

Accelerometer sensor, 62

AcceptCookiessetting, 124

Acrylic packaging, 4

Activitytab,iTunes Store, 207

AddBookmarkbutton, 107

Add Bookmark menu, 117, 121

AddBookmarkoption, 117, 118

AddcontactscreatedoutsideofgroupsonthisiPodtocheckbox, 49

Add Playlist... selection, 180

AddtoHomeScreenfeature, 118

AddtoPlaylistbutton,YouTubeapp, 159

Addressbar, 106, 107

Aids for handicaped. SeeHandicappedaids

Airplanemodeicon, 71

AirPlay icon, Apple TV, 165

Alarm utility, 298

creating alarms, 298299

managing alarms, 299

Albumartitem,Musicapp, 176

Album artwork, 23

Albumitem, 175

AlbumViewbutton,Musicapp, 175

Album view, Photo app, 131

Albumsbutton,Photoapp, 131

Albumsitem,Musicapp, 172

Albums screen, Music app, 174

Alerts, 97

Allbooksradiobutton, 43

Allphotos,albums,events,andfacesradiobutton, 45

Alphabetindextool,Musicapp, 170

America Online (AOL), 269

App Store, 211

browsing through App Store, 212

buying apps through iTunes on PC, 223

Categories section, 214

connecting to, 211

downloading apps from, 218

Featured section in, 213

Game Center in, 224

Geniussection in, 213

Newsection in, 213

redeeming gift certificates and codes in, 222

searching, 219

signing into account, 212

Top 25 section, 215

TopFreetab, 216

TopPaidtab, 216

transferring purchased items to computer, 223

updates to apps in, 220

What's Hotsection in, 213

App Store

app, 24, 76

buying apps, 218

icon, 211, 220, 221

search feature, 220

screen, 212Apple TV

streaming video with AirPlay, 165

Apply button, 25

Apps box, 35

Appspage, 71

Appstab, 119

Apps tab in iTunes device window, 32

creating folders for, 34

file sharing, 35, 36

syncing apps, 33

Arrow button, iTunes Store, 204

Artistsitem,Musicapp, 173, 175

Ask to Join Networks

feature, 105

option, 104

AssigntoContactoption,Photoapp, 143

AudiotracksandSubtitlesicon,videoplayback, 154

Audiobookscheckbox, 44

Audiobooksitem,Musicapp, 172

Audiobooks store, in iTunes Store, 202

Authorize Computer menu option, 8

Authors button, iBooks app, 238

AutoFill button, 110

AutoFillsetting, 123

Auto-Lock menu option, 64

Automatically fill free space with songs check box, 38

Automaticallyincludecheckbox, 38, 40, 41

Automatically sync new apps check box, 33


Back button, 79, 116, 117

Backbutton,Musicapp, 175

Backgroundapps management, 76

Badges, 97

Banner-type notification, 97

BlockPop-upssetting, 124

Bluetooth menu option, 83

Bluetooth settings page, 83

Bookmarkbutton,YouTubeapp, 156

Bookmark creation menu, 117

Bookmark-management system, 116


button, 107


reading books, 246, 255, 259

button,YouTubeapp, 156

editing, 116

addingfolders, 116

bookmark-management system, 116

deleting bookmarks, 116

edit mode, 116

finishing, 117

names, 116

reordering bookmarks, 116

reparentingitems, 116

editor, 116

interactive bookmarks navigation, 115

pages, in iBooks app, 251

saving, 117

AddBookmarkoption, 117

AddtoHomeScreenfeature, 118

AddtoReadingList, 118

bookmark creation menu, 117

MailLinktothisPagebutton, 119

tweet, 119

webclips, 118, 119

screen, 116

selecting, 115

text, iBooks, 253


deleting books, 238

getting e-books, 228

paper books and e-books, 252

reading books, 245

adjusting brightness, 248

bookmark ribbon, 246

bookmarking pages, 251

Bookmarksbutton, 246

Brightnessbutton, 246

Buy button, 246

Fontbutton, 246

font options, 249

Hightlights and Notes tab, app, 255

interacting with text, 252

landscape and portrait modes, 245

Library button, 246

page color, 249

Page scrubber, 246

Searchbutton, 246

searching text, 250

TableofContentsbutton, 246

Table of Contents tab, 255

turning pages, 247

rearranging books, 238

syncing iBooks, 228

iBookstore, 228

Books tab in iTunes device window, 42

Allbooksradiobutton, 43

Audiobooks check box, 44

Bookscheckbox, 43

Include Audiobooks from Playlists check box, 44

Parts check box, 44

Selectedbooksradiobutton, 43

SyncAudiobookscheckbox, 43

SyncAudiobooksinterface, 44

SyncBookscheckbox, 43


in iBooks app, 236

Authors button, 238

Books, 237

Bookshelf button, 237

button, 237

Categories button, 238

Collections, 237

deleting books, 238

Edit, 236

iBookstore access, 236

Icon view, 237

PDFs, 237

rearranging books, 238

Search feature, 237

Store button, 237

Titles button, 238

Brightness adjustment

in iBooks app, 248

Brightness button, iBooks

reading books, 246, 248, 259

Brightness menu option, 63

Brightness settings, Videos app, 164

Brightness slider, iBooks, 248

Butterfly.appgame, 62

Buttons bar, YouTube app, 158

BUY NOW button

App Sore, 218

BUY NOW button, iTunes Store, 199


Calculator application, 341343

Calendar application, 301

Calendar icon, 301

Calendars button, 305306

Day view, 303

events, 306

alert field, 309

calendar, 309

editing and removing, 310

event repeats, 309

name/location update, 308

Notes field, 310

Starts/Ends Times setting, 308

URLs, 309

List view, 302

Month view, 304305

synchronization, 310311

Today button, 305

Week view, 304

Camera application, 363

Camera Roll, 372374

front-facing camera, 363364

lock screen, 371372

navigation, 365

camera controls, 366

portrait/landscape orientation, 365

real-world use, 364365

rear-facing camera, 364

recording video, 370371

share multiple photos and videos, 381382

still pictures, 367

autofocus and exposure, 367368

composing shots with gridlines, 368369

zoom in/out, 369370

uploading images to computer, 382

viewing photos

portrait/landscape mode, 374

sharing options, 376377

Slide show, 375376

viewing videos, 377

sharing options, 379380

video-editing/trimming, 378379

Cancelbutton, 112

Capacity bar, 22, 25


automatic, 91

Caps Lock function, 91

Categories button

iBooks app, 238

Categories screen and view, App Store, 215

Categories section, App Store, 214

Change Password button, 29

CheckforUpdatebutton, 28

Clear All option, 124

ClearCookiesbutton, 124

ClearHistorybutton, 124

Clear Playlist button, Music app, 182

Clock application, 295

alarm utility, 296 (seealso Alarm utility)

Clock icon, 295

stopwatch utility, 296, 299300

timer utility, 296, 300301

world clock utility, 296 (seealso World Clock utility)

