

accountability, 23

authenticity and, 99101

persistence related to, 3132

action, clarity created by, 14

activation energy, 24

Adrift (Callahan), 8

The Adversity Advantage (Weihenmayer), 62

advice, 66

AIG, 62

Almost (Klopp), 106

Amabile, Teresa, 32, 5253

Amazon, 1011

ambition, 4

American Institute of Stress, 8283

Anatomy of an Illness: As Perceived by the Patient (Cousins), 61

Andrews, Jeff, 151

Angelou, Maya, 3

Arbor Day Foundation, 147

Aristotle, 31

Arizona State University, 32

arrogance, 1920

Asch, Solomon, 93

assertions, supportive, 8990

assertiveness, 5, 6768, 6970

assumptions, 2628, 32, 113114

Authentic Happiness (Seligman), 116

authenticity, 85101

building inclusion and, 9799

conformity vs., 9294

giving credit/accountability and, 99101

hiding at work, 8689

innovation and, 9192

resisting pressures against, 9091

autonomy, 2930, 7584

allowing failure and, 7779

difficult bosses and, 7981

quitting and, 8184


bafflegab, 95, 9697

BambooHR, 162163

Bandura, Albert, 3436

BBC News, 142

Beckham, Odell Jr., 25

beginning, 24


contagiousness of, 57

reciprocity in, 134135

self-awareness of, 106108

self-importance and, 7273

unethical, 142144

being present, 103114

believing in yourself, 115

being true to yourself and, 1315

impostor syndrome and, 24

luck and, 1113

thriving vs. panicking and, 611

unworthiness feelings and, 46

biases, 113114

Blake, James, 94

Boisjoly, Roger, 143144


dealing with difficult, 7981

stress-inducing, 2830, 106

visibility of, 106107

Brandeis, Louis, 29

breaks, taking, 155171

sleep and, 161163

from technology, 162, 163, 164168

when we’re busy, 168171

Brigham Young University, 3132, 78

Bronson, Po, 5960

Bryan, Nurse, 117118

Buddy Bench, 9798

Buhring, Juliana, 4243

“Buried Treasure” (Henry), 96

Business Buzzword Bingo, 95

Buss, David, 57


Callahan, Steve, 79

calling, embracing your life’s, 116118

Caltech Counseling Center, 2

Cant, Rona, 137139

Car and Driver, 108110

career goals, 4749, 82, 117

Center for Creative Leadership, 162

Centers for Diseease Control and Prevention, 149

The Challenger Launch Decision (Vaughan), 143144

challenges, 3349

attracting talent with, 4749

building resilience through, 4546

curiosity and, 6373

discomfort and, 4142

fear and, 3436

grit in facing, 4244

learning from disasters and, 159161

learning vs. performance goals and, 33, 3641

quitting due to lack of, 83

Chambers, Richard, 104

Chan, Margaret, 3

chance, 1213

change, 45

Chernobyl, 162

Chesterfield, Lord, 61

Cho, Victor, 125126


choosing happiness, 156159

in leadership, 23

luck as, 1213

Christakis, Nicholas, 57

Cirque du Soleil, 14

clarity, 14

clothing, fitting in through, 87

coaching, 19

Cohn, Russ, 163

Columbia Business School, 6970


empathy and understanding in, 110112

five-to-one rule on, 8990

forcing conformity in, 9597

smartphones and, 165166

Community Mercy Health Partners, 2425

community work, 158


impostor syndrome and self-, 34

with yourself vs. others, 54

compassion, 5657

competence, confidence based on, 6, 18

competitive advantage, 20

complacency, 33

confidence, 1732

arrogance and, 1920

coaching and, 19

from competence, 6

competitive advantage and, 20

courageous acts and, 2226

persistence in building, 3032

praise and, 3739

from preparation, 18

self-awareness in, 2021

self-control and, 21

