

AAD, 860, 880

Aardvark, 662

Aaron Swartz, 49

abreast, 605

absurd, 669

academic, 312, 616

accelerate, 658

Accelerated Database, 233, 234, 318, 634

acceleration, 68

accent, 224

Access, 51, 54, 60, 68, 69, 339, 341, 360, 637

Access Control, 123

AccessPurchaseOrder, 925

accesstosql, 890

Account Cloud, 496

Account Retry Attempts, 383

Account Retry Delay, 383

AccountsPersonID, 753, 754

accrued, 747

accumulate, 334, 407

ACID, 657

ACLs, 123, 239, 917

acronym, 125, 483, 514

Active Expensive, 37, 39, 700

actively, 37, 331, 481, 917

ActiveX, 389

Activity Monitor, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 391, 700, 701

Actual Execution, 697, 700, 703, 764

ActualQueryPlan, 718

Actual Rebinds, 700

ActualRows, 699

ActualRowsRead, 699

acute, 455

Add Connection, 417

Add Database, 508

AddDays, 428

Add Login, 30

AddOption, 725

Add Replica, 521

Address Resolution, 613

Add Server, 30

ADF, 898

adhere, 260, 549

Advanced Cluster, 489, 490

Advanced Data, xvi, 824, 841, 844, 845, 848, 855

Advanced Encryption, 448, 625, 626

Advanced Format, 124

Advanced Package, 193

Advanced Policies, 504

Advanced Services, 147, 164

adverse, 330, 433, 438, 444, 463, 505, 847

affiliated, 799

Agent Extension, 795

Agent Job, 182, 410, 419

aggravating, 31

aging, 250

agonizing, 435

Ahead Logging, 97

Ain, 125

airbags, 677

akin, 73

Alert Definition, 42

Alert System, 384, 398

Aliens Land, 610

All Automatic, 211

All Database, 211

All Services, 893

Alphanumeric, 244

AMD, 59

ample, 317, 363

Analysis Server, 173, 174

Analytics Solution, 371

Anatomy, 95

ancestor, 234, 258

anchor, 567

annotations, 133

anomalies, 648, 846

Anomalous, 846

anticipate, 86, 503

Antimalware, 117

antipatterns, 573

antivirus, 152, 172, 179, 180, 458

Any Counter, 42

AnyTable, 686

Apache Hive, 914

Apache Knox, 911

Apache Kudu, 911

Apache Spark, 819, 911, 919

apiVersion, 133, 134, 135

apparatus, 401, 574

AppContainer, 933

Append Output, 394

Application event, 642

Application Insights, 369

ApplicationName, 19

Application Programming, 622, 623

aptitude, 193

aptly, 206

arcane, 549, 660

archaeology, 336

architectural, 226, 668, 800, 829, 860, 913

arduous, 606

Area Configuration, 171, 184

Area Network, 64, 66, 70, 145, 402, 482, 627

Are Recycled, 182

Armed, 72

ASC, 710, 754

ASE, 883, 884, 890

ASG, 787

attachVPNGateway, 869

auditSettings, 842

Australia Central, 888

Authentication modes, 539, 549

Authentication Users, 569

authoring, 424

authoritative, 151

Avg Disk, 367

AvgQuantity, 767, 768

awry, 376

AWS, 884

AzResourceGroup, 894, 897

AzSqlDatabase, 829, 830, 832, 833, 850

AzSqlDatabaseAudit, 840, 842

Azure AD, 83, 84, 188, 541, 542, 583, 624, 640, 785, 812

Azure Analysis, 161, 807

Azure Application, 653

Azure Authenticator, 541

Azure Automation, 43, 150, 806, 811, 832

Azure Backup, 797

Azure blob, 800, 845, 852, 863, 872, 924, 925

Azure cloud, 70, 608, 781, 797, 867

Azure Command, 783, 916

Azure Database, 217, 819, 871, 872, 888, 889, 891

Azure Databricks, 819

Azure Disks, 133

Azure File, 132

Azure Firewall, 787

Azure Government, 781

Azure Hybrid, 151, 795, 796, 812, 864

Azure Integration, 163, 898, 899

Azure Key, 150, 390, 624, 633, 636, 637

Azure Kubernetes, 131, 133, 916

Azure Log, 367, 369

Azure Managed, 132, 888

Azure Marketplace, 150, 151, 371, 651

Azure Migrate, 888

Azure Monitor, 367, 368, 369, 841

Azure Network, 513

Azure networking, 652, 787

Azure Replica, 521

Azure resource, 368, 369, 810, 835, 836

Azure Runtime, 899

Azure Security, 818, 846, 881

Azure service, 835, 846, 866

Azure Stack, 815

Azure subscription, 782, 785, 825

Azure Support, 827

Azure Synapse, 25, 44, 541, 542, 788, 797, 798, 818, 912, 924

Azure Virtual, 7, 649, 650, 651, 652, 788, 789, 794, 871

Azure web, 811, 816

Azure Windows, 144


backbone, 837, 871

backdoor, 563

backend, 513, 925

backtick, 48

Backup Devices, 30

Backup Encryption, 440

Backup Preferences, 414, 415, 514

Balancing Cluster, 187

barely, 438

Based Access, 785, 824, 838, 839

based authentication, 542

Basic Reference, 425

batch mode, 733, 762, 764

BatchParser, 429

Batch Requests, 37, 364

BCHR, 397

BCM, 95

BCP, 8, 12, 13, 14, 197, 434, 438

Benefit Savings, 812

benign, 334

BGP, 615, 651

bigint, 107, 249, 264, 359, 744, 745

binaries, 143, 202, 345, 489

binding, 137

Bing Maps, 254

BIOS, 61

bite, 659

bitmap, 95, 444, 450

bkmk, 276

blatant, 579

blazing, 276

blend, 798

blind, 386

BlobStorageTargetState, 842

blockdev, 196

blogdoezequiel, 56

blogging, 84

Boolean, 262, 420

boost, 58, 123

Boot Page, 95

bootstrap, 914

bootup, 436

Border Gateway, 615

bottleneck, 343, 502, 509, 693, 720, 747, 791, 792

Bourne, 192

bps, 817

brass, 125

breach, 451

Brendan Burns, 127

brevity, 268, 293, 616

bridge, 55, 622, 624

brownout, 71

Bruce Schneier, 610

Brute, 610, 611

Btree, 747

Bucket, 770, 771

buckle, 435

Buffer Cache, 359, 397

Bulk Changed, 95

Bulk Copy, 8

Bulkhead, 901

bumpers, 677

burdensome, 541

busiest, 363

Business Acceptance, 566

buzzword, 910, 911

BxlServer, 179

BYOL, 151


cacheobjtype, 333, 718

caches, 54, 116, 119

Caching, 54, 56, 265

cardinal, 711

Cardinality Estimation, 219

carte, 43

carve, 37, 66

CatalogCollation, 828

Catalogs, 31, 393

catastrophic, 65

Category Details, 51

CategoryId, 271

cautionary, 449, 457, 552, 701

ceiling, 901-902

centerincident, 844

Central, 66, 187, 192, 269, 416-417, 419, 469, 886-887

Central European, 250

Central Management, 28-29, 416, 808

Central Processing, 53, 58-59, 114

Centralized, 66, 177, 191, 345, 390, 395, 635, 786, 877

Centralized Management, 29

chalked, 360

Change Data, 226

Change Database, 186

Change Tracking, 226, 775

changeable, 724

changedbowner, 583

changeover, 456

Check Database, 405

Check For, 26

circuit, 59, 901

Circuit Breaker, 901

circumstance, 421

circumvent, 122

ciscopress, 615

claimName, 135

clarify, 51, 461, 472, 829

Classless Interdomain, 649

Cleanup Mode, 729

Click Ctrl, 702

Click Tasks, 635

Click Tools, 34

clickheavy, 431

ClickStream, 923-924

clipboard, 350

closure, 227, 286

Cloud Service, 861

Cloud Shell, 828

CloudBlobContainer, 848

cloudblogs, 10, 206, 521, 622, 793

Cloudera, 166

clouds, 779

clumsily, 749

clumsy, 372

CLUSAPI, 338, 533

Cluster Features, 913

Cluster Instance, 126

Cluster Instances, 485

Cluster Manager, 504, 522

Cluster Name, 497

Cluster Shared, 481

Clustered Index, 707, 711

Clustering Clustering, 73

clusterName, 527

ClusterNode, 506

ClusterParameter, 519

ClusterResource, 519

Cluter Instances, 179

clutter, 182-183

Code Page, 225

Code Snippets, 32-33

Code User, 430

codebase, 44

coding, 45, 102, 608, 668, 680, 880

coincidentally, 435

coincides, 612

coinciding, 76

coined, 125

collapse, 40

collapsible, 328, 677

Collation Collations, 224

Collation With, 245

CollationName, 827

CollationTest, 246

collision, 258, 610, 901-902

collocated, 820

colloquially, 61, 64, 746

colocation, 526, 528

Column Encryption, 633-634

Column Master, 633

Column Selection, 635

ColumnEncryption, 633

columnname, 259

Columnstore, 276, 325, 401, 742, 761-763

Columnstore Index, 707, 769

combat, 738

Command Line, 5, 14, 543

Command Prompt, 145-146, 169, 192, 345, 423

commenced, 101

commensurate, 790

CommentsChanged, 303

commercial, 189-190, 193, 616, 928

commitlatency, 68

commitment, 434, 779, 832

Committed Snapshot, 229, 515

Committed Version, 660

Common Internet, 67

Common Language, 95, 116, 252, 809

Common Setup, 169-170

commonplace, 11

Compatibility Level, 217, 226

Compilation Much, 734

compilations, 757

Compiled True, 31

compliance, 147, 275, 420-421, 793, 839, 854, 879, 896-897

compliant, 648, 862, 898

comply, 282

composed, 86, 909

composite, 261, 710

compound, 63, 261-262, 709, 742, 745, 748

comprehend, 796

Compress Backup, 411

CompressedFlag, 736

CompressionOption, 427

Compute Scalar, 737

concise, 19

concludes, 529

concocted, 551

condensed, 547

conducive, 424

confidence, 883

confident, 749, 799, 825

Confidential, 607

configname, 918

configurability, 413

Configuration Checker, 5

Configuration File, 168-170

Configuration If, 176

Configuration Manager, 23-24, 70, 164-165, 171, 185-187, 192, 505, 620

Configuration Settings, 159, 420

Configuration Wizard, 382

ConfigurationFile, 168, 170, 489

Configure Management, 20

Configure Transport, 206

configurestreaming, 877

Configuring Advanced, 844

Configuring Always, 636

Configuring Database, 544

Configuring Minikube, 131

Configuring Transparent, 195

configvalue, 920

conflate, 615

conflicts, 280, 683, 685, 687-688

congestion, 890

Connect Item, 228

Connection Strings, 891

Connection The, 601

Connection Timeout, 891

connectionless, 613

Connections Diagram, 865

connectivityarchitecture, 864

connector, 69, 166, 385, 916

connects, 192, 603, 878, 910

ConnectVia, 897

Consequently, 808

Console, 15, 149, 164, 309, 345-346, 366-367, 424, 426, 430, 781

consolidated, 828

consolidating, 85, 90

consolidation, 64, 77, 807

Consortium, 253

constant, 265, 437

Contain Owner, 31

Contain Schema, 31

Contained Users, 544, 569

Contained Windows, 569

containerized, 909

containerName, 848, 892-894

containerPort, 135

Containment Type, 226

Contains Equals, 31

contemporary, 483

contention, 5, 60, 79, 86, 93, 111-113, 337, 341-342, 372, 747

Context New, 893

contexts, 231, 601

contiguous, 32, 93, 195, 444, 664

continental, 815

Control All, 837

Control Panel, 16

Control Server, 919

controversy, 56

convenience, 416, 444, 458, 564, 650

convenient, 202, 312, 550, 564, 615, 714, 732, 793, 833


conventions, 411, 420-421, 567

Conversely, 259, 446

conversion, 11, 245-246, 260, 704

cooperates, 661

coordinate, 70, 252-254, 428, 498, 677

Coordinated Universal, 841

coordination, 215, 402

Coordinator, 30, 500

Copy Program, 13

CopyDatabaseName, 847

Copying, 215, 508

copying, 50, 163, 214-215, 219, 222, 225, 256, 472, 491, 774

CopyOnly, 894

cornerstone, 934

Cost Threshold, 115, 339, 720

costbased, 722

costliest, 708, 757

costly, 89, 314, 471, 704, 709-710, 724, 738

costs, 64, 72, 86, 93, 114-115, 132, 151, 470, 695, 704, 791, 807-808, 810, 812, 854, 876, 896, 918

counsel, 605

Counter Instance, 42

Countermeasures, 610

countermeasures, 610

counterparts, 197

counterpoint, 86

counters, 38, 42, 52, 315, 358-361, 363-367, 395, 397, 501, 531, 797

counting, 355, 615, 738-739

Countries, 262

CountryName, 262

counts, 61, 86, 209, 319, 336, 350-352, 355-356, 710, 714, 756

couple, 43, 353, 476, 857, 885

Create Audit, 642

Create Availability, 858

Create Catalog, 184

Create Computer, 497

Create Endpoint, 858

Create External, 919

Create New, 826

Create Or, 714

Create To, 348


Creating Microsoft, 371

CreationTime, 428

Cred, 823, 847-848

Cred In, 823

Credentials Are, 187

Credit, 525, 616, 631, 638, 861

criteria, 112, 596, 669, 690, 709, 713, 748, 799, 854

criticizing, 794

Cross Database, 7, 583

crosshairs, 730

crossplatform, 345

crowded, 414

crushing, 677

cryptic, 337

Cryptographic, 609-611, 613, 617, 620-621, 625, 629

Cryptographic Providers, 30

cryptographically, 81, 607, 610, 615, 625-626

Cumulative Update, 452

Cumulative Updates, 200, 377-378

cure, 554, 556, 559

curious, 129, 637

curl, 199, 871

currency, 246

Current User, 635

CurrentControlSet, 898

cursor, 33, 110, 245, 311, 430-431, 694, 710, 777

Custom String, 639

customerfacing, 565

CustomerID, 267, 319, 738, 753-754

CustomerId, 697

CustomerName, 267

CustomerNameType, 267

Customers, 51, 105, 128, 267, 378, 521, 563, 637, 650, 697, 738, 808, 814, 886, 908, 923

