

Abstract form, 2122

Abstraction, 19

Acoustic weapons, 1617

Acoustics, overview of, 104105


scripts and, 41

voice processing for, 180

Aliasing, 169170


“establish and fade” technique of, 3132

overview of, 27, 28

removing, 32

softening of, 32

spot effects and, 2829

volume of, 31

American Conservatory Theatre, 8

American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers (ASCAP), 60

American Theatre Wing, 8182

Amplification, 104

Announcements, preshow, 25

Apple, Max, The Propheteers, 2


of musical instruments, 18

of sounds, 18

of timing, 43

Archiving, of sound effects, 58

Art, 2

Artifacts, 169170

Artistic directors, 8586

ASCAP.See American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers

Assessing cue parameters, 102107

Audio industry, 2

Audio masters, 2

Audio show control system, 160f

Audio tools, 9

Aural identifiers, 105

Aural illusions, 34

Aural statement, 13

Aural vision, 12, 13

Auralizing, 13

Ayckbourn, Alan, Sisterly Feelings, 41


Backing up your work, 116

Balance, of sound cues, 3435

Bandshells, 37

Barton, Todd

background of, 223

feedback from, 237238, 243, 252, 260, 271, 272, 287

Baryshnikov, Mikhail, 10

Berkeley Repertory Theatre, 16

Beyond Therapy, 46


of live and prerecorded sounds, 182183

of pitches, 176177

Blocking, 3, 118

Blue Suede Shoes, 175176

Blueberry Hill, 23

BMI.See Broadcast Music Incorporated

Brancato, Joe

background of, 186187

feedback from, 191, 192, 194, 197, 198, 199, 201, 203, 206, 209

Brecht, Bertolt, 7

Broadcast Music Incorporated (BMI), 60

Bronze Age, 4


for equipment, 4950

limitations of, 9293

margin for error in, 50

overview of, 107108

for sound design, 48, 4950

Budries, David

background of, 231

feedback from, 227228, 234235, 245, 250251, 254255, 261262, 272273, 278281

Building the show, 112113


Cables, for microphones, 101102

Cart machines, 114115

Cassette decks, 10

Casting directors, 86

Changes, in sound design, 136137


hidden clues and, 4344

musical instruments and, 5253

unseen, 1415

Checking, of equipment, 145148

Chekhov, Anton, The Seagull, 56

Cherokee County, 20

A Christmas Carol (Dickens), 4041

Cinematic design

cinematic form and, 1920

preshows and, 20

Clark, Tom

background of, 288289

feedback from, 290, 291, 292, 293, 295, 297, 298, 299, 301, 302, 302303, 304

Collection list, 98f

A Comedy of Errors (Shakespeare), 40

Comic effect, 19

Commedia dell’arte, 4, 40

Commentary sounds, 24

Communication systems, multichannel, 132133, 147

Compact discs (CDs)

disc format, 910, 10, 5657

players for, 113114

Company managers, 87

Complex sound sequences, 172173


American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers, 60

design process and, 3, 224225

duties of, 2

equipment and, 9

research and, 5253

sound designers and, 11

Compressing underscoring, 178

Computer-assisted playback systems

overview of, 115116

sound booth and, 132

sound cues and, 112, 158163

sound design and, 89, 910

sound plots and, 120f

Conceptual development, in design process, 40

Conference of the Birds, 22

Consistency, 1920

Consumer audio products, 9

Contacts, 5960

Contracts, 82

Contrast, 1618

Copyright issues, 60, 6061

Costume designers, 13

Costume designs, 45

Coward, Noel, 46

Tonight at 8:30, 26

Crash box, 34, 37, 116

Creative audio tools, 9

Crediting, of sound designers, 8, 12, 13

Crossfading, of sound cues, 73, 121, 174

Crowd scenes, 35


language chart for, 159f

overview of, 3034

rate of execution of, 3133

volume and, 31

Cues.See Sound cues

Cue-to-cue rehearsals, 135

Curtain calls, 2223


Danforth, Roger T.

background of, 187

feedback from, 191, 192, 195, 197198, 199, 200, 202, 204, 209210

DATs, 910

DAW.See Digital audio workstations

Deans, Jonathan

background of, 289

feedback from, 290, 292, 293, 294, 295, 296, 298, 299, 300, 302, 303, 304305, 305

