

  • accessing
    • app features, 34–35
    • Lock command, 303
    • OneDrive online, 247
    • shared documents/folders, 271
  • account password, 290
  • accounts, 111, 258–259
  • activating
    • activity reporting, 268
    • file history, 323
    • network discovery, 272
  • activity timeline, switching apps using, 19
  • adding
    • apps to Lock screen, 30–31
    • background music to movies, 191
    • captions to images in OneNote, 229
    • children to PCs, 266–267
    • desktops, 44
    • event reminders, 119
    • events to calendars, 116–117
    • extra fields to contacts in People app, 108–109
    • file attachments to email messages, 76–77
    • files to OneDrive, 246–247
    • Google account to People app, 98–99
    • iCloud account to People app, 100–101
    • images to notebook pages, 228–229
    • network printers, 273
    • opening titles to movies, 191
    • pages to OneNote notebooks, 224
    • photo effects, 166–167
    • sections to OneNote notebooks, 225
    • slow motion to videos, 186
    • songs to Music folder, 199
    • text notes in OneNote, 226–227
    • 3D effects to videos, 187
    • titles to images in OneNote, 229
    • video clips, 189
    • web pages to Favorites Bar, 61
  • adjusting
    • audio levels for CDs, 193
    • contact's photos in People app, 107
    • copy quality, 197
    • file view, 238
    • Lock screen background, 28–29
    • picture passwords, 297
    • playlists, 203
    • profile picture on Skype, 133
    • screen brightness, 286
    • section color schemes in OneNote notebooks, 225
    • speed of slide shows, 163
    • startup page, 56–57
    • text font in documents, 212–213
    • user account password, 262–263
    • user account pictures, 260–261
    • volume, 38, 205
  • Alarm & Clock app, 148–149
  • albums, 161, 193
  • all-day events, 117
  • animated text, in videos, 187
  • applying
    • filters, 167
    • styles to messages, 75
    • Vignette effect, 166
  • apps. See also specific apps
    • accessing features, 34–35
    • adding to Lock screen, 30–31
    • Calculator, 144–145
    • checking weather forecast, 140–141
    • closing, 7
    • configuring Cortana Voice Assistant, 128–131
    • displaying locations on maps, 136–137
    • getting directions to locations, 138–139
    • installing, 16–17
    • locating, 7
    • pinning
      • to Start menu, 24–25
      • to taskbar, 36–37
    • searching your PC, 126–127
    • setting alarms, 148–149
    • shutting down with gestures, 279
    • Skype, 132–135
    • starting, 6–7
    • stopping notifications from, 309
    • switching between running, 18–19
    • uninstalling, 20–21
    • Voice Recorder, 146–147
    • writing notes, 150–151
  • arranging windows, 19
  • aspect ratio, 169
  • assigning photos to contacts in People app, 106–107
  • attachments, adding to email messages, 76–77
  • audio
    • changing levels for CDs, 193
    • editing, 147
  • automatic image repair, 164


  • background music, adding to movies, 191
  • “bad sector,” 327
  • battery life, monitoring on tablets, 287
  • Bcc (blind carbon copy), 73
  • brightness, adjusting for screens in tablets, 286
  • browsing, web, 306–307
  • bulleted lists, creating in OneNote, 230


