List of Tables

Chapter 2. Wiring beans

Table 2.1. Spring comes with several XML namespaces through which you can configure the Spring container

Table 2.2. Spring’s bean scopes let you declare the scope under which beans are created without hard-coding the scoping rules in the bean class itself.

Table 2.3. Just as Java has several kinds of collections, Spring allows for injecting several kinds of collections

Table 2.4. An <entry> in a <map> is made up of a key and a value, either of which can be a primitive value or a reference to another bean. These attributes help specify the keys and values of an <entry>.

Table 2.5. SpEL includes several operators that you can use to manipulate the values of an expression.

Table 2.6. SpEL includes several operators that you can use to manipulate the values of an expression.

Table 2.7. SpEL includes several operators that you can use to manipulate the values of an expression.

Chapter 3. Minimizing XML configuration in Spring

Table 3.1. Component scanning can be customized using any of five kinds of filters.

Chapter 4. Aspect-oriented Spring

Table 4.1. Spring leverages AspectJ’s pointcut expression language for defining Spring aspects.

Table 4.2. Spring’s AOP configuration elements simplify declaration of POJO-based aspects.

Chapter 5. Hitting the database

Table 5.1. JDBC’s exception hierarchy versus Spring’s data access exceptions

Table 5.2. Spring comes with several data access templates, each suitable for a different persistence mechanism.

Table 5.3. Spring’s DAO support classes provide convenient access to their corresponding data access template.

Table 5.4. BasicDataSource’s pool-configuration properties

Table 5.5. The Hibernate JPA vendor adapter supports several databases. You can specify which database to use by setting its property.

Chapter 6. Managing transactions

Table 6.1. Spring has transaction managers for every occasion.

Table 6.2. Propagation rules define when a transaction is created or when an existing transaction can be used. Spring provides several propagation rules to choose from.

Table 6.3. Isolation levels determine to what degree a transaction may be impacted by other transactions being performed in parallel.

Table 6.4. The five facets of the transaction pentagon (see figure 6.3) are specified in the attributes of the <tx:method> element.

Chapter 7. Building web applications with Spring MVC

Table 7.1. When it’s time to present information to a user, Spring MVC can select an appropriate view using one of several view resolvers.

Chapter 8. Working with Spring Web Flow

Table 8.1. Spring Web Flow’s selections of states

Table 8.2. Spring Web Flow’s selections of states

Chapter 9. Securing Spring

Table 9.1. Spring Security is partitioned into eight modules.

Table 9.2. Spring Security extends the Spring Expression Language with a several security-specific expressions.

Table 9.3. Spring Security supports security in the view layer with a JSP tag library.

Table 9.4. You can access several of the user’s authentication details using the <security:authentication> JSP tag.

Table 9.5. The attributes of <jdbc-user-service> that can change the SQL used to query for user details

Table 9.6. Spring Security 3.0 offers four new annotations that can be used to secure methods with SpEL expressions.

Chapter 10. Working with remote services

Table 10.1. Spring supports RPC via several remoting technologies.

Chapter 11. Giving Spring some REST

Table 11.1. HTTP offers several methods for manipulating resources.

Table 11.2. Spring provides several HTTP message converters that marshal resource representations to and from various Java types.

Table 11.3. RestTemplate defines 11 unique operations, each of which is overloaded to a total of 33 methods.

Chapter 12. Messaging in Spring

Table 12.1. Spring’s JmsTemplate catches standard JMSExceptions and rethrows them as unchecked subclasses of Spring’s own JmsException.

Chapter 14. Odds and ends

Table 14.1. Some sample Cron expressions

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