Delorio, Victoria (toy)

background of, 224

feedback from, 228, 230231, 240241, 242243, 243, 246, 248249, 254, 256257, 263, 268269, 274275, 276277, 282283, 286

Design process

approaches to, 3

composers and, 3, 224225

conceptual development, 40

directors and, 1, 2, 11

sound cues and, 14, 95

sound designers and, 1, 3, 4, 224225

sound plots and, 98f, 97

Dialogue, and transitional music, 2627

DiBucci, Michelle

background of, 224

feedback from, 233234, 241, 245, 258259, 262263, 270271, 273274, 276, 283, 286

Dickens, Charles, A Christmas Carol, 4041

Digital audio workstations (DAW)

overview of, 114

sound design and, 89, 910, 49, 113

Dimmers, 124


artistic, 8586

casting, 86

design process and, 1, 2, 11

duties of, 86

hidden clues and, 44

managing, 86

meetings with, 4748, 48

scripts and, 44, 48

sound cues and, 49

sound design and, 15, 46

sound designers and, 13, 14, 4749

technical, 8990

Distribution area, for loudspeakers, 78f, 127128, 182

Domino, Fats, 23

Door slams, 107108, 184

Doppler, Christian Johann, 174

Doppler effect, 174176

Dramaturges, 52

Dress tech rehearsals, 138

Drum machines, 9

Dry tech rehearsals, 137138

Du Boff, Jill BC

background of, 224

feedback from, 228230, 238239, 245246, 253, 257258, 263264, 266267, 274, 280281, 283284, 287

Dugan, Dan, 8

Dumb show, 4


Electrical power, 124125

Elizabethan theatre, 4, 53

Emergencies, 165166

Emotion, 1618, 4445, 185

English Renaissance, 4

Entr’actes, 2223, 25

Environmental sounds, 6

EQ. See Equalization

Equalization (EQ), 35, 3536


budgets for, 4950

checking of, 145148

composers and, 9

costs of, 10

development of, 9

layout of, 122

rental of, 9293, 106107

sound delivery systems, 96, 103, 127131, 128f, 129f, 144145

sound delivery systems, 96, 103, 127131, 128f, 129f, 144145

sound designers and, 89, 910

striking when show closes, 166

“Establish and fade” technique, of ambiance, 3132

Expressionism, 6



crossfading, of sound cues, 73, 121, 174

of lighting effects, 33

of sound cues, 32, 66, 178


schedules for, 8284

for sound designers, 4950

Field recordings

microphones for, 100101

overview of, 177

Final rehearsals, 139140

Final tableau, 33

First tech rehearsal, 134136

Fish Head Soup (Gotanda), 100

Focus, 30

Framing cues, 2223, 2425

Fugard, Athol

background of, 187

feedback from, 191, 193, 195, 198, 201, 202203, 204, 207

Function and intent, of sounds, 1415


Gardner, Lewis, 1

Gas lighting, 5

Glass, Philip, 3

The Gospel According to St. Mark, 8

Gotanda, Philip Kan

background of, 188189

feedback from, 212213, 214, 216, 217218, 219, 220, 222

Fish Head Soup, 100

Graces, Michael John

background of, 188

feedback from, 211, 213, 216, 219, 221, 222

Gray, Amlin

background of, 188

feedback from, 212, 214215, 217, 218219, 220, 221222

Grounding effect, 30

Gutierrez, Gerald

background of, 187

feedback from, 193194, 194, 197, 199, 201, 201202, 203204, 206, 209


Hair, 8

Hallas, Brian

background of, 224

feedback from, 226, 232233, 241, 242, 245, 246, 252, 254, 261, 265, 269, 274, 278, 282, 286

Hamlet (Shakespeare), 53

Hard disk playback, 114

Harris, Jed, 6

The Haunting of Hill House, 1718

Heartbeat:mg, 10

Henry V (Shakespeare), 10

The Heron, 3738

Hidden clues

characters and, 4344

directors and, 44

overview of, 4344

High-frequency tones, 33

The Honeymooners, 23

Hooker, Michael K

background of, 224

feedback from, 226, 236, 242, 248, 249, 252253, 260, 264265, 270, 275, 277, 282, 286

