
Book Description

Just because you’re not a born writer doesn’t mean you should settle for less than perfect business documents. After all, every piece you write reflects directly on the quality of the product or service your business offers. Now, this helpful guide takes the guesswork out of more than 50 commonly used business documents, including: Reports • Proposals • Business plans • Presentations • Press releases • Memos • Email • Newsletters • Collection Letters • Sales materials • And more Arranged alphabetically and cross-referenced for easier use, the book presents clear examples of how to (and how not to) create winning materials every time. The authors’ step-by-step instructions begin with an overview of the writing process, from preparation and research right through to final review and publication. Sample documents show you how your pieces should look and read, and close to 300 individual entries cover key points of grammar, style and spelling, and present strategies for writing more clearly, avoiding bias, eliminating clichés, and much more.

Table of Contents

  1. Cover Page
  2. Title Page
  3. Copyright Page
  4. Contents
  7. SECTION 1 The Writing Process
    1. Audience Analysis
    2. Brainstorming
    3. Research
    4. Interviewing
    5. Outlining
    6. Writing a Draft
    7. Business Writing Style
    8. Using Visuals
    9. Page Design
    10. Publication Design
    11. Editing
    12. Proofreading
    13. Document Review
    14. Revisions
    15. Documenting Sources
      1. Footnotes and Endnotes
      2. Bibliographies
    16. Global Communications
    17. Collaborative Writing
    18. Promotional Writing
  8. SECTION 2 The Business Writer’s Alphabetical Reference
    1. A, An
    2. Abbreviations
      1. Titles Before and After Names
      2. Names
      3. Mathematical Units and Measurements
      4. Long Phrases
      5. Words Used with Numbers
      6. Common Latin Terms
      7. States and Territories
      8. Things You Should Not Abbreviate
      9. Spacing and Periods for Abbreviations
      10. Guidelines for Using Abbreviations in Your Writing
    3. Abbreviations for Measurements
    4. Abbreviations for Numbers
    5. Above, Below
    6. Absolute Form of an Adjective
    7. Absolute Phrase
    8. Absolutely
    9. Abstract Nouns
    10. Accent Marks
    11. Accept, Except
    12. Access, Excess
    13. Acronyms
    14. Action Verbs
    15. Active Voice
    16. A.D.
    17. Adjectival Noun
    18. Adjectival Opposites
    19. Adjective Phrase
    20. Adjectives
      1. Placement of Adjectives in a Sentence
      2. Use of Multiple Adjectives
      3. Degrees of Adjectives
      4. Irregular Form Adjectives
      5. A-Adjectives
    21. Adjuncts, Disjuncts, and Conjuncts
    22. Adverbial Clause
    23. Adverbial Phrase
    24. Adverbs
      1. Prepositional Phrases Acting as Adverbs
      2. Infinitive Phrases Acting as Adverbs
      3. Adverbs in a Numbered List
      4. Adverbs to Avoid
      5. Positioning Adverbs in a Sentence
      6. Order of Adverbs
      7. Inappropriate Adverb Order
      8. Viewpoint Adverbs
      9. Focus Adverbs
      10. Negative Adverbs
    25. Advice, Advise
    26. Affect, Effect
    27. Affixes
    28. African-American
    29. Age
    30. Agents
    31. Agreement
    32. Aid, Aide
    33. Alike
    34. A Little
    35. Allegories
    36. Alliteration
    37. All Right, Alright
    38. Allusion, Illusion
    39. Alone, Lonely
    40. A Lot, Alot, Allot
    41. Already, All Ready
    42. Altogether, All Together
    43. Ambitransitive Verbs
    44. American English, British English
    45. Among, Between
    46. Ampersand
    47. A.M., P.M.
    48. An
    49. Anadiplosis
    50. Anaphora
    51. And Also
    52. And/Or
