
  • A
  • Abernathy, Ralph D., 41
  • Abolitionist Teaching Network, 119
  • Administration, school
    • cultural shift and, 133–134
    • early growth work of, 80
    • gaining clarity from, 111
    • importance of, 99–100
    • support of teachers from, 133–135
  • Advancement Via Individual Determination (AVID) program, 13
  • Affinity groups, 62
  • Agrawal, Radha, 27
  • Albert, Katrice A., 64
  • All the Colors We Are—The Story of How We Get Our Skin Color (Kissinger), 91
  • Allen, Chaunda, 64
  • Allies, 66, 113
  • American Anthropological Association, 109
  • Amy (White mom), 47–49, 50–51
  • Anderson, Carol, 48, 53–54
  • Angelou, Maya, 7
  • Anti-Racism Collective (ARC), 61
  • Anti-Racism Graduate Certificate Program, 61
  • Antiracism, 4–10, 28, 43–44, 61
  • As You Prepare To Celebrate Dr. King (Glass), 128
  • Asset orientation, 56
  • AVID. See Advancement Via Individual Determination program
  • B
  • Babies, 9
  • Bailey, Liberty Hyde, 1
  • Baldwin, James, 60
  • Belong (Agrawal), 27
  • Belonging, 2, 27
  • Berry, Lucretia Carter
    • antiracism courses by, 50–51, 83–90, 94–99
    • background/education of, 1–2, 14–16
    • children's book by, 91–92, 109
    • fair compensation for, 105–106
    • growth experience of, 40–45
    • parenting meetups with, 73–74
    • parenting style of, 71–73
    • student funshops by, 90–94
  • Bethune, Mary McLeod, 75
  • Bethune-Cookman University, 75
  • The Bible Project, 26
  • bKids, 92, 109
  • Black, Indigenous, (and) People of Color (BIPOC). See also Parents, BIPOC; Teachers, BIPOC
    • definition of, 5
    • emotional labor of, 56–57, 62–65, 91
    • fair compensation for, 63–64, 105–107
    • history of, 69–70, 72, 76, 98
    • misunderstandings of, 6–7
    • as party responsible for racial competency, 56–57, 62–65, 91
    • racial competency strategies for, 58–62
  • Black Bottom community, 48
  • Black churches, 41–45
  • Black Cultural Center Church, 41–44
  • Black history
    • instructional content for, 75–76
    • lesson building for, 138–139
    • seeking support when teaching, 107–108
    • students' responses during lessons on, 107–108
    • White-washed version of, 14–15
  • Black History Month, 138–139
  • Black people, 48, 75, 106
  • Black women, 106, 118
  • Blackface, 129
  • Black–White binary, 7
  • Blay, Yaba, 118
  • Blooming. See Growth process
  • Bonilla-Silva, Eduardo, 155
  • Book studies, 86–87, 90, 155–159
  • Books. See Content, diverse
  • Boyer, Ernest, 26
  • Brain, human, 36–40
  • Briscoe-Smith, A., 8
  • Brown, Brené, 57
  • Brownicity—Many Hues One Humanity (agency)
    • children's funshops by, 92, 109
    • creation of, 61, 73–74
    • mission of, 74
    • onboarding curriculum of, 87–90, 97–99
    • online content of, 119
    • social media attack of, 140
  • Buds. See Growth process
  • Bystanding, 116–117
  • C
  • The Call to Courage (Brown), 57
  • Calling in, 110–111
  • Cancel culture, 113
  • Carlisle Boarding School, 57
  • Charlotte-Mecklenburg Opportunity Task Force, 158
  • Chauvin, Derek, 53
  • Children
    • colorblindness and, 7–9
    • curiosity of, 8–9, 115
    • funshops for, 90–94, 109
    • ignoring experiences of, 115–116
    • interactive exhibits for, 109
    • of interracial parents, 71–73
    • parents' early growth work with, 74–81
    • reactions of, during history lessons, 107–108
    • teachers' expectations of, 104–105
