
2D CAD models, 176177

2D drawings. See also drawings.

aligned sections, 302

aligning views, 299300

break lines, 297298

common manufactured features, 286, 304

complex cylindrical shapes, 288

conventional breaks, 298299

conventional edges, 295

conventions, 287

cylinders, 289290

ellipses, 290

enlarged details, 298

fillets, 293294

hole features, in orthographic views, 303

intersections, 287, 290291

necessary views, 296297

partial views, 297298

plotting curves by hand, 289

removed views, 287, 299301

revolution conventions, 302

revolved sectional views, 302

right- and left-hand parts, 301302

rounds, 293294

runouts, 294

tangencies, 287, 290291

tangent surfaces, hiding, 292

2D models

constraint-based modeling, 178

paper drawings, 176

wireframe, 222

3D CAD modeling

assembly drawings, example, 654656

case study: bicycle brake, 157159

combining shapes. See solid primitives.

coordinates, 126130

creating auxiliary views, 397

vertices, 127

virtual prototypes, 181

VR (virtual reality), 181

3D data, contour maps from, 824

3D models

developing views from, 247248

isometric projection, 83

physical models, 179180

prototypes, 179180

solid models, 190, 223

surface models, 184189

terrain models, 819

types of, 182183, 223

wireframe modeling, 182183, 223

visualizing, 258

3D printing, as prototyping tool, 479

3D shapes, formulas for, A-34A-35

8-pitch thread, 598

12-pitch thread, 598

16-pitch thread, 598

30° angles, estimating, 90

45° miter line, 238, 259



dimensioning, 537

electronic diagrams, 763

list of, A-4A-29

absolute coordinates, 128, 153

accessibility, checking fits, 433


checking working drawings, 650

dimensional, 445446

dimensioning, structural drawings, 794

importance of, 70

isometric drawings, 94

surface models, 188

verifying, 455

working drawings, 650

Acme threads

detailed description, 607

forms, 596

notes, 605

fits, 605

specifications, A-57, A-65

actual local feature, 548

actual mating envelope, 549

actual minimal material envelope, 549

actual size, 548

adapters between copper pipe and threaded pipe, 836

adaptive control (AC), 447

addendum, 736

addendum circle, 734

adjacent views, 369

aerial photogrammetry, 812

aeronautical maps, 811

AISC Manual of Steel Construction, 790

align constraint, 422

align offset, 422

aligned sections, 302, 343345

Allen key screw drivers, 619

allowance, 450, 548

alloys and their characteristics, 443

alternate views, 369

aluminum, as drawing medium, 49

American bond, 797

American Gear Manufacturers Association (AGMA), 731

American National screw threads, A-53A-55

American National Standard cap screws, 618

American National Standard Code for Pressure Piping, 840

American National Standard for Steel Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings, 838

American National Standard pipe thread, 610611

American National Standard Unified screw threads, A-53A-55

American National Standards Institute (ANSI) standards, 16

abbreviations, A-4 to A-29

bolts, 614615, A-58 to A-60

cap screws, 618, A-58 to A-62

cast iron pipe flanges and fittings, A-89A-92

cast iron pipe screwed fittings, A-87A-89

cast iron pipe thicknesses and weights, A-86

clearance locational fits, A-38A-39

cotter pins, A-72

dimensions, 520521, 538

electronic diagram symbols, A-80

flanged fittings, 835

force and shrink fits, A-42A-43

heating, ventilating, and ductwork symbols, A-79

locational interference fits, A-41

machine screws, A-63A-64

metric hole basis clearance fits, A-45A-46

metric hole basis transition and interference fits, A-47A-48

metric shaft basis clearance fits, A-49A-50

metric shaft basis transition and interference fits, A-51A-52

nuts, 614615, A-58A-60

pipe threads, 610611

piping symbols, A-78

rivets, 623624

running and sliding fits, A-36A-37

screw threads, 598599, 604605, A-55A-55

sheets, 49

slotted and socket heads, 478, A-61A-62

springs, 625

taper pins, A-71

tolerance, 560, 566

transition locational fits, A-40

twist drill sizes, A-56 to A-57

washers, A-68 to A-69

wood screws, 621

Woodruff keys, A-66

wrought steel pipe and taper pipe threads, A-85

American National thread, 594, 596

American National thread fits, 599

American Records Management Association (ARMA), 713

American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE), 16

American Welding Society Standards, A-74A-76

analysis stage, design process, 5, 1112

analytical models, 174175

analyzing complex objects, 6667

angle of thread, 595


bisecting, 137

dihedral, 384

dimensioning, 517

implied right, 550

isometric drawings, 90

oblique projection, 101

sketching techniques, 70

tolerance, 575

views of, 253

angles, laying out

chord method, 138

sine method, 138

tangent method, 138

angular perspective. See two-point perspective.

angular tolerance, 558

angularity, specifying, 578579

annotation scaling, 54

annular space, copper pipe, 836

ANSI/AF&PA NDS National Design Specification for Wood Construction, 783

ANSI/AWS A2.4, Standard Symbols for Welding, Brazing, and Nondestructive Examination, 848