Human reaction, to sounds, 1617

Hurt, William, 4748

Hylenski, Peter

background of, 289

feedback from, 291, 292, 293, 294, 296, 297298, 299, 300, 300301, 301, 302, 303, 304


Identification system, for loudspeakers, 7172

Identifiers, 29

Identifiers, aural, 105

Incidental music. See Underscoring

Installation, of sound system, 127131

Insurance, 8284

Intellectual property rights, 8284

Interconnectivity, 106

Internet, 54, 55, 57

Interpretation, of scripts, 44

Isolation, of sound booth, 123

Italian Renaissance, 4


Jacob, Abe, 8

Janney, Christopher, 10

Jesus Christ Superstar, 8

Journey into the Whirlwind, 2021

Julius Caesar (Shakespeare), 53


Kanin, Garson, 78

A Small War on Murray Hill, 7

Kernan, Bob, 8

Kesselman, Wendy

background of, 189

feedback from, 213, 214, 215216, 218, 219, 221

The King and I, 136


Lan, David, Sgt. Ola and His Followers, 1415

Language chart, for sound cueing, 159f

Lawrence, W. J., 4

Lawson, David

background of, 224225

feedback from, 231, 239, 240, 260, 261, 267, 268, 285286, 286287

Layering, 112

Layout, of equipment, 122

Lee, Phil

background of, 225

feedback from, 228, 231, 242, 243244, 246, 249, 255, 258, 263, 267, 273, 278, 283, 286

Legal issues

copyright, 6061

intellectual property rights, 8284

union rules, 9394, 127

Lennon, John, 3

Levels, of volume, 31, 133134, 165


public, 5455, 55

of sound effects, 5758

Licensing, of sound effects, 6061

Lighting boards, 9

Lighting design, 1, 45

Lighting designers, 13, 33, 45, 158

Lighting dimmers, 124

Lighting effects, 6, 31, 33

Lighting, in sound booth, 125126

Limitations, budgetary, 9293

Lincoln Center, 67

Line indications, and sound design, 43

Liszt, Franz, 3

Live effects, 34, 37, 4243, 116117, 183185


movement and, 34

of sounds, 3334

The Lone Ranger Theme, 24


distribution area for, 78f, 127128, 182

identification system for, 7172

overview of, 104

plots for, 76f, 7779

as practicals, 184185

for production monitor, 123

Love’s Labour’s Lost (Shakespeare), 99

Low-frequency tones, 1617, 169

LPs, 57

Lucas, Craig

background of, 189

feedback from, 213214, 215, 218, 221


Macbeth (Shakespeare), 17, 18, 33, 53, 184

Madame Butterfly, 27

Making Whoopee, 8

The Man Who Came to Dinner, 46

Managing directors, 86

Manually operated playback, 152158, 153f

Mardikes, Tom

background of, 225

feedback from, 227, 235, 236, 239, 243, 244, 246247, 255, 259, 265, 275, 278, 283, 286

