CHAPTER 12 Good and Bad Modeling Practices

In preceding chapters, we reviewed the constructs from RDF, RDFS, and OWL that go into a good model. We provided examples of successful models from a number of different backgrounds. Even after reaching this point, the prospect of creating a new model from scratch can seem daunting. Where should you begin? How do you tell a good model from a bad one?

Unlike the examples in the previous chapters, many of the examples in this chapter should not be used as templates or examples of good practice in building your own models. We indicate these examples with the label “antipattern” to indicate patterns that should not be emulated in your models.


Often the first step of a journey is the most difficult one. How can you start the construction of a useful semantic model? Broadly speaking, there are three ways to get started, and the first comes directly from the nature of a web. Why build something if it is already available on the Web? One of the easiest ways to begin a modeling project is to find models on the Web that suit your needs. The second way is to leverage information assets that already have value for your organization.

It is not uncommon for an organization to have schemas, controlled vocabularies, thesauri, or other information organization artifacts that can provide an excellent source of vetted information for a semantic model. The third way is to engineer a model from scratch. In this case, certain standard engineering practices apply, including the development of requirements definitions and test cases.

Regardless of the manner in which a model was acquired, you must answer this question: Is this model, or some part of it, useful for my purposes? This poses two issues for the modeler: How do I express my intended purpose for a model? How do I determine whether a model satisfies some purpose?

Know What You Want

How can we express our intentions for the purpose of a model? In the case where we are engineering a model from scratch, we can express requirements for the model we are creating. One common practice for semantic models usually starts with the notion of “competency questions.” Begin the modeling process by determining what questions the model will need to answer. Then construct the model so that these questions can be answered, and, to the extent possible, model no further than necessary to answer them.

Although competency questions provide a reasonable start for specifying the purpose of a model, they have some limitations in the context of modeling in the Semantic Web. The first drawback is that for models that have been found on the Web, or for other information artifacts that we have used as a basis for a new model, competency questions typically will not have been provided. It is not uncommon for a modeler to find themselves in a position of determining what a model can do, based simply on an examination of the model.

A more serious limitation stems from the observation that a model in the Semantic Web goes beyond the usual role of an engineered artifact with system requirements. On the Semantic Web, it is expected that a model will be merged with other information, often from unanticipated sources. This means that the design of a semantic model must not only respond to known requirements (represented with competency questions) but also express a range of variation that anticipates to some extent the organization of the information with which it might be merged.

Although this seems like an impossible task (and in its full generality, of course, it is impossible to anticipate all the uses to which a model might be applied), there are some simple applications of it, in light of the other guidelines. You model ShakespeareanWork as a class not only when you have a corresponding competency question (e.g., “What are the works of Shakespeare?”) but also whenever you anticipate that someone else might be interested in that competency question. You model ShakespeareanWork as a subclass of ElizabethanWork not just in the case when you have a competency question of that form, (e.g., “What are all the kinds of Elizabethan works?”) but also if you anticipate that someone might be interested in Shakespearean works and someone else might be interested in Elizabethan works, and you want the answers to both questions to be consistent (i.e., each ShakespeareanWork is also an ElizabethanWork).

This idea gets to the crux of how modeling in the Semantic Web differs from many other engineering modeling practices. Not only do you have to model for a particular engineering setting but for a variety of anticipated settings, as well. We have already seen examples of how this acts as a driving force behind our models in the wild. The NCI model is structured as it is, not primarily because a single stakeholder needs to understand the organization of the terminology of the life sciences but because members of a community of stakeholders with different goals need answers to a variety of questions, which must all be answered consistently. Similarly, the design decisions in FEARMO are not motivated by the needs of any single stakeholder but by the anticipated needs of a variety of agencies, each of which can or does organize information differently but all of which require a consistent source of information.

Inference Is Key

It is fine to talk about stakeholders, variation, and competency questions, but even when we do have a specific understanding of the intent of a model, how can we even determine whether the model, as constructed, meets that intention? We can appeal to the intuition behind the names of classes and properties, but this is problematic for a number of reasons. First is the issue known as “wishful naming.” Just because someone has named a class ElizabethanWork doesn’t mean that it will contain all or even any works that might deserve that name. Second is the issue of precision. Just what did the modeler mean by ElizabethanWork? Is it a work created by Queen Elizabeth or one that was created during her reign? Or perhaps it is a work created by one of a number of prominent literary figures (the ElizabethanAuthors), whose names we can list once and for all. To determine whether a model satisfies some intent, we need an objective way to know what a model means and, in the case of competency questions, how a model can answer questions.

There are two ways a Semantic Web model answers questions. The first is comparable to the way a database answers question: by having the appropriate data indexed in a way that can be directly accessed to answer the question. If we answer the question “What are the Elizabethan literary works?” this way, we would do so by having a class called, say, ElizabethanWork and maintain a list of works as members of that class.

