
Abraham, story of,   146

absurd, belief in the,   60

end of denial,   138
peer pressure,   78

accidents, amusement park,   16

accomplishments, repetition of great,   19

personal,   149
workforce behavior,   83

action, reflection,   42

activities, group dynamics,   134

Against the Gods: The Remarkable Story of Risk (Bernstein), definition of risk,   171

aim, book,   7

alcoholics, denial,   137

Ali, Muhammad (Cassius Clay), acts of defiance,   152

alone, spending time,   45

altruism, heros,   100

amusement parks, roller coasters,   16,   111

Anderson, Walter, taking chances,   139

Andreotta, Glenn, Soldiers Medal,   151

antidote, to fear,   110

desperation,   83
purposeful,   75

appearance, limiting scripts,   66

appraisal, performance,   83

approaches, risk,   11

Apter, Michael, The Dangerous Edge,   112

assumptions, Universal Risk Taker,   29

Atlantic, Lindberg’s solo flight,   19

attention, need for,   139

attitude, survival,   144

integrity,   174
life,   182
personal,   176

author, about,   191

authority, defiance of,   147

avoidance, personal growth,   117

award, Distinguished Federal Civilian Service,   36

Boy Scouts Honor Medal,   97
Soldier’s Medal,   151
U.S. Congressional Medal of Honor,   124

fear,   104
silence,   41

Awareness (de Mello), self-knowledge,   47

balance, fear,   108

Baldwin, James, on change,   138

bankruptcy, personal,   16

Baring, Francis,   84

Barings Bank, staffing mistake that led to bankruptcy,   84

Basco, Monica Ramirez, Never Good Enough,   132

Battle of Guadalcanal, World War II bravery,   124

beauty, limiting scripts,   66

barometers,   15
deviating from the expected,   65
executive vs. employee,   162
inhibiting change,   66
obedience to authority,   148
risk avoidance,   1

Bernstein, Peter L., Against the Gods: The Remarkable Story of Risk,   171

Bible, obedience,   146

blasphemy, ideas,   152

boredom, paradox,   17

discipline,   45
setting,   70


Boy Scouts, Honor Medal recipients,   97

bravery, U.S. Congressional Medal of Honor,   124

breathing, composure,   119

British Medical Journal, thalidomide use,   35

Buckaroo Banzais, dot-com “space”,   79

Buch, Paul, U.S. Congressional Medal of Honor,   125

bulldozer, vs. pavement,   2

cages, tigers,   112

calling, following your,   180

Campbell, Joseph
finding your muse,   172
leaps of faith,   182

capability, courage,   118

Captain Inferno,   5

Carpenter, Jake Burton, snowboarding,   77

Catmull, Ed (Pixar Animation), inspiring innovation,   77

cave dwellings, paintings,   30

challenge, meeting unexpected,   97

behavioral,   52
overcoming inertia,   51
re-scripting,   65

channels, feedback,   161

chaos, calming inner,   44

Chemie Gruenthal, FDA approval of thalidomide,   34

courage,   3
deviating from expected behaviors,   65
habits that inhibit,   64
making,   180
prerogative,   34
regret,   21

Chouinard, Yvon, Patagonia,   174

Christ, Jesus, acts of courage,   153

Clay, Cassius (Muhammad Ali), acts of defiance,   152

Clinton, Bill, peer pressure,   78

instilling courage,   71
job responsibilities,   173
reaching goals,   56

Coburn, Lawrence, Soldiers Medal,   151

comedy, choreographed routines,   61

defying chain of,   151
obedience to chain of,   145

commitment, decisions,   129

complacency, success,   105

composure, breathing,   119

conditioning, skills to cope with the unexpected,   97

calm,   70
capability,   112
gaining,   69
lead-ups,   56
personal convictions,   94

