Policies are rules or guidelines for a specific business process. They are formal corporate-wide instructions that must be followed by everyone within the organization. Violation of policies may result in disciplinary action. New policies must be approved by corporate management. (Figure 3.51.)

Rules are less formal than policies and define acceptable behavior within a particular department or division.

Image Rules may not impact the entire organization.

Image New rules must be approved by department or division heads.

Image Violation of rules may result in disciplinary action.

Guidelines suggest ways of handling certain situations.

Image Violating a guideline does not necessarily involve sanctions.

Image A subject matter expert should approve guidelines.

Policies address a particular problem or issue and specific groups of employees.

Image Policies must be formally shared with the group of employees who will be governed by the language.

Image Employee handbooks are often published with company policies and distributed to all employees.

To write a policy, rule, or guideline, follow these steps:

Image Create an outline of the topics that could be covered by the policy, rule, or guideline.

Image State the purpose of the policy, rule, or guideline.

Image State clearly what the policy, rule, or guideline allows and doesn’t allow.

Image Explain to whom the policy, rule, or guideline applies.

Image Provide any background information that provides context on why the policy, rule, or guideline is needed.

Image List any legislation that governs the policy, rule, or guideline.

Image Describe any specific procedure that must be followed.

Image Use short paragraphs or numbered steps.

Image Group tasks together under subheadings.

Image Explain what to do if violations occur.

Image Explain any terminology that may be confusing to a general audience of employees.

Image List any special circumstances when the policy, rule, or guideline does not apply.

Image List any time restraints if applicable, including the effective date.

Figure 3.51 Policy


There are three elements to qualifying for COBRA benefits. COBRA establishes specific criteria for plans, qualified beneficiaries, and qualifying events:

Qualified Beneficiaries— A qualified beneficiary generally is an individual covered by a group health plan on the day before a qualifying event who is either an employee, the employee’s spouse, or an employee’s dependent child. In certain cases, a retired employee, the retired employee’s spouse, and the retired employee’s dependent children may be qualified beneficiaries. In addition, any child born to or placed for adoption with a covered employee during the period of COBRA coverage is considered a qualified beneficiary. Agents, independent contractors, and directors who participate in the group health plan may also be qualified beneficiaries.

Qualifying Events— Qualifying events are certain events that would cause an individual to lose health coverage. The type of qualifying event will determine who the qualified beneficiaries are and the amount of time that the plan must offer the health coverage to them under COBRA.

Qualifying Events for Employees:

Image Voluntary or involuntary termination of employment for reasons other than gross misconduct

Image Reduction in the number of hours of employment

Qualifying Events for Spouses:

Image Voluntary or involuntary termination of the covered employee’s employment for any reason other than gross misconduct

Image Reduction in the hours worked by the covered employee

Image Covered employee’s becoming entitled to Medicare

Image Divorce or legal separation of the covered employee

Image Death of the covered employee

Qualifying Events for Dependent Children:

Image Loss of dependent child status under the plan rules

Image Voluntary or involuntary termination of the covered employee’s employment for any reason other than gross misconduct

Image Reduction in the hours worked by the covered employee

Image Covered employee’s becoming entitled to Medicare

Image Divorce or legal separation of the covered employee

Image Death of the covered employee


PowerPoint presentations are created to provide visual aids during oral presentations, sales presentations, and as stand-alone computer-based training. (Figures 3.52–3.55.) When creating PowerPoint presentations, consider the following tips:

Image Slide designs should focus the audience’s attention on a particular aspect of each slide.

Image Don’t use too much text.

Image Use contrasting colors, different text sizes, bold, or italics to set apart a particular element on the screen.

Image Highlight individual lines of text that are the focus of the slide.

Image Bulleted text lines should be aligned to give the page an elegant look.

Image Keep all bullets on the same level grammatically parallel.

Image Indent text from the bullet symbols by a consistent space for all levels of bullets.

Image Avoid big paragraphs of text that fill the slide.

Image Use bullets, headings, and subheadings instead.

Image Repeat visual elements and text throughout the presentation to focus on key points and to unify the presentation.

Image Repeat headings from slide to slide when appropriate.

Image Repeat text from slide to slide, while highlighting a different line on each slide.

Image Group similar items on the slide to show a relationship.

Image Use subheadings with nested bullets for a list.

Image Use a graphic with associated text to show a visual connection to the text.

Image Use sans serif fonts like Helvetica, Swiss, Arial, Avant Garde, and Modern.

Image Avoid mixing serif and sans serif fonts within the same presentation.

Image Apply background shading for presentations that will be projected.

Image Use a white background for presentations that will be printed and distributed on paper.

Image If shading is used, use a gradient that gradually changes from light to dark or from one color to another to add visual depth to the presentation.

Image Apply a consistent color scheme to the entire presentation.

Image Do not use differently colored backgrounds for each slide in the presentation.

Image Create styles for the entire presentation using Slide Master to:

Image Set the text placement as well as font size and color on all slides.

Image Keep the presentation consistent.

Image Use Notes Master to insert speaker notes into the presentation.

Image When printed on paper, the slide appears at the top of the page and the notes appear at the bottom.

Image Use Handout Master to add text and artwork to audience handouts.

Image To save time when designing a presentation, use PowerPoint templates that are prebuilt and professionally designed.

Image Templates are available within the PowerPoint application.

Image Additional templates can be downloaded from the Internet.

Image Use charts, photos, or illustrations that communicate visually.

Image Free clipart is available within PowerPoint.

Image Bar charts and pie charts can be created in PowerPoint.

Image Organizational charts can also be created within PowerPoint.

Image The Smart Art Graphics feature, available within the PowerPoint program, allows you to insert nice looking diagrams.

Image Digital cameras can be used to take photographs that can be imported into PowerPoint and placed on a slide.

Image AutoShapes allows you to create geometric shapes, arrows, and lines to help illustrate your slides.

Image Videos, animation, and sound can be added to slides to create a multimedia presentation.

Planning a Presentation

Consider the following guidelines as you plan your presentation.

Image Determine your goal and objectives.

Example: Do you want to persuade or inform?

Image Keep the presentation simple and focused.

Image A clear message with more impact is more likely to achieve results than an unfocused one.

Image A complicated message is muddled and will leave the audience confused and frustrated.

Image Keep the number of topics covered to a minimum.

Image Design the presentation like creating a story.

Image Organize the content with a beginning, middle, and end.

Image Design for drama.

Image Pique your audience’s interest toward the end of the presentation and deliver the central conclusion of your message when you have the full attention of everyone.

Image Plan your media selection.

Image Will you use slides and a digital projector, printed handouts, or both?

Image Think and plan ahead.

Image If you give the audience handouts before the show, they can follow along and write notes directly on the handouts.

Image Handouts also give the audience something to reference if they have trouble seeing the screen.

Image If you distribute handouts at the end of the presentation, you can avoid giving away any planned surprises.

Image Consider the subject matter.

Image The tone of your presentation depends on the type of presentation: training seminar, presentation to managers or employees, or a sales presentation to customers.

Image Consider the audience’s:

Image Familiarity with the subject matter

Image Composition (will the audience be exclusively employees, or customers, or mixed?)

Image Size (large audiences dictate the need for more structure and formality; small audiences may be less formal, giving you more room for improvisation and one-on-one interaction)

ImageConsider the environment for the presentation.

Image How visible is the screen from each part of the room?

Image If visibility is in question, include handouts with printed versions of each slide.

Image If you are not familiar with the equipment, arrange time for setting up and rehearsing your presentation before delivering the real thing.

Image Practice delivering your presentation.

Image Deliver your presentation to a coworker or friend and ask for a critique.

Figure 3.52 Slide with Bulleted Lists, a Graphical Background, and Photo


Figure 3.53 Slide with Title, Bulleted Subtitle, and Pie Chart


Figure 3.54 Slide with PowerPoint WordArt


Figure 3.55 Slide with Graphics Rather Than Text



A press release is a written communication directed at the news media for the purpose of making an announcement. When writing a press release, consider the following guidelines (Figure 3.56):

Image Lay out your document on an 8½ × 11-inch page.

Image Provide wide margins and double-space the copy.

Image Include a release date at the top of the page.

Image Provide a contact name and address. Provide as much contact information as possible, including fax, email, and Web site addresses.

Image Include the phrase “For Immediate Release” along with a contact name and phone number. If the release date is in the future, instead say, “For Release on [date].”

Image Include a suggested headline.

Image Start your first paragraph with the location in all caps, followed by the month and day.

Image Summarize your story in the first paragraph, including who, what, why, where, when, and how.

Image Make sure the first 10 words are effective; they are the most important.

Image Elaborate on the details, including quotes from important sources.

Image Make sure the information is newsworthy by suggesting other tie-ins. Pick an angle. Try to make your press release timely by tying it to current events or social issues.

Image Avoid excessive use of adjectives and fancy language. Use only enough words to tell your story.

Image Use the active, not passive, voice. Verbs in the active voice bring your press release to life.

Image Avoid jargon specific to your organization that might not be recognized by other readers.

Image Answer the question, why should anyone care?

Image Use real-life examples, if possible, that include stories of the people involved.

Image Raise other questions or suggest topics of interest, if you are trying to generate a feature story or radio or TV interview.

Image Suggest in a covering pitch letter an interview with the principal person or organization involved, such as the company CEO or a book author.

Image Type the word more at the end of each page.

Image At the end of your release, type ### and center it.

Figure 3.56 Press Release

October 1, 2011

Contact Name
City, State, Zip
Web Address

For Immediate Release
Contact: Jason Brown—770-555-1234


ATLANTA, Oct 1—Bronson Media, the largest American newspaper owner, signed an $8 million contract making Videologies, Inc. the exclusive provider of circulation systems, network and applications for print media holdings.

Videologies will now provide circulation software for all of Bronson Media’s newspapers, including the Los Angeles Herald, The Seattle Constitution, and the Atlanta Daily. The contract was awarded to Videologies after an extensive product and company review. Bronson Media will take advantage of the entire line of Videologies circulation software. VID 4.2 is a program specially designed for print media to chart production and material costs to optimize productivity. VID Router allows newspapers to make routing decisions and design delivery routes based on scanned maps.

Mark Giddings, vice president of print media operations at Bronson Media, commented, “The contract with Videologies is a big step forward for Bronson’s newspapers. It will allow us to standardize circulation and production systems, making cooperation between our print media holdings more efficient and effective.”



Procedures are instructions that explain how to perform a particular task (Figure 3.57).

To write a procedure:

Image State the goal of the procedure.

Example: This procedure tells you how to install a cable modem.

Image The heading for the procedure may also state the goal.

Example: Installing a Cable Modem

Image If specific supplies or knowledge are needed for the procedure, provide a list before detailing the steps.

Example: Before you start, you’ll need the following: coaxial cable, pliers, and a screwdriver.

Image If a certain level of experience is necessary, provide a list for whom the procedures are intended.

Example: Before attempting this procedure, you should have a basic understanding of an operating system.

Image When is it necessary to use specific terminology to describe the procedure, use only what is absolutely necessary.

Image Don’t overload the procedure with unnecessary jargon.

Image Explain any specialized technical terms that are used.

Image Provide an estimate of how long it will take to complete the procedure.

Image List the steps in the procedure using numbered lists.

Image Break the steps in the overall procedure into smaller sections.

Image Limit the number of steps to 10 in each section.

Image Each section should have its own title.

Image If a particular step has substeps, indent a secondary list using letters to designate them.

Image Describe only one step at a time.

Image Each step should describe one task.

Image Include illustrations where appropriate.

Image If certain conditions apply or if performing a step will cause something to happen, present this information at the beginning of the step.

Example: To shut down the computer, click the Start button, then click Turn Off the Computer.

Image When someone else is supposed to perform a particular step in the procedure, describe who is responsible and what he or she will do.