  • Calculator app, 144–145
  • Calendar app
    • adding
      • event reminders, 119
      • events, 116–117
    • creating recurring events, 118
    • customizing calendars, 122–123
    • handling event invitations, 121
    • sending event invitations, 120
    • viewing your calendar, 114–115
  • Camera app, taking pictures with, 174–175
  • captions, adding to images in OneNote, 229
  • Cc (carbon copy), 73
  • CDs
    • changing audio levels for, 193
    • installing software from, 17
    • repeating, 195
  • Celsius, switching between Fahrenheit and, 143
  • Character Map program, 218–219
  • chat history, 129
  • checking
    • devices for errors, 328–329
    • hard drive
      • for errors, 326–327
      • free space, 314–315
    • for security problems, 291
    • weather forecasts, 140–141, 142–143
  • children
    • adding to PCs, 266–267
    • setting restrictions for, 268–269
  • cities, removing from Weather app, 143
  • clearing
    • activity history, 310–311
    • commands/personal data from Cortana, 129
    • History list, 55
  • Clipboard, 240
  • closing
    • apps, 7
    • desktops, 45
    • tabs, 51
  • collection, viewing images by, 161
  • commands, clearing from Cortana, 129
  • compressed folders, 248–249
  • computer
    • clearing activity history to preserve privacy, 310–311
    • locking, 29, 302–303
    • refreshing, 318–319
    • unlocking, 303
  • configuring
    • Cortana Voice Assistant, 128–131
    • email accounts, 70–71
    • Mail app options, 92–93
    • PC to lock automatically, 304–305
    • Skype, 132–133
    • tablets as second monitors, 284–285
    • touch keyboard, 282–283
    • Windows 10 for multiple monitors, 40–41
  • connecting to wireless networks, 8–9
  • Contact list, filtering in People app, 110–111
  • contacts
    • adding extra fields to in People app, 108–109
    • assigning photos to in People app, 106–107
    • creating in People app, 96–97
    • deleting in People app, 103
    • editing in People app, 104–105
    • hiding, 110–111
    • linking multiple profiles for, 112–113
    • searching for in People app, 103
    • viewing in People app, 102–103
  • containers (OneNote), 226–227
  • copying
    • documents, 220–221
    • files, 240, 247
    • tracks from music CDs, 196–197
  • Cortana Voice Assistant
    • configuring, 128–129
    • controlling PCs with, 130–131
  • creating
    • bulleted lists in OneNote, 230
    • compressed folders, 249
    • contacts in People app, 96–97
    • default location forecast, 140–141
    • documents, 208, 247
    • files, 243
    • folders for saving email messages, 90–91
    • Microsoft accounts, 13
    • numbered lists in OneNote, 230
    • OneNote notebooks, 222–223
    • passwords, 257, 294–297
    • picture passwords, 294–297
    • playlists, 202–203
    • recovery drives, 320–321
    • recurring events, 118
    • temporary notes, 151
    • to-do lists in OneNote, 231
    • user accounts, 256–257
  • cropping images, 168–169
  • customizing
    • accessing app features, 34–35
    • adding apps to Lock screen, 30–31
    • adjusting
      • Lock screen background, 28–29
      • volume, 38
    • calendars, 122–123
    • configuring Windows 10 for multiple monitors, 40–41
    • opening Settings app, 26–27
    • pinning apps
      • to Start menu, 24–25
      • to taskbar, 36–37
    • setting time zone, 39
    • setting up multiple desktops, 44–45
    • synchronizing settings between PCs, 32–33
    • taskbar's notification area, 42–43


  • Dark mode (Skype), 133
  • date (PC screen), 4
  • day, viewing events by, 115
  • default location forecast, creating, 140–141
  • Deleted folder (Mail app), 79
  • deleting
    • accounts from People app, 111
    • app icons from taskbar, 37
    • cities from Weather app, 143
    • contacts in People app, 103
    • contact's photos in People app, 107
    • email accounts, 71
    • email messages, 88–89
    • favorites, 59
    • Favorites Bar buttons, 61
    • files, 244
    • fingerprint sign-in, 301
    • flaws in photos, 165
    • folders, 91
    • images, 171
    • linked profiles from contacts in People app, 113
    • Microsoft accounts, 15
    • OneNote notebooks, 223
    • pages in OneNote notebooks, 225
    • playlists, 203
    • red eye, 165
    • sections in OneNote notebooks, 225
    • tracks from library, 197
    • unnecessary files, 316–317
    • user accounts, 264–265
  • deselecting files, 237
  • Desktop icon (PC screen), 4
  • Desktop mode, closing apps in, 7
  • desktops, 4, 44–45
  • detailed status, 31
  • details pane (Windows Media Player), 194, 195
  • device driver, 329
  • Devices and Printers feature, 328–329
  • digital cameras, importing from, 154–155, 178–179
  • directions, getting to locations, 138–139
  • disabling location services, 137
  • disconnecting
    • external drives, 323
    • from wireless networks, 8–9
  • Disk Cleanup feature, 315, 316–317
  • displaying
    • family settings, 268
    • favorite web pages, 59
    • Favorites Bar, 60–61
    • locations on maps, 136–137
    • menus, 34
    • photo effects, 166
    • Settings app tabs, 27
    • user accounts, 254–255
  • documents
    • copying, 220–221
    • creating, 208, 247
    • finding text, 214–215
    • locating, 211
    • opening, 210–211
    • printing, 232–233
    • saving, 208–209
    • sharing, 270–271
  • Documents folder, 209
  • domain, 72
  • double-tap gesture, 276
  • downloading files, 66–67
  • draft messages, saving, 78–79
  • drawing, on videos, 185
  • DVDs, installing software from, 17
  • DVDs, playing, 183