ANSI/IEEE 200 Graphic Symbols for Electrical and Electronic Diagrams, 758

apparent intersection, 145

appearance, manufacturing materials, 445

approval, engineering documents, 713

approval block, 51, 713

approximated curves, 142, 144

arc welding, 848, 850

Archimedes, history of the screw principle, 595

architects’ scale, 39, A-93

architectural terra cotta, 798

archiving work history, 724


bisecting manually, 134

defining, 132133

delta angles, 133

dimensioning, 517

drawing tangents to, 135136

formulas for, 132133

included angles, 133

isometric, 95

sketching, 7677

arrow-side welds, 851

arrowheads, dimensioning, 508

artificial intelligence (AI), 448

ASCII file formats, 456457

ashlar masonry, 798

ASME Y14.41 Digital Product Definition Data Practices, 540, 713

ASME/ANSI Y14.6 Screw Thread Representation, 598, 604


constraint-based modeling, 217218

DFA (design for assembly), 416

simulation, 429

sketching techniques, 103

assemblies, and design

assembling to a skeleton, 425426

bottom-up design, 424, 449450

constraint-based drawing elements, 428429

global parameters, 427428

layout drawings, 425

middle-out design, 424

overview, 424

seed parts, 428429

top-down design, 424, 449450

assemblies, checking fits, 432433

assembly constraints, 421422

assembly drawings

3D CAD, example, 654656

assembly sections, 640, 645646

check assemblies, 647

dimensions, 640

exploded views, 639640

hidden lines, 640

installation assemblies, 647

outline assemblies, 647

overview, 639640

poche, 645

section lining, 645

views, 639

working drawings, 638

assembly files, managing, 423

assembly mode, constraint-based modeling, 216

assembly models

constraint-based assemblies, 419

dynamic assemblies, 418, 421

parent parts, choosing, 420

static assemblies, 418

subassemblies, 418

assembly parts

fastener libraries, 431

standard parts, 430431

assembly sections, 346, 640, 645646

associativity, constraint-based modeling, 218


2D CAD models, 176177

2D constraints, 178

annotation scaling, 54

constraint defaults, changing, 201

constraints, 136, 160

electronic diagram symbols, 764

geometric construction geometry, 136

isometric drawings, 97

object snap, 129, 134, 137

perspective views, 111

scaling text, 54

Autodesk Inventor, spur gears, 748

automated assembly, 447

automated materials handling, 447

auxiliary plane, 364

auxiliary sections, 376

auxiliary views

adjacent views, 369

alternate views, 369

circles and ellipses, 372, 373

classification of, 366

creating with CAD, 373, 397

depth, 366367

descriptive geometry, 378

developments and intersections, 385395

front adjacent, 366

half, 375

height, 366367

hidden lines, 373

partial, 375

plotting curves manually, 374375

primary, 365

projecting, 370371

purpose of, 364, 378

reference planes, 369

reverse construction, 375

secondary, 368

showing true size, 364, 372

sketching, 371

successive, 368

third, 368

top adjacent, 366

visualizing as revolved drawing, 366

width, 366367

AWS Standard Welding Terms and Definitions, 848

axes, positioning in isometric drawings, 85

axes method for sketching ellipses, 76

axis of revolution, 395

axis of screw, 595

axonometric projection, 32, 8283

piping drawings, 832

sketches, 81


back or backing welds, 850, 856

backing up drawing files, 718

ball tags, 642643

balloon numbers, 642643

barreled parts, tolerance, 549

base circle, constructing, 734

base features, 205206

base points, setting, 204205

baseline dimensioning, 531, 559

basic angle tolerancing method, 575

basic dimension symbols, 567

basic hole system, 554555, 563

basic shaft system, 554555, 563

basic size, metric tolerances, 562

batter, 517

beam web, 791

bearings, landform drawings, 815

bell and spigot joints, 834

bend allowance, 450, 536

“bent” arrow symbol, 851

bevel gears, 740741

Bezier curves, 143144

bidirectional associativity, constraint-based modeling, 218

bilateral system of tolerances, 558

bilateral tolerance, 548

bill of materials (BOM), 642, 644645

bird’s-eye view, 107


angles, 137

arcs, 134

lines, 74, 134

black pipe, 834

blind holes, 213

blind rivets, 624


freehand, 73

irregular objects, 78

bolted steel connections, 789

bolts, high-strength steel, 792793

bolts and nuts

bolt lengths, 615

clearance holes, 613

drawing standard bolts, 615

finish, 614

hex head bolt grades, 617

lock nuts, 617

overview, 613614

proportions, 614

SAE grades, 617

sketching, 616

specifications, A-58A-60

threads, 614

BOM (bill of material), 642, 644645

Boolean operations, 147148

border blocking, 73

borders, 50

boss, 214, 286

bottom views, 234235

bottom-up design, 424, 449450

bowed parts, tolerance, 549

box construction

isometric drawings, 86

oblique drawings, 101

box primitive, 146

bracket method for dual dimensioning, 512

brake press, 438

break lines, 297298

breaks, in 2D drawings, 298299

BREP (boundary representation), 184

brick and mortar construction, 797

Briggs standard threads, 610611

broken out sections, 338

B-splines, 143144

built-in features, 213

bushing, 214, 286

butt joint, 850

butt welded fittings, 837

buttress thread, 597


C (centralizing) thread fits, Acme, 605

cabinet projection, 99

CAD (computer-aided design). See also 3D CAD modeling; AutoCAD.

advantages of, 47

creating auxiliary views, 373

database, 540

definition, 7

files, documentation management on the Web, 725

lettering examples, 40

model space, 48

paper space, 48

in product development, 67

tools for structural drawings, 799800

cadastral maps, 811

CAE (computer-aided engineering), 7

calibration and inspection of tolerances, 555

CAM (computer-aided manufacturing), 7, 458

cam followers

definition, 743

offset, 746747

pivoted, 746747


cylindrical, 747

definition, 743

displacement diagrams, 744

pitch curve, 744

profiles, 743, 744745

cap screws

American National Standard, 618

sketching, 616

specifications, A-58A-62

capillary joints. See solder joints.

