
• Number •

360-degree view, 275276

• A •

activities, prioritizing, 3334

Adams, Paul, 193

Addict-o-matic site, 198199

AddressTwo social CRM vendor, 306

AddThis content sharing tool, 80

Adobe Insight analytics, 76

advertising, permission-based, 40

advocates, building, 71

aggregating information, 60

Alka-Seltzer ad, 8384

Alltop blog directory, 89


reviewing actions of, 191

site, 172

American Express social knowledge base, 205

American Red Cross error, 56


Adobe Insight, 76

Clicky, 76

descriptive, 261262

future of, 269270

Google Analytics, 76

metrics, 270

predictive, 261262

word of mouth, 270

Angie's List website, 23

Any Meeting collaboration tool, 134


customer support portal, 192

reviewing actions of, 191192

Astute Solutions CRM solution, 294

AT&T Small Business Tech Poll 2012, 223

Attensity CRM solution, 291


competing for, 6768

permission, 68

redefining, 6768

relevancy, 6768

trust, 68

attention economy, defined, 66

Audacity podcasting tool, 99

AudioAcrobat podcasting tool, 99

Autodesk social knowledge base, 205206

• B •

B2B traffic, generating, 148149


mining, 121123

Pivot Conference, 123

Batchbook social CRM vendor, 309

Benioff, Marc, 303

Benjamin Moore, 57

best practices, establishing, 31

BI (business intelligence)

affecting brand initiatives, 262263

directing brand initiatives, 262263

forecasting, 263

performance measurement, 263

reporting, 262

strategic planning, 263

blog posts

frequency of, 90

planning, 9091

style of, 90

Blog Talk Radio, 99

blog themes, selecting, 90

blogger disclosure, goverment's rules, 247

bloggers, creating guide for, 87


brands, 8788

incorporating, 8687

statistics, 87

writing brand post, 9192

blogging schedule, creating, 9091

blogging tools

Typepad, 94, 94

BlogHer media company, 145

blogosphere, searching, 8889


encouraging comments, 9394

multichannel support center, 182

Bloomfire tool, using for knowledge base, 251

Bloomingdale's Loyalist program, 170171

BlueCamroo social CRM vendor, 310

BoardReader online search tool, 151, 168

Booz & Company study, 181

Boudreaux, Chris, 246

Boyle, Susan, 196

Brainshark application, using with tablets, 154

brainstorming tools, 136

The BrainYard, 190

brand advocacy, measuring importance of, 267268

brand awareness, gaining, 58

brand blog, defining, 8788

brand names, searching for, 253

brand post

behind the scenes, 92

podcast, 91

product recommendations, 91

productivity tools, 92

questions and answers, 91

series, 91

top ten lists, 91

video, 91

writing, 9192

brand speak, moving from, 1718, 30


humanizing, 5557

sharing flaws, 56


engagement profiles, 190

images and photos on Pinterest, 28

searcing for, 142

Britain's Got Talent, 196

Brogan, Chris, 114

Buddy Media study, 181

Buffer service, using with tweets, 110

Bungay Stanier, Michael, 121

Burberry conversation company, 241

Burstein, Daniel, 230

Burt's Bees, 161162

business development, social CRM benefits to, 233

business intelligence (BI). See BI (business intelligence)

business units, supporting, 232

buying, creating content for, 146147

The Buying Brain, 139

buying decisions

competing websites, 142143

conversion, 144

critiques, 143

deals and discounts, 144

Epinions, 143

of mothers, 145

product information, 142

recommendations, 143, 145

reviews, 142143

searching for brands, 142

statistic related to, 142

buying groups, power of, 145

• C •

calls, deflecting via SEO, 252255

Centralized engagement model, 244

CEOs (chief executive officers)

