• Accountability: conflict arising from lack of; creating, without rewards and consequences; experts and; having a boss’s help with; lack of, for performance; and meetings; for superstars; time management and; when direct reports have other bosses
  • Action plans: creating realistic; drilling down. See also Contingency planning; Project planning
  • Action taking, analysis of
  • Action trees
  • Activity logs
  • Adapting and improvising
  • Advanced management seminars
  • Anger, addressing
  • Attitude adjustment, employees who need an
  • Attitudes: challenges of managing; difficulty defining; expression of; of go-to people; importance of
  • Audits
  • Automated menu-driven systems, use of
  • Autonomy, key to
  • Autopilot, managing on
  • Average performers: attention paid to; neglecting; setting aside time for, along with other performers


  • Back-up planning
  • Benchmarks, setting, in project planning
  • Best managers, common denominator among
  • Blamers and complainers
  • Blind spots, awareness of
  • Bosses: and getting them on board with your new management style; having other/multiple, problem of
  • Bottom-line results, improved
  • Brainstorming sessions: to develop ready-made solutions and create job aids; to identify risk factors for change; as a new manager
  • Break-takers, chatterbox
  • Bullying
  • Business results, achieving, from practicing the fundamentals
  • Business-outcomes improvement


  • Case study method, teaching application of the
  • Causes and effects, seeing the connection between
  • Chain of command: effectively using your; establishing a; focusing the fundamentals on your
  • Change: constancy of, as a factor in problems; future; leading people through, three pillars of; pace of; pressures from; scope of; toughest type of; and uncertainty, constant, managing in an environment of; unforeseen, as toughest to deal with
  • Change leadership
  • Change masters
  • Character flaws, unfixable
  • Chatterbox break-takers
  • Checking in. See Touching base
  • Checklists, using: derived from emails; for improving quality; in multiple languages; as an organizational tool; for problem solving; as a reminder of expectations
  • Cliques and ringleaders
  • “Code of conduct”
  • Commitment: demonstrated, identifying new prospects for leadership roles based on; renewing your, to being a strong leader
  • Commitments: delivering on, as go-to people; making specific
  • Communication: desire for improved; impact of technology on; interpersonal, employees who need help with; lines of, keeping open, importance of; problems with, as the common denominator; shifting, away from team-meeting format to one-on-ones; what often passes for structured or substantive. See also One-on-one dialogue, high-quality
  • Communication habits: changing, over time, method of; gap analysis of
  • Communication practices: of complainers and blamers; of debaters; of entanglers; expression of attitude in; of porcupines; of stink-bomb throwers
  • Communication style, changing, example of
  • Competing assignments
  • Complacency
  • Complainers and blamers
  • Complexity, minefield of
  • Conflict: between/among individuals on your team; over competing assignments; unresolved
  • Conflicting rules
  • Constants, reminding people of
  • Contingency planning
  • Continuous improvement: ensuring; mantra of; ongoing, maintaining; working toward
  • Control, forces outside your. See Forces outside your control
  • Controlling what you can, focusing on
  • Conversations: avoiding, about attitude, reasons behind; crucial; routine, improving. See also One-on-one dialogue, high-quality
  • Cooperation and assistance, getting needed
  • Corporate order
  • Creative work, employees doing
  • Cross-functional teams, having responsibility for, effect of, on creating an expertise gap
  • Crucial conversations
  • Culture, workplace
  • Culture and language differences, managing across
  • Customer service
  • Customizing jobs


  • Deadlines: missing, addressing; and task requirements, meeting, when direct reports have other bosses
  • Debaters
  • Decision making: analysis of; failures at; masters of; and priority-setting; ready-made solutions eliminating the need for
  • Decision trees
  • Delays, dealing with
  • Delegating responsibility, effect of, on expertise gap
  • Delegation 101
  • Dialogue, essential. See One-on-one dialogue, high-quality
  • Disengaged employees, renewing management relationship with
  • Diversity, impact of
  • Diversity gap, bridging a
  • Dream job, offering superstars a
  • Drilling down