social support and, 20

sources of, 1722

stressful bosses and, 2830

trust and, 2122

visualization and, 1819

conformity, 86, 9297

defying convention and, 141154

connectivity, 162

Conquering the North Face: An Adventure in Leadership (Klopp), 106

consequences, 7778

consistency, 4344

convention, defying, 141154

encouraging in others, 152154

financial rewards from, 150152

positive defiance and, 141, 146150

questioning rules and, 144146

conversational narcissism, 123124

Cook, Emily, 19

Corcoran, Barbara, 4

corporate culture, 23

courage, 1415, 2226

Cousins, Gregory, 161162

Cousins, Norman, 61

covering, 8689

creativity, 53

credit, giving, 80, 99101

Cross, Rob, 122

Cuddy, Amy, 56, 26

culture. see organizational structure


assessing, 6768

cultivating, 7073

encouraging, 6373

hiring for, 126

illusion of success and, 6366

inspiration and, 116

rewards of, 6870


decision making

autonomy in, 3132, 7779

exhaustion and, 163

letting go of, 113114

luck and, 1213

processes for, 132

Deep Survival: Who Lives, Who Dies, and Why (Gonzales), 7

Deloitte Leadership Center for Inclusion, 86, 88

Derber, Charles, 123124

Detling, Nicole, 1819

deviance, positive, 141, 146154

DiDonato, Tom, 49

Diettert, Eldon, 113

differences, honoring, 28

disagreements, honoring, 28

Discovery space shuttle, 143144

distraction, 156, 163

diversity, 8689, 118119. see also authenticity

Dodge, Wag, 113

dopamine, 56

driving and texting, 108110

Drucker, Peter, 9697, 117118

Duckworth, Angela, 4344

Duckworth Lab, 4344

Dunn, Elizabeth, 164165

Durant, Will, 31

Dutch elm disease, 147148

Dweck, Carol, 3741


Ebeling, Bob, 143144

Eblin, Scott, 105, 168

educational differences, 119

The Effective Executive (Drucker), 117118

Efferson, Charles, 94

egalitarianism, 73

e-mail, 164165, 169

Emmons, Robert, 58

emotional intelligence, 4142

emotions, expressing, 120121

empathy, 73, 110112, 166

energizing others, 121124

energy accretion, 126

engagement, 2223, 34

authenticity and, 88, 91

building inclusion and, 99

gratitude and, 5861

learning speed and, 7577

presence and, 108110

Ericsson, K. Anders, 76

Ernst & Young, 4748, 117

ESPN, 18

ethics, 142144, 152

Evite, 125126

excellence, 31, 141

excellence, rehearsing, 25

exercise, 158

Expanding the Science and Practice of Gratitude project, 58

expertise, 66, 6768

Exxon Valdez, 161162



embracing, 34

fear of success and, 1, 46

gratitude for, 5758

of others, allowing, 7779

family meals, 136

Fast Company magazine, 150


of being without phones, 164

challenging our, 3436

humor and, 62

of isolation, 5

questioning rules and, 144146

resolve vs., 611

of success, 1, 46

of trying, 1314

fear of missing out (FOMO), 164165

Feiler, Bruce, 136

Fischer, Lisa, 55

five-to-one rule, 8990

fixed mindset, 39, 4041


on behaviors vs. people, 27

being present and, 103114

following through, 122123

Ford, Cameron M., 7172

Fowler, James, 57

Fox Cabane, Olivia, 3

framing, 5758

Froh, Jeffrey, 5859

Frost, Nicole, 119120


Gates, Bill, 4

General Electric, 9697

Generation Grit action figures, 31

Gentry, Richard J., 7172

Gilbert, Daniel, 66

goals, learning vs. performance, 33, 3641

Godin, Seth, 160161

Gonzales, Laurence, 7

Grant, Adam, 5354

gratitude, 5162

engagement increased by, 5861

finding, 5158

for negative experiences, 6162

grit, 4244

growth mindset, 39, 4041, 4446