conflict, interpersonal,   159

peer pressure,   78
personal authenticity,   177

courage,   119
fearfulness vs. fearlessness,   161
reality assessment,   163

contender, achieving your potential,   57

comfort zones,   57
freak,   67
perfectionism,   133

courage of,   153
moral,   151

Cooper, Cynthia, WorldCom whistleblower,   123

Copernicus, acts of defiance,   152

courage, to be courageous,   105

acts of,   118
courage,   116

crimes, obedience,   146

criteria, right risk,   33,   37

excitement,   111
fear,   105

Dante, The Divine Comedy, Vol. I: Inferno,   176

Darwin, Charles, acts of defiance,   152

De Blanc, Jefferson, U.S. Congressional Medal of Honor,   124

de Mello, Anthony
Awareness,   47
coping with emptiness,   45

death, acknowledging possibility of,   94

debriefing, group dynamics,   135

debt, credit card,   16

commitment,   129
giant leap,   180

defiance, courageous acts of,   152

definition, risk,   1,   171

deformities, thalidomide use and birth,   35

denial, alcoholics,   137

desperation, survival,   56

dialogue, group activities,   135

difficulty, degree of,   132

discipline, boundaries,   45

disclosure, personal,   158

disobedience, point of,   146,   149

dissatisfaction, purposeful anxiety,   75

dissidents, silencing,   124

distractions, modern lifestyles,   15

distrust, limiting scripts,   68

dive, first high,   23

diversity, nature,   174

fear,   104
high,   4

buried,   179
pursuing your,   55
workaholism,   54

dynamics, group,   134

Earnhardt, Dale, NASCAR driver,   122

Edison, Thomas, failed experiments,   132

education, adventure-based,   144

double or nothing,   85
Fall Hike,   125
mere exposure,   108
once bitten,   85

Eliot, T. S., creative endeavors,   92

Emerson, Ralph Waldo
capitulation to authority,   143
conformity,   177
courage,   115
personal integrity,   173
sacred vs. literary teachers,   36

emotions, volatility,   158

emptiness, coping with,   45

endorsements, product,   80

engagment, emotional,   166

Enron, accounting whistleblower,   123

Estrich, Susan, rape victim advocacy,   95

Everest, Ed Viesturs,   121

evil, obedience,   146,   148

evolution, from one persona to another,   96

excitement, danger,   111

executives, behavioral latitude,   162

assessing your courage level,   126
exposing yourself,   167
Finding Your Golden Silence,   48
harnessing your fears,   113
overcoming inertia,   57
perfect imperfection,   141
personal tolerance,   101
pressure tolerance,   88
script creation,   73
trespassing continuously,   154

expectation, shifting from gain to loss,   81

experimentation, fearless,   64

exposure, personal,   155

consequences,   18
mistakes,   132

faith, leaps of,   77,   182

fallibility, recognizing our own,   137

familiarity, fear,   108

family, relationships,   156

FBI, whistleblower on handling of   9/11 intelligence,   123

consequences,   6
courage,   116
facing,   25,   27,   103

fearfulness, vs. fearlessness,   161

channels,   161
honest,   163

Ferguson, Marilyn, fear,   103

fidelity, personal,   178,   182

Foss, Joseph, World War II bravery,   124

frame, protective,   112

Franklin, Ben, laziness,   52

fright, excitement,   111

Fromm, Erich, reaching your potential,   173

fulfillment, seeking,   30

gain, as motivator,   79

Galileo, acts of defiance,   152

gambling, legalized,   16

Gandhi, Mahatma
acts of courage,   153
acts of defiance,   152
Resolution,   71
on silence,   40

genes, dopamine receptor,   29

Germany, average workweek,   17

giant leap
decisions,   9,   180
relishing the moment,   91

Giant Leap Consulting, motto,   6

God, perfection,   140

Golden Knights, U.S. Air Force,   19

gonorrhea, research,   100

Gordonstoun School, innovative curriculum,   144

Grateful Dead, “Ripple”,   172

Great Britain, average workweek,   17

pressure systems,   82
temptation,   85

avoidance,   117
honest feedback,   164

guilt, assuaging,   76

breaking,   50
inhibiting choice,   64

Hahn, Kurt
Gordonstoun School,   144
Outward Bound,   145
Salem School and Adolph Hitler,   144

