
0-9, Symbols

2005 Future of the US Labor Pool Survey Report, 137
427/809 Rule, 82
8Rs Report, 210–12, 243–4


A-B-C-D-E systems thinking model, 106–15
components, 107
feedback loop, 109–10
future environmental scan, 108
inputs, 111–12
outputs, 108–9
throughputs, 112–15
analytical thinking, 77
Annual People Plan Review and Update, 158–62
annual performance review, 64–5
attention, 6, 42, 74, 90, 133, 166, 188, 272


boomers, 203
Boulding, Kenneth, 87
boundaries, 100–1
business scanning, 142


career management systems, 258–63
current position, 261–2
position outside of the organisation, 262–3
promotion to position of greater responsibility, 259
re-assignment to different part of the organisation, 260–1
re-assignment to position of reduced responsibility, 259–60
recommendations, 271–2
recommendations, 226
change agentry, 32
competency, 181
value of assessments, 185–7
core competencies, 176, 178–81, 183–5
collaboration, 184
empowerment-4, 183
integration, 184
interpersonal relationships, 183
self-mastery, 183
strategic alliances, 184
core people strategies, 146, 148–9
corporate suite executives See C-suite executives
cross-functional skill development, 238–45
recommendations, 244–5
C-suite executives, 138
customer service, 226–31
recommendations, 231


DAD approach, 162
Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu, 172
demographics, 11
impact of changes, 17–20
dynamic equilibrium, 104–5


Economist Intelligence Unit, 172
Economist Magazine, 172
Employee Needs Questionnaire, 55, 61–73
higher salary and more benefits, 70–3
independent thought and action, 69–70
personal growth and development, 61–3
work recognition, 64–9
employment, 10–11
impact of trends, 16–17
empowerment, 69, 192–7
entitlement mindset, 214–19
recommendations, 219
entropy, 103
equifinality, 102–3
expectation gap, 64


Fathers of General Systems Theory, 86–9
feedback, 101–2, 109–10
Fifth Discipline, 80–1
building shared vision, 81
mental models, 81
personal mastery, 81
systems thinking, 81
team learning, 81
future environmental scan, 108


Game of Business, 45–75
general systems theory, 86–9
generational differences, 197–206
boomers, 203
generational grouping, 199
generation X, 204
generation Y, 205–6
recommendations, 206
traditionalists, 202
generation X, 204
generation Y, 205–6
Gerard, Ralph, 87
globalisation, 12
trends, 22–4
Great Places To Work Survey Model, 35–6
Great Place To Work Institute, 34


Hard-Nosed Humanism, 26–7
Harris Interactive, 4
Hay Group for the Society for Human Resource Management Foundation, 138
hierarchies, 103–4
Hierarchy of Needs, 56–8
belonging, 56–7
physiological needs, 56
safety, 56
self-actualisation, 57
self-esteem, 57
holism, 100
HR Magazine, 172
HR management See human resource management
Human Resource Champions, 171
human resource management, 45–75, 275–9
changing paradigm, 52–4
game metaphor, 46–51
leadership, 169–89
acquiring desired workforce, 178
art of people management, 188–9
assessment of HR practices, 176–7
collaborating with stakeholders, 180–1
competency assessments, 181, 185–7
creating a learning organisation, 179
cultural change, 180
engaging the workforce, 178–9
importance, 171–6
leadership model, 182–5
organising high-performance teams, 179
people edge model, 177
people management characteristics, 55–73
public sector, 46–52
systems thinking approach, 77–91
human resources, 9–43
challenging facing organizations, 12–13
critical issues within libraries, 191–273
career management and succession management system, 258–72
cross-functional skill development, 238–45
entitlement mindset, 214–19
generational differences, 197–206
impact of technology, 232–8
major change initiation, 220–6
outstanding customer service, 226–31
retirement boom, 245–57
shifting organisational culture/empowerment, 192–7
strengthening teamwork, 206–14
emerging trends, 10–12
impact of trends, 13–27
key challenges within a library, 27–43


input/output, 101, 111–12
internal elaboration, 105–6
key people success measures, 40, 143–5
competency, 178–81
HR management, 169–89
acquiring desired workforce, 178
art of people management, 188–9
assessment of HR practices, 176–7
collaborating with stakeholders, 180–1
competency assessment, 181
competency assessments value, 185–7
cultural change, 180
engaging the workforce, 178–9
importance, 171–6
leadership model, 182
learning organisation, 179
organising high-performance teams, 179
people edge model, 177