Example: The licensing department will accept your serial number, and will email you an activation code.

Image At the end of the procedure, include a statement that tells users that the procedure is complete and what the result is likely to be.

Example: That completes the steps for installing the cable modem. The power and Internet lights should be solid green.

Image Provide references to other useful information.

Figure 3.57 Procedures


In this walkthrough, you will use the Paste Special > Values function to convert the result of a formula to text.

1. Continue with the TTFFP—Daily Activity Exercise.xls file, which should already be open.

2. Select cell I2, the cell your concatenating formula is in.

3. Select Edit > Copy.

4. Select Edit > Paste Special.

5. Select the Values radio button.

6. Click OK.


Note how your formula has been transformed into text.

7. Save your work by clicking File > Save As, and then changing the name of the file to “Daily Activity Exercise A” and then click the Save button.

8. Close the spreadsheet by clicking File > Close.

That completes this walkthrough.


Progress reports are written to inform a supervisor about the status of a project. These reports detail what was completed for the previous period, what percentage of the work has been completed, and what is planned for the next period. Any problems or issues are listed in the report.

Progress reports let management know about the overall health of a project and its team members. Progress reports also let everyone on the team know how the overall project is going.

These reports range from simple memos for small projects, to informal letters, to formal reports.

Image Memos are often used for internal progress reports.

Image Progress report letters are sent to outside clients.

Image Formal progress reports are also sent to outside clients.

All progress reports include (Figure 3.58):

Image What work has been completed since the last report

Image What work is currently being performed

Image What work is planned

Image Individual tasks, sometimes listed, along with their completion percentages

Image The progress of different stages of development and categories for different departments (may be listed for large projects)

Project reports prepared for outside customers may also include:

Image The project purpose

Image Objectives

Image Scope or limitations

Image Start date and completion date

Image Current development phase

Image Team members

Figure 3.58 Progress Report


Name of Project: ERP Upgrade
Date: July 27, 2012
Project Manager: Mary Dawson
Sponsor: Allan Cummings

Project Objectives:

Upgrade the existing ERP application to position Acme Industries to maintain vendor support for the application and to consider undertaking projects, after the upgrade, which will implement new functionality offered in the ERP system.

Implementation Date: August 20, 2012
Current Phase: QA Testing/UAT Testing/Implementation Planning

Project Management Summary:

The upgrade project remains on track. 14 business days until we began our upgrade implementation!


Integrated QA test environment was planned for May 7 and is not completely ready.

Update—Stellent configuration issue was resolved and testing for Stellent will start next week.

QA Testing—The formal QA testing period is over; however, QA testing will continue for some items, including:

Image HR/benefits—75% complete. Outstanding are items associated with HCFA, MSY, Retirees, and FSA.

Image eApps—95% complete. Outstanding are items associated with integration testing that we delayed/not operating in our integrated test environment.

Image Security—90% complete. Outstanding items are 4 reports that have been on hold pending resolution to reporting problems in QA. Testing planned for next week is in development.

System testing and UAT have been combined for HRM, HRM Data Prep, Hyperion, and Stellent. Status for these will be reported under user acceptance testing.

Third-party interface testing is in process. The team resolved outstanding issues with the integrated testing environment.

User Acceptance Testing—Continued formal UAT sessions. UAT testing is expected to be complete on August 3.

Image HR/Benefits—50% complete—sessions scheduled through 8/3

Image Payroll—85% complete—sessions scheduled through 7/27; interface testing will run into next week

Image Authoria—80% complete—sessions scheduled through 7/30

Image 401(k)—60% complete—sessions scheduled through 8/3

Image Compensation—90% complete—sessions scheduled through 7/27

Image HRM—90% complete—sessions scheduled through 8/3. Outstanding issue with home phone

Image HRM Data Prep—50% complete—sessions scheduled through 8/3

Image eApps—0% complete—session scheduled for 7/30

Image Security—90% complete; retest sessions scheduled for early next week

Image eRecruit—50% complete; sessions scheduled through 7/31

Image Hyperion/EDW—70% complete; sessions scheduled through 7/30

Image Stellent—0% complete; sessions scheduled though 8/3

Image Pension—UAT is complete

Image ESPP—UAT is complete

Image Simple Steps—UAT is complete

Image PDR—UAT is complete

Image LMS—UAT is complete

Image Total Comp—UAT is complete

Load Testing—Began load testing for eRecruit—expected completion is 7/31. Load testing for the eApps will follow with completion expected on 8/10.

Parallel Testing—Completed parallel #3 with excellent results. 34 of 36 sites have signed off as of 8 a.m. Friday.

Development: Development team is on track with issues and defects. Retrofitting for public and private queries continues. Continued refinement of implementation plan. Planned dress rehearsal—Test Move 7. Completed some pre-implementation tasks in PROD—copied software, set up data files, and added temporary space for backups.

eRecruit: Continued QA testing and UAT testing. Received signoff from subsidiaries. Additional sessions are scheduled for next week.

Training, documentation, and communication tasks are on schedule.

Deliverables completed last week:


Deliverables scheduled for completion in next 2 weeks:


Resource Changes: None.

Future Meetings:

Image Daily UAT testing sessions

Image Daily Parallel testing sessions and morning meetings

Image Full Team Status Meeting 7/31 ** Moved to Tuesday for this week only **

Image Weekly Training, Documentation, and Communications Team Meeting 7/30

Image Weekly Implementation Meeting 8/1

Image Weekly IT Leads Team Meeting 8/1

Image Weekly HR/Benefits Analyst Team Meeting 8/1

Image Weekly QA Team Meeting 8/2

Image Weekly Payroll Analyst Team Meeting 8/2

Image Weekly Developers Team Meeting 8/2


Proposals usually consist of a bid and a description of a project, and they are sent to a customer. Many proposals are sent after a prospective customer makes a request for proposal (RFP).

There are several different types of proposals:

Image Internal proposals written for someone within the same business

Image External proposals written to another business or government agency

Image Solicited proposals that are written and sent in response to and in accordance with the guidelines described in an RFP

Image Unsolicited proposals that are sent to convince a potential customer to do business with you

Most proposals include the following sections (Figure 3.59):

Image Cover letter—to be sent with a proposal

Image Introduction—introducing the proposal, referring to previous contacts with the customer, and providing an overview of the contents of the proposal

Image Background—information about the need for the project

Image Benefits—describing how the proposed solution will solve the problems discussed in the background section

Image Project description—describing what is involved in the project, including specifications for the end product

Image Method—discussing how the project will be completed

Image Schedule—detailing the project timeline

Image Qualifications—discussing the organization’s qualifications for completing the project

Image Budget—listing the costs

Image Conclusion—final words about why the submitter of the proposal should be awarded the project

When preparing a proposal, consider the following:

Image Make sure you address everything asked for, if responding to an RFP.

Image Identify all the tasks that are necessary to complete the project.

Image Break out the budget into individual line items and include hourly rates if applicable.

Figure 3.59 Proposal for Video Production Services

Video Production Proposal

Submitted to:
Andy Norvell
SAR Office Manager
BSP Energy Products Company

Acworth, Georga

(Courtesy of Videologies, Inc.)


This proposal is for the production of an LPS training video for BSP Energy’s SAR Department.

BSP Energy’s request includes the following requirements:

Image Limit video length to approximately 35 minutes

Image Deliver the finished video by November 30, 2012

Image Shoot at two sites in either New Jersey or Los Angeles basin area

Image Create 10 minutes of material on drilling, monitor well installation, and sampling tasks

Image Create 10 minutes of material on trenching, and SVE installation LPOs

Image Create 6 minutes of material for supervisor feedback sessions

Image Create 9 minutes of material featuring a host on camera for introductions and other commentary

After careful examination of these requirements, Videologies proposes the following:

Image Research and scriptwriting with access to subject matter experts in the Atlanta area or via telephone or email

Image Pre-production location visit by our producer

Image Five days of production at two different locations in either New Jersey or Los Angeles

Image One day of production in the Atlanta area for shooting an on-camera host

Image Video still graphics to illustrate concepts

Image Text and graphics

Image Optional CD-ROM version

Image Optional Streaming Video version for Web distribution


The LPS Training video produced for BSP Energy will include the following specifications:

Image 35-minute video script

Image Producer services to coordinate all aspects of the production

Image Video production using XDCAM HD format

Image Video production crew including a director, camera operator, and lighting assistants as appropriate

Image Use of a professional actor or actress for on-camera and voice-over narration

Image One pre-production trip to either New Jersey or Los Angeles to scout locations and coordinate activities

Image One five-day trip to either New Jersey or Los Angeles for shooting segments A, B, and C as outlined in the LPS Training Video Work Scope provided by Andy Nowell of BSP Energy

Image Nonlinear post production to edit a master tape for duplication

Image Video graphics for illustrating concepts

Image Titles and transitional effects

Image Background music

Image Two approval copies

Image One Blu-Ray DVD master for duplication

BSP Energy will provide the following logistical and review requirements:

Image Script review and approval

Image Locations

Image All necessary props

Image Personnel for demonstrations and activities described in the script

Image Subject matter experts

Image Company logos


Based on our June 18, 2012 meeting, we propose a video treatment that utilizes an on-camera host to guide us through the video.

The host will be shot on location in the Atlanta area and will be used to introduce the content on camera and then narrate sequences shot on location.

Since the purpose of the video is to give viewers practice in observing LPO situations, we will divide the video into short two- to three-minute segments. Students will choose segments from a menu. Each segment will have a title screen describing its content. The on-camera host will introduce each segment and explain what viewers are about to see. Instructions will be given for viewers to practice their LPO observations as they watch scenes of various work practices. The narrator will describe the scene but will allow viewers to make and record their own observations. Following this sequence, we will replay the same sequence again, this time with the narrator pointing out all the possible observations. This will allow the viewers to check their answers.

Because students will watch these sequences twice, once with overview narration, and once again with the narrator describing the LPO observations, the finished video will be longer than 35 minutes. However, for purposes of budgeting, we are planning on no more than 35 minutes of original material. Repeating material in the same video will not increase the budget.

It is understood that only a sampling of possible LPO observations that may occur in an activity such as drilling will be featured in the video. We will work with BSP Energy’s subject matter experts to construct scenes that feature as many work practice observations (both good and bad) as possible.

The training will be designed so that it can be self-paced. As part of our deliverables to BSP Energy, we will produce a short student guide (in Adobe Acrobat PDF format) that provides instructions for each video segment activity. We assume that BSP Energy will provide copies of LPO forms, so students can fill out the forms while watching the video.

The following LPO target areas will be featured in the video:

Image Drilling, monitor well installation, and sampling tasks

Image Trenching and SVE installation LPOs

Image Supervisor feedback sessions


The production process will consist of the following stages:

Image Content analysis and design

Image Scriptwriting

Image Video production

Image Graphics production

Image Post production

Image Programming

Image Study guide production

Image Revisions

Image Final mastering

Content Analysis and Design

Videologies will meet with subject matter experts and review previously produced materials, such as LPO forms and LPS handbooks. We will work together to plan our work practice scenarios to feature specific LPO opportunities for students. After completing content analysis, Videologies will create a design document that summarizes our plans for the video.


After a design is approved by BSP Energy, the scriptwriter will draft a script in a two-column format describing visuals and narration or suggested on-camera audio. This script will be submitted to BSP Energy for review. After this review, any revisions required will be made and a final script will be submitted for approval.

Video Production

After the script is approved, video production will begin. Video production will consist of the following:

Image Five days of production on location at two sites in either New Jersey or Los Angeles

Image One day of production in Atlanta to shoot the on-camera host

Image Narration recording

Graphics Production

Video graphics will be created to illustrate concepts where appropriate. Title screens will also be created and added where appropriate.

Post Production

During post production, we will edit the raw footage, mix the audio, add music, insert graphics, and incorporate transitional effects where appropriate.