company-centric, 231

customer-centric, 231

finance persona, 230

legal persona, 230

marketing persona, 230

operatins persona, 230

personas, 230

persuading, 230231

reactive versus visionary, 231

sales persona, 230

serial entrepreneur persona, 230

stats versus stories, 231

stress versus process, 231

technical persona, 230

Cialdini, Robert, 124

Clicy analytics, 76

clients. See customers

cloud-based computing

backups, 133

benefits, 133

communication, 133

data, 133, 133134

scalability, 133

security, 133

CMOs (chief marketing officers), persuading, 231232

Coca-Cola personalization, 57


aggregating information, 60

business goals, 61

communications role, 59

customizing, 6062

divergence of audiences, 61

engaging in, 5963

information technology role, 59

internal, 59

marketing role, 59

research and development roles, 59

responding to feedback, 61

team building, 59

technology, 61

collaborating with customers, 6062, 187188


role in sales process, 125

true, 228

collaboration tools

Any Meeting, 134

brainstorming, 136

ConceptShare, 136

design, 136

document sharing, 135

Dropbox, 135

Freedcamp, 135136

GanttProject, 135

Genbook, 134

Google+ Hangouts, 134

meetings, 134

MindMeister, 136

project management, 135

scheduling, 134

ShowDocument, 135

TimeBridge, 134, 135

Twiddla, 136137

whiteboarding, 136

Wridea, 136

collaborative sales model. See also salespeople

consortium, 132

elite circle, 132

innovation community, 132

innovation mall, 132

modes, 132

social sales ecosystem, 131

communication, multi-way, 17

communication channels, evolution of, 22

communication crises, social media responses, 248249

community building, 5657

cross-channel marketing, 19

focusing on, 1819

knowledge base, 201

member interaction, 201

posing questions, 19

promoting contests, 19

repurposing content, 19

rewards, 201

SAP site example, 202

software platform, 201

statistics, 202

community-based support site, 182, 200

companies, comparing, 190

company branding

humanizing, 5557

sharing flaws, 56

company types

adored, 240

boring, 239240

conersation, 240241

proud, 240

company-centric marketing, 70

competition, keeping eye on, 28


dealing with, 186187

platforms for, 189

compliance with CRM, encouraging, 127128

ConceptShare collaboration tool, 136

Consona CRM sollution, 295296

Constant Contact social CRM vendor, 307

The Consumerist site, 197


hearing, 71

versus producers, 6263

Contactual CRM solution, 294295


creating, 7780

creating for sharing, 4243

creating for buying, 146147

DIY, 63

increasing power of, 84

repurposing, 19

using, 7780

writing, 78

content curation tools

Curation Traffic, 78, 7879

Storify, 78

The Tweeted Times, 78

content inventory, keeping, 86

content marketing, 6869, 150

content pillars, building, 7677

content sharing tools, AddThis, 80

content trips, taking with customers, 86

contests, promoting, 19

The Conversation Company, 239

conversation opportunities, creating, 42

conversations. See also customer conversations

involving customers in, 5354

moving to, 1718, 30

starting, 35

conversion rates, increasing, 163

crisis response, 248249

CRM (customer relationship management). See also social CRM

building blocks, 14

changing with social media, 7576

coining of definition, 13

development, 1213

future of, 274276

history, 1213

idea of, 12

information, 14

metrics, 14

multi-way communication, 17

organizational collaboration, 14

predicting future of, 14

processes, 14

social versus traditional, 2125

strategy, 14

technology, 14

using social media for, 16

valued customer experience, 14

vision, 14

CRM 2.0. See social CRM

CRM fundamentals, 1819

CRM solutions

customer service-centric, 289296

enterprise-level, 281288

IBM CRM, 288

Infor, 287

Jive, 286

Microsoft Dynamics, 283

Oracle CRM, 281282

Pivotal, 286, 284

SAP, 282283

SAS, 287

SugarCRM, 285

CRM tools, evolution of, 162

cross-channel marketing, creating, 19

cross-channel marketing vendors

Eloqua, 314

ExactTarget, 319320

Experian CheetahMail, 316

HubSpot, 314

Marketo, 315

Neolane, 317

Net-Results, 316

Responsys, 318

SalesFusion, 319

Silverpop, 317

