Job no:59657 Title : Rockport-Complete Colour Harmony Client : Provision
Scn :
175 Size : 171.45(w)228.6(h)mm Co : M8 Q5 O/P: V
Dept : DTP D/O : 04.10.03 (Job no:000000 D/O : 00.00.02 Co: CM0)
8 8
• Pink is the most passive of all colors,
promoting affability while discourag-
ing aggression against oneself as well
as others.
• Considered the most feminine color,
pink is associated with nurturing
and compassion.
• Pink calms and soothes, and is thought
to aid in digestion.
• Shocking pink has a much higher
concentration of red, making it
appear energetic, fun, and trendy.
• Men prefer peachy pinks to
mauvey ones.
behavior without totally zapping playfulness.
Peachy pinks are often used on the
packaging of cosmetics because the color
is not only feminine, but also flattering
to one’s complexion. Mass-market lines
such as Maybelline, however, prefer eye-
catching hot pinks to grab attention in
crowded drugstore displays.
In chromatherapy, a pink room is
recommended for people who have trou-
ble calming down and letting things go.
No matter how bad your day is, it’s hard
to hold onto aggression in the presence
of pink.
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Job no:59657 Title : Rockport-Complete Colour Harmony Client : Provision
Scn :
175 Size : 171.45(w)228.6(h)mm Co : M8 Q3 O/P: V
Dept : DTP D/O : 04.10.03 (Job no:000000 D/O : 00.00.02 Co: CM0)
8 8
Job no:5
Scn :
Dept : D
Brown literally grounds us. As the
color of earth and protective trees, it pro-
vides comfort while reminding us of
hearth and home.
For that reason, the brown color
family becomes especially popular during
anxious times of social or economic
upheaval. Warm neutrals are perceived as
having lasting value and can make people
feel like everything is going to be all right.
People who wear brown come across
as dependable, sincere, and hardworking.
That notion goes back to historic times,
when bright colors were reserved for roy-
alty and the wealthy, relegating browns to
the peasants. Brown has a common feel
and a sense of humility.
If you want to get information from
someone in a nonthreatening way, brown
is a great wardrobe choice. It will make you
look receptive, reliable, and trustworthy,
inviting people to let down their guard.
However, brown can lack authority
in a conservative work environment.
During the cutthroat 1980s, businesslike
gray, navy, and black dominated office
wear, but were replaced by the more
approachable browns in the family-
friendly nineties.
In interior design, brown is consid-
ered the great leveler, grounding all the
other colors. In a lush garden, earthy
brown is the perfect backdrop for natures
entire palette, whether warm or cool. And
since it is the color of wood, brown is
part of practically every room setting.
Muted neutrals are often favorites in
living rooms, studies, and family rooms
because they radiate simplicity and serenity
while creating intimacy. A rich mix of tex-
tures keeps the naturals from being boring
and can offer a soothing sensuality.
Pale neutrals make a room feel larger
and less cluttered, while darker browns
create a sense of coziness and security.
Chocolate brown walls can be particularly
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Job no:59657 Title : Rockport-Complete Colour Harmony Client : Provision
Scn :
175 Size : 171.45(w)228.6(h)mm Co : M8 C6Q3 O/P: V2
Dept : DTP D/O : 04.10.03 (Job no:59657C1 D/O : 06.1 1.03 Co: CM8)
8 8
rich and sophisticated, a trend supposedly
started by decorator-to-the-stars David
Hicks following an argument with his wife.
The story goes that she threw a bottle of
Coca-Cola at him and missed, splattering
the rich brown liquid on the walls. You
can still find house paints named cola
brown today.
Men are particularly fond of brown.
The color is seen as rugged and outdoorsy,
making it ubiquitous in sporting goods,
casual clothes, and all-terrain vehicles.
The masculine combination of blues and
browns is also consistently popular with
men in both clothing and home design.
In product packaging, browns say
natural. It is unimaginable that Log Cabin
syrup might come in a blue bottle. After
all, the syrup actually comes from trees.