Clock application, Music app, 188

Close button, 114

ClosedCaptioningsetting,Videosapp, 163

Cloud computing, 55

iCloud, 55

apps and books, 56

backup, 56

documents in, 56

email, calendars, address book, bookmarks, notes, and reminders, 56

find my friends, 56

find my iPod Touch, 56

iTunes in, 56

photo stream, 56

iTunes Match, 56

Code not valid error, App Store, 222


redeeming in App Store, 222

.com button, 90

Compilationsitem, 173

Complete My Album feature, iTunes Store, 205

Composersitem,Musicapp, 173

Configure screen

Music app, 172

YouTube app, 158

ConfigureUniversalAccessbutton, 31

Showclosedcaptionswhenavailablecheckbox, 32

SpeakAuto-textcheckbox, 32

Usemonoaudiocheckbox, 32

Usewhite-on-blackdisplaycheckbox, 32

VoiceOverradiobutton, 32

Zoomradiobutton, 32

Contact sheet button for

navigating and reading PDFs

in iBooks app, 260

Contacts application, 333

adding contacts, 337

address, 339

contact name, 338

e-mail addresses and URLs, 339

phone numbers, 339

photos, 339

predefined fields, 340

to Existing contact, 340

custom labels, 340341

editing and removing contacts, 341

finding contacts, 335

contact information, 336337

ordering method, 336

replacing contacts, 335

Sync contacts, 334

Converthigherbitratesongsto128kbpsAACcheckbox, 30

Copybutton, 112

Copy context menu option, 93

Copy tool, iBooks app, 252

CoverFlowfeature,Musicapp, 170

Cover Flow mode, 179

Cover Flow, Music app, 179

album selection, 179

album view, 179

Play/Pause button, 179

Create New Account option

App Store, 212

iTunes Store, 194

Customizablebuttonbar,Musicapp, 170

Cut context menu option, 93


Database files, 23

Databasessetting, 125

Dead screen pixels, 5

Default search engine option, 109

Delete Backup button, 54

Delete button, 76, 116

iTunes Store, 204

Music app, 182

Delete key, 91

Deleteoption,Musicapp, 185

Deleting photos, Photo app, 146

Deleting videos, Videos app, 162

Devicebackupssection, 52

Devices icon, 52

Devices preferences window, 52, 53

Dictionary tool, iBooks app, 252

Digital bookshelf

in iBooks app, 239

adding books and PDFs to collections, 241

books collection, 240

Collections menu, 239, 240

creating new collections, 241

editing collections, 244

navigating between collections, 243

PDFs collection, 240

DNS. See Domain Name System (DNS)

