Workload partitions
With the release of AIX 6.1, IBM introduced a new virtualization capability called Workload Partition (WPAR). A WPAR is a software-created, virtualized operating system environment within a single AIX image. Each workload partition is a secure and isolated environment for the application that it hosts. The application in a WPAR “thinks” that it is being executed in its own dedicated AIX instance.
WPARs can be created in all hardware environments that support AIX 6.1 and later. This includes, for example, POWER4 machines, which are supported by AIX 6.1. Figure 7-1 shows that you can create workload partitions within multiple AIX instances on the same physical server, whether they execute in dedicated LPARs or micropartitions.
Figure 7-1 WPAR instantiated within dedicated partitions and micropartitions
7.1 Characteristics of WPARs
WPARs have the following characteristics:
The workload partition technology can help in an environment where an application environment needs to be started often, on-demand, and quickly, which might apply, for example, in test environments.
You can use the configuration that is stored in specification files as input to WPAR creation commands, which allows the system administrator to automate, through scripts and programs, the startup and handling of multiple workload partitions.
The WPAR technology gives you additional flexibility in system capacity planning as part of a strategy for maximizing system utilization and provisioning efficiency.
AIX 6.1 and later provides highly granulated control of processor and memory resource allocation to workload partitions (down to 0.01% increments). This technology is therefore suitable for server consolidation of very small workloads.
The WPAR technology allows you to share an AIX instance between multiple applications, while still running each application within its own environment, which provides isolation between applications. In this case, the more applications that are consolidated within one AIX instance, the less the system administrator has to perform operating system (OS) fixes, backups, migration, and other OS maintenance tasks.
7.2 Types of WPARs
There are multiple types of WPARs:
Application WPARs provide isolation for individual services or applications.
System WPARs provide an entire virtualized operating system environment.
Both types can run within a single AIX OS image, which is referred to as the global environment. Starting with AIX 7.1 and POWER7, versioned WPARS are available. Versioned WPARs provide a different OS version in the WPAR than the OS version of the global environment, for example an AIX 5.2 WPAR running in an AIX 7.1.
7.2.1 System WPARs
A System WPAR presents a secure and isolated environment that is most similar to a standalone AIX system. Each System WPAR has dedicated writable file systems, although it can share the global environment /usr and /opt file systems in read only mode. Here, we term this difference as Unshared and Shared, respectively.
System WPARs are autonomous virtual system environments and appear, to applications that are running within the WPAR, as though they run in their own separate instance of AIX. Multiple System WPARs can run within the single global AIX image, and each WPAR is isolated from other WPARs.
System WPARs have the following attributes:
All typical system services are activated.
Operating system services, such as telnet, are supported. You can telnet into a system WPAR as root.
Use distinct writeable file systems that are not shared with any other WPAR or the global system.
Own private file systems.
Own set of users, groups, and network resources.
WPAR root user has no authority in the global environment.
The combination of isolation and resource sharing makes System WPARs an excellent feature for consolidating several SAP systems, independent from the underlying POWER hardware. Using a single global AIX image simplifies OS maintenance for multiple SAP systems; however, using one global OS image also introduces a very obvious single-point-of-failure and introduces new dependencies.
Hence, consolidating non-production and smaller SAP instances is expected to be the major use case for this feature.
7.2.2 Application WPARs
An Application WPAR has all of the process isolation that the System WPAR does. However, it shares the file system name space with the global system and any other Application WPAR that is defined within the system.
An Application WPAR is essentially a wrapper around a running application or process for the purposes of isolation and mobility. It lacks some of the system services that the System WPAR provides, for example, it is not possible to log in or to telnet into an Application WPAR. When the application that is running in an Application WPAR terminates, the WPAR also ceases to exist.
An SAP system implementation is a complex environment with multiple components, specific requirements to the AIX environment, and many processes. Therefore, Application WPARs are not supported for SAP applications.
For more information about WPARs, refer to Introduction to Workload Partition Management in IBM AIX Version 6.1, SG24-7431, available at:
7.2.3 Versioned WPARs
Versioned WPARs are intended to provide runtime environments for applications, where the manufacturer of the software does not exist anymore or is not able to provide versions of his software for newer AIX releases. In these cases a client might not be able to update their hardware to a new generation, since the new hardware might not support the OS version required by the old software. Since SAP is providing its software stack very quickly on new versions of AIX and also recertifies older software versions to new AIX versions, SAP does not support versioned WPARs.
7.3 Support of SAP applications running in WPARs
You can use all SAP applications, which are based on SAP NetWeaver Application Server for ABAP and JAVA and are available on AIX 6.1 and later, in WPARs. For details, review the SAP Product Availability Matrix at:
Detailed information about the current support status can be found in SAP Note 1105456. This note also documents all prerequisites and restrictions and is updated regularly. At the time this book was written the following restrictions and prerequisites applied:
The minimum required SAP patch levels are the same as those for the used OS version (for example, see SAP Note 1087498 for AIX 6.1 and SAP Note 1458918 for AIX 7.1).
SAP NetWeaver MDM is currently not supported.