cartography, 811

case studies

Ability Fabricators, Inc., 449450

bicycle brake, 157159

brake assembly, 465467

coffee brewer, 418, 421

Delta Design, documentation management, 726727

floating bridge, 191192

furniture design, 109

graphics and design process, Santa Cruz Bicycles, 815

heart model, 186

Hyatt Regency walkway collapse, 712

modeling sheet metal parts, 449450

Oral-B toothbrush, 112115

vibration analysis, Quantel USA, 481482

robot hand, 219221

Santa Cruz Bicycles, 815

sketching techniques, 109, 112115

Smart Tourniquet, 224227

surface models, 224227

symmetry, 157159

Zuma coffee brewer, 418, 421

cast iron pipe, 834

cast iron pipe ANSI standards

drilling for bolts, A-90A-92

flanges and fittings, A-89A-92

screwed fittings, A-87A-88

thicknesses and weight, A-86


design tips, 441442

metal parts, 437

sand casting, 437, 448

cavalier projection, 99

cavities, 480

cellular manufacturing, 447448

center of gravity, 453

centerline method

for four-center ellipses, 94

for sketching circles, 75


dimensioning, 506

isometric drawings, 89

uses for, 244, 246

centralizing (C) thread fits, 605

centroid, 453

ceramic manufacturing materials, 443

cgs (centimeter-gram-second) system, 456

chained dimensions, 559


definition, 214, 286, 524

dimensioning, 524

change permission, engineering documents, 718

chassis, displaying functional designations, 771

check valves, 839

checked-by block, 713

checking assemblies, 647

chord method for laying out angles, 138

chordal addendum, 736

chordal dimensions, 523

chordal thickness, 736

chords, 792

circled numbers in drawings, 642643


in auxiliary views, 373

Circle command, 136

circumference, 132

defining, 132133

diameter, 132

dividing equally, 735

drawing tangents to, 135

formulas for, 132133, A-30

great, 394395

involutes, 734

oblique, 98, 100

radius, 132

sketching, 75

in perspectives, 107

circuit diagrams, 760761

circular pitch, 736

circularity (roundness) tolerance, 576

circumference, 132

city maps, 820821

Class 1 thread fits, 599

Class 2 thread fits, 599

Class 3 thread fits, 599

clay construction, 797


fits, 551, A-38A-39

holes, 612613

clip angles, 792

close running fits, A-36

close sliding fits, A-36

CMM (coordinate measuring machine), 16

CNC (computer numerical control), 447

coarse threads, 598

coincident (align) constraint, 422

color coding, electronic diagrams, 768

combination screw drivers, 619

combination units, dimensioning, 513

combined tolerance symbols, 567

combining surfaces, 187

comma-delimited text format, 457

common manufactured features, 286, 304

complex cylindrical shapes, in 2D drawings, 288

complex surfaces, 187, 216

composite materials, 443

compression springs, 625

computer graphics

electronic diagrams, 773

sketching techniques, 108

computer numerical control (CNC), 447

computer-aided design (CAD). See CAD.

computer-aided engineering (CAE), 7

computer-aided manufacturing (CAM), 7, 458

computer-aided process planning (CAPP), 447

computer-integrated manufacturing

AC (adaptive control), 447

AI (artificial intelligence), 448

automated assembly, 447

automated materials handling, 447

CAPP (computer-aided process planning), 447

cellular manufacturing, 447448

CNC (computer numerical control), 447

expert systems, 448

FMS (flexible manufacturing systems), 448

GT (group technology), 447

industrial robots, 447

JIT (just-in-time) production, 447

concentric (insert) constraint, 422

concentricity tolerance, 579580

concrete construction, 794796

concurrent engineering

design process, 6

documentation management, 719


definition, 65

developments, 391392

dimensioning, 522

formulas, A-34

primitive, 146

conic sections, 386

connection diagrams, 760761


electronic diagrams, 766

structural steel drawings, 786

welded and bolted, 789


degrees of freedom, 570

sketches, 110

constraint-based modeling

2D models, 178

advantages of, 191

assemblies, 217218, 419

case studies, 11, 191192, 219221

cosmetic dimensions, 195

definition, 178

design intent, 197198, 219221

drawing elements, 428429

driven dimensions, 194, 195

driving dimensions, 194

feature dimensions, 194

feature-based modeling, 196197

formulas in dimensions, 194195

global parameters, 195

parameters, 193

reference dimensions, 195

variables, 193

constraint-based modeling, features

adding, 206

base features, 205206

built-in, 213

datums, 209211

editing, 212

existing, specifying an edge for, 206

hole properties, 213

parent-child relationships, 207209

placed, 213

standard, 213

constraint-based modeling modes

assembly mode, 216

associativity, 218

bidirectional associativity, 218

drawing mode, 216

drawings from the model, 218221

part mode, 216

subassemblies, 216


applying, 203

base points, setting, 204205

AutoCAD, 160

defaults, changing, 201

design intent, 197198

geometric, 193

overconstrained sketches, 203

sketch constraints, 110, 199202

underconstrained sketches, 203

relationships, table of, 202

size, 193

types of, 193

construction drawings. See working drawings.

construction lines, 36, 66

continuous dimensioning, 559

contour intervals, landform drawings, 816

contour maps from 3D data, 824


landform drawings, 811, 816

sketching techniques, 67

convex, 854

conventions for 2D drawings, 287

breaks, 298299, 346

edges, 295


motion with gears. See gears.

between U.S. and metric measures, A-73

Coon’s patch, 187

coordinate dimensions, 531, 533

coordinate measuring machine (CMM), 16

coordinate systems

for 3D CAD modeling, 126130, 153

invention of, 127

origins (point of intersection), 127

right-hand rule, 126

specifying location, 126, 129130

user-created, 153154

X- and Y-axes, 127


absolute, 128

cylindrical, 129

definition, 127

polar, 128

relative, 128

spherical, 129

copper pipe

adapting to threaded pipe, 836

drawings, 835

joints and fittings, 836

copper tubing, 835836

cores, 480

corner joint, 850

corner views, 250. See also vertices.

corners, rounding on plastic parts, 436

cosmetic dimensions, 195

cost estimates, modeling, 461462

cotter pins, 617, A-72

counterbored holes

definition, 213214, 286

dimensioning, 521

countersunk holes, 213214, 286, 521

CPVC (chlorinated polyvinyl chloride) pipe drawings, 836

creativity techniques, 1617

crest (of thread), 595

cross section. See section views.

crossovers, in electronic diagrams, 766

cubic splines, 142

curved surfaces, dimensioning, 523


dimensioning, 522

freeform. See spline curves.

isometric drawings, 91

perspectives, 107

plotting by hand in 2D drawings, 289

cutaway views. See section views.

cutting planes

choosing, 331

description, 328

direction, visualizing, 334

half sections, 337

labeling, 332

cutting-plane lines

definition, 328

illustration, 329

line style, 334

cycloids, A-103

cylinder primitive, 146


in 2D drawings, 290

complex shapes in 2D drawings, 288

definition, 65

elements of, 65

formulas, A-35

intersection with a plane, 389

isometric drawings, 95

size dimensioning, 518519

sliced, 289

cylindrical cams, 747

cylindrical coordinates, 129

cylindricity tolerance, 576, 577


da Vinci, Leonardo, 17, 595

DAI (Design Activity Identification), in title blocks, 51

databases, 7, 722723


description, 209211

identifying, 567

landform drawings, 810

tolerance symbols, 567, A-81

datum features, 568571

versus datum feature simulator, 569, 571

datum planes, 209210

datum reference frame, 569

datum targets, 570

decimal dimension values, rounding, 512

decimal-inch drawing scale, A-93, A-95

decimal-inch values, dimensioning, 511

dedendum, 736

default coordinate system, 153

Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, and Control (DMAIC), 7

degrees of freedom, constraining, 570

delta angles, 133


auxiliary views, 366367

thread, 595

in orthographic views, 235

depth dimensions, transferring, 238

derived surfaces, 187

Descartes, René, 127

descriptive geometry, 177, 378

descriptive models, 173

Design Activity Identification (DAI), in title blocks, 51

design database, documentation management, 712

design drawings, 786

design for assembly (DFA), 416

design for manufacture (DFM), 416. See also manufacturing processes.