crowdsourcing, 132

Curation Traffic content curation tool, 78

customer advocacy, enhancing, 170176

customer centricity

importance of, 44

shifting to, 30

customer conversations. See also conversations

authoritativeness, 138

coverage, 138

tone, 138

volume, 138

customer engagement

aiming for, 25, 81

encouraging, 185186

customer engagement models. See also engagement profiles

Centralized, 243

Dandelion, 243

Decentralized, 243

Honeycomb, 243

Hub and Spoke, 243

customer evangelists

cultivating, 169

explained, 168

customer feedback, listening to, 35

customer interaction

determining, 3334

enhancing, 266

customer issues, solving, 44

customer life cycle, 275

customer loyalty. See also loyalty programs

census, 158

CRM tools, 162

encouraging via gamefication, 174176

enhancing, 170176

Foursquare online network, 160

increasing conversion rates, 163

kudos and complaints, 163

nature of, 158

programs, 158163

PunchTab framework, 160161

QR (Quick Response) codes, 158159

social responsibility, 161162

customer module, building for future, 275

customer opinions, 172

Epinions website, 171

TripAdvisor, 172

Urbanspoon, 172

Yelp, 171

customer paths

creating, 86

navigation, 86

returns, 86

shopping cart, 86

customer relationships, optimizing, 1314

customer retention, increasing, 26

customer reviews

dealing with, 173

general finding, 172

negative, 172

customer service

bad example of, 187

being generous with, 189

improving, 58

providing, 4647

customer service department, 233

customer service questions, receiving, 170

customer service-centric solutions

Astute Solutions, 294

Attensity, 291

Consona, 295296

Contactual, 294295

KANA, 292

Moxie Software, 293

Parature, 291292

Pegasystems, 293294

Sword Ciboodle, 289290

customer social sites

community-based, 181

customer platforms, 181

customer reviews, 181

knowledge portals, 181

multichannel support center, 181

customer suggestions, implementing, 54

customer support costs, reducing, 2728

customer touch points, utilizing, 170171

customer-centric marketing

adding value, 71

building advocates, 71

hearing consumers, 71

measuring relationships, 72

providing solutions, 71

retaining loyalty, 72

customers. See also social customer service

collaborating with, 2021, 6062, 187188

forming relationships with, 125126

getting 360-degree views of, 275276

giving influence to, 20

identifying, 2627

incentivizing, 2021

interactions, 126

involving in conversations, 5354

listening to, 16

meeting in other media, 30

priorities, 16

rewarding, 165166

social engagement, 34

takiing content trips with, 86

understanding, 8586

unpredictable buying habits of, 75

use of social media, 41

customer's actions, observing, 65

• D •

data. See also information; social data

analysis, 261

collection, 261

data collection, structuring, 263264

Decentralized engagement model, 244

Dell Computers, recovery from disaster, 207208

Dell's IdeaStorm website, 60

demographics, matching with psychographics, 40

descriptive analytics, 261262

design collaboration tools, 136

DIY content, explained, 63

document sharing tools, 135

Domino Project, 121

Donston-Miller, Debra, 190

Dragon Dictation, 220221

Dropbox collaboration tool, 135

Drug Store News, 174

• E •

e-books, sharing, 121122

ecosystem, defining, 228

Elle Magazine sweepstakes, 213214

Eloqua cross-channel marketing vendor, 314

e-mail, multichannel support center, 182

embedded technology, pushing, 276277. See also technology

employee empowerment

people factor, 242

performance factor, 242

place factor, 242

employee participation, value of, 241

employees. See also social employees

getting on board, 35

training, 3233, 249250

using outside connections, 241

engagement profiles. See also customer engagement models

butterflies, 190

mavens, 190

selectives, 190

wallflowers, 190

Engagement Pyramid levels

Contributing, 186

Endorsing, 186

Following, 186

Leading, 186

Observing, 186

Owning, 186

Engagement: Ranking the Top 100 Global Brands, 190

enterprise, organizing for social media, 243244

enterprise-level CRM solutions

IBM CRM, 288

Infor, 287

Jive, 286

Microsoft Dynamics, 283