This method for answering questions is fundamental to data management; at some point, we have to trust that we have some data that are correct or that are at least correct enough for our purposes. The special challenge of semantic modeling comes when we need to model for variability. How do we make sure that our answer to the question “What are the Shakespearean works?” is consistent with the answer to “What are the Elizabethan works?” (and how does this relate to the answer to the question “Who are the Elizabethan authors?”). This brings us to the second way a semantic model can answer questions: through the use of inferencing.

We can determine a model’s answer to a particular question (or query) through an analysis of inferencing. What triples can we infer based on the triples that have already been asserted? If we require every ShakespeareanWork to be an ElizabethanWork, we can either build or find a model that asserts that ShakespeareanWork is a subclass of ElizabethanWork. If instead we want an ElizabethanWork to be one that was created or performed by an Elizabethan-Author and that Shakespeare is one of these authors, we build or find a model that will support the corresponding inferences (e.g., using owl:someValuesFrom). In all these cases, the consistency of the answers to the various questions is expressed and maintained through inferencing.


One of the principle drivers in the creation of a semantic model is that it will be used by someone other than its designer in a new context that was not fully anticipated. If you are designing a model, you must consider the challenges the people using your model might face. How can you make this job easier for them?

Insightful Names Versus Wishful Names

When you are reusing a model that you found on the Web, you’d like to know the intent of the various components of the model (classes, properties, individuals). The support that a model provides for question answering is given formally by the inferences that the model entails. As far as an inference engine is concerned, entities in the model could have any name at all, like G0001 or Node97. But names of this sort are of little help when perusing a model to determine whether it can satisfy your own goals. Putting the shoe on the other foot, when you build a model, you are also selecting names for those who will want to link to your model and need to know what is in it, as well as for those, including yourself at a later date, who may have to maintain or extend the model. There’s a fine line between good naming and wishful thinking, but keeping in mind that your model will be “read” by others is always good practice.

A closely related issue to naming is the use of annotations like rdfs:label, rdfs:comment, and rdfs:seeAlso. Even if you choose a name for a resource that you understand, and even one that is understood by the community you participate in, there could well be another community who will find that usage meaningless or even misleading. We have seen an example of this before with skos:broader. For someone with a background in thesaurus management, it is understood that skos:broader is used to connect a narrow term to a broader term, such as:

:cheese skos:broader :dairy.

That is, skos:broader should be read as “has broader term.” Other readers might expect this to be read “cheese is broader than dairy,” and they would either be confused by the use of skos:broader or, worse, would misuse it in their own models. Judicious use of rdfs:label can alleviate this issue, as follows:

skos:broader rdfs:label “has broader term”.

In addition to the selection of meaningful names and quality naming, some simple conventions can contribute to the understandability of a model. The conventions listed next have grown up as de facto standard ways to name entities on the Semantic Web, and are followed by the W3C itself as well as throughout this book.

Name resources in CamelCase: CamelCase is the name given to the style of naming in which multiword names are written without any spaces but with each word written in uppercase. We see this convention in action in W3C names like rdfs:subClassOf and owl:InverseFunctionalProperty.

Start class names with capital letters: We see this convention in the W3C class names owl:Restriction and owl:Class.

Start property names with lowercase letters: We see this convention in the W3C property names rdfs:subClassOf and owl:inverseOf. Notice that except for the first letter, these names are written in CamelCase.

Start individual names with capital letters: We see this convention at work in the lit:Shakespeare and ship:Berengaria examples in this book.

Name classes with singular nouns: We see this convention in the W3C class names owl:DatatypeProperty and owl:SymmetricProperty and in the examples in this book: lit:Playwright.

Keeping Track of Classes and Individuals

One of the greatest challenges when designing a semantic model is determining when something should be modeled as a class and when it should be modeled as an individual. This issue arises especially when considering a model for reuse because of the distributed nature of a semantic model. Since a semantic model must respond to competency questions coming from different stakeholders, it is quite possible that one work practice has a tradition of considering something to be a class, whereas another is accustomed to thinking of it as an instance.

As a simple example, consider the idea of an endangered species. For the field zoologists who are tracking the number of breeding pairs in the world (and in cases where the numbers are very small, give them all names), the species is a class whose members are the individual animals they are tracking. For the administrator in the federal agency that lists endangered species, the species is an instance to be put in a list (i.e., asserted as a member of the class of endangered species) or removed from that list. The designer of a single model who wants to answer competency questions from both of these stakeholder communities is faced with something of a challenge.

We have seen exactly this situation in FEARMO, where some stakeholders are interested in viewing a LineOfBusiness as an instance (to make assertions of the form “The General Services Agency is in the line of business of Management of Government Resources”). Other stakeholders view a particular line of business as a set of operations (called subfunctions in FEARMO) and so want to make assertions of the form “Supply chain management is an instance of Management of Government Resources.” As was the case in FEARMO, this situation can often be modeled effectively using the Class-Individual Mirror pattern from Chapter 11.