    53. Angry, Mad
    54. Animate Nouns
    55. Antagonyms
    56. Antecedent
    57. Anti-
    58. Antimetabole
    59. Antonyms
    60. Any, Either
    61. Any, Some
    62. Apart, A Part
    63. Apodosis
    64. Apostrophe
    65. Appears, Displays
    66. Appendix
    67. Apposition
    68. Appositives
    69. Articles
    70. As, Like
    71. Assure, Insure, Ensure
    72. Asterisks
    73. As to Whether
    74. As Well As
    75. Autoantonyms
    76. Auxiliary Verbs
    77. Average, Mean, Median
    78. A While, Awhile
    79. Awful, Awfully
    80. Bad, Badly
    81. Back-Channeling
    82. Backslash, Slash
    83. Back up, Backup
    84. Base Form of a Verb
    85. Basically, Essentially, Totally
    86. B.C.
    87. Because, Since, As
    88. Been, Gone
    89. Being That, Being As
    90. Below
    91. Beside, Besides
    92. Between, Among
    93. Bias, Biased
    94. Biased or Sexist Language
    95. Bibliography
    96. Billion
    97. Biweekly, Bimonthly, Semiweekly, Semimonthly
    98. Blind
    99. Blog, Weblog
    100. Bold Fonts
    101. Bored, Boring
    102. Both, Alike
    103. Both, Each
    104. Brackets
      1. Changes to Quoted Material
      2. Digressions within Parentheses
    105. Brake, Break
    106. Brand Names
    107. Breath, Breathe
    108. Bring, Take
    109. British English
    110. Bulleted List
    111. Bushel
    112. Business, Right
    113. Buzzwords
    114. By, Bye, Buy
    115. By, Until
    116. Call Back, Callback
    117. Call Out, Callout
    118. Callouts
    119. Came By
    120. Can, May
    121. Cannot
    122. Can’t Seem
    123. Canvas, Canvass
    124. Capital Letters
    125. Capital, Capitol
    126. Capitalization
      1. Acts of Congress
      2. Associations
      3. Book Titles and Their Subdivisions
      4. Railroad Cars and Automobile Models
      5. Churches and Church Dignitaries
      6. Cities
      7. Clubs
      8. Legal Codes
      9. Compass Points Designating a Specific Region
      10. Constitutions
      11. Corporations
      12. Courts
      13. Decorations
      14. Degrees (Academic)
      15. Districts
      16. Educational Courses
      17. Epithets
      18. Fleets
      19. Foundations
      20. Geographic Divisions
      21. Government Divisions
      22. Historical Terms
      23. Holidays
      24. Libraries
      25. Localities
      26. Military Services
      27. Nobility and Royalty
      28. Oceans and Continents
      29. Parks, Peoples, and Tribes
      30. Personification
      31. Planets and Other Heavenly Bodies
      32. Rivers
      33. Sports Stadiums, Teams, and Terms
    127. Captions
    128. Cardinal and Ordinal Numbers
    129. Case
    130. Cataphora
    131. Causative Verbs
    132. Caution Notice
    133. CD, DVD
    134. Censor, Censure, Sensor, Censer
    135. Champaign, Champagne
    136. Check, Control
    137. Chiasmus
    138. Chicano, Latino, Hispanic
    139. Choose, Chose
    140. Cite, Site, Sight
    141. Citing Publications
    142. Clauses
    143. Cleanup, Clean Up
    144. Cleft Sentences
    145. Clichés
    146. Click
    147. Click and Drag
    148. Click On
    149. Closed Compounds
    150. Coleman-Liau Index
    151. Collective Adjectives
    152. Collective Nouns
    153. Collocations
    154. Colloquial
    155. Colon
      1. Emphasis or Anticipation
      2. Time
      3. Titles
    156. Combination
    157. Comma
      1. Compound and Complex Sentences
      2. Introductory Expressions
      3. Other Transitional Words
      4. Prepositional Phrases
      5. Contrasting Phrases
      6. Nonrestrictive Modifiers
      7. Infinitive Phrases
      8. Designating Dialogue
      9. Repeated Words
      10. Word Omission
      11. Transposed Adjective Order
      12. Numbers
