Pattern matching internals

If you define a case class, as we saw with Name, you get pattern matching against the constructor for free. You should be using case classes to represent your data as much as possible, thus reducing the need to implement your own pattern matching. It is nevertheless useful to understand how pattern matching works.

When you create a case class, Scala automatically builds a companion object:

scala> case class Name(first: String, last: String)
defined class Name

scala> Name.<tab>
apply   asInstanceOf   curried   isInstanceOf   toString   tupled   unapply

The method used (internally) for pattern matching is unapply. This method takes, as argument, an object and returns Option[T], where T is a tuple of the values of the case class.

scala> val name = Name("Martin", "Odersky")
name: Name = Name(Martin,Odersky)

scala> Name.unapply(name)
Option[(String, String)] = Some((Martin,Odersky))

The unapply method is an extractor. It plays the opposite role of the constructor: it takes an object and extracts the list of parameters needed to construct that object. When you write val Name(firstName, lastName), or when you use Name as a case in a match statement, Scala calls Name.unapply on what you are matching against. A value of Some[(String, String)] implies a pattern match, while a value of None implies that the pattern fails.

To write custom extractors, you just need an object with an unapply method. While unapply normally resides in the companion object of a class that you are deconstructing, this need not be the case. In fact, it does not need to correspond to an existing class at all. For instance, let's define a NonZeroDouble extractor that matches any non-zero double:

scala> object NonZeroDouble { 
  def unapply(d:Double):Option[Double] = {
    if (d == 0.0) { None } else { Some(d) }  
defined object NonZeroDouble

scala> val NonZeroDouble(denominator) = 5.5
denominator: Double = 5.5

scala> val NonZeroDouble(denominator) = 0.0
scala.MatchError: 0.0 (of class java.lang.Double)
  ... 43 elided

We defined an extractor for NonZeroDouble, despite the absence of a corresponding NonZeroDouble class.

This NonZeroDouble extractor would be useful in a match object. For instance, let's define a safeDivision function that returns a default value when the denominator is zero:

scala> def safeDivision(numerator:Double, 
  denominator:Double, fallBack:Double) =
    denominator match {
      case NonZeroDouble(d) => numerator / d
      case _ => fallBack
safeDivision: (numerator: Double, denominator: Double, fallBack: Double)Double

scala> safeDivision(5.0, 2.0, 100.0)
Double = 2.5

scala> safeDivision(5.0, 0.0, 100.0)
Double = 100.0

This is a trivial example because the NonZeroDouble.unapply method is so simple, but you can hopefully see the usefulness and expressiveness, if we were to define a more complex test. Defining custom extractors lets you define powerful control flow constructs to leverage match statements. More importantly, they enable the client using the extractors to think about control flow declaratively: the client can declare that they need a NonZeroDouble, rather than instructing the compiler to check whether the value is zero.

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