  • Chinese bamboo tree, 144
  • Christian music, 41–42, 43
  • Churches, 41–45, 97
  • Citizenship, 104–105
  • Civil Rights Act (1964/1965), 24, 50, 100
  • Civil Rights Movement, 41, 125
  • Civil War, 7
  • Coded language, 21–22
  • Coelho, Paulo, 83
  • Cognitive dissonance, 35–40, 53
  • Cognitive load, 36–40
  • College prep programs, 104
  • Colonization, 57, 69–70
  • Color muteness, 8
  • Color shaming, 8
  • Colorblindness, 7–8, 25
  • The Colors of Us (Katz), 91
  • Colvin, Claudette, 129
  • Communities
    • for foundation building, 61–62
    • just learning environments in, 26
    • self-assessment of, 40–45
    • for socially conscious parents, 73–74
    • working for justice/belonging within, 5, 40–45, 130–131, 140
  • Compensation, for work, 63–64, 105–107, 135
  • Content, diverse
    • analysis of, 139, 153–154
    • banning of, 53
    • common misunderstandings regarding, 4–5
    • effective teachers of, 125–130
    • for funshops, 91–92
    • for parent newsletters, 101
    • parents' contribution of, 137
    • rubric for, 149–152
    • selection of, 55–58, 76, 149–154
    • for self-assessment, 44
    • teachers' motivations regarding, 52
  • Content analysis, 139, 153–154
  • Conversations That Cultivate Seeds of Curiosity (Glass), 115
  • Cooper, Jewell, 29
  • Crenshaw, Kimberlé, 62
  • Critical race theory (CRT), 53, 54, 111
  • Cross-racial relationships, 62, 66
  • Crying, 118–119
  • Cultivating Genius (Muhammad), 129
  • Culturally Responsive Teaching and the Brain—Promoting Authentic Engagement and Rigor Among Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Students (Hammond), 109
  • Culture shift, 134–135
  • D
  • Davis, F., 26
  • Defense mechanisms, 54–55
  • Deficit language/orientation, 56
  • Dehumanization, 6
  • Den Heijer, Alexander, 19
  • Dennis, Traci, 110
  • Desegregation, 4
  • Detroit, Michigan, 48
  • Dhliwayo, Matshona, 33, 121
  • Dinner Party Scenario, 56–57
  • Dismantling Racism (workshop), 74
  • Dog Whistle Politics—How Coded Racial Appeals Have Reinvented Racism and Wrecked the Middle Class (Lopez), 22
  • Dog whistles, 22
  • Dunbar-Ortiz, Roxanne, 55
  • E
  • Eberhardt, Jennifer, 130
  • Educators. See Teachers
  • Elective courses, 93–94, 97
  • (website), 119
  • Empathy, 115
  • Extraneous load, 37–38
  • F
  • Facing History & Ourselves (organization), 119
  • Fair Housing Act of 1968, 24
  • First Nations people, 57
  • Floyd, George, 53
  • Fortitude, lack of, 111
  • Foundation of the Carolinas, 158
  • Foundations (Brownicity), 87–90, 97–99
  • Friend groups, 79
  • G
  • Garvey, Marcus, 47
  • Germane load, 37
  • Gifted and talented education (GATE) programs, 12
  • Glass, Tehia Starker
    • background/education of, 1–2, 12–14
    • on learning process, 34–36
    • parenting style of, 75–77, 115–116
    • political/history instruction by, 21–22
    • racial competency programs by, 61, 124–125, 138–140
    • root-building experience of, 55–58
    • self-care promotion by, 132–133
    • TED talk by, 115
    • views of school administration, 99–100
    • As You Prepare To Celebrate Dr. King, 128
  • Gooden, Mark Anthony, 32
  • Gospel music, 41–42, 43
  • Growth process
    • celebration of, 83–84, 95–99
    • discomfort during, 9–10, 16, 88, 110–111
    • early stages of, 83–101
      • adult courses in, 84–90, 94–95
      • celebration of learning during, 83–84, 95–99
