
  • Accident risk
  • Accuracy
  • Action delay
  • Additional supporting technologies
  • Adverse events avoidance
  • Airlines
  • Ambiguity, legal and ethical
  • Analysis value versus technology value
  • Analytic approach, examples of
  • Analytics
    • analytics approaches comparison
    • control of
    • creating operational analytics process
    • focusing efforts in
    • versus information technology (IT)
    • lessons from the past
    • new analytics expansion disciplines
    • operational applications of
    • prescriptive
    • summary
  • Analytics 2.0
  • Analytics 3.0
    • Big Data analytics
    • operational analytics with
    • traditional analytics
    • unified analytics
  • Analytics approaches comparison
    • discovery versus confirmatory analysis
    • operational scale hardening process
    • research and development
  • Analytics as goal
  • Analytics certification
  • Analytics culture:
    • mind-set instillation
    • success facilitation
    • summary
  • Analytics disciplines
  • Analytics embraced top down
  • Analytics made operational
  • Analytics organization:
    • major shifts
    • organizing
    • staffing
    • succeeding
  • Analytics organizations
  • Analytics platform
  • Analytics platform creation:
    • about
    • building
    • planning
  • Analytics process consistency
  • Analytics processes:
    • basic
    • batch
    • building
    • effective
    • initial
    • new
    • traditional
  • Analytics products impact
  • Analytics professionals
  • Analytics professionals value
  • Analytics sandbox
  • Analytics starting point
    • about
    • choosing what works best
    • never say can't!
    • right mix focus
  • Analytics teams
  • Anchoring, concept
  • Any analysis, any data, any time
  • Approach:
    • analytics versus applications
    • batch versus operational
    • central versus decentralized
    • combination of
    • consistency of
    • of credit card companies
    • customized
    • hype of
    • in memory
    • non-relational
    • nonstatistical
    • organized
    • personal security
    • perspective versus prescriptive
    • selection of
    • simple
    • soft
    • traditional
    • tuning
    • See also Hadoop
  • Ariely, Dan
  • Arthur, Lisa
  • Artistry
  • Assumptions
  • Attrition
  • Automate This: How Algorithms Came to Rule Our World, (Steiner, C.)
  • Automobiles
  • Back to the future
  • Banks
  • Batch analytics processes
  • Batch mode
  • Batch process
  • Batch to operational analytics
  • Behavior change
  • Big Brother
  • Big data:
    • maturity curve
    • sources
    • trends
  • Big data analytics
  • Big data and big brother
  • Big data bubble
  • Big data definition
  • Big data in context
    • about
    • back to the future
    • different data
    • global phenomenon
    • maturity curve
    • multiple dimensions scale
    • value from
    • summary
  • Big Data Marketing: Engage Your Customers More Effectively and Drive Value, (Arthur, L.)
  • Big data preparation
    • big data tidal wave
    • data retention
    • Internet of Things (IOT)
    • new information
    • new questions
  • Big data tidal wave
  • Big data trends
    • big data in context
    • big data preparation
    • hype about
  • “Big Data: What Does It Really Cost?” (Winter, R.)