Oracle CRM, 281282

Pivotal, 286, 284

SAP, 282283

SAS, 287

SugarCRM, 285

Epinions site, 143, 171

evolving technology. See also technology

changing employee outlook, 272

educating on, 271273

keeping pace with customers, 273

ExactTarget cross-channel marketing vendor, 319320

Experian CheetahMail cross-channel marketing vendor, 316

• F •


advertising power, 45, 112

business interaction on, 42

cover photo, 112113

daily updates, 110

features, 112113

followers, 112

importance of, 111

IPO investigation, 111

Like button, 112

multichannel support center, 182

sharing recommendations, 43

Timeline, 112

What's on Your Mind box, 112

female versus male audiences, 145

Field Boccaccio, Katherine, 174

flaws, calling out, 56

Fleet, Dave, 246

forecasting, using BI (business intelligence) for, 263

forums, communicating in, 151

Foursquare online network, 160

Free Conferance webinar host, 118

Freedcamp collaboration tool, 135136

freedom of speech, 23

future of CRM

360-degree view, 275276

conversations, 274

customer module, 275

customer needs, 274

demographics, 274

feedback, 274

influence, 274

preferences, 274

relationships, 274

transactions, 274

• G •


benefit, 175

encouraging customer loyalty with, 174176

Smooth Wine Rack, 176177

statistics, 175

Gandhi, Suketu, 242

GanttProject collaboration tool, 135

Garden Guides membership site, 7677

Gartner research firm, 1314

Genbook collaboration tool, 134

Get Satisfaction Infographic, 75

Gillin, Paul, 245

Glam Media website, 20


determining, 58

establishing, 3436

Godin, Seth, 121

Google, Project Re: Brief, 8284

Google Alerts, 199

Google Analytics, 76

Google blogs search, 89

Google+, considering, 114115

Google+ Hangouts collaboration tool, 134

Google+ Local, 218

Gossieaux, Francois, 200

GoToWebinar webinar host, 117

Greenburg, Paul, 138, 297298

grocery shopping habits, changes in, 174

Grouped, 193

guidelines, establishing, 31

• H •

Hagel, John, 242

Hardy, Jeff, 110

HARO (Help a Reporter Out), 165

Holden, Jim, 126127

Honeycomb engagement model, 244

Hub and Spoke engagement models, 244

HubSpot cross-channel marketing vendor, 314

human resources, social CRM benefits to, 233

• I •

IBM Connections, 234

IBM's social media guidelines, 88


asking for, 28

identifying innovative, 28

IdeaScale Innovation Mall, 132

IdeaStorm website, 60

InboundWriter tool, using with SEO keywords, 9293

incentives, offering, 45

incentivizing customers, 2021


giving to customers, 20

having, 124

influence score

checking, 124

Klout tool, 124

Kred tool, 124

PeerIndex tool, 124


blogs, 168

forums, 168

influencing, 167168

social media sites, 167

traffic sources, 167

Infor CRM solution, 287

information. See also data

aggregating, 60

considering, 14

Information Governance, 247

Infusionsoft social CRM vendor, 311

InsideView statistics, 148

Instant Teleseminar webinar host, 117118

internal ecocystem, defining, 228

internal knowledge base. See also social knowledge base

Bloomfire tool, 251

contributing to, 250252

format, 251

software, 251252

writing style, 251

internal social network. See also social networks

establishing, 234235

IBM Connections, 234

iOS app, 169

Ives, Bill, 302303

IVR (interactive voice response), 182

• J •

JitterJam social CRM vendor, 310

Jive CRM solution, 286

Jobs, Steve, 241

• K •

KANA CRM solution, 292

Kawasaki, Guy, 89

KB (knowledge base). See internal knowledge base; social knowledge base

Klout tool, checking influence score with, 124

Kolsky, Esteban, 1516, 300301

Kred tool, checking influence score with, 124

Kubacki, Ryan, 126127

• L •

Larson, Dave and Sarah, 106

leader. See social leader; thought leaders


converting into customers, 27

generating, 2627

Leggett, Kate, 299300

Lieberman, Mitch, 301302


best practices, 153

considering, 114

creating relationships on, 152153


to customers, 138

and observing, 28

loyal advocates, needs of, 168169

loyalty, retaining, 72

loyalty programs. See also customer loyalty

fee-based, 164

games, 164

high-end, 171

importance of, 163164

partnerships, 164

points, 164

relevant content, 173174

tiered rewards, 164

• M •

Mad Men, 6667

