

This is the place I get to say “thank you” to all the people who have been instrumental in developing the book, while breathing a sigh of relief that the book is, whew, done. I like to think of it as a sort of “Amen,” where the book gets blessed with an invocation of gratitude and humility, before I launch into a couple of hundred pages of less-than-humble opinionating.

On this day, I am especially thankful for the all the people who helped bring this book to life, including Marsh Ford, who proofread the first draft manuscript, and Olga Epstein, my researcher, proofreader, and candid thinking partner. Thanks also to the good folks at Berrett-Koehler Publishers for their hard work and for fighting to make the world of work a more humane place. This includes my review team who graciously reviewed my manuscript, as well as Detta Penna and Pat Brewer. A special thanks goes out to Steven Piersanti, Berrett-Koehler’s president, for his exacting judgment and for taking a risk on me and my book.

I owe a debt of gratitude to all the people who shared their insights about risk with me, especially Dr. M. J. Apter, who spent two generous days with me musing about risk; my former boss Hines Brannan, who has taken more than a few risks on me over the years, and taught me that disciplined risk-taking is smart business; and Father Vince Malatesta and actor Tom Key, who showed me how our faiths call us to take risks.

In a book on risk-taking, it is only appropriate that I thank the people who have taken some risks with me along the way: my buddy and fellow whitewater kayaker, Hal White, for his friendship and vast storehouse of hippie music; my coachees, who allowed me to work with them on the risks they faced in their lives; my mentor, O.K. Sheffield, Jr., for helping me take smarter risks than I used to; and all the former members of the U.S. High Diving Team, the craziest bunch of wingnuts I ever met (be thankful that I didn’t share more about our wild escapades in this book!).

I am also thankful for the countless people who have had such a positive impact on my life, especially Dick Thompson, Bob and Anne Carr, and Dr. Marilyn Vickers. Thanks goes out as well to my friends at Leadership Strategies, Inc.; Learning Technologies, Inc.; Leadership Dynamics Inc.; and to my former colleagues at Accenture. Thanks also to my cohorts at Giant Leap Consulting, who exemplify our motto: Daring To Excel.

I am particularly thankful for Larry Wilson, a friend and kindred spirit, for writing the book’s Foreword.

This book would not have been written were it not for my parents, who blessed me with an underdog spirit, my brother and sisters who provided unending encouragement, and my dog, Gulliver, who always takes my stress away.

My wife, Shannon, deserves special thanks, not only for her love and support but also for reminding me to, occasionally, “let-the-risk-thing-go.” Were it not for her prodding me to walk the dog, rake the leaves, iron my shirts, etc., I am sure I would have fallen into a risk-obsessed lunacy. I love you, Shannon, for guarding my sanity.

Finally, I am grateful to be led by a Higher Power, who builds my confidence, gives me the strength to face fear, and allows me to live by Providence.

Bill Treasurer
Decatur, Georgia
April, 2003

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