Policy gradient algorithms

The other family of MF algorithms is that of the policy gradient methods (or policy optimization methods). They have a more direct and obvious interpretation of the RL problem, as they learn directly from a parametric policy by updating the parameters in the direction of the improvements. It's based on the RL principle that good actions should be encouraged (by boosting the gradient of the policy upward) while discouraging bad actions.

Contrary to value function algorithms, policy optimization mainly requires on-policy data, making these algorithms more sample inefficient. Policy optimization methods can be quite unstable due to the fact that taking the steepest ascent in the presence of surfaces with high curvature can easily result in moving too far in any given direction, falling down into a bad region. To address this problem, many algorithms have been proposed, such as optimizing the policy only within a trust region, or optimizing a surrogate clipped objective function to limit changes to the policy.

A major advantage of policy gradient methods is that they easily handle environments with continuous action spaces. This is a very difficult thing to approach with value function algorithms as they learn Q-values for discrete pairs of states and actions.

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