  • editing
    • audio, 147
    • contacts in People app, 104–105
    • email messages, 83
    • pictures in messages, 75
    • video, 184–187
  • editing documents
    • adding
      • images to notebook pages, 228–229
      • pages and sections to OneNote notebooks, 224–225
      • text notes in OneNote, 226–227
    • changing text font, 212–213
    • copying documents, 220–221
    • creating
      • documents, 208
      • OneNote notebooks, 222–223
    • finding text, 214–215
    • inserting special symbols, 218–219
    • OneNote notebook lists, 230–231
    • opening documents, 210–211
    • printing documents, 232–233
    • replacing text, 216–217
    • saving documents, 208–209
  • email. See Mail app
  • errors
    • checking devices for, 328–329
    • checking hard drive for, 326–327
  • events
    • adding to calendars, 116–117
    • all-day, 117
    • creating reminders for, 119
    • handling invitations to, 121
    • recurring, 118
    • sending invitations for, 120
  • external drives, disconnecting, 323
  • external monitor, 41
  • extracting files from compressed folders, 248–249


  • Fahrenheit, switching between Celsius and, 143
  • Favorites Bar, 60–61
  • Favorites list, 58–59
  • File Explorer, 159, 279. See also files
  • file history, maintaining, 322–323
  • files
    • adding to OneDrive, 246–247
    • changing view of, 238
    • copying, 240
    • creating, 243
    • deleting, 244, 316–317
    • deselecting, 237
    • downloading, 66–67
    • extracting from compressed folders, 248–249
    • inserting in OneNote, 229
    • installing when downloaded from Internet, 17
    • moving, 241
    • opening, 66–67
    • previewing, 239
    • renaming, 242
    • restoring deleted, 245
    • restoring from history, 324–325
    • selecting, 236–237, 279
    • specifying programs to open, 250–251
  • filtering Contact list in People app, 110–111
  • filters, applying, 167
  • Find feature, 214–215
  • finding
    • apps, 7
    • documents, 211
    • music, 199
    • text in documents, 214–215
    • text on pages, 53
  • fingerprint sign-in, setting up, 300–301
  • flag, 93
  • flaws, removing from photos, 165
  • folders
    • creating for saving email messages, 90–91
    • deleting, 91
    • renaming, 91
    • restoring, 325
    • searching from windows, 127
    • selecting with gestures, 279
    • sharing, 270–271
  • font, 74, 212
  • forgotten gestures, 297
  • forgotten password, 259
  • formatting
    • message text, 74–75
    • note text in OneNote, 227
  • forwarding email messages, 84–85


  • gestures
    • about, 276–277
    • controlling Windows with, 278–279
    • forgotten, 297
  • getting started
    • closing apps, 7
    • connecting to wireless network, 8–9
    • installing apps, 16–17
    • PC screen, 4
    • putting Windows 10 to sleep, 10
    • restarting Windows 10, 11
    • shutting down Windows 10, 11
    • starting apps, 6–7
    • switching
      • to Microsoft accounts, 12–15
      • between running apps, 18–19
    • tablet screen, 5
    • uninstalling apps, 20–21
  • Google account, adding to People app, 98–99
  • Groove Music app, 198–203, 199


  • hard drive
    • checking for errors, 326–327
    • checking free space, 314–315
  • headphones, switching between PC speakers and, 204–205
  • Hello feature, 300
  • hiding
    • contacts, 110–111
    • menus, 35
  • History list
    • browsing, 307
    • clearing, 55
    • navigating with, 54–55
    • restoring files from, 324–325
  • Hypertext Transfer Protocol (http), 48