  • E-communication practices, bad, addressing
  • Emailing: before and after meetings; conducting managing conversations by; daily; follow-up; recapping by; too much
  • Emotional responses, in conversations about attitude
  • Employee assistance program (EAP) or resources
  • Employment market
  • Employment relationships: limited way of looking at; nature of; transactional aspects of, taking care of
  • Engagement: renewing; rules of
  • Engaging superstars
  • Entanglers
  • Error rate, determining. See also Quality
  • Existing teams: going from peer to leader of; taking over leadership of, from the outside; welcoming new members to
  • Expectations: framing, in terms of concrete actions; making clear; making experts complicit in spelling out; refocusing on, for employees dealing with personal issues; setting high
  • Expertise gap, managing performance despite an
  • “Extra mile, going the,” getting employees to start making an effort at
  • “Extra mile” list, creating and using


  • Facilitation, influencing through
  • False sense of security
  • Feedback: candid and ongoing, providing; course-correcting; lack of meaningful and ongoing; negative, avoiding, about attitudes, reasons behind; subjective; for superstars. See also One-on-one dialogue, high-quality
  • Feelings, as internal and intangible
  • Fight-or-flight response
  • Firefighting: and forces outside of the manager’s control; problem of; reducing time spent on
  • Firing employees
  • Flexibility: manager, importance of; providing, for superstars; of schedule/coverage, variation in
  • Fluid staffing strategy
  • Followership, teaching
  • Follow-up discussions. See also One-on-one dialogue, high-quality
  • Follow-up emails, use of
  • Forced-ranking initiatives
  • Forces outside your control: blaming; factors involving, inevitable challenges from common; managing despite, challenges of
  • Formal reviews, issue with
  • Former employees, staying in touch with
  • Friendships, when going from peer to leader
  • Fundamentals of management: as all that you need; applying, importance of; benefit of practicing; coaching managers at every level on; commitment to; as a common denominator among best managers; as a complex and difficult art to practice; described; failure to practice, with excellence; getting back to, obstacles to; mastering, as a lifelong enterprise; staying closely committed to; sticking close to; and the undermanagement epidemic. See also One-on-one dialogue, high-quality


  • Gap analyses
  • Generation X
  • Generational diversity, managing
  • Globalization, impact of
  • Goals, focusing on: with experts; for people doing creative work; teaching time management and
  • “Going the extra mile,” getting employees to start making an effort at
  • Good judgment, teaching
  • “Good news!” management speech
  • Gorman, Frank
  • Go-to people, developing
  • Great attitude: changing bad communication habits that mar a; clearly defining; effects of; of go-to people; and making it a performance requirement
  • Ground rules, setting


  • Habits: changing, over time, method of; ingraining bad, through repetition
  • Headhunters
  • Hiders
  • High performers: cultivating and developing; ensuring experts are; habits of; improvement of, with recognition without rewards; increased retention of; lack of recognition and reward for; recognizing and rewarding; setting aside time for, along with other performers. See also Superstars
  • Highly structured dialogue: defined; details of. See also One-on-one dialogue, high-quality
  • Highly substantive dialogue: commitment to; defined; details of; maintaining. See also One-on-one dialogue, high-quality
  • High-quality communication. See One-on-one dialogue, high-quality
  • Hit-the-ground-running approach, issue with
  • Honeymoon period
  • Human nature, as a factor in problems


  • Improvising and adapting
  • Incentives, providing
  • Influence, using, to get cooperation
  • Information assets, documenting
  • Information management systems: bad, making the most of; developing new; employees who are not using, dealing with
  • Initiative, employees taking
  • Innovation, real
  • Intelligence gathering
  • Interdependency: as a constant; distinguishing entangling from; as a factor in problems; growing; managing through
  • Interpersonal communication employees who need help with
  • Interpersonal conflict. See Conflict
  • Interrupters, dealing with
  • Interruption, management by
  • Interview-style one-on-ones


  • Job aids, using
  • Job security
  • Job shadowing
  • Judgment, helping employees improve their


  • Knowledge: existing, building on, for real innovation; work, employees who know more than you in terms of
  • Knowledge transfer