Donotsynceventsolderthancheckbox, 50

dock, 72

Documents box, 35

Documents list, 35

Domain Name System (DNS), 103

Done button, 110, 111, 114, 117

videoplayback, 154

Videos app, 161

YouTubeapp, 156

Double-tapping, 60

Downloads icon, iTunes Store, 200

Downloads screen, 204

in iTunes Store, 204, 221

arrow button, 204

Delete button, 204

pause buttons, 204

Dragging, 60

DVD ripping, 24


Edit Bookmark screen, 116

Edit button, 116

YouTubeapp, 157

Edit Folder screen, 116

Edit mode, 116

Edit option, Music app, 185

.edu button, 90

E-mail account syncing options, 51

E-mail button, Photo app, 144

E-mailbutton,YouTubeapp, 156

E-mailPhotooption,Photoapp, 141

Encrypt iPod backup check box, 29

Encryption standards

WEP, 104

WPA, 104

WPA2, 104

Entiremusiclibraryradiobutton, 37

Episodescheckbox, 40, 42

ePub books

getting e-books, 234

in iBookstore, 234

ePub format, 235

ePub vs.PDF, 235

ePub format, 235

EQsetting,Musicapp, 190

Eventsbutton,Photoapp, 132

Events view, Photo app, 132

Exchange policies and buying iPod Touch, 5


Face album, Photo app, 132

Facesbutton,Photoapp, 132

Faces view, Photo app, 133

FaceTime application, 385

contacts navigation, 391

contacts, 393

favorites, 391392

recents list, 392

FaceTime call, 393395

change orientation, 396

ending the call, 395

initiating and receiving, 394

moving picture-in-picture, 396

multitasking, 396397

mute, 395

switching cameras, 395

settings, 398399

signing in, 386387

creating an account, 389390

with existing Apple ID, 387389


videoplayback, 153

YouTubeapp, 156

Favoritesscreen,YouTubeapp, 157

Featured screen, 154

App Store, 222

YouTubeapp, 157

Featured section, App Store, 213

Find My Friends, 330331

Find My iPhone, 328329

Flash videos, 125

Font button, iBooks

reading books, 246, 249

Font options in

iBooks app, 249

Font panel, iBooks, 249

Force quitting apps, 79

Forwardbutton,Musicapp, 177

FraudWarningsetting, 124

FREE button, App Store, 218

Free music and videos, in iTunes Store, 205


Game Center, in App Store, 224

Game Center icon, 224

Games category, App Store, 215

Geniusbutton,Musicapp, 176

Genius feature, 214

Genius icon, Music app, 183

Genius list, 214

Genius playlist creation screen, Music app, 184

Genius playlists

editing, 185

Delete option, 185

Edit option, 185

Refresh option, 185

screen, 185

Geniussection,AppStore, 213

Genius tab, 213

Genresitem,Musicapp, 173

Genressection, iTunes Store, 197

Gestures, 60

double-tapping, 60

dragging, 60

holding, 60

Home button, 60

pinching, 62

stopping, 61

swiping, 61

tapping, 60

two-fingeredtappinganddragging, 60

unpinching, 62

Get More Episodes... button, Videos app, 161

Gift certificates, redeeming in App Store, 222

Gilbert, Elizabeth, 164

Go button, 111

GroupByAlbumArtistsetting,Musicapp, 190

Gyro sensor, 63


HandBrake tool, 24

Handicapped aids

Hearingsection, 32

Seeing section, 31

Showclosedcaptionswhenavailablecheckbox, 32

SpeakAuto-textcheckbox, 32

Usemonoaudiocheckbox, 32

Usewhite-on-blackdisplaycheckbox, 32

VoiceOverradiobutton, 32

Zoomradiobutton, 32

HDMI, 166

Headphones, 191

Hearing impairments. See Handicapped aids

Hearingsection, 32

High-definition (HD) video, 364

Hightlights and Notes tab

reading books

in iBooks app, 255

Historybutton, 106, 107

Historyscreen,YouTubeapp, 157

Holding, 60

Home button, 7, 60, 63, 67, 68, 7679

Videos app, 161

Home menu option, 83

Home screen, 7, 63, 69, 78, 79

airplane mode icon, 71

appspage, 71

backgroundapps management, 76

creatingfoldersofapps, 73

deletion warning, 76

dock, 72

force quittingapps, 79

jiggling icons, 73

launchingapps, 72

locationservicesicon, 71

manipulatingappicons, 72

multitasking, 76

navigatingappspages, 72

orientation, 79

landscape and portrait modes, 80

locking, 80

padlock icon, 71

pagedots, 71

play icon, 71

quittingapps, 78

removingapps, 75

spotlight search, 81

settings for, 83

Home screen, Videos app, 161

Home sharing settings,Videosapp, 163

HTML5, 125, 164


iBooks app, 24, 42, 227

accessing iBookstore, 237

blueribbonsoncover, 238

bookmarking text, 253

Bookmarks button, 255, 259

Brightness button, 259

closing book, 246, 259

Copy tool, 252

Dictionary tool, 252

getting books, 228

highlighting text, 253


book info page in, 233

downloading, 234

ePub books in, 234

icon, 228

navigating and reading PDFs, 259

contact sheet button for, 260

Library button, 259

navigating bookshelf in, 236

Authors button, 238

Books, 237

Bookshelf button, 237

Categories button, 238

collections, 237

deleting books, 238

Edit, 236

iBookstore access, 236

Icon view, 237

List view, 237

PDFs, 237

rearranging books, 238

search feature, 237

Store button, 237

Titles button, 238

navigating PDF Bookshelf, 258

page scrubber, 260

reading books, 245

adjusting brightness, 248

bookmark ribbon, 246

bookmarking pages, 251

Bookmarksbutton, 246

Brightnessbutton, 246, 248

Buy button, 246

Fontbutton, 246, 249

font options, 249

interacting with text, 252

landscape and portrait modes, 245

Library button, 246

page color, 249

page scrubber, 246, 248

Searchbutton, 246, 250

searching text, 250

TableofContentsbutton, 246, 255

Table of Contents tab, 255

turning pages, 247

red ribbons on cover, 238

Search button, 260

searching text, 255

settings for, 262

auto-hypenation, 263

full justification, 263

Previous Page or Next Page setting, 263

syncbookmarks, 263

synccollections, 263

sorting books, 239

adding books and PDFs to collections, 241

books collection, 240

collections menu, 239, 240

creating new collections, 241

editing collections, 244

navigating between collections, 243

PDFs collection, 240

sorting options, 237

syncing books, 228

iBookstore, 228

syncing PDFs, 257

Table of Contents button, 259

text selection tools, 252

VoiceOver screen reader in, 256

iBooks app, ePub format, 25

iBookstore, 228

book info page in, 233

browsefunction, 230

charts, 229

downloading, 234

ePub books in, 234

ePub format, 235

ePub vs.PDF, 235

featured, 229

gettinge-books, 229

NewYorkTimes, 230

Purchasedfunction, 232

Purchases screen, 232

searchfunction, 231

iCloud, 55, 431

apps and books, 56

backup, 56

documents in, 56

email, calendars, address book, bookmarks, notes, and reminders, 56

find my friends, 56

find my iPod Touch, 56

iTunes in, 56

photo stream, 56

Icon view,iBooks app, 237

Image overlay menu bar, 138

iMessage, 399

composing, 401402

deleting and forwarding, 400401

photo, video and contact attachment, 403404

reading conversations, 400

settings, 404405

Include Audiobooks from Playlists check box, 44

IncludeEpisodesfromPlaylistscheckbox, 4042

IncludeMoviesfromPlaylistscheckbox, 39

Includemusicvideoscheckbox, 38