      13. Addresses
      14. Titles
      15. Company Names
    158. Common Adjectives
    159. Common Nouns
    160. Company and Product Names
    161. Comparatives
    162. Compared to, Compared with
    163. Complement, Compliment
    164. Complements
    165. Complex Prepositions
    166. Compound Nouns
    167. Compound Predicates
    168. Compound Sentences
      1. Compounding Sentence Elements
    169. Compound Words
      1. Open Compounds
      2. Closed Compounds
      3. Hyphenated Compounds
    170. Comptroller, Controller
    171. Concord
    172. Concrete Nouns
    173. Conditional Perfect
    174. Conditionals
    175. Conjunctions
      1. And
      2. But
      3. Or
      4. Punctuation for Coordinating Conjunctions
      5. Other Conjunctions
      6. Subordinating Conjunctions
      7. Correlative Conjunctions
    176. Conjunctive Adverbs
    177. Conjuncts
    178. Connote, Denote
    179. Considered to Be
    180. Consonants
    181. Continuous Verbs
    182. Contractions
    183. Contranyms
    184. Control
    185. Convince, Persuade
    186. Cooperate
    187. Coordinated Adjectives
    188. Coordinating Conjunctions
    189. Copula Verbs
    190. Copyright
    191. Correlative Conjunction
    192. Could of, Might of
    193. Council, Counsel, Consul
    194. Count Nouns
    195. Credible, Credulous
    196. Cross-Reference
    197. Cut-and-Paste
    198. Danger Notice
    199. Dangling Modifiers
      1. Characteristics of Dangling Modifiers
      2. Revising Dangling Modifiers
    200. Dangling Participles
    201. Dash
    202. Data
    203. Dates
    204. Deaf or Hard of Hearing
    205. Deal
    206. Decimals
    207. Declarative Mood
    208. Declarative Sentence
    209. Defining Relative Clause
    210. Definite Article
    211. Defuse, Diffuse
    212. Degree Adverbs
    213. Degree Titles
    214. Deixis
    215. Demonstrative Adjectives
    216. Demonstrative Pronouns
    217. Denominal Adjectives
    218. Denote, Connote
    219. Dependent Clauses
    220. Descriptive Writing
    221. Desert, Dessert
    222. Determiners
    223. Device, Devise
    224. Diacritic
    225. Different from, Different than
    226. Diffuse, Defuse
    227. Dimensions
    228. Direct Objects
    229. Disability
    230. Disc, Disk
    231. Discreet, Discrete
    232. Disease Names
    233. Disjuncts
    234. Display, Monitor, Screen
    235. Disyllabic
    236. Ditransitive Verbs
    237. Ditto Marks
    238. Do, Does, Did
    239. Dollars and Cents
      1. Dollar and Cent Signs
      2. Decimal Points
    240. Don’t, Doesn’t
    241. Do’s and Don’ts
    242. Dot-Com
    243. Double Negatives
    244. Double Possessives
    245. Double-Click
    246. Download, Upload
    247. Downtoners
    248. Drag-and-Drop
    249. Due to the Fact That
    250. DVD
    251. Dynamic Adjectives
    252. Dynamic Verbs
    253. Each Other, One Another
    254. Each, Their
    255. Effect, Affect
    256. Eggcorn
    257. e.g., i.e.
    258. Either, Neither
    259. Elicit, Illicit
    260. Ellipses
    261. Elliptical Clauses
    262. Email
    263. Embedded Questions
    264. Em Dash
    265. Emigrate, Immigrate
    266. Eminent, Imminent, Immanent
    267. Emoticons
    268. Empathic Forms
    269. Empathy, Sympathy
    270. En Dash
    271. Endnotes
    272. End Result
    273. Endophora
    274. Engine, Motor
    275. Enough, Not Enough
    276. Enquire, Inquire
    277. Ensure, Assure, Insure
    278. Enthuse, Enthusiastic
    279. Entitled
    280. Envelop, Envelope
    281. Epanadiplosis
    282. Epanalepsis
    283. Epistemic Modality
    284. Epistrophe
    285. Epizeuxis
    286. Equally as Important
    287. Equations
    288. Ergative Verbs
    289. Essentially
    290. et al.
    291. etc.