Gruenert, Steve, 142

Guenzi, Paolo, 136137

guided mastery, 3536

guilt, 5, 158

Gulfport Community and Regional Resilience Institute, 151


Hairston, John, 151

Hall, Mike, 43

Hancock Bank, 150152

hand hygiene, 149150

happiness, 6, 4344, 66, 115, 156159, 169171

Harvard University, 32

Hassan, Fred, 152154

Hattan, Robert, 131

Hazelwood, Joseph, 161162

He, Emily, 47

health, 158

effects of stress on, 9, 80, 8283

social isolation and, 86

when to quit based on, 8283

Henry, O., 96

hierarchies, 132

Hill, Judith, 55

Hiltz, Paul, 2425, 99101

hiring, 125127

Hofstra University, 5859

Hogan, Robert, 28

holacracy, 132

Holocaust, 56

Hootie and the Blowfish, 3031

humor, 51, 6162

Hurricane Katrina, 150152


identity. see authenticity

illusions, 6365

impostor syndrome, 24

inadequacy, feelings of, 24

inclusion, building, 9799

incompetence, promotions to the level of, 81

Ingram Micro, 79

innovation, 3334

conformity and, 9294

diversity and, 9192

questioning rules and, 144146

team dynamics and, 7172

“Inside Amazon: Wrestling Big Ideas in a Bruising Workplace,” 1011

inspiration, creating/sharing, 115127

energizing others and, 121124

giving the gift of time and, 118120

listening and, 120121

story telling in, 124125

Internet Sabbaths, 167168

intuition, 1213

Iran Air Flight 655, 130131

isolation, 5, 8586, 8889

building inclusion and, 9799

combatting, 8889


Jackson, Michael, 55

Jagger, Mick, 55

Jansen, Dan, 4546

jargon, conformity through, 9597


Kahneman, Daniel, 6566

Kantor, Jodi, 11

Kickstarter, 31

kindness, small acts of, 5557

King, Martin Luther Jr., 117

King, Paul, 147148

King, Stephen, 32

Kinjerski, Val, 115116

Klein, Gene, 56

Klopp, Hap, 106107

Kramer, Steven, 5253

Krone, Charles, 9596

Kushlev, Kostadin, 164165


language, conformity through, 9597

leaders and leadership

authenticity and, 85101

autonomy and, 7584

being present and, 103114

believing in yourself and, 115

challenges by, 3349

confidence building for, 1732

defying convention and, 141154

development of, 119120

emotionally intelligent, 4142

giving credit and, 99101

gratitude in, 5162

inspiring others and, 115127

open, 99101

role clarification and, 129139

as role models, 170171

stepping up and, 23, 54

unethical behavior and, 142144

Leading Teams (Guenzi), 136137

Lear Corporation, 49

learning, 33, 3641

autonomy and, 7577

from disasters, 159161

empathy and understanding in, 110112

mindfulness and, 104105

from setbacks, 5758

“Linking Individual Creativity to Organizational Innovation” (Litchfield, Ford, and Gentry), 7172

listening, mindful, 27, 103114, 120121, 124

Litchfield, Robert, 7172

Lloyd, Jon, 149150

loneliness, 8586, 8889

Los Angeles Times, 9596

luck, 1113

The Luck Factor: The Four Essential Principles (Wiseman), 1213


Maestripieri, Dario, 146

Mann Gulch wildfire, 113

Matthews, Dave, 30

McDougall, William, 61

McGonigal, Kelly, 9, 11

McMath, Arden, 116

meaningful work, 34, 5254, 152154

meetings, 136137

mentoring programs, 119

Merck, 67

Mercy Health Select, 2425

Merryman, Ashley, 5960

Mershey, Milton, 4

methicillin-resistant Staphyloccus aureus (MRSA), 148150

micromanaging, 2830

millennials, 4749

Miller, Bob, 116117

Miller, Paul, 32

mindfulness, 27, 104106

Mindful Relationships: Creating Genuine Connection with Ourselves and Others (Chambers and Ulbrick), 104