Another source of difficulty arises from the flexibility of human language when talking about classes and instances. We can say that Shakespeare is an Elizabethan author or that a poem is a literary work. In the first sentence, we are probably talking about the individual called Shakespeare and his membership in a particular class of authors. In the second, we are probably talking about how one class of things (poems) relates to another (literary works). Both of these sentences us the words is a(n) to describe these very different sorts of relationships. In natural languages, we don’t have to be specific about which relationships we mean. This is a drawback of using competency questions in natural language: The question “What are the types of literary works?” could be interpreted as a request for the individuals that are members of the class LiteraryWork, or it could be asking for the subclasses (types) of the class LiteraryWork. Either way of modeling this could be considered a response to the question.

Although there is no hard and fast rule for determining whether something should be modeled as an instance or a class, some general guidelines can help organize the process. The first is based on the simple observation that classes can be seen as sets of instances. If something is modeled as a class, then there should at least be a possibility that the class might have instances. If you cannot imagine what instances would be members of a proposed class, then it is a strong indication that it should not be modeled as a class at all. For example, it is unlikely, according to this guideline, that we should use a class to refer to the literary figure known as Shakespeare. After all, given that we usually understand that we are talking about a unique literary figure, what could possibly be the instances of the class Shakespeare? If there are none, then Shakespeare should properly be modeled as an instance.

If you can imagine instances for the class, it is a good idea to name the class in such a way that the nature of those instances is clear. There are some classes having to do with Shakespeare that one might want to define. For example, the works of the Bard, including 38 plays, 254 sonnets, 5 long poems, and so on could be a class of interest to some stakeholder. In such a case, the name of the class should not simply be Shakespeare but instead something like ShakespeareanWork. Considerable confusion can be avoided in the design phase by first determining what it is that is to be modeled (the Bard himself, his works, his family, etc.), then deciding if this should be a class or an instance, and then finally selecting a name that reflects this decision.

The second guideline has to do with the properties that describe the thing to be modeled. Do you know (or could you know) specific values for those properties or just in general that there is some value? For instance, we know in general that a play has an author, a first performance date, and one or more protagonists, but we know specifically about The Tempest that it was written by William Shakespeare, was performed in 1611, and has the protagonist Prospero. In this case, The Tempest should be modeled as an instance, and Play should be modeled as a class. Furthermore, The Tempest is a member of that class.

Model Testing

Once we have assembled a model—either from designed components, reused components, or components translated from some other source—how can we test it? In the case where we have competency questions, we can start by making sure it answers those. More important, in the distributed setting of the Semantic Web, we can determine (by analyzing the inferences that the model entails) whether it maintains consistent answers to possible competency questions from multiple sources. We can also determine test cases for the model. This is particularly important when reusing a model. How does the model perform (i.e., what inferences can we draw from it?) when it is faced with information that is not explicitly in the scope of its design? In the analysis to follow, we will refer generally to model tests—ways you can determine if the model satisfies its intent.


In light of the AAA slogan (Anybody can say Anything about Any topic), we can’t say that anything is really a modeling error. In our experience teaching modeling to scientists, engineers, content managers, and project managers, we have come across a handful of modeling practices that may be counterproductive for the reuse goals of a semantic model. We can’t say that the models are strictly erroneous, but we can say that they do not accomplish the desired goals of sharing information about a structured domain with other stakeholders.

We have seen each of the antipatterns described following in a number of models. Here, we describe each one in turn and outline its drawbacks in terms of the modeling guidelines just given. We have given each of them a pejorative (and a rather fanciful) name as a reminder that these are antipatterns—common pitfalls of beginning modelers. Whenever possible, we will also indicate good practices that can replace the antipattern, depending on a variety of possible desired intents for the model.

Rampant Classism (Antipattern)

A common reaction to the difficult distinction between classes and instances is simply to define everything as a class. This solution is encouraged by most modeling tools, since the creation of classes is usually the first primitive operation that a user learns. The temptation is to begin by creating a class with the name of an important, central concept and then extend it by creating more classes whose names indicate concepts that are related to the original. This practice is also common when a model has been created by automatic means from some other knowledge organization source, like a thesaurus. A thesaurus makes much less commitment about the relationship between terms than does a semantic model between classes or between classes and individuals.

As an example, someone modeling Shakespeare and his works might begin by defining a class called Shakespeare and classes called Plays, Poems, Poets, Playwrights, and TheTempest. Then, define a property (an owl:ObjectProperty) called wrote and assert that Shakespeare wrote all of these things by asserting triples like the following:

:Playwrights :wrote :Plays.

:Poets :wrote :Poems.

:Shakespeare :wrote :Plays.

:ModernPlays rdfs:subClassOf :Plays.

