
Mockito is a Java framework that allows easy creation of the test double.

The Gradle dependency is the following:

dependencies { 
  testCompile group: 'org.mockito', name: 'mockito-all', version: '1.+' 

Mockito runs through the JUnit runner. It creates all the required mocks for us and injects them into the class with tests. There are two basic approaches; instantiating mocks by ourselves and injecting them as class dependencies via a class constructor or using a set of annotations. In the next example, we are going to see how it is done using annotations.

In order for a class to use Mockito annotations, it needs to be run with MockitoJUnitRunner. Using the runner simplifies the process because you just simply add annotations to objects to be created:

public class FriendshipsTest { 

In your test class, the tested class should be annotated with @InjectMocks. This tells Mockito which class to inject mocks into:

FriendshipsMongo friendships; 

From then on, we can specify which specific methods or objects inside the class, in this case FriendshipsMongo, will be substituted with mocks:

FriendsCollection friends; 

In this example, FriendsCollection inside the FriendshipsMongo class will be mocked.

Now, we can specify what should be returned when friends is invoked:

Person joe = new Person("Joe"); 

In this example, we're telling Mockito to return the joe object whenever friends.findByName("Joe") is invoked. Later on, we're verifying with assertThat that this assumption is correct.

Let's try to do the same test as we did previously in the class that was without MongoDB:

public void joeHas5Friends() { 
  List<String> expected = 
Arrays.asList("Audrey", "Peter", "Michael", "Britney", "Paul"); Person joe = spy(new Person("Joe")); doReturn(joe).when(friends).findByName("Joe"); doReturn(expected).when(joe).getFriends(); assertThat(friendships.getFriendsList("Joe")) .hasSize(5) .containsOnly("Audrey", "Peter", "Michael", "Britney", "Paul"); }

A lot of things happened in this small test. First, we're specifying that joe is a spy. In Mockito, spies are real objects that use real methods unless specified otherwise. Then, we're telling Mockito to return joe when the friends method calls getFriends. This combination allows us to return the expected list when the getFriends method is invoked. Finally, we're asserting that the getFriendsList returns the expected list of names.

The complete source code can be found in the FriendshipsMongoAssertJTest class in the repository.

We'll use Mockito later on; throughout this book, you'll get your chance to become more familiar with it and with mocking in general. More information about Mockito can be found at

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