fixed vs. growth, 39, 4041, 4446

of hand hygiene, 149150

identifying a company’s, 3940

positive, stress and, 11

of resolve, 711

Misra, Shalini, 166

mistakes, identifying and correcting, 39

morale, 2930

Morphew, M. Ephimia, 67

Morrow, Dwight, 55

motivation, 5254, 117

Müller-Lyer, Franz Carl, 64

Mulraven, Mark, 21

multitasking, 108110, 156, 162


NASA, 143144

National Transportation Safety Board, 162, 163

Nejdawi, Bashar, 79

New Year’s resolutions, xii

New York Giants, 25

New York Times, 1011, 1819

New Zealand All Blacks, 136

nomophobia, 164

normalization of deviance, 142143

The North Face, 106107

Nothing Is Impossible (Reeve), 110111

NurtureShock (Bronson and Merrman), 5960


Olson, Bo, 11

Opening Up: The Healing Power of Expressing Emotions (Pennebaker), 120121

openness, 99101

opportunities, 4749

optimism, 12, 6

assuming best intentions of others and, 2628

gratitude and, 5960

hiring for, 126

survival and, 711

organizational culture curiosity and, 67, 7172

loneliness and, 8990

mindsets in, 3940

unethical behavior and, 142144

work hours and, 162163

organizational structure, 132

Out Think (Hunter), 2425

overnight success, 3031

overwhelmed feelings, 4142, 105

giving the gift of time and, 118120

taking breaks and, 155171

Overworked and Overwhelmed: The Mindfulness Alternative (Eblin), 105, 168


Pacific Bell, 9596

panic, 611, 160161

Pantry Retail, 163

Parks, Rosa, 94

Pascale, Richard, 147

passion, 116118

Pennebaker, James, 120121

performance, 33, 3641, 44

perseverance, 3032, 4244


curiosity and, 7073

loneliness and, 89

stress and, 106

perspective taking, 7172

Porath, Christine, 124

positive pessimisms, 62

positive questions, 2021

positive self-talk, 2021

possessions, letting go of, 112114

posture, power poses in, 56

power, abuse of, 8081

The Power of Positive Deviance (Sternin, Sternin, and Pascale), 147

power poses, 56, 26

Powers, William, 167


of courage, 1415

in dealing with fears, 3536

guided mastery, 3536

rehearsing excellence, 25

ten-thousand-hour rule on, 76

praise, 3739

preparation, 18

presence, 103114

empathy/understanding and, 110112

energizing others and, 122

giving the gift of time and, 118120

letting go of procedures and, 112114

mindfulness and, 104106

in our work, 108110

rituals and, 135137

procedures, letting go of, 112114

productivity, 2930, 164165

professional development, 83

progress, meaningful, 5254

The Progress Principle (Amabile and Kramer), 5253

pronoia, 6


quality vs. quantity, 6


defying convention with, 144146

positive, 2021, 117118

in story telling, 124

supportive, 8990, 123124

quitting, 8184


radio-frequency identification (RFID) chips, 163

reciprocity, 134135

Reeve, Christopher, 110111

regrets, 1314

relationships, 5354, 104106

smartphones and, 165166

in swift-starting expert teams, 132135

resilience, 4042

building through challenges, 4546

growth mindset and, 4446

resolve, 711

responsibility, 54, 7879

reward systems, 6566

risk and risk taking, 68

rituals, 129, 135137

Rockoff, Jonah, 120

Rogers, William, 130131

role clarification, 129139

based on information, 130132

rituals and, 135137

selecting the right people and, 132135

support teams and, 137139

role models, 4041, 170171

Rolling Stones, 55

Rooney, Wayne, 18

Rucker, Darius, 3031

Rudolph, Jenny, 113114

rules, questioning, 144146

Rumsey, Wlater, 113


Saba, 47

Sanders, Ryan, 162163