:ElizabethanPlays rdfs:subClassOf :Plays.

:Shakespeare :wrote :TheTempest.

:Shakespeare :wrote :Poems.

and perhaps even

:TheTempest rdfs:subClassOf :Plays.

This seems to makes sense because, after all, TheTempest will show up next to Plays in just about any ontology display tool. The resulting model is shown in Figure 12-1.

FIGURE 12-1    Sample model displaying rampant classlsm. Every node In this model has rdf:type owl: Class.

Given the AAA slogan, we really can’t say that anything in this set of triples is “wrong.” After all, anyone can assert these triples. But we can start by noting that it does not follow the simple syntactic conventions in that the class names are plurals.

This model reflects a style typical of beginning modelers. The triples seem to translate into a sensible sentence in English: “Shakespeare wrote poems”; “Shakespeare wrote The Tempest.” If you render rdfs:subClassOf in English as is a, then you have “The Tempest is a plays,” which aside from the plural at the end, is a reasonable sentence in English. How can we evaluate whether this model satisfies the intent of the modeler or of someone who might want to reuse this model? We’ll consider some tests that can tell us what this model might be useful for.

Let’s start with some simple competency questions. This model can certainly answer questions of the form “Who wrote The Tempest?” The answer is available directly in the model. It can also answer questions like “What type of thing writes plays? What type of thing writes poems?” Again, these answers are represented directly in the model.

Suppose we want to go beyond mere questions and evaluate how the model organizes different points of view. It seems on the face of it that a model like this should be able to make sure that the answer to a question like “What type of thing wrote Elizabethan plays?” would at the very least include the class of playwrights, since playwrights are things that wrote plays and Elizabethan plays are plays. Can this model support this condition? Let’s look at the relevant triples and see what inferences can be drawn:

:Playwrights a owl:Class;

:wrote :Plays.

:ElizabethanPlays rdfs:subClassOf :Plays.

None of the inference patterns we have learned for OWL or RDFS apply here. In particular, there is no inference of the form

:Playwrights :wrote :ElizabethanPlays.

Another test criterion that this model might be expected to pass is whether it can distinguish between plays and types of plays. We do have some plays and types of plays in this model: The Tempest is a play, and Elizabethan play and modern play are types of plays. The model cannot distinguish between these two cases. Any query that returns The Tempest (as a play) will also return modern plays. Any query that returns Elizabethan play (as a type of play) will also return The Tempest. The model has not made enough distinctions to be responsive to this criterion.

If we think about these statements in terms of the interpretation of classes as sets, none of these results should come as a surprise. In this model, playwrights and plays are sets. The statement “Playwrights wrote plays” makes no statements about individual playwrights or plays; it makes a statement about the sets. But sets don’t write anything, whereas playwrights and poets do. This statement, when made about sets, is nonsense. The OWL inference semantics bear this out: The statement has no meaning, so no inferences can be drawn. TheTempest is modeled here as a class, even though there is no way to imagine what its instances might be; it is a play, not a set. Plays are written by people (and have opening dates, etc.), not sets.

Similar comments can be made about a statement like “Poets wrote poems.” If triples like:

:Poets :wrote :Poems.

aren’t meaningful, how should we render the intuition reflected by the sentence “Poets wrote poems”? This consideration goes beyond the simple sort of specification that we can get from competency questions. We could respond to questions like “Which people are poets?” or “Which things are poems?” with any model that includes these two classes. If we want the answers to these two questions to have some sort of consistency between them, then we have to decide just what relationship between poems and poets we want to represent.

We might want to enforce the condition “If someone is a poet, and he wrote something, then it is a poem.” When we consider the statement in this form, it makes more sense (and a more readable model) if we follow the convention that names classes with singular nouns (”a poet,” “a poem”) rather than plurals (poets, poems).

We have already seen an example of how to represent a statement of this form. If something is an AllStarTeam, then all of its players are members of StarPlayer. Following that example, we can represent this same thing about poets and poems as follows:

:Poet rdfs:subClassOf [a owl:Restriction;

owl:onProperty :wrote;

owl:allValuesFrom :Poem].

If we specify an instance of poet—say, Homer—and something he wrote—say, The Iliad—then we can infer that The Iliad is a poem, thus:

:Homer :wrote :TheIliad.

:Homer a :Poet.

:TheIliad a :Poem.

This definition may work fine for Homer, but what happens if we press the boundaries of the model a bit and see what inferences it can made about someone like Shakespeare

:Shakespeare :wrote :TheTempest.

:Shakespeare a :Poet.

:TheTempest a :Poem.

The conclusion that The Tempest is a poem is unexpected. Since it is common for poets to write things that don’t happen to be poems, probably this isn’t what we really mean by ”Poets wrote poems.” This is an example of a powerful method for determining the scope of applicability of a model. If you can devise a test that might challenge some of the assumptions in the model (in this case, the assumption that nobody can be both a poet and a playwright), then you can determine something about its boundaries.

