APPENDIX Frequently Asked Questions

Throughout this book, we have presented examples of modeling patterns, issues, and challenge problems to describe various modeling tasks. In the course of the text, the issues are organized in pedagogical order, starting with the simplest RDFS constructs and moving up to more advanced OWL constructs. Now that you have finished the book, you are familiar with all of these constructs.

This appendix references all the modeling examples through the kinds of modeling questions they answer. It is organized (as much as you can call it “organization”) in the form of a FAQ—a list of questions, with pointers for where to find the answers.




How can I represent tabular data in RDF?
Construct: rdf:type

1, p. 46

19, p. 148

p. 32

p. 45

How do I represent IF/THEN logic in RDFS or OWL?
Construct: rdfs:subClassOf

2, p. 108

p. 80

p. 94

How do I combine two properties into one more general property?
Construct: rdfs:subPropertyOf

3, p. 109

p. 95

p. 248

How can I say that two properties are used exactly the same way?
Construct: rdfs:subPropertyOf, owl:equivalentClass

4, p. 109

p. 142

How do I merge individuals from multiple data sources into a single class?
Construct: rdfs:subClassOf

5, p. 110

p. 102

How can I use another property instead of rdfs:label to indicate the display name of a class or individual?
Construct: rdfs:subPropertyOf

6, p. 111

p. 102

p. 108

How can I filter information based on a value for one or more properties?
Construct: owl:hasValue

7, p. 112

p. 196

How can I filter information based on how it is used?
Construct: rdfs:domain, rdfs:range, owl:someValuesFrom, owl:allValuesFrom

8, p. 114

9, p. 115

p. 98


p 179

p 196

How can I merge information from two sources that are organized differently?
Construct: rdfs:subPropertyOf, owl:inverseOf

10, p. 125

11, p. 128

12, p. 129

13, p. 131

p. 102

p. 124

How do I resolve differences in opinion about how properties should be used?

14, p. 132

15, p. 133

p. 121

How do I compute ancestors or descendants?
Construct: rdfs:subPropertyOf, owl:TransitiveProperty

16, p. 135

How can I manage process diagrams in OWL?
Construct: rdfs:subPropertyOf, owl:TransitiveProperty

16, p. 135

17, p. 136

18, p. 138

p. 121

How do I merge information from multiple sources?
Construct: owl:FunctionalProperty, owl:InverseFunctionalProperty, owl:sameAs

19, p. 148

20, p. 152

21, p. 154

p. 146

How do we model prerequisites?
Construct: owl:allValuesFrom

22, p. 191

p. 179

p. 231

How do I do classic knowledge representation in OWL?
Construct: owl:allValuesFrom, rdfs:subClassOf

23, p. 197

p. 196

How can I import a single database table as multiple classes?
Construct: owl:hasValue

24, p. 199

p. 196

How do I organize information in a taxonomic hierarchy?
Construct: rdfs:subClassOf

2, p. 108

p. 80 p. 94

How do I approximate set union/intersection with subclasses?
Construct: rdfs:subClassOf

5, p. 110

p. 102

How do I approximate property union/intersection with subproperties?
Construct: rdfs:subPropertyOf

p. 102

How do I approximate set intersection with domains and ranges?
Construct: rdfs:domain, rdfs:range

p. 116

When are two things “the same” in OWL ?

24, p. 199

p. 139

Construct: owl:sameAs, owl:equivalentClass, owl:equivalentProperty

4, p. 109

How do I filter out items for which certain data are missing?
Construct: rdfs:domain, rdfs:range

9, p. 115

p. 108

How do I determine when two things are the same?
Construct: owl:FunctionalPropertyowl:InverseFunctionalProperty

20, p. 152

p. 149

How do I select individuals based on their relationship to a particular individual—for example,
“the HIGH-priority questions”?
Construct: owl:hasValue

p. 179

p. 248

How do I express statements like "The players on a team" or The planets around the sun" in OWL?
" Construct: owl:union Of, owl:intersection Of

p. 214

How do I transfer information represented by one property to another—for example,
"The children of Shakespeare are members of his family"?
Construct: owl:hasValue, owl:equivalentClass, rdfs:subClassOf

25, p. 203

26, p. 205

p. 204

How can I assert that I know all the planets? Or all the movies with James Dean?
How do I suspend the Open World assumption for a certain class? Construct: owl:oneOf

p. 216

How can OWL come to conclusions by process of elimination?
Construct: owl:oneOf, owl:differentFrom, owl:cardinality

27, p. 217

p. 222

Can an OWL reasoner count? Construct: owl:cardinality, owl:disjointWith

29, p.223

30, p. 224

31, p. 227

32, p. 229

33, p. 235

p. 228

How do I find problems in my model?

33, p. 235

pp. 235,


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