Part 3
Next steps

Thanks to your work, Aunt Maria’s pizzeria is blooming again. But even though everything works, frequent changes started causing occasional errors in the application. Now is the time to learn how automated testing works in serverless applications and how apply it to your Pizzeria API (chapter 11). Also, many customers inquired about online payments, so you'll need to integrate Stripe payments with AWS Lambda (chapter 12).

During your big family reunion, Aunt Maria bragged about her new online business. Her brother, your Uncle Roberto, asked if you can move his existing application to serverless. It’s using Express.js and working well, but he’s paying much more for it than Aunt Maria is, and it has scaling issues. Your assignment will be to learn and run his Express.js app in AWS Lambda (chapter 13). Then you’ll learn more about migration of more complex existing apps to serverless (chapter 14).

Finally, you’ll see how other real businesses are using serverless, how they migrated existing applications, and learn the benefits they’ve realized from it (chapter 15).

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