Includevideocheckbox, 46

Includevoicememoscheckbox, 38

Info page, 217

Info tab, 115

Info tab in iTunes device window, 47

advanced syncing options, 51

replacing information on iPod, 51

bookmark and note syncing options, 51

SyncBookmarkscheckbox, 51

syncing address book contacts, 49

AddcontactscreatedoutsideofgroupsonthisiPodtocheckbox, 49

SyncAddressBookContactscheckbox, 49

Sync Google Contacts check box, 50

Sync Yahoo! Address Book contacts check box, 49

syncing calendars, 50

Donotsynceventsolderthancheckbox, 50

SynciCalCalendarscheckbox, 50

syncing mail accounts, 51

information page, 216

INSTALL button, App Store, 218

Insuring iPod Touch, 18

Interaction, iPod Touch, 59

gestures, 60

double-tapping, 60

dragging, 60

holding, 60

Home button, 60

pinching, 62

stopping, 61

swiping, 61

tapping, 60

two-fingeredtappinganddragging, 60

unpinching, 62

home screen, 69

airplane mode icon, 71

appspage, 71

backgroundapps management, 76

creatingfoldersofapps, 73

deletion warning, 76

dock, 72

force quittingapps, 79

jiggling icons, 73

launchingapps, 72

locationservicesicon, 71

manipulatingappicons, 72

multitasking, 76

navigatingappspages, 72

orientation, 79

padlock icon, 71

pagedots, 71

play icon, 71

quittingapps, 78

removingapps, 75

spotlight search, 81

keyboard. SeeiPodkeyboard

accents in, 90

alphabetic keyboard, 87

autocapitalization in, 91

automatic correction, 85

automatic word corrections, 87

Bluetooth support, 83

Caps Lock function in, 91

contractions with, 89

copy and paste with, 92

dictionary, 85

dictionary lookup, 94

landscape and portrait orientation, 84

numeric keyboard, 86

opening and closing, 88

predictive mapping, 86

punctuation in, 90

QWERTY keyboard, 86

shortcuts in, 92

smart, 84

special characters in, 86

spell check, 86

spyglass feature, 87

typing test, 95

undo and redo with, 93

word deletion with, 91

multi-touch technology, 59

Notification Center, 95

alerts, 97

badges, 97

banner-type notification, 97

setting up notifications and, 97

sounds, 97

power options, 63

powering Off, 68

powering On, 68

rebooting iPod, 68

sleep mode, 67

unlocking, 63

recovery mode, 69

restoring to factory defaults, 69

sensors, 62

accelerometer, 62

gyro sensor, 63

light sensor, 62

Interactive bookmarks navigation, 115

Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP), 292293

Internet service provider (ISP), 272

iPod keyboard, 83

alphabetic keyboard, 87

autocapitalization in, 91

automatic correction, 85

automatic word corrections, 87

Bluetooth support, 83

Caps Lock function in, 91

contractions with, 89

copy and paste with, 92

dictionary, 85

dictionary lookup, 94

landscape and portrait orientation, 84

numeric keyboard, 86

opening and closing, 88

predictive mapping, 86

punctuation in, 90

QWERTY keyboard, 86

shortcuts in, 92

smart, 84

special characters in, 86

spell check, 86

spyglass feature, 87

typing test, 95

undo and redo with, 93

word deletion with, 91

iPod Touch, 1

accessorizing, 19

armband, 19

car charger, 19

case, 19

speaker system, 20

USB power adapter, 19

acrylic packaging, 4

buying, 1

availability, 3

engraving, 4

hands-on testing, 4

model selection. SeeModelselection,purchasing

personal touch, 5

price, 3

refurbs, 4

return and exchange policies, 5

system requirements, 3

wait time, 4

configuring, 11

Connect to iTunes screen, 11

restore option screen, 12

setup process completion, 14

setup welcome screen, 11

Sleep/Wake button, 11

creating new Apple account, 9

data and media transfer, 21

Apps tab in. See Apps tab in iTunes device window

Books tab in. See Books tab in iTunes device window

cloud computing, 55

Info tab in. See Info tab in iTunes device window

iTunes device settings. SeeiTunesdevicesettings

iTunes device window. SeeiTunesdevicewindow

Movies tab in. See Movies tab in iTunes device window

Music tab in. See Music tab in iTunes device window

Photos tab in. See Photos tab in iTunes device window

Podcasts tab in. See Podcasts tab in iTunes device window

Ringtones tab in, 36

summary tab. See Summary tab in iTunes device window

TV Shows tab in. See TV Shows tab in iTunes device window

insuring and repairing, 18

pairing to computer, 14

automatically sync photos to my iPod check box, 16

automatically sync songs to my iPod check box, 16

iPod setup assistant, 15

Restore from the backup of option, 16

Set up as new iPod option, 16

wireless synchronization, 16

reviewing data for first sync, 7

bookmarks, 8

books and PDFs, 8

calendar, 8

contacts, 8

iTunes account, 9

music, 8

software and operating system, 9

videos, 8

reviewing device features, 7

syncing to computer, 17

via USB cable, 18

wireless synchronization, 18

unpacking, 6

cable, 6

documentation, 6

stereo headset (earbuds), 6

video application, 151

video playback, 152

audiotracksandsubtitlesicon, 154

donebutton, 154

fast-forwardbutton, 153

play/pausebutton, 153

rewindbutton, 153

Scrubberbar, 153

Volumecontrol, 153

Zoombutton, 153

iPod Touch interaction, 59

gestures, 60

double-tapping, 60

dragging, 60

holding, 60

Home button, 60

pinching, 62

stopping, 61

swiping, 61

tapping, 60

two-fingeredtappinganddragging, 60

unpinching, 62

home screen, 69

airplane mode icon, 71

appspage, 71

backgroundappsmanagement, 76

creatingfoldersofapps, 73

deletion warning, 76

dock, 72

forcequittingapps, 79

jiggling icons, 73

launchingapps, 72

locationservicesicon, 71

manipulatingappicons, 72

multitasking, 76

navigatingappspages, 72

orientation, 79

padlock icon, 71

pagedots, 71

play icon, 71

quittingapps, 78

removingapps, 75

spotlight search, 81

keyboard, 83

accents in, 90

alphabetic keyboard, 87

autocapitalization in, 91

automatic correction, 85

automatic word corrections, 87

Bluetooth support, 83

Caps Lock function in, 91

contractions with, 89

copy and paste with, 92

dictionary, 85

dictionary lookup, 94

landscape and portrait orientation, 84

numeric keyboard, 86

opening and closing, 88

predictive mapping, 86

punctuation in, 90

QWERTY keyboard, 86

shortcuts in, 92

smart, 84

special characters in, 86

spell check, 86

spyglass feature, 87

typing test, 95

undo and redo with, 93

word deletion with, 91

multi-touch interaction, 59

Notification Center, 95

alerts, 97

badges, 97

banner-type notification, 97

setting up notifications and, 97

sounds, 97

power options, 63

powering Off, 68

powering On, 68

rebooting iPod, 68

sleep mode, 67

unlocking, 63

recovery mode, 69

restoring to factory defaults, 69

sensors, 62

accelerometer, 62

gyro sensor, 63

light sensor, 62

iPod Touch language, 60

double-tapping, 60

dragging, 60

holding, 60

Home button, 60

pinching, 62

stopping, 61

swiping, 61

tapping, 60