Leadership Development Institute, 30–1
library, 1–8
agile and resilient organisations, 31–4
aligning performance and rewards to strategic priorities, 36–8
finding, retaining and developing staff, 28–9
high employee commitment and performance, 34–6
impact on effectiveness, 39–42
leadership development, 29–31
technology and its implications, 38–9
living systems
natural laws, 98–106
seven levels, 94–8
mental models, 81
moments of truth, 229–30
multiple outcomes, 102
natural laws, 98–106
boundaries, 100–1
dynamic equilibrium, 104–5
entropy, 103
equifinality, 102–3
feedback, 101–2
hierarchies, 103–4
holism, 100
input/output, 101
internal elaboration, 105–6
multiple outcomes, 102
open systems, 100
relationship of related parts, 104


Open Book Management, 45
open systems, 100
organisational culture, 192–7, 225
recommendations, 197
paradigm, old vs new HR management, 52–4
parallel process, 162–5
people edge integration, 150–2
People Edge Planning Process, 176
people management, 2, 6
annual people plan review and update, 158–62
business scanning, 142
creating people plan, 138–40
current state people assessment, 145–7
developing people strategies, 147–50
integration, 150–2
key people success measures, 143–5
parallel process with key stakeholders, 162–5
people management model, 139
plan-to-implement, 152–6
plan-to-plan, 140–2
strategy implementation and change, 156–8
vision, 142–3


People Principles, 26
people resources, 4
people strategies, 147–50
core strategies, 148–9
personal mastery, 81
Rapoport, Anatol, 87
results, 6, 43, 74, 90, 133, 166, 188, 272
results-based performance management system, 17
retirement boom, 245–57
knowledge transfer, 252–5
leadership competency development, 249–51
next generation leaders, 251–2
on-call arrangement, 255–7
recommendations, 257
voluntary vacancies, 247–9


Rollercoaster of Change, 115–32
anger and depression, 120–1, 125–6
hang in point, 122–4, 127–30
hope and acceptance, 121, 126
rebuilding, 121–2, 126–7
shock and denial, 120, 124–5


silo organisation, 233
Six People Edge Best Practices, 177
Six Rings of Reality, 96
SKEPTIC, 108, 140
social trends, 12, 24–7
Society for General Systems Research, 87
Society for Human Resource Management, 137, 172
split shift assignment, 25
SPOTS Syndrome, 113, 136
Strategic Human Resource Management Plan, 114, 136
strategic management, 112–13
Strategic People Edge Plan, 177
stress, 222
succession management system, 263–272
environmental scan, 266
feedback loop, 268–9
input, 269–70
outcomes/ideal future state, 266–8
recommendations, 271–2
throughput, 270–1
Survey Monkey, 236
systems thinking, 81, 93–133, 135–67, 277–8
A-B-C-D-E approach, 106–15
history, 80–6
human resource management system, 77–91
levels of living systems, 94–8
natural laws, 98–106
rollercoaster of change, 115–32


team building exercises, 209–10
team learning, 81
teamwork, 206–14
recommendations, 213–14
techniques, 6, 43, 74–5, 91, 133, 167, 189, 272–3
technology, 232–8
future HR management trends, 10
impact within a library, 13–16
recommendations, 237–8
throughputs, 112–15
Top Ten Tenets of Enterprise Recognition, 67–9
align with corporate goals & values, 68
apply consistently and equitably, 68
commit from the top, 67
consolidate efforts, 67–8
continuously improve, 68
decentralise ownership, 68
empower managers, 67
ensure meaningful recognition, 67
measure success, 67
recognise real time performance, 68
traditionalists, 202
trust index, 36


vision, 81
von Bertalanffy, Ludwig, 86–7


WestJet, 170
work agenda, 11
trends, 20–2
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