    292. Euphemisms
    293. Everyday
    294. Everyone, Every One
    295. Every Time
    296. Except, Unless
    297. Excess, Access
    298. Exclamation Point
    299. Exclamatory Sentence
    300. Exclusive Adverbs
    301. Existential There,
    302. Exit
    303. Exophoric
    304. Expect
    305. Expletive Constructions
    306. Expository Writing
    307. Extranet
    308. Extraposition
    309. Factitive Verbs
    310. Faint
    311. Fair, Fare
    312. FANBOYS
    313. Farther, Further
    314. Faze, Phase
    315. Feint, Faint
    316. Female, Woman
    317. Fewer, Less
    318. Few, A Few
    319. Figuratively
    320. Figure of Speech
    321. Figures
    322. Finite Verbs
    323. First Conditional
    324. Fix, Situation
    325. Flair, Flare
    326. Flesch-Kincaid Index
    327. Flier, Flyer
    328. Focus Adverb
    329. Fog Index
    330. Font, Typeface
    331. Foot, Feet
    332. Footnotes, Endnotes
    333. Forego, Forgo
    334. Foreign Words and Phrases
    335. Forever, For Ever
    336. For, Fore, Four
    337. Formatting
    338. Formulas
    339. Forward, Forwards, Foreword
    340. Fractions
    341. Fragments
    342. Full Time, Full-time
    343. Further
    344. Fused Sentences
    345. Future Perfect
    346. Future Perfect Progressive
    347. Future Progressive
    348. Gage, Gauge
    349. Gender
    350. Genitive Marker
    351. Gerund
    352. Gigabyte
    353. Gigahertz
    354. Glossary
    355. Gone, Went
    356. Good, Well
    357. Got, Gotten
    358. Grammatical Hierarchy
    359. Gray, Grey
    360. Guess
    361. Handicap, Disability
    362. Hard Disk, Hard Drive
    363. Headings and Subheadings
    364. Helping Verbs
    365. Hendiatris
    366. Heteronyms
    367. Highlighting
    368. Hispanic, Latino, Chicano
    369. Hit
    370. Homographs
    371. Homonyms
    372. Homophones
    373. Hypallage
    374. Hyperbaton
    375. Hyperbole
    376. Hyperlinks
    377. Hyphens
      1. Line Breaks
      2. Substitute Words
      3. Pronunciation
      4. Compound Adjectives
    378. Hyphenated Compound Words
    379. Hyphenated Numbers
    380. Hyponyms
    381. Hypophora
    382. Hypothetical Questions
    383. Hysteron Proteron
    384. Idiolect
    385. Idioms, 230i.e., e.g.
    386. If, When, Whether
    387. Illicit, Elicit
    388. Illusion, Allusion
    389. Illustrations
    390. I, Me, Myself
    391. Immanent, Eminent
    392. Immigrate, Emigrate
    393. Imperative Mood
    394. Imply, Infer
    395. Inanimate Nouns
    396. Inaugurate
    397. Inchoative Verbs
    398. Indefinite Articles
    399. Indefinite Pronouns
    400. Independent Clauses
    401. Index
    402. Indicative Mood
    403. Indirect Objects
    404. Indirect Speech
    405. Inductive Antonomasia
    406. Infinitives
    407. Inflection
    408. Inherent and Noninherent Adjectives
    409. Initialisms, Acronyms
    410. Innuendo
    411. In Order to
    412. Inquire, Enquire
    413. In-Sentence Lists
    414. Inside of, Within
    415. Insure, Ensure, Assure
    416. Intensive Pronouns
    417. Interjections
    418. Internet, Intranet, Extranet
    419. Interrogative Pronouns
    420. Interrogative Sentences
    421. Intranet
    422. Intransitive Verbs
    423. Introductory Modifier
    424. Invite
    425. Irony
    426. Irregular Plurals
    427. Irregular Spelling
    428. Irregular Verbs
    429. Isocolon
    430. Italics
    431. Its, It’s
    432. Infinitive Phrase
    433. Jargon
    434. Job Titles
    435. Joint Possessives
    436. Jr., Sr.
    437. Kenning
    438. Keyboard Terminology
    439. Kilobyte
    440. Kilohertz
    441. Kind, Kinds
    442. Kind of, Sort of
    443. Latino, Hispanic, Chicano
    444. Latin Terms
    445. Latitude, Longitude
    446. Lay, Lie
    447. Lay Out, Layout
    448. Lead, Led