CustomerTransactions, 646-647

CustomFields, 255

customizability, 401, 480

customizable, 34, 45, 351-352, 484, 809, 812, 843

CycleCount, 266

Cyrillic, 245


Data Clusters, 127, 905, 907, 909, 911-913

Data Collection, 20-22, 30

Data Collector, 357, 362

Data Compare, 214

Data Compression, 320, 762

Data Control, 832

Data Definition, 398, 533, 578, 678, 695

Data Directories, 235

Data Discovery, 607

Data Disk, 368

Data Encryption, 440, 631

Data Factory, 804-805, 898

Data File, 36, 39

Data Integration, 896

Data Lake, 746, 817, 914

Data Manipulation, 271, 578, 695, 846

Data Migra, 882

Data Migration, 4, 6-8, 152, 869, 886, 891, 900

Data Movement, 919

Data Platform, 796

Data Portal, 367

Data Profile, 51

Data Profiling, 51

Data Protection, 622

Data Quality, 11-12, 207

Data Science, 926

Data Scientist, 923

Data Source, 633

Data Storage, 18, 349

Data Studio, 3, 349

Data Tools, 4

Data Warehouse, 20, 25, 44, 314, 607, 816, 908

Data Wizard, 50

Database Active, 39

Database Administrator, 210

Database Advanced, 640

Database Advisor, 728

Database After, 825

Database All, 639

Database An, 664

Database As, 832

Database Audit, 646

Database Auditing, 641

Database Azure, 84, 882

Database Backup, 410

Database Backups, 8

Database Benchmark, 794

Database Chapter, 469

Database Configuration, 186

Database Database, 882

Database Diagrams, 34

Database Edge, 206-207, 614, 813

Database Encryption, 622

Database Engines, 28

Database Export, 849

Database Figure, 824

Database For, 6

Database Mail, 30, 40, 176-177, 186, 205, 381-386, 401, 535

Database Maintenance, 388

Database Managed, 7, 150, 382, 471, 886

Database Master, 629

Database Migra, 882

Database Name, 20-21

Database Premium, 761

Database Properties, 221, 223-224, 230, 233

Database Provisioning, 819

Database Read, 230

Database Recovery, 318

Database Schemas, 884

Database Security, 832

Database Settings, 210-211

Database State, 76

Database Stretch, 812

Database Task, 400

Database Threat, 648

Database Transaction, 796, 803

Database Upgrade, 219, 738

Database User, 545, 570, 592-593

databaseCopyName, 847-848

DatabaseDtuMax, 830-831

DatabaseDtuMin, 830-831

databaseelastic, 856

DatabaseFileName, 326

DatabaseID, 329

databaselevel, 217, 226, 835

DatabaseMail, 382

databasemailprofile, 384

DatabaseMailUsersRole, 383

DatabaseObject, 427

DatabaseOne, 728

Databases Databases, 473

DatabaseUsers, 568

Databricks, 817, 897, 907, 910

Databricks Notebook, 896-897

datagram, 613

datareader, 572-573

dataset, 11, 18, 106, 351-352, 676, 774

datastores, 897

datatype, 373, 635, 764, 889

datawriter, 572-573

Date Created, 409

Date Equals, 31

Date Modified, 409

Date Time, 42

datecapture, 335-336

dated, 363, 377

datetimeoffset, 250-251, 335, 743

dating, 523

daunting, 658

David, 285

David Klee, 86

davidklee, 86

Deadlock Graph, 353, 355

DeadlockID, 354

deadlocks, 19, 353, 372, 664, 689

dealbreaker, 500

Dealing, 15, 226, 241, 378, 657, 661, 733, 920

deallocated, 309, 579, 793

deals, 122, 124, 146, 342, 471, 606, 707

debate, 57, 287, 564

debugger, 19, 348, 352, 632

decade, 284, 347, 422, 476, 615-616

decipher, 881

decisionmakers, 607

decompression, 107, 763

decrease, 63, 215, 361, 610, 694, 852, 854, 900

Dedicated Admin, 201

Dedicated Administrator, 113, 601

deduce, 611

Default Profiler, 205

Default Setting, 430

Default Snapshot, 479

defaulted, 392

defeated, 521, 609-611, 621

defect, 417-418

defend, 59, 373, 451, 605, 607-609, 619, 627, 640, 653

deferred, 465, 734

Deficiency, 882

Definition Shared, 664

defragmentation, 40, 458

defragmenting, 458

degradation, 19, 233, 361, 369, 874, 883

degradations, 874

degrade, 157, 409, 883

Delay Between, 395

delegate, 82-83, 485, 557, 864, 917

deliberate, 567

DeliveryInstructions, 303

DeliveryInstructionsChanged, 303

delta, 96, 325, 450, 688, 749

deltastore, 765

delve, 607, 782, 819, 905

demostorage, 892

Demote, 507, 527-528

denote, 258, 370

denydatareader, 573

denydatawriter, 573

denying, 561

Deploying Big, 905, 912-913

Deployment Depending, 933

DeploymentMode, 162

Deprecated Features, 52

deprecating, 7, 52, 518, 871

descendant, 258-259

Descendants, 286

descendants, 259, 286

descending, 263, 719, 750

Description Unattended, 170

descriptions, 27, 147, 161, 405, 424, 479, 804, 881-882

descriptive, 29

deserializers, 910

deserve, 706, 758

designate, 13, 43, 416, 486, 836

desirable, 282, 564, 582, 744, 788

Despite, 49, 224, 251, 307, 734

destabilize, 931

Destination Server, 8

DestinationSqlCredential, 895

destructive, 147, 319, 323

DETACH, 123, 215, 220, 236-237

Detached Cluster, 489

Detaching, 215, 236-237

DetailId, 278-279

determinant, 518

determination, 883

determining, 230, 316, 569, 863

Deterministic, 269, 631-632, 635

detriment, 691

detrimental, 58, 280, 678

Development Servers, 28

deviation, 51, 223

DevOps, 125, 137

diag, 877

diagnose, 38, 663

Diagnosing, 19

diagnosis, 358

diagram, 48, 291, 909

dials, 339

dictate, 59, 113, 457, 791, 821

Different Location, 8

Different Server, 419

Differential Changed, 95

differentiate, 355, 832

differentiates, 72, 85, 192

Differentiating, 484

differentiation, 800

differently, 232, 298, 362, 375, 401, 667, 749, 762, 858

differing, 62, 660

differs, 49, 200, 221

Direct Access, 68-69

DirectAttached, 787

Directory Admin, 719

Directory Authentication, 549, 837

Directory Azure, 83

Directory Database, 859

directoryadministrator, 878

dirtied, 232

Dirty Read, 659

disadvantage, 66, 401, 617, 746

disallowed, 278, 546

disappear, 291, 615

disapprove, 29

disassociate, 215

Disaster, 72, 435, 471

Disaster Recovery, 484

disasters, 433, 451, 845, 876

disc, 151

discarded, 59, 447, 650

Discarding, 251

disconnect, 212, 270, 321, 503, 535, 744

discontinue, 3, 52, 161, 240, 782

Discontinued Database, 7

discontinuing, 52

Discourages, 877

discrepancies, 879

discrete, 77, 89, 145, 594

Disk Defragmenter, 313

Disk Only, 74

Disk Transfers, 363

Disk Usage, 326, 328

diskadmin, 558

disparate, 904

Docker Desktop, 128, 131

Dockerfile, 86

Does Activity, 40

Does Azure, 43

Does Not, 31

dollars, 435, 678

Domain Controller, 5

Domain Controllers, 87

Domain Name, 613

Domain Service, 80, 82, 810, 877

dotted, 700

downfalls, 557

downgrade, 148, 790, 851, 876

downside, 86, 97, 287, 441, 800

downtown, 436

downward, 118, 364

dows, 882

drag, 402, 413

dramatic, 110, 498

drastic, 74, 219, 226

drastically, 197

draw, 257, 287, 370, 476, 480, 680, 707, 761, 858, 869

drawn, 254

dreaded, 396

dried, 797

drift, 923

drill, 368, 371, 469, 850, 883

Drop Availability, 856

Drop Database, 237

DS, 636, 792, 810

During Azure, 825

Dynamic Management, 556

dynamically, 98, 118, 132-133, 485, 707, 765, 772, 874


Elastic Job, 808-809

Elastic Scale, 809

Elastic Transactions, 859

elastically, 896

Elasticity, 780

ElasticPoolName, 828, 830-831, 847

electrocuting, 71

Electron, 44, 467, 614, 616, 618

ElevatedRights, 589

elevating, 252, 671

ellipsoidal, 252

Email Report, 412

Email Settings, 186

emailing, 42

emerge, 287

emergencies, 505

Enable Audit, 643

Enable Optimize, 180

Enable Worker, 163

Enabled, 420, 633, 840

Enabled If, 898

Enabled No, 41

EnableHttpsTrafficOnly, 840

Enabling Forced, 120

Enabling Service, 386

encapsulate, 371

encapsulated, 720

enclave, 632, 634, 636-637

EnclaveProviders, 636

enclaves, 631-632, 636-637

enclose, 425

Encryption Data, 611

Encryption Keys, 187

Encryption Let, 220

encrypts, 623, 627, 813, 879

Enforce Password, 550

EnforcePasswordPolicy, 549

Engine Functionality, 7

Engine Service, 154, 171

Engine Tuning, 16

enlightenment, 64, 68

enormous, 816

enrichment, 11

ensuing, 119

Enterprise Agreement, 861

Enterprise Core, 203

Enterprise Dev, 861

Enterprise Edition, 473, 483

Enterprise Enterprise, 473

Enterprise Key, 390

Enterprise Linux, 5, 128, 193, 491, 493, 522

Enterprise Security, 542

Enterprise Standard, 473

enterpriselevel, 229

entity, 84, 227, 260, 281-282, 287, 290-291, 297-298, 539, 544, 569, 618, 666, 694