What other results might we expect from the statement “Poets wrote poems”? We might expect that if someone is a poet, then they must have written at least one poem. (We have already seen a number of examples of this using owl:someValuesFrom.) In this case, this definition looks like this:

:Poet rdfs:subClassOf [a owl:Restriction;

owl:onProperty :wrote;

owl:someValuesFrom :Poem].

The inferences we can draw from this statement are subtle. For instance, from the following fact about Homer

:Homer a :Poet.

we can infer that he wrote something that is a poem, though we can’t necessarily identify what it is.

When we say, “Poets wrote poems,” we might expect something even stronger: that having written a poem is exactly what it means to be a poet. Not only does being a poet mean that you have written a poem, but also, if you have written a poem, then you are a poet. We can make inferences of this sort by using owl:equivalentClass as follows:

:Poetowl:equivalentClass [a owl:Restriction;

owl:onProperty :wrote;

owl:someValuesFrom :Poem].

Now we can infer that Homer is a poet from the poem that he wrote

:Homer :wrote :TheIliad.

:TheIliad a :Poem.

:Horner a :Poet.

In general, linking one class to another with an object property (as in Poets wrote poems in this example) does not support any inferences at all. There is no inference that propagates properties associated with a class to its instances, or to its subclasses, or to its superclasses. The only inferences that apply to object properties are those (like the inferences having to do with rdfs:domain and rdfs:range, or inferences from an owl:Restriction) that assume that the subject and object (Shakespeare and poems in this case) are instances, not classes.

This illustrates a powerful feature of OWL as a modeling language. The constructs of OWL make very specific statements about what the model means, based on the inference standard. A sentence like “Poets wrote poems” may have some ambiguity in natural language, but the representation in OWL is much more specific. The modeler has to decide just what they mean by a statement like “Poets wrote poems,” but OWL allows these distinctions to be represented in a clear way.

Exclusivity (Antipattern)

The rules of RDFS inferencing say that the members of a subclass are necessarily members of a superclass. The fallacy of exclusivity is to assume that the only candidates for membership in a subclass are those things that are already known to be members of the superclass.

Let’s take a simple example. Suppose we have a class called City and a subclass called OceanPort, to indicate a particular kind of city

:OceanPort rdfs:subClassOf :City.

We might have a number of members of the class City, for example:

:Paris a :City.

:Zurich a :City.

:SanDiego a :City.

According to the AAA assumption, any of these entities could be an OceanPort, as could any other entity we know about—even things we don’t yet know are cities, like New York or Rio de Janeiro. In fact, since Anyone can say Anything about Any topic, someone might assert that France or The Moon is an OceanPort. From the semantics of RDFS, we would then infer that France or The Moon are cities.

In a model that commits the error of exclusivity, we assume that because OceanPort is a subclass of City, the only candidates for OceanPort are those things we know to be cities, which so far are just Paris, Zurich, and San Diego. To see how the exclusivity fallacy causes modeling problems, let’s suppose we are interested in answering the question “What are the cities that connect to an ocean?” We could propose a model to respond to this competency question as follows:

:OceanPort rdfs:subClassOf :City.

:OceanPort owl:equivalentClass

[a owl:Restriction;

owl:onProperty :connectsTo;

owl:someValuesFrom :Ocean].

These triples are shown graphically in Figure 12-2.

This model commits the fallacy of exclusivity; if we assume that only cities can be ocean ports, then we can answer the question by querying the members of the class OceanPort. But let’s push the boundaries of this model. What inferences does it draw from some boundary instances that might violate some assumptions in the model? In particular, what if we consider something that is not a city but still connects to an ocean? Suppose we have the following facts in our data set:

FIGURE 12-2    Eronneous definition of OceanPort as a city that connects to an Ocean.

:Zurich :connectsTo :RiverLimmat.

:Zurich :locatedIn :Switzerland.

:Switzerland :borders :France.

:Paris :connectsTo :LaSeine.

:Paris :locatedIn :France.

:France :connectsTo :Mediterranean.

:France :connectsTo :AtlanticOcean.

:SanDiego :connectsTo :PacificOcean.

:AtlanticOcean a :Ocean.

:PacificOcean a :Ocean.

and so on.

From what we know about SanDiego and the PacificOcean, we can conclude that SanDiego is an OceanPort, as expected

:SanDiego :connectsTo :PacificOcean.

:PacificOcean a :Ocean.

:SanDiego a :OceanPort.

Furthermore, since

:OceanPort rdfs:subClassOf :City.

we can conclude that

:SanDiego a :City.

So far, so good, but let’s see what happens when we look at France.

:France :connectsTo :AtlanticOcean.

:AtlanticOcean a :Ocean

Therefore, we can conclude that

:France a :OceanPort.

and furthermore,

:France a :City.