      • discomfort in, 88
      • reflection and practice for, 101
      • resistance during, 84–86
      • school administration in, 99–100
      • students' courses in, 90–94
    • foundation building in, 47–67
      • communities for, 61–62
      • courses for, 50–55
      • effects of, 51–55
      • importance of, 49–50
      • parent and teacher considerations in, 62–67
      • personal experiences of, 47–49, 55–58
      • process for building, 58–60
      • reflection and practice for, 67
    • groundwork for, 19–32
      • rationale for, 19
      • reflection and practice for, 28–32
      • shared language in, 20–31
    • inhibitors during, 103–120
      • in nature, 143–144
      • personal experiences regarding, 103–105
      • reflection and practice for, 120
      • types of, 105–119
    • length of, 10, 140, 144–145
    • maturation stage of, 121–141
      • administration's support during, 133–135
      • lesson building in, 124–130, 138–140
      • parents' reflective practice during, 135–138
      • personal experiences of, 122–123
      • reflection and practice for, 140–141
      • self-care in, 130–133
    • metaphor for, 10–12
    • reflection and practice during, 17–18
    • self-assessment for, 33–46
      • first steps in, 45
      • learning process in, 34–45
      • reflection and practice for, 45
  • H
  • Hairstyles, 74, 77–78, 92
  • Hammond, Zaretta, 34–35, 109
  • Harvey, Jennifer, 135–136
  • The Hate You Give (movie), 96
  • Healing work, 44, 52
  • High school courses, 92–94, 97
  • Hoover, J. Edgar, 128
  • Housing policies, 24, 48, 50
  • “How We Are Ruining America” (Brooks), 157
  • Hues of You—An Activity Book for Learning About the Skin You Are In (Berry), 91–92, 109
  • Hunt, Brittany D., 55
  • I
  • Ideology, 115
  • I'm Not Racist Am I? (Point Made Learning), 74
  • Inclusion, 27
  • Indigenous people, 55, 57–58
  • An Indigenous People's History of the United States (Dunbar-Ortiz), 55
  • Indigenous Resilience (Hunt), 55
  • Intellectual property, 64–65
  • Interactive exhibits, 109
  • Internal monologue, 38
  • Internalized thinking, 49
  • Interracial marriage, 71–73
  • Intrinsic load, 37
  • Iowa State University, 40–41
  • Isaiah (prophet), 143
  • Isolation, working in, 5, 107–108
  • J
  • Jefferson, Thomas, 145
  • Jim Crow laws, 50, 129
  • Johnson, Lyndon B., 50
  • Jokes, racist, 19–20
  • Jones, Camara Phyllis, 29–30
  • Jones, Kenneth, 117
  • Joshi, Kedar, 69
  • Judging people, 113
  • Just learning spaces, 26, 139–140
  • Justice, 2, 26
  • ‘Justice' (The Bible Project), 26
  • K
  • Katz, Karen, 91
  • Kay, Matthew, 127
  • Kenan Jr., William R., 22
  • King, Jr., Martin Luther, 41, 100, 125, 128
  • Kissinger, Katie, 91
  • KWLH chart, 147
  • L
  • Latinx people, 103–105, 113–114
  • Leading on Opportunity (website), 158
  • Learning for Justice, 119, 139
  • Learning process
    • cognitive load in, 36–40
    • components of, 44
    • personal growth in, 40–45
    • schema in, 34–36
  • Lesson building, 124–130, 138–140
  • Let's Learn About (Brownicity), 92, 109
  • Letters from a Birmingham Jail, Why We Can't Wait, and Where Do We Go From Here (King), 128
  • Levels of Racism (Jones), 29–30
  • Liberate app, 65
  • Lies My Teacher Told Me (Loewen), 55
  • The Little Book of Race and Restorative Justice (Davis), 26
  • Loewen, James, 55
  • Lopez, Ian Henry, 22
  • Love, Bettina, 65