Design for Six Sigma (DFSS), 7

design intent

capturing, 219221

case study: Santa Cruz Bicycles, 11

constraint-based modeling, 197198

planning for, 197198

design process

case study: Santa Cruz bicycles, 815

design intent, 11

in a portfolio, 1819

stages of, 56, 8-15

definition, 5

designating fitting size, 837

designing quality into products, 7

detail drawings, 638, 640641

detailed thread drawings, 600601, 603

Detailing for Steel Construction, 786

developable surfaces, 386

developed piping drawings, 832

development of a surface, 385


definition, 385

equator, 395

generatrix, 385

great circle, 394395

hems and joints, 390

hood and flue, 392393

hyperboloids, 385

intersections, 385389

laying out a surface, 387

meridian, 395

plane and a cone, 391392

plane and a pyramid, 391

plane and a sphere, 394395

plane and an oblique cylinder, 391

plane and an oblique prism, 390

polyconic method, 395

polycylindric method, 395

surface types, 385

transition pieces, 393394

triangulation, 393

deviation, metric tolerances, 562

DFA (design for assembly), 416

DFM (design for manufacture), 416. See also manufacturing processes.

DFSS (Design for Six Sigma), 7

diameter, 132

diametral pitch, 734, 737

difference (subtract) operation, 147148

differential leveling, landform drawings, 815

digital databases, 7, 722723

digital product definition, 581584

digitizing, surface models, 187

dihedral angles, 384

dimension lines, 506, 508

dimension values, rules for, 512

dimensional accuracy, 445446

dimensional constraints, 160


abbreviations, 537

angles, 517

arcs, 517

arrowheads, 508

BA (bend allowance), 536

centerlines, 506

chamfers, 524

choosing dimensions, 505

cones, 522

coordinate, 533

counterbores, 521

curved surfaces, 523

curves, 522

cylinders, 518519

direction of values and notes, 510

dos and don’ts, 538539

drawing scale, indicating, 509

extension lines, 506, 508

fillet welds, 853

fillets, 517

finish marks, 526

general notes, 536

geometric breakdown, 506507

holes, 519520

IML (inside mold line), 536

isometric drawings, 86

keyways, 525

knurls, 525

lay symbols, 529

leaders, 509

legibility, 510, 514515

lines used in, 506

local notes, 536537

mold line, 536

neutral axis, 536

for numerically-controlled machining, 534

OML (outside mold line), 536

overview, 504506

piping drawings, 833

placing dimensions, 505, 514515

portfolio, 541542

prisms, 518

pyramids, 522

roughness values, 528

rounded-end shapes, 523

rounds, 517

shaft centers, 525

sheet metal bends, 536

spotfaces, 521

standards, 538

stretchout, 536

structural steel drawings, 794

supplementary notes, 536537

surface roughness, 526527

surface texture symbols, 527528, 529

symbols, 513, 520521

tabular, 534

tapers, 524

technique, 505

in terms of material removal, 515

threads, 524

tolerance, 505

triangular prisms, 522

units, 510512

waviness values, 528


assembly drawings, 640

baseline, 531

chordal, 523

coordinate, 531

forging, 535

holes about a common center, 530531

location, 506507, 530531

machine, 535

mating, 532

pattern, 535

size, 506507

superfluous, 516

units of measure, 505

dimetric projection, 83

diode symbol, electronic diagrams, 764

directory structures, documentation management, 715716

displacement diagrams for cams, 744

Divide command, 735

Dividers Method for drawing pentagons, 140

dividing lines equally or proportionally, 74

DMAIC (Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, and Control), 7


purpose of technical drawing, 4

design process, 5

documentation management

approval block, 713

archiving work history, 724

ARMA (American Records Management Association), 713

ASME Y14.41 Digital Product Definition Data Practices, 713

backing up drawing files, 718

case studies, 712, 726727

checked-by block, 713

in concurrent engineering teams, 719

design database, 712

drawing control methods, 713715

drawing standards, 717

drawn-by block, 713

ECOs (engineering change orders), 714

electronic storage, 715

engineering ethics, 712

enterprise level, 721

FDA guidelines, 713

file naming conventions, 716

flat-file databases, 722723

individual productivity, 724

International Organization for Standardization, 719720

ISO 9000/9001, 719720

organizing by product, 721

organizing directory structures, 715716

ownership, 718

PIN (part identification number), 716

PDM (product data management) system, 721, 724

permissions, 718

quality management, 719720

relational databases, 722723

release, 713

requirements for, 713

retention period, 713

revision blocks, 714715

storage media, 718

on the Web, 725

work flow management, 724725

work group level, 721

dos and don’ts, dimensioning, 538539

double-curved surfaces, 64, 385

double-line piping drawings, 830831

double-square screw drivers, 619

doughnut-shaped solids. See tori.

downloading, fasteners, 628

downstream applications. See modeling, downstream applications.

draft, plastic parts, 434, 436

drafting standards. See standards.

drawing control methods, 713715

Drawing Exchange Format (DXF), 458

drawing format, electronic diagrams, 762

drawing media, 49

drawing mode, 216

drawing number, in title blocks, 51

drawing pencils, 4546

drawing scales, 3739, 74, A-93A-95

drawing size, electronic diagrams, 762

drawing standards, 717

drawing title, electronic diagrams, 762

drawings. See also 2D drawings; electronic diagrams; sketching.

ball tags, 642643

balloon numbers, 642643

BOM (bill of material), 642, 644645

for buildings. See structural drawings.

circled numbers, 642643

for civil structures. See structural drawings.

concrete construction. See structural drawings, concrete construction.

construction. See structural drawings; working drawings.

detail, 640641

identification, 642643

of individual parts, 640641

of landforms. See landform drawings.

laying out, 246

managing. See documentation management.

multidetail, 643

part, 640641

parts list. See BOM (bill of material).

piece part, 640641

piping. See piping drawings.

reading, 255

sheet metal, 448, 483, 484

size, in title blocks, 51

standard bolts, 615

structural steel. See structural drawings, structural steel.

subassemblies, 642

threads. See threads, drawing.

title, in title blocks, 51

welding, 448, 484

wood construction. See structural drawings, wood construction.

drawings, assembly. See assembly drawings.

drawings, lines. See also lines.

definition, 34

freehand technique, 34, 36

types of, 3435

drawings, scale. See also scale.

definition, 37

indicating, 509

laying out a drawing, 38

specifying on a drawing, 37

drawn-by block, 713

drill bits, sizes, A-56A-57

driven dimensions, 194, 195

driving dimensions, 194

dual dimensioning, 512

ductwork symbols, A-79

Dview, AutoCAD command, 111

DXF (Drawing Exchange Format), 458

dynamic assemblies, 418, 421


ECN (engineering change notification), 714

ECOs (engineering change orders), 7, 714

ECR (engineering change request), 714

edge joint, 850


in 2D drawings, 295

sketching techniques, 69

in views, 250252


features, 212

surface models, 188

EDM (enterprise data management), 7

egg-shaped solids. See ellipsoids.