Entity Framework, 257

envision, 130

eNVM, 861

ephemeral, 88, 132, 744, 765

Eponymous, 762, 775

Equal, 31, 42, 157, 224, 228, 386, 509, 712, 829

Equal Between, 31

Equal More, 31

Error Log, 35-36, 103, 120, 182, 205, 238

Error Number, 42

errored, 393, 883

Evaluate Mode, 421

Evaluate Policies, 30, 421

Evaluation Edition, 148

Evaluation Mode, 420

evaluations, 420-421

Event File, 351

Event Hub, 839

Event Log, 239

Event Time, 647

Event Tracing, 352

EventDuration, 328

EventFileTarget, 353

eventful, 182

EventGrowth, 328

Events Files, 351

Events Session, 357, 562

exacerbate, 372

Example Live, 700

Example Query, 703

Examples Here, 427

Excel, 45, 51, 161, 341, 574

Excel Power, 908

Exections, 39

executable, 25, 184, 202, 382, 384, 797

Executable Minimum, 383

executables, 152, 170

exfiltrated, 609, 844

Expand Stored, 50

expedition, 562

expended, 813

expenditure, 779

expends, 31

Expensive Queries, 39

experimentation, 881

Experimentation Assistant, 883

expert, 610

expertise, 540, 745, 873

ExpirationDate, 421

Explain Plan, 695

explode, 722

exploit, 609, 694

exploration, 381

Export, 13, 27-28, 30, 350, 369, 420, 436, 846-849

Export Current, 420

Export Wizard, 51

ExportRequest, 848

exportRequest, 848

exportStatus, 848

Extended Event, 315, 328, 352

Extended Events, 16-17, 30, 328, 806

Extended Support, 379

ExtendedPrice, 270, 766-767

Extending, 47, 83, 310, 523

extensibility, 10, 45, 933

ExtensibilityData, 176

extensible, 34, 44, 624-625

Extensible Key, 622

External Data, 166, 921

External Tables, 920

ExternalPurchaseOrder, 921

extrapolates, 370

extras, 616


FacetDomainControllerCheck, 5

Facets, 5, 176, 382, 602

FactorsThatDelayTruncation, 100

Factory, 804-805, 834, 855-857, 896-899

Failover Availability, 473

Failover Clustering, 30, 73-75, 77-79, 431, 485

Failover Clusters, 423

FailoverClusters, 506, 519

FailoverPartner, 520

failurehappen, 745

FClevel, 505

fdhost, 774

feasibility, 68, 319, 445, 463, 512, 712

feats, 801

Feature Pack, 345

fellow, 546

Fibre Channel, 67

fickle, 467

fictional, 373, 438

File Allocation, 122

File Explorer, 192

File Extensions, 383

File Header, 95

File Menu, 430

File Share, 74, 496

File System, 50, 67, 122, 145, 239, 288, 564, 906

File Transfer, 615

File Viewer, 647-648

FileId, 326

FileLocation, 326

Fill Factor, 314-315

Finish Waiting, 41

FIPS, 898

FIPSAlgorithmPolicy, 898

Firewall Rule, 824

FirstVal, 265-266

FixQuorum, 506

FK, 319, 753-754

Force Encryption, 620

Force Plan, 731

Force Restore, 894

ForEachObject, 428

Foreign Key, 749

Forwarding Pointers, 313

Fsutil, 145-146

FT, 338

fulltext, 774


GameWeek, 757

GameYear, 757

garbage, 289

gauge, 38

gauging, 362

General Data, 606

General Differences, 857

General Distribution, 378

General Purpose, 861, 888

georeplicated, 472

geospatial, 802

Get Service, 917

GetAncestor, 259

GetLevel, 259

GetSmoObject, 178

gettable, 328-329

Getting Started, 344

GetUserName, 278

gigabit, 815

gigabyte, 291, 814, 822

GitHub, 44, 49, 84, 130, 137, 277, 344, 346, 367, 738, 781, 819, 901, 916, 927

githubusercontent, 277, 866, 912

Glacier, 66

glance, 29, 222, 368, 798

Glenn Berry, 119

Global, 18, 384, 502, 509, 662, 821, 860, 878, 887, 896, 925

Global Allocation, 95

Global Fields, 347

Global Rules, 167

Grafana, 910

grail, 137

Graphical User, 883

grasp, 361, 428

grave, 428

GridView, 344, 346-347, 430

Group Policy, 83

Group Wizard, 521, 524

grp, 374

GTH, 890

GUID, 145, 257-258

Guides An, 724

GUIDs, 257-258


hacluster, 526-527

Hadoop Distributed, 906

Hadoop Spark, 928

hallengren, 467

halves, 74

Hamilton, 285

handcuffed, 218

handful, 332, 718, 748

handshake, 621

hang, 688

haphazardly, 749

harbinger, 396

hardcoding, 517

harden, 533-534

HardMemoryLimit, 173

Hardware Security, 623

hardwaresecrets, 194

harm, 111, 572

harming, 735

hasten, 557

Haswell, 861

Hat Enterprise, 200

haystack, 766, 770

HBase, 907

Head Blocker, 38

Hekaton, 205

hellish, 437

Help Backup, 427

Help Invoke, 425

helptext, 34

hertz, 58

heuristics, 734

Hierarchyid, 252, 258-259, 281, 802, 811, 889

High Availability, 30, 414, 483, 872, 913

High Performance, 61, 178-179, 194, 787

hijacked, 615

Histogram, 348, 351, 355-356, 711

History Chapter, 182

History Cleanup, 409

Hit, 119, 168, 359, 397

Hit Ratio, 359, 397

hiveQL, 908

Hoc Workloads, 119, 180

homogenous, 887

honored, 217, 597

hood, 8, 614

horribly, 709

Hortonworks, 920

Hortonworks Hadoop, 166

Host Guardian, 636

Host Name, 38, 347, 351, 372, 523

hotkeys, 34

hotspot, 93

hover, 697, 707

How Kerberos, 82

htop, 366

HttpsCertThumbprint, 163

hub, 337, 379, 786

huge, 614, 733, 783

Huge Pages, 195

hugely, 206, 616

Hyperscale, 799-802

Hypertext Markup, 616

Hypertext Transport, 616

hyperthreaded, 203

hyperthreading, 157, 768

hypothetical, 17


ICMP, 613

idempotent, 600

ietf, 613-614, 621

If Transparent, 440

ifconfig, 423

Ignore Replica, 415

Impala, 910

imperfect, 712

impetus, 860

Implied, 750

Import Policies, 30

Import Registered, 29

inability, 281, 467

inadvertently, 212, 223, 281

inadvisable, 668

inbound, 543, 785-786, 863-864, 872

inbox, 177, 395

incapacitated, 438

incase, 875

inching, 694

Include Actual, 697

Include Step, 394

incoming, 112, 650

incompatibility, 762

inconsequential, 739

incorporating, 258

Independent Disks, 65

Index Rebuild, 313, 408, 746

Index Reorganize, 408

Index Scan, 699, 766

Index Seek, 707, 710, 752-754, 768

IndexName, 760

indiscriminately, 329

inexact, 712

infoschema, 890

infrequent, 87, 479, 754

ingest, 911

inherent, 284, 412, 631, 742

iniSetup, 171

Initialize Secondary, 475

ink, 797

inline, 637

Inner Join, 698

innumerable, 70

InProgress, 848

Input, 62, 609, 709, 733

Insert Snippets, 33

insignificant, 123

insists, 227

instability, 119

Install Based, 169

Install Extension, 47

installaProtocol, 171

Installation Center, 3-4, 6, 9, 22

Instance Collation, 141, 154

Instance Feature, 165

Instance Should, 473

instanceconfigure, 867-868

InstanceNameTem, 186

Instancepath, 348, 351, 533

instancetransact, 860

Instant File, 14, 154

Instantaneous, 801

instantly, 105-106, 123, 206

instruments, 125, 565

insulate, 56