  • Labor market, demand in the
  • Language and culture differences, managing across
  • Leader, going from peer to
  • Leader effectiveness, improved
  • Leadership: change; teaching, organization famously effective at; transformational
  • Leadership development
  • Leadership transitions, frequency of. See also New manager
  • Leadership vacuum effect of a
  • Learning: extra layer of, as a new manager from the outside; job-specific, as a new manager from the outside; from mistakes, as a way of learning problem solving, issue with; in order to manage experts, as essential; from work experiences, developing problem-solving skills by
  • Learning curve, as a new manager
  • Learning experience, deep-dive, constructing your own
  • Learning mission
  • Learning objectives: for new team members; for teaching yourself as a new manager from the outside
  • Listening: best practices for, teaching; carefully; reinforcing that you are
  • Logistical hurdles, managing around
  • Loners
  • Low performers: attention paid to; ensuring experts are not; hiding out; letting go of; with nowhere to hide; setting aside time for, along with other performers; setting consequences for, having a boss’s help in; turnover of; who leave
  • Loyalty, value placed on


  • Management approach, calibrating and recalibrating your
  • Management career track, effect of, on creating an expertise gap
  • Management challenges, being prepared to face, importance of. See also specific type of challenge
  • Management 101 fundamentals. See Fundamentals of management
  • Management relationships: common denominator when things go wrong with; renewing your
  • Management renewal, challenges of
  • Management style, renewing your
  • Manager effectiveness, improved
  • Managerial demands
  • Managing Generation X (Tulgan)
  • Managing people, difficulty of
  • Mapping: action; process
  • Mastery
  • Meetings: initial, ending; making the most of, guidelines for, teaching; mediocre; unscheduled, avoiding interrupters and; by video phone; and what they’re good for. See also One-on-one dialogue, high-quality; Team meetings
  • Menu-driven systems, automated, use of
  • Micro-gap analysis
  • Micromanaging, being accused of
  • Military
  • Mindfulness, practicing
  • Mistakes, learning from, as a way of learning problem solving, issue with
  • Morale: attitude and; conflict and; disastrous, initiatives resulting in; increased
  • “Multiple bosses” problem


  • New leaders: prospects as, identifying; supporting and guiding; temporary, developing. See also Leadership development
  • New manager: being the, challenges of; bringing together a new team as the; coming from the outside as the; day one as the, critical missions for; establishing yourself as the; going from peer to leader as the; implications of being the, to those you will manage; questions to continue asking yourself as the; starting off strong as the; welcoming new team members as their
  • New team members, welcoming, to your existing team
  • New teams, bringing together
  • Note-taking: encouraging, to improve quality; habit of, benefits from


  • Observable behavior, attitudes as, focusing on
  • Obsessive-compulsive behavior (OCD)
  • Onboarding: as a new leader from the outside; as a new manager; of new team members
  • One-on-one dialogue, high-quality: commitment to, benefits of; customized approach for; defined; details of building and maintaining; first, scheduling your; as key; key players engaging in, with new team members; maintaining; and management renewal; and managing attitudes; and managing despite forces outside your control; and managing performance; and managing superstars; as a new manager; parameters of, discussing, as most important; preliminary schedule for, working on; purpose of building and maintaining; shifting away from team-meeting format to; and teaching self-management; transitioning to. See also Fundamentals of management
  • Open door policy
  • Operating procedures. See Standard operating procedures (SOPs)
  • Organization: employees who need to improve their; failures at; masters of
  • Orientation: added challenge to, as the new manager of a new team; extra layer of, as a new manager from the outside; intensive, on cultural customs and communication; of new team members
  • “Other boss” problem
  • Outcomes desired. See Goals, focusing on
  • Outcomes improvement. See Business-outcomes improvement