This is not what we intended by this model, and it does not respond correctly to the question. The flaw in this inference came because of the assumption that only things known to be cities can be ocean ports, but according to the AAA assumption, anything can be an ocean port unless we say otherwise.

This fallacy is more a violation of the AAA slogan than any consideration of subclassing itself. The fallacy stems from assumptions that are valid in other modeling paradigms. For many modeling systems (like object-oriented programming systems, library catalogs, product taxonomies, etc.) a large part of the modeling process is the way items are placed into classes. This process is usually done by hand and is called categorization or cataloguing. The usual way to think about such a system is that something is placed intentionally into a class because someone made a decision that it belongs there. The interpretation of a subclass in this situation is that it is a refinement of the class. If someone wants to make a more specific characterization of some item, then they can catalogue it into a subclass instead of a class.

If this construct does not correctly answer this competency question, what model will? We want something to become a member of OceanPort just if it is both a City and it connects to an Ocean. We do this with an intersection as shown in Figure 12-3.

Now that we have defined an OceanPort as the intersection of City and a restriction, we can infer that OceanPort is a subclass of City. Furthermore, only individuals that are known to be cities are candidates for membership in OceanPort, so anomalies like the previous one for France cannot happen.

FIGURE 12-3    Correct model for an OceanPort as a City that also connects to an Ocean.

The Class Exclusivity fallacy is a common error for anyone who has experience with any of a number of different modeling paradigms. Semantic Web modeling takes the AAA assumption more seriously than any other common modeling system. Fortunately, the error is easily remedied by using the intersection pattern shown in Figure 12-3.

Objectification (Antipattern)

One common source of modeling errors is attempting to build a Semantic Web model that has the same meaning and behavior as an object system. Object systems, however, are not intended to work in the context of the three Semantic Web assumptions: AAA, Open World, and Nonunique Naming. In many cases, these differences in assumptions about the modeling context result in basic clashes of modeling interpretation.

A fundamental example of this kind of clash can be found in examining the role of a class in a model. In object modeling, a class is basically a template from which an instance is stamped. It makes little or no sense to speak of multiple classes (stamped out of two templates?) or of having a property that isn’t in the class (where do you put it if there wasn’t a slot in the template for it?).

In Semantic Web models, the AAA and the Open World assumptions are incompatible with this notion of a class. Properties in Semantic Web models exist independently of any class, and because of the AAA slogan, they can be used to describe any individual at all, regardless of which classes it belongs to. Classes are seen as sets, so membership in multiple classes is commonplace.

Let’s consider a simple but illustrative example of how the intent of an object model is incompatible with modeling in the Semantic Web. Suppose an object model is intended to reflect the notion that a person has exactly two parents who are also people. These are the requirements an object model must satisfy:

1. A value for the property hasParent can be specified only for members of the Person class.

2. We will recognize as a mistake the situation in which only one value for hasParent is specified for a single person.

3. We recognize as a mistake the situation in which more than two values for hasParent are specified for a single person.

Before we even look at an OWL model that attempts to satisfy these conditions, we can make some observations about the requirements themselves. In particular, many of these requirements are at odds with the fundamental assumptions of Semantic Web modeling, as described by the AAA, Open World, and Nonunique Naming assumptions. Let’s look at the requirements in turn.

Requirement 1 is at odds with the AAA slogan. The AAA slogan tells us that we cannot keep anyone from asserting a property of anything, so we can’t enforce the condition that hasParent can only be specified for particular individuals. The Open World assumption complicates the situation even further: Since the next thing we learn about a resource could be that its type is Person, we can’t even tell for sure whether something actually is a person.

Requirement 2 is at odds with the Semantic Web assumptions. In this case, the Open World assumption again causes problems. Just because we have not asserted a second parent for any individual does not mean that one doesn’t exist. The very next Semantic Web page we see might give us this information. Thus, regardless of how we model this in OWL, there cannot be a contradiction in the case where too few parents have been specified.

Requirement 3 is not directly at odds with the Semantic Web assumptions, but the Nonunique Naming assumption makes this requirement problematic. We can indeed say that there should be just two parents, so if more than two parents are specified, a contradiction can be detected. This will only happen in the case where we know that all the (three or more) parents are distinct, using a construct like owl:differentFrom, owl:allDifferent, or owl:disjointWith.

The discrepancy between these requirements and an OWL model doesn’t depend on the details of any particular model but on the assumptions behind the OWL language itself. An object model is designed for a very different purpose from an OWL model, and the difference is manifest in many ways in these requirements.

Despite this mismatch, it is fairly common practice to attempt to model these requirements in OWL. Here, we outline one such attempt and evaluate the inference results that the model entails. Consider the following model, which is a fairly common translation ofan OO model that satisfies these requirements into OWL:

:Person a owl:Class.

:hasParent rdfs:domain :Person.

:hasParent rdfs:range :Person.