insurance, 72

intact, 312, 416, 446, 584

IntegerData, 328

integratedConsole, 431

integrates, 478, 817, 874

IntelliSense, 13, 32-33

interchangeably, 547

Interconnect Express, 63

Internetconnected, 426

internethistorypodcast, 616

interpreted, 245, 277, 616, 710

interrogating, 315

interruption, 491, 507

intersections, 253

intimate, 438

Intranet, 885, 900

intrepid, 438

intricacies, 464, 487

intrinsic, 737

intrinsically, 277

introspection, 371

intrusion, 396

intuitive, 180, 183, 392

invoiced, 738

InvoiceLineID, 750, 766-767

invoked, 637

iostat, 367

IPaddr, 528

ipconfig, 423

iPhone, 616

IPSec, 69

ipynb, 916

IR, 896-897, 899

ironclad, 679

ironic, 745

isolate, 163, 403, 607, 631, 658

Istio, 128

IsValid, 255

Italian, 203

Itaniumarchitecture, 927

iterate, 326

iterative, 374


Jakobsen, 285

Job Activity, 41, 391

Job Category, 42

Job History, 183, 392-393

Job Notifications, 40

Job Properties, 390

Job Reporting, 399

Job Runnable, 42

Job Step, 388-389, 394

jobhistory, 183, 409

jobsteplog, 394

jumpstart, 658

Jupiter, 48

Jupyter, 48-49


KBytes, 365

Kernel, 48, 56, 189-190, 194-196

Kestrel, 927

Key Lookup, 710, 752-754

Key Range, 664

keyed, 709

keystrokes, 34, 71

keytab, 206

kilobytes, 175, 531

Kind Storage, 840

knockon, 467

Korea Central, 785

Korean, 203

Korn, 192

Kruger, 118

kubeadm, 912-913

kubectl, 126, 132, 134, 136, 912

Kubernetes Although, 131

Kubernetes Architecture, 127

Kubernetes Kubernetes, 125

Kubernetes Once, 132

Kusto, 367, 370-371

Kusto Query, 369


Lacks, 147, 215, 223

lag, 89, 530-531

laid, 437

lake, 817, 906

Lake Storage, 817, 915, 922

land, 141

landscape, 905

Language Extensions, 165-166

Language Statements, 578

Large Hadron, 483

Large Object, 890

Last Run, 42

LastName, 282, 582

LastVal, 265-266

latch, 280, 342, 557, 741, 769, 771

Launch Pad, 905, 933-935

launched, 126, 131, 151, 170, 351, 366, 417, 933-935

lazy, 78, 97

leakage, 637

leaked, 609, 617

leaks, 605

leaps, 658

learned, 531, 787

Learning Server, 175

Learning Services, 165

ledger, 675

Left Semi, 700

leftmost, 296, 705

Legacy Cardinality, 211

Legend, 447

legislation, 605-606

legitimate, 120, 122

LeMaire, 423, 891

Len, 353

lengthened, 379

Level Agreements, 472

Level Database, 473

Level Security, 206

Leveraging Big, 166

LHC, 483

liberal, 267

License Terms, 152

licenseguide, 127

life, 184, 281, 358, 363, 378-379, 423, 565, 659, 677, 782-783, 821, 826

lifecycle, 209, 575, 888, 908

lifespan, 63, 458

Lightweight Query, 231

Limit Size, 183

Limiting Machine, 175

limitless, 814

LimitRest, 764

Line Interface, 150, 781, 908

linear, 796

LineProfit, 766-767

lines, 54, 83, 129, 253, 428, 489, 528, 694, 700, 707, 848

link, 6, 9, 70, 150, 152, 167, 186, 239, 346, 696, 698, 877, 891, 922

Linked Server, 30, 600, 895

LinkedIn, 83-84

Linus Torvalds, 189

LinuxAG, 525, 528

Linuxspecific, 194

ListAvailable, 426

literacy, 423

literal, 103, 132, 613, 696, 713, 733

LiteralPath, 426

Livy, 915

Load Balancer, 521

Local Administrator, 6

Local Audit, 206

Local Jobs, 417

Local Machine, 635

Local Policies, 124

Local Security, 124, 154, 390

Local Server, 28-29

Locale, 107, 206

Locator, 609, 743

Lock Granularity, 664

Lock Mode, 664

Lock Modes, 664-665

Lock Pages, 180-181

Lockable Resources, 664

Log Analytics, 369-372, 839, 877

Log Files, 328

Log On, 16

Log Reader, 389, 478

Log Sequence, 434, 437

Log Shipping, 76, 475

LogFiles, 386

Logging Level, 384

Logical Reads, 39, 730

Logical Writes, 39, 730

logicalservername, 841

Login Properties, 552

LoginName, 19

Logins Task, 596

logistical, 772

logistics, 307

logless, 691

longrunning, 515

longstanding, 906

longterm, 854

LowMemoryLimit, 173

lumped, 764

Lunches, 423

luxury, 414, 785


MaC, 258, 744

Machine Language, 10

machinery, 234, 494, 565

magnetic, 61

magnitude, 54, 114, 249, 276, 469

Mail, 205, 383-385, 435

Mailbox, 385

mailitems, 385

Mainstream Support, 378-379

Maintaining Indexes, 317

Maintenance Cleanup, 409

Maintenance Plan, 30, 207, 317, 381, 400, 402-410, 412-415, 456

Maintenance Solution, 467

Maintenance Task, 124, 213

maintplan, 409

malfunctioning, 176, 532

maligned, 723

malware, 180

Manage Categories, 388

Manage Instances, 876

manageability, 144, 464, 595, 821

manageable, 314, 413, 728

Managed Backups, 812

Managed Disks, 787

Managed Lock, 320

Managed Service, 897

ManagedComputer, 178

Management Data, 21-22

Management Protocol, 613

Management Studio, 192, 696, 699, 750

Management System, 657

managementviews, 316

Managing Azure, 780

Managing Spark, 907

Manning Publications, 423

mantissa, 248

Manual Backup, 512

MapReduce, 906, 910

MariaDB, 817

mariadb, 817

mark, 100, 399, 453, 462, 503, 731

Mark As, 177, 395

Markdown, 48-49

Markup Language, 125

marts, 606

masquerade, 73

Master Boot, 145

Master Data, 9, 11, 207

Master Key, 622, 634-635, 922

Max Degree, 116, 221, 230, 340

Max Server, 57, 87, 113, 116-119, 159, 366, 715, 787

Max Size, 729

Max Worker, 118-119

maxed, 898

maximize, 212, 287, 315, 900

Maximum Buffer, 352

Maximum Degree, 339

Maximum Degrees, 157, 310

Maximum File, 383

Maximum Server, 159-160

MaximumMemoryLimit, 175

MaxLength, 259

MaxSizeBytes, 828

MaxVal, 264, 266

meant, 18, 112, 232, 749, 808

meantime, 465

MediaPathLength, 5

medical, 744

megabytes, 39

Mem, 358

Memory Access, 68

Memory Allocated, 40

Memory As, 117

Memory Consumption, 730

Memory Grant, 733

Memory Limit, 705

Memory Manager, 365

Memory New, 159

Memory Pages, 364

Memory Performance, 365

Memory Use, 38

Memory You, 180

MemoryLimit, 175

memorylimitmb, 56

MemoryOptimizedTable, 690

MemorySafetyMargin, 175

MemoryThreshold, 175

Merge Agent, 479

Merge Audit, 841

Merge Azure, 809

Merge Extended, 351

Merge Join, 698, 700, 710

Merge Results, 30

Message Protocol, 613

messaging, 347, 542, 566

metaphorically, 565

metastore, 909

meter, 25

MetricName, 369-370

Metrics, 36, 45, 51, 307, 315, 331, 336, 357-363, 365-372, 700, 703, 730, 814, 877

microcode, 59, 88

microprocessors, 59

microservice, 900-901

Microsoft Access, 881

Microsoft Active, 837

Microsoft Azure, 6, 53, 371, 381, 471, 539, 658, 746, 779, 781, 783, 785, 795, 802, 813, 819