    449. Learn, Teach
    450. Leave, Let
    451. Led, Lead
    452. Lend, Loan
    453. Lessen, Lesson
    454. Less, Fewer
    455. Let, Leave
    456. Lets, Let’s
    457. Lexical Density
    458. Liable, Likely
    459. Lie, Lay
    460. Lighted, Lit
    461. Like, As
    462. Line
    463. Linking Verbs
    464. Lists
      1. In-Sentence Lists
      2. Vertical Lists
      3. Numbered Lists
      4. Bulleted Lists
      5. Multicolumn Lists
    465. Literally, Figuratively
    466. Lit, Lighted
    467. Litotes
    468. Little, A Little
    469. Loan, Lend
    470. Log On, Log Off, Logon, Logoff
    471. Lonely, Alone
    472. Longitude, Latitude
    473. Loose, Lose
    474. Lost, Lost Out
    475. Lots
    476. Mad, Angry
    477. Margin Notes
    478. Mass Nouns
    479. Mathematical Equations
    480. Maybe, May Be
    481. May, Can
    482. May, Might
    483. Mean, Median, Average
    484. Megabyte
    485. Megahertz
    486. Meiosis
    487. Me, Myself, I
    488. Metaphor
    489. Metonymy
    490. Mfr., Mfg.
    491. Might Could
    492. Might, May
    493. Might of, Should of, Would of, Could of
    494. Minimal Pairs
    495. Misplaced Modifiers
    496. Mixed Conditionals
    497. Mixed Metaphor
    498. Mnemonics
    499. Modifiers
      1. Initial Modifiers
      2. Midsentence Modifiers
      3. Terminal Modifiers
      4. Combining Modifiers
      5. Misplaced Modifiers
    500. Monitor
    501. Monosyllabic
    502. Mood
    503. More Than, Over
    504. Morpheme
    505. Most of All, Almost
    506. Motor, Engine
    507. Mouse Terminology
    508. Multicolumn Lists
    509. Myself, Me
    510. Names
    511. Negative Adverbs
    512. Negative Formations
    513. Negative Pronouns
    514. Neither, Either
    515. Neologism
    516. Never
    517. Nominal Adjectives
    518. Nominative Absolutes
    519. Nominative Case
    520. Nominative Possessives
    521. Noncount Nouns
    522. Nondefining Relative Clause
    523. Nonfinite Verbs
    524. Noninherent Adjectives
    525. Nonrestrictive Clauses
    526. Notices
    527. Noun Case
    528. Noun Clause
    529. Noun Phrase
    530. Noun Plurals
    531. Nouns
    532. Nouns of Address
    533. Number Abbreviations
    534. Numbered List
    535. Numbers or Words
      1. Printed Text and Prose Text
      2. At the Beginning of a Sentence
      3. Legal Documents
      4. Round Numbers
      5. Sets of Numbers
      6. Large Numbers
      7. Separating Digits
    536. Object
    537. Object Complement
    538. Objective Case
    539. Off
    540. Offline
    541. On Account of
    542. One
    543. One Another, Each Other
    544. Online, Offline
    545. Only
    546. Onomatopoeia
    547. Open
    548. Open Compounds
    549. Ordinal Numbers
    550. Over, More Than
    551. Oxford Comma
    552. Oxymoron
    553. Page Breaks
    554. Page Numbering
      1. Page Number Formats
    555. Palindromes
    556. Paragraphs
      1. Elements of a Paragraph
      2. Paragraph Development
      3. When to Start a New Paragraph
      4. Paragraph Transitions
    557. Parallel Construction
    558. Paraphrasing
    559. Parentheses
    560. Parenthetical Elements
    561. Participle
    562. Participial Phrase
    563. Parts of Speech
    564. Party
    565. Passed, Past
    566. Passive Voice
    567. Past Perfect Progressive Tense
    568. Past Perfect Tense
    569. Past Progressive Tense
    570. Past Simple Tense
    571. People
    572. Per
    573. Percent
    574. Percentage
    575. Perfect Aspect
    576. Perfect Infinitive
    577. Perfect Tense
    578. Period
    579. Person
    580. Personal Pronouns
    581. Personification
    582. Persuade, Convince
    583. Phase, Faze
    584. Phatic Speech
    585. Phrasal Verbs
    586. Phrases
    587. Phrases and Words to Omit