two-fingeredtappinganddragging, 60

unpinching, 62

iPod Touch lock screen, 64


application, 9

Agree button, 10

Continue button, 10

Create New Account button, 10

Sign In button, 9

Sign In screen, 10

dialog box, 9, 10

application icon, 193

creating new account, 9

device settings, 52

device backups, 52

preferences window, 53

restoring iPod, 54

device window, 21

applying changes, 25

Capacity bar, 22

sources for data, 23

which data to sync, 23

Match, 56

reviewing data for first sync, 7

Uitem,Musicapp, 173

iTunes Store, 24, 39, 193

application, 202

audiobooks store in, 202

browsing, 195

buying apps through PC, 223

connecting to, 193

Downloads screen in, 204, 221

arrow button, 204

Delete button, 204

pause buttons, 204

free music and videos in, 205

iTunes U store in, 202

Music store in, 196

Genressection, 197

NewReleasessection, 196

TopTenssection, 197

Ping in, 206

Activitytab, 207

MyProfiletab, 207

Peopletab, 207

Podcasts store in, 202

purchase history, 203

redeeming codes in, 205

transferring purchased items to computer, 205

searching, 202

signing into account, 194

video store in, 200

screen, 194


JavaScriptsetting, 124


@123 key, 85

Keyboard Preferences menu option, 91, 92

Keyboards menu option, 90

Kindle app, 25

Kindle Store, Amazon

reading Kindle books, 235


Legal menu option, 61

Library button, iBooks

reading books, 259

Light sensor, 62

List view

iBooks app, 237

Locationservicesicon, 71

Lock Volume Limit option, Music app, 190

Loopcontrol,Musicapp, 176

Lyrics&PodcastInfosetting, Musicapp, 190


Mail application, 267

adding accounts

providers, 269274

with iTunes, 268269

attachments, 287

embedded data detectors, 286287

IMAP, 292293

Mail icon, 267

mail settings, 275279

mailboxes, 279284

Microsoft Exchange, 293

POP, 291292

reading mail, 284286

removing and disabling, 274275

SMTP, 292

writing an e-mail message, 288289

quote level/indentation, 289

saving as draft, 290

search e-mails, 290291

sending e-mail, 290

text formatting, 289

MailLinktothisPagebutton, 119

Manuallymanagemusicandvideoscheckbox, 31

Maps application, 311

bookmarking, 321

bookmarks button, 312

directions, 322

driving/walking directions, 324

public transit directions, 325

dropped pin, 320

locate me button, 312

map, 312

Maps icon, 311

maps tips, 328

navigation, 313

changing map views, 314

finding locations, 315318

gestures, 313

options button, 312

purple pushpins, 312

red pushpins, 312

search field, 311

search/directions buttons, 312

traffic, 326

Media transfer, 21

Apps tab in iTunes device window, 32

creating folders for, 34

file sharing, 35, 36

syncing apps, 33

Books tab in iTunes device window, 42

Allbooksradiobutton, 43

Audiobooks check box, 44

Bookscheckbox, 43

Include Audiobooks from Playlists check box, 44

Parts check box, 44

Selectedbooksradiobutton, 43

SyncAudiobookscheckbox, 43

SyncAudiobooksinterface, 44

SyncBookscheckbox, 43

cloud computing, 55

iCloud, 55

iTunes Match, 56

Info tab in iTunes device window, 47

advanced syncing options, 51

bookmark and note syncing options, 51

syncing address book contacts, 49

syncing calendars, 50

syncing mail accounts, 51

iTunes device settings, 52

device backups, 52

preferences window, 53

restoring iPod, 54

iTunes device window, 21

applying changes, 25

Capacity bar, 22

sources for data, 23

which data to sync, 23

Movies tab in iTunes device window, 38

Automatically include check box, 38

Include Movies from Playlists check box, 39

Movies check box, 38, 39

SyncMoviescheckbox, 38

Music tab in iTunes device window, 37

Automatically fill free space with songs check box, 38

Entiremusiclibraryradiobutton, 37

Includemusicvideoscheckbox, 38

Includevoicememoscheckbox, 38

Selected playlists, artists, albums and genres radio button, 38

Sync Music check box, 37

Photos tab in iTunes device window, 45

Allphotos,albums,events,andfacesradiobutton, 45

Includevideocheckbox, 46

photoalbums,events,andfaces, 47

Selectedalbums,events,andfaces,andautomaticallyincluderadiobutton, 46

SyncPhotosfromcheckbox, 45

Podcasts tab in iTunes device window, 41

Automatically include check box, 41

Episodes check box, 42

Include Episodes from Playlists check box, 42

Podcasts check box, 42

Ringtones tab in iTunes device window, 36

Summary tab in iTunes device window, 25

Backup box, 28

iPod box, 26

Options box, 29

Version box, 28

TV Shows tab in iTunes device window, 39

Automatically include check box, 40

Episodes check box, 40

Include Episodes from Playlists check box, 40, 41

Shows check box, 40

MicrosoftExchange, 293


downloadingapplications, 2

durationof use, 2

iCloud storage, 2

musiclibrary, 2

picturesstorage, 2

videorecording, 2

videostorage, 2

More button, 172

iTunes Store, 200

Music app, 171

YouTubeapp, 157, 158

More Info button, 155

More Info screen, YouTube app, 160

More screen

iTunes Store, 196

Music app, 171

More Top Tens option, 198

More Videos tab, YouTube app, 159

MostRecentscreen,YouTubeapp, 157

Mostviewedscreen,YouTubeapp, 157

Moviescheckbox, 38, 39

Movies library, 24

Movies tab in iTunes device window, 38

Automatically include check box, 38

Include Movies from Playlists check box, 39

Movies check box, 38, 39

SyncMoviescheckbox, 38

Multitasking, 76

Multi-touch technology, 59

Music app, 169, 187

Album View in, 177

rateyoursongswithratingstarsitem, 178

ReturntoNowPlayingitem, 178

viewentiretracklistitem, 178

alphabetindextool, 170

browsing media in, 170

category screens for, 173

editing browse buttons, 172

CoverFlowfeature, 170

Cover Flow in, 179

album selection, 179

album view, 179

Play/Pause button, 179

customizablebuttonbar, 170

displaying playback controls in another app, 187

energy saving, 187

and headphones, 191

icon, 169

Now Playing screen in, 174

albumartitem, 176

Albumitem, 175

AlbumViewbutton, 175

Artistitem, 175

Backbutton, 175

Forwardbutton, 177

geniusbutton, 176

loopcontrol, 176

Playindicatoritem, 175

Play/Pausebutton, 177

rewindbutton, 177

scrubberbar, 175

shuffleitem, 176

Songitem, 175

Volumeitem, 177

playlists for, 180

creating Genius, 183

creating regular, 180

editing Genius, 185

searching in, 186

settings for, 189

EQsetting, 190

GroupByAlbumArtistsetting, 190

Lyrics&PodcastInfosetting, 190

ShaketoShufflesetting, 189

SoundChecksetting, 189

VolumeLimitsetting, 190

sleep mode, 187

and sleep timers, 188

touch screen, 170

Music application, 187

Music playback controls, 188

Music store

in iTunes Store, 196

Top Tens section, 197

Music tab in iTunes device window, 37

Automatically fill free space with songs check box, 38

Entiremusiclibraryradiobutton, 37

Includemusicvideoscheckbox, 38

Includevoicememoscheckbox, 38