Microsoft Container, 128

Microsoft Cryptographic, 623

Microsoft Data, 217

Microsoft Distribution, 500

Microsoft Download, 837

Microsoft Drivers, 633

Microsoft Edge, 616

Microsoft Excel, 11, 187, 423, 438

Microsoft Exchange, 385

Microsoft Feature, 50

Microsoft Hyper, 86

Microsoft Internet, 616

Microsoft Knowledge, 621

Microsoft Knowledgebase, 58

Microsoft Management, 15, 780

Microsoft Monitoring, 369

Microsoft Office, 83, 162, 339, 341, 542, 574, 810

Microsoft Power, 165, 188, 574, 805

Microsoft Research, 802

Microsoft Support, 58, 116, 120, 158

Microsoft Tech, 842

Microsoft Windows, 4

microsoftpressstore, 256

Microsoftprovided, 521

microsoftsqlserver, 429

MigraExperimentation, 882

Migration Assistant, 216-217, 812, 881, 884-885

Migration Code, 892

Migration Migration, 882

Migration Services, 881, 883, 885, 887, 896-899

Migration Using, 7

migs, 756-757

Minimum Log, 98

Minimum Recovery, 101

Minimum Server, 160

MinionWare, 467

misbehaving, 523

miscommunication, 483

Misconfiguration, 71, 518

Misspellings, 568

Mixed Extent, 93

Mixed Mode, 150, 156, 169

Mixing, 89, 810, 816

Module Az, 781

Moisture, 71

motherboard, 58, 60, 62-64, 71

mouse, 192, 435

Moving Azure, 599

Moving Windows, 594, 597

Mozilla Firefox, 616

Multi Server, 417-419

Multiserver Results, 30

multisite, 495

multistep, 341, 661, 674, 687

multithreaded, 669, 747

murky, 58

muscle, 435


naïve, 609

nance, 171

nanoseconds, 251

narrower, 63, 698

Native Client, 167, 519

nativemode, 185

necessitate, 746

neonatal, 250

Net Send, 394

Net System, 679

NetBIOS, 523

nets, 860

Netscape Communications, 617

Netscape Navigator, 616

Network Address, 614

Network File, 911

Network Load, 187

Network Security, 543, 648-651, 863, 872

networked, 612

Networking Provisioning, 872

New Audit, 642

New Availability, 524

New Database, 20, 213

New Extended, 357, 562

New Operator, 394

New Query, 30

New Session, 17, 349

Next Scheduled, 42

noatime, 196

Node Majority, 487, 496

NodeWeight, 506

NoParallelism, 726

NoRebootPackage, 5


NORECOVERY, 76, 215, 459-461, 474, 512

Not Available, 363, 365

Not Between, 31

noteworthy, 450, 817

Notify Operator, 412

Notifying, 42

notwithstanding, 39

novice, 381

nteraction, 233

ntext, 95, 268, 319, 323, 580, 811

ntfsinfo, 145

nuanced, 226, 244, 246

nuisance, 396, 419

nullability, 267

nullable, 254, 261-263, 317

nutshell, 787


OAuth, 83, 916

obfuscate, 129

obfuscates, 599

obfuscation, 619, 638

Object An, 664

Object Class, 644

Object Name, 426, 644

Object Plan, 724

Object Plans, 717

Object Schema, 644

ObjectID, 333, 718, 836

ObjectiveName, 827

objectives, 400-401, 434

objectname, 576

Objects Explorer, 31

objecttype, 546

ofband, 450

offload, 514

offpremises, 626

offrow, 248

Oftentimes, 224, 396, 545

Ola Hallengren, 467

omission, 615

omit, 16, 546, 615

On Change, 421

On Demand, 420

On Failure, 399

On Linux, 74-75, 113, 192, 387, 395, 425, 625

On May, 606

On Microsoft, 62

On Red, 197, 200

On Success, 399

On Target, 418

On Windows, 40, 75, 191-192, 387, 396, 885

Once Transaction, 683

Online Transaction, 116, 761, 796

Only Routing, 515-516, 520

Only Standard, 473

OOM, 206, 276, 457

Open Database, 12

Open Geospatial, 253

Open Source, 891

OpenID, 83

Opening, 15, 188, 196, 719, 841, 913

OpenShift, 128

opensourcerers, 525

Operating System, 141, 203, 360, 363, 389

Operations Manager, 369

OperationStatusLink, 848

OpEx, 779-780

Opinions, 439

Optimization Level, 704-705

Oracle, 51, 166, 341, 870, 881-882, 888, 908, 911, 922-923

oracletosql, 888

OrderDetails, 268

OrderID, 268, 302-303, 726-727

origin, 7, 84, 338, 931

Origin Resource, 931

OSes, 191, 193, 202, 206

OSI, 70

OSS, 44

Ostensibly, 57, 612

Other Considerations, 219

Other Node, 74

Other Options, 222, 230

OtherLanguages, 255

Out Deployment, 187

outbound, 385, 454, 785-786, 863, 872, 875

outcome, 59, 98, 382, 388

outdated, 453, 468

outlay, 779

outline, 4, 377, 433

Outlook, 383

outperform, 707, 759, 761, 771

Output In, 394

Output List, 753

OutputDirectory, 345

outstripped, 364

Overall Progress, 25

overcome, 286, 372, 414, 803

overcommit, 57, 87, 89, 177, 395

overestimate, 771

overhaul, 234

Overheating, 71

overkill, 319, 759

Overriding, 261, 288, 310, 375, 515, 670-672, 683, 727, 731

overrun, 318

oversees, 125

oversight, 218, 575

overstated, 711

overtime, 819

overuse, 342, 720

overwhelming, 381

Owing, 412, 618, 641

Ownership Chaining, 583


pace, 233

Pacemaker, 74-75, 78, 480, 493, 508, 522-528

Pacemaker Instead, 74

pacemakerLogin, 527

Pacific Standard, 273

Pacific Time, 273

Package Deployment, 393-394

Package Manager, 345

Package Progress, 25

Packages Patches, 193

PackageTypeID, 766-767

packrights, 545

padding, 639

Page An, 664

Page Faults, 364-365

Page Life, 42, 363, 365, 397

Page Read, 364

Page Reads, 364

Page Splits, 315, 359-360

Page Verify, 222, 230, 308

paginated, 803

pairwise, 287

panacea, 687

panels, 26, 423, 700

panic, 438

Parallel Query, 115

parallelization, 339, 888, 934

paramount, 72, 103, 308

paranoid, 373

parentId, 682

ParentObject, 311

Parquet, 908, 924

Partition Table, 145

passively, 756

passphrase, 610, 617

Password Policy, 549

PasswordPolicyEnforced, 421

Patterns Products, 193

Paul, 95, 115, 310, 463, 745

Paul Randal, 95, 310, 463

Paul White, 115

pausable, 322

Peer, 476-477, 480, 866

penalizes, 66

penalty, 60, 65, 116, 434

pending, 6

penor, 837

perceived, 746, 749, 794

Percentage, 51, 173, 175, 314, 324, 360, 367-369, 406-407, 700, 705, 756-757, 811