  • Paper trails
  • Parameters, using, for managing creative work
  • Pay-for-performance initiatives
  • Peer, going from, to leader
  • People List, use of
  • Performance: attitude and; and custom work situations for superstars; documenting conversations about; fundamentals in managing; increased; managing, challenges of; need for managing; problems with, neglecting, example of; taking charge of managing, example of
  • Performance coach, being the, meaning of
  • Performance evaluations
  • Performance improvement plans
  • Performance indicators, opaque
  • Performance measurement
  • Performance measures, clear, starting with
  • Performance metrics: good, need for; use of
  • Performance reviews, formal, issue with
  • Performance standards: clear, starting with; experts and; holding everybody to high, when direct reports have other bosses; for interpersonal communication; refocusing on, for employees dealing with personal issues; reminding everyone of, as part of managing conflict
  • Performance tracking: automatic, based on numbers, issue with; continuous; lack of, effects of; maintaining; as a new manager; ongoing, based on actual performance, need for; and paper trails; researching; scrutinizing and; when direct reports have other bosses
  • Personal attacks, conversations perceived as
  • Personal issues at home, employees having
  • Personnel discontinuity, as a factor in problems
  • Persuasion, using, to get cooperation
  • Pitfalls, looking for
  • Planning: back-up; contingency; fundamentals of, teaching; resource
  • Playbooks, developing
  • Playing favorites, addressing, with other employees
  • Point-by-point emails, sending
  • Porcupines
  • Practice drills, doing
  • Priority-setting
  • Problem solving: advanced skill in, building; coaching on; employees who need to get better at; failures at; when to use meetings for
  • Problems: and letting them slide; ready-made solutions to; small, addressing; that you commonly hear from complainers and blamers
  • Productivity: attitude and; balancing quality with; conflict and; expecting improvement in; increasing, having employees who need to be; maintaining, during waiting periods; and quality, constant tension between; recurring obstacles to, accounting for; tracking, compared to quality
  • Productivity decline
  • Project planning
  • Psychological preparation
  • Punishment: holding employees accountable without; need for


  • Quality: attitude and; balancing productivity with; expecting improvement in; improving, having employees who need to be; meaning of; monitoring, as speed increases; obsessive-compulsive behavior vs. attention to details and; and productivity, constant tension between; tracking, compared to productivity
  • Quality decline
  • Questions: answering, as they come up; brainstorming, as a new manager; commonly asked, problem with; to continue asking yourself about change; to continue asking yourself as a new manager; good, asking; pointed, asking; probing, asking, when managing experts; right vs. rhetorical; unanswered, addressing
  • Quick hiring strategy


  • RainmakerThinking, Inc.
  • Ranking employees
  • Recapping
  • Reciprocal go-to relationships, developing
  • Recognition: need for; providing; when direct reports have other bosses
  • Reflection, teaching employees to stop for
  • Reinventing the wheel
  • Relationship-building, focusing on the shared work in
  • Relationships: change in, when going from peer to leader; continuity in, issue of; impact of technology on; new, building, need for; reciprocal, with go-to people, developing; of trust and confidence. See also Employment relationships; Management relationships
  • Remote locations, managing
  • Repetition, issue with
  • Replacement behavior, adopting and reinforcing
  • Replacement players, dealing with
  • Resource planning
  • Resource proposals, doing
  • Resource-needs inventory
  • Resources, tightly constrained: as a constant; as a factor in problems; managing under; pressure of; retaining superstars despite
  • Responsibility: delegating, effect of, on expertise gap; as manager
  • Results: business, achieving, from practicing the fundamentals; effect of attitudes on
  • Retention: attitude and; increased; of superstars
  • Retraining, providing
  • Rewards: disproportionately weighted to productivity; holding employees accountable without; improved performance without; need for; providing; when direct reports have other bosses
  • Ringleaders and cliques
  • Rough drafts, use of
  • Routine conversations, improving. See also One-on-one dialogue, high-quality


