Adding and testing content

We added the template and entered the TypoScript configuration. We have to insert new pages for the correct work test now.

TYPO3 has great functions for creating several pages at the same time. Choose the section Functions from the left menu for creating new pages. You will see a page template in this section. You need to add page titles and click on Create pages.

Adding and testing content

In the page created previously in our example, we only stored root template information. If we don't want that to be shown to the web page visitors, we need to do the following: click on the created page Home icon. Then, from the menu choose Edit Page Settings.

You can now edit the page setting. You need to change the page setting to Shortcut. On the General tab of the page settings, you can set the page type to Shortcut. The page will refresh and there will now be a Shortcut tab. On this tab, you specify the page to which this page should be linked.

Adding and testing content

Choose one of the pages in the Page section. Add some text and image for the result test. You can add text and image by clicking on the + icon on the Page module in the necessary column. Also, you can use the button Create page content, as seen in the following screenshot:

Adding and testing content

For example, you could choose the content element Text or Text with image:

Adding and testing content

Entry fields (TCA fields) are divided into four parts:

  • General—base information about records: title, subtitle, links, data, author, among others.
  • Text—RTE (Rich Text Editor) part where you can add text, like in common office software text editors.
  • Media—for adding images: size, links, title, and alt text tag values, position, number of columns, and so on.
  • Access—access to record. You can set here that the record will only be seen by FE (frontend) users who are authorized or just the opposite, that is, after authorization, the record is hidden. You can use FE user groups if they exist.

Save the record and view it from the website FE.

Adding and testing content

Upgrading TYPO3 to a newer version

Almost all programs become more and more functional with newer versions. It's the same with TYPO3. If you upgrade your programs to their newest version, you can use the new functions and there are more possibilities. Thanks to the co-operation of the TYPO3 users and the team working on this CMS, TYPO3 has become very secure. For updating TYPO3, it is important that your website has the latest system functionality and safety.

We can divide TYPO3 upgrading into three parts:

  • Patch version upgrade (for example, from version 4.2.11 to 4.2.12): This upgrade should be made to avoid bugs and to implement repairs of bugs. Relative patch version upgrade is easy to manage. For the most part, it can be done with just the TYPO3 source patch—replacing this with the patch files on the web server. You can find the patch on the TYPO3 download site:
  • Minor version upgrade (for example, from TYPO3 version 4.2.11 to 4.3.0): It is a passage to a newer version of the TYPO3 lower branch. A minor version upgrade provides new functions, bug fixes, and probably changes in the TYPO3 API. Also, this upgrade might provide changes to the TYPO3 configuration and the database structure. This upgrade is more complicated and includes some configuration changes. Therefore, we will go through the minor version upgrade step by step.
  • Major version upgrade (for example, from TYPO3 version 4.3.1 to 5.0): This is an upgrade that provides:
    • New possibilities
    • Bug fixes
    • Changes to the coding API/architecture
    • Changes to the TYPO3 configuration (including TypoScript)
    • Changes to the database

For a better understanding, we can inspect the current version of our online shop that is TYPO3 version 4.2.11:

  • Major version is 4 (fourth TYPO3 major version).
  • Minor version is 2 (TYPO3 4.x is the second minor version. The third minor version is newer).
  • Patch version is 11 (TYPO3 4.2 version eleventh patch upgrade by turns).

TYPO3 is extended into two different packages:

  • Source package— this contains TYPO3 base code named "TYPO3 core". If you upgrade TYPO3 to a newer version, you will use this kind of a package.
  • Dummy package— this contains folders of file structure like fileadmin (where all your added files and templates are downloaded by default—and this folder you can manage through the Filelist module), typo3conf (where the TYPO3 configuration is stored—the file localconf.php, configuration cache, and TYPO3 local extensions), and so on. We can say that these folders contain data that in the course of time are saved or are stocked up, adding new content—for example images, templates, configuration setups, and extensions. If you upgrade TYPO3 to a newer version, you shouldn't upgrade the dummy package, as you could lose important data.

TYPO3 minor version update

First of all, if you upgrade your TYPO3 old version and update it, for example from 4.1.x to TYPO3 4.3.x, you should remember that it is a large change over the whole minor version. In each version there are changes in the database. Therefore, updating TYPO3 from 4.1.x to 4.3.x can cause errors and you will have to manage changes manually. The TYPO3 core team is working on the newer versions to be compatible with the previous version. So it is recommended that you upgrade from the 4.1.x version of your TYPO3 to 4.2.x and then to the newer 4.3.x version.

To upgrade TYPO3, you will need a newer TYPO3 source package that you can download from the TYPO3 web page:

You have to unpack this source package and replace the old source content with the new one. If you use Unix systems, choose *.tar packages and unpack them with the command:

tar xzf typo3_src-4.3.1.tar.gz

Create a symbolic link. If you use Unix or a similar operational system, create the symbolic link name typo3_src:

ln -s /var/www/typo3_src-4.3.1 /var/www/

If you use Windows 7 or Windows Vista, in the Command Prompt program (CMD.exe) create the following junction:

mklink /D C:xampphtdocserriesshop	ypo3_src-4.3.1 C:xampphtdocserriesshop	ypo3_src
TYPO3 minor version update

The source folder stores content that will replace the old source package:

  • misc
  • t3lib
  • typo3
  • index.php

After you upgrade the source package, go on to the TYPO3 Install Tool. The easiest way is to use the TYPO3 backend—choosing Install from the left menu section. Maybe ENABLE_INSTALL_TOOL is deleted for security reasons or the file has become outdated (ENABLE_INSTALL_TOOL file is available for one hour after its creation). If so, then go on to the section User Settings and choose the tab Admin functions. In this section, you can create the ENABLE_INSTALL_TOOL file (there's no need to use FTP).

TYPO3 minor version update

TYPO3 update

Using the TYPO3 Install tool ( or selecting it from backend menu section Install), choose Update Wizard. You can set up new extensions in this section that are available from TYPO3 version 4.3 if necessary. For example:

  • recycler: This extension deletes tables that are marked as deleted or un-deletes them. This is a useful extension because there can be situations where some testing elements are needed (pages, contain) and these elements, after tests, are marked with "delete" but aren't physically deleted. These "deleted" elements are unnecessarily stored. Using this extension, you can dispose of these tables fully. But remember to use this extension carefully because you will not be able to restore this data.
  • t3editor: This is a TypoScript's editor with syntax highlighting and code completion for TypoScript. Using this extension, you can oversee TypoScript easier and you can manage TypoScript faster. If you type some code, the extension will offer to end the entered TypoScript function.
  • scheduler: This is a cron-like task planner. You can use this extension to complete tasks in time. With this extension, you can complete the test task at the moment.

Go on to the section Database Analyser and choose table update from the menu section COMPARE:

TYPO3 update

You will see the changes that have to be done. If you don't make these changes, TYPO3 will operate with errors. We did the test and the results are: errors were for TYPO3 installations that contained definitions for more than one language. Approve the changes and check. A repeat test will be required if the old tables get deleted. Also, these tables were in use for some installed and after-deleted extensions. We recommend going through all the stages in this section.

TYPO3 update

After the database checkup, we recommend checking and updating the database Reference Index in the backend left menu by choosing the section DB Check and from the drop-down menu choosing Manage Reference Index. Clear all caches and check the web page view in the frontend.

TYPO3 update
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