percentile, 369-371

Percona, 128

Perform Volume, 124, 213

Performance Condition, 42

Performance Monitor, 118, 315, 357-359, 361-364, 366, 395, 397

performant, 734

Perimeter, 608, 620

Period Security, 379

periodic, 74, 182, 227, 814, 843

Peripheral Component, 63

Permission Container, 893

Permissions Granted, 239

Permissions Let, 578

persistence, 98

Persistent Memory, 691

Persistent Volume, 127, 132

pertain, 546, 578, 658, 677, 722

Pessimistic, 256, 689, 769

petabytes, 906

Phantom, 659, 661, 672, 675-677, 680-681, 689-690

Phantom Read, 659

phantoms, 663

phenomena, 660, 663

philosophical, 190

phrases, 288, 610-611, 774

Physical Disk, 368

Physical Reads, 39, 730

Physical Sector, 146

PhysicalDisk, 363

physically, 70, 87, 238, 290, 318, 323, 444, 565, 751, 822

pie, 881

placeholder, 33

Plaintext, 635

Plan Correction, 732

Plan Count, 39

Plan Found, 705

Plan Guide, 714, 723, 725-726

Plan Guides, 723, 725, 727, 730, 732

Plan Wizard, 403

planar, 252

PlanCount, 716

PlanGuideDB, 725

PlanGuideName, 725

Plans Personal, 413

PlanSize, 718

PlanUse, 716

Platform Abstraction, 206, 358, 366, 622

PlatformCheck, 5

pleasant, 366

plethora, 666

plumbing, 87

Podcast, 616

poetically, 260

Point Counterpoint, 86

Point Objective, 72

Policy History, 420

Policy Management, 30, 420-421

politically, 554

Polly Bulkhead, 901

Polybase, 657, 706

polygons, 253

Polymorphism, 287

Pool Extensions, 801

portability, 250

portable, 226, 831

Portuguese, 203

possesses, 557

Possible Owners, 504

Postmigration, 890

posts, 281

posture, 816

pound, 920

Power Pivot, 161

Power Saving, 787

PowerBI, 188

powershellgallery, 423

prebuilt, 420, 908

preconfigured, 32

preconnect, 332

predates, 311

predecessor, 618, 621

predefined, 387, 913

predetermined, 347

predominant, 339, 747

prefill, 167

Premium Assurance, 379

Premium Storage, 789-791

Preparing Azure, 434, 819, 832-833, 845, 847, 849, 851, 853

prepaying, 799

prepended, 852

prepopulate, 167, 403

Prevent Evaluation, 421

Previous Committed, 659

Pricing Tier, 888

Primary Key, 745, 763, 769-770, 775

Primary Replica, 533

Private Link, 786

Probes, 344, 346

Procedure Cache, 715-717, 729

Process Explorer, 180

processadmin, 553, 556

Processor Affinity, 122

Processor Time, 37, 358

ProcessUtilization, 360

ProductId, 268, 271

productive, 32

ProductName, 271

ProductVersion, 172

Profile Viewer, 52

profound, 660

Prohibited Attachment, 383

prohibition, 621

Project Deployment, 162, 184, 393

Project Hekaton, 741

Project Jupyter, 48

proliferation, 905

prone, 63, 80, 281, 438, 466, 489, 834

pronounced, 48

Properties Window, 697, 703

Protecting Azure, 639

Protection Regulation, 606

protections, 607, 619, 640, 688-689

protects, 480, 619-620, 622, 631, 634

prototyping, 926

provable, 678

provisioner, 133

proxied, 863

Proxy, 388-390, 403, 418, 475, 863, 866, 909, 927

prudent, 106, 469

pseudo, 283, 446

Pseudonymization, 606

psexec, 436

Public Key, 618

publication, 237, 477-480, 788

Publisher, 477-479, 872, 878

Publisher Properties, 479

Puerto Rico, 254

punctuation, 245-246

purchases, 339

purge, 183, 275, 409

purged, 295, 297

push, 436, 477-478, 554, 669, 924

Push Down, 166, 908, 924

puzzle, 43, 397

PVC, 132-134

PVS, 105

Python, 10, 191, 202, 859, 907, 931-935


quad, 88

quadrupling, 247

quality, 11, 51, 184, 363, 467, 566, 727

Quality Assurance, 147, 566

Query Optimizer, 211

Query Performance, 797

Query Plan, 695, 697

Query Processing, 733, 738

Query Profiling, 700

Query Results, 30

Query Shortcuts, 34

Query Statistics, 19, 700-701

Query Tuning, 34, 231, 738

QueryMemoryLimit, 173

QueryPlan, 718

Queue Reader, 389

QuickSessions, 349

quickstart, 932


radical, 800

Rainbow, 611

Randal, 745

randolph, 129

Randomized, 631-632, 634-635

Randomized Deterministic, 632

randomly, 65, 212, 603, 626

ransom, 379

ransomware, 180, 472

Raspberry Pi, 811

Read Bytes, 368

Read Committed, 105, 229

Read Only, 222, 729

Read Paul, 745

Read Scale, 806

Readable Yes, 473

Readers, 254, 263, 453, 661, 665, 682, 687

readiness, 6, 886

ReadOneTable, 575

Reads Performance, 364

readscale, 806

realistic, 156, 219, 296, 374, 381, 422

realm, 543, 817, 881, 906

RealUser, 576

reap, 746

reassign, 808

reassociate, 236

reattach, 236

reauthentication, 82

reboot, 425, 491, 502

Rebuild Index, 406-407, 414

Recall, 98, 273, 784, 821, 853

recap, 758

receipt, 18

Recent Expensive, 37, 39, 701

reclaim, 238-240, 313, 330, 406, 746

recognize, 94, 147, 649, 663

recompilation, 158, 191, 730

reconfiguration, 510, 517

reconnect, 518

reconstitute, 312

reconstruct, 610

Recovering, 312, 469

Recovery Interval, 98, 232

Recovery Model, 222

Recovery Point, 53, 72, 434, 484, 846

Recovery Time, 53, 72, 102, 154, 402, 434, 470, 484

Red Hat, 5, 74, 128, 193, 195, 200, 471, 491, 493, 522-523, 919

redefined, 582-583

redeploy, 388

redesign, 760

Redgate Books, 118

Redundant Array, 65

Redundant Internet, 467

reenable, 596

reencrypted, 627

reenlist, 417

reestablish, 872

reexecute, 555

refine, 596

reflect, 238-240, 257, 275, 322, 514, 704, 707, 826, 883

reformat, 147

refresh, 37, 163, 350-351, 761

Refresh Interval, 350

regedit, 423

Registered Servers, 27-28, 35, 416

Registry, 16, 24, 128, 152, 201, 207, 210, 417-418, 436, 898

Regressed Queries, 730

regression, 130, 218, 370, 732, 761

rehearsal, 468

rehearse, 439

reimaging, 744

reinstall, 162, 915

reiterate, 523

rejection, 173

rejoin, 526

Relational Database, 6, 657

RelationshipType, 282, 285-286

relay, 186, 383, 385

relevance, 313, 483

reliability, 3, 16-17, 19, 21, 455, 613, 852, 906

relied, 744

relieve, 56

Reload, 47

Relocating, 234

rely, 7, 96, 361, 363, 459, 504, 613, 651

remediate, 841

Remote Admin, 602

Remote Dedicated, 176, 178

Remote Desktop, 153, 436, 438, 542

Remote Direct, 68

Remote Scans, 706

Remove Agent, 183

Remove File, 429

Remove Filter, 31

Remove Server, 431

render, 49, 113, 369-370

renew, 918

reopen, 47

reordered, 749, 752

Reorganize Index, 406

repackaged, 813

repartition, 711

repeatability, 167, 595

Repeatable Read, 659

repercussions, 502

Replica Traffic, 516

Replication Agent, 389

repopulate, 96

Report Manager, 24, 164-165, 185

Report Server, 22, 24, 164-165, 186

reportingtype, 807

repositories, 137, 192, 198

reprinting, 277

reproduce, 350, 699

reputable, 552

requisite, 200, 438, 636

rescheduling, 343, 721

rescue, 118

reseeded, 503

reseller, 521

resemble, 565

reservation, 117-118, 326

Reserved Capacity, 799

Reset External, 935

Resiliency, 787, 807, 879, 899-901

Resilient, 288, 900

Resilient Buffer, 801

Resilient File, 124

resolution, 74, 146, 192, 213, 593

Resource Monitoring, 307

Resource Pool, 372

Resource Waits, 36, 38

resourceGroups, 871

resourceintensive, 792

restorable, 411

restoration, 474

Restore Events, 183

restraint, 854

resubmit, 613

resynchronization, 477

RetentionDays, 428

RetentionInDays, 840

rethink, 803

reticent, 115

retired, 383, 392, 687, 689, 780, 900

retransmission, 901

retransmit, 901

retrievable, 752

retrying, 386

reusable, 804

revamped, 908

reveal, 59, 326, 502

Review Maximum, 171

Review Surface, 171

revlogin, 597, 599

revolutionized, 756

revolves, 307

rewind, 474

reworking, 234

rewrite, 432, 694

rigging, 487, 505

rightmost, 296, 705

rigs, 744

ripe, 363

ripple, 900

rlauncher, 175

rob, 56

robust, 24, 148, 351, 412, 422

rocket, 695

rodents, 71

Roles Let, 570

rollbacks, 104-105, 421, 500

ollout, 218

rollover, 328, 353, 534

RootModule, 426

Rosenhain, 285-286

rough, 531, 888

router, 71, 614

Routing List, 515

Row Count, 40, 342, 714, 758, 770

rowgroup, 325, 765

rudimentary, 36, 339, 475, 565, 809

Rules Documentation, 6

ruleset, 346

Run As, 152, 168, 403

Run Outcome, 41

RunTimeCountersPerThread, 699

RunTimeInformation, 699

rupted, 473


safeguard, 584

Sales Managers, 837

SalesAudit, 644

SalesInvoice, 581

SalesPrice, 271

SalesSchemaDeny, 581-582

SalesSchemaRead, 576, 580-581

salestext, 225

SampleId, 585, 591

SampleName, 828

SampleNewName, 591

SampleProcedure, 587-590

SamplesTest, 453

SampleTable, 585, 590

SampleView, 586-587, 590

sandbox, 147, 150

sanitize, 609

SAP, 881-882

saponsqlserver, 501

savepoint, 278

Saving, 601

Scalability, 73, 615, 784, 789, 806, 851

scanner, 70, 843

Schedule, 391

SchedulerMonitorEvent, 360

Schema This, 665

schemabound, 591

Schneier, 610

Scoped Configuration, 340

Scoped Logon, 7

screenshot, 130, 132, 137, 768-769

Script Session, 348

ScriptBlock, 867

scriptUrlBase, 866-867

scrutinize, 17

seamless, 166, 913, 916, 930

seasoned, 381

Secondary Only, 414

Secondary Replica, 534

secondaryinstancename, 476

secretKeyRef, 135

secrets, 527, 913

Sector, 124, 146, 605

Secure Shell, 613

Secure Sockets, 69, 163, 383, 617

secured, 163, 416, 451, 621, 626, 628, 648, 650, 870, 920

SecureLocation, 626-627

SecurePassword, 893-894

securepwd, 170

SecureString, 893-894

Securing Azure, 605, 648-649, 651, 653

Security Center, 816

Security Identification, 545

Security Log, 647

Security Manager, 838

Security Project, 609

Security Vulnerabilities, 88

securityadmin, 557, 573, 575

securityrelated, 557

seed, 478, 511

Seek Predicate, 753

seeking, 62

SeekPlan, 704

seeming, 720

segment, 103, 444, 764

selfhosted, 897

semantic, 288, 808

Semantic Search, 288

semantics, 290, 817

SendGrid, 383

SensorDataList, 692

SensorReadings, 692

sensors, 811, 907

sentryone, 702

Separate Schedules, 404

Sequence Number, 98

Serial, 62, 405, 722

Serial Attached, 62