8-pitch thread, 598

eight-point method for sketching ellipses, 92

ejector pins, plastic parts, 434435

elasticity, 464

electric resistance welding. See resistance welding.

electron tube pin identification, in electronic diagrams, 769

electronic diagrams

abbreviations, 763

IEEE 200 Graphic Symbols for Electrical and Electronic Diagrams, 758

chassis, displaying functional designations, 771

circuit diagram, 760761

color coding, 768

computer graphics, 773

connection diagram, 760761

connections, 766

crossovers, 766

division of parts, 769

drawing size, format, and title, 762

electron tube pin identification, 769

examples, 758, 759

functional block diagram, 760

functional identification, 771

ground points, 771

grouping parts, 763

inductance, 770

integrated circuits, 771

interconnection diagram, 760

interrupted paths, 766

lettering, 762

line conventions, 762

MIL-STD-681 Identification Coding and Application of Hook Up and Lead Wires, 758

numerical values, 770

part value placement, 770

portfolio, 774

printed circuits, 772

reference designations, 770

resistors, 771

schematic diagram, 760761

semiconductors, 770

signal paths, 762

single-line diagram, 760

standards, 758, A-80

terminals, 767768

transformer windings, 771

types of, 760761

UL (Underwriters’ Laboratory) standards, 758

wiring diagram, 760761

electronic diagrams, symbols

arranging, 764765

AutoCAD tool palette, 764

diodes, 764

relays, 762

signal paths, 764765

size, 762

stages, 764

standard symbols, 758, 762, A-80

switches, 762

symbol libraries, 758

template for, 764

electronic survey instruments, 812


cylinders, 65

standard layouts, 5051

surface, 385

elevation view, 793. See also landform drawings, elevation.


in 2D drawings, 290

approximate, A-96

approximating perimeter of, 141

in auxiliary views, 373

definition, 65

double-curved surface, 385

drawing, 141

examples, 65

formulas, A-33

locating the foci of, 141

orienting in isometric drawings, 93

pencil and string method for drawing, 141

sketching, 76

embryo heart model, 186

enclosing-square method for sketching circles, 75

enclosing-rectangle method for four-center ellipses, 94

engineering change notification (ECN), 714

engineering change orders (ECOs), 7, 714

engineering change request (ECR), 714

engineering drawings. See documentation management; drawings; sketching.

engineering ethics, 712

engineering maps, 811

engineers’ drawing scale, 37, A-93, A-95

English bond, 797

enlarging shapes with a grid of squares, 78

enterprise data management (EDM), 7

enterprise level documentation management, 721

epicycloid, A-103

equation solvers, 460

equator, 395

equilateral hyperbolas, A-100

erasers, 46

erection plans, 786787

ergonomics, 433. See also human factors.

essential shapes, 66

ethics, of engineering drawings, 712

examples. See case studies; portfolios (examples).

expert systems, 448

exploded views, assembly drawings, 639640

export formats, 457459

exporting data from the database. See modeling, exporting data from the database.

extension figure, 790

extension lines, 506, 508

extension springs, 625626

external square thread, 608

external threads

defined, 595

dimensioning, 524

forms, 596597

notes, 604605

symbols, 606

extruded forms, 151

extruded surfaces, 184185

extrusion, definition, 151



flanges, 838

objects. See planar surfaces; polyhedra.

factor of safety, 451


downloading, 628

overview, 594, 621

portfolio, 629630

FDA guidelines, documentation management, 713

FDM (fused deposition modeling), 478

FEA (finite element analysis), 174, 190, 463467

feather keys, 622

features. See also constraint-based modeling, features.

datum, 568571

definition, 196

first created. See base feature.

size designation, 548

tolerance, 548

feature control frame, 566

feature dimensions, 194

feature of size, 548

feature-based modeling, 196197. See also constraint-based modeling.

ferrous metals, manufacturing materials, 443

field rivets, 624

file formats, 456457

file naming conventions, documentation management, 716

filler beams, 786

fillets. See also runouts.

in 2D drawings, 293294

definition, 214, 286

dimensioning, 517

example, 215, 286

shading, 293

fillet weld length, 854

fillet welds, 791, 850, 853855

filling sectioned areas, assembly drawings, 645

fillister head cap screws, 618

fine thread, 598

finish, bolts, 614

finish marks, dimensioning, 526

finishing operations, 448

finite element analysis (FEA), 174, 190, 463467

finite elements, 463

first-angle projection, 240241, 242243

fit. See also tolerance.

allowance, 548549, 551

assemblies. See assemblies, checking fits.

case study, 583

clearance locational, A-38A-39

force and shrink, A-42A-43

interference, 551, 554555

line, 552

locational interference, A-41

mating parts, 551

metric hole basis clearance, A-45A-46

metric hole basis transition and interference, A-47A-48

metric shaft basis clearance, A-49A-50

metric shaft basis transition and interference, A-51A-52

metric system, 562563

running and sliding, A-36A-37

specifying, 552

study, 583

thread, 599600

transition locational, 552, A-40

types and subtypes, 560

fit, threads

Acme thread notes, 605

American National thread fits, 599

C (centralizing), 605

definition and classes, 599

G (general purpose), 605

metric, 600

unified, 600

fitting size, designating, 837

flanged fittings, 837

flanged joints, 834, 838


cast iron pipe, A-89A-92

definition, 214, 286

in structural steel shapes, 788

flared joints, 835836

flash welds, 850, 853, 858

flat head cap screws, 618

flat keys, 622, A-65

flat patterns. See also developments.

definition, 385

modeling sheet metal parts, 438439

flat springs, 625626

flat-file databases, 722723

flatness tolerance, 576

Flemish bond, 797

flip constraint, 422

flush symbol, 854

FMS (flexible manufacturing systems), 448

foci of an ellipse, locating, 141

folding lines, 237, 364

fonts (lettering), 40

force fits, A-42A-43

foreshortening, 83

forging, 448, 535

form tolerance

for single features, 576577

symbols, 566568

variations, 549

forming metal, principal methods, 448


circles and arcs, 132

in dimensions, 194195

for geometric entities, A-30A-35

operators, table of, 195

45° miter line, 238, 259

four-center ellipses, sketching, 9394

fps (foot-pound-second) system, 456

fractions, lettering, 43

frame beam connections, 790

freeform curves. See spline curves.

