Chapter . About the Photos

Chapter 1 (page 3): Barn erection. View of roofing operation from beneath, showing construction of the roof system. Southeast Missouri Farms Project.

Chapter 2 (page 19): Elevated structure and buildings. Lower Manhattan, New York, December 1941.

Chapter 3 (page 33): Patterns of tools painted on wall for easy identification. Lake Dick Project. Arkansas, September 1938.

Chapter 4 (page 49): On the main line. Bowdle, South Dakota, February 1942.

Chapter 5 (page 59): Construction, Grand Central Terminal. New York, between 1905 and 1915.

Chapter 6 (page 67): A government clerk's room, showing a desk with books, telephone and directory, and a desk lamp on it. Washington, D.C., 1939.

Chapter 7 (page 79): Cases of canned salmon in warehouse. Astoria, Oregon, September 1941.

Chapter 8 (page 87): with Charlie Chaplin.

Chapter 9 (page 97): Making wiring assemblies at a junction box on the fire wall for the right engine of a B-25 bomber, North American Aviation, Inc. Inglewood, California, July 1942.

Chapter 10 (page 103): Man who operates small grocery store and secondhand furniture store in his home. Chanute, Kansas, November 1940.

Chapter 11 (page 111): Proud of his job. Smiling worker in an eastern arsenal hand finishes the interior surface of a cradle for an 8-inch gun, railway carriage. 1942.

Chapter 12 (page 117): Louise Thompson, daughter of a newspaper editor in Richwood. She is a printer's devil. Richwood, West Virginia, September 1942.

Chapter 13 (page 123): Fighting fire of rice straw stack in rice field near Crowley, Louisiana. September 1938.

Chapter 14 (page 129): All the parts of an airplane engine, which has just undergone severe tests in a Midwest plant, are spread out for minute inspection. Continental Motors, Michigan, February 1942.

Chapter 15 (page 135): An experimental scale model of the B-25 plane is prepared for wind tunnel tests in the Inglewood, California, plant of North American Aviation, Inc. October 1942.

Chapter 16 (page 141): “Morgue” of the New York Times newspaper. Clippings on every conceivable subject are filed here for a reference. Editors and writers phone in for information. New York, September 1942.

Chapter 17 (page 147): Freight operations on the Chicago and Northwestern Railroad between Chicago and Clinton, Iowa. The rear brakeman signals the engineer to test the brakes by applying and releasing them. This is the signal for “apply.” January 1943.

Chapter 18 (page 153): Train pulling out of a freight house at a Chicago and Northwestern Railroad yard. The wooden trestle is part of a long chain belt used to carry blocks of ice from the ice house to the freight house. Chicago, Illinois, December 1942.

Chapter 19 (page 157): Montour no. 4 mine of the Pittsburgh Coal Company. There are miles and miles of track in a mine, and the maintenance of the roadbed, ballast, and switches keeps a crew working constantly. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (vicinity), November 1942.

Chapter 20 (page 163): 1790's English-style barn, Union, Maine, October 2001.

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