how to read this book

Well, we got the job! Guess we'd better write all those words now (hehe).

If you read the HR memo on the previous page, you know we're here to help you build a career you love.

So, let's do just that.

The career car

Part I: Planning your career road trip

Preparing for your road trip is where any great journey begins — we have to start with your career strategy. By skipping this step we risk just changing the font on your resume and ending up in yet another job or career you hate. If your strategy isn't set to the right route, you'll end up in the middle of the desert. Again. These areas are the preparation you need to know yourself. Know what you're looking for in a career and have your career car refuelled and ready to go.


Your values influence the way you like to work. They are a crucial aspect of building a career you love (and are hugely beneficial to understanding life outside of work too!). When we are not aligned with our values, our life and career can quickly get out of sync.

In chapter 1, you'll figure out your own values and reflect on your job, workplace and career to see how they align (and potentially change course, if needed). This may be the first time you have heard or considered values as part of your employment. Your values guide how you work, whether you are aware of them or not. They can help you make great career moves, and avoid the bad ones. We'll walk you through a step‐by‐step process to define your values.


Nailing the mindset piece to your life and specifically your career and career goals will honestly change your life. In chapters 2 and 3, I will share some of my experiences and challenge you to assess your own mindset, and how it could be affecting your career. Mindset is the origin of a lot of our career problems.

Strengths and skills

Working to your strengths and building your skills means your chances of performing better in a role are much higher — you'll be aligned to the right kinds of careers and roles. Working to your strengths makes your job more engaging and energising, but often people don't know their unique strengths. By discovering them, you'll find your genius zone where you perform best. We'll also share how to build skills that make you stand out.

In chapter 4, Shell will help you uncover your strengths and develop your skills, so you can hit your goals.


Taking risks is an inherent part of your career journey. And maybe it's the reason you aren't where you would like to be in your career: the fear of risk. Usually our minds associate risk with loss — that taking a risk means that loss could occur. Either financially, physically, emotionally or in any other area you can think of. However, this isn't always true, and we'll highlight that with risk comes the reward you've been hoping for.

In chapter 5, Shell and I will help you prevent the risks of owning too much real estate in your head, and we'll help you reframe how you assess risks (whether they're ‘good risks’ or ‘bad risks’). We'll look at taking a risk with your career because it's a muscle that many people seldom use, and it could be the only thing preventing you from finding a career you love.

Part II: Hitting the road

Once we've nailed your strategy in part I it's time to hit the road! We get super practical here and focus on the things you can do to make your career journey meet your definition of success.

Creating career opportunities

Want big career opportunities to come to you? Here we talk about the habits that create career opportunities. It's the practices you do on repeat that bring opportunities to you. In chapter 6, Shell will outline the key habits that act as an opportunity magnet. Do these things and watch the doors swing open.

Success and career goals

So many people measure their own career success based on what other people think. This is a sure way to end up in a career you hate. You need to define what success means in your life, and it may not mean always moving ‘up’. And that's okay. In fact, that's perfect. We don't want you living your life according to someone else's goals. Your life and career goals need to be yours and yours alone. This is your journey, not someone else's.

In chapter 7, Shell will help you tease out what on earth your goals actually are! She digs deep and prompts you to own your career with both hands on the wheel.

Resumes, interviews and LinkedIn

In chapter 8, Shell will outline exactly what you need to include in your resume, and everything you need to save for the script of your biopic (no life stories please). She will explain the recruitment process, what to expect and how to prepare and practise now. And she'll highlight why networking is a thing, what it achieves for you and others, and how to master it (in person and online using LinkedIn).

Making more money

Doesn't everyone want a pay rise?! In chapter 9, I will highlight the key ways you can make more money by increasing your earnings, and how to approach your manager for the pay rise you have earned with your performance track record. I'll also spend a bit of time talking about negotiation from a macro level and Shell will share her top tips for how to ask for a pay rise.

Career crises, career changes, burnout and redundancy

The number of people who listen to our podcasts and have hit one of these speed bumps in their career is huge. If you've hit one of these, then take heart: listeners of the my millennial money and my millennial career podcast community are right there with you. Shell explains what to do if you find yourself on the side of the road, waiting for the career tow truck to turn up, along with some great community testimonies which show you that you are not alone and you will find a way forward.

Part III: Reaching the end of the road

So you've reached the end of the road in your job. It happens. Sometimes it's a toxic workplace or it's just not the place you feel is right for you, right now. Shell will walk you through how to know whether it is in fact time to leave your job, and how you can develop an exit strategy that allows you to depart on the best possible terms.

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Stories from the community

We've also harnessed the power of the my millennial money and my millennial career communities by including first‐person accounts from listeners of the shows. People who have been in your shoes and found a way forward. We love our community, and they love us back by sharing their experience, guidance and advice. So please enjoy what they also have to share! We will also make comments on these stories.

Downloads and resources

Throughout the book we'll provide some additional content that you can download by visiting links connected by QR codes at the end of some chapters. There are templates, further reading and links that can help you journey through the stages of this book.

So what next?

With the help of the words we've written, and the experience of the my millennial money community, we want you to be able to prepare your career strategy, before mastering the practical things that will help you craft a career that you'll not only love, but thrive in — and give you the best shot to make more money, if this is a goal of yours!

Get in. Buckle up. And hold on.

Let's go!

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