Paper-bag brown is used to suggest
the freshness of food, a reminder of the
wrapping used in outdoor produce mar-
kets. Along the same lines, some cosmetic
companies use recycled paper to create the
impression of a natural product without
harmful additives.
• Brown is a warm, comforting color
associated with the earth, trees, hearth,
and home.
• People tend to buy big-ticket products
in neutral colors, especially in an
uncertain economy. Browns both put
consumers at ease and are considered
• Brown has a common feel in clothing,
making one look approachable, reli-
able, and sincere.
• Brown has a masculine, rugged quality
that particularly appeals to men.
• Paper-bag brown is used in packaging
to denote a natural product.
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Job no:59657 Title : Rockport-Complete Colour Harmony Client : Provision
Scn :
175 Size : 171.45(w)228.6(h)mm Co : M8 Q O/P: V
Dept : DTP D/O : 04.10.03 (Job no:000000 D/O : 00.00.02 Co: CM0)
8 8
Job no:5
Scn :
Dept : D
Gray is the very definition of neutral.
It is a color that people rarely love or
hate. It doesn’t say I’m loyal and trust-
worthy like navy blue, and it isn’t eye-
catching and dynamic like red. Gray is
noncommittal, formal, and dignified.
Gray also lacks warmth, which can
make it appear somewhat remote and
solemn. Think of stone churches, grave-
yards, and skyscrapers.
That freedom from emotional stimu-
lus gives gray an aura of power and
wealth. In a mans business wardrobe, for
example, a charcoal gray pinstripe suit is
the most authoritative choice—so much
so that defense attorneys avoid wearing it
in the courtroom for fear they will intim-
idate blue-collar jurors.
The icy coolness of gray makes it
popular in office decor as well. As a classy
neutral that is neither friendly nor off-
putting, gray exudes success and reliability.
Gray is also associated with maturity
and wisdom. People with gray hair are
thought to have a lifetime of accumulated
knowledge and experience.
Advertisers use the term gray market
when referring to retirees and their needs.
With the baby-boom generation refusing
to grow old, this term will take on a very
different meaning in the coming years.
In packaging, grays have a rich, pres-
tigious appeal. Luxury automobiles are
most popular in silver tones, as are plat-
inum charge cards with their hefty fees.
Similarly, high-end boutiques often wrap
goods in gray boxes, suggesting that there
is a precious gift inside.
Metallic gray, associated with scien-
tific and technological advances, is used
effectively when introducing state-of-the-
art products. Thats another reason the
color is a best-seller in top-of-the-line
autos, since it hints at engineering mar-
vels lying under the hood.
Then there is silver’s connection with
speed, a notion constantly reinforced in
car commercials. Even the Lone Ranger
called out, “Hi-yo, Silver, away!” to his
horse when looking for a sudden burst
of speed.
In interior design, dark gray is stately
and formal, but can be a bit gloomy.
While a lighter gray is more restful, nei-
ther shade will encourage lively conversa-
tion. Grays are better suited to rooms
where the occupants are looking for peace
of mind.
Interestingly, reactions to the color
gray in the home often depend on where
a person lives. If the climate tends to be
foggy and rainy a good part of the year,
gray rooms are considered particularly
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Job no:59657 Title : Rockport-Complete Colour Harmony Client : Provision
Scn :
175 Size : 171.45(w)228.6(h)mm Co : M8 Q3 O/P: V
Dept : DTP D/O : 04.10.03 (Job no:000000 D/O : 00.00.02 Co: CM0)
8 8
Think twice about grays for the din-
ing room as well, especially darker hues.
While they will give the room a period
elegance, they create an unappealing
backdrop for food.
• Gray represents noninvolvement,
giving it a formal, dignified, and
conservative authority.
• Unlike neutral brown, gray lacks
warmth, which can make it appear
remote, solemn, and a bit gloomy
when used alone.
• Gray is associated with wisdom and
maturity, adding to its moneyed
Metallic grays offer the promise of
scientific and technological advances,
as well as a sense of speed and
• Grays are cool and restful in home
decor, but also discourage lively con-
versation and offer an unattractive
backdrop for food.
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