Main risks

One of the main threats for an online shop is for the content of the web page to be any of the following:

  • Irrelevant
  • Insufficient
  • Incomprehensible

When creating the information, which will be available to potential customers, it should be noted that all of the information should be evaluated from the customer's point of view—the information should tell which goods are sold on the online shop and what qualities these goods have.

In an ordinary shop, the customer has several ways to check the goods. The customer can:

  • Touch the product
  • See the product (quality, freshness)
  • Taste the product (only in some cases, of course)
  • Speak with the shopkeeper
  • Read the manuals and supporting documentation of the goods

Choosing a product—if it is purchased for the first time—takes a lot of time. An online shop generally saves time that the customer spends while getting to the ordinary shop, but the amount of time spent choosing the product might be the same.

Therefore, the information on the online shop must be created so that it is comprehensible, easy to perceive, useful, and in the right quantity.

Thus, relevant information can stimulate the customer to choose the online shop instead of the ordinary shop to make a purchase. But an online shop has some extra advantages that an ordinary shop does not have:

  • Lower prices
  • Delivery of goods
  • Longer opening hours

The visual material (photos) should also be chosen carefully. If there are no photos of the available goods (or the photos are very small or of poor quality), this might lead the customer to think that:

  • The seller does not have these goods as she cannot take photos of the goods
  • The seller is superficial about the goods

Both cases work against the reputation of the seller.

Replacing a part of the necessary information with video of some details about the online shop is becoming more and more popular. The length of the video material should not exceed 5-7 minutes.

Such videos are an alternative to the written text and they also do not take large resources or time to create. There is no need to use professional equipment—one can use, for example, the video recording functions of an ordinary PC.

Also, the video material should be comprehensible and related to the goods (and their qualities) that are sold on the online shop.

If video material is used, it has to be supplemented with textual and other visual information. Some of the customers might not wish to (or cannot due to technical problems) watch the video. Therefore, the necessary information shouldn't just be on the video.

Main risks

Also, from the perspective of SEO, too much video material is not recommended. The video should be supplemented with additional information:

  • The title of the video
  • Short outline
  • Author
  • The reason for watching this video, for example, Know more about storing berries!

The image above shows how a video material is supplemented with information about the berries available on the online shop.

Also, from the point of view of copyrights, the video is less likely to be copied. Certainly, the information in the video can be transcribed and used for other purposes, but it is much harder than with written text or images.

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