  • Big picture
  • Boeing
  • Budget
  • Building
    • complex event processing technologies
    • discovery pillar
    • embedded analytic libraries
    • fabric-based computing
    • graphic processing unit appliances
    • in-memory appliances
    • nonrelational pillar
    • pillars of united analytics environment
    • relational pillar
    • using
    • summary
  • Burtch Works
  • Business case:
    • for analytics
    • decision criteria choice
    • forced
    • framework to consider
    • priorities setting
    • winning tips of creating
    • summary
  • Business case winning tips:
    • business case forced
    • doing it right
    • option selection care
    • starting small
    • uncertainty acceptance
  • Business changes
  • Business changes through operational analytics:
    • analytics as goal
    • analytics products impact
  • Business intelligence
  • Business model
  • Business problem first
  • Business processes
  • Business sponsors
  • Business unit support
  • Call center
  • Call center performance improvement
  • Certified Analytics Professional (CAP) program
  • Change, resistance to
  • Chief analytics officer (CAO)
  • Chief data officer (CDO)
  • Chief information officer (CIO)
  • Choosing what works best
  • Churn analysis
  • Churning
  • CIO
    • confidential
    • monetization
  • Clinical trial
  • Cloud, privacy and security
  • Cloud and cloud architecture
  • Cloud architecture
  • Cobol
  • Codes
  • Complex event processing (CEP)
    • algorithm
  • Complex event processing technologies
  • Compliance issue
  • Component addition
  • Computerized stock trading
  • Computerized trading
  • Concepts:
    • analogy of
    • analytics
    • analytics, classic
    • Analytics 3.0
    • of analytics sandbox
    • of anchoring
    • in big data strategy
    • in business case
    • business intelligence
    • of clouds
    • to cut hype
    • decay rates
    • of dynamic customer strategy
    • early adoption of
    • of enterprise data warehouse (EDW)
    • of fabric-base system
    • and frameworks
    • of gamification
    • history of
    • insight
    • on Internet of Things (IOT)
    • of mixed workloads
    • new as driver
    • number of
    • proof of concept (POF)
    • of reversing data
    • of sampling
    • security service
    • sensors
    • versus specific case
    • supporting operational analytics in perspective
    • of test group
    • of testing and experimental design
    • underlying
    • understanding
    • See also Discovery pillar; Monte Carlo simulation
  • Confirmatory analysis
  • Consultants, external
  • Consultants, mentors and coaches
  • Contestants
  • Control, loss of
  • Corporate culture
  • Costs:
    • accounting for
    • all over time
    • assumptions of
    • of autos
    • versus benefits
    • cheapest option
    • of collecting
    • components of
    • critical components of
    • of data source
    • focus on labor versus processing
    • of game show winnings
    • justification of
    • of labor
    • maintenance
    • of manufacturers
    • of models
    • over time
    • overlooked components
    • per unit
    • real
    • saving
    • in skills
    • total
    • total for operational analytics
    • of unknowns
    • warrantee
    • of workarounds
  • Coursera
  • Covering all bases
  • Creating operational analytics process:
    • analytics process consistency
    • from batch to operational analytics
    • operational analytics
  • Creativity
  • Credit card data
  • Credit history
  • Crime patterns
  • Crop yields
  • Crop yields and sensor data
  • Cross Industry Standard Process for Data Mining (CRISP-DM) model
  • Cross-functional team
  • Cultural aspects
  • Cultural change
  • Cultural issues
  • Culture, organizational
  • Customer experience improvement
    • customer service upgrade
    • customer transparency
    • Disney magical moments
    • online experience improvement
  • Customer service upgrade
  • Customer transparency
  • Data
    • model and structure
    • volume of
  • Data artists
  • Data collection
  • Data error
  • Data expiration
  • Data outliers
  • Data preparation
  • Data quality
  • Data quality and timeliness
  • Data retention
  • Data scientists
  • Data security policies
  • Data storage
  • Data structures
  • Data types
  • Data value, collection versus analysis
  • Data value discovery
    • about
    • crop yields and sensor data
    • location data for traffic upgrades
    • sales and compliance data
    • strategic analytics creation
  • Data warehousing
  • Davenport, Tom
  • Decay rates
  • Decision criteria choice
    • about
    • analysis value versus technology value
    • big picture
    • operationalize ability
    • time to insight
  • Decision Management Systems: A Practical Guide to Using Business Rules and Predictive Analytics (Taylor, J.)
  • Decision time
  • Decisions, small and tactical
  • Decision-time processing
  • Defining analytics disciplines
  • Delegation of authority
  • Descriptive analytics to predictive analytics
  • Diabetes
  • Different data
  • Different platforms and strengths
  • Different requirements
  • Differentiators
  • Differentiators target
  • Direct mail campaign
  • Discovery analysis
    • on salaries
    • unique
    • use of
  • Discovery analytics
  • Discovery effort
  • Discovery environment
  • Discovery pillar
  • Discovery platform versus discovery environment
  • Discovery platforms
  • Discovery processes
  • Discovery versus confirmatory analysis
  • Diseases
  • Disney company
  • Disney magical moments
  • Displays
  • Do what is right today
  • Doing it right
  • Driverless cars
  • Dynamic Customer Strategy: Big Profits from Big Data (Tanner, J.)
