Chapter 10. Advanced Model Monitoring

Even though this is the last chapter of the book, it can hardly be an afterthought even though monitoring in general often is in practical situations, quite unfortunately. Monitoring is a vital deployment component for any long execution cycle component and thus is part of the finished product. Monitoring can significantly enhance product experience and define future success as it improves problem diagnostic and is essential to determine the improvement path.

One of the primary rules of successful software engineering is to create systems as if they were targeted for personal use when possible, which fully applies to monitoring, diagnostic, and debugging—quite hapless name for fixing existing issues in software products. Diagnostic and debugging of complex systems, particularly distributed systems, is hard, as the events often can be arbitrary interleaved and program executions subject to race conditions. While there is a lot of research going in the area of distributed system devops and maintainability, this chapter will scratch the service and provide guiding principle to design a maintainable complex distributed system.

To start with, a pure functional approach, which Scala claims to follow, spends a lot of time avoiding side effects. While this idea is useful in a number of aspects, it is hard to imagine a useful program that has no effect on the outside world, the whole idea of a data-driven application is to have a positive effect on the way the business is conducted, a well-defined side effect.

Monitoring clearly falls in the side effect category. Execution needs to leave a trace that the user can later parse in order to understand where the design or implementation went awry. The trace of the execution can be left by either writing something on a console or into a file, usually called a log, or returning an object that contains the trace of the program execution, and the intermediate results. The latter approach, which is actually more in line with functional programming and monadic philosophy, is actually more appropriate for the distributed programming but often overlooked. This would have been an interesting topic for research, but unfortunately the space is limited and I have to discuss the practical aspects of monitoring in contemporary systems that is almost always done by logging. Having the monadic approach of carrying an object with the execution trace on each call can certainly increase the overhead of the interprocess or inter-machine communication, but saves a lot of time in stitching different pieces of information together.

Let's list the naive approaches to debugging that everyone who needed to find a bug in the code tried:

  • Analyzing program output, particularly logs produced by simple print statements or built-in logback, java.util.logging, log4j, or the slf4j façade
  • Attaching a (remote) debugger
  • Monitoring CPU, disk I/O, memory (to resolve higher level resource-utilization issues)

More or less, all these approaches fail if we have a multithreaded or distributed system—and Scala is inherently multithreaded as Spark is inherently distributed. Collecting logs over a set of nodes is not scalable (even though a few successful commercial systems exist that do this). Attaching a remote debugger is not always possible due to security and network restrictions. Remote debugging can also induce substantial overhead and interfere with the program execution, particularly for ones that use synchronization. Setting the debug level to the DEBUG or TRACE level helps sometimes, but leaves you at the mercy of the developer who may or may not have thought of a particular corner case you are dealing with right at the moment. The approach we take in this book is to open a servlet with enough information to glean into program execution and application methods real-time, as much as it is possible with the current state of Scala and Scalatra.

Enough about the overall issues of debugging the program execution. Monitoring is somewhat different, as it is concerned with only high-level issue identification. Intersection with issue investigation or resolution happens, but usually is outside of monitoring. In this chapter, we will cover the following topics:

  • Understanding major areas for monitoring and monitoring goals
  • Learning OS tools for Scala/Java monitoring to support issue identification and debugging
  • Learning about MBeans and MXBeans
  • Understanding model performance drift
  • Understanding A/B testing

System monitoring

While there are other types of monitoring dealing specifically with ML-targeted tasks, such as monitoring the performance of the models, let me start with basic system monitoring. Traditionally, system monitoring is a subject of operating system maintenance, but it is becoming a vital component of any complex application, specifically running over a set of distributed workstations. The primary components of the OS are CPU, disk, memory, network, and energy on battery-powered machines. The traditional OS-like tools for monitoring system performance are provided in the following table. We limit them to Linux tools as this is the platform for most Scala applications, even though other OS vendors provide OS monitoring tools such as Activity Monitor. As Scala runs in Java JVM, I also added Java-specific monitoring tools that are specific to JVMs:





htop, top, sar-u

top has been the most often used performance diagnostic tool, as CPU and memory have been the most constraint resources. With the advent of distributed programming, network and disk tend to be the most constraint.


iostat, sar -d, lsof

The number of open files, provided by lsof, is often a constraining resource as many big data applications and daemons tend to keep multiple files open.


top, free, vmstat, sar -r

Memory is used by OS in multiple ways, for example to maintain disk I/O buffers so that having extra buffered and cached memory helps performance.


ifconfig, netstat, tcpdump, nettop, iftop, nmap

Network is how the distributed systems talk and is an important OS component. From the application point of view, watch for errors, collisions, and dropped packets as an indicator of problems.



While power consumption is traditionally not a part of OS monitoring, it is nevertheless a shared resource, which recently became one of the major costs for maintaining a working system.


jconsole, jinfo, jcmd, jmc

All these tools allow you to examine configuration and run-time properties of an application. Java Mission Control (JMC) is shipped with JDK starting with version 7u40.

Table 10.1. Common Linux OS monitoring tools

In many cases, the tools are redundant. For example, the CPU and memory information can be obtained with top, sar, and jmc commands.

There are a few tools for collecting this information over a set of distributed nodes. Ganglia is a BSD-licensed scalable distributed monitoring system ( It is based on a hierarchical design and is very careful about data structure and algorithm designs. It is known to scale to 10,000s of nodes. It consists of a gmetad daemon that is collects information from multiple hosts and presents it in a web interface, and gmond daemons running on each individual host. The communication happens on the 8649 port by default, which spells Unix. By default, gmond sends information about CPU, memory, and network, but multiple plugins exist for other metrics (or can be created). Gmetad can aggregate the information and pass it up the hierarchy chain to another gmetad daemon. Finally, the data is presented in a Ganglia web interface.

Graphite is another monitoring tool that stores numeric time-series data and renders graphs of this data on demand. The web app provides a /render endpoint to generate graphs and retrieve raw data via a RESTful API. Graphite has a pluggable backend (although it has it's own default implementation). Most of the modern metrics implementations, including scala-metrics used in this chapter, support sending data to Graphite.

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