
One cannot work in the video business without relying on many other people. This is not a solitary business, and throughout the years many people have made major contributions to my knowledge and my career, specifically Parks Whitmer and Sam Scott, who gave me my start in media production and kept me going; Art Mosby, who signed my first television paycheck; Bob Wormington, who let me develop my directing skills; the thousands of students at Avila College, University of Missouri at Kansas City, Kansas University, Florida State University, and the University of Houston, who constantly reminded me that I don’t know everything there is to know about media production; and my wife, Pat, who lets me think that I do.

Thanks to Mark Mulvey for many new illustrations in this edition. Thanks also to all of the helpful people at Focal Press who have guided and prodded me through my publishing efforts: Karen, Philip, Mary, Trish, Marie, Maura, Tammy, Tricia, Lilly, Jennifer, Amy, and, for this edition, Elinor, Cara, Christine, and Suzanne.

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