  • iCloud account, adding to People app, 100–101
  • images
    • adding
      • captions to in OneNote, 229
      • to notebook pages, 228–229
      • photo effects, 166–167
      • titles to in OneNote, 229
    • adding to movies, 189
    • applying filters, 167
    • assigning to contacts in People app, 106–107
    • changing for user accounts, 260–261
    • cropping, 168–169
    • deleting, 171
    • importing from digital cameras, 154–155
    • inserting in messages, 75
    • navigating Pictures library, 158–159
    • printing, 172–173
    • repairing, 164–165
    • rotating, 170
    • scanning, 156–157
    • starting slide shows, 162–163
    • taking with PC camera, 174–175
    • viewing, 160–161
  • importing
    • images from digital cameras, 154–155
    • videos from digital cameras, 178–179
  • Inbox folder (Mail app), 88
  • InPrivate web browsing, 291
  • inputting text with touch keyboard, 280–281
  • inserting
    • files in OneNote, 229
    • pictures in messages, 75
    • special symbols, 218–219
  • installing apps, 16–17


  • Junk folder (Mail app), 79


  • keyboards
    • controlling PCs with Cortana via, 130
    • selecting, 280
    • switching between apps using, 19
    • touch, 280–283


  • layout, standard keyboard, 283
  • linking multiple profiles for contacts, 112–113
  • links
    • selecting, 49
    • sharing, 63
  • locations
    • displaying on maps, 136–137
    • getting directions to, 138–139
  • Lock command, accessing, 303
  • Lock screen
    • adding apps, 30–31
    • changing background, 28–29
  • locking computer, 29, 290, 302–303
  • Loudness Equalization feature, 205


  • Mail app
    • adding file attachments, 76–77
    • configuring
      • email accounts, 70–71
      • options, 92–93
    • creating folders for saving messages, 90–91
    • deleting accounts, 71
    • deleting messages, 88–89
    • formatting message text, 74–75
    • forwarding messages, 84–85
    • opening attachments, 86–87
    • reading messages, 81
    • receiving messages, 80–81
    • renaming accounts, 71
    • replying to messages, 82–83
    • saving
      • attachments, 86–87
      • draft messages, 78–79
    • sending email messages, 72–73
  • maintenance. See also troubleshooting
    • checking
      • devices for errors, 328–329
      • hard drive for errors, 326–327
      • hard drive free space, 314–315
    • creating recovery drives, 320–321
    • deleting unnecessary files, 316–317
    • file history, 322–323
    • refreshing computer, 318–319
    • restoring files from history, 324–325
  • managing
    • event invitations, 121
    • music playback in Groove Music app, 201
    • PCs with Cortana, 130–131
    • private information, 308–309
    • video playback, 183
    • Windows with gestures, 278–279
  • manual image repair, 165
  • maps, displaying locations on, 136–137
  • Maps app, 136–137
  • Memory feature (Calculator app), 145
  • Menu icon, 35
  • menus
    • displaying, 34
    • hiding, 35
  • messages. See Mail app
  • Microsoft accounts, 12–15
  • Microsoft Edge web browser, 52, 56–57, 64–65, 291, 306–307
  • Modern apps, 35
  • monitoring battery life on tablets, 287
  • monitors
    • configuring tablets as second, 284–285
    • configuring Windows 10 for multiple, 40–41
  • month, viewing events by, 114
  • mouse pointer (PC screen), 4
  • movies, 181, 183, 188–191
  • Movies & TV app, 179, 181
  • moving
    • email messages between folders, 91
    • Favorites Bar buttons, 61
    • files, 241,246
    • items with gestures, 279
    • programs between desktops, 45
    • text note containers in OneNote, 227
    • tiles, 25
  • multimedia
    • copying tracks from music CDs, 196–197
    • creating playlists, 202–203
    • importing videos from digital cameras, 178–179
    • navigating
      • Music library, 198–199
      • Videos folder, 180–181
    • playing
      • music, 200–201
      • music CDs, 192–195
    • switching between PC speakers and headphones, 204–205
    • watching videos, 182–183
  • music
    • finding, 199
    • playing, 200–201
  • music CDs
    • copying tracks from, 196–197
    • playing, 192–195
  • Music library, navigating, 198–199