Supported DB releases (client and server):
 – AIX 6.1 - System WPAR only
 • DB2® LUW v9.1 FP5 and higher
 • DB2 LUW v9.5 and higher
 • MaxDB 7.6 and higher
 • Oracle (no RAC) and higher
Additional requirements:
AIX 6.1 TL2 SP2 or higher
APAR IZ52319
APAR IZ54871
Set environment variable for DB Instance User:
setenv AIXPERFSTAT_SCOPE M (depending on the shell you are using)
Dependencies for the installation see SAP Note 1380038
 • Oracle (no RAC) and higher
 – AIX 7.1 - System WPAR only
 • DB2 LUW v9.5 FP6a and higher
 • DB2 LUW v9.7 FP3 SAP and higher
 • MaxDB /liveCache - see SAP Note 720261
7.3.1 Supported scenarios
In this section, we provide the scenarios to which the setup is restricted.
Unshared System WPARs without resource control
New SAP installations:
You can install and run SAP applications in an Unshared System WPAR without any changes required in the SAP installer. Just follow the instructions in the SAP Installation Guide.
SAP release upgrade and manual migration scenarios:
SAP applications installed in an Unshared System WPAR can be upgraded with standard SAP upgrade procedures without any restrictions. Just follow the instructions in the SAP Upgrade Guide.
Manual migration scenarios:
The manual migration of an SAP installation from an LPAR into an Unshared System WPAR is supported using the standard SAP Homogeneous System Copy procedure (see the standard SAP System Copy documentation).
Shared System WPARs without resource control
New SAP installations:
You can install and run SAP applications in a Shared System WPAR without any changes required in the SAP installer, after some WPAR-specific preparations. Review 7.4, “Sample installation of SAP NetWeaver 7.0 in a Shared System WPAR” on page 73. Follow the instructions in the SAP Installation Guide.
SAP Release upgrade and manual migration scenarios
At this time, this scenario is not supported. Tests of this scenario are ongoing. Review the SAP Note 1105456 for current support.
Versioned WPARs
Versioned WPARs are not supported.
7.4 Sample installation of SAP NetWeaver 7.0 in a Shared System WPAR
You must first create a Shared System WPAR. You can specify, for example, the Volume Group to be used for the WPAR-specific file systems, the host name (DNS entry exists), and to duplicate the network name resolution from the global environment:
#mkwpar –r –g datavg –n is3037w
After a few (in our test scenario 2-3) minutes, the WPAR is created, and you can start it with the following command:
#startwpar is3037w
Prepare the system (global environment and WPAR) for the SAP installation:
1. Increase the paging space in the global environment, as described in the SAP installation guide, because the paging space of the global environment is shared and used by every WPAR of this global environment. For multiple SAP instances that are in multiple WPARs in the same global environment, you must increase the paging space size that is required by each WPAR.
2. In a Shared System WPAR, /usr is a shared file system and read-only from the WPAR. Because SAP installs under the /usr/sap mount point by default, some additional steps are required to allow this. In the global environment, create the mount point /usr/sap and a new file system that is writeable from the WPAR, for example:
a. Create a new file system for the WPAR per command line or use smitty:
#crfs -v jfs2 -g datavg -m /wpars/is3037w/usr/sap -u is3037w -a logname=INLINE -a size=5G
b. Mount the /wpars/is3037w/usr/sap file system:
#mount /wpars/is3037w/usr/sap
3. If you want to install several SAP instances and separate the file systems for each instance, you can create individual file systems for these and mount them under /wpars/is3037w/usr/sap, for example, /wpars/is3037w/usr/sap/NW7
4. Create the other SAP- and DB-specific file systems that are described in the SAP installation guide in the global environment, and mount them under the WPAR-specific file systems, for example:
#crfs -v jfs2 -g datavg -m /wpars/is3037w/sapmnt/NW7 -u is3037w -a logname=INLINE -a size=5G
#mount /wpars/is3037w/sapmnt/NW7
#crfs -v jfs2 -g datavg -m /wpars/is3037w/db2 -u is3037w -a logname=INLINE -a size=30G
#mount /wpars/is3037w/db2
5. If you do a 3-tier installation (separate DB host), you must export the directory where the SAP profile and executables are stored, for example, /sapmnt/NW7, from the global environment because there is no NFS server available in the WPAR.
6. The cryptographic software that is used for strong encryption in some SAP solutions (for example, SAP Enterprise Portal) requires policy files from your JDK provider to be installed. Install the unrestricted JCE policy files for the IBM 1.4.2 JDK, which you must do in the global environment because the JDK is installed in the shared /usr file system of the global environment. Otherwise the SAP installer tries to install this, and fails.
7. Download the unrestricted JCE policy files and install them in the global environment. Download from:
After this preparation, you can run the SAP installation as described in the SAP installation guide without any restrictions.
7.5 Live Application Mobility
Live Application Mobility requires an additional Licensed Program Product called Workload Partitions Manager™ for AIX.
The Workload Partitions Manager provides more advanced features for managing multiple WPARs, including:
Graphical interface with wizards for many management tasks
Resource allocation
Role-based views and tasks
Centralized, single point-of-administration
Enablement for Live Application Mobility
Automated application mobility based on policies
To transfer an application to another LPAR or server, a checkpoint/restart feature is used. During a WPAR checkpoint, the current state of running applications is saved and during restart operations resumed in the new AIX image.
With this feature, it is possible to move WPARs between compatible systems without significantly affecting WPAR users.
Live Application Mobility is not supported in SAP environments. Review SAP Note 1105456 for current support.
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