Schering-Plough, 152154

Schloegel, George, 152

School Culture Rewired (Gruenert and Whitaker), 142

screen time rules, 7778

selected disconnection, 167168

self-awareness, 2021, 106108, 113114

self-control, 21

self-doubt, 24

self-efficacy, 1

self-esteem, 1, 21

Seligman, Martin, 116

Senger, Pete, 4142

service, offering, 54

setbacks, overcoming, 4042

Siebert, Al, 8

Simpson, Joe, 910

Siula Grande Mountains, 910

Skillsoft, 168

Skrypnek, Berna J., 115116

sleep, 86, 156, 158, 161163

Slydial, 121

smartphones, 162, 163

Smith, James Pat, 151

social media, 34

social status, 3739

social support, 20

Society for Human Prformance in Extreme Environments, 67

South Canyon fire, Colorado, 112113

space shuttle program, 143144

speed, learning and, 104105

sports teams, 136

Spreitzer, Gretchen, 124, 141

Springfield Regional Medical Center, 99101

Sternin, Jerry, 146147, 150

Sternin, Monique, 146147, 150

stigma, 9091, 9899

Sting, 55

story telling, 124125

“Street Sweeper” speech (King), 117

Streitfeld, David, 11

stress, 9

bosses who create, 2830, 7981

health effects of, 80

humor and, 6162

loneliness/isolation and, 5, 8586

long work hours and, 4849, 155, 157158, 162163

mindfulness and, 106

taking breaks and, 155171

technology and, 162, 163, 164168

when to quit and, 8283

workplace, 1011

Stumbling on Happiness (Gilbert), 66


curiosity stifled by, 7073

fear of, 1, 46

as learning vs. performance, 33

“overnight,” 3031

resolve and, 711

seeing past the illusion of, 6366

Sullenberger, Chesley B. “Sully,” 112

superstitions, 1112

supporting roles, 5556

supportive questions, 8990, 123124

support systems, 7879

survival, resolve vs. panic and, 611

The Survivor Personality (Siebert), 8

Sutton, Bob, 70

Swift, Taylor, 6869

swift-starting expert teams, 132135


talent, attracting and keeping, 4749, 119120, 125127, 129139


dynamics in, 7172

five-to-one rule in, 8990

the gift of time and, 118119

role clarification for, 129139

selecting the right people for, 132135

support, 137139

swift-starting expert, 133135

technology, taking breaks from, 162, 163, 164168

ten-thousand-hour rule, 76

texting and driving, 108110

Thinking Fast and Slow (Kahneman), 6566

Thore, Per, 138

time, giving the gift of, 118120

time on task, 76

Tomasello, Michael, 56

The Top Five Regrets of the Dying (Ware), 1314

Touching the Void (Simpson), 10

Toyota Production System, 149

The Toyota Way, 29

transparency paradox of, 2930

trust, 11, 2122, 26, 7879

Turicchi, Scott, 77


UCLA Bruins, xixii, 22

Ulbrick, Margie, 104

unethical behavior, 142144

University of Albany, 21

University of Amsterdam, 147148

University of Virginia, McIntire School of Commerce, 122

unworthiness, 46

USS Sides, 131

USS Vincennes, 129131


vacations, 157158

validity, illusion of, 66

value, adding, 123

Vandross, Luther, 55

VA Pittsburgh Healthcare System, 149150

Vaughan, Diane, 142144

vision, xii, 81

visual control, 2830

visualization, 1819

vitality, sharing, 124

Vogel, Meghan, 116

Volkswagen, 142


Ware, Bronnie, 1314

Weihenmayer, Erik, 62

Welch, Jack, 9697

Whitaker, Todd, 142

Winner, David, 18

Winslet, Kate, 3

Wiseman, Richard, 1213

Wooden, John, xixii, 22

work, embracing, 116118

work hours, 4849, 155, 157158, 162163

work-life balance, 4849, 161163

World Health Organization, 3


Yates, Simon, 910

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