Margin for error, in budgets, 50

McAnuff, Des

background of, 187

feedback from, 189190, 193, 194195, 197, 199, 200, 202, 204, 205, 206207, 211

Measure for Measure (Shakespeare), 66

Medieval drama, 4


with directors, 4748, 48

with production staff, 92

Melodramatic effect, 2627

Meola, Tony

background of, 289

feedback from, 291, 293, 294, 295, 296, 298299, 299, 300, 301, 303, 304, 305

The Merchant of Venice (Shakespeare), 27

The Merry Wives of Windsor (Shakespeare), 53


cables for, 101102

for field recordings, 100101

overview of, 106

stands for, 102

MIDI. See Musical Instrument Digital Interface

A Midsummer Night’s Dream (Shakespeare), 53

MiniDiscs, 910, 113114, 121

Misalliance (Shaw), 51

Miss Saigon, 10


production sound mixers, 2, 9192

of sound cues, 38

of sound effects, 3839, 111

systems for, 105106

Modifying music, 176177

Moscow Art Theatre, 56


location and, 34

of sounds, 3334

Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus, 3

Ein Musikalischer Spass, 41

Piano Sonata in D Major (K. 284), 61f

MP3s, 5657, 100101

Much Ado About Nothing (Shakespeare), 6364

Multichannel communication systems, 132133, 147

Munderloh, Otts, 21

background of, 289290

feedback from, 291, 293, 295, 296, 298, 299, 300, 301, 303, 304


conventions of, 2230

modifying, 176177

from practical sources, 19

required, 27

research on, 44, 52, 54

resources for, 5457

segmentable, 6163

styles of, 52

thematic, 26

timelines for, 5354

transitional, 2223, 23, 2627

underscoring with, 2223, 2526, 178

volume of, 31, 145

Musical effects

choosing, 4445

emotional characteristics of, 4445

Musical indications, by playwrights, 42, 44

Musical Instrument Digital Interface (MIDI), 9, 180181

Musical instruments

appropriateness of, 18

characters and, 5253

Musical Instrument Digital Interface (MIDI), 9, 180181

pitch range of, 39

Musicians, 5, 3738

Ein Musikalischer Spass (Mozart), 41

My Heart’s in the Highlands, 142143


National Shakespeare Company, 40

Naturalism, 56

Nemirovich-Danchenko, Vladimir, 56

Neoclassical period of theatre, 5

Networking, 5960

The Night of the Iguana (Williams), 29, 34

Noises off, 5

The Normal Heart, 180


O’Brien, Jack

background of, 187188

feedback from, 191, 192193, 196, 199, 200, 203, 205, 207, 210

Offstage sounds, 5, 6, 14

Onstage action

sound cues and, 1516

sound design and, 1516

sound effects and, 3839

Operator cue sheets, 65

Orton, Joe, What the Butler Saw, 22

Othello (Shakespeare), 45

Our Country’s Good, 172

Our Town (Wilder), 67, 21

Outboard gear, 106

Outside contacts, 5960

Overdesigning, 3

Overmyer, Eric

background of, 189

feedback from, 213, 214, 215, 217, 218, 222


Panning, as sound effect, 103, 158161, 174176

Pantomime, 4

Paper tech rehearsals, 133

Paperwork, 126

Peaslee, Richard

background of, 225

feedback from, 226, 232, 239, 242, 243, 250, 254, 259, 266, 269, 274, 281282, 287

Penn, Arthur, 78

People’s Art Theatre, 56

Phantom images, 34

Phrase, 61

Piano Sonata in D Major (K. 284) (Mozart), 61f

Piscator. Erwin, 7

Pitch range, of musical instruments, 39

Pitches, blending, 176177


compact discs players and, 113114

computer-assisted systems, 89, 910, 112, 115116, 120f, 132, 158163

devices for, 7273, 103

of hard disk, 114

manually operated, 152158, 153f

systems, 113116


intent of, 14

musical indications by, 42, 44

musicians and, 5

Plots, sound. See Sound plots

Positional specificity, lack of, 34

Positions, in theatre companies, 8592

Post-show shutdown, 150152


loudspeakers as, 184185

music from practical sources, 19

overview of, 34, 116117

realism of, 35, 147

volume of, 37

Preliminary sound plots, 48, 6567, 66f

Prerecorded items

blending of, 182183

sound cues, 1415, 35, 110111

sound effects, 7, 4243, 57


announcements and, 25

cinematic design and, 20

conventions of, 2223

overview of, 2425

Presley, Elvis, 175176

Preview rehearsals, 138139

The Private Ear, 16, 30

Producers, 86

Production managers, 80, 8687

Production meetings, 92

Production monitor loudspeakers, 123

Production sound mixers, 2, 9192

Production stage managers, 8788

Progression of effects, 27

The Propheteers (Apple), 2

Public libraries, 5455, 55


QLab, 112113, 161, 253, 280281, 283284


Rasputin, 7

Rate of execution, of sound cueing, 3133


of practical effects, 35, 147

theatrical, 56, 6

Realistic approach

sound design and, 1921

v. stylistic approach, 19

Recording engineers, 2

Reel-to-reel tape decks, 910

Reference books, 55


cue-to-cue, 135

dress tech, 138

dry tech, 137138

final, 139140

first tech, 134136

overview of, 118

paper tech, 133

previews, 138139

sound design and, 118119

technical, 8, 49, 121127

Relative distance, of sound effects, 182

Removing, of an ambiance, 32

Renaissance, 4

Rental, of equipment, 9293, 106107

Representational form, 2021

Required music, 27


composers and, 5253

on music, 44, 52, 54


for music, 5457

for sound effects, 5759

Restoration period of theatre, 5

Ritualistic gatherings, 4

Romantic period of theatre, 5

Ronan, Brian

background of, 290

feedback from, 290, 291, 292293, 294, 295, 295296, 296297, 298, 299, 300, 301, 302, 303, 304, 305

Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead, 68f

Rudner, Sara, 10

Rumble effects, 16

Running crew, 108109


Safety, 130, 127

Samplers, 910, 114115, 169170

Savages, 33

Schubert, Franz, 26


actors and, 41

directors and, 48, 44

interpretation of, 44

sound design and, 4144

sound designers and, 4142, 5152

The Seagull (Chekhov), 56

The Search for Signs of Intelligent Life in the Universe, 21

Segmentable music, 6163

Segue, 27

Set designers, 13, 3738

Set designs, 45

78s, 57

Sgt. Ola and His Followers (Lan), 1415

Shakespeare, William

A Comedy of Errors, 40

Hamlet, 53

Henry V, 10

Julius Caesar, 53

Love’s Labour’s Lost, 99

Macbeth, 17, 18, 33, 53, 184

Measure for Measure, 66

The Merchant of Venice, 27

The Merry Wives of Windsor, 53

A Midsummer Night’s Dream, 53

Much Ado About Nothing, 6364

Othello, 45

plays of, 4, 12

The Tempest, 167

Twelfth Night, 53

Shaw, George Bernard, Misalliance, 51

Shutdown, post-show, 150152

Sisterly Feelings (Ayckbourn), 41

A Small War on Murray Hill (Kanin), 7

Softening, of ambiance, 32

Sound booths

computer-assisted playback systems and, 132

isolation of, 123

lighting in, 125126

windows of, 122123

Sound cues

assessing parameters of, 102107

balance of, 3435

characteristics of, 3439

computer-assisted playback systems and, 112, 158163

crossfading of, 73, 121, 174

design process and, 14, 95

development of, 78

directors and, 49

fading of, 32, 66, 178

language chart for, 159f

mixing of, 38

numbers/letters for, 74f, 7377

onstage action and, 1516

overview of, 3034

prerecorded, 1415, 35, 110111

rate of executing of, 3133

sheets for, 152163, 153f, 157f

stage managers and, 8889

summaries of, 68f, 74f, 76f, 77, 162f

timings of, 178180, 179f

tone quality of, 3435

volume of, 31, 34

Sound delivery systems

diagrams of, 128f, 129130, 129f

installation of, 127131

overview of, 96, 103, 144145

Sound design

budgets for, 48, 4950

changes in, 136137

computer-assisted playback systems and, 89, 910

development of, 411

digital audio workstations and, 89, 910, 49, 113

directors and, 15, 46

evolution of, 1

foundation of, 12

line indications and, 43

onstage action and, 1516

realistic approach to, 1921

rehearsals and, 118119

scripts and, 4144

stage directions and, 5, 4243

stage managers and, 15, 67, 139140

stylistic approach to, 2122

stylistic v. realistic approaches to, 19

theatrical forms/styles of, 1922

Sound designers

composers and, 11

crediting of, 8, 12, 13

design process and, 1, 3, 4, 224225

directors and, 13, 14, 4749

duties of, 2

equipment and, 89, 910

fees for, 4950

scope of job of, 50

scripts and, 4142, 5152

sound operators and, 141142, 152

Sound effects, 6, 11

archiving of, 58

choosing, 4445

conventions of, 2230

informative characteristics of, 4445

length of, 2930

libraries of, 5758

licensing of, 6061

live, 34, 4243

mixing of, 3839

onstage action and, 3839

panning, 158161, 174176

prerecorded, 7, 4243, 57

recording your own, 99102

relative distance of, 182

resources for, 5759

stylized, 169171

unidentifiable, 171172

volume of, 38

Sound engineers

assistants, 90

duties of, 2, 90

Sound images, 13

Sound operators

duties of, 2, 9, 91

sound designers and, 141142, 152

training of, 163164

Sound plots

computer-assisted playback systems and, 120f

design process and, 97, 98f

for loudspeakers, 76f, 7779

overview of, 74f, 95

preliminary, 48, 6567, 66f