Selected playlists, artists, albums and genres radio button, 38

Sync Music check box, 37

My Info box, 123

MyProfiletab, iTunes Store, 207

MyVideosscreen,YouTubeapp, 157


Navigating and reading PDFs

in iBooks app, 259

Library button, 259

Navigating map

changing map views, 314

current location, 318

gestures, 313

locations, 315

information window, 316

search field, 315

Street View, 317

Navigating PDF Bookshelf

in iBooks app, 258

.net button, 90

Newoption,Musicapp, 183

New Page button, 114

NewReleasessection, iTunes Store, 196

Newsection,AppStore, 213

Newsstand, 227, 264

feature, 264

icon, 264

magazines or newspapers subscription, 265

shelf, 264

Next button, 110

Notes app, 84, 93

Notes application, 343

creating notes, 344

delete note, 344

e-mail notes, 344

enter and edit text, 344

navigate between notes, 344

Notes icon, 343

Notes Screen, 343

sync notes, 344345

Notification Center, 95

alerts, 97

badges, 97

banner-type notification, 97

setting up notifications and, 97

sounds, 97

Now Playing button, Music app, 171


Openbutton, 111

OpeninNewPagebutton, 111

OpeniTuneswhenthisiPodisconnectedcheckbox, 29

.org button, 90

Orientation lock button, 80

Orientation of iPod screen, 79

landscape and portrait modes, 80

locking, 80

Outlook Web Access (OWA), 293


Padlockicon, 71

Page color, reading books in iBooks app, 249

Pagedots, 71

Page scrubber, iBooks

reading books, 246, 248, 260

Pagesbutton, 107, 114

Partscheckbox, 44

Passcode challenge screen, 67

Passcode Lock option, 64

Passcode Lock settings screen, 67

Passcode setting

additional, 66

creating complex, 66

passcode challenge screen, 67

simple, 65

testing, 67

Paste context menu option, 93

Pause buttons, iTunes Store, 204

PDF bookshelf, 258

Peopletab, iTunes Store, 207

Personal gaming, 224

Photo app, 127

editing photos in, 148

auto-enhance option, 148

constraining aspect ratio, 151

crop, 149

red-eyereduction, 149

rotate option, 148

icon, 130

navigating photos in, 130

album view, 131

Albumsbutton, 131

Eventsbutton, 132

Eventsview, 132

Facealbum, 132

Facesbutton, 132

Faces view, 133

Placesalbum, 135

Placesbutton, 133

Places view, 134

saving from mail, 129

saving from Safari, 129

sharing photos from, 140

addingphotostoalbum, 145

AssigntoContactoption, 143

copyingphotos, 144

deletingphotos, 146

E-mailPhotooption, 141

menu, 141

Printoption, 144

SendtoMobileMeoption, 142

Sharebutton, 140

UseasWallpaperoption, 143

syncing photos from computer, 127

touching and viewing albums, 136

touching and viewing photos, 137

in landscape and portrait modes, 137

viewing photos as slide show, 138

PlayEachSlideForsetting, 139

playing, 138

Repeatsetting, 139

Shufflesetting, 139

tipsfor, 139

Photo Stream, 382

Photos tab, 128

Photos tab in iTunes device window, 45

Allphotos,albums,events,andfacesradiobutton, 45

Includevideocheckbox, 46

photoalbums,events,andfaces, 47

Selectedalbums,events,andfaces,andautomaticallyincluderadiobutton, 46

SyncPhotosfromcheckbox, 45


editing photos in Photo app, 148

auto-enhance option, 148

constraining aspect ratio, 151

crop, 149

red-eyereduction, 149

rotate option, 148

navigating in Photo app, 130

album view, 131

Albumsbutton, 131

Eventsbutton, 132

Events view, 132

Facealbum, 132

Facesbutton, 132

Faces view, 133

Placesalbum, 135

Placesbutton, 133

Places view, 134

Photo app icon, 130

saving from mail, 129

saving from Safari, 129

sharing photos from Photo app, 140

addingphotostoalbum, 145

AssigntoContactoption, 143

copyingphotos, 144

deletingphotos, 146

E-mailPhotooption, 141

menu, 141

Printoption, 144

SendtoMobileMeoption, 142

Share button, 140

UseasWallpaperoption, 143

syncing from computer, 127

touching and viewing albums in Photo app, 136

touching and viewing photos in Photo app, 137

landscape and portrait modes, 137

viewing photos as slide show in Photo app, 138

PlayEachSlideForsetting, 139

playing, 138

Repeatsetting, 139

Shufflesetting, 139

tipsfor, 139

Pinching, 62


in iTunes Store, 206

Activitytab, 207

MyProfiletab, 207

Peopletab, 207

Places album, Photo app, 135

Placesbutton, 133

Places view, Photo app, 134

PlayEachSlideForsetting,Photoappslideshow, 139

Playicon, 71

Playindicatoritem,Musicapp, 175

Play/Pause button, 179

Musicapp, 177

videoplayback, 153

YouTubeapp, 156

PlaybackSoundCheckmenuoption, 189

Playlist Edit mode, Music app, 182

Playlistsitem,Musicapp, 173

Playlistsscreen,YouTubeapp, 157

Podcasts, 41

checkbox, 42

item,Musicapp, 172

Podcasts store

in iTunes Store, 202

Podcasts tab in iTunes device window, 41

Automatically include check box, 41

Episodes check box, 42

Include Episodes from Playlists check box, 42

Podcasts check box, 42

Post Office Protocol (POP), 291292

Power options, 63

powering Off, 68

powering On, 68

rebooting iPod, 68

sleep mode, 67

unlocking, 63

Powering Off, 68

Powering On, 68

Preferstandarddefinitionvideocheckbox, 30

Preference files, 23

Preferences menu option, 52

Prevent iPods, iPhones, and iPads from syncing automatically check box, 54

Previousbutton, 110

Printoption,Photoapp, 144

Project Gutenberg, 24

Purchased on playlist, iTunes Store, 205


Quitting apps, 78


Rateyoursongswithratingstarsitem, 178

Reader, clutter elimination feature, 120

Reading books

in iBooks app, 245

adjusting brightness, 248

bookmark ribbon, 246

bookmarking pages, 251

Bookmarksbutton, 246

Brightnessbutton, 246

Buy button, 246

Fontbutton, 246

font options, 249

Hightlights and Notes tab, 255

interacting with text, 252

landscape and portrait modes, 245

Library button, 246

page color, 249

page scrubber, 246

Searchbutton, 246

searching text, 250

TableofContentsbutton, 246

Table of Contents tab, 255

turning pages, 247

Reading List, 121

Rebooting iPod, 68

Recovery mode, 69

Redeem button

App Store, 222

iTunes Store, 205

Redeeming gift certificates and codes

in App Store, 222

Redo pop-up menu, 94

Refreshoption,Musicapp, 183, 185

ReleaseDatetab, App Store, 215

Reloadbutton, 106

Reminder application, 356360

Remove button, 214


iPod Touch, 18

Repeatsetting,Photoappslideshow, 139

Report a Problem button, App Store, 218

Restorebutton, 28

Restore from Backup context menu option, 55

Restoring to factory defaults, iPod, 69

Return policies

and buying iPod Touch, 5

ReturntoNowPlayingitem,Musicapp, 178

Revert and Apply buttons, 25


Musicapp, 177

videoplayback, 153

YouTubeapp, 156

Ringtones box, 37

Ringtones tab in iTunes device window, 36

Ripping of DVD, 24

Rule of thirds, 368


Safariapplication, 152

Safari settings window, 123

Safari web browser, 101, 105

Add Bookmark button, 107

address bar, 106

Bookmarks button, 107

bookmarks in (see also Bookmarks)