Study Guide Production

A short 10–20 page study guide will be created to facilitate the learning experience for self-paced training.

Final Mastering

After final approval of the video, a Blu-Ray DVD master will be delivered for duplication purposes.


BSP Energy has requested that Videologies provide quotes on future upgrades of the video to CD-ROM and possible Web site delivery. In addition, we can provide VHS duplications upon request.


The content created for the LPS Training video and study guide can be upgraded for delivery via CD-ROM. Depending on the design and content requirements, we can create a wide variety of CD-ROM–based programs ranging from a simple AVI video player to a more complex system incorporating additional audio instruction, graphics, simulations, and test questions.

The finished video segments can be converted to a Windows AVI video format at a screen size of 320 × 240 and played on a IBM PC compatible equipped with a CD-ROM drive, soundcard and speakers or headphones. We would recommend a minimum configuration of Pentium II 350 with an 8X CD-ROM drive.

As the least expensive option, we can create a CD that includes an autorun feature so installation is not necessary. Upon inserting the CD, the user will see a 640 × 480 menu screen that gives students access to a downloadable study guide, downloadable LPO forms, and menu choices for viewing the various video sequences (or lessons).

A more expensive alternative can include quiz and test questions, graphic and text screens, audio, and simulations for a more substantial learning experience. The course would require the use of a Web browser such as Internet Explorer to view content pages, access LPO forms, and view video and audio sequences. Test questions will provide feedback and remediation to ensure and document a student’s comprehension.

Web Delivery

Videologies can provide streaming media versions of the finished video sequences in either Windows Media or Real Media formats compressed for playback at 300K speeds. Anything less than 300K compression produces quality that is too reduced for effective training. At least a 300K connection is required to view the files. This speed of connection is usually available with DSL, Cable Modem, or office LAN connections.

BSP Energy will need to provide a streaming media server (by purchasing a streaming media license from either Real Networks or Microsoft) in order to “stream” the videos. Without this server, the users must download each video sequence before playing it.

Videologies can provide services ranging from just supplying the media files to BSP Energy for posting on their own Web site, to creating a complete Web-based course similar to the CD-ROM version, complete with menus, graphics, and testing.


This proposal calls for the following deliverables from Videologies:

Image Design document

Image Script

Image One 10–20–page study guide in PDF format

Image Two approval DVD copies

Image One Blu-Ray DVD master

Optional deliverables include:

Image CD-ROM version

Image Windows Media or Real Media Web files

Image DVD duplications


Videologies proposes the following schedule for the video:


Any delay by BSP Energy in reviewing scripts, providing personnel, or locations, may delay delivery of the final video.


The services provided by Videologies will require the following development budget:



Rates are based on the following:

Image Writing, producing, directing services, and production crew at $50 per hour or $500 per day per person.

Image Video production equipment rentals at $700 per day, includes camera, tripod, lights, monitors, waveform, and grip equipment.

Image Post production services at $125 per hour.

Image Graphic services at $50 per hour.

Image Computer programming services at $75 per hour.

Image AVI and streaming media conversation at $40 per finished minute.

Image Professional union actor at $1,500 per day.

Estimated manpower requirements include:

Image Writer—14 days

Image Producer—7 days

Image Director—6 days plus 2 travel days

Image Camera operator—6 days plus 2 travel days

Image Lighting specialist—6 days plus 2 travel days

Image Production assistant—6 days plus 2 travel days

Image Editor—60 hours

Image Graphic artist—25 hours

Image Professional union actor—1 day

Estimated equipment rental days include:

Image Camera package—6 days

Image Nonlinear editor—60 hours


Questionnaires and surveys are used to gather data about customers and employees for use in decision making, marketing, and the development of new products and services. (Figure 3.60.)

Questionnaires can be distributed on paper or online. Online surveys are especially helpful because they can be emailed as links and the results can be automatically tabulated into a database or spreadsheet.

Using a questionnaire is a multistage process involving the design and development of the questions, determining the survey group, conducting the survey, and then interpreting the results.

Questionnaires are usually designed to gather qualitative or quantitative data.

Image Qualitative surveys ask about opinions and ask respondents to rate the quality of a product or service.

Image Quantitative surveys measure how many people do a particular thing, such as use a product or watch a particular television channel.

Questionnaires are often used instead of personal interviews because:

Image They can be inexpensive to create and use.

Image The privacy of the participants can be protected.

Image When used with other data, such as sales trends, they can be useful as a confirmation tool.

Consider the following steps when creating a questionnaire:

Image The first step in creating a questionnaire is to define the objectives.

Image The questions should focus on obtaining specific information.

Image To determine qualitative data about a product or service, you must break down the qualities into various aspects that can be isolated and measured.

Image The question order should have a logical flow.

Image The second step in creating a questionnaire is to write the questions.

Image Write an introduction to the questionnaire that explains its purpose.

Image Provide instructions on how to answer the questions.

Image Explain the rating scale if one is used.

Image Include demographic questions to gather information about the respondents.

Image This information is helpful later when you are analyzing the results and comparing responses among different groups of people.

Image Common demographic questions, including age, sex, level of education, annual earnings, and so forth.

Image Demographic questions are normally asked at the beginning of the questionnaire.

Image There are two general types of survey questions: multiple-choice or fill-in-the-blank.

Image Fill-in-the-blank questions are more time-consuming during the data analysis phase.

Image Multiple choice questions make it easier to tabulate the responses and calculate percentages.

Image Multiple-choice questions also make it easier to track opinions over time to see how the same questionnaire is answered by similar groups of people over a specific period.

Image For multiple-choice questions involving a rating scale, it is best to have an even number of rating choices.

Image Having an odd number of choices leaves respondents with a middle neutral choice, which is often used by respondents who are bored.

Image Having an even number of choices eliminates the possibility of neutral answers.

Image Multiple-choice questions should have clear, distinct answer choices.

Image “Very often,” “Often,” and “Sometimes” answer choices can be interpreted differently by different respondents.

Image “Every day,” “2 to 5 times a week,” and “Once a month” answer choices are easier to interpret.

Image Avoid leading questions that imply a biased answer.

Example: A rating scale with choices like: “Incredible,” “Superb,” “Excellent,” “Great,” “Good”

Incorrect: Is this the best software you’ve ever used?

Image Avoid adjectives and adverbs in your questions; they imply a biased answer.

Image Avoid embarrassing questions that deal with personal or private matters.

Image Avoid hypothetical questions; they are based on fantasy rather than fact.

Image Avoid using not in your questions; this word can lead to double negatives and already implies a negatively biased answer.

After you’ve written the questions for the survey, proofread and test the survey on a small sampling of respondents.

Image Review the questionnaire with the test audience and work together to resolve any problems.

Image Revise the survey after the pilot test.

Image Put a date on the questionnaire, so that you can keep track of versions.

Figure 3.60 Survey



A reference letter states the qualifications for a person seeking employment. It offers an endorsement of the person’s job performance, skills, and character. A reference letter may be accepted in lieu of contacting references on the phone.

A reference letter should include (Figure 3.61):

Image How and for how long you know the person

Image Your qualifications for writing the reference letter

Image A list of the person’s qualities and skills

Image Key points about the person that the reader should note

Image Examples that back up your opinions about the person

Image Your contact information

Reference letters are typically written to:

Image Recommend someone for a job.

Image Recommend someone who has applied to school.

Image Endorse a political candidate.

Image Provide a credit reference.

Image Recommend a service or product.

Image Recommend someone for club membership.

Figure 3.61 Reference Letter

John Davidson
Videologies, Inc.
1313 Old Alabama Highway
Atlanta, GA 30121


This is a letter of recommendation for Peter Carson.

Peter has worked with me for the past year in the role of training technology manager at Videologies, Inc., a multimedia and training development business.

At Videologies, Peter worked on designing a training course for our Learning Management System. He designed and created a webinar presentation and a student exercise workbook.

Peter also worked on three multiday instructor-led courses on the subject of accounting practices. Peter did analysis, created the design, coordinated with the customer, and created workbooks and PowerPoint presentations.

I highly recommend Peter Carson for instructional design and course development projects.

John Davidson
Vice President


A refusal letter is written to deny a request, decline an invitation, or reply negatively to a suggestion. When writing a refusal letter, consider the following tips (Figure 3.62):

Image Be as diplomatic as possible to avoid hurt feelings.

Image Open the letter with a sincere statement that explains that you are refusing the request.

Image Explain your reasons for the refusal, and include any evidence to back up your decision.

Image Offer alternatives to the readers that might have a better chance of being accepted.

Image Be courteous and wish the reader success elsewhere.

Refusal letters are typically written to:

Image Decline an invitation or appointment.

Image Decline a claim request from a customer.

Image Turn down a request for a donation.

Image Decline a job offer, promotion, or transfer.

Image Reject an application for employment.

Image Decline to join an organization.

Image Terminate a business relationship.

Image Decline a request to write a letter of recommendation.

Image Turn down a suggestion.

Image Decline a request for credit.

Image Decline a gift.

Image Decline orders or requests for information.

Figure 3.62 Refusal Letter

February 21, 2012

Buffalo Graphics
3133 Highway 9
Roswell, GA 32311

Dylan Wilson
Atlanta Community College
1311 West Northfield
Drive Decatur, GA 30133

Dear Mr. Wilson:

Thank you for invitation to be a guest lecturer in your communications class at Atlanta Community College. I’m sorry, but I’ll have to decline the invitation.

I recently became the president of the Atlanta Communications Association, and these added responsibilities have already required more time than I have available. I would suggest that you contact Al Gordon, the ex-president of ACA. He may be available and with his experience, he should make an excellent guest lecturer.

I am honored to have been invited by you. You are well respected within the communications industry, and I wish you all the best with your class.

Michael Woodson


There are four common report formats:

Image Memorandum report

Image Letter report

Image Short report

Image Formal report

Memorandum Report

The memorandum report is a routine and informal report that might be prepared on a weekly basis to report the status of projects to upper management. This type of report:

Image Is objective and impersonal in tone.

Image May contain brief introductory comments.

Image Contains headings and subheadings, used for quick reference and to highlight certain aspects of the report.

Image Is usually single-spaced and printed on plain paper. (However, in some businesses this report may be sent as an email or email attachment.)

Letter Report

The letter report is normally a one-page letter that is printed on company letterhead. If the reports contain second sheets, the continuation pages are also printed on letterhead. The letter report:

Image Is typically sent outside the company to consultants, clients, or the board of directors.

Image Should have headings and subheadings to organize its content.

Short Report

The short report has a title page, a preliminary summary with conclusions and recommendations, authorization information, a statement of the problem, findings, conclusions, and recommendations. The short report:

Image May contain tables and graphs and can be either single- or double-spaced.

Image Contains headings and subheadings to organize the content and to emphasize certain aspects.

Image Has a title page with:

Image The report title (long titles are divided and centered)

Image The name, title, and address of the person or company to whom the report is being submitted

Image The preparer’s name, title, and address

Formal Report

Included in the formal report are the:

Image Cover

Image Title page

Image Flyleaf

Image Title fly

Image Letter of authorization

Image Letter of transmittal

Image Foreword and/or prefaces

Image Acknowledgments

Image Table of contents

Image List of tables

Image List of figures

Image Synopsis

Image Body

Image Endnotes or footnotes

Image Appendix

Image Glossary

Image Bibliography

Image Index

When formatting your report, consider the following guidelines:

Image The margin settings for a formal report are:

Image First page’s top margin—2 inches.

Image Subsequent pages’ top margin—1 inch.

Image Bottom margins on all pages—1 inch.

Image The left and right margins on all pages—1 inch.

Image For bound reports, the left margin should be 1½ inches to allow extra room for the binding.

Image The body of the report can be single- or double-spaced.

Image Setoff quotations should be single-spaced, as are footnotes.

Image Paragraph indentions should be five spaces.