  • navigating
    • calendars, 115
    • with History list, 54–55
    • Music library, 198–199
    • Pictures library, 158–159
    • tabs, 51
    • Videos folder, 180–181
    • web pages, 52
  • network printers, 273
  • network resources, viewing, 272–273
  • networks, troubleshooting, 273
  • note text, formatting in OneNote, 227
  • Notepad app, 150–151
  • notification area, 4, 42–43
  • notifications, app, 309
  • Now Playing window (Windows Media Player), 195, 196
  • numbered lists, creating in OneNote, 230


  • OneDrive
    • accessing online, 247
    • adding files to, 246–247
  • OneNote app, 150, 222–223, 226–227, 230–231
  • opening
    • documents, 210–211
    • draft messages, 78–79
    • email attachments, 86–87
    • files, 66–67
    • Settings app, 26–27
    • videos, 184
    • web pages, 48–51
  • opening titles, adding to movies, 191
  • organizing favorites, 59
  • orientation, for printing pictures, 173
  • Outbox folder (Mail app), 79


  • paper, for photo printouts, 173
  • paragraph, message, 74
  • passwords
    • changing for user accounts, 262–263
    • creating, 257
    • forgotten, 259
    • locking PC, 290
    • protecting, 263
  • Passwords switch, 33
  • pausing music CDs, 193
  • PC camera, taking pictures with, 174–175
  • PC screen, 4
  • PC speakers, switching between headphones and, 204–205
  • PCs
    • adding children to, 266–267
    • controlling with Cortana, 130–131
    • locking, 290
    • resetting, 291
    • searching your, 126–127
    • synchronizing settings between, 32–33
  • People app
    • adding
      • extra fields to contacts, 108–109
      • Google account, 98–99
      • iCloud account, 100–101
    • assigning photos to contacts, 106–107
    • creating contacts, 96–97
    • editing contacts, 104–105
    • filtering Contact list, 110–111
    • linking multiple profiles for contacts, 112–113
    • viewing contacts, 102–103
  • personal data, clearing from Cortana, 129
  • photo effects, adding, 166–167
  • Photos app
    • adding 3D effects to videos in, 187
    • adding photo effects, 166–167
    • adding slow motion to videos in, 186
    • applying filters, 167
    • cropping images, 168–169
    • editing videos in, 184
    • opening Pictures library with, 158
    • rotating images, 170
    • starting slide shows, 162
    • trimming videos in, 185
  • Photos tile, starting slide shows, 163
  • picture passwords, 294–297
  • pictures. See images
  • Pictures library, 158–159
  • pinch gesture, 277
  • pinning
    • apps to Start menu, 24–25
    • apps to taskbar, 36–37
  • playing
    • music, 200–201
    • music CDs, 192–195
  • playlists, 202–203
  • points, 212
  • populating storyboards, 190
  • previewing files, 239
  • printing
    • documents, 232–233
    • images, 172–173
  • priority, message, 75
  • private information, controlling, 308–309
  • product key, 17
  • profile picture, changing on Skype, 133
  • profiles, People app, 112–113
  • programs
    • moving between desktops, 45
    • specifying to open files, 250–251
  • protecting passwords, 263
  • push, 81


  • quick status, 31


  • reading email messages, 81
  • receiving email messages, 80–81
  • recording voice memos, 146–147
  • recovery drives, creating, 320–321
  • red eye, removing, 165
  • refreshing computer, 318–319
  • renaming
    • email accounts, 71
    • Favorites Bar buttons, 61
    • files, 242
    • folders, 91
    • sections in OneNote notebooks, 225
  • rented movie/TV show, 183
  • reordering taskbar icons, 37
  • repairing images, 164–165
  • Repeat feature (Groove Music app), 201
  • repeating CDs, 195
  • replacing text in documents, 216–217
  • replying to email messages, 82–83
  • Reply/Reply All option (Mail app), 83
  • resetting computer, 291
  • resizing tiles, 25
  • restarting Windows 10, 11
  • restoring
    • deleted email messages, 88–89
    • deleted files, 245
    • files from history, 324–325
  • restrictions, setting for children, 268–269
  • resuming music CDs, 193
  • ripping CDs, 196–197
  • rotating images, 170


