

  • adjustment coefficient
  • adverse development cover (ADC)
  • aggregate claim approximation
    • asymptotic
    • Bower’s gamma
    • Edgeworth
    • gamma
    • Gram‐Charlier
    • normal
    • normal‐power
    • orthonormal polynomials
    • shifted gamma
  • alternative risk transfer (ART)
  • annual aggregate deductible (AAD)
  • annual aggregate limit (AAL)
  • approximation
    • asymptotic


  • best estimate
  • bias
  • burning cost


  • capacity appetite limit (CAL) curve
  • capital market
  • captives
  • catastrophe (CAT) bonds
  • censoring
  • chain ladder
  • coefficient of extremal dependence
  • coefficient of tail dependence
  • coefficient of variation
  • combined ratio
  • compliance
  • Conditional Tail Expectation (CTE)
  • confidence interval
  • contingent convertible bonds (CoCo)
  • convolution
  • copula
  • cost of capital
  • Cramér‐Lundberg model
  • credibility


  • dependence
  • derivative plot
    • log‐normal
    • Pareto
    • Weibull
  • development time
  • deviance
    • explained
    • scaled
  • dispersion
    • index of
    • over‐
    • parameter
    • under‐
  • distribution
    • t
    • aggregate claim
    • asymptotic
    • beta
    • binomial
    • Burr
    • chi‐squared
    • Delaporte
    • empirical
    • Engen
    • equilibrium
    • Erlang
    • exponential
    • extended Pareto
    • extreme value
    • first Benktander
    • Fréchet
    • gamma
    • GB2
    • general inverse Gaussian
    • generalized Burr‐gamma
    • generalized Pareto
    • integrated tail, see equilibrium
    • inverse Gaussian
    • log‐gamma
    • log‐logistic
    • log‐normal
    • log‐Pearson
    • log‐t
    • logarithmic
    • logistic
    • long‐tailed
    • long‐tailed beta
    • mixed Erlang
    • mixing
    • multivariate extreme value
    • multivariate generalized Pareto
    • multivariate mixed Erlang
    • negative binomial
    • normal
    • one‐sided Cauchy
    • one‐sided normal
    • one‐sided t
    • Pareto
    • Paris‐Kestemont
    • phase‐type
    • Poisson
    • power‐ratio‐gamma
    • quasi‐log‐normal
    • second Benktander
    • shifted Pareto
    • shifted Poisson
    • Sichel
    • strict Pareto
    • sub‐exponential
    • transformed gamma
    • truncated Pareto
    • uniform
    • US‐Pareto
    • Wakeby
    • Weibull
  • dynamic financial analysis


  • EM algorithm
  • empirical mean excess values
  • equalization reserves
  • Esscher transform
  • estimator
    • Asmussen‐Kroese
    • bias‐reduced
    • control variate Monte Carlo
    • crude Monte Carlo
    • endpoint
    • extreme quantile
    • generalized Hill
    • Hill
    • Kaplan‐Meier
    • kernel
    • kernel weighted likelihood
    • large quantile
    • local polynomial ML
    • maximum likelihood
    • moment
    • Monte Carlo
    • penalized likelihood
    • quasi‐likelihood
    • quasi‐Monte Carlo
    • return period
    • scale
    • Turnbull
    • unbiased
    • weighted Monte Carlo
    • Weissman
  • excess‐of‐loss (XL)
    • adverse selection
    • attachment point
    • Cat XL
    • Cumulative
    • deductible
    • layer
    • moment calculations
    • multiline
    • payback period
    • per‐event
    • priority
    • rate on line
    • reinstatements
    • relative layer length
    • retention
    • unlimited
  • Expected Shortfall (ES)
  • experience rating
  • exponential family
  • exponential twisting
  • exposure curve
  • exposure rating
  • extremal coefficient
  • extreme value index (EVI)


  • Fast Fourier Transform
  • function
    • auto‐correlation
    • cumulant‐generating
    • likelihood ratio
    • link
    • mean excess
    • moment‐generating
    • partial auto‐correlation
    • probability generating


  • IBNR
  • increased‐limits‐factors (ILS) curve
  • incurred loss
  • independence
  • industry loss warranty (ILW)
  • inflation
  • information criterion
  • insurance securitization


  • kurtosis


  • Laplace exponent
  • Laplace transform
  • large claims
  • limited liability
  • loss degree
  • loss development
  • loss portfolio transfer