Image Long quotations should be indented five spaces from the left margin.

Image Numbered and bullet lists should also be indented five spaces.

Image Footnotes should match paragraph margins.

Image Primary headings should be centered and bold, with additional space above and below.

Image A 20- to 24-point sans serif font, such as Helvetica, should be used.

Image Secondary headings should be aligned left justified, bold, with a 16- to 18-point sans serif font.

Image Third-level headings should also be aligned left and bold, with 12- to 14-point sans serif font.

Image There should be no page number on the title page, although a page number should be assigned for numbering purposes.

Image The front matter should use small Roman numerals (i, ii, iii, etc.) for numbering.

Image The body of the report should use Arabic numerals, starting with 1.

Image Page numbers should be either centered or in the right margin, either ½ to 1 inch from the top or ½ inch from the bottom.

Headings and subheadings should be parallel in structure.

Example of nonparallel structure:

1. Reading the Manual

2. The Instructions

3. How to Install the Software

Example of parallel structure:

1. Reading the Manual.

2 Following the Instructions

3. Installing the Software

You should use a numbering system for headings. You can use numbers or a combination of numbers and letters.

Figure 3.63 shows two alternative heading numbering systems.

Figure 3.63 Heading Numbering Systems

System 1

1. Main Heading

1.1 Subheading

1.2 Subheading

1.2.1 Third-level heading

1.2.2 Third-level heading

System 2

I. Main Heading

a. Subheading

b. Subheading

1. Third-level heading

2. Third-level leading

The cover (Figure 3.64) should have the title and author’s name, with the title printed in all capital letters.

The cover may be printed on card stock paper.

The title page should include:

Image The title of the report in all capitals and subtitle if there is one

Image The recipient’s name, corporate title, department, company name, and address

Image The preparer’s name, corporate title, department, company name, and address

Image The date the report is submitted

The flyleaf is a blank page that is inserted after the cover. It is also sometimes added to the end of the report just before the back cover.

The title fly is a single page with just the report title in all capitals, centered on the upper third of the page.

The letter of authorization should be printed on letterhead and explain who authorized the report and any specific details regarding the authorization.

The letter of transmittal (Figure 3.65) is a cover letter for the report. It explains the purpose of the report, the scope, limitations, reference materials, special comments, and acknowledgments.

The letter of transmittal may take the place of a foreword or preface.

The acknowledgements page should list individuals, companies, or institutions that assisted in creating the report.

The table of contents (Figure 3.66) should include headings, subheadings, and third-level headings with page numbers.

Image You can use an outline style with a heading numbering system.

Image If you are using a word processor, you can automatically generate a table of contents based on the heading styles.

If tables are used in the report, you should include a list of tables in the front matter. The list should include:

Image Table numbers

Image Page numbers

Image The descriptions used as table titles in the body of the report

If illustrations are used in the report, you should include a list of figures (Figure 3.67) in the front matter. The list should include:

Image Figure numbers

Image Page numbers

Image The captions used with the figures in the body of the report

The body of the report (Figure 3.68) should include:

Image An introduction to the report.

Image Introductions to the major sections—headings, subheadings, and third-level headings.

Image A summary at the end of major sections.

Image Normal paragraph breaks, bullet lists, numbered lists, illustrations, and tables.

Image Footnotes or endnotes to present content that is not part of the main flow of the body.

Image Footnotes are short notes set at the bottom of the page.

Image Endnotes are placed at the end of the report.

Usually, footnotes or endnotes are numbered with a small, raised number (1, 2, etc.) inserted at the end of the text, with the correspondingly numbered note at the bottom of the page or at the end of the report.

Footnotes and endnotes should include:

Image The author or author’s names

Image The title of the source

Image The publisher

Image The date

Image A page reference

Example: 1Kevin Wilson and Jennifer Wauson, The AMA Handbook of Business Writing (New York, AMACOM Books, 2010), page 201.

Sometimes a footnote is used for just the first reference to a source. Then, in subsequent references, just the author names and the page number are listed.

Example: Wilson and Wauson, 205.

Other parenthetical references are inserted in the text of the document inside parentheses.

If there are supplementary reference materials or sources of research— perhaps information that might be of interest to only some readers—you can include them at the end of the report in an appendix.

The glossary should include technical terms with definitions along with any abbreviations. In the body of the report, the abbreviations should be spelled out the first time they are used.

The bibliography lists:

Image All the sources of information used to compile the report

Image Research that was not cited as a footnote but used to create the report

The bibliography listings are ordered alphabetically by the authors’ last names.

Image If there is no main author, then the book title is used.

Image The author’s surname comes first.

Image Additional authors are listed first name, last name.

Example: Wilson, Kevin, and Jennifer Wauson. The AMA Handbook of Business Writing (New York, AMACOM Books, 2010).

An index is an option for many reports, and should be an alphabetical listing.

Image The first word of each entry has an initial capital letter, and the rest of the words are in lower case.

Image Subentries in the index are like subheadings and are indented one or two spaces.

Image Cross-references direct the reader to another location in the index.

Figure 3.64 Report Cover


Catherine Muncie
Muncie Consulting

Figure 3.65 Report Transmittal Letter

Muncie Consulting
1231 Peachtree Street
Atlanta, GA 30102

May 12, 2012

Mary Ann Cleveland
Vice President
Alstead Communications
3324 Interstate 75 Parkway
Atlanta, GA 30131

Dear Ms. Cleveland:

In accordance to our agreement for conducting research on alternatives to paper-based benefit elections, I am pleased to submit this report with my findings titled “Online Employee Benefit Elections.”

The purpose of this report is provide information to the Alstead Communications Executive Board for the purpose of determining whether online employee self-service is a possibility for annual benefit elections. The report describes the online process and compares it to the current paper-based benefit election process. In addition, the report details various policies and controls that would need to be implemented in order to make online elections secure in order to protect sensitive personal information.

I hope you will find this report to be informative.

Respectfully yours,
Catherine Muncie
Muncie Consulting

Encl: Report on Online Employee Benefit Elections

Figure 3.66 Report Table of Contents


Figure 3.67 Report List of figures


Figure 3.68 Report Body

Report on

I. Introduction

During the annual benefits enrollment period, benefits-eligible employees may make changes to their benefits or enroll in flexible spending accounts for the upcoming plan year.

New benefit elections are effective January 1–December 31 of the following year. Once Open Enrollment has concluded, employees may change their benefits during the plan year only if they experience a qualified status change (marriage, divorce, birth/adoption of a child, or death of a dependent).

The human resources department must complete a number of tasks during August and September in order to ensure the online forms are correct. These tasks include the following:

Image Determining wages for commissioned employees

Image Verifying employment status

Image Entering salary increases into the employee database

Image Updating employee addresses



A request letter is written to seek information, permission, or an explanation. This type of letter should (Figure 3.69):

Image Be courteous, tactful, brief, confident, and persuasive.

Image Be straightforward and include as much detail as possible about the request.

Image Not be overbearing or manipulative in trying to obtain the request.

Image Avoid apologizing for the request.

Image Make sure your request is reasonable.

Image Make the reader feel complimented to be asked for a favor.

Image Express your willingness to reciprocate.

Image Invite the person to contact you with any questions or concerns.

Request letters are typically written to:

Image Request a modification to an agreement.

Image Request a document or publication.

Image Seek a raise or promotion.

Image Request a response to a survey.

Image Ask for assistance.

Image Request a discount.

Image Ask for the correction of an error.

Image Ask for a favor.

Image Request a refund.

Image Extend an invitation.

Image Ask for more information.

Image Request an estimate or bid.

Figure 3.69 Request Letter

May 8, 2012

Roswell News Weekly
3233 Alpharetta Highway
Roswell, GA 32311

Captain Larry Muncie
United States Air Force
Dobbins Air Force Base
Atlanta, GA 30223

Dear Captain Muncie:

This is a request under the Freedom of Information Act (5 U.S.C § 552). I request that the following documents be provided to me:

1. Photographs of the B-29 airplane in the Dobbins Museum

2. Mission information for the B-29 airplane on display

3. Manufacturing information including when it was completed and what factory built the aircraft

To help you determine my status for the purpose of assessing fees, you should know that I am a representative of the news media affiliated with the Roswell Weekly newspaper, and this request is made as part of news gathering, not for commercial use.

I am willing to pay the appropriate fees for this request up to a maximum of $25. If you estimate that the fees will exceed this limit, please contact me.

I have also included my telephone number and email address at which I can be contacted if necessary to discuss any aspect of my request.

Shelia Jefferson
Staff Reporter
(770) 555-1234
[email protected]


Research reports summarize experimental findings and use additional reference sources to support the findings (Figure 3.70).

Research reports are commonly written in one of two ways:

Image An argumentative research report makes a statement about a particular subject and then presents research to support the thesis.

Image An analytical research report asks a question and then presents research describing various answers to the question.

A typical research report includes the following sections:

Image Title page—a short 15-word-or-less description of the report

Image Abstract—a short overview of the report that includes:

Image A statement of the problem

Image The study group

Image Dependent and independent variables

Image Research strategy

Image Major findings

Image Conclusions

Image Introduction—a page that presents the investigated problem, explains the importance of the study, and supplies an overview of the research strategy

Image Method—describing the sample, materials, and procedures used for the research (including all surveys, tests, questionnaires, interview forms, and laboratory equipment used in the research)

Image Results—a summary of the findings from the research

Image Discussion—an interpretation of the findings and the implications

Image References—a list of sources used in the research

Figure 3.70 Analytical Research Report




A resignation letter becomes part of your personnel file and may be seen by future employers or if you reapply at the same organization. When writing a resignation letter, consider these tips (Figure 3.71):

Image Highlight your accomplishments at the organization because your letter may be read by colleagues.

Image Avoid emotion and maintain your dignity.

Image Highlight your skills using action verbs.

Image Emphasize the contributions you have made to the organization— be positive.

Image Show enthusiasm and appreciation for what you have accomplished at the organization.

Image The terms of your resignation should attempt to maintain a good relationship with your employer.

Resignation letters are typically written to:

Image Resign from a job.

Image Announce your retirement.

Image Resign for health reasons.

Image Resign to take another job.

Image Resign for family reasons.

Image Take early retirement

Figure 3.71 Resignation Letter

Dorothy Speers
7877 Bells Ferry Road
Acworth, GA 30188
(770) 555-1212
[email protected]

September 1, 2012

Sally Duffey
Industrial Lighting Supply
4300 Westfield Highway
Cummings, GA 30134

Dear Ms. Duffey:

This letter is to announce my resignation from Industrial Lighting Supply, effective October 1, 2012.

I have enjoyed working for this company for the past five years, and it was a difficult decision to leave. I have enjoyed working with you and the rest of the sales department team. We accomplished a lot together. I am especially proud of the sales order system that I helped implement and for which I developed the training program.

I have accepted a position as general sales manager at Logan Manufacturing in Douglasville, Georgia. This is a great career opportunity for me, and it will reduce my morning commute substantially.

I wish you and everyone at Industrial Lighting Supply the very best.

Dorothy Speers


The purpose of a résumé to get the reader to give you an interview. A résumé should summarize and organize the information so that the reader understands that you are qualified for the job.

All résumés should include:

Image Your name, address, and telephone number

Image Educational background (schools attended, degrees, diplomas, special training)

Image A listing of all previous employment:

Image The date, job title, and organization

Image A brief description of your job

Image Not salary

Image Information about your current job:

Image Skills you have acquired

Image Your responsibilities

Optionally, a résumé can also contain:

Image A job objective, which:

Image Should be tailored to each job for which you apply.

Image State the reason you are submitting your résumé for a particular job.

Example: To obtain a management position in human resources for a large communications firm that utilizes my leadership and organization skills

Image Special skills, such as:

Image Software packages you’ve used

Image Languages you speak, read, and/or write

Image Professional association memberships

Image Honors and awards

Do not include references in your résumé. Instead, state that “References are available upon request.” Have a list of references available with name, title, address, and phone number.