subsequent, 6772, 70f

working, 48, 7273

Sound reinforcement, 288

Sound sequences, complex, 172173

Sound sources, 7273

Sound supervisors, 2, 90

Sound technicians, 2

Soundchecks, 8081, 91, 143148


appropriateness of, 18

blending, live and prerecorded, 182183

characteristics of, 13, 16

commentary, 24

environmental, 4

function and intent of, 1415

human reaction to, 1617

location of, 3334

movement of, 3334

offstage, 5, 6, 14

subliminal, 4, 171

transitional, 2223, 23, 2627

Special effects, 80

Specific cues, 2223, 23, 2730

Splitting tracks, 112

Spot effects

ambient effects and, 2829

overview of, 27, 28, 29

Stage directions, and sound design, 5, 4243

Stage managers

duties of, 7, 8889

sound cues and, 8889

sound design and, 15, 67, 139140

Stands, for microphones, 102

Stanislavsky, Constantin, 56

Storage space, 126

Striking the show, 166

Styles, of music, 52

Stylistic approach

v. realistic approach, 19

to sound design, 2122

Stylized sound effects, 169171

Stylized theatrical form, 21

Subliminal sounds, 4, 171

Subwoofers, 16

Supplies, for writing, 126

Swados, Elizabeth

background of, 225

feedback from, 226227, 233, 239, 242, 245, 250, 256, 259, 266, 269270, 276, 277, 287

Sweeteners, 29

Synthesizers, 9, 22


Tableau, final, 33

Tape recorders, 7

Tartuffe, 44

The Tavern, 28

Tech position, 131133

Technical directors, 8990

Technical rehearsals, 8, 49, 121127

The Tempest (Shakespeare), 167

Theatre companies, positions in, 8592

Theatrical design, 12

Theatrical forms/styles, of sound design, 1922

Theatrical realism, 56, 6

Thematic music, 26

Thompson, Tazewell

background of, 188

feedback from, 190, 191192, 195, 196197, 198, 199, 202, 204, 207209, 210211

Thunder runs, 5

Timbre, 3536

Timelines, for music, 5354


appropriateness of, 43

final, 49

of sound cues, 178180, 179f

Tomlin, Lily, 21

Tone quality, and sound cues, 3435

Tonight at 8:30 (Coward), 26

Tony Awards, 8182

Top-of-show preset, 148150, 149f, 151f

A Touch of the Poet, 20, 29, 3536

Touring considerations, 9394, 164165

Tracks, 73

Training, of sound operator, 163164

Transitional sounds/music

conventions of, 2223, 23

dialogue and, 2627

overview of, 2627

Turntables, 7

Twelfth Night (Shakespeare), 53

Two-channel panning, 175


U. S. A. (stage play), 16


compressing, 178

conventions of, 2223

overview of, 2526

Unidentifiable sound effects, 171172

Union rules, 9394, 127

United Scenic Artists, 82

Unseen characters, 1415


Van Bergan, Jim

background of, 225226

feedback from, 236237, 241, 244, 247, 250, 256, 266, 270, 275276, 278, 284285, 287

Very low frequency (VLF), 1617, 169

Victory at Sea, 4445

Vision, 12

Visual artists, 13

VLF. See Very low frequency

Voice processing, for actors, 180

Voiceovers, 24, 27, 30, 180


ambiance and, 31

cueing and, 31

levels of, 31, 133134, 165

of music, 31, 145

of practicals, 37

of sound cues, 31, 34

of sound effects, 38


WAVs, 100101

What the Butler Saw (Orton), 22

Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf, 181

Wikipedia, 54

Wilder, Thornton, Our Town, 67, 21

The William Tell Overture, 24

Williams, Tennessee, The Night of the Iguana, 29, 34

Windows, of sound booth, 122123

Working effects.. See Practicals

Working sound plots, 48, 7273

Writing supplies, 126


Zaks, Jerry

background of, 188

feedback from, 191, 194, 196, 198, 199, 201, 205

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