male versus female audiences, 145

Malone's Laws of Technology, 189

Market Foolery by Motley Fool, 97


company-centric, 70

concept of, 11

customer-centric, 7072

old versus new, 6869

permission-based, 45

product-centric, 6869

to social customers, 44

taking beyond messaging, 4445

Marketing 2.0 model

attracting attention, 6668

explained, 65

marketing automation, uses for, 130

marketing department, social CRM benefits to, 233

marketing economy, discovering, 6667

Marketing Matters, 75

Marketo website, 150, 315

McDonald's social media campaign, 85

McGonigal, Jane, 175

McKee, Robert, 81

Mediafly tools, using with tablets, 154

MediaVantage site, 261

MediaWiki social knowledge base, 205

meetings, collaboration tools, 134


building relationships, 44

entertainment, 44

offering incentives, 45

solving customer issues, 44

tailoring, 4445

for up-front value, 46

metrics, considering, 14

Metz, Adam, 243, 298

microblog, Twitter, 106

Microsoft Dynamics CRM solution, 283

Microsoft Office 365 social knowledge base, 205

MindMeister collaboration tool, 136

MindTouch social knowledge base, 205206

mobile campaigns, developing, 211216

mobile consumer trends

market needs, 210211

statistic, 210

mobile devices

checking in, 217218

company data, 222

conditions for connection, 222

deploying, 219223

diagnostics, 222

discounts, 218

employees in field, 219

finalizing sales and pricing, 219

getting recommendations, 218

local information, 217218

location-based devices, 217218

managing documents, 219

platforms, 222

repair, 222

security requirements, 222

shopping, 218

usage statistics, 223

use by small businesses, 223

use by social customers, 3839

using with employees, 221223

mobile enterprise

benefits to, 220

defining, 220

Dragon Dictation, 220221

mobile strategy

Alltop example, 214215

behavior modes, 212216

connecting, 212

Elle Magazine sweepstakes, 213214

entertaining, 213

Google Shopper, 215216

informing, 214

managing, 213

navigating, 216

searching, 212213

shopping, 214215

viewing, 212

mobile usage modes

Connect, 211

Entertain, 211

Inform, 211

Manage, 211

Navigate, 211

Search, 211

Shop, 211

mobility, pushing, 276277

Moore, Benjamin, 57

Moran, Ed, 200

Morton's steak house example, 4647, 165

Moxie Software CRM solution, 293

multichannel support center

blogs, 182

community-based help, 182

e-mail, 182

Facebook, 182

IVR (interactive voice response), 182

SMS (mobile messages), 182

Twitter, 182

YouTube, 182

multisensory experiences, providing, 139140

multi-way communication, accepting, 17

• N •

negative customer reviews, responding to, 172

Neolane cross-channel marketing vendor, 317

Net-Results cross-channel marketing vendor, 316

The New Power Base Selling, 126127

newsjacking, using with SEO keywords, 93

Nguyen, Baochi, 247

Nielsen Social Media Report, 74

Nimble social CRM vendor, 305306

Nordstrum, reviewing actions of, 192

NPS (Net Promoter Score), realizing, 268

Nutshell social CRM vendor, 308

• O •

observing and listening, 28

Orabrush on YouTube, 104

Oracle CRM solution, 281

organizational collaboration, considering, 14

Owyang, Jeremiah, 243244, 249

• P •

Parature CRM solution, 291292

PeerIndex tool, checking influence score with, 124

Pegasystems CRM solution, 293294

performance measurement, using BI (business intelligence) for, 263

permission-based marketing, 45

personalization, discovering, 57

pillar content, explained, 76

Pinterest visual platform, 28, 115

Pisano, Gary, 132

Pivot Conference, 123

Pivotal CRM solution, 286

Planet Money from NPR, 97

PlanetFeedback site, 197198


statistics, 95

strategy, 95

value of, 95

podcasting tools

Audacity, 99

AudioAcrobat, 99

Blog Talk Radio, 99

choosing, 98100

types, 98


benefitting from, 96

getting heard, 100

Market Foolery by Motley Fool, 97

Planet Money from NPR, 97

planning, 9798

statistics, 100

PR fiascos, recovering from, 208, 248250

Pradeep, A.K., 139

predictive analytics, 261262

presentations, creating on tablets, 154

PresentiaFX app, using with tablets, 154


hosting webinars, 117118

slide shows, 119120

Prezi site, 119120

Price Waterhouse study, 138

Pring, Cara, 105