serialize, 413

serially, 115, 405, 721

Server Active, 19

Server After, 684

Server Alerts, 177

Server Annie, 662

Server Audit, 398, 513, 600, 641, 644-645, 838

Server Azure, 3, 786, 790

Server Before, 141

Server Big, 127

Server Blog, 622

Server Browser, 9, 207

Server Bulk, 916

Server Cardinality, 226, 771

Server Connector, 624

Server Contributor, 838

Server Core, 190

Server Credential, 791

Server Cumulative, 396

Server Delayed, 692

Server Denali, 483

Server Detecting, 307

Server Docker, 201

Server Event, 43, 419

Server Executing, 700

Server Express, 164, 198, 523, 526

Server Extended, 701

Server Failover, 126, 179, 485

Server Figure, 350, 370, 372

Server For, 8

Server From, 712

Server Groups, 29

Server If, 688, 706

Server Import, 50

Server In, 400, 668

Server Inside, 658, 738

Server Installation, 5, 152-153, 169

Server Installer, 11

Server It, 312, 660, 925

Server Job, 399

Server Jobs, 417

Server Locks, 678

Server Log, 814

Server Login, 545, 570, 593, 598

Server Logs, 35, 182

Server Machine, 909

Server Maintenance, 381, 402-405, 407, 409, 411, 413, 415

Server Managed, 402, 410, 420, 812-813

Server Managing, 326

Server Memory, 365

Server Message, 64, 290

Server Microsoft, 126

Server Migration, 888

Server Name, 21

Server Network, 178, 620

Server Object, 729

Server Objects, 27, 29-30

Server Organizations, 623

Server Page, 364

Server Performance, 42

Server Power, 178

Server Principal, 647

Server Profiler, 17, 339, 347-349

Server Properties, 115-116, 118, 120, 160, 210-211

Server Querying, 368

Server Roles, 30

Server Scheduler, 122

Server Security, 80, 421

Server Semantic, 288

Server Service, 15-16, 240

Server Setting, 308

Server Standard, 61, 75, 79, 120, 122, 495

Server Startup, 184

Server Target, 880

Server Tiger, 233

Server Tools, 25

Server Trace, 183

Server Understanding, 328, 334, 657, 682, 702, 720

Server Updated, 378

Server Upgrade, 4

Server Using, 381

Server Windows, 201, 365-366

Server Wizard, 417

ServerProtocol, 178

Servers Wizard, 29

Service Account, 24, 185

Service Azure, 886

Service Blob, 893-894

Service Broker, 43, 223, 226, 352, 382, 386-387

Service Consumption, 932

Service Pack, 15, 57, 60, 68, 291, 301, 378, 452, 631, 641

Service Principal, 81-82

Services Catalog, 219

Services Command, 188

Services Execution, 165

Services Installing, 161

Services Launchpad, 488

Services Manage, 163

Services Options, 881

Services Package, 50, 403

Services Scale, 163

Services Service, 163

Services Starting, 10, 22, 164

Services The, 11, 162

servicing, 307, 377-379, 515, 749, 763, 861

Set Service, 917

setColumnEncryptionSetting, 633

Setspn, 82

Settings On, 430

Settings That, 420

settling, 765

Setup Bootstrap, 143, 166

Setup Completed, 25, 185

setupadmin, 558

SetupCompatibilityCheck, 6

severely, 111, 147, 157, 487

Severities, 396

Severity Level, 42

Sewell, 423

SGAM, 95

shard, 803, 809, 909, 911, 925

Sharding, 784, 803, 809, 910, 925

shardlets, 809, 925

shareable, 48

Shared Access, 453, 791

Shared Feature, 165

Shared Intent, 665

Shared Memory, 69, 177

SharedManagementObjects, 345

Sharepoint Online, 165

Sharing, 27, 57, 67, 80, 84, 87, 608, 618, 664, 807, 897, 931

Sharing Cross, 931

shedding, 901

sheer, 708

Shift, 32, 47, 163, 544, 855

shim, 251

shine, 105, 762

Shoot, 74

Show Advanced, 174

Show Live, 40

showstoppers, 7

shrink, 211, 213, 228, 327, 329-331, 406, 831

Shrink Database, 406, 831

signing, 619

silently, 167, 246, 638

Silverlight, 9

Simple Mail, 382

Simple Talk, 57

simplified, 141, 164-165, 214, 615, 802, 873

Simplified Chinese, 203

simulate, 131, 585

Since Express, 76

Single Server, 926

singlecolumn, 227

singlevalue, 359

Singular, 788

sinking, 435

sions, 473

siteto, 869

sits, 613, 615-616

sive, 665

Size Based, 729

SizeInBytes, 890

SizeInKB, 890

SizeInMB, 716

SizeMb, 760

skew, 698

Skip Using, 512

skipHeader, 922

skipped, 123, 141, 265, 284, 309, 399

skips, 337, 669, 848

Slack, 423

Slipstream, 378

slowness, 19, 38

smalldatetime, 249

smallint, 249

smallmoney, 249

smartphone, 435

Snapshot Agent, 478

Snapshot Isolation, 105, 229

Snapshots, 30, 86, 100, 208, 410, 440, 462, 469, 801

snippet, 32-33, 170, 265, 311, 667, 681, 708

snoop, 607

socrates, 802

Software Assurance, 148, 521, 810

sole, 43

solidstate, 63

Solutions Perhaps, 371

Some Linux, 193

somecompressedindex, 220

SomeJSON, 255

SomeTable, 265

sophisticated, 227, 367, 370, 653

Source Server, 6

sourceCred, 893

sourceDatabase, 892-893

sourceInstance, 892-893, 895


South Africa, 886

sovereign, 779

SpaceUsed, 327

SpaceUsedMB, 326-327

Sparse Columns, 268

Spatial, 252-254, 764, 774-775, 812

Specifies, 129, 263, 299, 314, 383, 414, 434, 449, 517, 663, 922

Specifies Quiet, 170

Specify Replicas, 521

speculative, 58-59

spheres, 775

spids, 333

spill, 55, 110, 709

spin, 86, 468

spinlocks, 233

spools, 340

spot, 36, 370, 468, 747, 758

spouse, 285

sprawl, 255, 553

spread, 96, 269, 455

sproc, 326

spun, 469

square, 441, 553

squawks, 435

stack, 35, 194, 423, 532, 613, 619-620, 669, 711, 813

stacking, 9, 120, 197

staggeringly, 614

Stale, 502, 659, 704, 772

Stale Query, 729

stand, 64, 153, 435, 912

Standard Login, 595

Standard Reports, 328

Standard Storage, 789, 793

standardization, 11, 167, 416

Standby Mode, 76

standing, 125, 553, 659

standpoint, 707, 743

stands, 12, 190, 193, 195, 202, 617

staple, 125

stark, 366

Start Menu, 25

starter, 337

Starting Setup, 168

StartingOffset, 146

StartTime, 328-329

Startup Parameters, 184, 240

starve, 57, 807

State As, 420

Statement Table, 733

Statement Task, 405

StatementStartInObject, 718

StatementText, 718

StateProvinces, 254

Statistics Statistics, 924

Statistics When, 228

steady, 77

steal, 56, 89, 607

steer, 744

Stella, 285

Stella Rosenhain, 286

Steve Stedman, 460

steward, 11

STGeomFromText, 253

stick, 436

stickiness, 926

stipulations, 763

stmt, 725-727

stock, 19, 24, 33, 748

StockItemID, 750-751, 766-768

stolen, 605

stomach, 435

storAcct, 847-848

Storage Class, 133

Storage Direct, 64

Storage Network, 67

Storage Open, 51

Storage Spaces, 67, 481, 790

StorageAccessKey, 848

storageAccount, 840, 893

storageAccountName, 840, 847

StorageAccountResourceId, 840

storageaccounttype, 133

StorageClass, 133

StorageKey, 847-848

StorageKeyType, 840, 848

StorageV, 893

Stored Access, 453

Stored Procedure, 897

straight, 432, 733

strange, 179

stray, 551

stream, 77, 105, 153, 352, 370, 474, 502, 509, 616, 720

strength, 51

stress, 854

Stretch, 207, 482, 811-812

Stretch Database, 276, 786, 810-812

stretching, 446

strict, 69, 254, 281, 660

strictest, 54

strictly, 13, 26, 292, 529, 855, 879

strides, 694

strike, 821

stringent, 661

stripe, 146, 788, 855

strive, 575

strongpassword, 594

struck, 462

struggle, 157, 438, 468, 794

stub, 22, 207

stubborn, 378

stuck, 120, 436, 662

Studio As, 25

Studio Filters, 31

Studio Let, 696

Studio One, 48

Studio The, 26, 405

sub, 273, 285

Sub Counter, 42

subclass, 614-615

subclause, 272-274, 284-285

subdirectory, 410-411

subfolder, 143, 209, 211, 386, 389, 420, 427-428

subheading, 840

Subject Alternative, 898

submarine, 145

submit, 191

Subnet Managed, 872

subnetwork, 649

suboptimal, 214, 244, 745, 752, 803

Subplan, 403-404, 412-413

subqueries, 264

Subscription Settings, 187

subscriptionId, 866, 871

SubscriptionName, 782

subsection, 18, 32, 172, 224, 244, 466, 559, 799

subset, 85, 299, 493, 557-558, 838

subsidiary, 49

substantial, 255, 472, 479

substitute, 406, 429

subtracting, 249

subtree, 754

succeed, 8, 404, 477, 555, 684

successor, 483, 626

suffer, 313, 352, 672, 675, 677, 680, 706

suffice, 544, 660

suffix, 31, 297, 639

suggest, 216, 246, 288, 309, 548, 553, 712, 724, 728, 759

suit, 344, 558, 748, 760, 813

suite, 331, 361, 423, 613, 653, 762, 775

summarize, 369

summation, 580

summer, 216, 250

Summer Time, 250

sunny, 435

superuser, 193

supervisory, 744

SupportViewServer, 558-559

Suppress, 172, 182-183, 384

Surface Area, 176, 184, 382, 420, 422, 602

surfaces, 747

surge, 71

surpasses, 662

surprise, 438, 446

surrogate, 743

surveying, 541

survive, 70, 433, 446, 793

susceptible, 88, 681

Suspended, 332, 334, 392, 530, 535

Suspended Waiting, 41

suspicious, 879

sustain, 485-486

Sustained, 364, 369, 486

Swagger, 932-933

swapping, 87

switchover, 887

symptom, 365

Synapse, 607

synchronouscommit, 505

synchronously, 691-692

sysctl, 195-196

SysEndTime, 271

sysinternals, 180

sysjobhistory, 392-393

sysjobs, 391-392

sysjobstepslogs, 394

syslanguages, 278

sysmail, 385-386

sysmaintplan, 410, 412

sysprocesses, 332

SysStartTime, 271

sysstat, 367

System Center, 369

System Configuration, 152, 166

System Disk, 19

System Health, 205

System Managed, 113

System Message, 42

System Policies, 420

systemctl, 204, 524, 526

SystemHealth, 360

SystemIdle, 360

systemversioning, 275

syststat, 367


Table Name, 889

Table Scans, 706, 746

TableName, 247-248, 662, 668, 679, 694-695, 713, 760

TableNamePattern, 247

tableoption, 14, 247

tabs, 34

Tabular, 10, 26, 161-162, 173-174, 805, 907

tactic, 226

tailored, 401

tale, 449

tamper, 467

tantalizingly, 680

Tape, 64, 66, 401, 411, 447, 452, 454, 857

Target Agent, 381

Target Details, 421

Target Multiple, 418

Target Recovery, 211

Target Server, 6-8, 42, 358, 365, 418

targetCred, 894

targetDatabase, 892, 894

targeted, 564, 641, 653

targeting, 45, 402, 884

targetInstance, 892, 894-895

targetLogin, 894-895

targetmi, 892

targetPort, 136

