More documentation and more communication would also apply to “not enough domain knowledge present in the team.” And besides that, you might expect improvement suggestions aiming for more product owner involvement or more stakeholder involvement in general. When there is not enough time for testing, you might expect improvement suggestions as test automation or emphasizing testing as a whole-team approach. When a programmer is missing testing skills, you might get improvement suggestions such as pair programming, which means a programmer and a tester working together on defining and executing tests (knowledge sharing).

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