  • Save As command, 221
  • saving
    • documents, 208–209
    • draft messages, 78–79
    • email attachments, 86–87
    • favorite web pages, 58–59
    • notes, 151
  • scanning images, 156–157
  • screen brightness, adjusting, 286
  • search box (PC screen), 4
  • search engines, 64
  • searching
    • for contacts in People app, 103
    • for settings, 127
    • for sites, 64–65
    • your PC, 126–127
  • sections (OneNote), 225
  • security. See Windows security
  • Security and Maintenance. See Windows security
  • selecting
    • Calculator app, 144
    • Converter app, 144
    • files, 236–237, 279
    • folders, 279
    • keyboards, 280
    • links, 49
  • sending
    • email messages, 72–73
    • event invitations, 120
  • Sent folder (Mail app), 79
  • serial number, 17
  • setting
    • restrictions for children, 268–269
    • screen time limits, 269
  • setting(s)
    • alarms, 148–149
    • file history drive, 322–323
    • message priority, 75
    • searching for, 127
    • synchronizing between PCs, 32–33
    • time zone, 39
    • timers, 149
    • uninstalling apps via, 21
  • Settings app, opening, 26–27
  • setup
    • fingerprint sign-in, 300–301
    • multiple desktops, 44–45
  • sharing
    • adding children to PCs, 266–267
    • changing
      • user account pictures, 260–261
      • user password, 262–263
    • creating user accounts, 256–257
    • deleting accounts, 264–265
    • displaying user accounts, 254–255
    • documents, 270–271
    • folders, 270–271
    • links, 63
    • recordings, 147
    • setting restrictions for children, 268–269
    • switching between accounts, 258–259
    • viewing network resources, 272–273
    • web pages, 62–63
  • shortcut methods, 45
  • shortcuts
    • opening web pages in tabs, 51
    • web page addresses, 49
  • Shuffle feature (Groove Music app), 201
  • Shuffle feature (Music app), 195
  • shutting down
    • apps with gestures, 279
    • Windows 10, 11
  • signature, 93
  • size, of video, 175
  • sizing text note containers in OneNote, 227
  • skipping tracks on music CDs, 193
  • Skype
    • configuring, 132–133
    • initiating calls on, 134–135
  • sleep mode, 10, 305
  • slide gesture, 276
  • slide shows, starting, 162–163
  • slow motion, adding to videos, 186
  • snapping windows, 19
  • songs, shuffling, 195, 201
  • special effects, 212
  • special symbols, inserting, 218–219
  • speed, changing for slide shows, 163
  • spot fix, 165
  • spread gesture, 277
  • spyware, 291
  • standard keyboard layout, 283
  • Start button (PC screen), 4
  • Start menu
    • pinning apps to, 24–25, 36–37
    • uninstalling apps via, 20
  • starting
    • apps, 6–7
    • Calculator app, 144
    • Notepad app, 150
    • Skype calls, 134–135
    • slide shows, 162–163
    • video projects, 188–189
    • videos, 182
  • startup page, changing, 56–57
  • still images, taking from videos, 185
  • stopping
    • app notifications, 309
    • play of music CDs, 194
  • stopwatch, 149
  • storyboards, populating, 190
  • style, applying to messages, 75
  • stylus, writing text with, 281
  • swipe gesture, 277, 278
  • switching
    • between accounts, 258–259
    • between desktops, 45
    • between Fahrenheit and Celsius in Weather app, 143
    • to Microsoft accounts, 12–15
    • between PC speakers and headphones, 204–205
    • between running apps, 18–19
  • synchronizing settings between PCs, 32–33