  • Loving, Richard and Mildred, 72–73
  • Lucia (student), 19–20, 30–31
  • M
  • Malcolm X, 128
  • Maraboli, Steve, 103
  • Marti, Gerardo, 22, 23
  • Mayer, Richard E., 37
  • Media. See Content, diverse
  • Menakem, Resmaa, 65
  • Michael, Ali, 50
  • Microaggressions, 25–26, 116
  • Miller, Erin, 61
  • Minstrel shows, 129
  • Mitchell, Roland W., 64
  • Montgomery Improvement Association, 41
  • Moreno, Roxana, 37
  • Mueller, Jennifer C., 25
  • Muhammad, Gholdy, 129
  • Music, 41–42, 43
  • N
  • National Center for Educational Statistics, 6
  • National Council of Teachers of English, 3
  • Native Americans, 55, 57–58
  • Newsletters, 101
  • Nice White Parents (podcast), 4
  • Nixon, Edgar Daniel, 41
  • Not Light, but Fire (Kay), 127
  • O
  • Okun, Tema, 117
  • On Being with Krista Tippett (Shorters), 145–146
  • On Intersectionality (Crenshaw), 62
  • On the Table CLT (event), 158–159
  • Onboarding curricula, 86–90, 97–99
  • Othering, 7–8
  • Owen, Kimberly, 112
  • P
  • Parents
    • aspirations of, 33
    • celebrating growth of, 94–99
    • classroom newsletters for, 101
    • content contributions from, 137
    • early growth work of, 74–81
    • foundational courses for, 94–95
    • misunderstandings of, 4–10
    • reflective practice of, 135–138
    • support for teachers from, 136–138
  • Parents, BIPOC. See also Black, Indigenous, (and) People of Color
    • antiracism teachings of, 74–81
    • foundation building for, 62–65
    • imperfections of, 107
    • misunderstandings of, 6–7
    • multiracial/multiethnic communities for, 73–74
  • Parents, White
    • and children's racist behaviors, 115–116
    • discomfort of, 10, 16, 110–111
    • foundation building for, 58–62, 65–67
    • imperfection and isolation of, 107–108
    • misunderstandings of, 4–6, 7–10
    • multiracial/multiethnic communities for, 73–74
    • newsletters for, 101
    • responsibilities of, 5–6, 115–116
    • as supporters for fair compensation, 106–107
  • Pedagogy, importance of, 79–80
  • Perfection, 107
  • Phenotypic differences, 8–9, 97–98
  • Point Made Learning, 74
  • Politics, 21–24, 29, 84–85, 109–111
  • Powell, John A., 20–21
  • Pratt, Richard, 57
  • The Psychology of Racism (Tatum), 87
  • R
  • Race, history of, 22–23
  • RACE: Are We So Different? (American Anthropological Association), 109
  • Racial autobiography, 31–32
  • Racial battle fatigue, 64
  • Racial Battle Fatigue in Higher Education (Vasching-Varner, Albert, Mitchell and Allen), 64
  • Racial competence, 50, 51
  • Racial-competency building. See Growth process
  • Racial Equity Institute, 74, 119
  • Racial Healing Handbook (Singh), 55
  • Racial ignorance, 25
  • Racial literacy, 3
  • Racism
    • bystanders to, 116–117
    • effects of, 16
    • examples of, 15
    • grieving, 55
    • internalized thinking and, 49
    • overview of, 23–24
    • as product of Whiteness, 52
    • shared understanding of, 20
    • teacher's response to, 129
  • Racism without Racists (Bonilla-Silva), 155
  • Raising White Kids: Bringing Up Children in a Racially Unjust America (Harvey), 135–136
  • Redlining, 48
  • Reflection, practice of, 28–30, 89, 126, 147
  • Robinson, Ray, 41
  • Roots. See Growth process
  • Ross, Loretta, 110
  • Rustin, Bayard, 128
  • S
  • Sage Healing and Wellness, 112
  • Schema, 34–40, 53
  • School clubs, 97
  • Sealy-Ruiz, Yolanda, 3
  • Seed metaphor, 10–12, 45
