Part 1
Serverless pizzeria

Aunt Maria is a strong-willed person. For more than three decades, she has been managing her pizzeria, a gathering place for many generations in the neighborhood: Lots of people spent time there with their families, laughed, and even went on romantic dates. But recently, her pizzeria has seen some rough times. She told you she's seeing fewer and fewer customers. The rise in technology has caused her customers to prefer ordering online via websites or their phones from competitor's pizzerias.

Her pizzeria already has a website but needs a back-end application to process and store information on pizzas and orders.

In the first part of this book, your goal will be to help Aunt Maria to catch up with the competition by building a serverless API for her. But because you're still new to serverless development, you'll first learn what serverless is and how it can help you to build Pizzeria API (chapter 1). Then you'll continue by adding routes to your API and deploying it to AWS Lambda using Claudia (chapter 2). To persist and deliver all orders, you'll connect your new API to the DynamoDB table (chapter 3) and communicate with a third-party service: Some Like It Hot delivery API (chapter 4).

During the development, you'll face certain problems and learn how to debug the serverless application (chapter 5).

To make the API fully functional, you'll need to learn how to authenticate and authorize users (chapter 6) and keep and manipulate pizza images (chapter 7).

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