    588. Pidgin
    589. Plagiarism
    590. Pleonasm
    591. Pluperfect
    592. Plurals
    593. Plurals of Numbers
    594. Plus
    595. P.M.
    596. Point in Time
    597. Polyptoton
    598. Polyseme
    599. Polysyllabic
    600. Possessive Adjectives
    601. Possessive Case
    602. Possessive Pronouns
    603. Possessives
    604. Posted, Informed
    605. Postmodifier
    606. Precede, Proceed
    607. Predeterminers
    608. Predicates
    609. Preface
    610. Prefixes
    611. Premodifier
    612. Prepositional Phrase
    613. Prepositions
      1. Time: At, On, In, For, and Since,
      2. Place: At, On, In,
      3. Location: At, On, In,
      4. Movement: To, Toward,
      5. Combinations
    614. Present Infinitive
    615. Present Participle
    616. Present Perfect Tense
    617. Present Progressive Tense
    618. Present Simple Tense
    619. Press, Type, Click, Strike, Hit, Select
    620. Previous
    621. Principal, Principle
    622. Problem Pronouns
      1. I: Nominative Case, Never an Object,
      2. She, He: Nominative Case, Never an Object,
      3. They: Nominative Case, Never an Object
      4. We: Nominative Case, Never an Object,
      5. Me, Us, Her, Him, Them: Objective Case, Never a Subject,
    623. Proceed, Precede
    624. Progressive Verbs
    625. Pronouns
    626. Pronouns and Antecedent Agreement
    627. Proper Adjectives
    628. Proper Nouns
    629. Protatis
    630. Quantifiers
    631. Question Mark
    632. Question Types
    633. Quitclaim
    634. Quit, Exit
    635. Quotation Marks
      1. Quotations within Quotations
      2. Quotations for Titles
      3. Quotation Marks and Punctuation
    636. Raise, Rise
    637. Rational, Rationale
    638. Real
    639. Reciprocal Pronouns
    640. Recur, Reoccur
    641. Redundancy
    642. Reflexive Pronouns
    643. Regard, Regards
    644. Regular Verbs
    645. Relative Adverbs
    646. Relative Clauses
    647. Relative Pronouns
    648. Reoccur
    649. Reported Speech
    650. Restrictive Clauses
    651. Resultative Adjective
    652. Resumptive Modifier
    653. Rhetorical Question
    654. Rhyme
    655. Right, Business
    656. Right-click
    657. Rise, Raise
    658. Roman Numerals
    659. Root, Rout, Route
    660. Run
    661. Run-On Sentences
    662. Same
    663. Sarcasm
    664. Satire
    665. Screen
    666. Screen Terminology
    667. Second Conditional
    668. Select
    669. Semicolon
    670. Semiweekly, Semimonthly
    671. Sensor, Censor
    672. Sentence
    673. Sentence Fragments
    674. Sentence Subject
    675. Sentence Types
    676. Sentence Variety
    677. Setup, Set Up
    678. Sexist Language
    679. Shall, Will
    680. Shape
    681. Should, Must
    682. Should of
    683. Should, Would
    684. Shut Down, Shutdown
    685. Sic,
    686. Sign In, Sign Out, Sign On, Sign Up
    687. Simile
    688. Since, Because
    689. Singular
    690. Sit, Set
    691. Site, Sight, Cite
    692. Slang
    693. Slash
      1. And/Or Combinations
      2. Indicating Other Relationships
    694. Small Caps
    695. So
    696. Software Menus and Commands
    697. Solidus
    698. Some, Any
    699. Sometime, Some Time
    700. Sort of, Kind of
    701. Spaces After Periods
    702. Split Infinitive
    703. Sr., Jr.
    704. Stative Adjective
    705. Stative Verb
    706. Subheadings
    707. Subject
    708. Subject Complement
    709. Subjective Case
    710. Subjective Pronouns
    711. Subject-Verb Agreement
    712. Subject-Verb Inversion
    713. Subjunctive
    714. Submittal, Submission
    715. Subordinate Clause
    716. Subordinating Conjunctions
    717. Suffix
    718. Summative Modifier
    719. Superlative
    720. Syllable
    721. Symbols and Special Characters
    722. Sympathy, Empathy
