
Cucumber was originally a Ruby BDD framework. These days it supports several languages including Java. It provides functionality that is very similar to JBehave.

Let's see the same examples written in Cucumber.

The same as any other dependency we have used until now, Cucumber needs to be added to build.gradle before we can start using it:

dependencies { 
    testCompile 'info.cukes:cucumber-java:1.2.2' 
    testCompile 'info.cukes:cucumber-junit:1.2.2' 

We will create the same steps as we did with JBehave, using the Cucumber way:

@Given("^I go to Wikipedia homepage$") 
public void goToWikiPage() { 
@When("^I enter the value (.*) on a field named (.*)$") 
public void enterValueOnFieldByName(String value, 
String fieldName) { $(; } @When("^I click the button (.*)$") public void clickButonByName(String buttonName) { $(; } @Then("^the page title contains (.*)$") public void pageTitleIs(String title) { assertThat(title(), containsString(title)); }

The only noticeable difference between these two frameworks is the way Cucumber defines steps text. It uses regular expressions to match variables types, unlike JBehave which deduces them from a method signature.

The steps code can be found in the WebSteps class in the repository:

Let's see how the story looks when written using the Cucumber syntax:

Feature: Wikipedia Search 
  Scenario: TDD search on wikipedia 
    Given I go to Wikipedia homepage 
    When I enter the value Test-driven development on a field named search 
    When I click the button go 
    Then the page title contains Test-driven development 

Note that there are almost no differences. This story can be found in the wikipediaSearch.feature file in the repository.

As you might have guessed, to run a Cucumber story, all you need to do is run the following Gradle task:

$> gradle testCucumber

The result reports are located in the build/reports/cucumber-report directory. This is the report for the preceding story:

Cucumber story execution report

The full code example can be found in the repository.

For a list of languages supported by Cucumber or for any other details, visit

Since both JBehave and Cucumber offer a similar set of features, we decided to use JBehave throughout the rest of this book. There is a whole chapter dedicated to BDD and JBehave.

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