  • Early adopters
  • Early attrition
  • Early inducements
  • Early influencers
  • E-commerce
  • Education industry
  • Effectiveness criteria
  • E-mail, free
  • E-mail provider
  • Embedded analytic libraries
  • End users and data storage locations
  • Enterprise data warehouse (EDW)
  • Enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems
  • Error rate
  • Error(s)
    • acceptable
    • data
    • fear of
    • inevitable
    • margin
    • slight
  • Ethical standards
  • Execution time
  • Exploratory analysis
  • Extensible Markup Language (XML)
  • External cloud
  • External resources leverage
  • Fabric-based computing
  • Facial recognition
  • Failure, dealing with
  • Failures
    • impersonal
    • through ignorance
  • Failures, enabling and handling the right
    • failures, impersonal
    • failures, through ignorance
    • idea testing
  • Fear of error
  • FedEx
  • Filtering
  • Flash Crash of 2010
  • Focus
  • Focusing efforts in analytics
    • judgment
    • questions and assumptions
  • Follow through
  • Forecast accuracy
  • Forecasting
  • Format
  • Foundational analytics
  • Framework to consider
    • about
    • cost, per unit
    • costs, all over time
    • costs, of game show winnings
    • costs, overlooked components
    • costs, total for operational analytics
    • hotel rates
    • issues changing formula
    • scalability
  • Fraud checks
  • Fraud rate
  • Fuel efficiency
  • Fuel efficiency improvement
  • FuelBand
  • Future lives improvement
    • health
    • time freeing
  • Future of privacy policies
  • Fuzzy Logix
  • Gamification
  • Gartner, 35
  • Gas turbines
  • Genetic data (DNA data)
  • Geospatial analysis
  • Glitches
  • Global phenomenon
  • Goal:
    • achieving
    • broad
    • different
    • and governance
    • meeting
    • right
    • specific
  • Goldbloom, Anthony
  • Good versus perfect
  • Governance
  • Governance and privacy
    • about
    • governance preparation
    • governing operational analytics
    • summary
  • Governance preparation
    • 1984 lesson
    • analytics starting point
    • internet of things (IOT)
    • partnership
    • security clearance model
  • Governing operational analytics
    • different requirements
    • discovery platform versus discovery environment
    • monitoring operational analytics
    • privacy
    • time to insight versus execution time
  • Governmental safety
  • GPS
  • Graph analysis
  • Graphic processing unit appliances
  • Graphics processing units (GPUs)
  • Hackathorn, Richard
  • Hadoop
  • Harvard Business Review blog
  • Health
  • Healthcare
  • Hive
  • Hotel rates
  • Human intervention, actions without
  • Human resources (HR)
  • Hybrid model evolution
  • Hype
    • around social media analytics
    • versus reality
  • Hype about big data trends
    • big data bubble
    • big data definition
    • perspective
  • Hype points
  • Hypothesis
  • Idea testing
  • Ideas, new
  • Incentives
  • Incentives costs
  • Indecision
  • Infiniband technology
  • Informatica
  • Information:
    • control over
    • graph analysis
    • location
    • new
    • old
    • sensitive
    • social media
    • speed
    • top secret
  • Information technology (IT)
  • Inherent value
  • In-memory appliances
  • Insights
  • Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS)
  • Internal Revenue Service (IRS)
  • Internal sources
  • International Air Transport Association (AITA)
  • International Institute for Analytics (IIA)
  • Internet bubble
  • Internet of Things (IOT)
  • Investing for discoveries
  • Investment, in analytics
  • Investment approach
  • Investments
  • Issues changing formula
  • IT shifting from serving to enabling
  • IT team
  • Java
  • JavaScript Object Notation (JSON)
  • Judgment
  • Justification
  • Kaggle
  • Key influencers
  • Keyword optimization
  • Khan Academy
  • Labor costs
  • Latency
  • Learning from fleas
  • Legal and ethical ambiguity
  • Legal limitations
  • Legal standards
  • Lessons from the past
    • operational analytics solutions
    • overcomplication of analytics
    • sampling
    • statistical methods relevance
  • Leverage
  • Linear programming approach
  • LinkedIn
  • Location data for traffic upgrades
  • Location information
  • Machine learning
  • MagicBands
  • Mainframes
  • Major shifts
  • Management expectations
  • Mapping data
  • Market trends
  • Marketing
  • Marketing campaign preparation
  • Maturity curve
  • Maximizing retention
  • Measure of confidence
  • Medical data
  • Medical histories
  • Microdecisions
  • Mind-set, small shifts
  • Mind-set instillation
    • about
    • analytics embraced top down
    • analytics professionals value
    • behavior change
    • learn from fleas
    • policies, implement effective
    • resistance and pushback
  • Mind-sets
  • Mistake(s)
  • Models/modeling:
    • business
    • central versus decentralized
    • complex
    • data
    • datasets
    • decentralized
    • hybrid
    • modern
    • predictive
    • risk
    • statistical
    • support
  • Monitoring
  • Monte Carlo simulation
  • Multidiscipline analytics
  • Multidiscipline analytics in-action
  • Multiple pillars
  • Neonatal intensive care unit (NICU)
  • Netflix
  • Never say can't!