Use action verbs to describe your skills.

Example: Designed a new system to catch data entry errors.

Do not explain in your résumé why you are looking for a new job. Create several versions of your résumé, adapting the information to emphasize different skills required for different jobs. Emphasize your experience for various job possibilities.

There are two basic résumé formats:

Image The history (or chronological) format focuses on where you have worked (Figure 3.72).

Image The skills format lists skills you have acquired (Figure 3.73).

Figure 3.72 Chronological Format Résumé

Evelyn Flo Boyd
12345 Heartside Drive
Western Branch, GA 31234



Office manager and assistant to business owner
Maintained files and records, accounts receivable, and customer database. Assisted photographer with photo subjects, as well as sales of proofs and prints. Handled scheduling of business activities, all correspondence, and travel arrangements.


Office assistant
Scheduled clients and facilities for video production and postproduction facility. Scheduled freelance crews and equipment rentals. Arranged for shipping of equipment and travel for crews. Also handled invoicing and correspondence.

1993–1997: B.A. English
University of Texas
Austin, Texas

References furnished upon request.

Figure 3.73 Skills Format Résumé

Evelyn Flo Boyd
12345 Heartside Drive
Western Branch, GA 31234


ADMINISTRATION—Maintained files and records, accounts receivable, and customer database. Handled scheduling of business activities, all correspondence, and travel arrangements.

SALES—Worked with customers to set appointments and to sell photography services.

VIDEO PRODUCTION—Coordinated scheduling of crews and facilities. Hired freelance crews and outline equipment rentals.

TECHNICAL SKILLS—Complete understanding of IBM-compatible software including Windows, Word for Windows, Excel, and WordPerfect. Also, some understanding of Apple Macintosh computers including Microsoft Word and Excel. Good typing skills, 50 wpm. Working knowledge of most office equipment, copiers, fax machines, and typewriters.

Work History
Office Manager and Assistant to Business Owner
Lyon’s Still Photography
Acworth, Georgia

Office Assistant
Third Coast Video, Inc.
Austin, Texas

1993-1997: B.A. English
University of Texas
Austin, Texas

References furnished upon request.


Sales letters are written to catch the attention of readers in an attempt to sell them a product or service. When writing a sales letter, consider these tips (Figures 3.74 and 3.75):

A good sales letter focuses on what interests the readers:

Image The benefits to the customer

Image How the customer will use the product or service

If the letter is not personally addressed to the reader, start the letter with a headline that:

Image Describes the key benefit to the reader.

Image Uses power words such as free, proven, imagine, how to, fast, cheap, save, enjoy, and introducing.

Image Gets the reader’s attention, targets the audience, lists a benefit, and makes a promise.

Example: How to save 50% or more on office furniture

If the letter is personally addressed, the opening sentence becomes the headline.

Example: Dear Mr. Smith: How would you like to save 50% or more on office furniture for your business?

Keep the letter brief but interesting. Use short sentences, short paragraphs, bullet points, indented paragraphs, and subheadings to design the look of the letter and to make it visually attractive.

Start the letter by identifying the unique selling point of the product or service. Consider the following possibilities:

Image Tell a story about the product or service and how it was used.

Image Make an announcement of some important news about the product or service.

Image Ask the reader a question that involves the unique selling point.

Image Include a quotation from a testimonial.

Image Include a celebrity endorsement.

Image Provide surprising statistics to back up your claims.

Address the reader directly.

Incorrect: Many of you want …

Correct: You want …

Subheadings within the letter can be used to identify additional selling points.

Let the reader know how much the product or service costs.

The closing of the letter should include a call to action that asks for an order and explains how to order. The closing:

Image May include a deadline.

Image Always includes a thank-you.

Include a P.S. at the end of the letter to offer an incentive, sale, free trial, or gift. People often read a P.S.

Sales letters are typically written to:

Image Announce a sale or a sales-related contest.

Image Contact customers who have been inactive for a while.

Image Send a thank-you note to an existing customer.

Image Introduce a new catalog or product.

Image Offer gifts and incentives to customers.

Image Invite a customer to request a sample.

Image Make an appointment for a sales presentation.

Image Respond to customer inquiries.

Image Solicit mail order purchases.

Image Welcome a new customer.

Image Strengthen a relationship with an existing customer.

Figure 3.74 Sales Letter

Business Furniture Liquidators
1245 North Main Street
Atlanta, Georgia 30322
December 1, 2012

Martha Sanchez
First Insurance
3211 Lake Tarn Terrace
Acworth, GA 30188

Dear Ms. Sanchez:

How would you like to save up to 75% on name-brand office furniture? Business Furniture Liquidators specializes in preowned Herman Miller and Steelcase desks and chairs. Why pay full price for new office furniture when you can get quality refurbished furniture at up to 75% off?

Are you planning to expand your business or upgrade your existing offices? Business Furniture Liquidators can help you design and furnish offices, reception areas, and conference rooms. We have a network of distributors throughout the southeast that allow us to offer you a wide range of choices at a price you can afford. We’ll personally deliver and install your furniture to ensure your satisfaction.

Visit our Web site at www.bfl.com or call us at 1-800-555-1212 to request a free quote. You’ll find daily specials on our Web site and pictures of our latest offerings.

Warren Gladson
[email protected]

P.S. For the month of December we are having a liquidation sale on all Herman Miller office chairs. This is a great opportunity for you to upgrade your office chairs to ergonomically friendly Herman Miller chairs at 80% off the retail price. Call or email me today for an inventory list and a price quote.

Figure 3.75 Sales Letter

Realty Investors
7788 Princeton Avenue
St. Louis, MO 63107

Do you have a house you would like to sell?

Dear Homeowner,

Do you own a home in St. Louis that you would like to sell? If so, we would like to meet with you to discuss some great opportunities.

Realty Investors specializes in helping investors find great opportunities in rental properties. We work with a large network of investors who are interested in purchasing rental properties. If you are interested in selling your property, now is a great time to talk to us and let us help you get the best price possible.

Last year, we helped our investors purchase over $20 million in properties in the St. Louis metro area and this year we will easily exceed that amount.

Here is a list of properties our investors are looking for:

Image Single-family, 2- or 3-bedroom homes priced under $150,000

Image Duplexes with 2 bedrooms and 1 bath on each side

Image Mobile homes

Image Two-story homes of any size

If you own a property like one of these, please give me a call and let me conduct a property evaluation. There’s no obligation to sell, and the evaluation is completely free.

Selling your property with Realty Investors is an outstanding opportunity.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Bill Stovall
(314) 555-1212


Seasonal correspondence is a way of greeting customers and employees by writing holiday letters (Figure 3.76). Holiday letters to customers can include special offers and incentives with deadlines related to the holiday.

These letters to customers may also express appreciation for past business. When writing a holiday letter to customers, consider these tips:

Image Greet the customer.

Image Acknowledge the upcoming holiday.

Image Describe the offer.

Image Express appreciation for the customer’s business.

Image Close by offering warm wishes.

Holiday letters to employees can be used to express thanks for their hard work. When writing holiday letters to employees, consider these tips:

Image Begin with a personal greeting.

Image Acknowledge the upcoming holiday.

Image Mention it in the letter if it includes a bonus or gift check.

Image Announce any holiday parties, and include information about the date, time, location, and whether there is a need to RSVP.

Image Include any messages about company accomplishments for the latest period and any goals for the future.

Image Close by wishing the employee a happy holiday.

Holiday letters are most effective when they are personally addressed to the reader. Be sensitive to the fact that the individual may not celebrate the holiday.

Holiday letters are typically written to:

Image Announce a holiday-related sale.

Image Thank customers for their previous business.

Image Announce a holiday-related open house.

Image Announce a party.

Image Offer season’s greetings.

Image Announce a holiday schedule.

Figure 3.76 Seasonal Correspondence

Acme Auto Supply
5353 Buffalo Speedway
Houston, TX 77097

December 7, 2012

Jeff Richardson
Jeff’s Auto Repair
3221 Stella Link
Houston, TX 77098

Dear Mr. Richardson,

With the holiday season approaching, there is so much personal and business activity to take care of that it is sometimes easy to forget to thank our great customers who have helped make it a great year for us.

I want to personally thank you for your business and for being a loyal customer of Acme Auto Supply.

May this holiday season bring happiness to you and your family.

Very truly yours,
Sam Henderson
(713) 555-1212


Specifications appear in various forms—the design of high-tech products, software development, engineering, and architecture (Figure 3.77). Specifications dictate the design of the project. They describe how the product should appear when completed. They can be included as part of a contract.

There are four major types of specifications:

Image Requirement specifications (architecture and engineering) describe:

Image A product during the design phase

Image The functions the product will be capable of performing

Image The costs involved in making the product

Image Functional specifications (manufacturing) describe:

Image The purpose, use, and operation of the product

Image How the components work together

Image The electronics that will be used

Image The power requirements

Image The production and maintenance costs

Image Design specifications (software) describe:

Image The documents that contain information about the product

Image The product’s functions, what it does, and how it does it

Image Any external components that interface with the product

Image The details of all the products’ functions

Image The power requirements

Image Test specifications (manufacturing and software) describe:

Image All the tests that will be run on the product during the development phase

Image All the tests that will be run on the production version of the product.

When writing specifications, keep the following language usage guidelines in mind:

Image Keep sentences short and simple.

Image Edit carefully to avoid mistakes that cause errors in the interpretation of the specifications and that result in manufacturing or development mistakes.

Image Reference other documents and paragraphs rather than repeat content.

Image Don’t worry about repeating the same words and phrases.

Image Use caution with ambiguous words like any, include, and run.

Image Define acronyms the first time they are used.

Image Avoid the use of words that may create logic errors in the specifications.

Example: all, always, never, every, none

Image Do not use slash marks in specifications.

Incorrect: A/B

Correct: either A or B

Image Use verbs in the future tense, using the emphatic form such as shall.

Image Shall expresses a requirement.

Image Will, should, and may do not express a requirement.

Image Describe the person who will be using the product in the specifications.

Example: The operator will be a licensed engineer.

Image Be specific when using noun modifiers that could be interpreted to apply to two or more nouns.

Incorrect: The cabin door will be connected to the doorway using metal pins and lock pins made of titanium.

Correct: The cabin door will be connected to the doorway using titanium pins and titanium lock pins.

Image Use caution when writing essential and nonessential dependent clauses with words like that and which.

Image Essential clauses are required to specify a particular item and are often introduced by that.

Image Nonessential clauses are not required to specify anything and are often introduced using which.

Image Other introductory words that introduce essential and nonessential clauses are after, as, as if, as though, as soon as, at which, because, before, by which, for which, if, in order that, since, so that, to which, unless, when, where, which, while, who, whom, and whose.

Image Avoid using multiple conjunctions in the same sentence.

Incorrect: The cabin door will be sealed by gluing and clamping or riveting.

Correct: The cabin door will be sealed either by gluing and clamping or by riveting.

Image Use the third person.

Incorrect: You will push the green on-screen Start button to begin the test.

Correct: The operator will push the green on-screen Start button to begin the test.

Image When including lists in specifications, make sure they are complete and parallel in structure.

Image The elements of the list should be the same part of speech.

Figure 3.77 Specifications


All students are required to have a desktop or laptop computer as well as a printer for use throughout the school year. Computers must also include a three-year on-site warranty for parts and labor, as well as telephone or Internet support.