  • Schedule: employees unable to live by a, addressing; realistic, making a; variation in flexibility of
  • Scrimmages, use of
  • Second opinions, seeking, when managing experts
  • Self-assessments, use of, during team meetings
  • Self-management, teaching: challenges of; focus in; is a leadership coup; need for
  • Self-monitoring tools, use of
  • Self-profiling assessments
  • Shared experience, purpose of
  • Shared work, relationship-building that focuses on
  • Shooting the breeze. See Touching base
  • Sneaking out early, addressing
  • Solutions, ready-made, providing and ensuring use of
  • Speed demons
  • Spot-checking work
  • Standard operating procedures (SOPs): lack of clear and regularly enforced; new, creating; playbooks becoming; providing, for direct reports with other/multiple bosses; superstars annotating; using, in times of change
  • Start-up situations. See also New teams, bringing together
  • Stink-bomb throwers (SBTs)
  • Streamlining processes
  • Stress
  • Strong leader: coming on too strong as a, when going from peer to leader; establishing yourself as a; renewing your commitment to being a; starting off as a
  • Structure, using, to manage people doing creative work
  • Succession planning
  • Superstars: and accountability; cost of losing; creating; demand for; engaging; fear of losing; as high standard-setters; investing in; knowing you are going to lose, handling; managing, challenges of; moving, to the next level; neglect of; negotiating with; recognizing and rewarding; rehiring; retaining; return on investment from, continuing to get a, even if they leave; turnover of; typical managerial approach to; value of; and why they leave. See also High performers
  • Supply chain research


  • Tactical preparation
  • Talent. See High performers; Superstars
  • Talking daily. See also One-on-one dialogue, high-quality
  • Talk-too-muchers
  • Tardiness, addressing
  • Team dynamics, shift in, with addition of a new member
  • Team meetings: brainstorming sessions for; first, introductory sessions for; holding a series of, as a new manager from the outside; inaugural; making the most of; pivoting discussion in; regular; renewal; second, focus of; third, focus of
  • Team member roles and responsibilities: defining; tangential, effect of, on expertise gap
  • Team-building: off-site, issue with; onsite, as part of the first team meeting
  • Teams: cross-functional, having responsibility for, effect of, on expertise gap; new, bringing together. See also Existing teams
  • Technical career track, effect of, on expertise gap
  • Technical superstars, developing, as new leaders
  • Technology: future of; impact of
  • Telephone use
  • Third opinions, seeking, when managing experts
  • Time: drains on, typical; investment of, as a hurdle; reducing, spent on firefighting; setting aside, for managing; spent getting drawn into employee personal issues, repercussions of; spent on formal reviews; tug-of-war over; value of
  • Time budget, creating a
  • Time frames, using, to manage people doing creative work
  • Time logs, maintaining
  • Time management: employees who have a hard time with; masters of
  • Time requirements, really understanding, importance of
  • Time wasters, identifying and eliminating
  • Time-and-motion studies
  • Timelines: creating, for resource planning; setting clear, for deliverables
  • Touching base
  • Training, lack of
  • Transactional employment market
  • Transactional relationship, taking care of the
  • Transformational leadership
  • Translation aids, providing
  • Translators and guides, providing
  • Troubleshooters
  • Troubleshooting mode
  • Trust
  • Turnover: attitude and; conflict and; of low performers; of superstars


  • Uncertainty: constant change and, managing in an environment of; too much, pressures from
  • Undermanagement: defined; effects of; indicator of; and where it hides
  • Undermanagement epidemic
  • Unfixable behavior
  • Unfixable character flaws
  • Unforeseen changes, as toughest to deal with
  • Unnecessary tasks, addressing
  • U.S. Armed Forces
  • U.S. Army
  • U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)
  • U.S. Peace Corps


  • Vicious cycle: breaking free of; staying ahead of, as a hurdle; stuck in, described
  • Video phone, meetings by


  • “Waiting for Mr. Delay” problem
  • Watching work
  • Weak leader, establishing yourself as a
  • Work: asking others about an employee’s; comparing experts doing similar, as a reality check; creative, defining; focusing on the, in performance coaching; impact of technology on; keeping dialogue focused on the, when addressing personal issues; keeping everyone focused on the common ground of; new team members shadowing employees doing related; shared, relationship-building that focuses on; spot-checking an employee’s; watching employees at
  • Work experiences, learning from, developing problem-solving skills by
  • Work knowledge, employees who know more than you in terms of
  • Workarounds
  • Workplace: culture of the; friendships in the, and setting boundaries; growing interdependency of the; research on the, findings from
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