  • New analytics expansion disciplines:
    • about
    • defining analytics disciplines
    • multidiscipline analytics
    • multidiscipline analytics in-action
  • New information
  • New York Times
  • Newspeak plan
  • Next best offer
  • Nike
  • Nike Fuel Band
  • Nonlinear programming
  • Nonlinear programming approach
  • Nonrelational pillar
  • Nonrelational platforms
  • North Carolina State University (NCSU)
  • “Obsession with Quality at Western Digital Corporation” (Hackathorn, R.)
  • Old school and new school
  • Online experience improvement
  • Open source technologies
  • Operational analytics
    • about
    • Analytics 3.0
    • automated
    • and batch processes
    • business changes through
    • defining
    • scale of
    • summary
  • Operational analytics, defining:
    • differentiation of
    • operational analytics
    • uniqueness of
  • Operational analytics in action
    • about
    • customer experience improvement
    • data value discovery
    • future lives improvement
    • operational efficiency improvement
    • safety
    • time impact
    • summary
  • Operational analytics in perspective:
    • concepts supporting
    • creativity and
    • data quality and timeliness
  • Operational analytics solutions
  • Operational constraints
  • Operational efficiency improvement
    • call center performance improvement
    • fuel efficiency improvement
    • power capture maximization
    • power generation maximization
  • Operational scale hardening process
  • Operationalize ability
  • Operationalizing discoveries
  • Optimal process
  • Optimization
  • Option selection care
  • Organizational structures
  • Organizing
    • chief analytics officer
    • chief data officer
    • cross-functional team
    • hybrid model evolution
    • recommended structure
    • standard structure
  • Outsourcing
  • Overcomplication of analytics
  • Ownership, of solution design
  • Parallel processing
  • Parallel relational database platforms
  • Parallelism
  • Parameter estimates
  • Partnership
  • Passengers
  • Path analysis
  • Patterns of failure
  • Pay rates
  • Performance history
  • Personalization
  • Perspective
  • Physical discovery platform, versus logical discovery environment
  • Pillars of united analytics environment
  • Pilot
  • Pilot program
  • Plagiarism software
  • Planning:
    • analytics made operational
    • component addition
    • different platforms and strengths
    • do what is right today
  • Point-of-sale (POS) data
  • Policies, data security
  • implement effective
    • IT shifting from serving to enabling
    • mind-set, small shifts in
    • proper planning ensurance
  • Power capture maximization
  • Power generation maximization
  • Power plants
  • Precomputing customization
  • Predictably Irrational (Ariely, D.)