hallmarks, right risk,   33,   37

Haskins, Henry S., good behavior,   143

Heart of Gold (Young),   78

hell, Dante’s Inferno,   176

altruism,   100
bravery of war,   124
nature or nurture,   98

Hillary, Edmund, climbing Mt. Everest,   19

Hitler, Adolph, political prisoners of,   144

HIV, reverse epidemic,   106

homogeneity, individuality,   174

personal,   139
personal exposure,   164

Horowitz, Vladamir, perfection,   130

Hunter, John, Treatise on the Venereal Disease,   100

Huxley, Thomas, rejecting authority,   143

authenticity,   177
changing,   96
individuality,   174
integrity,   182
workaholism,   53

ignorance, vs. knowledge,   108

imperfection, perfect,   136

inadequacy, limiting scripts,   66

independence, personal,   178

indolence, vs. laziness,   50

inertia, defying,   39,   50

information, filtering,   44

ING, purchase of Barings Bank,   87

initiatives, funding strategic,   82

injury, acknowledging possibility of,   94

innovation, inspiring confidence,   77

insincerity, limiting scripts,   68

instinct, survival,   93

identity,   182
personal,   173

International Labor Organization, average work weeks,   17

intimacy, relationships,   166

intimidation, Fall Hike Effect,   125

Intimidator, Dale Earnhardt,   122

investments, stocks,   15

“IT”, defined,   27

Japan, average workweek,   17

Jeffords, Jim, changing political parties,   96

Jewel, Don, reality assessment,   159

Joan of Arc, acts of courage,   153

Johnson, Samuel, breaking habits,   50

Kafka, Franz, inner silence,   46

kayaking, the “Grumpy” rapids,   109

Kelsey, Frances, thalidomide approval,   34

Kennedy, John F.,   36

Kevadon, FDA approval,   34

Killjoy, perfectionism,   141

King, Martin Luther, Jr.
fear,   71
home of,   109
peer pressure,   74

Kinkel, Kip, Thurston High School mass murderer,   98

Kittinger, Joseph W., Jr., skydiving,   19

knowledge, vs. ignorance,   108

human inertia,   51
treatment of rape victims,   95

vs. indolence,   50
vs. inertia,   52

lead-ups, building confidence,   56

leadership, counterbalancing,   106

leaps, giant,   9

Leeson, Nick, Rogue Trader: How I Brought Down Barings Bank and Shook the Financial World,   84