activities, 3334

resources, 3334

processes, considering, 14

producer versus consumer, 6263

product development, social CRM benefits to, 233

product names, searching for, 253254

product-centric marketing

benefits, 69

explained, 69

features, 69

value, 69

project management tools, 135

Project Re: Brief ads

Alka-Seltzer, 8384

purpose, 82

updating stories, 84

Volvo, 83

promotions, creating, 189

psychographics, matching with demographics, 40

Publix Super Markets, reviewing actions of, 192

Pulitzer, Lilly, 57

PunchTab framework, 160161

purchasing decisions

competing websites, 142143

conversion, 144

critiques, 143

deals and discounts, 144

Epinions, 143

of mothers, 145

product information, 142

recommendations, 143, 145

reviews, 142143

searching for brands, 142

statistic related to, 142

• Q •

QR (Quick Response) codes, 158159

questions, deflecting via SEO, 252255

questions, posing, 19

• R •

Radian6 site, 199

Rampen, Wim, 299

recommendations, sharing on Facebook, 43

Redden, Joseph, 75

referral sites, consulting, 23

Reichheld, Fred, 163, 168

relationship building, shifting to, 23


building, 44

forming with customers, 125126

measuring, 72

Relenta social CRM vendor, 308309


structuring, 263264

using BI (business intelligence) for, 262

reputation monitoring

Addict-o-matic site, 198199

The Consumerist site, 197

Google Alerts, 199

monitoring, 197200

PlanetFeedback site, 197198

Radian6 site, 199

Social Mention site, 198

Sprout Social site, 200

Trackur site, 199

Wildfire's Social Media Monitor, 200


Alltop, 89

Google blogs search, 89

prioritizing, 3334

Technorati, 89

Responsys cross-channel marketing vendor, 318


dealing with, 173

general finding, 172

negative, 172

The Rise to the Top blog, 101102

Rodriguez, Giovanni, 242

ROI (return on investment), 141

• S •

sales, growing, 58

sales approach

education, 140

entertainment, 140

sales intelligence

building, 129130

internal versus external data, 129130

sales profile, establishing with content, 149152

sales team

business acumen, 127

competitive differentiation, 127

executive bonding, 127

identifying strengths, 126127

political advantage, 127

relationship adeptness, 127

resource optimization, 127

value creation, 127, 133134, 284

SalesFusion cross-channel marketing vendor, 319

salespeople. See also collaborative sales model

compliance with CRM, 127128

social networks for, 148149

transition to CRM, 125126

SAP Community Network, 202

SAP CRM solution, 282

Sarner, Adam, 183

SAS CRM solution, 287

scheduling, collaboration tools, 134

Schneider, Martin, 300

Schwartzman, Eric, 245246 content curation tool, 7879

Screencast video hosting, 103

Scribe tool, using with SEO keywords, 92

search tool, BoardReader, 168

self-serve portal

benefitting from, 203

integrating, 203204

selling, shifting to relationship building, 23

selling to buying brain, 139140

SEO (search engine optimization), deflecting questions and calls, 252255

SEO keywords

clarifying use of, 252253

finding, 9293

InboundWriter tool, 9293

newsjacking, 93

Scribe tool, 92

SFA (sales force automation), 13

Shankman, Peter, 4647, 165166

ShareThis content sharing tool, 80


creating content for, 4243

rationale, 42

ShowDocument collaboration tool, 135

showrooming, combatting, 217

Silverpop cross-channel marketing vendor, 317

Simon, Herbert A., 66

Siteman Garland, David, 101

sites. See resources; websites

slide shows

Prezi site, 119120

SlideRocket site, 119

SlideShare site, 119120

SlideRocket site, 119

SlideShare site, 119

Small Business Mobile Survey, 223

small business social CRM vendors

AddressTwo, 306

Batchbook, 309

BlueCamroo, 310

Constant Contact, 307

Infusionsoft, 311

JitterJam, 310

Nimble, 305306

Nutshell, 308

Relenta, 308309

Zoho, 307

Small Business Tech Poll 2012, 223


statistic, 211

usage, 216

Smith, Kevin, 196197

Smooth Wine Rack loyalty game, 176177

SMS (mobile messages), 182

SnapShop website, 169

Social Business Model, 5253

Social Business Readiness, 249

social challenges, realizing, 233234

social conversations, starting, 35

social CRM. See also CRM (customer relationship management)