[a owl:Restriction;

owl:onProperty :hasParent;

owl:Cardinality 2]

This model was created by translating parts of an object model directly into OWL, as follows:

1. When a property is defined for a class in an OO model, that class is listed as the domain of the property in OWL. The type of the property in the OO model is specified as the range in OWL.

2. Cardinality limitations in the object model are represented by defining a restriction class in OWL.

We have already seen that this model cannot satisfy the requirements as stated. How far off are we? What inference does this model support? What inferences does it not support?

According to the stated intent of this model, if we assert just the following fact:

:Willem :hasParent :Beatrix.

The model should signal an error, since only a Person can have a parent, and we have not asserted that Willem is a Person. If we fix this by asserting that

:Willema :Person.

then the model should still indicate an error; after all, Willem must have two parents, not just one. If we also assert more parents for Willem:

:Willem :hasParent :Claus.

:Willem :hasParent :TheQueen.

then the model should again signal an error, since now Willem has three parents rather than two.

Now let’s see what inferences can actually be made from these assertions according to the inference patterns of OWL. From the very first statement

:Willem :hasParent :Beatrix.

along with the rdfs:domain information, we can infer that

:Willem a :Person.

That is, there is no need to assert that Willem is a Person before we can assert who his parent is. This behavior is at odds with the first intent; that is, we allowed Willem to have a parent, even though we did not know that Willem was a person.

What about the cardinality restriction? What can we infer from that? Three issues come into play with this. The first is the Open World assumption. Since we don’t know whether Willem might have another parent, who simply has not yet been specified, we cannot draw any inference about Willem’s membership in the restriction. In fact, even if we assert just one more parent for Willem (along with Beatrix, bringing the total of asserted parents to exactly two) that

:Willem :hasParent :Claus.

we still do not know that Willem really does have exactly two parents. After all, there might be yet a third parent of Willem whom we just haven’t heard about. That’s the Open World assumption.

The second issue has to do with unique naming. Suppose we now also assert that

:Willem :hasParent :TheQueen.

Surely, we can now infer that Willem cannot satisfy the restriction, since we know of three parents, right? Even if there are more parents lurking out there (according to the Open World assumption), we can never get back down to just two. Or can we?

The Nonunique Naming assumption says that until we know otherwise, we can’t assume that two different names refer to different individuals. In particular, the two names TheQueen and Beatrix could (and in fact, do) refer to the same individual. So even though we have named three parents for Willem, we still haven’t disqualified him from being a member of the restriction. We haven’t named three distinct parents for Willem.

The third issue transcends all the arguments about whether Willem does or does not satisfy the cardinality restriction. Look closely at the definition of the restriction: It is defined, as usual, as a bnode. But the bnode is not connected to any other named class in any way. That is, the restriction is not owl:equivalentClass to any other class, nor is it rdfs:subClassOf any other class (or vice versa).

What does this mean for inferences involving this restriction? On the one hand, even if we were to establish that Willem satisfies the restriction, still no further inferences could be made. Further inferences would have to be based on the connection of the restriction to some other class, but there is no such connection. On the other hand, if we could independently establish that Willem is a member of the restriction, then we could possibly draw some conclusions based on that. Since the restriction is not connected to any other class, there is no independent way to establish Willem’s membership in the restriction class. Either way, we can draw no new inferences from this restriction. The AAA slogan keeps us from saying that this model is “wrong” but we can safely say that it does not support the inferences that were intended by the modeler. Unlike the case of the other antipatterns, we are not in a position to “fix” this model; the requirements of the model are simply at odds with the assumptions of modeling in the Semantic Web.

Managing Identifiers for Classes (Antipattern)

In the NCI ontology, we saw a need for identifiers for classes: The Swiss_Prot number for a gene or enzyme was listed at the class level:

:FABP3_Gene a owl:Class;

rdfs:subClassOf :Gene_Kind;

:Swiss_Prot “P05413”.

This is a direct response to the competency question “What is the Swiss Prot number for the class FABP3?” This is a common requirement of models in very formal settings: that various entities (classes, individuals, even properties) have some sort of index number that we would like to record alongside the entity in the model.

Strictly speaking, the use of a property to describe a class in this way risks confusion about whether we are describing a class or an individual. FABP3_Gene is a class because of the type triple that declares it a class, but because it has a property, it seems to be an individual. We suggested previously that this sort of ambiguity of classes and individuals should be avoided, but it seems natural to use a direct triple in this way to satisfy such a competency question.

As we shall see in Chapter 13, this distinction is not simply one of style (should we represent a class also as an individual?), but it can have ramifications in terms of the decidability of the logic. Fortunately, OWL provides a simple answer to this issue. A property can be declared as an AnnotationProperty, indicating that its use in such a context has no meaning in terms of the logic, and thus does not make any statement about whether a subject is a class, individual, or property.

:Swiss_Prot a owl:AnnotationProperty.

