Calendar integration, 73

CamelCase naming

for names, 275

for URIs, 40

Capital letters

for names, 275

for URIs, 40

Cardinalities, 213, 222225

in OWL Lite, 299

qualified, 302

relative, 239

small limits, 225226

Categorization, 284

Cells, in tabular data, 3236

Challenge problems, 45, 108, 196

list of, 313315

Class Exclusivity fallacy, 285

Class-Individual Mirror pattern, 253254, 301


equivalent, 141142

extensions, 81

identifiers, 288289

inferences for, 238243

vs. instances, 275276

membership, 94

names, 275

in NCI ontology, 261267

objectification, 285288

in OOP, 2223

reasoning with, 243244

separation from individuals, 298

tracking, 275277

unions and intersections, 214219

unsatisfiable, 237238

variation in, 2223

Classism, 277282

Closed worlds, 216

Colons (:), in URIs, 4041

Columns, in tabular data, 3236

Combining functional properties, 154155

Commas (,), in N3 notation, 53

Comments, for models, 121

Commonality, OOP for, 22


human, 16

models for, 1719

Community tagging, 18

Competency questions, 272, 279


set, 226229

subclasses, 239

Composability, in FEA-RM, 249250

Composition, in OWL, 255257

Conceptualization, creeping, 289290

Conclusions, 307311

Connections, for smart applications, 45

Constraints between FEA-RM models, 253255

Content-management applications, 74

Content providers, 8

Context, in models, 17


in information, 3

in opinions, 9

in OWL, 235236

Converters, 6164

Core, SKOS, 160

core:broader property, 164

core:narrower property, 164

core:note property, 163

core:related property, 165

core:symbol property, 163

Counting prerequisites, 233234

Creeping conceptualization, 289290

Cross-referencing files, 120121

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