  • max‐domain of attraction
  • mean squared error
  • memoryless property
  • mixtures
  • modelling
    • generalized additive
    • generalized linear
    • multivariate
    • non‐parametric
    • parametric
    • regression
  • Monte Carlo
    • conditional
    • control variates
    • crude
  • importance sampling
  • quasi‐Monte Carlo
  • moral hazard


  • objective function
  • open‐case estimate see RBNS
  • ordering
    • convex
    • stochastic dominance
    • stop‐loss


  • Panjer recursion
  • payback tariff
  • peaks‐over‐threshold (POT)
  • peaks‐over‐threshold, multivariate
  • premium
    • distortion principle
    • Esscher principle
    • expected value principle
    • expectile principle
    • exponential
    • mean value principle
    • properties
    • proportional
    • pure
    • risk‐adjusted principle
    • safety loading
    • standard deviation principle
    • stop‐loss
    • variance principle
    • zero utility
  • probable maximum loss (PML)
  • process
    • ARIMA
    • branching
    • claim counting
    • Cox
    • doubly stochastic Poisson
    • generalized Poisson‐Pascal
    • homogeneous Poisson
    • infinitely divisible
    • inhomogeneous Poisson
    • intensity
    • Lévy
    • log‐zero Poisson
    • mixed Poisson
    • multivariate Cox
    • nearly mixed Poisson
    • Neyman‐type A
    • Pólya
    • Pólya–Aeppli
    • Pascal see Pólya
    • Poisson
    • Poisson cluster
    • Poisson‐beta
    • Poisson‐gamma
    • Poisson‐inverse Gaussian
    • pure birth
    • renewal
    • SARIMA
    • shot noise
    • Sichel
    • Sparre Andersen
    • Yule
  • profit
  • proportional hazard transform


  • Q‐plot
    • exponential
    • generalized
    • log‐normal
    • normal
    • Pareto
    • Weibull
  • quasi‐Monte Carlo


  • rare event simulation
  • RBNS
  • regression fit
  • regular variation
  • reinstatements
  • reinsurance
    • administration cost
    • captives
    • cedent
    • change‐loss
    • collateralized
    • combining subportfolios
    • combining treaties
    • commission
    • deductible
    • Drop‐Down XL
    • dynamic proportional
    • dynamic reinsurance
    • dynamic XL
    • ECOMOR
    • excess‐of‐loss
    • facultative
    • financial pricing
    • finite risk
    • large claim
    • loss corridor
    • maximizing expected utility
    • mimizing ruin probability
    • minimizing retained variance
    • multi‐line
    • multi‐trigger
    • multi‐year
    • non‐proportional
    • obligatory
    • pools
    • proportional
    • quota‐share
    • reinsurance chains
    • reinsured amount
    • side‐cars
    • sliding scale commission
    • stop‐loss
    • structured
    • surplus
    • transaction cost
    • truncated stop‐loss
    • unearned premium reserve
  • reinsurance choice
    • expected utility
    • multi‐objective
    • objectives
    • regulatory ruin
    • RORAC criterion
    • ruin condition
    • security level condition
    • variance condition
  • reporting delay
  • reporting threshold
  • retrocession
  • return on risk‐adjusted capital (RORAC)
  • return period
  • risk
    • aversion coefficient
    • carriers
    • catastrophic
    • counterparty
    • foreign exchange
    • margin
    • market
    • measure
    • model
    • optimal sharing
    • Pareto‐optimal sharing
    • retention groups
  • risk margin
  • robustness
  • ruin probability


  • safety loading
  • self‐insurance
  • simulation see Monte Carlo
  • skedasis function
  • skewness
  • slow variation
  • solvency capital
  • solvency capital requirement (SCR)
  • special‐purpose vehicle (SPV)
  • splicing
  • splines
  • spread loss treaties
  • square root rate on‐line (ROL)
  • stable tail dependence function
  • subordinator
    • gamma
    • inverse Gaussian
  • sum insured


  • tail quantile function
  • Tail‐VaR
  • tails of distribution
    • heavier than exponential (HTE)
    • lighter than exponential (LTE)
    • Pareto‐type
  • test
    • Kolmogorov–Smirnov
    • likelihood ratio
    • Shapiro–Wilk
    • upper‐truncation
  • theorem
    • Blackwell
    • Borch
    • central limit
  • thinning
  • truncation


  • ultimate loss
  • utility function


  • Value‐at‐Risk (VaR)
  • variance
  • variance reduction
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