Operating System

Image Windows 7

Software Suite

Image Microsoft Office Professional with Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Outlook

Image Internet Explorer browser

Image Norton Antivirus

Computer Hardware

Image Processor speed of at least 2 GHz

Image Memory (RAM) of 2 GB or more

Image Hard disk drive of at least 100 GB

Image DVD burner CD-RW combo disc drive

Image 19-inch flat panel display

Image Inkjet printer and printer cable plus three additional sets of replacement ink cartridges

Image 10/100Base-T Ethernet card or wireless Ethernet card

Image USB Flash memory stick with at least 1 GB of capacity

Image Multimedia sound capability

Image Headphones


Writing a speech involves writing a script that can be memorized or read from a teleprompter, as well as speaker notes that the speaker can refer to during the presentation. (Figure 3.78.)

In planning a speech, keep the following in mind:

Image Is the purpose of the speech to inform, instruct, or persuade?

Image An informational speech focuses on facts.

Image An instructional speech explains how to do something.

Image A persuasive speech attempts to convince the audience to think and act a certain way.

Image Consider the audience for the speech and the location.

Image The audience and location will affect the tone of the speech.

Image Consider what the members of the audience have in common, such as age, interests, gender, and ethnicity.

Image Consider how much the audience already knows about the topic.

Image Will they already be familiar with the content, or will you be introducing new ideas?

Image What level of detail is appropriate for the audience?

Image What might offend the audience?

Image Plan the presentation to avoid standing behind a podium.

Image Walk around but don’t pace.

Image Plan on addressing different parts of the audience rather than one or two people in the front row.

Image Determine whether accompanying visuals are appropriate. They may be appropriate depending on the audience and location.

In writing a speech, consider the following:

Image Write a good introduction that gives a short overview and creates interest.

Image Create a hook that captures the audience’s attention.

Image Offer shocking statistics.

Image Ask a thought-provoking question.

Image Establish the reason you are speaking and why your topic is important.

Image Describe the topic from the audience’s point of view.

Image Divide your speech into sections, and give each section a verbal title.

Image Use summaries and logical transitions to move from one section to the next.

Image Repeat crucial points to remind the audience.

Image Repeat crucial buzzwords to reinforce their meaning.

Image Use powerful transitions to reinforce or contrast ideas.

Image Write the speech with short uncomplicated sentences.

Image Avoid using too many subordinate clauses.

Image Avoid the use of too many pronouns; it is hard for an audience to remember who and what it, they, and this mean.

Image Use the strategies of ethos, pathos, and logos.

Image Ethos builds trust between the speaker and the audience.

Image Pathos appeals to the audience’s emotions.

Image Logos provides facts, statistics, and logic.

Image Conclude the speech by summarizing, stating your own conclusion, and then adding last thoughts as commentary.

Image Restate the main points of the speech, but don’t repeat them the same way they were originally delivered.

Image End with a call to action that creates a connection with the audience.

Figure 3.78 Speech by John F. Kennedy

By John F. Kennedy

Vice President Johnson, Mr. Speaker, Mr. Chief Justice, President Eisenhower, Vice President Nixon, President Truman, reverend clergy, fellow citizens, we observe today not a victory of party, but a celebration of freedom—symbolizing an end, as well as a beginning—signifying renewal, as well as change. For I have sworn before you and Almighty God the same solemn oath our forebears prescribed nearly a century and three quarters ago.

The world is very different now. For man holds in his mortal hands the power to abolish all forms of human poverty and all forms of human life. And yet the same revolutionary beliefs for which our forebears fought are still at issue around the globe—the belief that the rights of man come not from the generosity of the state, but from the hand of God.

We dare not forget today that we are the heirs of that first revolution. Let the word go forth from this time and place, to friend and foe alike, that the torch has been passed to a new generation of Americans—born in this century, tempered by war, disciplined by a hard and bitter peace, proud of our ancient heritage—and unwilling to witness or permit the slow undoing of those human rights to which this Nation has always been committed, and to which we are committed today at home and around the world.

Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe, in order to assure the survival and the success of liberty.

This much we pledge—and more.

To those old allies whose cultural and spiritual origins we share, we pledge the loyalty of faithful friends. United, there is little we cannot do in a host of cooperative ventures. Divided, there is little we can do— for we dare not meet a powerful challenge at odds and split asunder.

To those new States whom we welcome to the ranks of the free, we pledge our word that one form of colonial control shall not have passed away merely to be replaced by a far more iron tyranny. We shall not always expect to find them supporting our view. But we shall always hope to find them strongly supporting their own freedom—and to remember that, in the past, those who foolishly sought power by riding the back of the tiger ended up inside.

To those peoples in the huts and villages across the globe struggling to break the bonds of mass misery, we pledge our best efforts to help them help themselves, for whatever period is required—not because the Communists may be doing it, not because we seek their votes, but because it is right. If a free society cannot help the many who are poor, it cannot save the few who are rich.

To our sister republics south of our border, we offer a special pledge— to convert our good words into good deeds—in a new alliance for progress—to assist free men and free governments in casting off the chains of poverty. But this peaceful revolution of hope cannot become the prey of hostile powers. Let all our neighbors know that we shall join with them to oppose aggression or subversion anywhere in the Americas. And let every other power know that this Hemisphere intends to remain the master of its own house.

To that world assembly of sovereign states, the United Nations, our last best hope in an age where the instruments of war have far outpaced the instruments of peace, we renew our pledge of support—to prevent it from becoming merely a forum for invective—to strengthen its shield of the new and the weak—and to enlarge the area in which its writ may run.

Finally, to those nations who would make themselves our adversary, we offer not a pledge but a request: that both sides begin anew the quest for peace, before the dark powers of destruction unleashed by science engulf all humanity in planned or accidental self-destruction.

We dare not tempt them with weakness. For only when our arms are sufficient beyond doubt can we be certain beyond doubt that they will never be employed.

But neither can two great and powerful groups of nations take comfort from our present course—both sides overburdened by the cost of modern weapons, both rightly alarmed by the steady spread of the deadly atom, yet both racing to alter that uncertain balance of terror that stays the hand of mankind’s final war.

So let us begin anew—remembering on both sides that civility is not a sign of weakness, and sincerity is always subject to proof. Let us never negotiate out of fear. But let us never fear to negotiate.

Let both sides explore what problems unite us instead of belaboring those problems which divide us.

Let both sides, for the first time, formulate serious and precise proposals for the inspection and control of arms—and bring the absolute power to destroy other nations under the absolute control of all nations.

Let both sides seek to invoke the wonders of science instead of its terrors. Together let us explore the stars, conquer the deserts, eradicate disease, tap the ocean depths, and encourage the arts and commerce.

Let both sides unite to heed in all corners of the earth the command of Isaiah—to “undo the heavy burdens—and to let the oppressed go free.”

And if a beachhead of cooperation may push back the jungle of suspicion, let both sides join in creating a new endeavor, not a new balance of power, but a new world of law, where the strong are just and the weak secure and the peace preserved.

All this will not be finished in the first 100 days. Nor will it be finished in the first 1,000 days, nor in the life of this Administration, nor even perhaps in our lifetime on this planet. But let us begin.

In your hands, my fellow citizens, more than in mine, will rest the final success or failure of our course. Since this country was founded, each generation of Americans has been summoned to give testimony to its national loyalty. The graves of young Americans who answered the call to service surround the globe.

Now the trumpet summons us again—not as a call to bear arms, though arms we need; not as a call to battle, though embattled we are—but a call to bear the burden of a long twilight struggle, year in and year out, “rejoicing in hope, patient in tribulation”—a struggle against the common enemies of man: tyranny, poverty, disease, and war itself.

Can we forge against these enemies a grand and global alliance, North and South, East and West, that can assure a more fruitful life for all mankind? Will you join in that historic effort?

In the long history of the world, only a few generations have been granted the role of defending freedom in its hour of maximum danger. I do not shrink from this responsibility—I welcome it. I do not believe that any of us would exchange places with any other people or any other generation. The energy, the faith, the devotion which we bring to this endeavor will light our country and all who serve it—and the glow from that fire can truly light the world.

And so, my fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do for you— ask what you can do for your country.

My fellow citizens of the world: ask not what America will do for you, but what together we can do for the freedom of man.

Finally, whether you are citizens of America or citizens of the world, ask of us the same high standards of strength and sacrifice which we ask of you. With a good conscience our only sure reward, with history the final judge of our deeds, let us go forth to lead the land we love, asking His blessing and His help, but knowing that here on earth God’s work must truly be our own.


Summary writing is a way of organizing and summarizing information that condenses large quantities of information into a shorter version that can be used for easy reference.

In technical writing, summary writing is employed to create abstracts, which provide a brief overview of a document.

To write summaries or abstracts, do the following (Figure 3.79):

Image Read the longer document thoroughly, and make sure you completely understand the content.

Image Review the longer document a second time, and strike out material that you feel isn’t necessary and underline the most important points.

Image Write a summary in your own words, following the organization of the original material.

Image Mention the author, title, and publication date.

Image Avoid unnecessary details and quotes.

Image Don’t give your own opinion.

Image Any material used verbatim from the original should be properly documented.

Image Compare your draft summary with the original for accuracy.

Image The finished summary should be no longer than 20% of the original’s length.

Figure 3.79 Summary


1. Background and Scope of the Analysis


This Service Report was prepared by the Energy Information Administration (EIA) in response to a request from Senator James Inhofe.5 Senator Inhofe requested an analysis of a proposal (referred to as the 25 × 25 Policy Scenario in his letter request) to achieve a 25-percent renewable portfolio standard (RPS) and a 25-percent renewable fuel standard (RFS) by 2025. The combined RPS and RFS policy proposal is referred to as “the Policy” hereafter in the report. Copies of the request letter and a follow-up letter of clarification are provided in Appendix A.

Proposal Summary

The proposal analyzed in this study has two components: (1) an RPS, which requires that the percentage of electricity sales produced from renewable sources, excluding existing hydroelectric generation, must reach 25 percent by 2025; and (2) an RFS, which requires that the volumetric percentage of the transportation gasoline and diesel fuel market supplied from renewable resources, in the form of ethanol and biodiesel, must reach 25 percent by 2025 and then grow proportionately with growth in demand for transportation gasoline and diesel fuel. Each sector (electricity sales and gasoline plus diesel transport fuels) is required to meet its own target by 2025. Twenty-five percent of electricity sales would be from renewable generators and 25 percent of gasoline plus diesel fuel sales would be from either ethanol or biodiesel on a volumetric basis.

A key assumption in both the electricity and transportation sectors is that all tax or other policy incentives for domestic renewable fuels and ethanol import tariffs in current laws and regulations are allowed to sunset without extension.

The RPS target in the electricity sector is implemented using a credit trading system, where the qualifying renewables include:

(Courtesy of the U.S. Department of Energy)

Image Biomass used in dedicated plants or co-fired with other fuels

Image Geothermal

Image Municipal solid waste (including landfill gas)

Image Solar thermal

Image Photovoltaic (PV)

Image Wind (both onshore and offshore)

Image Incremental new hydroelectricity above that existing in 2006

Further, existing qualifying generators, except existing hydroelectricity, receive credits under the proposed Policy. The renewable share is expressed as a share of electricity sales in kilowatt hours. The required share is set equal to the share of qualifying renewable generation sales in 2006 and increases to 25 percent in 2025. Thereafter, it is held at 25 percent. All retail electricity sellers are included. RPS credit trading is allowed only within the electricity sector, and there is no cap on the credit price.

The RFS target for the motor transportation sector is also implemented using tradable credits, where the qualifying renewable fuels include:

Image Corn-based ethanol

Image Cellulose-based ethanol

Image Biodiesel production from all sources, including animal fats and oil-based beans/seeds

As with the RPS, existing qualifying sources receive credits. The renewable share is expressed as a share of all liquids sold in the motor transportation sector that displace either gasoline or diesel. The required share is set equal to the share of qualifying renewables sold in 2006 and increases to 25 percent in 2025. Thereafter, it is held at 25 percent. RFS credit trading is allowed only within the transportation sector, and there is no cap on the credit price. The existing import tariff on Brazilian ethanol imports (51 cents per gallon) is allowed to sunset in 2010. Finally, measures that facilitate compliance with the RFS, such as mandates to produce Flex Fuel Vehicles (FFVs) and the availability of E85 pumps at gasoline dispensing stations, are assumed as stipulated in Senate Bill 23 (S.23).