freehand compass, 75

freehand sketching

arcs, 77

blocking in borders, 71

construction lines, 36

ellipses, 76

finding the midpoint on a line, 71

lines, 34, 36, 71

long freehand lines, 73

friction wheels, 732

front adjacent, 366

front orientation, 240

front views, 234236

frontal plane projection, 236

full sections

definition, 328329

visualizing, 330331

functional block diagrams, 760

functional decomposition, as design aid, 16

functional identification, in electronic diagrams, 771

fundamental deviation, metric tolerances, 562563

fused deposition modeling (FDM), 478


G (general purpose) notes for thread fits, 605


line thickness, 34

thread pitch, 597

wire, standards, A-70

gage blocks, 555

gage line, of angles, 790

galvanized pipe, 834

gas metal arc welding (GMAW), 848

gas tungsten arc welding (GTAW), 848

gas welding, 848, 850

gaskets, 838

gate valves, 839

gauge, sheet metal, 450

GDT (geometric dimensioning and tolerancing), 580, A-81A-84

gear blanks, 736

gear ratio, 732


alternative devices, 747

base circle, constructing, 734

bevel, 740741

circular pitch, 736

converting motion, 732

definition, 732

friction wheels, 732

gear ratio, 732

helical, 732

herringbone, 732

hypoid, 732

line of contact, 734

linear pitch, 736

pinion, 732

pitch circles, 732

pitch diameter, 732

portfolio, 748749

rack, 736

rack teeth, 736

rpm (revolutions per minute), 732

spacing gear teeth, 735

spur, 732737

stock models and drawings, 742

transmitting power, 732

worm, 738739

gears, involute tooth shape

addendum circle, 734

approximating with circular arcs, 734735

diametral pitch, 734

hobbing, 735

root circle, 734

chordal addendum, 736

chordal thickness, 736

dedendum, 736

definition, 732733

designing, 737

diametral pitch, 737

formulas, 732733

gear blanks, 736

outside diameter, 736

pitch diameter, 736

root diameter, 736

whole depth, 736

working drawings, 736737

general notes, dimensioning, 536

general purpose (G) notes for thread fits, 605

generatrix, 385

Genesis space capsule crash, 70

geometric breakdown, dimensioning, 506507

geometric characteristic symbols, 566, A-81

geometric constraints, 136, 160, 193

geometric constructions

angle layout, 138

arcs, 133

arcs tangent to arcs, 136

bisecting angles, 137

bisecting lines and circular arcs, 134

circles, 132133,

conic sections, 386

cycloids, A-103

ellipses, 141, 14347, A-96

epicycloid, A-103

equilateral triangles, 139

equilateral hyperbolas, A-100

geometric entities, 130133

helix, A-101

hexagons, 139

hyperbolas, A-99

hypocycloids, A-103

involutes, A-102

parabolas, A-97A-98

parallel lines, 137

pentagons, 140

polygons, 139140

spiral of Archimedes, A-101

spline curves, 142144

tangents with arcs, 135136

tangents with circles, 135

triangles, 138, 139

geometric continuity, 215

geometric dimensioning and tolerancing (GDT), 580, A-81A-84

geometric entities. See specific shapes.

geometric method for drawing pentagons, 140

geometric methods for plane figures, 78

geometric tolerances. See GDT (geometric dimensioning and tolerancing).

geometric transformations, 154

gib head keys, 622, A-65

girders, 786

glass box, 236238

global parameters

assemblies and design, 427428

definition, 195

global positioning system (GPS), 812

globe valves, 839

GMAW (gas metal arc welding), 848

GPS (global positioning system), 812

GPS satellite constellation, 812

grade (slope), 517

grades of steel, 788

graphics exchange format, 457458

great circle, 394395

green lumber, 783

grid paper, sketching auxiliary views, 371

groove welds, 850, 855

ground points, in electronic diagrams, 771

grouping parts, in electronic diagrams, 763

GT (group technology), 447

GTAW (gas tungsten arc welding), 848

guidelines, for lettering, 40, 42


half auxiliary views, 375

half sections, 337

hard temper copper tubing, 835836


description, 68

section lining, 335

sectioned areas, assembly drawings, 645

hatchures, landform drawings, 811

HDPE (high-density polyethylene) pipe drawings, 836

heart model, 186

heating, ventilating, and ductwork symbols, A-79

height, in views, 235

height auxiliary views, 366367

helical gears, 732

helical springs, 625627

helix, A-101

hems, sheet metal, 390, 439

herringbone gears, 732

hex head bolts, A-58A-60

grades, 617

sketching, 616

hex screw drivers, 619

hexagon head cap screws, 618

hexagon socket cap screws, 618


centerline variation, 140

drawing, 140

hexalobular screw drivers, 619

hidden lines

assembly drawings, 640

in auxiliary views, 373

correct and incorrect practices, 245

description, 243

intersecting, 243

isometric drawings, 89

techniques for drawing, 244

high-density polyethylene (HDPE) pipe drawings, 836

high-strength concrete, 794

high-strength steel bolts, 792793

highway plans, landform drawings, 823

hobbing, involute tooth shape, 735

hole features, in orthographic views, 303

hole properties, 213

hole system

metric tolerances, 563

tolerances, 554555


blind, 213

counterbored, 213

countersunk, 213

locating about a common center, 530531

size dimensioning, 519520

spotface, 213

through, 213

hood and a flue, developing, 392393

horizon line, 107

horizontal plane projection, 236

human factors, 470471. See also ergonomics.

HumanCAD software models, 471

hyperbolas, A-99

hydrographic maps, 811

hyperboloids, double-curved surface, 385

hypocycloids, A-103

hypoid gears, 732


ideation, design process, 5

case study: Santa Cruz Bicycles, 9

universal possibilities, 9

identifying drawings, 642643

IGES (Initial Graphics Exchange Specification), 458

IML (inside mold line), dimensioning, 536

implementation, design process, 3, 5

implied right angles, tolerances, 550

inch-pound-second (ips) system, 456

inclined edges, in views, 252

inclined (italic) fonts, 4042

inclined surfaces

isometric drawings, 89

in views, 250251

included angles, 133

individual productivity, documentation management, 724

inductance, in electronic diagrams, 770

industrial robots, 447

industry cases. See case studies.