Lenz, Widukind, birth deformities and thalidomide use,   35

lessons, application to everyday life,   36

liberation, integrity,   182

compromised,   181
everyday risk,   20
quality,   7

lifestyles, distractions of modern,   15

limitations, restraint,   121

Lindberg, Charles, flight anniversary,   19

Linkage, Inc., performing job related work on vacations,   17

lion, the cowardly,   112

listening, inner voice,   120

Liteky, Charles, Medal of Honor/protestor,   124

loss, as motivator,   79

Madonna, reinventing herself,   65

Mallory, George, on climbing Mt. Everest,   26

Mandela, Nelson, acts of defiance,   152

personal,   69,   181
simple,   72

marketing, limited time offers,   80

Maslow, Abraham, personal integrity,   173

materialism, limiting scripts,   67

Matthew, Gospel of,   153

maturity, restraint,   120

May, Rollo, The Courage to Create,   42,   153

McCormack, Mary,   13

McDonald’s, TV commercial,   80

McGregor, Ewan, Rogue Trader,   87

medals. See awards

Milgram, Stanley, Obedience to Authority,   146

Miner, Josh, Outward Bound in America,   145

mistakes, perfectionists,   132

quiet,   44
relishing success,   91

Moore, Thomas, Soul Mates,   155,   166

morale, organizational,   162

motion, paralysis,   54

internal,   76
risk-taking,   31

movement, inertia,   51

Mt. Everest, climbing,   19,   121

Muller, Robert, FBI handling of 9/11 intelligence,   123

Murrow, Edward R., interview with Dr. Jonas Salk,   100

My Lai, rescue of innocent victims,   151

myths, Universal Risk Taker,   29

Nader, Ralph, silencing dissidents,   124

name, recognition,   80

NASCAR, racers,   122

nature, diversity,   174

NCAA, public endorsements,   80

Never Good Enough (Basco),   132

“no”, saying,   120

Norgay, Tenzing, climbing Mt. Everest,   19

O Magazine (Winfrey), running Harpo,   43

Biblical stories of,   146
goal achievement,   145

Obedience to Authority (Milgram),   146

objectivity, gaining,   46

exposing your,   162
public,   74

orders, following,   146,   149

organization, book,   8

outcome, potential,   79

Outside Magazine, adventure All Stars,   121

Outward Bound, innovative curriculum,   145

paintings, cave dwellings,   30

paralysis, motion,   54

Parks, Rosa, acts of defiance,   152

Pascal, Blaise, sitting quietly,   44

hallmarks,   33
pursuing your,   54

Patagonia, diversity,   174

pavement, vs. bulldozer,   2

people, Whatever,   176

perfection, imperfect,   130

perfectionism, aspects of,   131

ease of,   61
fear,   104
internal motivation,   76
management,   83
peer pressure,   78

personality, nature vs. nurture,   98

Pharisees, Christ’s admonition,   153

philosophy, “whatever”,   175

Picasso, Pablo, creative endeavors,   92

Pindar, personal integrity,   173

Plato, The Republic,   108

polio, finding a cure/prevention,   99

possible, vs. practical,   28

predisposition, genetic,   30

positive peer pressure,   79
visualization,   24

prerogative, hallmarks,   33

organizational,   82
risk,   39,   74
turn on your risk,   88

pretense, maintaining a,   174

Prince Phillip, Gordonstoun School,   144

Princess Diana, Baring heritage,   84

hallmarks,   33
preparation for risk taking,   39

Prine, John, “Storm Windows”,   40

prisoners, political,   144

privacy, exposure.,   167

progress, tresspassing continuously,   152

prosperity, effects of,   175

protests, war,   124

purpose, hallmarks,   33

personal risk experience,   21
risk-discerning,   14
WIIDR (What If I Don’t Risk?),   55

quilts, perfection,   140

racers, NASCAR automobile,   122

rape, victim advocacy,   95

rapids, kayaking the “Grumpy”,   109

ratios, initiative to enormity of task,   51

re-scripting, difficulty,   65

realities, practical,   28

assessment,   160
buried dreams,   179
rebels, vs. saints,   153

recreation, extreme,   18

reflection, action,   42

regret, choices,   21

family,   156
intimacy,   166
resentment,   165
trust,   158

relevancy, personal,   36

safety,   121
staking your,   94

authenticity,   178
feelings of,   156
prevention,   165

Resolution (Gandhi), fear,   71

responsibility, assuming,   153

restitution, losses,   87

restraint, maturity,   120

retreats, silent,   46

reviews, performance,   162

rewards, following your calling,   181

Richardson-Merrell, FDA approval of thalidomide,   34

Rickenbacker, Eddie, courage,   115

“Ripple”, Grateful Dead,   172

risk, definition,   1,   171

Rogue Trader, the movie,   87

Rogue Trader: How I Brought Down Barings Bank and Shook the Financial World (Leeson),   84