General Methodology

In this study, analyses of the energy sector impacts and energy-related economic impacts of the Policy proposal are based on the Annual Energy Outlook 2007 (AEO2007)6 reference and high price cases, as amended to allow for the additional assumptions and modeling enhancements necessary to evaluate the proposal. As in the preparation of the Annual Energy Outlook and most EIA service reports, the National Energy Modeling System (NEMS) was used to evaluate the impacts of the Policy Case and alternative assumptions.

A number of changes were made in NEMS to address the Policy and to include enhancements relevant to the analysis. They included changes to the macroeconomic module to improve the representation of the impact on the entire economy of price increases for agricultural products, motor fuel, and electricity; changes in the Petroleum Market Module to ensure convergence of NEMS; and changes to the Renewable Fuels and Transportation Modules to incorporate the proposal’s mandates. The changes made to the AEO2007 NEMS are summarized in Appendix B.

Sensitivity Cases

In addition to the four cases requested by Senator Inhofe (Reference, High Price, Policy, and High Price Policy), four additional cases are provided to illustrate the impacts of higher availability of ethanol imports and more optimistic assumptions for the cellulosic ethanol technology: Low-Cost Ethanol Imports, Low-Cost Ethanol Imports Policy, High Renewable Technology, and High Renewable Technology Policy. The cases analyzed for this request are shown in Table 1. High Renewable Technology and High Technology are used interchangeably throughout this text.


A termination of employment letter is an official announcement regarding a layoff or firing. A termination letter should come at the end of a termination process that involves personnel meetings.

Termination letters are usually written because of redundancy in positions, misconduct by an employee, or poor performance.

A termination of employment letter should (Figure 3.80):

Image Be courteous and professional.

Image Start by announcing the termination and the effective date.

Image State the reasons for the termination.

Image Clearly state any individual requirements, such as the return of a company car, credit card, computer, or cell phone.

Image Clearly state any details regarding pay, holiday pay, benefits, pension, and other financial settlement.

Image Describe the appeals process and schedule if an appeals process is required due to state law or union contract.

Image Include a place for the employee to sign to confirm receipt of the letter.

Figure 3.80 Termination Letter

Credit Corp America
4300 Interstate Parkway
Dallas, TX 75301
September 6, 2012

Mary Sullivan
6426 Lakewood Blvd
Dallas, TX 75214

Dear Mrs. Sullivan:

As we discussed in our meeting on September 5, 2012, I regretfully must inform you that your employment with Credit Corp America will be terminated today, September 6, 2012.

As described in our meeting, the reason for termination of your employment is your failure to meet your sales quotas. You failed to meet your monthly quota three months ago and were given a warning at that time. You have continued to miss your quota for each of the past three months.

As part of the termination process, you must return your sales literature, customer lists, and company laptop.

You will receive two weeks’ pay, which will be sent to your home within the next five days. You will also retain your 401(k) account. Your health insurance benefits will continue through the end of September. At that time, you have the option of continuing your coverage by purchasing it through the COBRA program.

To acknowledge your receipt of this letter, please sign and date below and return it to me.

We are sorry to see you leave and wish you the best for the future.

Mary Ann Lemer
Vice President of Sales

I acknowledge receipt of this letter.



Training manuals are designed to instruct the reader on how to do something. There are two main types of training manuals:

Image Instructor-led manuals may rely on lectures and demonstrations by the instructor (Figure 3.81).

Image Self-paced training manuals must provide more instructions than an instructor-led manual (Figure 3.82).

A typical training manual includes:

Image Cover (Figure 3.83)

Image Table of contents (Figure 3.84)

Image How-to-get-started information (Figure 3.85)

Image Lesson modules

Image Appendix items

Image Glossary

Image End-of-course quiz (Figure 3.86)

Image Course evaluation form (Figure 3.87)

Training manuals are normally divided into lessons or topics. A typical lesson includes:

Image Lesson overview and objectives (Figure 3.883.89)

Image Explanation in the form of headings, subheadings, paragraphs of text, and lists

Image Illustrations, diagrams, charts, screen captures, or photographs.

Image Tables (Figure 3.90)

Image Step-by-step instructions (Figure 3.91)

Image Use of bold, italics, and all caps to highlight actions to be taken by the participant

Image Exercises (Figure 3.92)

Image Quizzes

Image Summaries

Instructor-led manuals may include:

Image Copies of PowerPoint slides used by the instructor as visual aids

Image Speaker notes that summarize the instructor’s lecture

Image Speaker notes in the participant’s version of the manual Notes and warning messages may be formatted with icons and graphic boxes to focus the student’s attention.

Training manuals may be integrated with other forms of instruction, such as:

Image Hands-on exercises

Image Team exercises

Image Exercises involving online simulations

Image Videos and audio recordings

Image Computer-based training

Image Webinars

Image Job aids

Figure 3.81 Instructor-Led Training Manual


Figure 3.82 Self-Study Training Manual


Figure 3.83 Training Manual Cover


Figure 3.84 Training Manual Table of Contents


Figure 3.85 Training Manual Getting-Started Page


Figure 3.86 Training Manual Quiz


Figure 3.87 Training Manual Course Evaluation


Figure 3.88 Training Manual Course Objectives


Figure 3.89 Training Manual Lesson Contents and Objectives


Figure 3.90 Training Manual Table Reference


Figure 3.91 Training Manual Instructions


Figure 3.92 Training Manual Group Activity



A trip report is usually a simple memo that is sent to a supervisor after an employee returns from a business trip.

A trip report should include (Figure 3.93):

Image The purpose of the trip

Image A summary of what happened on the trip

Image A discussion of any information learned on the trip that needs to be considered, such as customer needs or complaints

Image Recommendations for any action that needs to be taken

Figure 3.93 Trip Report



Purpose: This is an update of my sales trip last week to Oklahoma City.

Summary: I called on four of our existing customers and three new potential customers. The existing customers (ABC, Dowd Electric, Pace Supplies, and Jumbo Construction) all seemed pleased with our service. The three new customers (Xecel, Jefferson Bingham, and Winstead) are mainly interested in pricing.

Discussion: Jeff Brown at Xecel showed me our competitor’s price list. Our prices are about 10% more. Jeff expressed interest in doing business with us if our prices were comparable. I believe the same would be true for Jefferson Bingham and Winstead.

Recommendation: I suggest we run some type of special sale or promotion for a specific period of time to get these guys to give us a try. Once they experience our level of service, if our prices increase later, they may not care.


User guides are documents about the operation of a product. The types of user guides are:

Image Large user guides, for complex products

Image Software user guides, published as books, online as Web pages (Figure 3.94), or both ways

Image Small user guides, written for products ranging from toasters to automobiles

Some user guides may include tutorials for learning to use the product. Product tutorials are often published as separate documents (Figure 3.95). User guides often include troubleshooting procedures.

User guides often include:

Image Heading organization with subheadings

Image Numbered and bulleted lists

Image Step-by-step instructions

Image Graphics and illustrations.

Image Tables

Image Use of boldface, italics, all caps, and different fonts to highlight content.

Image Special notices with notes, tips, warnings, cautions, and danger messages

User guides also include covers (Figure 3.96), title pages, list of trademarks, disclaimers, warranties, license agreements, appendix items, glossaries, and an index.

The product-related content included in a user guide is usually presented in one of the following ways:

Image Step-by-step instructions guide users through operating the product (Figure 3.97). These guides often contain:

Image Illustrations as a road map

Image Numbered lists or list bullets as formatting

Image Reference information provides content about all of the components, settings, controls, and options (Figure 3.98). Reference information is often presented in table form.

Image Getting-started information provides users with a tutorial on how to start using the product immediately (Figure 3.99).

Image Technical specifications provide reference information for maintenance and troubleshooting.

Figure 3.94 Online User Guide


Figure 3.95 User Guide Tutorial


Figure 3.96 User Guide Cover


Figure 3.97 User Guide Instructions


Figure 3.98 User Guide Reference Information


Figure 3.99 User Guide Quick Start



Warning or discipline letters are written to make an employee aware of a problem and to define potential disciplinary action. A warning letter becomes part of an employee’s personnel file and may be used later during the termination process.

When writing a warning letter, consider these tips (Figure 3.100):

Image Start the letter by stating briefly what events led to the written warning. Include specific situations, dates, and times.

Image Identify your expectations for the employee and what behavior the employee needs to change.

Image Warn the employee that disciplinary action may have to be taken if the behavior is not corrected.

Image Provide details about what the disciplinary action may include.

Image State that failure to correct the situation may result in termination.

Warning letters are typically written to:

Image Document a reprimand.

Image Warn an employee for breach of policy.

Image Warn an employee for poor performance.

Image Reprimand an employee for poor attendance or lateness.

Image Warn tenants in a rental property.

Image Warn customers about a credit suspension.

Figure 3.100 Warning Letter

Credit Corp America
4300 Interstate Parkway
Dallas, TX 75301
June 2, 2012

Mary Sullivan
6426 Lakewood Blvd
Dallas, TX 75214

Dear Mrs. Sullivan:

As you will recall, the sales quota for our customer representatives is $10,000 per month. I discussed with you at the end of April that it was important for you to achieve this quota each and every month. For the month of May, your sales totaled only $5,500.

Company policy states that any customer representative who fails to achieve his/her sales quota for two consecutive months is subject to termination. As a result of this situation, this letter will serve as a warning, and a copy will be placed in your personnel file. To avoid termination, you will need to achieve your quota for the month of June.

If you know of any problems that will prevent you from reaching these goals, or if you wish to discuss this matter with me in more detail, please arrange for a meeting.

Mary Ann Lemer
Vice President of Sales


Writing for a Web site is different from writing for print.

Image Writing for print is linear in nature, whereas writing for the Web is nonlinear.

Image Web page content is usually chunked and packaged, so that a reader can quickly scan the page and decide whether to read more. (Readers spend very little time reading text on an individual Web page.)

Image Web pages feature highlighted keywords, extensive use of subheadings, bulleted lists, and normally half the word length of a similar paper document.

When writing content for a Web site, consider these tips (Figure 3.101):

Image Tone down promotional marketing hype and focus instead on reference and helpful information.

Image Use an objective rather than a subjective tone.

Image Use the active voice for Web content.

Image Show numbers as numerals in all Web content.

Image Numerals are easier to scan and take up less room.

Image Spell out large numbers, such as a million, billion, and trillion, because the words are shorter than the numerals.

When writing headlines for Web articles:

Image Keep headlines short and format them in bold.

Image Summarize the article so that users will know enough to determine whether they want to read it.

Image Include the most important keywords first in the headline because readers often scan only the first few words of a headline.

Image Use keywords that match common user search criteria in search engines.

Image Substitute commonly known words for technical jargon.

Image Use generic names rather than brand names.

Image Make the average headline five words.

When writing a Web article, consider the following:

Image Use the inverted pyramid approach that is often used by journalists where you begin the article by telling the reader the conclusion, followed by important supporting information, and then end by providing background details.

Image Use down-to-earth informal language to make the content easy to understand.

Image Include hyperlinks to reference sources for added credibility.

Image Use humor with caution because of the wide variety of user preferences.

Image Use approximately 60% fewer words than you would if you were writing the same content for print.

Image Chunk the content into sections and move nice-to-know content to other pages, and include hyperlinks to this content in the main article.

Image Illustrations should always have a caption and complement the text rather than used just to make the page flashy.

Image Segment the text to make it easier to scan the document.

Image Break up long paragraphs into smaller segments.