editing, 116

saving, 117

selecting, 115

building up Reading List, 121

customize settings for, 123

Accept Cookies setting, 124

AutoFill setting, 123

BlockPop-upssetting, 124

ClearCookiesbutton, 124

ClearHistorybutton, 124

Databasessetting, 125

FraudWarningsetting, 124

JavaScriptsetting, 124

Open Links setting, 124

private browsing setting, 124

Safari settings window, 123

search engine setting, 123

entering text in, 110

AutoFill button, 110

Done button, 110

Next button, 110

Previous button, 110

entering URLs, 107

and Flash videos, 125

gestures in, 113

double-drag, 113

double-tap, 113

drag, 113

flick, 113

jump to the top, 113

page down, 113

pinch, 113

stop a scroll, 113

tap, 113

history buttons, 106

icon, 105

links in, 111

AddtoReadingList button, 111

Cancel button, 112

Copy button, 112

Open button, 111

Open in New Page button, 111

Pages button, 107, 114

portrait and landscape modes, 106

Reader with clutter elimination feature, 120

reload button, 106

saving pictures from, 129

screen orientation, 112

search field, 106

searching in, 109

share button, 107

stop button, 106

text search on web page, 109

viewing videos in, 164

window, 105

Saveoption,Musicapp, 183

Save to button, 35

Screen flaw, 5


iBooksapp, 246, 247, 260

Musicapp, 175

videoplayback, 153

YouTubeapp, 156

Search bar, 109

Search button, 109, 111

iBooks, reading books, 246, 250, 260

Search enginesetting, 123

Searchfield, 106

Search function, Music app, 186

Search screen

App Store, 219

iTunes Store, 202

YouTubeapp, 157

Searching text, in iBooks app, 250

Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocol, 274

Seeingsection, 31

Select All context menu option, 92, 93

Select context menu option, 92, 93

Selectedalbums,events,andfaces,andautomaticallyincluderadiobutton, 46

Selectedbooksradiobutton, 43

Selected playlists, artists, albums and genres radio button, 38

SendtoMobileMeoption,Photoapp, 142 demo, 62

Set Photo button, 143

Setting up

accessorizing iPod Touch, 19

armband, 19

car charger, 19

case, 19

speaker system, 20

USB power adapter, 19

configuring iPod Touch, 11

Connect to iTunes screen, 11

restore option screen, 12

setup process completion, 14

setup welcome screen, 11

Sleep/Wake button, 11

creating new iTunes account, 9

insuring and repairing iPod Touch, 18

pairing iPod Touch to computer, 14

automatically sync photos to my iPod check box, 16

automatically sync songs to my iPod check box, 16

iPod Setup Assistant, 15, 16

Restore from the backup of option, 16

wireless synchronization, 16

reviewing data for first sync, 7

reviewing device features, 7

syncing iPod Touch to computer, 17

via USB cable, 18

wireless synchronization, 18

unpacking, 6

Setting up notifications, 97


for iBooks app, 262

auto-hyphenation, 263

full justification, 263

Previous Page or Next Page setting, 263

syncbookmarks, 263

synccollections, 263

Settings app, 123

Settings application, 407

accessibility settings, 425

Assistive touch, 427

large text, 427

mono audio, 427

speak auto-text, 427

speak selection, 427

triple-click home, 428429

VoiceOver, 426

White on Black, 427

Zoom, 426

Airplane mode, 408409

brightness control, 411412

general settings, 416

About screen, 416417

auto-lock feature, 420

Bluetooth settings, 419

Date and Time, 422

international settings, 424425

iTunes Wi-Fi Sync, 418419

keyboard, 423424

network settings, 419

restrictions, 420

software updates, 417

usage, 417418

iCloud, 431

location services, 414416

reset, 429431

Settings app icon, 407

sounds settings, 410411

third-party app settings, 431432

Twitter settings, 409410

Voice Control, 432433

wallpaper settings, 412414

ShaketoShufflesetting,Musicapp, 189

Share button, Photo app, 144

ShareVideobutton,YouTubeapp, 159

Sharing photos menu, 141

Shift key, 91

Shortcut menu option, 90

Showclosedcaptionswhenavailablecheckbox, 32

Show Top 50 button, 216

Showscheckbox, 40

Shuffleitem,Musicapp, 176

Shuffle option, Music app, 173

Shufflesetting,Photoappslideshow, 139

Sight impairments. SeeHandicappedaids

Sign In button

App Store, 212

iTunes Store, 194

Sign Out option, iTunes Store, 195

Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP), 292

Sleep iPod option, 188

Sleep mode, 67, 187

Sleep timers, 188

Sleep/Wake button, 7, 67, 68, 79

Slideshow button, 138

Slideshow settings, Photo app, 139

Social network for music. SeePing

Songitem, 175

Musicapp, 173

Songs selection screen, 181

Sorting books, in iBooks app, 239

adding books and PDFs to collections, 241

books collection, 240

Collections menu, 239, 240

creating new collections, 241

editing collections, 244

navigating between collections, 243

PDFs collection, 240

Sorting options, iBooks app, 237

SoundCheckmenuoption, 189

Sound Check setting, Music app, 189

Sounds, 97

Sourcelist, 21

SpeakAuto-textcheckbox, 32

Spotlight feature, 186

Spotlight page, 81

Spotlight search, 81

settings for, 83

Spyglass feature, 87

Starbucks icon, iTunes Store, 196

StartPlayingsetting,Videosapp, 163

Statusbar, 70

Stocks application, 347

landscape mode, 350

useful tips, 351

viewing and customization, 347350

Stopbutton, 106

Stopping, 61

Store button, iBooks app, 237

Streaming video with AirPlay, Apple TV, 165

Subscriptionsscreen,YouTubeapp, 157

Summary tab in iTunes device window, 25

Backup box, 28

ConfigureUniversalAccessbutton, 31

Showclosedcaptionswhenavailablecheckbox, 32

SpeakAuto-textcheckbox, 32

Usemonoaudiocheckbox, 32

Usewhite-on-blackdisplaycheckbox, 32

VoiceOverradiobutton, 32

Zoomradiobutton, 32

Converthigherbitratesongsto128kbpsAACcheckbox, 30

iPod box, 26

Manuallymanagemusicandvideoscheckbox, 31

Open iTunes when this iPod is connected check box, 29

Options box, 29

Preferstandarddefinitionvideocheckbox, 30

Synconlyselectedsongsandvideoscheckbox, 30

Sync with this iPod overWi-Fi check box, 30

Universal Access box, 31

Version box, 28

Swiping, 61

SyncAddressBookContactscheckbox, 49

SyncAudiobookscheckbox, 43

Sync Audiobooks interface, 44

SyncBookmarkscheckbox, 51

SyncBookscheckbox, 43

SyncGoogleContactscheckbox, 50

SynciCalCalendarscheckbox, 50

SyncMoviescheckbox, 38

SyncMusiccheckbox, 37

Synconlyselectedsongsandvideoscheckbox, 30

Sync photos check box, 128

SyncPhotosfromcheckbox, 45

Sync Ringtones check box, 37

SyncwiththisiPodoverWi-Ficheckbox, 30

SyncYahoo!AddressBookcontactscheckbox, 49

Syncing PDFs, in iBooks app, 257


Table of Contents button, iBooks

reading books, 246, 255, 259

Table of Contents tab

in iBooks app, 255

Tapping, 60

Tell a Friend button, App Store, 218

Text edit field, 16

Text selection tools, iBooks, 252

Tips for slideshow, Photo app, 139

Titles button, iBooks app, 238

Top 25 section

in App Store, 215

TopFreetab, 216

TopPaidtab, 216

TopFreetab, App Store, 215, 216

TopGrossingtab,AppStore, 216

TopPaidtab, App Store, 215, 216

TopRatedscreen,YouTubeapp, 157

Top Tens section

in Music store, 197

previewing and buying music, 198

iTunes Store, 197

Touch sensors, 62

accelerometer, 62

gyro sensor, 63

light sensor, 62

Transferring media, 21

Apps tab in iTunes device window, 32

creating folders for, 34