injection-molding, plastic parts, 434436

insert (concentric) constraint, 422

installation assemblies, assembly drawings, 647

integrated circuits, in electronic diagrams, 771

integrated modeling and design, 472473

interconnection diagrams, 760

interference, checking fits, 432433

Interference Detection command, 583

interference fit

locational, A-41

metric tolerances, 563

preferred metric hole basis, A-47A-48

preferred metric shaft basis, A-51A-52

tolerances, 551, 554555

intermittent fillet welding, 854

internal square thread, 608

internal thread, 595

internal thread symbols, 606

international drafting standards, 16

International Organization for Standardization (ISO), 16, 719720

international tolerance grade (IT), 562

interpolated patches, 187

interpolated splines, 142, 144

interpolating polynomials, 467


lines, 253

points, 253

views, 254

interrupted paths, in electronic diagrams, 766

intersecting hidden lines, 243

intersection operation, 147148


in 2D drawings, 287, 290291

apparent intersection, 145

definition, 145, 385

plane and a cylinder, 389

plane and a prism, 387388

principles of, 386

in sections, 346

investment casting, 480

involute tooth shape

addendum circle, 734

approximating with circular arcs, 734735

description, 734

diametral pitch, 734

hobbing, 735

root circle, 734

involutes, construction, A-102

ips (inch-pound-second) system, 456

irregular objects, isometric drawings, 91

irregular surfaces, 152

ISO (International Organization for Standardization), 16, 719720

ISO 9000/9001, 719720

isometric axes, 84

isometric drawings

30° angles, estimating, 90

angles, 90

arcs, 95

with AutoCAD software, 97

box construction, 86

centerlines, 89

curves, 91

cylinders, 95

definition, 85

dimensioning, 86

ellipses, 9295

hidden lines, 89

inclined surfaces, 89

irregular objects, 91

nonisometric lines, 88

normal surfaces, 8687

from an object, 96

oblique surfaces, 89

offset location measurements, 88

overview, 85

positioning the axes, 85

of rectangular objects, 86

screw threads, 95

spheres, 96

isometric projection, 8384

isometric scales, 84

isometric sketches. See isometric drawings.

isometric views, 249

IT (international tolerance grade), 562

italic (inclined) fonts, 4042


JIT (just-in-time) production, 447

Jo blocks, 555

join/add (union) operation, 147148


bell and spigot, 834

butt, 850

capillary. See solder joints.

cast iron pipe, 834

copper tubing, 835

corner, 850

edge, 850

flanged, 834, 838

flared, 835836

lap, 850

pipe expansion, 832

riveted, 623

screwed, 838

sheet metal, 390

solder, 835836, 838

T-joint, 850

welded, 838

wood, 784


kerned pairs of letters, 44


feather, 622

flat, 622, A-65

gib head, 622, A-65

plain taper, A-65

Pratt & Whitney, 622, A-67

square, 622, A-65

Woodruff, 622, A-66


definition, 214, 286

dimensioning, 525

K-factor, 450

knuckle thread, 597


definition, 214, 286

dimensioning, 525


labeling cutting planes, 332

laminated object manufacturing (LOM), 478

land survey plat, 810

landform drawings

3D terrain models, 819

aeronautical maps, 811

bearings, 815

cadastral maps, 811

cartography, 811

contour intervals, 816

contour maps from 3D data, 824

contours, 811, 816

datum, 810

differential leveling, 815

engineering maps, 811

hatchures, 811

highway plans, 823

hydrographic maps, 811

landscape maps, 811

military maps, 811

monuments, 811

nautical maps, 811

overview, 810811

plats, 810

portfolio, 825

profiles, 811

structure location plans, 822

surveys, 810

symbols, 815

topographic maps, 811

topographic symbols, A-77

traverses, 810

landform drawings, city maps

landscape drawings, 820821

overview, 819

subdivision plats, 820821

landform drawings, elevation

calculation of vertical curves, 823

definition, 810

determining, 815

getting information for, 812813

interpolating data, 817818

landform drawings, getting information for

aerial photogrammetry, 812

electronic survey instruments, 812

GPS (global positioning system), 812

GPS satellite constellation, 812

laser distance meters, 813

Manual of Surveying Instructions for the Survey of the Public Lands of the United States, 814

NGS (National Geodetic Survey), 813

optical mechanical systems, 814

photogrammetry, 812

satellite imagery, 812

scaled measurements, 814

stadia method, 814

steel tape, 814

terrestrial photogrammetry, 813

landscape drawings, 820821

landscape maps, 811

landscape orientation, 49

lap joint, 850

laser distance meters, 813

lay symbols, 529

layers, 2D CAD models, 176

laying out a drawing, 38

layout drawings, assemblies, and design, 425


borders, 50

definition, 52

letter sizes, 50

margins, 50

planning, 5253

portfolio, 5556

title block, 51

zone numbers, 50

zones, 50

lead (of a screw thread), 595

lead, worm gears, 738739

lead grades for drawing pencils, 46

leaders, dimensioning, 509

least material condition (LMC), tolerance symbols, 567

left- and right-hand parts, 149, 301302

left-hand rule of coordinate systems, 126

left-hand screw threads, 598

left-handed lettering, 45

left-side views, 234235

legibility, dimensioning, 510, 514515

length, in views, 235

letter sizes, on page layout, 50


CAD examples, 40

consistent letter height, 40

definition, 34

in electronic diagrams, 762

fractions, 43

guidelines, 40, 42

by hand, 40

inclined (italic), 4142

kerned pairs of letters, 44

for left-handers, 45

with a pencil, 45

spacing, 40, 44

stability, 44

standards, 40

template for, 42

for titles, 45

vertical, 41

lettering (fonts), 40

library of standard punches, 439

life cycle design, 6

life-cycle analysis, 473

lift check valves, 839

limit dimensions, 552

limit tolerances, 557

line conventions, in electronic diagrams, 762

line fit, 552

line gage, 34

line of contact, 734

line patterns, 72

linear pitch, 736


bisecting manually, 74, 134

break, 297

center. See centerlines.

description, 130

dividing equally or proportionally, 74

drawing through points, 137

folding, 237

freehand construction, 36

hidden. See hidden lines.

interpreting, 253

parallel. See parallel lines.

perpendicular. See perpendicular lines.

point view, 380

precedence, 244

sketching techniques, 69

specifying, 130

styles, 3435

thick, 34

thin, 34

true length, in CAD, 378379

used in dimensioning, 506

lines, cutting-plane

definition, 328

illustration, 329

line style, 334

lines, section views

behind the cutting plane, 328

general rules for, 333

lines, sketching

blocking, freehand, 73

border blocking, 73

calculating proportions, 74

dividing lines, 74

equal parts, 74

finding a midpoint, 73

line patterns, 72

lineweights, 72

long freehand lines, 73

parallel, exaggerating closely spaced, 74

proportional parts, 74

straight lines, 73

techniques for, 72

lines of sight. See projectors.