  • Segregation, 41, 48, 50
  • Self-care, 65, 112, 130–133, 161
  • Shaming people, 113
  • Share Charlotte (website), 158
  • Shared language, 20–31, 109
  • Shaw, George Bernard, 21
  • Shorters, Trabian, 145–146
  • Singh, Anneliese, 55
  • Slavery, 22–23, 41, 108
  • Smith, William, 64
  • Social injustice fatigue, 112
  • Social rankings, 6, 22–23, 29, 36
  • Socialization, 39–40, 53
  • Soil. See Growth process
  • Southern Christian Leadership Conference, 100
  • Sower of Seed parable, 63
  • Spanish speakers, 103–105
  • Special education classes, 104
  • Sprouts. See Growth process
  • Stereotypes, 34–35, 53
  • Structural racism, 15
  • Students. See Children
  • Susan (Latinx teacher), 103–105, 119
  • Systemic racism, 24, 48, 50–52, 72, 125
  • Systems, 20–21
  • T
  • Tatum, Beverly, 53, 86–87, 155–159
  • Teabing, Leigh, 70
  • Teacher leaders, 133–135
  • Teachers
    • antiracism pedagogy of, 79–80
    • building efficacy of, 126–130
    • celebrating growth of, 94–99
    • classroom focus of, 5
    • displays of diverse content by, 52
    • emotional well-being of, 130–133
    • inhibitors to growth of, 105–119
    • instructional recommendations for, 125–130
    • lack of efficacy of, 125–126
    • leaders' and parents' support of, 133–138
    • response to racism by, 129
  • Teachers, BIPOC. See also Black, Indigenous, (and) People of Color
    • foundation-building considerations for, 62–65
    • instructional recommendations for, 125–130
    • percentage of, 6
  • Teachers, White
    • aspirations of, 33–34
    • discomfort of, 10, 16, 88, 110–111, 126
    • and expectations of BIPOC students, 104–105
    • foundation-building strategies/considerations for, 58–62, 65–67
    • misunderstandings of, 4–6, 7–10
    • percentage of, 6
    • resistance from, 84–86, 109–111
    • responsibilities of, 5–6
    • as supporters for fair compensation, 106–107
    • White supremacy norms and, 117–118
  • Teaching for justice and belonging, 4–12, 26–27
  • Terry, Ruth, 116
  • Text equity, 138–139, 153–154
  • Therapy, 65, 131
  • This American Life (podcast), 4
  • Tiffany (White mom), 122–123
  • Tippett, Krista, 145–146
  • U
  • Unit zero, 109
  • University of North Carolina (UNC) Charlotte, 61
  • Upward Bound program, 104
  • V
  • Vasching-Varner, Kenneth J., 64
  • Vulnerability, 57
  • W
  • We Can Do Hard Things with Glennon Doyle (podcast), 118
  • We Want to Do More Than Survive (Love), 65
  • Webinars, 119
  • Weeds. See Growth process
  • What LIES Between Us–Fostering First Steps Toward Racial Healing (Berry), 50–51, 83–84, 97
  • “Where Do We Go from Here: Chaos or Community?” (King), 100
  • White churches, 41–43
  • White history
    • creating diverse spaces in, 72, 98
    • overriding themes of, 14–15
    • revising lessons about, 125–130, 132
    • skewed nature of, 69–70
  • White immigrants, 48
  • White people. See Parents, White; Teachers, White
  • White private schools, 59–60
  • White rage, 53–54
  • White Rage: The Unspoken Truth of Our Racial Divide (Anderson), 48, 54
  • White spaces, 24–25
  • White supremacy, 41, 54, 117–118
  • White tears, 118–119
  • White women, 118–119
  • Whiteness, 25, 52
  • Why Are All the Black Kids Sitting Together in the Cafeteria? (Tatum), 53, 86–87, 155–159
  • Wing Sue, Derald, 116
  • Z
  • Zamalin, Alex, 28
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