targetserver, 418

Task Force, 613-614

Task Manager, 36

Task State, 37

Tasks On, 154

tax, 315

TaxAmount, 766-767

TaxRate, 766-767

tear, 780

teardown, 819

techcommunity, 167, 608, 842, 891

technet, 363, 429

tedious, 168, 489

tedium, 141

telemetry, 45, 348, 653, 877

telnet, 423

Temp, 167, 179, 426, 429, 734, 892

TemplateGuide, 727

Temporary Storage, 144

temptation, 25

tempted, 580, 825

tenant, 165, 521, 542, 878-879, 897

tend, 63, 70, 396, 610, 792

Teradata, 166, 908, 911

Terminal, 48, 430

terminate, 56, 206, 320, 685

termination, 540

terrible, 734

territories, 254

tessellation, 775

testament, 13

TestDbcreator, 555-556

TestDrop, 556

TestDropSa, 556

testnolock, 679

TestPermissions, 581-582

TestSysadminDeny, 554-555

TestUser, 576

tethered, 435

Text Search, 5, 774

theme, 34

thepollyproject, 901

thereby, 86, 196, 250, 833, 851

therecovery, 102

thesaurus, 774

thick, 88, 708

thickness, 707

thin, 87, 206, 793

thinly, 791

THP, 195

Thread, 699

thread, 103, 114, 118, 334, 340, 392, 396, 765, 861

threaded, 310, 722

Threat Protection, 640, 844

threats, 59, 640, 653, 844-845

throttled, 851

throttling, 374, 888

tial, 171

tication, 570

tick, 428

ticket, 81-82

Ticket Granting, 81

tidy, 312-313

tie, 309, 544

tigertoolbox, 738

tightening, 484

tightly, 493, 563, 808, 817

tilde, 428

tiles, 45

timechart, 369-370

timeframe, 34, 36, 335

TimeGenerated, 369-370

timeouts, 372, 518-519, 898, 900

timesaver, 783

timesheet, 565

timespan, 330

timetravel, 251

todatetime, 370

Token Replacement, 398

tokenization, 398

toolbar, 34

toolbelt, 332, 707

Toolbox, 347, 403, 413, 422, 741

tooling, 128, 913

toolkit, 25, 44, 48

toolset, 25-26

topology, 480, 521

touch, 657, 671

ToUniversalTime, 847

Trace Flag, 112, 121, 146, 157, 181-182, 219, 229, 239, 636, 773

Trace Flags, 7, 112

tracked, 301-302, 367, 485

Tracking Page, 357

trail, 648

training, 334, 759, 912

Transaction Coordinator, 500

Transaction Log, 91, 410

TransactionScope, 680

TransactSQL, 265

Transfer Logins, 595-596

Transfer Protocol, 382

transient, 186, 396, 872, 900

transition, 146, 519, 861, 874

transitioning, 864

transitive, 286

Transmission Control, 612

transmit, 617

Transparent, 223, 226, 372, 624, 774, 879

Transparent Data, 182, 223, 511, 622, 832, 857, 871

transparently, 195

transport, 501-502, 532, 534, 620, 930

Transport Control, 70

Transport Layer, 513, 617, 620, 879

Transport Security, 69

transportability, 600

tremendous, 680, 691, 741

triage, 844

trick, 333

trifecta, 879

trigger, 383, 493, 535, 638, 678, 715, 746, 767

Trigger Name, 889

trillion, 614

trim, 56

TrimStart, 893-894

trip, 436

Triple, 448

TRIVIAL, 56, 704-705

troublesome, 601

troubling, 342

truncation, 99-100

Trusted Platform, 636

TrustServerCertificate, 891

Tuning Advisor, 17, 232

tunnel, 813

Tuple Mover, 765

tweak, 468, 724

Twilio, 383

twosynchronous, 526

Type Ctrl, 430

Type Details, 51

Type Disk, 790

Type Full, 894


UAT, 147, 566

ubiquitous, 32, 178

Ubuntu, 5, 74, 190, 193, 199-200, 493, 522, 543, 919

Ubuntu Server, 193

UC, 262

ucs, 533-534

UDF, 113, 735, 737

UDFs, 113, 735, 737

UDP, 526, 612-613

UDR, 651, 864, 875

UDT, 267

UI, 137, 177, 347, 423, 490, 720, 723, 728, 827, 851

Uid, 891


UIs, 728

UNC, 8, 181-182, 454, 479

undecillion, 614

underpins, 73

Undo, 98, 103, 105, 440, 628

unencrypted, 91, 121, 223, 234, 244, 280, 446, 464, 490, 629, 638, 729, 833, 910

Unicode, 107, 244-246, 784

Unified, 37, 164, 582, 915

Uniform Extent, 93

Uniform Memory, 60, 116

Uniform Resource, 609

uninstall, 9, 161, 167, 919

unintended, 846

uninterruptible, 435

uniqueidentier, 746

uniquifier, 745

Universal Authentication, 541

universe, 905

Unix, 190, 202

Unlike Windows, 781


unpack, 151

unpausable, 322

unravels, 227

unreadable, 530, 609, 611, 617

unrecoverable, 396

Unsafe, 844

unsentitems, 386

unsigned, 249

unsure, 924

unwanted, 122, 812

Up Database, 411

updatable, 480, 875

Update Services, 152

Update Statistics, 324, 406, 408, 773

Update This, 664

UpdateEnabled, 153, 170

UpdateSource, 153, 170


UPDLOCK, 668, 687-688

Upgrade Advisor, 4-5

Upgrade Used, 882

Upgrade Wizard, 50

upkeep, 712

Upload, 151, 455, 917

UPN, 836-837

UPS, 435, 466

uptime, 72, 496

upward, 220, 365, 614, 787

URLs, 23-24, 454, 513, 516, 744, 892

USB, 151, 623

Use Ctrl, 33

Use Delete, 871

Use Encrypt, 825

Use Invoke, 429

Use Query, 721

Use Samba, 885

Use Tags, 150

UseCount, 718

User Acceptance, 147, 566

User Datagram, 612

User Defined, 362, 735, 873

User License, 129

User Maintenance, 404

User Process, 37

User Rights, 124

userdefined, 243, 802, 843

UserDetails, 278-279

UserId, 278-279, 891

Users Password, 935

usesparse, 268

Using Azure, 837, 846, 854, 887

Using Role, 783


vacant, 660

vacuum, 339, 720

validate, 270, 478, 610, 835

ValidFrom, 273-274

valleys, 370

Value From, 713

Value Value, 587-588

valueFrom, 135

ValueFromProcedure, 587-588, 590

ValueFromProcedureDynamic, 588-590

ValueFromView, 586-587, 590

varbinary, 95, 247, 252, 287-289, 319, 323, 717, 763, 775, 788

variability, 175

Variable Deferred, 734

variants, 665

VehicleTemperatures, 736

Verbose, 281, 384, 393, 429

verification, 82, 96, 449, 619, 930

Verify Backup, 411

versa, 47, 74, 162, 362, 422, 708, 762, 796

verticallyfiltered, 748

VertiPaq, 161

VertiPaqMemoryLimit, 173

VertiPaqPagingPolicy, 173

Veteran, 176, 333, 476

vetted, 554

Via Object, 750

viable, 383, 707, 775, 932

vibrational, 71

vice, 47, 74, 162, 362, 422, 435, 708, 762, 796

victim, 354

View Audit, 647, 840

View Facets, 420

View History, 420

View Target, 349-351

Viewing Data, 367

Viewing Performance, 366

violate, 421, 638

violation, 379

Virtual Address, 173

Virtual Local, 69-70

Virtual Machine, 85, 867-868

Virtual Network, 73, 485, 651, 653, 785, 832

Virtual Private, 467, 566, 608, 651, 813

virtualip, 528-529

Virtualization, 53, 58-59, 62, 85-89, 125, 166, 193, 469, 631-632, 907-908, 916, 921-922

virtually, 372, 782, 814

VirtualNetwork, 650

virtualNetworkName, 866

virtues, 919

Visual Analytic, 19

Visual Studio, 34, 44, 49, 51, 153, 345, 424, 426, 430, 636, 861, 929

visualization, 368

vms, 150, 791

vmstat, 367

VMWare, 86, 89, 744

VnetSubnetConflictWithIntended Policy, 873

vNext, 899

VNN, 73, 75, 485

volatile, 54-55, 61-62, 64, 97

Volatile Memory, 63

Volume Mainteinitialization, 171

Volume Maintenance, 154

volumeMounts, 135

vsphere, 89

vspherenuma, 89

vulnerabilities, 58-59, 88, 608-609, 640, 879

Vulnerability, 59, 608, 816, 842-844

Vulnerability Assessment, 608

vulnerable, 621


Wait Category, 38

Wait Events, 36, 38

Wait Resource, 38

Wait Time, 38

Wait Type, 38

walkthrough, 131, 163, 191, 198, 411, 491, 521-523, 637, 842

WAN, 482, 485, 495-496, 502, 509

Warehouse, 19-22, 51, 231, 295-296, 580, 736, 756, 792, 817, 877, 905

Warm, 798-799

warranted, 472

wars, 616

wary, 422, 532

watch, 25, 341, 348, 350, 373, 533, 709, 768

Watch Live, 350-351

Web Application, 609

Web Chapter, 185

Web Portal, 22-23, 185-186

Web Service, 22-23, 185

webbased, 383

webdata, 923

webHDFS, 913

webpage, 26

webservice, 185

Website, 4, 186, 575, 609, 618, 692, 782, 797

WebsiteExecute, 574-575

welldesigned, 749

When Azure, 833

When Optimize, 119

When Restoring, 76

When Torvalds, 189

When Transaction, 674

Why Virtualize, 86

widespread, 158, 218, 905

WideWorldImportersDW, 507

WideWorldServerCert, 629-630

wildcard, 353, 425, 699

wildly, 616

Windows Active, 81, 539

Windows Administrator, 563

Windows Application, 239, 419, 642

Windows Authenticated, 221

Windows Authorization, 563

Windows Certificate, 637

Windows Command, 168

Windows Configurations, 5

Windows Creators, 543

Windows Data, 207

Windows Event, 419, 641, 647

Windows Failover, 504, 522

Windows Latin, 225

Windows Management, 6, 43, 177, 395, 425

Windows Page, 144

Windows Performance, 368, 396

Windows Security, 642

Windows Services, 16, 564

Windows Start, 11, 15, 124

Windows Subsystem, 543

Windows System, 426

Windows Task, 365-366, 387, 435

Windows Terminal, 192

Windows Update, 152-153, 170, 172, 200, 795

Windowsauthenticated, 548, 597

Windowsbased, 788

WindowsFeature, 431

Windowsonly, 430

WindowsPowerShell, 426

Winpremise, 882

wmic, 146

WmiServiceStateCheck, 6

woefully, 438

workarounds, 860

workbooks, 161

Worker Manager, 163

Worker Node, 163

Worker Thread, 41

workflow, 44, 885, 910

workgroup, 489

Workgroup Cluster, 489

WorkingSetMaximum, 175

WorkingSetMinimum, 175

Workload Group, 38, 373

Workload Groups, 374-376

WorkSetMaximum, 175

Workspace, 369, 371-372, 839, 877, 918, 933

World Wide, 190, 225, 605, 615

WorldWideImporters, 309-310, 312

Write Performance, 363

wrought, 506

WS, 83, 225

WSFC, 480-482, 485, 492-499, 504-505, 508, 525-526, 528

WSFCs, 489, 496

wsl, 543

WWI, 312, 330-331, 443, 460-461, 508-511, 520, 627, 629


xcolumn, 370

xdl, 355

XELFile, 353-354

XELPath, 353

Xeon, 58

XEvent, 17-18, 348, 836

Xevent Profiler, 348-349

xevents, 348

XFS, 69, 124, 191, 195, 198

XMLHttpRequest, 931

XQuery, 254

XTP, 229, 337, 343, 533, 860


YAML, 125-126, 133-134, 136

YaST, 193

Yellowdog Updater, 193

Yes Automatic, 473

Yes Available, 304

Yes Status, 41

Yes Time, 304

Yes Tracks, 304

yield, 343, 721

YourNewStrong, 131

YourStrong, 129

yum, 193, 197, 199-200, 526-527


Zen, 193

zeroed, 103, 122

zeroing, 123

zeroinitialized, 123

Zip, 249

Zulu Embedded, 10

Zulu Open, 165

ZYpp, 193

zypper, 193, 199-200

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