  • Predictive maintenance
  • Predictive policing
  • Priorities setting
    • business problem first
    • differentiators target
    • returns focus
  • Privacy
    • big data and big brother
    • control of
    • future of privacy policies
    • privacy Catch 22's
    • setting privacy standards
  • Privacy Catch 22's
  • Privacy considerations
  • Privacy issue
  • Privacy laws
  • Privacy policy
  • Privacy violations
  • Private cloud
  • Private policies
  • Problem solving
  • Problems, avoiding
  • Processing speed
  • Product freshness
  • Product versus data collection
  • Production requirements versus discovery
  • Programming languages
  • Project sponsor
  • Proof of concept (POF)
  • Proper planning ensurance
  • Prototype models
  • Public cloud
  • Public relations (PR)
  • Public standards
  • Push
  • Pushback
  • Pushing
  • Python
  • Questions
    • new
    • old and new
  • Questions and assumptions
  • R experts
  • R language
  • Radio-frequency identification (RFID) sensor
  • Real time
  • Real-time processing
  • Recommendation engine
  • Recommended structure
  • Referee thinking
  • Resistance and pushback
  • Relational pillar
  • Relationship database
  • Relationship database pillar
  • Relationship database vendors
  • Research and development (R&D)
  • Return on investment (ROI)
  • Returns focus
  • Right mix focus
  • Route optimization analytics
  • Ruh, Bill
  • Safety
    • adverse events avoidance
    • governmental
    • product freshness
  • Salary study
  • Sales and compliance data
  • Sampling
  • SAS
  • SAS Institute, Semma model
  • Scalability
  • Scale
    • about
    • large
    • in multiple dimensions
    • multiple dimensions
    • small
  • Scaling
  • Security, through analytics
  • Security clearance
  • Security clearance model
  • Security protocols
  • Self-driving cars
  • Semi-structural formats
  • SenseAware
  • Sensitivity analysis
  • Sensor data
  • Sensors
    • embedded
    • human
    • railroad
  • Servers
  • Setting privacy standards
  • Simple options
  • Simulations risk. See also Monte Carlo simulation
  • Skill sets
  • Small batch testing
  • Small-scale, tests
  • Social media
    • posting
  • Social media data
  • Social network analysis
  • Social networks
  • Social media analytics
  • Social media data
  • SQL. See Structured Query Language (SQL)
  • Staffing
    • analytics certification
    • analytics professionals
    • covering all bases
    • internal sources
    • maximizing retention
    • old school and new school
    • talent crunch solution
  • Stakeholders
  • Standard structure
  • Starting small
  • Statistical methods relevance
  • Statisticians
  • Statistics
  • Steiner, Christopher
  • Storage
  • Storage location
  • Strategic analytics creation
  • Streaming data
  • Structure:
    • central reporting
    • data
    • decentralized
    • different
    • hybrid
    • organizational
    • recommended
    • row and column
    • standard
  • Structured Query Language (SQL)
  • Students
  • Succeeding
    • consultants, mentors and coaches
    • external resources leverage
    • follow through
    • incentives costs
    • management expectations
    • referee thinking
    • summary
  • Success facilitation
    • early adopters and influencers
    • failures, enabling and handling the right
    • marketing campaign preparation
    • unexpected value search
  • Summary metrics
  • Talent Analytics
  • Talent crunch solution
  • Taming the Big Data Tidal Wave (Franks)
  • Tanner, Jeff
  • Target
  • Tax fraud
  • Taylor, James
  • Teams
    • business
    • IT
    • sales and compliance data. See also analytics teams
  • Technologies
    • additional supporting
    • processing
    • traditional
    • wearable
  • Test group:
    • of assumptions
    • concepts of
    • confidence factors
    • diligence in
    • of new logic
    • range of
    • rapid
  • Test operational analytics
  • Test-and-learn environment
  • Testing:
    • coding and
    • date available for
    • of engines
    • information versus methodology
    • labor costs of
    • prioritizing
  • Tests, small-scale
  • Text analytics
  • Text data
  • The Data Warehousing Institute (TDWI)
  • The Price Is Right
  • Themes
  • Time freeing
  • Time impact
    • computerized stock trading
    • security through analytics
  • Time sensitivity
  • Time to insight
  • Time to insight versus execution time
  • Tool sets
  • Tool value
  • Tools
    • analytics
    • choosing
    • for discovery processes
  • Total cost
    • of data (TOCD)
    • of operational analytics
  • Total Cost of Data (webinar)
  • Trade-offs
  • Traditional analytics
  • Traditional batch analytics
    • versus operational analytics
  • Trains
  • Tuning approach
  • Uncertainty
  • Uncertainty acceptance
  • Unexpected value search
  • Unified analytics
  • United States National Security Agency (NSA)
  • Validation data
  • Value
  • “Volume, Variety, Velocity” framework
  • Weakness
  • Web customization
  • Wind turbines
  • Winning tips of creating
  • Winter, Richard
  • Workarounds, costs of
  • Workflow model
  • Zhang, Simon
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