Image Include a heading that describes the subject of each segment, and capitalize the first letter of each word.

Image Include subheadings where appropriate, and capitalize only the first word.

Image For lists of any kind, use bullet lists.

Image Use the three aspects of rhetoric: ethos, pathos, and logos.

Image Ethos—Establish the credibility of the author by including references and hyperlinks to your sources.

Image Pathos—Make an appeal to the reader’s emotions by writing from the reader’s point of view.

Image Logos—Appeal to the reader’s logic by providing statistical facts and convincing examples

Figure 3.101 Web Site



White papers are written to introduce an innovative product or technology to the industry, emphasize the unique qualities and advantages of a product or service, help influence customer buying decisions, and are the beginning steps in the creation of a product marketing strategy.

When preparing to write a white paper, read other white papers available on the Internet and look for successful models. Consider how the white paper will be published: paper-based or on a Web site.

When writing a white paper (Figure 3.102):

Image Define the audience and understand their concerns.

Image Be aware of the time investment required by the audience to read your white paper.

Image Make sure it is engaging and captures the audience’s attention.

Image Start with a one-paragraph executive summary with the key points the audience needs to know.

Image State the problem faced by the customer that the product or service can solve.

Image Describe the product and include the following details:

Image How the product was designed

Image What industry standards were used or considered

Image What type of testing was conducted on the product or service

Image What best practices were learned

Image Keep a positive tone.

Image Use the active voice.

Image Avoid jargon and keep the presentation as nontechnical as possible.

Image Include diagrams and illustrations.

Image Explain how the product resolves the problem stated earlier.

Image Tie the product to the problem, and include case study evidence of how the product solved the problem.

Image Include testimonials and interview quotes, if available.

Image Conclude by summarizing the benefits and discussing the return on investment for customers.

Image Mention future product development and timelines for release.

Figure 3.102 White Paper

Transforming Online Governement

A White Paper Written for the Presidential Transition Team by
The Federal Web Managers Council

Current and former members of the Federal Web Managers Council who contributed to this paper: Bev Godwin, General Services Administration/USA.gov (Executive Sponsor); Sheila Campbell, General Services Administration/USA.gov (co-chair); Rachel Flagg, Dept. of Housing and Urban Development (co-chair); Melissa Allen, Dept. of Interior; Andy Bailey, Dept. of Labor; Les Benito, Dept. of Defense; Joyce Bounds, Dept. of Veterans Affairs; Nicole Burton, General Services Administration/USA.gov; Bruce Carter, Social Security Administration (retired); Natalie Davidson, General Services Administration/USA.gov; Kate Donohue, Dept. of Treasury; Brian Dunbar, NASA; Tim Evans, Social Security Administration; Kellie Feeney, Dept. of Transportation; Sam Gallagher, Dept. of Housing and Urban Development; Colleen Hope, Dept. of State; Ron Jones, Dept. of Commerce/NOAA; Tina Kelley; Dept. of Justice; Gwynne Kostin, Dept. of Homeland Security; Jeffrey Levy, EPA; Beth Martin, Dept. of Health and Human Services; Leilani Martinez, GSA/GobiernoUSA.gov; Suzanne Nawrot, Dept. of Energy; Russell O’Neill, General Services Administration/USA.gov; Tom Parisi, Dept. of Treasury/IRS; Vic Powell, USDA; Rezaur Rahman, Advisory Council on Historic Preservation; Eric Ramoth, Dept. of Housing and Urban Development; Rand Ruggieri, Dept. of Commerce; Richard Stapleton, Dept. of Health and Human Services; Kim Taylor, USDA; Kirk Winters, Dept. of Education

We welcome your questions and comments. Please contact the Federal Web Managers Council co-chairs, Sheila Campbell ([email protected]) and Rachel Flagg ([email protected]).

(Courtesy of the Whitehouse.gov)


This White Paper recommends specific strategies for revolutionizing how the U.S. Government delivers online services to the American people. It was developed by the Federal Web Managers Council, comprised of Cabinet agency Web Directors.

The current state of government online communications

The importance of the Internet has grown exponentially over the last decade, but the government’s ability to provide online services to the American people hasn’t grown at the same pace. Building this capacity will present one of the biggest challenges— and most promising opportunities—for President-elect Obama. We need to build on the groundswell of citizen participation in the presidential campaign and make people’s everyday interactions with their government easier and more transparent.

It won’t be an easy task. There are approximately 24,000 U.S. Government websites now online (but no one knows the exact number). Many websites tout organizational achievements instead of effectively delivering basic information and services. Many web managers don’t have access to social media tools because of legal, security, privacy, and internal policy concerns. Many agencies focus more on technology and website infrastructure than improving content and service delivery. Technology should not drive our business decisions, but rather help us serve the needs of the American people. Here’s the result when communication takes a backseat to technology:

“Often I can find the page on a government site that’s supposed to contain the information I need, but I can’t make heads or tails of it. I recently tried to Google a specific requirement for dependent care flex accounts. Although I got to the correct page, it didn’t answer my question. The links took me to the typical, poorly written tax guidance. Where did I get the answer to my question? On Wikipedia.”

We’re working to address these problems. We’ve built a network of over 1,500 federal, state, and local web professionals across the country to share best practices; we created a large-scale training program for web managers; and we’re working to support the use of social media while also addressing important privacy, security, and legal implications.

While our efforts have been very successful, a high-level mandate from the new Administration is needed to quickly and radically transform government websites.

A bold, new vision for the future

President-elect Obama should be able to promise the American people that when they need government information and services online, they will be able to:

Image Easily find relevant, accurate, and up-to-date information;

Image Understand information the first time they read it;

Image Complete common tasks efficiently;

Image Get the same answer whether they use the web, phone, email, live chat, read a brochure, or visit in-person;

Image Provide feedback and ideas and hear what the government will do with them;

Image Access critical information if they have a disability or aren’t proficient in English.

The recommendations below are designed to help the new Administration increase the efficiency, transparency, accountability, and participation between government and the American people. Some of these changes can be implemented quickly and at minimal cost. Others will require significant changes in how agencies conduct business and may require shifts in how they fund web communications.

Establish Web Communications as a core government business function

One of the biggest problems we face in improving government websites is that many agencies still view their website as an IT project rather than as a core business function. Many government websites lack a dedicated budget. Only a minority of agencies have developed strong web policies and management controls. Some have hundreds of “legacy” websites with outdated or irrelevant content. With limited resources, many find it difficult to solicit regular customer input and take quick action to improve their sites. While there are many effective government websites, most web teams are struggling to manage the amount of online content the government produces every day.

Image Agencies should be required to fund their “virtual” office space as part of their critical infrastructure, in the same way they fund their “bricks and mortar” office space.

Image Agencies should be required to appoint an editor-in-chief for every website they maintain, as do the top commercial websites. This person should be given appropriate funding and authority to develop and enforce web policies and publishing standards, including ensuring that prime real estate on government websites is dedicated to helping people find the information they need.

Image OPM should develop standard job descriptions and core training requirements so agencies can hire and retain highly qualified experts in web content and new media—not just IT specialists.

Help the public complete common government tasks efficiently

The U.S. economy loses millions of hours of “citizen productivity” every year when people can’t efficiently accomplish basic government tasks online, such as filling out a form, applying for a loan, or checking eligibility for a government program. This adds to people’s dissatisfaction with their government.

Image Agencies should be required and funded to identify their core online customer tasks, and to develop service standards and performance benchmarks for completing those tasks. If the core customer tasks are not yet online, agencies should determine whether or not those tasks can be made available online, and if so, develop a plan for making them available online within one year.

Image The Government should use social media, not just to create transparency, but also to help people accomplish their core tasks. For example, agencies could post instructional videos on YouTube to explain how to apply for a small business loan or learn about Medicare benefits. To do this, the government must ensure that federal employees who need access to social media tools have them, and that these new ways of delivering content are available to all, including people with disabilities.

Image The new Administration should develop government-wide guidelines for disseminating content in universally accessible formats (data formats, news feeds, mobile, video, podcasts, etc.), and on non-government sites such as YouTube, Wikipedia, and SecondLife. To remain relevant, government needs to take our content to where people already are on the Web, rather than just expecting people will come to government websites. Having guidelines will ensure that we’re part of the larger “online information ecosystem,” without compromising the integrity of government information.

Clean up the clutter so people can find what they need online

President-elect Obama will inherit thousands of U.S. government websites. We have too much content to categorize, search, and manage effectively, and there is no comprehensive system for removing or archiving old or underused content. Some agencies have posted competing websites on similar topics, creating duplication of effort and causing confusion for the public. Much government web content is written in “governmentese” instead of plain language.

Image The Government should set stricter standards for approving new, or renewing existing, government websites. All federally owned, managed, and/or directly funded websites must be hosted on .gov, .mil or fed.us domains. Where agency missions are related, a lead agency should be appointed to coordinate the online “information lane,” and all other agencies should defer to the lead agency for posting comprehensive government information on that topic. This will reduce duplication, save money, and help consumers find accurate information.

Image Agencies should be required and funded to conduct regular content reviews, to ensure their online content is accurate, relevant, mission-related, and written in plain language. They should have a process for archiving content that is no longer in frequent use and no longer required on the website.

Image Agencies should be funded and required to follow the latest best practices in web search. This will improve the quality and findability of online government information, and help agencies deliver the services most requested by their customers.

Engage the public in a dialogue to improve our customer service

Agencies often don’t have resources to effectively manage customer input. For those that do, they must go through a clearance process before they can survey the public (requirements of the Paperwork Reduction Act, which was enacted before many agencies even had websites). Many web pages are developed without regular feedback or testing with customers. When people do provide feedback or ideas, they often never hear what the government will do with their suggestions.

Image Agencies should be required and funded to regularly solicit public opinion and analyze customers’ online preferences—just as Amazon, eBay, and other top commercial websites do. This can be done on an “opt-in” basis and without tracking personally identifiable information by using blogs, online surveys, a “Citizens Insight Panel” (such as that used by the Canadian government), or similar tools. Agencies should be required and funded to do user testing before undertaking major improvements to any current website, or launching a new website.

Image Agencies should use their website to publish a summary of common customer comments and explain the actions they are taking in response to the feedback. Doing so will create better transparency and accountability.

Ensure the public gets the same answer whether they use the web, phone, email, print, or visit in-person

Agencies communicate with citizens via many different “delivery channels,” including web, email, publications, live chats, blogs, podcasts, videos, wikis, virtual online worlds, and more. But it’s difficult to ensure timeliness and consistency when various delivery channels are managed by different divisions within an agency.

Image Agencies should provide multiple ways for people to contact them and ensure that information is consistent across all channels. They should be funded to coordinate all types of content targeted to the general public (web, publications, call center, email, common questions, web chat, etc.). Agencies should be rewarded for delivering consistent information, both within agencies and across government.

Ensure underserved populations can access critical information online

Agencies are required to provide online information that’s readily accessible by people with disabilities, as well as to people with limited English proficiency. However, few agencies have the funding, training or resources to meet these obligations.

Image The government should establish standards and guidelines for multilingual websites, and agencies should be funded and staffed with qualified bilingual web content professionals who can create and maintain them. This will help newcomers learn about the rights and responsibilities of living in the U.S.

Image Agencies should receive adequate resources to make their websites fully accessible to people with disabilities and meet requirements of the Rehabilitation Act. The new Administration should invest in government-wide solutions, such as captioning software to make videos and webcasts accessible to people with disabilities.


By harnessing the collaborative nature of the web, the new Administration has the potential to engage the public like never before. The web can foster better communication and allow people to participate in improving the operations of their government. By listening to our customers we can provide better services, focus on their most pressing needs, and spend their tax dollars efficiently. We’re confident that President-elect Obama will appoint leaders who will invest in the web as a strategic asset and make these goals a reality. The millions of Americans who interact with their government online expect and deserve no less.

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