lineweights, 72

LMC (least material condition), tolerance symbols, 567

Load Resistance Factor Design (LRFD), 790

local coordinate systems, 153

local notes, dimensioning, 536537

location, specifying with coordinate systems, 126, 129130

location dimensions, 506, 530531

lock nuts and locking devices

cotter pins, 617, A-72

lock washers, 617, A-69

overview, 617

set screws, 617, 620

lock washers, 617, A-69

lofting, 185186

LOM (laminated object manufacturing), 478

long freehand lines, 73

lower deviation, metric tolerances, 562

lugs, 214, 286


machine dimensions, 535

machine pins, 622

machine screws, 613, A-63A-64. See also cap screws.

machined parts, modeling, 437438

machining parts, 448

machining processes, tolerances, 561

MAG (metal active gas) welding, 848

major diameter (of a screw thread), 595

Manual of Standard Practice for Detailing Reinforced Concrete Structures, 795

Manual of Steel Construction, 788

Manual of Surveying Instructions for the Survey of the Public Lands of the United States, 814

manufactured stone construction, 798

manufacturing materials

alloys and their characteristics, 443

appearance, 445

ceramics, 443

composite materials, 443

ferrous metals, 443

materials assignment, 444

nanomaterials, 443

nonferrous metals, 443

plastics, 443

product failure, definition, 443

recycling, 445

service life, 445

manufacturing processes

assembling an aircraft, 445446

brake press, 438

cast parts, 437, 441442, 448

common production methods, 440

computer integrated. See computer-integrated manufacturing.

DFM (design for manufacture), 416

dimensional accuracy, 445446

forging, 448

library of standard punches, 439

machined parts, modeling, 437438

machining, 448

metal forming, principal methods, 448. See also specific methods.

molds, 437, 480

nanofabrication, 446

nanotechnology, 446

net-shape manufacturing, 446

permanent molds, 437

sand casting, 437, 448

shared manufacturing, 448

Standard for Aluminum Sand and Permanent Mold Castings, 437

surface finish, 445446

welding drawings, 448, 484

manufacturing processes, plastic parts

constant wall thickness, 436

draft, 434

draft angle, 436

drawings, portfolio, 483

ejector pins, 434435

injection-molding characteristics, 434

injection-molding guidelines, 436

parting line, 434435

projections, 436

rounding corners, 436

taper, 434

manufacturing processes, sheet metal

bend allowance, 450

case study: Ability Fabricators, Inc., 449450

gauge, 450

hems, 439

K-factor, 450

modeling, 438440, 449450

sheet metal drawings, 448, 483, 484

thickness, 450

maps. See landform drawings.

margins, 50

mass, 452

mass density, 453

mass properties, determining. See modeling, determining mass properties.

master, creating, 480

mate constraint, 422

mate offset, 422

material files, 444

materials assignment, 444

mating dimensions, 532

maximum material condition (MMC), tolerance symbols, 567, 574575

measurement systems, definition, 34. See also specific systems.

measuring, from a reference surface, 238

mechanical engineers’ drawing scale, A-93

media for drawings, 49

member marks, in welding, 792

members, in welding, 792

meridian, 395

meshes, 185, 463464

metal active gas (MAG) welding, 848

metal connectors for wood construction, 784785

metal forming, principal methods, 448

metal parts, casting, 437

metric drawing scale, A-93A-94

metric fastener standard, 594

metric fits, tolerance symbols, 563

metric screw threads, A-53A-55

metric system. See also U.S. customary units.

converting to U.S., A-73

description, 3637

dual dimensioning systems, 3637

preferred scale ratios, 37

unit conversion, 37

metric thread, 596

metric thread fits, 600

metric tolerances, 562563

middle-out design, 424

midpoint of a line, finding, 73

MIG (metal inert gas) welding, 848

military maps, 811

millimeter values, dimensioning, 510511

milling machines, tolerances, 561

MIL-STD-681 Identification Coding and Application of Hook Up and Lead Wires, 758

minor diameter (of a screw thread), 595

mirrored shapes, 149

MMC (maximum material condition), 567, 574575

model space, 48


case study: brake assembly, 465467

factors of safety, 451

interpolating polynomials, 467

machined parts, 437438

P-elements, interpolating, 467

sheet metal parts, 438440, 449450

springs, 627

threads, 610

visible embryo heart model, example, 186

modeling, determining mass properties

accuracy, verifying, 455

calculations, 454456

center of gravity, 453

centroid, 453

cgs (centimeter-gram-second) system, 456

fps (foot-pound-second) system, 456

ips (inch-pound-second) system, 456

mass, 452

mass density, 453

moment of inertia, 453

overview, 451

portfolio, 485

pounds force, 456

pounds mass, 456

radii of gyration, 453

right cylinder, 452

SI (Système International), 456

surface area, 452

units and assumptions, 455456

volume, 452

modeling, downstream applications

elasticity, 464

equation solvers, 460

FEA (finite element analysis), 463467

finite elements, 463

going green, 473

human factors, 470471

HumanCAD software models, 471

integrated modeling and design, 472473

meshes, 463464

ROBOGUIDE software, 469470

simulation software, 468470

spreadsheets, 460

virtual prototypes, 469

what-if analysis, 460

modeling, exporting data from the database

ASCII file formats, 456457

comma-delimited text format, 457

common export formats, 457459

for cost estimates, 461462

DXF (Drawing Exchange Format), 458

file formats, 456457

graphics exchange format, 457458

IGES (Initial Graphics Exchange Specification), 458

native file formats, 456457

native formats, 459

neutral formats, 459

overview, 456

space-delimited text format, 457

STEP (Standard for the Exchange of Product model data), 458

STL (STereo Lithography) format, 458

tab-delimited text format, 457

vector versus raster data, 459

modeling, for testing and refinement

case study: testing vibration analysis, 481482

overview, 451


2D. See 2D models.

3D. See 3D models.

choosing a method, 222223

creating, 256

definition, 172

machined parts, 437438

materials assignment, 444

qualities of, 175

sheet metal parts, 438440

molded parts, 434437

models, types of

analytical, 174175

comparison of characteristics, 222223

descriptive, 173

FEA (finite element analysis) model, 174, 190

motion analysis, 175

scale, example, 173

solid, 190

surface, 184

constraint-based, 191192

mold line, dimensioning, 536


casting metal parts, 437

plastic parts, 434436

cavities and cores, 480

permanent, 437

moment of inertia, 453

monuments, landform drawings, 811

motion analysis, 175

Mountz, John, 19

mules, 10

multidetail drawings, 643

multiple threads, 599

multiview projections

definition, 32

description, 234

illustration, 82

My Documents folder, documentation management, 716

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