  • tablet mode, closing apps in, 7
  • tablets
    • adjusting screen brightness, 286
    • configuring
      • as a second monitor, 284–285
      • touch keyboard, 282–283
    • gestures, 276–277, 278–279
    • inputting text with touch keyboard, 280–281
    • monitoring battery life, 287
    • screen, 5
  • tabs
    • closing, 51
    • navigating, 51
    • opening web pages in, 50–51
  • tags, OneNote, 231
  • tap and hold gesture, 276
  • tap gesture, 276
  • Task view, switching apps using, 19
  • taskbar
    • about, 4
    • customizing notification area, 42–43
    • pinning apps to, 36–37
    • removing app icons from, 37
    • searching from, 126–127
    • switching apps using, 18
  • taskbar icons (PC screen), 4
  • testing recovery drive, 321
  • text
    • changing font in documents, 212–213
    • finding in documents, 214–215
    • inputting with touch keyboard, 280–281
    • replacing in documents, 216–217
    • writing with stylus, 281
  • text notes, adding in OneNote, 226–227
  • text passwords, compared with picture passwords, 295
  • 3D effects, adding to videos, 187
  • tiles, 7, 25
  • time (PC screen), 4
  • time zone, settings, 39
  • timers, setting, 149
  • titles, adding to images in OneNote, 229
  • to-do lists, creating in OneNote, 231
  • touch keyboard. See keyboards, touch
  • tracks
    • copying from music CDs, 196–197
    • removing from library, 197
    • skipping on music CDs, 193
  • traffic information, 139
  • trimming videos, 185
  • troubleshooting. See also maintenance
    • devices, 329
    • fingerprint sign-in, 301
    • monitors, 285
    • mouse pointer, 41
    • networks, 273
  • turn gesture, 277
  • TV shows, 181, 183
  • type size, 212
  • type style, 212
  • typeface, 212


  • uninstalling apps, 20–21
  • unlocking computer, 303
  • USB flash drive, using as a recovery drive, 321
  • User Account Control, 290
  • user accounts
    • changing
      • password, 262–263
      • pictures for, 260–261
    • creating, 256–257
    • deleting, 264–265
    • displaying, 254–255
  • username, 72


  • video calls. See Skype
  • videos
    • adding slow motion to, 186
    • drawing on, 185
    • editing, 184–187
    • importing from digital cameras, 178–179
    • opening, 184
    • size of, 175
    • trimming, 185
    • watching, 182–183
  • Videos folder, 179, 180–181
  • viewing
    • calendars, 114–115
    • compressed folder files, 248
    • contacts in People app, 102–103
    • downloaded files, 67
    • file, 238
    • images, 160–161
    • network resources, 272–273
    • previously scanned images, 157
    • sent email messages, 85
    • shared documents/folders, 271
  • Vignette effect, 166
  • voice, controlling PCs with Cortana via, 131
  • Voice Recorder app, 146–147
  • volume, adjusting, 38, 205


  • wakeword, 131
  • watching videos, 182–183
  • Weather app, 140–141, 142–143
  • weather forecasts, checking, 142–143
  • web browsing, 306–307
  • web pages
    • adding to Favorites Bar, 61
    • finding text on, 53
    • navigating, 52
    • opening
      • about, 48–49
      • in tabs, 50–51
    • saving favorites, 58–59
    • sharing, 62–63
  • web surfing
    • changing startup page, 56–57
    • downloading files, 66–67
    • Favorites Bar, 60–61
    • finding text on pages, 53
    • navigating
      • with History list, 54–55
      • web pages, 52
    • opening web pages, 48–51
    • saving favorite web pages, 58–59
    • searching for sites, 64–65
  • webcam photos, using as account picture, 261
  • websites, searching for, 64–65
  • week, viewing events by, 114
  • Week Number option (Calendar app), 123
  • Wi-Fi hotspots, 137
  • windows, 19
  • Windows 10. See also specific topics
    • controlling with gestures, 278–279
    • putting to sleep, 10
    • restarting, 11
    • shutting down, 11
  • Windows Defender feature, 291
  • Windows Defender Firewall feature, 291
  • Windows Devices and Printers feature, 328–329
  • Windows Hello feature, 300
  • Windows Hello PIN, 298–299
  • Windows Media Player, 192–195
  • Windows security
    • about, 290–291
    • browsing web privately, 306–307
    • checking for problems, 292–293
    • clearing activity history to preserve privacy, 310–311
    • configuring PC to lock automatically, 304–305
    • controlling private information, 308–309
    • creating picture passwords, 294–297
    • locking computer, 302–303
    • setting up fingerprint sign-in, 300–301
    • Windows Hello PIN, 298–299
  • Windows Store, installing apps from, 16–17
  • wireless networks, 8–9
  • WordPad, compared with Notepad, 151
  • writing
    • notes, 150–151
    • text with stylus, 281


    • “Your location cannot be found” (Weather app), 141


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