Earlier ontology languages did not support this solution, so modelers had to improvise another solution. For each class for which annotation was desired, there was a distinguished individual member of the class that would stand in for the class for the purpose of annotations. For example, one could define the following:

:FABP3_Gene a owl:Class;

rdfs:subClassOf :Gene_Kind.

:PABP3_StandIn a :FaBP3;

:Swiss_Prot “P05413”.

This solution provides an answer to the competency question “Which gene is labeled with Swiss Prot number PO5413?” (by following the rdf:type link from the stand-in back to the class), but it introduces another problem. It makes it difficult to answer, “What are all the members of the class FABP3_Gene?” because there is now one individual that is a member of that class that should not be considered in answering this question. With the advent of owl:AnnotationProperty, it is no longer necessary to use this method for annotating classes, but some models with this pattern will still be used for some time to come.

Creeping Conceptualization (Antipattern)

In most engineered systems, designing for reuse is enhanced by keeping things simple. In software coding, for example, the best APIs try to minimize the numbers of calls they provide. In physical systems, the number of connections is minimized, and most common building materials aim for a minimally constraining design so as to maximize the ways they can be combined. On the Semantic Web, the same idea should apply, but all too often the idea of “design for reuse” gets confused with “say everything you can.” Thus, for example, when we include ShakespeareanWork and ElizabethanWork in our model, we are tempted to further assert that ElizabethanWork is a subclass of Work, which is a subclass of IntangibleEntity.

Of course, having included IntangibleEntity, you will want to include TangibleEntity and some examples of those and some properties of those examples and, well, ad infinitum. After all, you might think that modeling for reuse is best done by anticipating everything that someone might want to use your model for, and thus the more you include the better. This is a mistake because the more you put in, the more you restrict someone else’s ability to extend your model instead of just use it as is. Reuse is best done, as in other systems, by designing to maximize future combination with other things, not to restrict it.

This kind of creeping conceptualization may seem like an odd thing to have to worry about. After all, isn’t it a lot of extra work to create more classes? Economists tell us that people minimize the amount of unrewarded work they do. However, in practice, it often turns out that knowing when to stop modeling is harder than deciding where to start. As humans, we tend to have huge connected networks of concepts, and as you define one class, you often think immediately of another you’d “naturally” want to link it to. This is an extremely natural tendency, and even the best modelers find it very difficult to know when to finish, but this way lies madness.

A relatively easy way to tell if you are going too far in your creation of concepts is to check classes to see if they have properties associated with them, and especially if there are restricted properties. If so, then you are likely saying something useful about them, and they may be included. If you are including data (instances) in your model, then any class that has an instance is likely to be a good class. On the other hand, when you see lots of empty classes, especially arranged in a subclass hierarchy, then you are probably creating classes just in case someone might want to do something with them in the future, and that is usually a mistake. The famous acronym KISS (Keep It Simple, Stupid) is well worth keeping in mind when designing Web ontologies.


The basic assumptions behind the Semantic Web—the AAA, Open World, and Nonunique Naming assumptions—place very specific restrictions on the modeling language. The structure of RDF is in the form of statements with familiar grammatical constructs like subject, predicate, and object. The structure of OWL includes familiar concepts like class, subClassOf, and property. But the meaning of a model is given by the inference rules of OWL, which incorporate the assumptions of the Semantic Web. How can you tell if you have built a useful model, one that conforms to these assumptions? The answer is by making sure that the inferences it supports are useful and meaningful.

According to the AAA slogan, we cannot say that any of the practices in this chapter are “errors” because Anyone can say Anything about Any topic. All of these models are valid expressions in RDF/OWL, but they are erroneous in the sense that they do not accomplish what the modeler intended by creating them. In each case, the mismatch can be revealed through careful examination of the inferences that the model entails. In some cases (like the objectification error), the requirements themselves are inconsistent with the Semantic Web assumptions. In other cases (like the exclusivity error), the requirements are quite consistent with the Semantic Web assumptions and can be modeled easily with a simple pattern.

Fundamental Concepts

The following concepts were introduced or elaborated in this chapter:

The Semantic Web Assumptions—AAA (Anyone can say Anything about Any topic), Open-World, and Nonunique Naming.

Inferencing—In OWL, inferencing is tuned to respect the Semantic Web assumptions. This results in subtleties that can be misleading to a novice modeler.

Competency Questions—Questions that scope the requirements for a model.

Modeling for Variability—The requirement (characteristic of Semantic Web modeling) that a model describe variation as well as commonality.

Modeling for Reuse—The craft of designing a model for uses that cannot be fully anticipated.

Wishful Naming—The tendency for a modeler to believe that a resource signifies more than the formal semantics of the model warrants, purely on the basis of the resource’s name.

Model Testing—A process by which the boundaries of a model are stressed to determine the nature of the boundaries of the inferences it can entail.

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