roller coasters, amusement parks,   16,   111

Roosevelt, Franklin Delano, polio,   99

Rowley, Coleen, FBI whistleblower,   123

Royal Family (Britain), Gordonstoun School,   144

acts of defiance,   152
NCAA product endorsement,   80

Russell, Bertrand, blasphemy,   152

Ryker, Jake and Josh, Boy Scouts’ Honor Medal,   97

fear,   104
reputation,   121
rut of,   1
survival,   122

saints, vs. rebels,   153

Salem School, innovative curriculum,   144

Salk, Jonas, polio vaccine,   99

sanctum santorum, your own,   42

Satellite Retrieval, group dynamics,   134

Schopenhauer, Arthur
boredom,   17
self-confidence,   60

Schriver, Steve, positive peer pressure,   78

scoring, diving competition,   80

comedy diving performance,   61
parental,   63

limiting,   66
risk,   39,   60

security, complacency,   106

achieving,   141
authenticity,   178

self-assurance, gaining,   45

self-awareness, full,   139

self-confidence, gaining,   69

self-followership, authority,   150

self-knowledge, achieving,   47

self-preservation, survival,   93

self-resentment, limiting scripts,   68

sensation, vulnerability,   25

Shakespeare, William
discretion,   121
fear,   103

shows, extreme television,   19

Siever, Michael, Stonewall Project,   106

conspiracy of,   123
golden,   39
internal,   46

skydiving, record setting jumps,   19

smiles, simulated,   61

Snow, C.P., “following orders”,   146

snowboarding,   77

Societies, Whatever,   175

acts of courage,   153
fear,   108

Soldiers Medal, My Lai rescuers of innocent victims,   151

solitude, using,   42

Soul Mates (Moore)
intimacy,   166
self-exposure,   155

speed, roller coasters,   16

spirit, broken,   158

spite, motivation,   77

spontaneity, encouraging,   64

sports, extreme,   19

statements, personal mission,   73

status quo
challenging the,   153
resistance to change,   51

Stephens, James Kenneth, perfection,   130

Stevenson, Robert Louis, personal integrity,   173

stillness, focusing,   43

stocks, investments,   15

“Storm Windows” (Prine), silence,   40

strategies, “at risk list”,   83

stress, calming down,   44

HIV and gay men,   106
obedience to authority,   146
risk and genetics,   29

stunts, dillies,   5

complacency,   105
relishing,   91

Sullivan, Scott, WorldCom CFO,   123

surgery, brain,   131

surveys, Linkage, Inc., on performing job related work on vacations,   17

desperation,   56
factors,   144
safety,   122
self-preservation,   93

syphilis, research,   100

systems, Head and Neck Support (HANS),   122

tactics, fear-based pressure,   83

task, ratio of initiative to enormity of,   51

temptation, greed,   85

Ten Commandments, obedience,   146

thalidomide, FDA approval,   34

The Courage to Create (May),   42,   153

The Dangerous Edge (Apter), protective frame,   112

The Divine Comedy, Vol. I: Inferno (Dante), hell,   176

The Republic (Plato), fear of the unknown,   108

The Wizard of Oz (Baum), cowardly lion,   112

therapy, self-awareness,   140

perverse,   43
undisciplined,   44

Thompson, Hugh, Soldiers Medal,   151

Thoreau, Henry David
public opinion,   74
sanctum santorum,   42
Walking,   44

Thunderbirds, U.S. Air Force Demonstration Squadron,   105

tigers, cages,   112

Time Magazine,   2002 Persons of the Year,   123

Tito, Dennis, International Space Station,   19

Treatise on the Venereal Disease (Hunter),   100

trespass, continuously,   143

trust, relationships,   158

confronting,   164
revealing the,   171

truth-tellers, whistleblowers,   122

Tzu, Lao, Tao Te Ching,   40

uniqueness, embracing,   180

unknown, fear of the,   109

unloved, limiting scripts,   70

U.S. Air Force Demonstration Squadron, Thunderbirds,   105

U.S. Congressional Medal of Honor, World War II bravery,   124

U.S.A., average workweek,   17

adventurous,   18
job-related work during,   17

vaccinations, polio,   99

valor, discretion,   121

victim, limiting scripts,   68

Viesturs, Ed, adventure All Star,   121

violence, facing,   125

virus, infantile paralysis,   99

visualization, preparation,   24,   55

voice, inner,   120

exposure,   158
sensation,   25

Walking (Thoreau), undisciplined thinking,   44

war, heros,   124

Watkins, Sherron, Enron whistle-blower,   123

well-being, personal,   173

“whatever”, philosophy of,   175

whiplash, Head and Neck Support (HANS) systems,   122

whistleblowers, fate of,   122

Wigand, Jeffrey, acts of defiance,   152

WIIDR (What If I Don’t Risk?),   55

Wilde, Oscar, authority,   143

Willard, Steve, reality assessment,   163

Williams, Bern, indolence,   50

willpower, survival,   144

Winfrey, Oprah, O Magazine,   43

wisdom, inner,   47

workaholic, limiting scripts,   67

workaholism, self-neglect,   53

workplace, feedback channels,   161

workweek, average,   17

WorldCom, financial fraud whistle-blower,   123

The X Games, extreme television,   19

Yeats, William Butler, perfection,   130

Young, Neil, Heart of Gold,   78

zones, comfort,   158

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