benefits, 2528

benefits to departments, 233

business development, 233

challenges, 30

customer service, 233

defining, 1516

evolution, 35

as experience, 74

human resources, 233

marketing department, 233

measuring impact of, 5758

metrics, 266267

process, 36, 180181

product development, 233

reaping benefits of, 30

as strategy, 22

success metrics, 58

as technique, 74

social CRM approaches

relational, 35

transactional, 35

social CRM goals

determining, 58

establishing, 3436

social CRM system, finding, 269

social CRM team, building, 3132

social customer service. See also customers

activity, 183

American Express survey, 185

benefits, 183

best practices, 184185

determining progress, 183

importance of, 184185

incorporating social media, 184185

influencers, 183

self-serve portal, 203

social knowledge base, 204206

statistics, 184185

traffic, 183

social customers. See also customers

buying patterns, 38

change in, 40

habits, 3738

influencing, 4143

interacting with, 137140

listening to, 138, 193

marketing to, 44

serving, 189191

talking to, 4347

understanding, 33

use of mobile devices, 3839

social data. See also data

collecting, 35

descriptive analytics, 261262

enhancing customer interaction, 266

filtering, 260

MediaVantage site, 261

mining, 260261

predictive analytics, 261262

processing, 260

sorting through, 260

text analysis, 265266

Track Social site, 261

trnaslating into metrics, 264268

social employees. See also employees

adored companies, 240

boring companies, 239240

changing role of, 238241

conversation companies, 240241

proud companies, 240

valuing, 241243

social enterprise, gaining support for, 231232

social graph

explained, 193

external networks, 195

internal networks, 195

leveraging, 195

visualizing, 193194

social is public, 23

social knowledge base. See also internal knowledge base

American Express, 205

Autodesk, 205206

defining, 204206

MediaWiki platform, 205

Microsoft Office 365, 205

MindTouch platform, 205206

social leader. See also thought leaders

characteristics, 5253

identifying, 5253

social media

defending business side of, 1012

follow-up statistic, 130

guidelines, 88

overload of information, 30

personal side, 1112

personas, 144146

reasons for interaction with, 189

ROI (return on investment), 141

role of, 7476

statistics, 74

use by customers, 41

using for CRM, 16

social media channels, identifying, 33

social media policies

company property, 245

confidential information, 245

creating, 243248

e-mail, 245

impact of organization, 243244

inappropriate solicitations, 245

incorporating, 247

list of, 246

passwords, 245

public disclosures, 245

resources, 246

revising, 244247

security, 245

technical services, 245

template, 246

tool wizard, 247

social media users, statistics, 87

Social Mention site, 198

social metrics

conversions, 191

demographics, 190

fan quality, 190

follower quality, 190

popular content, 191

social network alternatives

Google+, 114115

LinkedIn, 114

social networks, uses of, 34, 235. See also internal social network

social organization

applications in cloud, 229

big data, 229

impact of social media, 229

meeting needs of, 229234

mobile technology, 229

persuading CEO, 230231

technology, 229

social reach, improving, 58

social reputation

Addict-o-matic site, 198199

The Consumerist site, 197

Google Alerts, 199

monitoring, 197200

PlanetFeedback site, 197198

Radian6 site, 199

Social Mention site, 198

Sprout Social site, 200

Trackur site, 199

Wildfire's Social Media Monitor, 200

social responsibility, importance to customers, 161162

social sales cycle, closing, 147148

social sales ecosystem

customer support, 131

customers, 131

information technology, 131

marketing, 131

partners, 131

suppliers, 131

vendors, 131

SocialBro tool, using with Twitter, 109

solutions, providing for customers, 71

Southwest Airlines, 196

spam, defined, 141

Sprout Social site, 200

Starbucks example, 188


blogging, 87

daily e-mail messages, 110

employee usage of mobile devices, 223

Facebook daily updates, 110

follow-up with social media, 130

Google+, 114

grocery shopping habits, 174

LinkedIn, 114

loyalty cards, 157

male versus female audiences, 145

member communities, 202

mobile consumer trends, 210

podcasts, 95, 100

purchasing decisions, 142

smartphones, 211

social customer service, 183184

social game behavior, 175

social media personas, 145146

social media users, 74

social networks for salespeople, 148

social responsibility, 161

tablet users, 153

technology budgets, 232

tool budgets, 232

Tumblr visual platform, 116

Twitter, 105106, 110

videos, 100

Storify content curation tool, 78

story construction

companies, 81

products, 81

specif users, 81

trends, 81

story strategy, backfiring, 85

StoryDesk technology, using with tablets, 154

storytelling principles

call to action, 82

customer engagement, 81

desired outcome, 82

emotional content, 82

getting attention, 82

identifying hero, 82

strategic planning, using BI (business intelligence) for, 263


considering, 14

expanding, 34

social CRM as, 22

success, driving in CRM, 4445

success metrics, defining, 58

SugarCRM solution, 285

SuperBetter game, 175176

superfans, pros and cons, 247

Sword Ciboodle CRM solution, 183, 289290

• T •


benefits, 154

Brainshark application, 154

creating presentations on, 154