file sharing, 35, 36

syncing apps, 33

Books tab in iTunes device window, 42

Allbooksradiobutton, 43

Audiobooks check box, 44

Bookscheckbox, 43

Include Audiobooks from Playlists check box, 44

Parts check box, 44

Selectedbooksradiobutton, 43

SyncAudiobookscheckbox, 43

SyncAudiobooksinterface, 44

SyncBookscheckbox, 43

cloud computing, 55

iCloud, 55

iTunes Match, 56

Info tab in iTunes device window, 47

advanced syncing options, 51

bookmark and note syncing options, 51

syncing address book contacts, 49

syncing calendars, 50

syncing mail accounts, 51

iTunes device settings, 52

device backups, 52

preferences window, 53

restoring iPod, 54

iTunes device window for, 21

applying changes, 25

Capacity bar, 22

sources for data, 23

which data to sync, 23

Movies tab in iTunes device window, 38

Automatically include check box, 38

Include Movies from Playlists check box, 39

Movies check box, 38, 39

SyncMoviescheckbox, 38

Music tab in iTunes device window, 37

Automatically fill free space with songs check box, 38

Entiremusiclibraryradiobutton, 37

Includemusicvideoscheckbox, 38

Includevoicememoscheckbox, 38

Selected playlists, artists, albums and genres radio button, 38

Sync Music check box, 37

Photos tab in iTunes device window, 45

Allphotos,albums,events,andfacesradiobutton, 45

Includevideocheckbox, 46

photoalbums,events,andfaces, 47

Selectedalbums,events,andfaces,andautomaticallyincluderadiobutton, 46

SyncPhotosfromcheckbox, 45

Podcasts tab in iTunes device window, 41

Automatically include check box, 41

Episodes check box, 42

Include Episodes from Playlists check box, 42

Podcasts check box, 42

purchased items in App Store to computer, 223

purchased items in iTunes Store to computer, 205

Ringtones tab in iTunes device window, 36

summary tab in iTunes device window, 25

Backup box, 28

iPod box, 26

Options box, 29

Version box, 28

TV Shows tab in iTunes device window, 39

Automatically include check box, 40

Episodes check box, 40

Include Episodes from Playlists check box, 40, 41

Shows check box, 40

Turn On Genius option, App Store, 214

Turn Passcode

Off option, 67

On option, 64

Turning pages, in iBooks app, 247

TV Shows tab in iTunes device window, 39

Automatically include check box, 40

Episodes check box, 40

Include Episodes from Playlists check box, 40, 41

Shows check box, 40

Tweet,Photoapp, 142

Two-fingeredtappinganddragging, 60

Typing tricks, 89

accents, 90

autocapitalization, 91

Caps Lock function, 91

contractions, 89

copy and paste, 92

dictionary lookup, 94

punctuation, 90

shortcuts, 92

typing test, 95

undo and redo, 93

word deletion, 91


Undo pop-up menu, 93

Uniform Resource Locators (URLs), 107

Universal Access box, 31

Universal e-book file format. SeeePubformat

UniversalSerialBus(USB), 3

Unpacking, iPod Touch, 6

cable, 6

documentation, 6

stereo headset (earbuds), 6

Unpinching, 62

Update All button, App Store, 221

Updates page, App Store, 221

URL-entry screen, 108

URLs. SeeUniformResourceLocators(URLs)

USB. SeeUniversalSerialBus(USB)

.us button, 90

UseasWallpaperoption, 143

Usemonoaudiocheckbox, 32

Usewhite-on-blackdisplaycheckbox, 32


Video accessories, 166

ApplecomponentAVcable, 166

AppledigitalAVadapter, 166

Component, 166

Composite, 166

compositeAVcable, 166

HDMI, 166

iPaddockconnectortoVGAadapter, 166

stands, 166

VGA, 166

Video connectors

component, 166

composite, 166

HDMI, 166

VGA, 166

Video playback, 152

audiotracksandsubtitlesicon, 154

donebutton, 154

fast-forwardbutton, 153

play/pausebutton, 153

rewindbutton, 153

scrubberbar, 153

Volumecontrol, 153

Zoombutton, 153

Video store, in iTunes Store, 200

Video streaming, Apple TV, 165

Videos app, 160

deleting videos in, 162

done button, 161

Get More Episodes... button, 161

getting videos for, 162

Home button, 161

Home screen, 161

icon, 160

settings for, 163

brightness, 164

closedcaptioning, 163

home sharing, 163

startplaying, 163

Videosapplication, 151

Videos, YouTube app, 154

AddtoPlaylistbutton, 159

customizing buttons bar in, 158

buttons bar, 158

Configure screen, 158

More button, 158

featured screen, 154

findingvideosin, 157

Editbutton, 157

favoritesscreen, 157

featuredscreen, 157

Historyscreen, 157

Morebutton, 157

MostRecentscreen, 157

mostviewedscreen, 157

MyVideosscreen, 157

Playlistsscreen, 157

searchscreen, 157

Subscriptionsscreen, 157

TopRatedscreen, 157

More Info button, 155

More Info screen, 160

More Videos tab, 159

play a video, 155

playingvideosin, 155

bookmarkbutton, 156

donebutton, 156

e-mailbutton, 156

fast-forwardbutton, 156

play/pausebutton, 156

rewindbutton, 156

scrubberbar, 156

volumeslider, 156

Selectanotherlistingscreen, 155

ShareVideobutton, 159

videoinfoscreensin, 159

viewinfoscreenofvideo, 155

Viewtheentiretracklistitem, 178

Virtual business card file (VCF), 337

Voice Memos application, 351

deleting a memo, 353

labelling, 355

navigation, 354

play a memo, 353

recording, 352353

scrub through a memo, 353

sharing, 353, 355

sync to iTunes, 356

trimming, 355

Voice Memos icon, 352

VoiceOverradiobutton, 32

VoiceOver screen reader, in iBooks app, 256

Volume control buttons, 7

Volumecontrol,videoplayback, 153

Volumeitem,Musicapp, 177

VolumeLimitsetting,Musicapp, 190

Volume Limit settings screen, Music app, 191

Volumeslider,YouTubeapp, 156

imagesW, X

Wallpapermenubar,Photoapp, 144

Weather app, 77

Weather application, 345347

Web Clip, 118, 119

Web Clip icon, 118, 119


What's Hotsection, AppStore, 213

Wi-Fi, 101

802.11b technology, 101

802.11g technology, 101

802.11n technology, 101

automatically scanning for networks, 104

connecting to network, 102

connecting to protected network, 103

password-entry screen, 104

connection status, 102

menu option, App Store, 211

Networks settings screen, 104

settings screen, 104

syncing, 17

Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA), 104

Wi-Fi Protected Access version 2 (WPA2), 104

Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP), 104

Wireless technology. SeeWi-Fi

World Clock utility, 296

adding cities, 297

removing cities, 298

reordering cities, 297

WPA. SeeWi-Fi Protected Access (WPA)

WPA2. SeeWi-Fi Protected Access version 2 (WPA2)


YouTube app, 154

AddtoPlaylistbutton, 159

customizing buttons bar in, 158

buttons bar, 158

Configure screen, 158

More button, 158

featured screen, 154

findingvideosin, 157

Editbutton, 157

favoritesscreen, 157

featuredscreen, 157

Historyscreen, 157

Morebutton, 157

MostRecentscreen, 157

mostviewedscreen, 157

MyVideosscreen, 157

Playlistsscreen, 157

searchscreen, 157

Subscriptionsscreen, 157

TopRatedscreen, 157

More Info button, 155

More Info screen, 160

More Videos tab, 159

play a video, 155

playingvideosin, 155

bookmarkbutton, 156

donebutton, 156

e-mailbutton, 156

fast-forwardbutton, 156

play/pausebutton, 156

rewindbutton, 156

scrubberbar, 156

volumeslider, 156

Selectanotherlistingscreen, 155

ShareVideobutton, 159

video info screens in, 159

view info screen of video, 155

YouTubeapplication, 152


Zoombutton,videoplayback, 153

Zoomradiobutton, 32

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