    723. Synecdoche
    724. Synonyms
    725. Table of Contents
    726. Tables
    727. Tag Question
    728. Take, Bring
    729. Tautology
    730. Teach, Learn
    731. Telephone Numbers
    732. Temperature
    733. Tense
    734. Terabyte
    735. Than I, Than Me
    736. Than, Then
    737. That, Which
    738. There, Their, They’re
    739. Third Conditional
    740. Time
      1. Dates
    741. Time Zones
    742. Titled, Entitled
    743. Titles
      1. Formatting the Title of a Manuscript
    744. Tmesis
    745. To, At
    746. Tone
    747. Topic Sentence
    748. Totally
    749. Toward, Towards
    750. Transitions
      1. Transitional Expressions
      2. Repeating Key Words
      3. Pronoun Reference
      4. Parallelism
    751. Transitive Verb
    752. Try and, Come and, Be Sure and
    753. Type, Enter
    754. Typeface, Font
    755. Unbiased Language
      1. Sexist Language
    756. Uncountable Noun
    757. Underlining
    758. Understatement
    759. Until, By
    760. Upload, Download
    761. Uppercase
    762. URL
    763. U.S.
    764. Used to
    765. Utterance
    766. Vain, Vane, Vein
    767. Verbal Phrase
    768. Verb Complement
    769. Verb Forms
    770. Verb Group
    771. Verbiage
    772. Verb Mood
    773. Verbose Expressions
    774. Verbs
    775. Verb Tense
    776. Versus, vs.
    777. Vertical Lists
    778. Visually Impaired, Blind
    779. Voice
    780. Voice Mail
    781. Vowels
    782. Wait On
    783. Wander, Wonder
    784. Web
    785. Weblog
    786. Web Pages, Web Site
    787. Weights and Measures
    788. Well, Good
    789. Went, Gone
    790. When, Whether
    791. Where
    792. Whether or Not
    793. Which
    794. Who’s, Whose
    795. Who, Which
    796. Who, Whom
    797. Will, Shall
    798. Within, Inside of
    799. Woman, Female
    800. Wonder, Wander
    801. Word Classes
    802. Words or Figures
    803. Wordy Expressions
    804. Would of
    805. Would, Should
    806. Xmas, Christmas
    807. Yes/No Questions
    808. Zero Article
    809. Zero Conditional
    810. Zeugma
    811. Zip Code
  9. SECTION 3 Sample Business Documents
    1. Abstracts
    2. Acceptance Letter
    3. Acknowledgment Letter
    4. Adjustment Letter
    5. Announcement Letter
    6. Annual Report
    7. Application Letter
    8. Brochures
    9. Business Letter
      1. Business Letter Writing Style
      2. Business Letter Format
    10. Business Plan
    11. Collection Letter
    12. Commendation Letter
    13. Complaint Letter
    14. Cover Letters
    15. Directives
    16. Email
    17. Endorsement Letter
    18. Forms
    19. Fund-Raising Letter
    20. Grant Proposals
    21. Instructions
    22. Introductions
    23. Inquiry Letter
    24. Job Descriptions
    25. Job Offer Letter
    26. Meeting Agenda
    27. Meeting Minutes
      1. Corporate Minutes
      2. Corporate Resolutions
    28. Memorandum
    29. Mission Statements
    30. Newsletters
      1. Newsletter Articles
    31. Notices
    32. Permission Letter
    33. Policies, Rules, or Guidelines
    34. PowerPoint Presentations
      1. Planning a Presentation
    35. Press Releases
    36. Procedures
    37. Progress Reports
    38. Proposals
    39. Questionnaires and Surveys
    40. Reference Letters
    41. Refusal Letter
    42. Reports
      1. Memorandum Report
      2. Letter Report
      3. Short Report
      4. Formal Report
    43. Request Letters
    44. Research Report
    45. Resignation Letter
    46. Résumés
    47. Sales Letters
    48. Seasonal Correspondence
    49. Specifications
    50. Speeches and Oral Presentations
    51. Summaries
    52. Termination of Employment Letter
    53. Training Manual
    54. Trip Report
    55. User Guide
    56. Warning Letter
    57. Web Sites
    58. White Papers