Mediafly tools, 154

PresentiaFX app, 154

StoryDesk technology, 154

using for productivity, 153154

Tales of the Revolution, 121

technology. See also embedded technology; evolving technology

considering, 14

embracing, 33

technology budget, change in, 232

Technorati blog directory, 89

teleseminars, creating, 151

text analysis

categorization, 265

clustering, 265

named entities, 265

sentiment, 265

summarization, 265

thinkJar consulting organization, 183

thought leaders. See also social leader

Benioff, Marc, 303

Greenbert, Paul, 297298

Ives, Bill, 302303

Kolsky, Esteban, 300301

Leggett, Kate, 299300

Lieberman, Mitch, 301302

Metz, Adam, 298

Rampen, Wim, 299

Schneider, Martin, 300

Wang, R “Ray,” 298299

TimeBridge collaboration tool, 134

Timely service, using with tweets, 110111

tool budget, change in, 232

Track Social site, 261

Trackur site, 199

Trader Joe's, reviewing actions of, 193

training employees, 3233

audience, 250

guidelines, 250

knowledge base, 250

updates, 250

work flow, 250

TripAdvisor site, 172

true collaboration, 228

trust of customers, gaining, 237243

Tumblr visual platform, 116 collaboration tool, 135

Tweet Grader tool, 108

The Tweeted Times content curation tool, 78


finding for topics, 109

functions of, 106

scheduling, 110

timing, 108109

Tweetwally tool, 109110

Tweriod tool, 109

Twiddla collaboration tool, 136137

Twitalyzer tool, 108


apologies on, 2324

character limit, 106

daily updates, 110

multichannel support center, 182

statistics, 106

Twitter accounts

analytics, 109

creating, 105106

number of, 105

TweetSmarter, 106

Twitter basics

DM (Direct Message), 107

followers, 107

hashtag (#), 107

retweet, 107

trends, 107

tweets, 107

Twitter tools

Buffer service, 110

grading accounts, 108

SocialBro, 109

Timely service, 110111

timing tweets, 108109

Tweet Grader, 108

TweetStats service, 108

Tweetwally, 109110

Tweriod, 109

Twitalyzer, 108

Twitter Trends, 253254

Typepad blogging tool, 94

• U •

UBM Technology Brief, 247

Urbanspoon site, 172

• V •

value, adding for customers, 4546, 71

valued customer experience, considering, 14

Vellmure, Brian, 36

Verganti, Roberto, 132

Viddler video hosting, 103

video hosting, YouTube, 104105


requirements, 102103

Screencast, 103

sites, 103

Viddler, 103

Vimeo, 103

Wistia, 103


business purposes, 101

considering, 100101

embedded, 101102

knowing how to use, 101102

statistics, 100

viewing, 101

Vimeo video hosting, 103

viral marketing

Bank of America, 196

power of, 196

too fat to fly, 196

vision, considering, 14

visual platforms

Pinterest, 115

Tumblr, 116

using, 115116

Volvo ad, 83

• W •

Wang, R “Ray,” 298299

WebEx webinar host, 117

webinar hosts

Free Conferance, 118

GoToWebinar, 117

Instant Teleseminar, 117118

WebEx, 117

webinars, creating, 151


Addict-o-matic, 198199

Adobe Insight analytics, 76

American Express social knowledge base, 205

analytics, 76

Angie's List, 23

Audacity, 99

AudioAcrobat, 99

Autodesk social knowledge base, 205

Benioff, Marc, 303

Blog Talk Radio, 99

brainstorming tools, 136

Clicky, 76

collaboration tools, 134136

The Consumerist, 197

Curation Traffic, 78

Dell's IdeaStorm, 60

design collaboration tools, 136

document sharing tools, 135

Eloqua cross-channel marketing vendor, 314

ExactTarget cross-channel marketing vendor, 319320

Experian CheetahMail cross-channel marketing vendor, 316

Foursquare online network, 160

Garden Guides, 7677

giffgaff mobile network, 62

Glam Media, 20

Google Alerts, 199

Google Analytics, 76

Greenbert, Paul, 297298

HARO (Help a Reporter Out), 165

HubSpot cross-channel marketing vendor, 314

IBM CRM, 288

IBM's social media guidelines, 88

IdeaScale Innovation Mall, 132

influence scores, 124

Infor, 287

Ives, Bill, 302303

Jive, 286

Kolsky, Esteban, 300301

Leggett, Kate, 299300

Lieberman, Mitch, 301302

Market Foolery by Motley Fool, 97

Marketo, 150

Marketo cross-channel marketing vendor, 315

meeting tools, 134

Metz, Adam, 298

Microsoft Dynamics, 283

Neolane cross-channel marketing vendor, 317

Net-Results cross-channel marketing vendor, 316

Oracle CRM, 281

Pinterest, 28

Pivotal, 286

Planet Money from NPR, 97

PlanetFeedback, 197198

project management tools, 135

Project Re: Brief, 84

PunchTab framework, 160

Radian6, 199

Rampen, Wim, 299

Responsys cross-channel marketing vendor, 318, 133134, 284

SalesFusion cross-channel marketing vendor, 319

SAP, 282

SAP Community Network, 202

SAS, 287

scheduling tools, 134

Schneider, Martin, 300, 7879

Screencast, 103

SEO keywords, 92

Silverpop cross-channel marketing vendor, 317

slide shows, 119

SnapShop, 169

social media policies, 246

Social Mention, 198

Sprout Social, 200

Storify, 78

SugarCRM, 285

tablet presentations, 154

Trackur, 199

The Tweeted Times, 78

Twitter tools, 108109

Viddler, 103

Vimeo, 103

visual platforms, 115116

Wang, R “Ray,” 298299

whiteboarding tools, 136

Wildfire's Social Media Monitor, 200

Wistia, 103

whiteboarding tools, 136

Wine Rack loyalty game, 176177

Wion, Rick, 85

Wistia video hosting, 103 blogging tool, 94

Worldwide Social Media for Business Study, 130

Wridea collaboration tool, 136

• Y •

Yelp site, 171


multichannel support center, 182

for video hosting, 104105

• Z •

Zhivago, Kristin, 230

Zoho social CRM vendor, 307

Zuckerberg, Mark, 112

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